Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 26, 1933, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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E. J. Merrill was In from the!
farm home out Hardman way on
Monday, looking after the wether
end of his lambs which he had de
livered at the local yards for east
ern shipment. "Seems like every
time I get a new piece of land, the
county court gets busy immediately
and puts a new road across it," Ed
said in the presence of Commission
er George Peck, just to let the com
missioner know he had an interest
in road matters, and especially in
the completion of the Heppner
Spray road which he believes will
help the wood market out his way.
Spencer Crawford and Mrs. J. O.
Turner motored to Portland Satur
day morning, returning home Mon
day evening. While in the city they
visited their father, Vawter Craw
ford, Gazette Times editor, whom
they reported to be convalescing
nicely at the Emanuel hospital af
ter his recent major operation, and
with Mrs. Crawford, who is in the
city with Mr. Crawford. Spencer
also took in the U. S. C.-O. S. C.
football game, and attended the
conference of the state executive
committee of the American Legion
which convened in the city Sunday.
Beardless barley for sale at mill
at Lexington, $20 ton. E. C. Miller.
Among Heppner folk who went
out after elk this week were L. Van
Marter, Bernie Gaunt, Mark Mer
rill, W. W. Smead, Gene Ferguson,
George McDuffee, Burl Coxen, Dr.
A. D. McMurdo, Ed Gonty and G.
A. Bleakman.
Mrs. Claude Cox and Billy and
Mr. and Mrs. George Mabee mo
tored to Portland Friday evening
to be on hand for the O. S. C.-U. S.
C. football game there Saturday.
They enjoyed a visit with Miss
Nancy Cox, student at O. S. C, who
came up from Corvallis for the
Sam Hughes, local merchant, re
turned the end of the week from a
visit to his old home in Missouri
and way points. The visit was
greatly enjoyed and he noted con
siderable evidence of the effective
ness of the new deal.
Charles W. Smith, county agent,
and Ralph I. Thompson motored to
Portland Saturday morning to take
in the big fotoball game and to be
in attendance at part of the Pacific
International Livestock exposition.
Mrs. Walter Crosby was able to
leave the Heppner hospital Satur
day after being confined for some
time by serious illness. She is now
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Sam McCullough.
Mrs. S. P. Devin is quite ill at
her home, suffering from the loss
of use of her legs. She has been
bedfast for three weeks, though
Mr. Devin reports signs of improve
ment. Mrs. V. C. Belknap of Nampa,
Idaho, and Mrs. Josie Jones of
Pendleton visited friends in Hepp
ner a short time Tuesday, going
back to Pendleton Tuesday after
noon. Mrs. Mose Wright has left the
Heppner hospital after being treat
ed for serious burns to her hand
and arm received when the member
was caught In a mangle recently.
Mr. and Mrs. George Schwartz
departed Tuesday for Portland. Af
ter spending a time in the city on
business they expected to go on to
California for the winter months.
Colleen Mahon, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Mahon, was treated
by a local physician Saturday for
a broken arm received when she
was thrown from a horse.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hayden
drove over from their home near
Stanfleld Saturday for a visit at the
home of Mrs. Hayden's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. P. Devin.
Among successful hunters return
ing to the city with their buck this
week were Harlan Devin and Ho
mer Hayes, who landed a 230-pound
prize between them.
Things moving along about as
usual up Willow creek, but rain
would be welcome, said Walter S.
Crosby from up that way, when in
town Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Buselck and
children were in Heppner Saturday
from their home at Long Creek,
where Mr. Buseick Is the leading
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. R. D. All
stott at their home in Eight Mile
last Thursday, a baby girl. Mother
and babe are reported to be doing
Roderick Thomson, Bill Massey
and Wrex Langdon were among
local folks taking in the big foot
ball game at Portland Saturday.
J. M. Humphreys, pioneer wheat
raiser of the Eight Mile section.
was transacting business in the city
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shively and
Clarence Hesseltine went out on a
hunting trip this week.
