4 PAGE TWO lljfppttrr THE HEPPNER GAZETTE. Established March 3a 1883: THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1912. Published every Thursday morning by VAWTEB and SPENCER CRAWFORD and entered at the Post Office at Hepp- ner. Oregon, as second-class mailer. ADVEBTISIN BATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear , Six Months Three Months J2.00 1.00 .76 .05 Single Copies Official Paper for Morrow County LOCAL NEWS While on their trip to Yakima last week to attend a district meet ing of the Methodist Missionary so ciety, the party of Heppner ladies composed of Mrs. L. W. Briggs, Mrs. Joseph Pope, Mrs. Alice Ad kins, Miss Opal Briggs and Miss Lucille Moyer, had the pleasure of an overnight visit with a former Heppner woman, Mrs. Birdie Mad dock Jordan, at Maryhill, Wash. Mrs. Jordan is a daughter of the late Sheriff Maddock of Umatilla county, who was killed by Hank Vaughn, the notorious outlaw of the early days of this country. Mr. Maddock was sheriff when Morrow county was still a part of Umatilla county. Mrs. Jordan and Mrs. Briggs were girls together here. Going to Hermiston last Thurs day evening to attend the installa tion of officers of Hermiston post, American Legion and Auxiliary, were Mr. ad Mrs. Harold Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Barratt, Mrs. P. M. Gemmell, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Crawford. On the way down Mr. Cohn came upon a bunch of cattle in the road unexpectedly and in trying to avoid them was forced off the road. He was not able to mis3 them altogether and one of the cows hit the front and rear fen ders on the right side of the car, denting them quite badly. They were able to get back on the road and proceeded to Hermiston. Miss Jeanette Turner of Heppner is one of a limited number of stu dents selected by the University of Oregon as eligible to work for special honors during the last two years of their college careers. Miss Turner is a Junior majoring in music. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner of Heppner. Miss Nancy Cox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cox of Heppner, has been pledged to Kappa Delta, wo men's social fraternity, at Oregon State college. Miss Cox, who is a freshman registered in the school of home economics, has also been chosen as a member of Madrig.il, women's glee club. The funeral of Mrs. E. C. Alford, wife of Rev. E. C. Alford, former pastor of the Methodist church of Heppner, was held at Salem last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alford had been living at Bend since he re tired from the active ministry. Mrs. Alford had been an invalid for sev eral years. Mrs. LeRoy Jones of Montesano, Wash., came up from Portland Sat urday with Jasper Crawford to visit relatives. Mrs. Jones had been in Portland to be with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Craw ford, and returned from Heppner to the city with Jasper Monday morning. W. N. Huddleston of Ukiah was transacting business in this city Saturday. He was making prep arations to ship several carloads of cattle to the Portland market the next day. Sharing in the ship ment was his sister, Mrs. Ruth Pe terson of Ukiah. Major and Mrs. O. L. Babcock of Pendleton were week-end guests at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bloom. in Heppner. Mrs. L. T. Sharing housen, Mrs. Bloom's sister, ami her small son, Leon, came over with them also. Elmer Musgrave of Hardman was brought to town Monday to receive treatment for a bad cut on his right foot, received while slashing brush on hi3 mountain farm. He was accompanied to town by Mrs. Musgrave and Mrs. J. W. Stevens. Members of the library board met Monday afternoon in the city's building on West Willow street to make selection of space for use of the library. The council plans to arrange library accommodations there in the near future. C. W. Smith, Mrs. Lucy Rodgers and S, E. Notson attended the Po mona grange at Irrigon Saturday. They report a very interesting meeting. Hon. Walter M. Pierce and Mrs. Pierce appeared on the program. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hiatt are back in Heppner after spending the summer in the Wallowa lake coun try, where Mr. Hiatt was operat ing a stage line. They are making their home at the Case apartments. Joel R. Benton, pastor of the Heppner Christian church, has been confined to his home by illness for the past two weeks. He is now about recovered. Fred Pigg, federal income tax In spector, was in Heppner Tuesday on one of his regular business trips. His headquarters are in Pendleton. M I 1 1 Orain Wright and family passed through Heppner Saturday morn ing on their way to attend the Po mona grange at Irrigon. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cleveland, Mrs. A. D. McMurdo and Mrs. Wal ter Moore returned Sunday from a trip to Portland. Claud White o Lexington was in town the first of the week and in spite of a broken ankle was driving his truck. Lost Vest-pocket kodak, near Heppner Sunday evening; valuable as keepsake; finder leave at this office. Chas. B. Cox was an Irrigon vis itor Saturday. He visited the Po mona grange during the lecture hour. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION STATEMENTS Wheat Production and Acreage State ments of Members of the Wheat Pro duction Control Association of Mor row County, State of Oregon. The following is a statement of the production and planted acreages of wheat in the years 1929, 1930. 1931, 1932 and planted acreage for 1933 of pro ducers of Morrow County who have submitted applications for farm wheat allotments. This publication is made in compliance with the regulations of the Agricultural Adjustment Adminis tration. It is made so that a check may be made on all statement claims, and so that reports may be made to the County Wheat Production Control Association on any inaccuracies which may appear in the statements. The allotment for this county has been definitely calculated from official records of the U. S. Departmnt of Ag riculture, and is 1,050,065 bushels. This is the total allotment tor the county. Therefore, if any farmer receives a greater allotment than his past produc tion warrants, he is thus depriving oth er farmers in this county of their just Total production figures of those who apply for contract? together with those who do not must equal the official pro duction as shown by the records of the V. S. Department of Agriculture. If the county totals are greater than the official totals, it will be necessary to make a downward adjustment. Any person may make a confidential report if he finds any statements here which he believes to be inaccurate. Such reports should be made to the community or county committee, either in writing or verbally. The reports will be strictly confidential. A farmer whose statements are said to be inac curate will need to prove his produc tion figures. Farmers have been asked to furnish evidence of production and evidence of sale, such as thresherman's certificates, elevator certificates, or other records and receipts. Satisfactory evidence will be required of any farmer whose statement is questioned. The following statements have been condensed to save space. "Acres" rep resents acres planted to harvest and bushels represents Dusneis Harvest ed. The "four-year average" repre sents the four-year average acreage and production from 1929-1932. Farm ers should refer anv Questions regard' ine this nublication to their community committee or to the County Allotment Committee. Signed: ALLOTMENT COMMITTEE, E. H. MILLER. Chairman. GEORGE N. PECK. R. B. RICE. NOBTH HEPPNER Community Committee: E. H. Miller, Chairman; Ralph Jackson, Harry Turner. BELL RANCH, INC., A. E. Kincaid; 720 acres- 1929375 acres, 7827 bu.; 1930245 acres. 4446 bu.; 1931400 acres, 3321 bu. ; 1932225 acres, 2766 bu. ; four-year average, 311 acres, 4590 bu. ; 1933 390 acres. BLAHM, ADAM, Lacy & Alger, 665 acres; 1929260 acres, 3710 bu.; 1930 270 acres, 4230 bu. ; 1931260 acres, ;as4u bu..; 1932270 acres, 2978 bu.; four-year average, 265 acres, 3441 bu.; 1933260 acres. BROWN, CHRIS P., Home Flace, 920 acres; 1929230 acres, 7138 bu.; 1930390 acres, 5425 bu.; 1931230 acres, 3788 bu.; 1932390 acres, 7251 bu. ; four-year average, 310 acres, oauu bu: 1933230 acres. BROWN. CHRIS f.. Bergren, u acres; 1929240 acres, 3671 bu.; 1930 acres, 2052 bu.; 1931240 acres, 1838 bu. ; 193286 acres, 1569 bu.; four-year average, 163 acres, 2282 bu.; 1933240 acres. CASEBEER. ALVA L., Edwards Est., 1040 acres; 1929255 acres, 5345 bu.; 11930240 acres. 4278 bu.: 1931390 acres, 4767 bu.; 1932240 acres, 6220 bu.- four-year average, 281 acres, 4902 hii 1H33 360 acres. CASEBEER. ALVA L.. Cohn. 600 acres; 1929190 acres, 3622 bu.; 1930 140 acres, 2235 bu. ; 1931130 acres, 2706 bu. ; 1932140 acres, 2874 bu. ; four-year average, 165 acres, 2859 bu.; 1933190 acres. COX. CHAS. B.. Dutton. 320 acres; 1930100 acres. 1575 bu.: 1932100 acres, 1172 bu.; four-year average, 100 acres, 1373 bu. COX. CHAS. B.. Joe Mover. 320 acres: 1929270 acres. 2095 bu.; 1930135 acres, 843 bu.; 1931140 acres, 750 bu. ; four-year average, 136 acres, 922 bu. ; 1933 279 acres. COX CHAS. B Home Place, 560 acres; 1929235 acres, 6054 bu.; 1930 143 acres, 3743 bu. ; 1931235 acres, 3718 bu.; 1932143 acres, 3923 bu.; four year average, 189 acres. 4359 bu. ; 1933 235 acres. CUTSFORTH, O.. W. & T. W., Cuts forth, 1027 acres; 1929850 acres, 12,516 bu. ; 1931 850 acres, le.&ja ou. ; tour year average, 850 acres, 14,456 bu. ; 1933 850 acres. CUTSFORTH, 0. W Pointer, 1939 acres: 1929960 acres, 20.807 bu.; 1930 1140 acres, 17,968 bu.; 1931320 acres, 8002 bu. ; 19321320 acres. 28.632 bu.; four-year average, 935 acres, 18,852 bu.; 1933520 acres. CUTSFORTH, O. W.. Leach, 1410 acres; 1929700 acres, 7360 bu. ; 1930 600 acres, 9610 bu.; 1931550 acres, 11,324 bu.; 1932600 acres. 10.715 bu.; four-year average, 612 acres, 9752 bu. ; 1933750 acres. O. W. CUTSFORTH, Carmichael, 160 acres; 1929 110 acres, 2565 bu.; 1931 no acres, z&bo ou. ; tour-year average, 110 acres; 2562 bu. ; 1933120 acres. DEVIN, M. J. & SON, Home Place, 1850 acres; 1929215 acres, 2412 bu.; 1930260 acres, 3111 bu.; 1931215 acres, 2791 bu.; 1932260 acres, 3312 bu,; four-year average, 237 acres, 2906 ou. ; 1H33 lits acres. DOHERTY, CATHERINE, Doherty, 1440 acres; 1929337 acres, 6050 bu.; 1930342 acres, 3406 bu. ; 1931337 acres, 2860 bu.; 1932250 acres, 2640 bu.; four-year average, 316 acres, 3739 bu. ; 1933316 acres. DRAKE. R. K.. Hanshew. 1120 acres: 1929472 acres, 10,302 bu.; 1930440 acres, 7836 bu.; 1931472 acres, 6609 bu.: 1932440 acres. 