Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 26, 1933, Image 1

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    r P. L 1
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Volume 50, Number 33.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Native Son, Young Le
gionnaire, Honored by
Rites Today.
Wail of Bridge Two Miles West of
The Dalles Hit on Return From
Portland With Freight
F. Jay Hiatt, local truck operator
and farmer, a native son of Morrow
county, was instantly killed about
2 o'clock Tuesday morning when
his truck crashed into the wall of
a concrete bridge two miles west
of The Dalles. He was returning
from Portland with a load of
freight, having gone to the city
Sunday night with a load of live
stock. With him was Ted McDaid
who escaped with minor injuries
when he was thrown from the cab.
Funeral services have been an
nounced for 2:30 o'clock this after
noon at the Christian church in
charge of Heppner post 87, Ameri
can Legion, of which Mr. Hiatt was
a member, with Joel R. Benton of
ficiating. Interment will follow in
Masonic cemetery.
The accident is believed to have
been caused by Haitt's dozing at
the wheel. As they approached the
bridge, McDaid noticed that the
truck was headed for the side wall
and ipoke to Hiatt who apparently
came to himself enough to pull the
truck over In the right direction,
but it didn't quite clear. The end
of the bumper on the right side was
shorn off, a big gash was cut In
the right front tire and the wheel
and fender were bent beneath the
truck, then as the proejctlon of the
bed caught on the concrete wall the
full weight of the load was shifted
forward against the driver's side,
crushing Hiatt against the wheel.
The top of the cab was bent over
against the hood, while all the glass
was shattered except that in the
door on McDaid's side. This door
was sprung open and McDaid was
thrown out on his hands and knees.
The rate of speed of the truck was
given at 35 miles an hour.
On coming to himself McDaid at
first thought the truck to be on
fire as he noticed what appeared to
be smoke coming from under the
hood. He Immediately got the fire
extinguisher, but found the smoke
to be steam caused by water drip
ping on the hot manifold. He then
attempted to arouse Hiatt who was
tightly pinned inside, lifeless. Mc
Daid then went to a neighboring
farm house and called a wrecker
and the sheriff from The Dalles.
Immediately on receipt of news
at Heppner, John Hiatt, brother,
and a number of friends drove to
the scene of the accident. John
Anglln, local MacMarr store mana
ger, who had freight on the truck,
also drove down. The body was
brought to Heppner Tuesday eve
ning by the Case Mortuary ambu
lance. Slight damage was done to
the freight, with damage to both
truck and load fully covered by
Francis Jay Hiatt was born on
the home ranch five miles west of
Heppner, April 2, 1895, to Mr. and
Mrs. William E. Hiatt, pioneer res
idents of the county, being aged 38
years, 6 months and 22 days. He
attended country school and grew
to young manhood in this county.
When the United States entered the
World war he was among the first
to enlist from this county, joining
Battery A, 147th Field Artillery. He
was stationed first for three months
at Camp Clackamas, was then
transferred to Camp Mills, N. J.,
and was overseas for 21 months, re
maining until after the signing of
the armistice. On arriving In
France he was suffering from an
illness which kept him confined to
a hospital for four months. On re
cuperating he was retained behind
the lines to help train new recruits,
being stationed at Bordeaux, which
was his occupation until the arm
istice. After being honorably discharged
from the service, he returned to
Morrow county and followed farm
ing for a time on Butter creek in
partnership with Verne Pearson,
then on Rhea creek and in Sanford
canyon on what is known as the
old Rush place, the present family
home. During his farming opera
tions he was one of the largest tur
key operators In the county and
was quite successful in this ven
ture. He had operated the com
mercial trucking business for the
last three years.
He married Miss Lucille Arm
strong on March 7, 1921, at Castle
Rock, Wash., and to this union
was born one child, Dorothy, now
aged eight years. Besides his wid
ow and daughter, he Is survived by
four brothers, Ellis, John and Del
bert of Heppner, and Emery of
San Francisco, Cal., and two sis
ters, Mrs. Owen French of Heppner
and Mrs. Chris Cook of Seaside,
Ore. All were expected to be pre
sent for the funeral services ex
cepting Emery who was prevented
from attending,
In his long residence here, Mr.