Wanted Sewing machine, prefer
long-shuttle Singer or White. Mrs.
Henry Aiken, Heppner.
To trade Weanling pigs for
wheat or what have you? Alonzo
Edmondson, Heppner.
For Sale Thomashoe drill, 11-ft.
$30; good shape. Fred Ritchie, lone
Wanted To rent piano. Mrs. Geo,
Glllls, Lexington. it
Ray and Ed Drake were the first
Morrow county men to report m
Heppner With their Dag or em, eacn
landing a beautirui iive-puim am
Mr. and Mrs. Lynne Ranney and
daughter Phyllis motored to Meach
am last Friday evening where Mrs.
Ranney and daughter will spend the
week. Mr. Ranney returned home
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ransier and
Mrs. Looker returned home last
week from a pleasant two weeks va
cation in Portland.
Arthur Allen spent the week end
here at his home from Olcx where
he is working.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cox and family
visited in Boardman a short time
Friday when on their way home to
Pasco from Lexington where they
had been visiting Mr. Cox's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ingles mo
tored to Salem last Wednesday
where Mr. Ingles attended the
principals' meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hewitt and
family spent the week end In
A number of Boardman young
folks attended the dance in Irrigon
Saturday evening.
The Ladies Aid missionary meet
ing was held last Wednesday after
noon with Mrs. Guy Barlow. Mrs.
Klitz was in charge of the mission
ary topic, which was India. The
ladies worked on material for the
bazaar which will be held in De
cember. Lovely lunch was served
by the hostess. The next Silver Tea
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Nate Macomber.
The graduates of the Boardman
high school organized an alumni
society last Wednesday evening
when they met in the school.
Eleven of the graduates were pres
ent. The officers who were elected
were Ray Barlow, president; Noel
Klitz, vice-president; and Mrs. Ray
Barlow, secretary. Another meet
ing will be held this week to draw
up the constitution. All graduates
of this high school are invited to
attend the meetings.
Remember the date of Hallowe'en
masquerade dance, which is Sat
urday evening, October 28, and will
be given in the gymnasium by the
high school.
A family reunion was held at the
Aaron Agee home last Sunday.
Their only son. Jess, and their five
daughters, Mrs. Christopherson and
family, Mrs. Hubbell and family,
Mrs. Feller and daughter, and Mrs.
Gilliland and husband were there
and enjoyed the day.
The Halloween social at the
church will be given tomorrow
night, Friday. Everyone is Invited.
Admission will be ten cents.
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Rands and
Donna Jane spent the week end
here at the J. F. Gorham home.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Myers mo
tored to Hermiston Monday. -
Mr. and Mrs. Haven of Seaside
are spending several weeks here
during the hunting season. They
have a cabin at the Oasis camp
park. They have come to Board
man for the past few years for the
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mead and fam
ily of Arlington visited friends in
Boardman Saturday.
Miss Mabel Brown of Alderdale
spent the week end here.
Mrs. Eva Warner, Miss. Thelma
Brown, Miss Margaret Galley and
Miss Jenkins attended a social in
Umatilla last Friday evening.
The grange held their Booster
meeting last Saturday evening, at
which a large crowd was present.
An interesting program was given
after which a lovely lunch was
served in the basement. Dancing
was enjoyed during the remainder
of the evening.
Dinner guests at the E. B. Wat
tenburger home Sunday were
Frank and Dick Carlson, Clayton
Ayers and Earle Wattenburger.
Mrs. T. J. O Brien and sons Gor
don and Pat were In Echo Satur
day on business.
Miss Neva Neill, who is attending
normal school at La Grande, spent
part of the week end at the home
of her mother, Mrs. Ollie Neill.
Mrs. Reid Buseick and children.
Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger and Miss
Elris Wlllingham called on Miss
Alma Neill Thursday evening.
Bert Young of The Dalles was
one of those hunting pheasants on
the creek Sunday.