6535 bu.: four- year average, 456 acres, 7795 bu.; 1933 at acres. DURAN, MOSES E., Home Place, 720 acres; 1929310 acres, 7175 bu.; 1930280 acres, 5793 bu.; 1931305 acres, 4595 bu.; 1932280 acres, 3297 bu. ; four-year average, 293 acres, 5215 du. ; vma zyo acres. DURAN. W. A Home Place, 160 acres; 1930160 acres, 1801 bu.; 1932 160 acres, 1732 bu. ; four-year average, 160 acres, 1766 bu. DUVALL, HARRY L., Bell Ranch, 2000 acres; 1929500 acres, 90CX) bu.; 1930330 acres, 5940 bu.; 1931500 acres, 9000 bu.; 1932330 acres, 6940 bu. ; four-year average, 415 acres, 7470 bu. ; 1933 wo acres. EVANS. GEORGE, Home Place. 800 acres; 1929178 acres, 1697 bu.; 1930 Uft acers, si du. ; 1931 178 acres, 2236 bu. ; 1932154 acres, 2442 bu. ; four-year average,, 166 acres, 2191 bu.; 1933178 acres. GRAVES, SHELBY E Carmichael. 640 acres; 1929326 acres, 8821 bu.; 1930297 acres, 8334 bu,; 1931326 acres, 7557 bu.; 1932297 acres, 6960 bu.; four-year average, 311 acres, 7918 bu.; 1933 325 acres. HUEBNER, WM.. Her, 880 acres; 1929330 acres, 3989 bu.; 1930390 acres, 8487 bu.; 1931330 acres, 2095 bu.; 1932390 acres, 6257 bu.- four- year average, sou acres, 007 bu 330 acres. 1933 HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, JACKSON, RALPH L.. Copenhaver. 320 acres: 1929253 acres, 3900 bu: 1931 253 acres. 3S0 bu. ; two-year average, 253 acres. 3740 bu.; 1933253 acres. KENNY. JOHN F., Kilkenny. 220 acres: 1929215 acres, 3S49 bu.; 1931 215 acres. 5337 bu.; two-year average, 215 acres. 4593 bu.; 1933215 acres. KENNY. JOHN F.. Home Place. 1118 acres: 1929140 acres, 3865 bu.: 1930 345 acres. 7510 bu.; 1931140 acres, 2923 bu.; 1932345 acres, 5098 bu. ; four year average, 242 acres, 4849 bu.; 1933 140 acres. MILLER. A. E., Mllier. 160 acres; 192966 acres. 630 bu.; 193077 acres, 1290 bu.; 193156 acres. 842 bu.: 1932 77 acres, 1746 bu.; four-year average, 66 acres. 1127 bu.; 193356 acres. MILLER. A. E, K. G. Miller. 160 acres; 192973 acres, 872 bu.; 193076 acres, 1196 bu.; 193173 acres. 904 bu.; 193276 acres. 1228 bu. : tour-year av erage. 74 acres, 1050 bu. ; 193373 acres. mtt.t.f.r E HARVEY.. Home fiace. 526 acres; 1929300 acres. 6507 bu.; 1930 200 acres. 3305 bu.; 1931 2iiu acres, 2646 bu. ; 1932200 acres, 3S79 bu. ; four- year average, 240 acres, 4US4 du. ; ism ISO acres. MILLER, E, HAKVE i, Ben swa.; gart, 2S00 acres; 1929500 acres, 12.002 bu.; 1930500 acres, 7846 bu.: 1931 400 acres. 6102 bu.; 1932600 acres, 11.000 bu. ; four-year average, 475 acres, 9237 bu. : 1933400 acres. MILLER. E, HARVEY. J. A. Miller, 87 Acres: 1930 76 acres. 1430 bu.: 1932 76 acres. 1380 bu.,; two-year average, 76 acres. 140o bu. MTI.T.ER K. G.. Reanev. 640 acres 1929233 acres, 4200 bu.; 1930274 acres, 3954 bu.; 1931233 acres, 3559 hn 1932274 acres. 4230 bu. : four- year average, 253 acres, 3985 bu. ; 1933 Zoo flprcs. MILLER BROTHERS, E. C. Miller, Won Acres: 1929378 acres. 7106 bu: 1930320 acres, 7436 bu.; 1931378 Acres. 5896 bu.; 1932320 acres. 668( bu. ; four-year average, 349 acres, 6779 bu..: 1933378 acres. MISSILDINE BROTHERS. Home Place, 1000 acres; 1929217 acres, 6130 bu..- 1930229 acres, 5161 bu. : 1931 217 acres, 3600 bu.; 1932229 acres. 4480 bu. ; four-year average, 223 acres, 4592 bu.; 1933217 acres. MOYER. E. W.. Mover. 560 acres; 1929244 acres, 3702 bu.; 1930180 acres. 3658 bu.; 1931244 acres, 3141 hn 1932180 acres. 3715 bu.: four year average, 212 acres, 3554 bu. ; 1933 244 acres. MOYER, F. N., Home Place. 1273 acres; 1929665 acres, 11.969 bu.; 1930 390 acres. 6567 bu.; 1931 393 acres, 5993 bu. : 1932365 acres. 6246 bu. : four- year average, 453 acres, 7694 bu. ; 1933 292 acres. NICHOLS. A. H". Leach. 320 acres: 1930176 acres. 2690 bu.: 1932176 acres, 1412 bu. ; two-year average, 176 acres, 2051 bu. ; 1933 58 acres. PALMER. MARION. T. E. McDan del. 642 acres: 1929275 acres. 1764 bu.; 1930239 acres, 3171 bu.; 1931265 acres, 1565 bu.; 1932239 acres, 4501 bu. ; four-year average, 254 acres, 2751 bu. ; 1933265 acres. PARKER, FRANK S.. Dutton. 837 acres; 1929187 acres, 2664 bu.; 1931 187 acres, 2057 bu. ; two-year average, 187 acres, 2570 bu.; 1933187 acres. PARKER. FRANK S., Jones Est., 73 acres; 192973 acres. 1003 bu.; 1931 73 acres. 803 bu. ; two-year average, 73 acres. 903 bu. ; 193373 acres. PARKER, FRANK S., Home Place, 483 acres; 1930135 acres, 1680 bu; 1932135 acres, 1400 bu.; two-year av erage. 135 acres, 1540 bu. PIEPER. A. G., Home Place. 640 acres; 1930588 acres, 6819 bu.; 1932 588 acres. 9723 bu..; two-year average, 588 acres, 8271 bu. PIEPER, JOHN AND EMMA, Home Place, 1200 acres; 1929578 acres, 9854 bu.; 1931 578a cres, 6849 bu.; two-year average, 578 acres, 8315 bu..; 1933573 acres. SCOTT, O. M AND McMURTRY. R. G.. Duran, 195 acres; 1929 150 acres, 3600 bu.: 1931150 acres, 2041 bu.; two-year average, 150 acres, 2820 bu. ; 1933145 acres. SCOTT. O. M. Akers, 400 acres; 1929 146 acres, 2720 bu.; 1931146 acre3, 1734 bu..; two-year average, 146 acres, 2227 bu.; 1933146 acres. SCOTT, O. M., Rood Est., 560 acres; 1929150 acres, 2516 bu.; 1930230 acres, 1750b u.; 1931150 acres, 1954 bu. ; 1932 230 acres, 2222 bu. ; four-year average, 190 acres, 2110 bu.; 1933150 acres. SCOTT. O. M Home Place, 800 acres; 1929160 acres, 4034 bu. ; 1930 320 acres. 4220 bu.; 1931165 acres, 3390 bu. ; 1932320 acres, 3839 bu..; four year average, 241 acres, 3871 bu.; 1933 169 acres. SLOCUM. LEE, Ferguson, 720 acres; 1929272 acres, 6838 bu.