Hiatt attained a reputation for In
dustry and ambition. He was hon
est and conscientious! thoughtful
of his family and friends, who were
legion. The entire community ex
tends Its sympathy to the bereft
Locals Take Arlington
For Fifth Straight Win
Led by the beautiful broken field
running of Floyd Jones and the piv
oting and twisting of Cleo Hiatt and
Louis Gilliam in line plunges, Hepp
ner high school's "Fighting Irish"
eleven won their fifth consecutive
victory of the season when they de
feated the speedy Arlington grld
ders 44-7 on the local field Friday.
Heppner played a fast game with
Matt Kenny and Harold Ayers,
captain, doing good work in the
line. Running more than thirty
yards on each run, Floyd Jones,
left halfback, netted four of the
seven touchdowns besides a try for
Arlington scored in the fourth
quarter on a completed pass. Us
ing a double-wing-back formation
enabled Arlington to fake trick
plays which kept the Irish on spec
ial guard whenever the visitors got
the ball. The game was refereed
by Harold W. Buhman.
The starting line-up of both teams
Heppner Arlington
D Drake RE Deos
Reld RT I Woods
Kenny RG Mead
Ayers C Wetheral
Burkenbine LG Drake
C. Phelan
Morgan .-
LT C. Newell
: LE Hollenbeck
RH McKinney
LH B. Newell
Q ... Gray
Hiatt F Taylor
Heppner substitutes: Thomson,
Nickerson, Chrlstenson, R. Drake,
Furlong, Munkers, Gilman, Cochell
and Green,
The Irish are working hard this
week in preparation for the tough
game with the hard fighting Her
miston team which will be played
on the home field Friday.
Mrs. Charles Clark Hurt
When Car Rolls Down Hill
Mrs. Charles Clark sustained a
broken arm and severe bruises as
the result of a car accident here
Tuesday. In company with Bud
Ayers she had just called at the
home of Henry Robertson on the
hill on South Main street.
She was sitting in the car and
Ayers was preparing to. crank it
when she was asked to throw the
gears into neutral, but by mistake
they were placed in reverse, so that
when Ayers turned the crank the
car was started backward down the
hill. Ayers made a jump to get in
and stop it, but before he could do
anything it rolled over down the
grade, landing upside down on the
highway below. Ayers escaped in
jury, while Mrs. Clark was taken
to a local hospital for treatment.
It is believed her injuries will not
prove serious.
Heppner's granddaddy of hunt
ers still clings to his laurels and
is not yet ready to take off his hat
to any of the younger generation
when it comes to bagging his game.
W. W. Smead, Heppner postmas
ter, who has passed the three score
and ten mark, returned from the
hunt yesterday with tags on a fine
big elk and an equally fine buck
deer, his full quota of these ani
mals. He hunted out in the Mor
phine ranch country with Gene
Ferguson, George McDuffee and
Burl Coxen.
Sidney George, Oregon delegate
to the national American Legion
councils, came through town yes
terday in line with his work for
the state industrial accident com
mission. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Case returned
from Albany Tuesday evening, af
ter attending funeral services for
Mrs. Case's father.
Mr and Mrs. Crocket Sprouls re
turned Monday from Baker where
they went in answer to a summons
to the bedside of Mr. Sprouls' fa
ther, John Sprouls, who was 111 at
a hospital there
Will Ball received word this week
of the serious illness of his father,
J. C. Ball, in Portland. At last re
ports, however, he was Improving.
Emery Moore is reported among
successful hunters who landed their
elk this week.
J. J. Wells, county assessor, has
been absent from his office this
week while seeking specialized
medical aid in Portland
Miss Myra Wells departed the
first of the week for San Francisco.
Miss Wells is a graduate nurse
The Eastern Star meets in reg
ular session Friday evening, Oct
27, at 8 p. m. The ladies will bring
dish towels and come prepared to
hem them after the close of the
chapter, and the men will provide
and serve the refreshments.
Permission to broadcast the re
mainder of the home football games
on the O. S. C. campus this year has
been granted to KOAC, the state
owned station, by the Associated
OH company, which purchased the
exclusive rights to all broadcasts
of games this season in which coast
conference teams participate. Un
der the new arrangement KOAC
will broadcast the remaining cam
pus game with W. S. C. Saturday,
October 28, direct from the field at
Corvallis in the usual manner. La
ter games of either the state col
lege or the University of Oregon
which are handled through KGW
of Portland will be rebroadcast by
KOAC just as announced from the
playing fields.
Big Basket Dinner, Pro
gram, Dancing, Play
Features of Day.
