PAGE SIX IONE (Continued from Wret Page) there. The housing situation is poor, many people coming in find ing it impossible to get a place to live in. However, the company fur nishes lumber to any employee who wishes to build a house. Robert Rietmann is driving a new Chevrolet coupe. The assembly at high school last Friday morning was in charge of the Sophomore class who put on a very clever program. On Friday evening the senior class entertained the student body with a party in the gym. Everyone came in costume and first prize for the best one was awarded to Alfred Nelson. Second prize was not so easily awarded so a sack of peanuts was given to several who tied for the place. Volley ball and other games were enjoyed during the eve ning and Chinese noodles were served for refreshments. Charles Allinger departed for Portland on Saturday evening's train. On Saturday morning four ninth grade pupils from the Rocky Bluff school will take examinations on the first six weeks work in their Various Huh i pets. This is nwessnrv in order that they may receive cred it ror tne work they have covered, since the school they attend is not a standard high school. A party was given at the McCabe home Wednesday evening for Clif ford McCabe who left Thursday morning in company with Carl W. Troedson for a triD to California. The Past Noble Grand club will have a Hallowe'en dance at the Legion .hall on Saturday evenine. October 28. Old time and modern dancing will be enjoyed and for those who do not care to dance card tables will be placed in the auxiliary room. Last Saturday evening about thir- iy-nve persons enjoyea cards and dancing at the L O. O. F. hall. It is planned to have similar affairs once each month with a small charge for the benefit of the order. H. D. McOurdv has rppplverl an appointment as an appraiser for the Federal Land bank and left Monday to work in Wheeler coun ty. Mr. McCurdy is driving a new Chevrolet which he will use in his work. The city council met on Tuesday to adopt a budget for the city for the coming year. A total of $4580 will be required to meet all expenses and of this amount it will be neces sary to raise $2430 by special tax. The Frank Eversons moved on Saturday from the house below town that they have occupied for some time to the Ralnh Harris nouse over by the creek. Mrs. Delia Bobly took Saturday night's train for Hood River where she was met by a cousin and taken to Vancouver, Wash., where she wm spend some time with the cousin and an aunt Word was received the last of the past week of the death at the home of his son in Clarkston, Wash., of J. H. Bryson, Sr., as a result of pneumonia. Mr. Bryson is well known here having spent several months at different times at the home of his son, J. H. Bryson, Jr. Walter Linn departed for the Willamette valley on Wednesday's stage. The Women's Auxiliary of the American jegion met at their room in Legion hall Tuesday afternoon for sewing. Mrs. Gladys Drake accea as nostess, serving cake and coffee at the close of the afternoon's work. Mrs. Nettie Lundy returned to her home in Portland last Friday after a two weeks visit with friends and relatives here. Several hunters left lone during the past few days to try their luck at baeeine an elk. Paul Bmr,,,.. Henry Smouse, J. Y. Gibson, Ern est tenner, Harvey Smith, Walter Gibson, M. E. Cotter, Walter Cor ley and Noel Dobyns were among uiose wno secured licenses. Ture Peterson and Dale Ray were two week-end hunters to brine- hric deer. Henry Peterson and Carl Bergstrom were with a party of seven nunters last week, all of whom were successful in getting a ueer. Ed Drake who is visiting at the home of his brother, Cleo, is the first hunter from here to tret an elk. He and his brother Ray of Heppner each killed one. Wayne Christopherson received a bad scalp wound Tuesday when ac cidentally struck on the head by uae oi me swings at school. He was taken to Heppner for treat ment and was able to return to school the following day. LEXINGTON (Continued from First Page) utimiHuiitiiiiitnimiiuiHiyiiiiiMiii HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 26, 19333. At Heppner CHURCHES CHCRCH OF CHRIST. JOEL R. BENTON. Minister. Bible' School 9:45 a. m. Mornine services L'. E. society 15 cents. An excellent program is promisee The regular October P. T. A. meeting was held Wednesday, Oct. 25th, in the auditorium. Entertain ment was provided by the Boy scouts and the 4-H club girls. Report cards were issued Wed nesday. The following htp-h students made the highest averages in their respective classes: Senior class Faye Luttrell, 1.3 av.; Er jna Lane, 1.5 av.; Garland Thomp son, 2 av. Junior Class Alfred Van Winkle, 