- 1930285 acres, 6063 bu.; 1931272 acres, 4907 bu.; 1932285 acres. 4074 bu.; four year average, 278 acres, 5470 bu. ; 1933 204 acres. SLOCUM. LEE. McCarty, 760 acres; 1929364 acres, 7628 bu. ; 193085 acres, 1548 bu.; 1931364 acres, 4683 bu.; 1932 85 acres, 591 bu.; four-year average, 224 acres. 3612 bu.; 1933327 acres. SCOTT, W. R, Campbell, 560 acres; 1929230 acres, 5850 bu.: 1930245 acres, 3237 bu.; 1931230 acres, 3595 bu.; 1932245 acres, 3513 bu.; four year average, 237 acres, 4048 bu. ; 1933 zdu acres. SCOTT. W. R., Hulden & Bruer, 480 acres: 1929110 acres. 3004 bu.- 1930 185 acres. 1783 bu. ;1 931110 acres, 1976 bu.; 1932200 acres, 605 bu.; four-year average, 151 acres, 1842 bu. ; 193383 acres. SWAGGART, FRANK, A. L. Swag gart, 880 acres; 192970 acres. 2000 bu.; 193070 acres, 2000 bu.; 193170 acres, 2000 bu. 193270 acres, 2000 bu. ; four- year average, 70 acres, 2000 bu. ; 1933 140 acres. TUCKER, W. B Barton. 160 acres 1930155 acres, 2000 bu.; 1932155 acres, 2100 bu.; two-year average, 155 acres, zuou du. TUCKER, W. B. Home Place, 320 acres; 1929155 acres. 3815 bu; 1930 139 acres, 2500 bu. ; 1931155 acres, 2141 bu.; 1932139 acres, 2400 bu.; four-year average, 117 acres, 2714 bu.; 1933155 acres. TURNER, J. O., Home Place, 1200 acres; 1929402 acres, 8400 bu.; 1930 du acres, sihy du. : 1031402 acres. 6152 bu. ; 1932390 acres. 8129 bu. ; four- year average, aao acres, 783-1 Du. ; 1933 402 acres. TURNER, SAM, John and W. H. Tur ner, 1120 acres; 1930300 acres, 4813 bu.; 1932300 acres, 5262 bu.; two-year average, ,yju acres, ou.il DU. TURNER, SAM, Home Place, 641 acres; 1929350 acres, 7521 bu.; 1931 350 acres, 4473 bu.; two-year average, 350 acres. 5997 bu 1933315 acrej. TURNER, W. H, Home Place, 1317 acres, 1939300 acres, 3790 bu.; 1930 aw acres, oau4 du. ; 1031300 acres, 4315 bu.: 1932300 acres. 6053 bu.- four- year average, 300 acres, 5015 bu. ; 1933 i(V acres. TURNER, W. H., F. W. Turner, 80 acres; 193080 acres, 1440 bu.; 1932 bu acres, i44o du. ; two-year average, 80 acres, 1442 bu. VALENTINE, C. W., Home Place, 628 acres; 1929155 acres, 1850 bu. 1930 135 acres, 2110 bu.; 1931165 acres, 1450 bu.; 1932135 acres, 2150 bu. ; four-year average, 145 acres, 1890 bu.; 1933155 acres.. WIGHTMAN BROS., Home Place, 2114 acres; 1929355 acres, 6300 bu. 1930615 acres, 7511 bu.; 1931355 acres, 3429 bu.; 1932515 acres, 5075 bu. ; four-year average, 435 acres, 6328 bu.; 1933360 acres. WOODWARD, GEO. B Home Place, 1440 acres; 1929-410 acres, 10.058 bu. 1930443 acres, 8727 bu.; 1931416 acres, 5769 bu.; 1932418 acres, 6171 bu.; four-year average, 420 acres, 7681 bu.; 1933385 acres. ALPINE Community Committee: B. B. Bice, Chairman; Wm. J. Doherty, Prank Baling. AGEE, JAMES 0 A. A. Agee. 290 acres; 1929130 acres, 1268 bu.- 1930 130 acres, 1821 bu.; 1931 13(5 acres, 880 bu.; 1932130 acres, 1100 bu.; four year average, 130 acres, 1267 bu. ; 1933 200 acres. AKERS, ALVIN S., Home Place, 160 acres; 1930160 acres, 2100 bu. ; 1932 160 acres, 1250 bu:; two-year average, 160 acres, 1675 bu. BARTHOLOMEW. CHAS. H., Home Place, 1440 acres; 1929500 acres, 6843 bu. ; 1930335 acres, 4020 bu. ; 1931 600 acres, 3361 bu. ; 1932335 acres, 5850 bu.; four-year average, 417 acres, 6018 bu. ; 1933120 acres. BARTHOLOMEW, CHAS. H Mary Bartholomew, 160 acres; 1930 158 acres, 1920 bu.; 1932158 acres, 1866 bu.; two-year average, 158 acres, 1888 bu. BEACH. ELSIE M. Ex.. Karl Pooh '480 acres; 1929146 acres, 1843 bu.; 1930232 acres, 2346 bu.; 1931146 HEPPNER, OREGON, acres. 1776 bu.: 1932232 acres. 3073 bu. ; four-year average, 189 acres, 2259 Du. : J4b acres. BOWKER. MRS. ALBERT, Coppock, 862 acres: 1929570 acres, 9416 bu.; 1931 570 acres. 6367 bu.: two-vear av erage, 570 acres. 7891 bu.; 1933670 acres. BOWKER. MRS. ALBERT. Fed. Land Bank. 640 acres; 1929592 acres. 5920 bu. : 1930294 acres, 772 bu. ; 1932 440 acres. 6128 bu.; three-year average, 331 acres. 3205 bu. BOWKER. KATHEKI.NE B.. Jones. 680 acres; 192990 acres. 675 bu.; 1930 244 acres. 2858 bu.; 193176 acres, 738 bu. : 1932544 acres. 8298 bu. : f our-vear average. 238 acres, 2942 bu. buimjy. m. coppock, ddz acres; 192973 acres. 504 bu.; 1930295 acres. 3605 bu..; 193173 acres, 750 bu.; 1932 295 acres. 4488 bu.: four-year aver age. 184 acres. 2336 bu.; 193373 acres. BUNIJV. jvl. Home riace, 4Su acres: 1929160 acres. 950 bu.; 1930 295 acres, 3138 bu.; 1931160 acres, 1631 bu.- 1932295 acres, 5600 bu.,- four year average, 211 acres, 2829 bu. ; 1933 160 acres. BUSCHKE. HELENA. Wells Springs, 2360 acres; 1931650 acres, 4343 bu.; 19321000 acres. 7897 bu.; four-year average, 412 acres, 3060 bu.; 1933800 acres. CRAIG. W. T Home Place. 360 acres; 1930290 acres, 3630 bu.; 1932 290 acres, 3263 bu. ; two-year average. 290 acres, 3446 bu.; 1933 40 acres. CUNHA. MRS. ORTANCE., Home Place. 1280 acres; 1929640 acres. 6307 bu.; 1930625 acres. 7088 bu.; 1931 640 acres. 5590 bu..; 1932625 acres, 9199 bu.; four-year average, 632 acres, 6796 bu. : 1933 40 acres. DOHERTY. W. T Home Place. 320 acres; 193080 acres, 675 bu.; 1931 140 acres, 1120 bu.; 1932140 acres, 980 bu. ; three-year average, 90 acres, 693 bu.; 1933-460 acres. DOHERTY, W. J., B. P. Doherty, 3320 acres; 1929983 acres, 9908 bu.; 1930 1088 acres, 14,671 bu.; 1931850 acres, 9580 bu.; 1932974 acres, 11,956 bu.; four-year average, 973 acres, 11,528 bu.; 19331230 acres. DOHERTY, W. J.. Catherine Doher tv. 320 acres; 1929310 acres, 787 bu.; 1931 110 acres, 1020 bu.; 1932190 acres. 