Congressman and Mrs. Fierce to be
Guests; Other News of Week
s Written by Correspondent.
Lexington invites you to attend
the annual Pioneers Reunion which
is being held on Saturday of this
week. A big basket dinner will be
spread at noon and during the af
ternoon a special program will be
presented under the direction of
Laurel Beach. Ex-Governor and
Mrs. Walter Pierce will be present
and will appear on the program.
Supper will be at five oclock. The
play, "Good Gracious Grandma,"
will begin promptly at 7 o'clock.
After the play there will be an hour
of old-time dancing free before the
modern dance begins. Music for
the dance will be furnished by the
Blue Mountain Wranglers of La
Grande and Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schriever
and family are spending the week
in Portland.
T. W. Cutsforth and his grand
son, George Pointer, left Wednes
day morning for Lakeview where
they will visit with Mr. Cutsforth's
daughter, Mrs. Frank Broslus.
Miss Naomi McMillan entertain
ed a group of her girl friends at a
candy making party last Wednes
day evening. Her guests Included
Ruth Luttrell, Peggy Warner, Grace
Burchell, Fern Luttrell, Tillie Nel
son, Rose Thornburg, Doris Bur
chell, Gwen Evans, Erma Lane and
Edna Rauch.
Miss Jessie McCabe Is confined
to her home by illness. Her moth
er came up from lone and is stay
ing with her.
Orville Cutsforth motored to
Stanfield Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George McMillan
who visited relatives here during
the past week, have returned to
their home at Cherryville. Miss
Peggy Warner accompanied them
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilcox
spent the week end in Lexington.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Slocum
are spending the week end in Port
land. Among Lexington people who at
tended the library benefit program
at Heppner last Friday were Mr.
and Mrs. James H. Williams Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Johnson, Mr. and
Mrs. George Peck, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Dinges, M-. and Mrs. George
Gillis, Mr. and Mrs. Lester White,
Mr. and Mrs. George White, Mrs.
Trina Parker, Miss Dona Barnett
and Laurel Beach. Mrs. Williams
and Mr. Beach appeared on the
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald White of
Hermiston spent Sunday with rel
atives in Lexington.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hill came
up from Rufus Sunday to visit Mrs.
Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Omar
Luttrell. Mr. Hill returned home
Sunday evening but Mrs. Hill re
mained to be with her mother who
Is very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Glover Peck and
family and Mrs. Arthur Rowell and
son have moved Into the Harry
Dinges house.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cox and fam
ily of Pasco were guests during the
latter part of the week at the home
of Mr. Cox's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
O. J. Cox.
R. B. Wilcox has gone to the
Ritter hot springs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Yardley and
family of Bend have moved into
the Saxe house.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duran are the
proud parents of an eight-pound
daughter, born on Wednesday, Oc
tober 25th, at the home of Mrs.
Maggie Hunt in Heppner.
Lexington School News
The second student body assem
bly on Thursday turned out to be
quite a success. Laurel Beach sang
two numbers, "Jolly Roger" and
"Shortenin' Bread." The boys pro
duced a playlet entitled 'The La
dles Sewing Club Meets;" tables
were completely reversed for once
when the boys assumed the female
roles and discussed their "opera
tions." Those taking part were
Lester McMillan, Kenneth Palmer,
Kenneth Peck, Alfred Van Winkle
and Garland Thompson. The skit
was directed by Miss Hammel.
Not to be outdone in originality
the girls gym class staged a foot
ball game. The opposing team was
appropriately named Echo and
Lexington's representation proceed
ed to run up a large score for their
The girls proved to be good
prophets of the score but not of the
victors as Friday's game resulted
in a 27 to 6 victory for Echo. A
number of Lexington students were
on hand to root and the players
though outweighed gave a good ac
count of themselves. The return
game with Echo will be here this
Friday, Oct. 27, and it is hoped that
a good crowd will attend.