Among those from Pine City to
attend the dance at E. Vinson's Sat
urday night were Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Lee and family, Milton L. Smith,
Frank Carlson, Earle Wattenbur
ger, Lowell Young and Dick Carl
The Pine City high school play.
"Much Ado About Betty," will be
given at the Pine City auditorium
November 3. The cast: Betty
Campbell, Marie Healy; Lin Leon
ard, Dick Carlson; E. Z. Ostrich,
Fred Rauch; Aunt Winnie, Frankie
Neal; Major Jartree, L. D. Vinson
Ethel Kohler, Charlotte Helms
Jim Wiles, Darrel Vinson; Officer
Riley, Raymond Lee; Officer Du
gan, Delbert Vinson; Lizzie, Iris
Omohundro; Ned O'Hare, Hugh
Neill; Violet Ostrich, Lenna Neill;
Mrs. Digglns, Mary Cunha; Daffodil
Digglns, Isabella O'Brien; Miss
Chizzle, June Way; Archie, August
Rauch; Ebenezar O'Hare, Tom
Healy; Mrs. O'Hare, Bernlce Neill
Pearlie Brown, Iris Omohundro
Dr. McNutt, Murray Potts; Little
Violet, Roaetta Healy; Diamond
Pauline Rauch.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ayers and
daughter Juanita and son Ray were
in Hermiston on business Monday.
C. W. Neill of Pendleton, the Mc
ness dealer, was a business visitor
on Butter creek Thursday, Friday,
Saturday and Monday.
John Healy and son Tom went to
lone Friday with a band of their
Mrs. Reid Buseick and daughters
Barbara and Donna and son Rob'
ert and Miss Elris Wlllingham vls
lted for several days this week with
Mrs. Buseicks parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Wattenburger.
Mrs. Emery Cox and daughters
Betty and Geraldlne are staying
with Mrs. Cox's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. Young, while Mr. Cox is
deer hunting in the Arbuckle vicin
ity. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wattenburger
were visitors in Hermiston and
Echo Sunday.
C. H. Bartholomew made a busi
ness trip to Portland, returning
home Tuesday morning.
Roy Neill and daughter Alma
were in Heppner Friday on busi
ness. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foley called on
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger
Sunday evening.
Mrs. T. J. OBrien and daughter
Katherine were business visitors in
Hermiston and Echo Monday.
C. H. Ayers was a business visit
or in Heppner Friday.
Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger, Mrs.
Reid Buseick and children and Miss
Elris Wlllingham visited at the
Harry Andrews home near Echo
Mrs. OUie Neill and daughter
Oleta were In Hermiston Tuesday
on business.
Hints on Dyeing Given
By Clothing Specialist
When mothers are faced with the
problem of making over adult gar
ments into children's clothes, home
dyeing may be done to freshen the
garment or to make the color more
suitable for the child, says Mrs.
Azalea Sager, extension specialist
in clothing and textiles at O. S. C.
Keeping in mind the action of
dyes on fibers may well save both
time and money, she says. Animal
fibers, such as silk and wool com
bine more readily with dyes than
cotton and linen. Cottons have lit
tle affinity for dyes. In dyeing cot
tons, it' is necessary to allow the
fabric to remain in the dye bath
10 to 15 minutes after removing
the receptlcal from the fire. Con
stant stirring is also necessary
throughout the time the material
is in the bath to prevent streaking.
Wool fabrics badly streaked and
faded by the sun cannot be suc
cessfully redyed. Sun burn changes
the chemical composition of the
fibers. They are burned and scorch
ed as if with a hot iron and al
though the change appears slight,
the burned part will dye a much
deeper shade. Very dark colors or
black are the only ones to be used
in dyeing sunburned fabrics.
A mimeographed circular giving
many practical hints for dyeing has
been prepared by Mrs. Sager for
free distribution. It lists the possi
ble combinations of colors to be
used in giving other shades, tells
what simple equipment may be
used, discusses preparation of the
material and selecting the dye, and
finally how to finish, dry and press
the newly dyed material.