2 av.; Helen Bresh ears 2.25 av.; Vivian White, 2.25 av.; Doris Klinger, 2.25 av. Sophomore class Alma Van Winkle, 1.25 av.; Doris Burchell, 1.75 av.; Edith Ed wards, 2.25 av. Freshman class Bernice Martin, 2.5 av.; Lester Mc Millan, 2.5 av.; Edna Rauch 2.5 av. Honor students for the grades: 8th grade Elwyne Peck and Jack Van Winkle; seventh grade Danny Dinges; 5th grade Jerrine Ed wards and Kenneth Jackson; 4th grade Lavelle Pieper; 3rd grade Bunny Breshears. The glee club members have been selling tickets for the "Musical Me lange" to be given Friday evening at the high school auditorium and have been meeting with much suc cess. The proceeds will go to buy music for the boys and girls glee clubs. The clubs are very anxious to get started on a real musical program bo your cooperation is requested. 11 il m C . Oil ... -. uwmj .. ...... ..... D..IU y. III. evening services 7:3U p. n. Choir rehearsal. Wednesday, 7:30 p. nt. Midweek service, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. What Do I Owe God? "Know ye that the Lord, He is God; it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pas ture." Psalm 100-3. WHAT DO I OWE GOD? This is not a Thanksgiving sermon, but just a very pertinent, timely ques tion. As we look about us, even in the midst of a world depression, and compare our national situation with that of some of the other countries of earth, especially Rus sia, we might well pray for a clar ity of vision that would enable us to see just what we have in this na tion, and why we have it Whatever we have of freedom, of comfort, of concrete evidences of national progress and well-being, we nave because of what we have so far had of the preaching of the Gospel of the Son of God, and the influence of Christian ethics in our land; and whenever and wherever that has been done away whenever and wherever men have discarded and thrown overboard God and Christ and Christianity, we have witnessed the most sordid and un savory and terrible evidences of what human nature is without the leavenine effect and infliion of Christianity. Whenever God is left out of humanity's plans and life, the beast in man eventually comes uppermost, ana wh nave thp rirah apeciacie oi educated, refined beastialitv on the loose. And we OWE GOD a tremendous debt of gratitude for what w hn maae possiDie ror humanity, when humanity will avail itself of M' provision: which debt ran nniv hp paid by the giving of our lives to uie service or the Christ That is what we OWE GOD ourselves! .wave you a Church hnm? Tf not, we invite you to come and worship with us. Test the welcome of this friendly Church. For the next Lord's Day the sermon toDics are: For the morning service, "Set Apart" And for the evening serv ice, .mountain Climbing." METHODIST CHURCH. JOSEPH POPE, Pastor. Sundav School 9:45 n m Public worship 11:00 a. m. An them. "Send the News," Gabriel Sermon, "The Way to Find Out." Epworth League 6:30 p. m. Evening worship 7:30. Sermon, "Some Things About God." Choir practice Wednesday eve ning at 7:45. Prayer meeting Thursday eve ning 7:30. Come and rejoice with us in the Lord. Saturday to spend the week end with Roily Dexter who is attending normal school there. uiue Coryell left Friday on a hunting trip. Mr. Barnes has charge of the store during his absence. Stan Atkins spent Saturday and aunaay with his parents at Walla Walla. Roy Minnick, Will Grabiel and c-mmet McCoy left Saturday on a inp near Kame a to hunt deer Mrs. Fred Reiks motored to Pen dleton Friday. Bob and John Smith Will Mnr cross and Earl Steward left Sunday on a ten-day hunting trip in the mountains. Mrs. Rado Williams who has been at Walla Walla the nasi season to again with her son and family, Mr. ana Mrs. Koscoe Williams. Maur ice Williams has enrolled here for a postgraduate course. Calvin Allen who has been work ing at Yakima came home Friday. Mrs. Edith Markham spent sev eral days last week at the home of lieorge Haskell at Plymouth. Sidney Shoats from Portland vis ited in the Chas. Beneflel home last week. Jess Oliver and son Floyd left iriday ror the mountains where they will work up some wood. Earl Leach, Benny McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom and Mr. and Mrs. Russell McCoy attended the show at Hermiston Saturday night. The Boy Scouts of troop 64 went on a hike Saturday. Bert Beneflel left Fridav for Wal la Walla to apply for medical treat ment at the veterans hospital. The Irrigon orchestra has been organized under the leadershin of Mr. Atkins and had play practice iuesday and Thursday evenings of last week. The members are Stan Atkins, Otto and Wiley Beneflel, Kobert Walpole, Maxwell Jones and Miss Clark of Hermiston as pianist. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Browning and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown ing were Heppner visitors Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom and Mr. and Mrs. George Kendler, Jr., of Umatilla were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ruker and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dexter Saturday. The dance given by the commer cial club Saturday night had a fair attendance. The Arlington orches tra furnished the music. evening at the Batty home in Eight Mile. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Batty are well known here, Lewis having received his high school education in the Hardman school. They have the well wishes of their many friends. Mrs. Jim Burnside is spending a while at the home of her sister, Mrs. Walter Farrens, who is ill. Mrs. Frank McDaniel returned to her home here after having spent several weens witn her husband. Miss Irene Harshman spent sev eral days last week visiting at the W. H. Farrens home. Mrs. Verl Farrens and sister, Miss Genevieve Morgan, were visiting friends and relatives hero n four days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvcv Har),. were attending to matters of busi ness here last Tuesday. Mrs. .timer Muserave is visiting indefinitely at the Herb Olden ranch on Rhea creek. MIS IRRIGON MRS. W. C. ISOM. N Don Kenney, Don Rutledge, F. Leicht. Frank Rracp anH PtiQA Buchanan left last Monday on a 10- uay numing trip in the mountains near Ukiah. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lamor eaux are staying at the F. Brace home during the absence of Mr. Brace and Mr. Lamoreaux is doing the janitor work at the school. Mrs. Bessie Wisdom visited rela tives at Freewater several days last week. J. A. Grabiel was taken to the Hermiston hospital Friday under the care of a physician. His daugh ter, Mrs. Chas. McFall, accompan ied him. Mrs. Billy Mostert of Portland Is visiting in the home of her father Carl Eislie. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes motored to Elgin Friday to attend the funeral of Mr. Barnes' sister-in-law. Vallis Devter. Vonna .Tnns onrt Violet Ruker motored to La Grande HARDMAN By LUCILLE FARRENS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hastinn-s and family are pleased to have as their guests, Mr. Hastings' nephew, and niece. Mr. and Mrs. Snhin Hastings and children and their daughter. Mrs. Harold Smith nn.l children, of Port Gammel, Wn. Mrs. Wayne Baird was the hon oree at a shower given her at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Bill Johnson, last Saturday afternoon. Present were Mesdames Lew Knighten, Neil Knighten, Floyd Adams, Max Buschke, B. H. Bleak man, Dick Steers, Geo. Samuels, Hiram Johnson, Harlan Adams, J. B. Adams, Hubert MacDonald, Wes Stevens, Irl Clary, Owen Leathers, Bill Johnson, Wayne Beard and Lucille Farrens. Most of the young folks from this community attended the Stunt Nite entertainment in Heppner last Frl- aay evening. A truck load of pas sengers went over with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leathers. Hardman was listed on the program with a skit entitled "The Cannibal Love Af fair," which is reported to have been most successful. Fortunate hunters returning from the mountains with deer this week were Owen Leathers, Carey and John Hastingsand Guy Chapin. Mr. and Mrs. J. H McDaniel came over from their ranch in the Izee country and spent a few days last week visiting at the home of Mrs. McDaniel's ssiter, Mrs. B. H. McDaniel. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDaniel spent several days of last week hunting In the Izee country. A number of npnnlp frnm thin community attended the charivari - - wan-uce in my ienue-iine, given Lewis Batty last Thursday each trying to get all the acorns in Housing; . an endorsement There is one announced nrno-rorvi of the Federal Administration to which I can heartilv subscrihe There are others, but I have in mind the idea of Government aid for the rebuilding of the "slum" dwellings of the cities and the de velopment of "subsistence farms" for many city folks who, under our present industrial system, are un able to survive when off the payroll, except by charity. I know an increasing number of men who have found their way to self-support in the depression by getting hold of a piece of land with some sort of a house on it and so managing to get by, even when un employed for two or three years. But most city workers haven't the means or the knowledge now to adopt that method of self-support. They have to be taught and to be financed; but unless Government does that, we shall never have a permanent