In the evening will be held the
big musical event of the year, the
Musical Melange, sponsored by the
glee club. Prices will be 35, 25 and
(Continued on Pas Four)
Another Hallowe'en is at hand
with its temptations to the youth
to play practical jokes on the
people of the community, but in
so doing they are likely to over
step the bounds of safety and it
is my duty as Mayor of Heppner
to discourage any lawlessness on
this night
Therefore, I, Gay M. Anderson,
Mayor of the City of Heppner, do
hereby encourage any proper ob
servance of Hallowe'en and wish
for the young people of the city
a joyous time on this night; but
the destruction, molestation or
injury to any property will not
be countenanced, and any offend
ers will be prosecuted. The
blockading of streets or sidewalks
is a serious offense and danger
ous to human life and property
and will not be tolerated. The
destruction of property and its
consequent replacement will work
an extreme hardship during these
depressing times. It is hereby
ordered that any freeholder of
the city is hereby given police
authority with full power to ar
rest anyone found in wilful vio
lation of the city statutes or
whose actions are of a suspicious
nature on Hallowe'en.
Issued this 25th day of October,
Mrs. A. A. McCabe was called to
Lexington during the week to be
with her daughter, Miss Jessie Mc
Cabe, who is quite ill.
J. B. Lasher, field man of the In
ternational Harvester company was
a Monday visitor in lone.
Zachery Lilly of La Grande was
a week-end visitor at the Dale Ray
The Woman's Topic club met at
the home of Mrs. Elmer Griffith in
Morgan last Saturday for its Octo
ber social meeting. Four tables of
bridge were at play during the af
ternoon. High score was won by
Mis Norma Swanson and low by
Mrs. Earl Blake. Refreshments of
pumpkin pie, coffee and Hallow
e'en candies were served on tables
gayly decorated with orange table
covers printed with Hallowe'en de
signs. Thos present were Mrs. Del
bert Ward, Mrs. C. W. Swanson,
Mrs. Ray Feeley, Mrs. Louis Ber
gevin, Mrs. H. D. McCurdy, Mrs.
George Tucker, Mrs. Dixon T.
Smith, Misa Norma Swanson, Mrs.
Omar Rietmann, Mrs. Edward
Rietmann, Mrs. Inez Freeland, Mrs.
Roy Lieuallen, Mrs. Earl Blake and
Mrs. Henry Gorger.
The regular business meeting of
Willows grange will be held at Ce
cil Saturday evening, October 28.
All grangers are urged to attend.
Grange will be preceded by a short
program at 7:30.
The O.-W. R. & N. bridge gang
cars which have been on the siding
here during the past week while
repair work was underway near
lone departed for Cecil on Monday
night's train.
Miss Gladys Brashears went to
La Grande the first of the week for
a visit of two weeks or so. While
there she will attend the homecom
ing activities of the Eastern Ore
gon Normal school.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ward mo
tored to The Dalles Sunday for a
few hours visit at the home of Mrs.
Ward's sister, Mrs. Karl Farns
worth. Mrs. J. T. Knappenberg
and Mrs. C. H. Heabler, sisters of
Mrs. Ward, made the return trip
with them expecting to remain at
the Ward ranch for a visit. How
ever, on Monday morning the ladles
were called to Willapa, Wash., by
the seroius illnes of their aunt, Mrs.
On Wednesday afternoon Mrs.
Laxton McMurray gave a talk be
fore the Girls League of the high
school. She gave the girls the high
lights of her recent trip through the
middle western states and Califor
nia. Among interesting places vis
ited by Mrs. McMurray were the
Blackfoot Indian reservation in
Idaho, a health resort high up on
the slopes of Pikes Peak in Color
ado, one of the dams the govern
ment is building to improve the
navigation on the Mississippi river,
the Century of Progress Exposi
tion at Chicago, Hollywood and
Beverly Hills in California. She
also had the doubtful pleasure of
being In California during an earth
quake which was severe enough to
toss her about in bed and tip over
vases, shake pictures off the walls,
etc. Among former residents of
lone whom Mrs. McMurray visited
were Mrs. Vera Pugsley of Caldwell,
Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hughes
of Shelly, Idaho, and Charley Howe
who is on a small farm near Gil
more, Iowa. She spent one month
at Iowa City, Iowa, at the home of
her son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Nolan Page.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Blake and
Wlllard Miller of Philomath depart
ed Saturday for their home after a
visit of a week with relatives.
While here the men enjoyed a hunt
ing trip and were successful in
bagging a deer apiece.
Til Beckner went over to Umatil
la county Monday to get a load of
seed potatoes for Laxton McMur
ray, Bert Botts is seriously ill at his
A Caterpillar "20" was delivered
to Laxton McMurray last week. Mr.