A copy of this circular may be
had from any county extension ag
ent or direct from the home econ
omics extension office in Corvallis.
For Sale Barley, $20 per ton If
taken before Nov. 1. E. C. Miller,
Lexington. 32-33
Try a Gazette Times Want Ad.
Red Cross Appeals for Members
M if I'M A '
ill rril
THE 1933 poster ot the American
Red Cross, distributed nation
wide, is an appeal for an enlarged
membership. Resources were never
mors vitally needed than In this
fourth year ot economic distress.
Memberships, which cost one dol
lar or more, are used to support the
unemployment relief work of chap
ters and national organization; na
tionwide disaster relief work; health
work In hundreds of communities,
with special reference to preserving
the health of mothers and children;
safety work through teaching first
aid and life saving; welfare work
through six million school children
Who are members of the Junior Rod
Cross; and one of the most Impor
tant tasks ever to face the Red
Cross keeping up the morale ot
Published by the Journalism Class
Editor Jennie Swendig
Asst. Editor, Chester Christenson
Sports Editor Cleo Hiatt
High School News, Clifford Yarnell
Grade School News Don Jones
Reporters, Steven Wehmeyer, Bill
Cochell, James Beymer, Frances
A New Deal
When Roosevelt's New Deal is
put into full force, the American
buyers, manufacturers, and pro
ducers are not the only ones who
will receive a new deal. Changes
will also come over the American
school children. When the parents
of these children have their hours
reduced and their wage3 Increased,
they will then devote more time to
the home life and to a wiser use
of leisure. The parents and their
children will develop a common in
terest in recreation. This recrea
tion will encourage a closer rela
tionship between parents and their
It follows that there will be a
deeper interest taken in tho home.
The modern child usually doesn't
receive the companionship of a
father or mother that the child of
fifteen years ago did. This is not
entirely the fault of the parents.
Times have changed. Money is now
the god of everyone. It takes
money to get along and one must
work to get money. When both
parents work, the children are left
to shift for themselves. At night,
the parents come home tired and
don't feel like helping a daughter
or son work arithmetic or learn
dates in history, let alone discuss
ing the daily problems which come
up in every young person's life.
They don't have or take the time
to have confidential talks with their
children or to give them the guid
ance they need so badly.
The children of the working peo
ple, in receiving a new deal them
selves, will give their playmates a
new deal. Even though the par
ents of the playmates are not work
ing, the child under the influence
and guidance of an interested par
ent will change for the better and
thus help his playmates to change.
Class News
Mr. Bleakman recently talked to
the Occupations class on officers
and law enforcement. He stated
that an officer's main duty was to
keep people out of trouble rather
than get them into trouble.
Last week Mr. Bloom's American
History class studied the Critical
Period. This was the period from
1781 to 1789, from the close of the
Revolutionary War to the organi
zation of our national government.
It was characterized as the critical
period because the country was
veterans of our wars, and handling
their problems of compensation pay
ments, arising from changes in gov
ernmental regulations.
One hundred twenty disasters en
gaged the financial and personnel
forces of the Rod Cross during the
past year. More than a million dol
lars was spont In relief of familiea
who lost their all in hurricanes,
storms, fires, earthquake and other
frightful calamities.
Tresldent Roosevelt has said: "I
can he counted ou to foster and aid
in every way in my power the great
work your organization (The Red
Cross) must carry on."
Can any citizen of the nation fall
to do likewise?
Join as a member of your local
chaptor during the roll call.
threatened with anarchy and com
plete disorganization. It demon
strated emphatically that coopera
tion and a strong central govern
ment are essential to a nation's
Thursday, the school held a fire
drill for the first time this year.
The drill was held to accust m the
new students with the quickest
methods of escaping from the
Thursday afternoon, the high
school student body held a rally
on Main street. This was for the
purpose of arousing the townspeo
ple's interest in the game with Ar
lington Friday at Rodeo grounds.