solution of our most im portant social problem, that of un employment. Horrors of war We speak of the horrors of war, but few moderns realize what a de vastating effect the wars of ancient times had. It was only about three hundred years ago, when the early colonists were beginning to settle America, that the Thirty Years War ravaged Germany until the population was reaucea irom 24,000,000 to less than 4000,000. Not ail were killed in war, of course; most died of starvation. Utter lawlessness prevailed outside of the fortified cities. No person's life was safe, and canibalism was actually practiced, according to James W. Gerard, former United States Ambassador to Berlin. Hu man flesh was even exposed for sale in the markets of Heidelbereg in 1648, said Mr. Gerard in a recent published statement! Polygamy was legalized, to repopulate the land speedily. Ambition and religion were at the root of the Thirty Years' War. We are hardly likely to have another great war over religion, but ambi tion may promote one at any time. Foresight . . for humans I never cease to marvel at the foresight of the little heasts anrt birds in storing up food for the winter. Just now the red saulrrels and the blue-jays are fighting daily in me Dig oak-tree in my fence-line sight I've never found out where the jays hide theirs; they fly south ward toward the woodlot and come back quickly for more, so they prob ably have a hollow tree for storage place. But I discovered the red squirrels' hoard the other day in a corner of a disused barn loft behind a Dile of lumber and iiinU Thr was at least a bushel of acorns and hickory-nuts laid away for winter iouaer. Too bad human beings can't be as forehanded as the squirrels. We are too dependent upon artificial Sources of rlothincr anH ahpltpi in get our living by our bare hands aione, in tnese latitudes. If science needed any further proof that nrimitive man must hQtro inhabited the tropical regions of tne eartn, where shelter and cloth ing are unnecessary and food grows profusely, our helplessness in north ern cnmates ougnt to furnish it. Mouse . . . taken for ride Mv daughter was nnnnvpd dovbfiiI times lately by finding little tufts of finely-shredded cotton on the floor of her car. She couldn't explain tnem. A little later she was sur prised to see a mmisp nnnpar an. i t 1 " c parently out of nowhere, and perch on me nooa or ner car as she was driving to town. When she pulled UP in front of the Post Office tVio mouse ran back, through the open winasnieia, and disappeared some- wnere inside the car. As she is a Sensiblp cirl anrt nnt afraid of mice, she investigated and iouna mat motner mouse had pulled enough of the stuffing out of the seat to make room for a nice little nest, and there were six pink little blind baby mice inside of the seat! The unfortunate mice were drop ped into Shaker Pond, but the prob lem of mouse-proofing a Ford seat cusnion is still unsolved. Foxes . . . reds and grays I have seen more red foxes this year than in several years past, in tne vicinity or my farm. Neighbors tell the same storv. Rut thp am fox, which is the onlv native ktibcIoo in the United States, seems to be aisappearing in the North. Every red fox on this continent is the descendant of animals origin ally imported in George Washing ton's youth, to furnish snnrr fr.r fox-hunters. The first, ware lnnopH on Long Island; later some were orougnt to Maryland. Now there are red foxes everywhere east of the MississiDDi. and nerhnna fnvthp.- West. It has been a nrnlifip apasnn fn. skunks, too. Jimmv Howps snn of one of my neighbors, caught a baby sKunic in nis nat a little while ago. Fred Howes said he had to buy Jimmv a new hat and a new suit and for a while he thought he'd nave to get a new boy. NRA CREATES JOBS NATIONAL FORESTS Durine the oast month npaHv 2,000 men have been put to work directly on NIRA projects under public works allotments within the national forests of Oregon and Washington, according to an nouncement just issued by regional forester C. J. Buck. Portland. Additional thousands of men are at work throughout ,the United States producing and transporting me steei, wooaen, and other ma terials required on these nroiects Allotments of $1,761,210 for the construction of national forest roads and trails, and a fund of Jl.339,192 for miscellaneous nation al forest improvements are all the sources of direct employment for i,6oo men in tne North Pacific re gion. In the national forest highway construction nroiects for which ts . 