McMurray will use it in the culti
vation of his creek farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Keithley Blake de
parted on Sunday for Kinzua, Ore.,
where he expects to build a house
for his brother Ray Blake who is
working for the lumber company
(Continued on Pag Four)
Two-Hour Program Given
By Home Talent Be
fore Big Audience.
Organizations and Neighboring
Communities Participate in Pre
senting Good Entertainment
The annual library benefit vod-vil
moved off smoothly to a successful
conclusion at the gym-auditorium
last Friday evening before a near
capacity audience, reaping the li
brary $91.20. An all home-talent
performance, the success was made
possible only by the hearty coop
eration of the organizations and
neighboring communities who sup
plied the talent which gave so lib
erally of their time and effort To
these go the warm thanks of the
library association, expressed thru
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, president
Opening with a musical prelude
by the school band under the direc
tion of Harold Buhman, leader, the
diversified program held the audi
ence in expectant pleasure for a
short two hours.
"The Story Hour" presented by
the Bookworms was a charming
presentation of scenes in panto
mime from "The Pied Piper," "Rip
Van Winkle," and other popular
nursery stones. Forming the back
ground was a huge book, the un
folded leaves of which displayed
colored drawings of scenes taken
from the story represented. The
drawings were made by Harold
Becket Members of the club par
ticipating were Ethel Smith, Lera
Crawford, Harriet Gemmell, Ruth
Lumley, Lucile McAtee, Lucy Rod
gers, Madge Coppock, Virginia Tur
ner, Leta Humphreys and Eliza
beth Bloom. They were assisted
by Beth Bleakman and the follow
ing children: Bobbie and Patsy
Smith, Jean and Jimmie Gemmell.
Teddy Ferguson, Albert Bailey,
Jean Straight and Calvin Crawford.
Two solos were beautifully sung
by little Miss Mary Moore for the
Rebekahs, and a delightful reading
by Miss Lorraine Pope represented
tne Methodist church.
A melodramatic presentation of
scenes of the old west was the of
fering of the Boy Scouts, "Bess of
Bar X," with introduction of char
acters and reading of subtitles by
Dean Goodman, Jr. Among the
featured roles was Mae West por
trayed by Scott McMurdo. with
Jackson Gilliam, Don Turner, John
Crawford, Ernest Clark, Joe Aiken,
Richard Hayes, Guy Moore, Larry
Moore and Donald Baker rounding
out tne cast.
The Christian church supplied a
pleasing musical number, sung by
a ladies quartet, the Mistresses
Crocket Sprouls, Hubert Gaily, Bar
bara England and Miss Anabel
Turner, accompanied by Mrs. J. O.
Turner. Mrs. Paul Gemmell read a
catchy piece for the American Le
gion Auxiliary.
Another pleasing reading by Dean
Goodman, Jr., was the Degree of
Honor Juveniles' offering, with a
stringed trio, Ted Lumley, Paul
Brown and Frank Turner playing
Hawaiian tunes as a special num
ber. A clever farce comedy came from
Hardman with residents of that
place presenting "Cannibal Lov
Affair." in appropriate costume and
Mrs. Irl Clary reading the lines. It
brought the house down. Another
skit of similar nature was depicted
by members of the American Le
gion in the "Shooting of Dan Mc
Grew," with Harold Cohn reciting
the popular poem of Robert W. Ser
vice. Seen in the various roles were
Clarence Bauman as Dangerors
Dan, Edward F. Bloom as the
stranger, Charles W. Smith as the
lady known as Lou, and Elbeert
Cox, bartender. A take-off on the
action, "How it is done today," was
tne Jiiks offering with J. O. Timer
taking the part of the bartender
and Ray Klnne, the stranger whom
tne Dartender shot with a cap pis
tol when he ordered a cocoa cola.
A pleasing piano solo bv Miss
Katherine Parker was sponsored by
tne eastern star, and two excep
tionally well received numbers were
sung by Laurel Beach on behalf of
his home community, Lexington.
Another Lexington offering was a
clever solo by Mrs. James H. Wil
liams. The Lions quartet In blackface
represented the city's service club,
singing several popular darky
songs. Members of the quartet
were Frank and Jesse Turner, John
Anglin and Ray Klnne, with Mrs.
J. O. Turner accompanist.
A negro camp meeting was the
burlesque number of the Business
and Professional Womens club,
with a maojrity of the members of
the club participating. Stirring the
imagination, the Degre of Honor
stunt brought forth a hearty laugh,
when a young man stepped behind
a screen and began throwing ar
ticles of clothing in logical order
from behind, then stepped forth in
full attire with an open suitcase.