The Home Economics classes will
serve at the Father and Son ban
quet to be held at the Christian
church October 27th.
Tryouts are being held this week
for the annual junior play. The
play selected is "The Yellow Shad
ow," a mystery.
Every member of the English V
class gave a book report in class
this week. Some of the most pop
ular books reported on are: "The
Virginian," "Early Candlelight,"
"Royal Roads to Romance," and
"As the Earth Turns."
Louis Gilliam and Frank Ander
son were initiated into the Benzine
Ring this week. The club is com
posed of all students interested in
science and who have studied at
least one year of science. At the
meeting, Phyllis Pollock gave a
talk on the scientific benefits of the
world's fair.
Miss Coppock's class in book
keeping has begun work on their
practice sets which, were received
last week.
For the past week Mr. Foord has
been giving drills on the correct
uses of different phases of English.
The teams' standings for high
school girls gym are: first, Juanita
Morgan, 15 points; next, Jessie
French and Naomi Furlong, 8
points, and last, Alice Beakman, 3
Debaters Eat
At 6:30 Tuesday night the debate
club of Heppner high school held
a potluck dinner which was served
by Frances Rugg and Anabel Tur
ner, the only girl members of the
club. In the center of the table,
gay with Hallowe'en decorations, a
bowl of jellybeans was placed.
These jellybeans were the source
of much fun. It was proven that
rather than a debater Anson Rugg
should be a sharp-shooter. Anson
threw a jellybean from where he
was sitting at one end of the table
to the other where it landed in
Billy Cochell's mouth! Whether it
was Anson's skill in aiming or
whether Billy's mouth is so large
that he couldn't miss, it was un
decided. After dinner, the boys washed
the dishes. The official dishwasher
was Armin Wihlon, and those who
excelled in drying dishes were Don
Turner, Frank Anderson, Anson
Rugg, Billy Cochell ad Bill Thom
son. As Mr. Foord gave the excuse
that he could neither wash nor dry
dishes, he was elected to pick up
the crumbs.
Heppner high school varsity bas
ketball practice started Monday
with Roy Gentry temporarily
coaching the squad. This early
practice is for boys who do not play
football but who are interested in
basketball. Twelve boys, mostly
freshmen and sophomores, have
turned out. They are expected to
furnish good material for this
year's varsity team.
Bund and Grade School News.
The band has received a part of
the money for its services during
the rodeo from the Rodeo associa
tion. Mr. Buhman has used this to
purchase music for the coming con
cert Those in the junior band who
have started work are Jackson
Cantweli, Kay Ferguson, Margaret
Tamblyn, John Crawford, Bobby
Smith, Donald Jones and Guy
Moore. Several high school stu
dents are starting band work this
year. This brings the total of those
engaged in band work in the Hepp
ner school well over fifty.
The first and second grades have
finished their sand table project of
health and travel. New projects
are to be started next week.
Seventh and eighth grade boys'
gym standings: Cougars 20, Trojans
15, Lions 14, Broncs 10.
Fifth and sixth grade boys' gym
standings: Beavers 6, Lions 5 Elks
3, Bulldogs 2.
Recites Red Cross Deeds
In Appeal for Members
"In the minds of our people the
Red Cross is symbolic of good
deeds," says Judge John Barton
Payne, chairman of the American
National Red Cross, at Washington,
D. C, in a stirring appeal to citizens
of the United States.
In a message to the people of the
Pacific states received by A. L.
Schafer, Red Cross manager in the
Pacific Area, Chairman Payne says
concerning the annual Roll Call,
November 11-30:
"The Red Cross carries on! More
than 25 million of our people have
had that fact brought home to them
in the last 18 months. They were
fed and clothed by the Red Cross,
to which a generous congress en
trusted the task of the nation-wide
flour and cotton distribution. The
responsibility was accepted cheer
fully. The duty has been discharg
ed effectually due to the unfailing
cooperation, support and helpful
ness of our Chapters and Branches.