2981 bu.; three-year average, 152 nrres. 1197 bu. : 1933110 acres. DITTY. ED. L., Home Place, 320 acres; 1929135 acres. 1326 bu.; 1930 135 acres. 1065 bu. : 1931135 acres. 736 bu.; 1932135 acres, 1790 bu.; four year average, 135 aces, 1229 bu..; 1933 13o acres. GORGER. LEO E Home Place, 1907 acres: 1929700 acres, 9335 bu.: 1930 1100 acres, 16.888 bu.; 1931700 acres, 7S77 bu.; 19321100 acres, 16,636 bu.; four-year average, 900 acres, 12,684 bu. ; 1933700 acres. GRAVES, SHELBY E Farmers & Stockgrowers Nat'l Bank. 480 acres; 1929 232 acres, 940 bu. ; 1930232 acres, 5702 bu. ; 1931232 acres. 2355 bu. ; 1932 292 acres, 2952 bu.; four-year aver age. 247 acres, 2987 bu.; 1933135 acres. KLINGER, RUDOLPH, Brumfleld. 160 acres; 1929160 acres, 2663 bu.; 1930 160 acres, 754 bu..; 1931160 acre 1600 bu. ; four-year average, 120 acres, 1254 bu. ; 1933160 acres. KLINGER. RUDOLPH. Fed. Land Bank, 473 acres; 1930200 acres, 5063 bu.; 1931200 acres, 2400 bu.; 1932 160 acres, 1943 bu.; four-year average, 140 acres, 2351 bu.; 1933200 acres. LEE. J. C. FRED, Home Place, 6S3 acres; 1929200 acres, 1700 bu.; 1930 70 acres, 700 bu.; 1931203 acres. 1827 bu. ; four-year average, 118 acres, 1056 bu.; 1933203 acres. LINDSAY, DAN. Home Place. 480 acres; 1929120 acres, 1350 bu.; 1930 345 acres, 3300 bu.; 1932415 acres, 4773 bu. ; four-year average, 220 acres, 2355 bu.; 1933190 acres. LINDSAY, JAMES. Hale, 320 acres; 1929151 acres, 1499 bu.; 1930151 acres, 2442 bu. ; 1931151 acres, 959 bu.; 1932151 acres, 1058 bu.; four-year av erage, 151 acres, 14S9 bu.; 1933151 acres. MARQUARDT, LOUIS. Turner. 200 acres; 1930150 acres. 1900 bu.; 1932 150 acres, 2640 bu. ; two-year average, loO acres, 22 io Du. MAROUARDT. LOUIS. Home Place. 880 acres; 1929330 acres, 5971 bu.; 1930460 acres, 6538 bu.; 1931330 acres, 6460 bu.; 1932460 acres. 7336 bu. ; four-year average, 395 acres, 6326 bu.; 1933330 acres. MARQUARDT LOUIS. Leach. 160 acres; 1929153 acres, 1800 bu.; 1931 153 acres, 2120 bu. ; two-year average, 153 acrese, 1960 bu,; 1933153 acres. MARTIN, MYLES E., Martin. 197 acres; 1930135 acres, 2584 bu.; 1932 135 acres, 2070 bu two-year average, 135 acres. 2327 bu. MARTIN, MYLES E., Home Place, 800 acres; 1929397 acres, 5925 bu.; 1930320 acres, 4923 bu.; 1931397 acres, 6027 bu.; 1932320 acres, 5095 bu. ; four-eyar average, 358 acres, 5492 bu. ; 1933358 acres. MELVILLE. C, Home Place, 800 acres, 1929375 acres, 3055 bu.; 1930 275 acres, 4328 bu. ; 1931375 acres, 3532 bu.; 1932275 acres, 4726 bu.; four year average, 325 acres, 3910 bu. ; 1933 350 seres MELVILLE, CHAS. W 1st Inland Nat'l Bank of Pendleton, 1280 acres; 1929586 acres, 7253 bu.; 1930614 acres, 8992 bu.; 1931586 acres, 6087 bu.; 1932614 acres, 11,062 bu.; four year average, 600 acres, 8098 bu. ; 1933 586 acres. MONTGOMERY, R. W., Wilcox, 410 acres; 1929110 acres. 1551 bu.; 1930 320 acres, 4573 bu. ; 1931110 acres, 1562 bu. ; 1932320 acres, 4076 bu. ; four-year average, 215 acres, 2940 bu.; 1933210 acres. MONTGOMERY. R. W Smith. 160 acres; 1929160 acres, 2394 bu.; 1932 160 acres, 3191 bu. ; two-year average, 160 acres. 2792 bu. NELSON, ALFRED H Home Place, 1134 acres; 1929500 acres, 10,629 bu.; 1930500 acres, 8834 bu..; . 1931500 acres, 10,714 bu.; 1932500 acres, 10.533 bu.; four-year average, 600 acres, 10,177 bu.; 1933409 acres. NELSON, ALFRED H.. McAllster Copenhaver. 1200 acres; 1929360 acres, 2880 bu.; 1930710 acres, 9340 bu.; 1931 360 acres, 3256 bu.; 1932710 acres, 9800 bu. ; four-year average, 635 acres, 6319 bu ; 1933352 acres. OMOHUNDRO, J., McCook, 372 acres; 193060 acres, 630 bu.; 1931230 acres, 1920 bu.; 193260 acres, 285 bu.; four year average, 87 aces, 708 bu. ; 1933 240 acres. OMOHUNDRO, J Armour & Co., 2360 acres; 1929700 acres, 5600 bu.; 1930 640a cres, 10,308 bu.; 19311150 acres. 9456 bu.; 1932840 acres, 10,184 bu. ; four-year average, 832 acres, 887 bu.; 1933880 acres. RAUCH, HENRY, Barlow, 613 acres; 1929 193 acres, 1475 bu.; 1930106 acres, 1470 bu.; 1931193 acres, 1158 bu.; 1932106 acres, 1229 bu.; four year average, 149 aces, 1233 bu.; 1933 193 acres. RAUCH. FRED, Ayers, J. T., 248 acres; 1929105 acres, 1365 bu..; 1930 75 acres. 970 bu.; 1931105 acres, 1300 bu.; 1932180 acres, 900 bu. ; four-year average. 116 acres, 1133 bu. RAUCH, FRED, 1st Nat'l Bank of Pendleton, 160 acres; 1929150 acres, 1700 bu.; 1931150 acres, 1650 bu.; 1932 150 acres, 600 bu.; four-year average, 112 acres, 987 bu. RAUCH. FRED. Home Place. 248 acres; 192965 acres, 960 bu. ; 193080 acres, 1040 bu.; 193165 acres, 910 bu.; 193280 acres, 800 bu.; four-year av erage. 72 acres. 927 bu.; 193365 acres. RAUCH, FRED, Bilyeu, 176 acres; 1930 150 acres, 1312 bu.; 1932150 acres, 1272 bu.; two-year average, 150 acres, 1292 bu. RAUCH, HENRY, Doherty, 160 acres; 1929155 acres, 1962 bu.; 1931 1G5 acres, 1852 bu.; two-year average, 156 acres, 1907 bu.; 1933160 acres. RAUCH. IRENE. Home Place, 344 acres; 1930105 acres. 