Climaxing the performance was
the school faculty skit in which
Phillip Foord portrayed a city ed
itor at his desk, and Ted Lumley,
Harold Buhman and Madge Cop
pock brought in news reports of
red-hot happenings of the town.
Grange District Meet
At Arlington, Nov. 4
A big time is promised grangers
at the district council conference
including Gilliam, Wheeler, Mor
row and Umatilla counties at Ar
lington, Saturday, Nov. 4. The full
program for the day is announced
as follows:
10 a. m. to noon, separate group
meetings for masters, lecturers, sec
retaries and H. E. C. Noon, dinner.
1:30, community singing. 2, "Pro
grams Should Interest All," state
lecturer. 2:20, "A Well Financed
Program," state secretary. 2:40,
"Doing Grange Work the Right
Way," Dr. Slaughter. 3, "A Well
Balanced Grange," R. W Gill, state
master 3:20, "Importance of De
gree Work," Geo. Palmiter, state
executive committee chairman. 3:40,
"Value of County Councils," Chas.
Wicklander, state deputy. 4, "Home
Economics Essential," state H. E.
C. chairman. 4:20, "County Deputy
Problems," discussion by county
deputies. 4:40, "Better Pomona
Meetings," Pomona masters. 5,
round table discussions. 6, dinner.
7, conferring fifth degree, or grange
legislative program. 8, conferring
sixth ' degree. All fourth degree
members are invited to attend all
of the meetings.
Musical Melange Slated
At Lexington Tomorrow
Heralded as one of the outstand
ing musical treats of the season
and the rarest treat of its kind ever
to be offered by Lexington high
school, is the musical melange to
be staged in the Lexington high
school auditorium tomorrow eve
ning, starting at 8 o'clock. Featured
in the performance are five artists
of exceptional talent, including
Laurel Beach, tenor; Mrs. James H.
Williams, soprano; Miss Lucy Spit
tle, alto; Miss Esther Fredreckson,
violinist, and Miss Eula McMillan,
Appropriate costuming will be
used throughout in the presenta
tion of a program of classical and
popular music, using various voice
and instrument combinations. The
program will be in three parts, the
first to be Spanish, the second a
presentation of "Blossom Time",
featuring Schubert's melodies, and
the third a combination of popular
and classical music. For the con
venience of Heppner folks a num
ber of seats have been placed on
sale at Gordon's
Federal Purchase' of Surpluses for
Relief Starts; Oregon Men
On Wheat Board.
Putting the northwest fruit agree
ment into effect, connecting up na
tional relief measures with pur
chase of surplus farm products, and
setting up machinery to expedite
payment of wheat benefits are but
a few of the most recent outstand
ing accomplishments under the ag
ricultural adjustment act, accord
ing to the current weekly review by
the Oregon State college extension
Though the marketing code for
the northwest tree fruit industries
was delayed much longer than ex
pected, it has now been placed into
full effect so that all shipping and
marketing of apples and pears in
interstate commerce from the Pa
cific northwest will be under its
The agreement authorizes the
control of the maximum volume of
fruit to be moved to market, regu
lation of varieties, grades and sizes
to be marketed at any given time,
and the setting of minimum prices
below which no fruit will be shipped
to markets. Oregon fruit districts
have been active in support of the
agreement from the start of the ne
gotiations last summer.
Pork, butter, beef, fruit and prob
ably other foods of which there are
market surpluses at this time are
to be purchased through a special
relief unit of the A. A. A. organized
to buy up such products and trans
fer them to 3.500,000 families on re
lief rolls. This is to be done thru
cooperation with the federal Emer
gency Relief administration.
This action does not remove the
fundamental necessity for produc
tion control, particularly for those
commodities which in the past have
been sold in large volume abroad,
warns Secretary of Agriculture
Wallace and other leaders. The
plan of direct purchases will help
to remove present surpluses by di
verting food to this formerly great
ly restricted domestic market, but
many problems of overproduction
still remain to be attacked at the
source through control measures.
Two Oregon men are included on
a review board of 12 selected from
all wheat sections of the United
States and now known as the
County Acceptance unit of the
wheat administration. These will
review the contracts from each
county as they reach Washington,
make minor corrections where pos
sible without returning the con
tracts, and give final approval by
counties so that checks may be
made out. It is thought they will
be able to pass upon contracts from
about 70 counties a day.