"The Red Cross has the while
carried on Its regular program of
services with no curtailment. In
disaster areas it gave service to
sufferers from Southern California
to New England, bringing relief
and rehabilitation to more than 117
communities. It gave In Increas
ing volume, due to economy legis
lation, service to the war veterans.
It discharged its obligated services
to the enlisted men of the Army
and Navy. It advanced its health
program; widened Its activities in
land and water first-aid instruc
tion. It expanded volunteer service
through cotton garment production
to almost war-time proportions, It
enlisted more volunteers for Braille
book production for the blind and
for the varied volunteer services
and maintained its strength In the
enrollment of children in the Ju
nior Red Cross.
"And in the relief of the unem
ployed, the Red Cross chapters as
sisted more than 739,000 civilian
"The Red Cross cannot retreat
or turn aside. Its permanent base
is its practical interpretation of the
will of our people to serve human
ity in distress, with no thought of
race, creed or color.
"Our greatest happiness arises
from service to others. Ever since
the world war, people have strug
gled to uplift the human race; but
not until the Red Cross came into
being was there found a universal
thought upon which every people,
no matter of what religion or na
tionality or language, agreed and
that was the consecration of serv
ices to humanity."
E. R. Thurber, examiner of oper
ators and chauffeurs, will be in
Heppner Wednesday, November 1,
1933, at the court house between the
hour3 of 1 and 5 p. m., according to
announcement from the office of
Hal E. Hoss, secretary of state. All
those wishing licenses or permits
to drive cars are asked to get in
touch with Mr. Thurber at this
All outstanding warrants of
School District No. 50, Morrow
County, Oregon, up to and includ
ing warrant No. 65, will be paid on
presentation to the county treas
urer. Interest ceases with this no
tice. R. B. RICE, Clerk.
For a good
meal anytime
go to the
Federal Brand, tall tins
Armour's Pure Hog Lard
NO. 10
CTN. ...
Reds or Small Whites
rArrrp airway, 3 lbs 55c
LV rrtC NOB HILL, 3 LBS 73i
"koasteb to consumes" DEPENDABLE, 2 LBS. 5oc
Real fancy RomesPJff
No. 1 quality
10 LBS
il eggs
Fresh local eggs, Offi
large. PER DOZ.
Finest quality C)Qs
imitation. 8-oz
Outstanding warrants of School
District No. 41, Morrow County,
Oregon, numbered 100 to 114 Inclu
sive, will be paid on presentation to
the district clerk. Interest ceases
with this notice.
Heppner, Oregon.
Will trade potatoes or White Leg
horn pullets for used Maytag. Al
fred Skoubo, Boardman.
"JPith prices going up I want
to buy a lot of things. But not
another thing till I get a Maytag.
Because with a Maytag, I can
save money to buy other things."
That's sensible buying. Be
cause it is buying quality you
can use quality that pays a
weekly return on your money.
The Maytag washes clothes
faster, washes them more thor
oughly, more gently and at
lower cost per washing because
it is a better designed, better
built washer. Select your
Maytag at today's low prices.
The Maytag Company
Founded 1893 NEWTON, IOWA
You can still HJ
bay a marxag
for as little as
Par Amu with
out tltctricity,
this Maytag may
be had urithGaso
lins Multi-Motor
at slight addi
tional tost.
Phones 3F13 and 622
Heppner, Ore.
3 Tins
Van Camp's Medium
Mustard, Horse
Radish, 9-oz. each JLJs
Beat Food
Per Pkg
Grape Nut Flakes
Medium Size
Iio? Cabin
Per Lb
National Biscuit Co. Product
2 for
Libby'i Bed Sockeye
White King Granulated
Oregon Full Cream Loaf,
Brookfleld quality
Crystal White. P. ft G.(
Bars $1.00
SAT., MON, Oct. 27-28-30