2909 bu.; 1931 240 acres, 3173 bu. ; 1932105 acres, 1038 bu. ; four-year average, 112 acres, 1780 bu.; 1933147 acres. RAUCH, JULIAN, Heisler, 480 acres; 1929240 acres, 2396 bu.; 193080 acres, 1090 bu.; 1931120 acres, 1100 bu.; 1932 360 acres, 1405 bu.; fnur-year average, 200 acres, 2247 bu.; 193330 acres. RAUCH. JULIAN, McMillan, 160 acres; 1930131 acres, 1276 bu,; 1932 131 acres, 1274 bu.; two-year average, 131 acres, 1275 bu. RICE, R. B Benton County State Bank, 180 acres; 1929140 acres, 640 bu. ; 1931140 acres, 1370 bu.; two-year average, 140 acres, 1005 bu.; 1933140 acres. RICE, R. B Home Place, 1015 acres; 1929350 acres, 4136 bu.; 1930390 acres, 4733 bu.; 1931350 acres, 4607 bu.; 1932390 acres, 6432 bu.; four year average, 370 acres, 4977 bu. ; 1933 350 acres. RJETMAN, WALTER, M. Rietman, 160 acres; 1930-155 acres, 2822 bu.; 1932 165 acres, 2290 bu.; two-year av erage, 155 acres, 2556 bu. THURSDAY, OCT. 12, 1933. RIETMAN. WALTER. O. Rietman. 0 acres; 1929141 acres. 1200 bu.; K4I1 Acres 1930450 acres, 6908 bu.; 1931 in acres, 1315 bu.; 1932450 acres, 8090 bu. ; four-year average, 295 acres, 4378 bu.: 1933144 acres. RIETMAN. WALTER. Lindsay. 160 acres; 1930155 acres, 2151 bu.: 1932 155 acres, 2485 bu.; two-year average, 155 acres. 2318 bu. RIETMAN, WALTER, Home Place. 570 acres; 1929392 acres, 3731 bu.: 193090 acres, 1170 bu.; 1931392 acres, 3644 bu. ; 193290 acres, 800 bu. ; four-year average, 241 acres, 2336 bu. ; 1933 4tW acres. SALING. FRANK. Home Place. 1920 acres; 1929800 acres, 6965 bu.; 1930 774 acres, 10.356 bu.; 1931760 acres, 12,060 bu.; 1932774 acres, 11,109 bu.; four-year average, 777 acres, 10,122 bu. ; 1933680 acres. SCHMIDT, ANNIE E Home Place, 800 acres; 1929290 acres, 2531 bu.; 1930290 acres, 2584 bu.; 1931290 acres, 1914 bu.; 1932290 acres. 4123 bu.; four-year average, 290 acres, 3788 bu. ; 1933290 acres. SMETHURST, WM. J., Clark. 480 acres; 1929235 acres. 2210 bu.; 1930 214 acres. 1875 bu.; 1931235 acres, 810 bu.; 1932214 acres, 2800 bu.; four year average, 224 acres, 1924 bu.,; 1933 235 acres. SMETHURST, WM. J.. Rodgers. 400 acres; 1929201 acres, 1920 bu.; 1930 184 acres, 1601 bu. ; 1931201 acres, 1640 bu.; 1932184 acres, 18S5 bu.; four year average, 192 acres, 1761 bu.; 1933 210 acres. SMITH, ERNEST L Home Place, 640 acres: 1929-408 acres. 2433 bu.; 1930271 acres. 2272 bu.; 1931 287 acres. 3616 bu.: 1932271 acres. 4031 bu..; four-year average, 309 acres, 3088 137 acres, 1882 bu.; 1933742 acres. TROEDSON. VERNER E., Berry 1905 acres: 1929450 acres. 5440 bu. 1930850 acres, 13,962 bu.; 1931620 acres, 3338 bu.; 1932850 acres, 12.448 bu.; four-year average, 692 acres, 8797 bu. : 1933 830 acres. 'WHITE. CLAUD J.. White. 160 acres; 1930160 acres, 1290 bu.; 1932 160 acres, 2000 bu.; two-year average, 160 acres, 1645 bu. WHITE, CLAUD J., Home Place. 1010 acres: 1929349 acres, 4460 bu; 1930628 acres, 6743 bu.; 1931349 acres. 5177 bu.; 1932628 acres, 7089 bu..; four-year average, 488 acres, 6867 du; 1933333 acres. MOBOAN Community Committee: Omar Biet man, Chairman; Henry Gorger, M. J, Fitzpatrick. CRAWFORD. MABEL & W. C. Bar- zee, 1120 acres; 1929535 acres, 1780 bu.: 1930710 acres. 7176 bu..- 1931- 410 acres. 2135 bu.; 1932320 acres, 2639 bu. ; four-year average, 493 acres, 344o du. ; lass 4bu acres. ECKLEBERRY. R. L.. Home Place. 840 acres: 1929171 acres. 2286 bu.: 1930235 acres. 2978 bu.: 1931171 acres, 1261 bu.; 1932235 acres. 3273 bu. ; four-year average, 203 acres, 2449 Du. : isaa lvi acres ELY. ELVIN L.. H. O. Ely. 880 acres ; 1929405 acres, 5311 bu.; 1930225 acres. 4291 bu..; 1931405 acres. 5388 bu. ; 1932225 acres, 2458 bu. ; four-year average. 315 acres. 4ab Du. ' ELY, FRANKLIN D.. Wesley, 840 acres- 1929310 acres. 1232 bu.; 1930 310 acres, 4217 bu. ; 1931310 acres. 2132 bu. ; 1932310 acres, 3777 bu. ; four-year aveage, 310 acres, 2839 bu.; 1933310 acres. ELY. HIRAM O.. Randall. 320 acres: 1930285 acres. 4532 bu.; 1932285 acres, 3972 bu. ; two-year average. 285 acres. 4252 bu. FITZPATRICK, M. J., Home Place, 1489 acres- 1929580 acres. 7344 bu.; 1930795 acres, 13.638 bu.; 1931530 acres. 7262 bu. : 1932795 acres. 11.771 bu. ; four-year average, 675 acres, 10,003 bu - 1933 8Y5 acres. GORGER, HENRY, & McLEAN. EL LIS. McLean, 2080 acres; 1929 S75 acres, 10.651 bu.; 1930 1100 acres, 18.825 bu.: 1931 900 acres, Y2SB du.; 193: 1100 acres, 17.779 bu. ; four-year aver age. 994 acres, 13,635 bu.; 1933875 acres. JOHNSON. BERT, Peterson. 960 acres: 1929371 acres, 3228 bu.: 1930- 373 acres, 5816 bu.; 1931371 acres. 2827 bu..; 1932373 acres, 5878 bu.- four- year average, 372 acres, 4437 bu. ; 1933 371 acres. KITCHING, GEO. T Hathaway. 1015 acres; 1929 400 acres, 5498 Du. ; 1930--420 acres, 5730 bu. ; 1931455 acres, 4025 bu.; 1932 420 acres, 6734 bu. ; four year average, 423 acres, 6498 bu..; 1933 490 flcrss LINDSAY. FRANK H, & FEDERAL LAND BANK. Stender, 654 acres; 1929 94 acres. 1468 bu.; 1930190 acres, 1917 bu.; 1931110 acres, 273 bu.; 1932 165 acres. 1932 bu. ; four-year average. 139 acres. 1397 bu.; 1933165 acres. LINDSAY. FRANK, W. Stender. 320 acres; 192994 acres, 948 bu.; 1930196 acres, 2142 bu.; 193194 acres, 308 bu.; 1932196 acres, 2448 bu.; four-year av eage. 145 acres, 1461 bu. ; 193394 acres. MAHONY, G. M M. W. Mahony, 1118 acres; 1929505 acres, 5127 bu,; 1930505 acres, 5501 bu.; 1931505 acres, 1713 bu.; 1932505 acres, 60S4 bu. ; four-year average, 505 acres, 4606 bu. ; 1933 505 acres. MILLER. SENA, Home Place. 320 acres; 1930317 acres, 3953 bu.; 1932 317 acres, 4739 bu. ; two-year average, 317 acres. 4346 bu. MISNER, DWIGHT, Squire, 1360 acres; 1929800 acres, 8900 bu.; 1930 300 acres. 3600 bu. ; 1931900 acres, 4800 bu.: 1932500 acres. 6240 bu.: four- year average, 625 acres, 5885 bu. ; 1933 buu acres. MISNER, DWIGHT, Richards. 