The two Oregon men included
are A. R. Shumway, Milton, presi
dent of the Pacific Northwest Co
operative Grain Growers, and Paul
C. Newman, Portland, a graduate
of Oregon State college now in the
federal crop statistician's olllce.
Judge Sweek, E. O. Nor
mal President Speakers;
Scout Leaders Slated.
B. P. W. Club to Serve Dinner;
Fine Entertainment Program to
Attract Males of City.
Fathers and sons of Heppner will
gather about the banquet table in
the basement of the Christian
nhnrrh Bt n'nlnrk tnmnrrnw
j evening for the annual banquet
sponsored by the local Boy Scout
executive committee. Four outside
speakers will be present for the oc
casion besides a number of Boy
Scouts from Walla Walla.
'Judge Calvin L. Sweek of Pen
dleton will be chairman and toast
master, assuring that the office will
be well taken care of in the capable
manner for which Judge Sweek is
noted. Austin Landreth, president
of the Eastern Oregon Normal
school of La Grande, will give one
of the principal addresses of the
evening, entitled 'The Balancing
Act for Boys."
Another address will be given by
W. L. Hayward, from the national
council staff in Region Eleven, Boy
Scouts of America, who is expected
to accompany Robert H. Hayes,' ex
ecutive of the Blue Mountain coun
cil. Mr. Hayes appears on the pro
gram with an address, "Scouting
to Fathers and Sons." The local
committee deems itself especially
fortunate in being able to obtain
this capable array of outside speak
ing talent which assures a program
full of meat for all who attend.
Charles W. Smith, chairman' of
the local executive committee will
present Judge Sweek as the chair
man of the evening. Donald Tur
ner, local patrol leader, will give a
talk, "The Kind of a Dad a Boy
Likes." Joel'R. Benton will deliver
the invocation and Frank W. Tur
ner will lead group singing of "Ore
gon My Oregon." Special' enter
tainment features will includee a
vocal duet, "Dream Melody," by
Matt Kenny and Bill Cochell; a pi
ano solo by Miss Marjorie Parker,
tap dance by Richard Hayes, and
instrumental number by James T.
Lumley and Boyd Redding.
Dinner will be served under the
auspices of the Business and Pro
fessional Womens club by members
of the domestic science class of the
high school. Following the dinner
and banquet program, a court of
honor will be held with Judge
Sweek as chairman, Mr. Smith as
secretary and Mr. Hayes, the re
gional executive, presiding.
All men of the city, whether fa
thers or not, are cordially invited
to attend and bring a boy with
them. The price of one ticket in
cludes plates for one man and one
boy, the tickets to be purchased by
the men.
B. A. Stafford. 82. father nf Mrs.
M. L. Case, died at 1:15 o'clock last
Friday morning at a Pendleton hos
pital, following a lina-erins- illness.
Members of the family accompan
ied tne body to Albany Monday
where funeral services were held.
The family home was made at Al
bany for many years. Mr. Stafford
came to Heppner about two months
ago from Long Beach, Cal., to make
his home with his daughter.
The Heppner hiirh school student
body and football team wish to ex
press tneir appreciation to the bus
iness people and residents of Henn-
ner for their hearty cooperation and
loyal support of school activities,
especially shown at the football
games. Your attendance and en-
tnusiasm at the game last Fridav
was deeply appreciated.
Georee Strand nf PunHiofnn Hi-
rector of the big Westward Ho 'par
ade, annua Round-Up feature, asks
locai people who care to, to save
their deer hides. The word, re
ceived through Henry Aiken, Rodeo
vice president, states that Mr.
Strand expects to feature a
number of these hides in next
year's parade.
William Penland. chara-ed with
assault with a dangerous weapon
as the result of a shooting fracas
here recently in which he shot
Lloyd Matteson four times, plead
guilty on arraignment In luatinn
court last Thursday and waived
hearing before the grand jury. Time
of sentence has not been announced.
The Lexington football team jour
neyed to Echo last Friday where
they met a very strong and smooth
running team. The score was 28 to
6 in favor of the Echo boys. Lex
ington played a hard game and feel
encouraged by the one score maJ-.
A return game will be played here
this week.
Frank Wlnnurd returned the first
of the week from Eugene where
he visited his brother, Dr. N. E.
Winnaid, whom he reports to bo
In very 111 health.