393,695 of public works funds has peen auotteu, employment also is proceeding. The highway work under this fund is handled by the bureau of public roads and the For est Service, in cooperation with the states. These three allotments are parts of the three funds provided under the NIRA for improvement work in all of the 148 national forests of the United States. Forest work under the develop ment roads and trails allotment will be concentrated on the construction of truck trails and horse and foot trails which lead to the develop ment and broader use of forests and contribute greatly to fire protection. The national forest plan for a net work of these ways of transporta tion and travel, trade, touring, and fire fighting, will be greatly ad vanced by the new work. Most varied are the activities coming under the forest improve ment fund, which covers practic ally all other kinds of fire control and administrative improvements except roads and trails. The work includes timber disease and Insect control, timber stand improvement, planting, estimating timber re sources of certain areas, revegeta tion of forest ranges, rodent con trol, eradication of poisonous plants, erection of buildings, development of water supplies and recreation camps, surveys of boundaries, im provement of fire control facilities, and numerous other proiects. These jobs will also carry on forest work long planned, but not completed for lack of men and funds. hospital for the past three weeks, will be able to return home the last of this week. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Outstanding warrants of School District No. 1, Morrow County, Ore gon, numbered 2112 to 2141 inclu sive, will be paid on presentation to the county treasurer. Interest ceases with this notice. VAWTER CRAWFORD, District Clerk. Word received from Portland this morning conveys the news that Vawter Crawford. Gazette Times editor who has been in a Portland LAURENCE CASE MORTUARY "Just the service wanted when you want it most" NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY LANDS. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER of the County Court, dated the 6th day of September, 1933, I am auth orized and directed to sell at pub lic auction, as provided by law, at not less than the minimum price herein set forth, $50 per lot for the following lots: Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 29, in the Town of Irrigon, Oregon. THEREFORE, I will on the 18th day of November, 1933, at the hour of 2:00 P. M., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Ore gon, sell said property to the high est and best bidder for cash in hand. Dated this 24th day of October, 1933. C. J. D. BAUMAN. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Is it Worth $5 a Month To know that your widow would receive $25 a month. Ask about the Family Insurance Policy MRS. ANNA Q. THOMSON Office in Mahrt's Electric Shop ymmmttitttmmmmmiutnutwm Do You Know That Children will drink cocoa and eat cooked cereals williiiKly when fla vored with WATKINS VANILLA? The only vanilla extract with that truly delicious flavor. J. C. HARDING, Watklns Dealer IONE CASH MARKET Fresh and Cured MEATS Butterfat, Turkeyg, Chickens bought for SWIFT & CO. Phone us for market prices at all times. Phone 88 IONE, ORE. Just Another Halloween By Albert T. Reid j BROWN BOBBY GBEASELESS DOUGHNUTS Popular national food. Fresh dailv. Delicious. Just the thine for Hal lowe'en. Made in my home. At lo cal stores. MRS. GEO. MOORE Trade and Employment v EXCHANGE (Printed without charge, continued on notice.) Dla- Headquarters for MONARCH Canned Foods HUSTON'S OKULbKT Ore90n Want to trade for 2nH-hanH separator. W. L. Copenhaver, Lex ington. Good mule to trade for whont Jason Biddle, lone. Netted frem nntntnpn tn traHa in wneat. Airrea Skoubo, Boardman To Trade Young turkevs for wooa. Mrs. unris .Brown, city. Geese to tr&dn for freah wninir milk cow. Lana A. Padberg, lone. To Trade Wood and nlo-a fnr Wheat. W. H, French, Hardman. To trade Cows and hnv truck and carrier for Van Brunt grain anus. L.eo liorger. Lexington. One 3-bottom. 14-ln. pn In trade for rye or wheat. W. P. Hill, 3ox oza, rieppner. To Trade 5 hend pnnH miilna fnr good norses; asio saddle mare for work horse. Tjroy Bogard, Hepp ner, fone 6F12. To Trade-JIorse for wheat or wood. Wm. Kummerland. Lexing ton. Will trade for bov's saddle nnnv A. F. Majeske, Lexington. For trade Dairv cattle for nhen wheat or barley. Roy Nelll, Echo. Two fresh helfpr with nnliroa trade for hotrs or sheen .Tnhn n Parker, fone 17F3. To trade Fresh milk cow. Schulz, Heppner. Max To trade iPlnt and quart bottles; also three 100-gal, barrels. Max Schultz, Heppner. Check Up on Your Printing Needs NOW! Paper Prices Going Up! Orders filled from present stocks giv en advantage of re cent low prices Heppner Gazette Times GOOD PRINTING