320 acres; 1930300 acres, 3300 bu.; 1932 300 acres, 3424 bu. ; two-year average, 300 acres, 3362 bu. MISNER. DWIGHT, Freiwald. 1340 acres; 1929700 acres. 8210 bu.; 1930 60O acres, 7800 bu. ; 1931700 acres, 7700 bu.: 1932600 acres. 9647 bu..: four- year average, 650 acres, 8339 bu. ; 1933 700 acres. MURRAY. H. S.. Home Place. 1760 acres; 1929800 acres, 11,668 bu.; 1930 820 acres, 12.859 Du.; 1931800 acres, 11.708 bu.; 1932820 acres. 10,018 bu.; four-year average, 810 acres, 11,563 bu. ; 1933820 acres. PALMATEER, A. F. & ECHO. Home Place, 280 acres, 1929175 acres, 1680 bu.; 1931175 acres, 1192 bu. ; two-year average, 175 acres, 1436 bu. ; 1933175 acres. PALMATEER, W. F A. F., & ECHO, Palmateer, 1480 acres; 1929550 acres, 5537 bu. ; 1930490 acres, 9845 bu. ; 1931 550 acres. 5789 bu.; 1932490 acres, 8363 bu. ; four-year average, 520 acres, 7383 bu. ; 1933580 acres. PACKARD, LESLIE, Home Place, 40 acres; 19284 acres, 80 bu. ; 193012 acres, 125 bu. ; four-year average, 4 acres, 51 bu. PALMATEER, WILLIA G., Palma teer, 640 acres; 1929260 acres, 2579 bu.; 1930260 acres, 2668 bu..; 1931 260 acres, 2191b u.; 1932200 acres, 2686 bu.; four-year average, 245 acres, 2531 bu. ; 1933436 acres. PETTYJOHN, N. E Northwestern Bank, 607 acres; 1930220 acres, 2548 bu.; 1932220 acres, 1824 bu.; two-year average, 220 acres, 2186 bu.,; 193375 acres. PETTYJOHN. N. E Graham, 720 acres; 1929234 acres, 2332 bu.; 1930 234 acres, 2972 bu. ; 1931234 acres, 1956 bu..; 1932234 acres, 4980 bu. ; four-year average, 234 acres, 2960 bu.; 1933234 acres. PORTER, ARTHUR E Home Place, 240 acres ; 1.92911 acres. 630 bu. ; 1930 12 acres, 380 bu. ; 19318 acres, 487 bu. ; 1932 12 acres, 560 bu. ; four-year av erage, 10 acres. 614 bu. RIETMAN, EDWARD, Home Place, 1954 acres; 1929-930 acres, 8649 bu.; 1930 825 acres, 11,425 bu.; 1931940 acres, 6277 bu.; 1932850 acres, 10.389 bu.; four-year average, 886 acres, 9186 bu.; 1933940 acres. RIETMAN, OMAR, Otto Rietman. 160 acres ; 1930164 acres, 2556 bu. ; 1932 154 acres. 2542 bu..; two-year average, 154 acres, 2549 bu. RIETMAN. OMAR, Winslow, 1065 acres; 1929619 acres, 2651 bu. ; 1930 395 acres, 6569 bu.; 1931519 acres, 3120 bu. ; 1932395 acres, 5150 bu. ; four-year average, 457 acres, 4372 bu.; 1933519 acres. RIETMAN, VICTOR, Robt, Rietman, 194 acres; 1930194 acres, 2970 bu.; 1932 194 acres, 2760 bu. ; two-year av erage, 194 acres, 2865 bu, RIETMAN, VICTOR, Home Place, 960 acres; 1930248 acres, 3752 bu.; 1931- 400 acres, 3084 bu.; 1932328 acres, 4642 bu. ; four-year average, 2-14 acres, 2X69 bu.; 1933400 acres. RIETMAN, W WERNER, Louy, 320 acres; 1928137 acres. 2840 bu.; 1929 137 acres, 1562 bu.; 1930137 acres, 1912 bu. ; 1931 137 acres, 1172 bu.; 1932 137 acres, 1924 bu. ; five-year average, 137 acres, 1882 bu.; 1933742 acres. RIETMAN, WERNER, Rtttenour, 320 acres: 1929260 acres. 1930 bu 1930 13 acres, 212 bu. ; 1931250 acres, 1472 bu.; 1932-43 acres, 583 1 bu. ; . fJ1g5 average, 14b acres, 1049 Du., RIETMAN, WERNER, Home Place 160 acres; 1930155 acres. . 155 acres. 2534 bu. ; two-year average, 155 acres, 2515 bu. SKOUBO. INGVARD, Home riace. 20 acres; 193020 acres, 800 du.., iou. year average. ar-es, am i. SMOUSE, HENRY V Tooze, I860 acres; 1929875 acres, 15.695 bu.; 1930--875 acres, 10.801 bu.: 1931-6 14.023 bu.; 1932 875 acres. 17.057 bu, tour-year average, 875 acres, 14.394 du., 1933-810 acres. r m . TROEDSON. UAKli. w., 188 acres: 1930188 acres, 1932188 acres, 3303 du.; iw-j age, 188 acres, 2802 du.. mitrLPnonM TAU1U Robertson. 400 acres: 1930330 acres, 4855 bu.; 1932 330 acres, 4440 bu.; two-year average, 330 acres, 4647 bu. TROEDSON, J OH AW, tiomc r 960 acres; 1929520 acres, iom o"-. 1931700 acres, 3 us du.; acres, 4700 bu.; four-year average, oou acres, 3233 bu. , . TROEDSON, JOHAN, Carl F. Troed son, 640 acres ; 1929160 acres, 1830 bu. ; 1930300 acres. 36ou du.; xvoi i acres. 1030 bu.; 1932460 acres, 6616 bu.; four-year average, 270 acres, 3021 bu. TROEDSON, J. A., lioage, iou acieo. 1930152 acres, 1880 bu.; 1932102 acres, 1708 bu.; two-year average, 162 acres, 1794 bu. TROEDSON, J. A. & nu nc Place, 480 acres; 1929287 acres 3603 bu.; 193037 acres. 482 bu.; 1931287 acres, 2628 bu. ; 193250 acres, 870 bu. ; four-year average, 165 acres, 1895 bu.; 1933357 acres. tttwitt ART Peters. 1000 acres: 1929560 acres, 8260 bu.; 1930 400 acres, 9425 bu.; 1931660 acres, 5717 bu.; 1932 400 acres.9454 bu.; four-year average, 480 acres, 8214 bu.; 1933560 seres.. TTiRwu-.Tj art Hudson. 320 acres: 1930305 acres, 5200 bu.; 1932305 acres. 2250 bu. ; two-year average, 30o acres, 3725 bu. wasmf.r RUDOLPH. Home Place, 40 acres: 19299 acres, 380 bu.; 19309 acres. 360 bu. ; 19316 acres, 20U du.; 19326 acres. 25 bu, four-year aver age, 7 acres, 310 bu.; 19334 acres. LEXINGTON Community Committee: Geo. N. Feck, Chairman; L. A. Palmer, Chas. Mar- quardt. BARNETT. W. F DONA E., MARY E Home Place, 1743 acres; 1929667 acres, 7152 bu. ; 1930579 acres, 9342 bu.; 1931834 acres, 15.178 bu.; 1932 880 acres, 12,625 bu.; four-year average, 737 acres. 11,074 bu.: 1933630 acres. BAUMAN. H. O. Bauman. 988 acres; 1929360 acres, 7472 bu.; 1930375 acres, 7366 bu.; 1931360 acres. 5942 bu.; 1932375 acres, 6416 bu.; four year average, 367 acres, 6799 bu.; 1933 360 acres. BEACH, ELSIE M, Beach Est, 160 acres; 1929143 acres, 1920 bu. ; 1931 143 acres, 1038 bu. ; two-year average, 143 acres. 14Y9 Du. ; i33 143 acres. BEACH, FLORENCE E Home Place, 160 acres : 192980 acres. 660 bu. : 1930- 80 acres. 1052 bu.: 193180 acres, 1044 bu.; 1932158 acres, 1808 bu.; four year average. 99 acres. 1141 bu. BENGE, R. L., Home Place. 2306 acres; 19291120 acres, 13,470 bu.; 1930 600 acres. 10.700 bu. ; 19311100 acres, 9500 bu. ; 1932600 acres. 6350 bu.: four year average, 855 acres, 10,005 bu.; 1933 wis acres. BIDDLE, NINA & H. J.. Home Place, 1280 acres: 1929250 acres, 3401 bu. : 1930300 acres, 4302 bu.; 1931250 acres, 2562 bu.; 1932-300 acres, 6325 bu.; four-year average, 275 acres, 4147 bu.; 1933176 acres. BIDDLE. H. J.. World War State Aid Commission. 200 acres; 1930100 acres, 1259 bu.; 1932100 acres, 1700 du. ; two-year average, 100 acres, 1479 bu. BURCHELL. ED., Burchell, 800 acres: 1929424 acres. 7359 bu.: 1930 307 acres, 5701 bu.; 1931424 acres. 4108 bu. ; 1932 30 acres, ob3 bu. ; rour-year average, 365 acres, 6710 bu.; 1933 424 acres. CAMPBELL, R. A W. T. Campbell, 800 acrese; 1929291 acres, 6423 bu. ; 1930291 acres, 5035 bu.: 1931291 acres, 3745 bu.; 1932291 acres. 4532 bu.; four-year average, 291 acres, 4683 uu, ; iyo.i 200 acres. (Continued on Page Three) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have filed their final account as executrixes 01 the estate of Olive J, Campbell, deceased, and that the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, has appointed Mondav. the 6th day of November, 1933, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day as the time and the County Court room in the court house at Heppr er, Oregon, as the place, of hear ing and settlement of said final ac count. Objections to said final account must be tiled on or before said date. LEALA ANDERSON, LULA McCARTY, Executrixes. NOTICE OF SHEBIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that bv vir. tue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, dated October Fourth. 1933, in that certain suit where in The Federal Land Bank of Spokane. a corporation, as plaintiff, recovered a judgment against the defendants, Ar thur A. Finley and Daisy E. Finlev husband and wife, and against each of tnem tor tne sum 01 une nunared thirty-three and 25-100 Dollars with Inter est at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from December 6. 1931; One hundred thirty-three and 25-100 Dollars with In terest at the rate of 8 per cent per an num from June 6. 1932; One hundred thirty-three and 25-100 Dollars with in terest at 8 per cent per annum from December 6, 1H32: une hundred thirty- three and 25-100 Dollars with Interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from June 6. 1933; Three thousand and Three and 28-100 Dollars with Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from June 6. 1933; One hundred fifty four and 49-100 Dollars with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from October 17. 1932: Thirty-seven and 50-100 Dollars and the further sum of Seventy and 25-100 Do ars. P a nt hT costs and disbursements and Two hun dred fifty and no-100 Dollars attorney' fee and a decree of foreclosure against the defendants. Arthur A. Finley and uaisy 1- lniey, nusoana ana wile Ellle J. Gilliam, a widow; Lenn L. Gil liam, single: E. E. Gilliam and Mary Gilliam, husband and wife; C. C, Gil liam and Hazel Gilliam, husband and wife: Ona Gilliam, a SDinster: Hazel Vaughan and Charles Vaughan. wife and husband; Lenn L. Gilliam and E. E. Gilliam as Executors of the Estalo of Frank Gilliam, deceased: L. B. Bis- tee and Jane Doe Bisbee. husband and wife; J. L. Gault, as receiver of First National Bank of Heppner; First Na tlonnl Bank of Heppner. a corporation Albert Bowker and Katherlne Bowker, husband and wife: Also all other per sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, Hen or interest in the real property described in the com plaint; and lone National Farm Loan Association, a corporation, I will on the Fourth day of November, 1933, at the hour of Ten o'clock A. M. of said day at the front door of the county court house in Heppner. Morrow Coun ty, State of Oregon, offer for sale and sen to tne Highest Didder lor cash in hand all the following described real property, situated in Morrow County, ouue 01 Oregon, 10-wii: All of Section Twenty-seven (27) in Township Two (2) North Range Twenty-six (26) E. W. M. Con taining Six hundred forty (640) acres or so much of said real property as may be necessary to satisfy the -plaintiff's judgment, costs and attorney's fee and accruing costs of sale. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, State of Oregon. Date of First Publication October 5th, 1933. NOTICE OF SHEBIFF'S BALE. On the 30th day of September, 1933, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock, A. M at the front door of the Court House at Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, I will sell at auction to the highest bid der for cash the following described real property in Morrow County, Ore gon, to-wlt: Southeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter and the Southeast Quar ter of Section Twelve; Northeast Quarter of Section Thirteen in Township Two South Range Twen-tV-nine. East of the Willamette Meridian. In Morrow County, Ore gon. , . 1 1. n, ,) a under execution is sued out of the Circuit Court of the sVafe of Oregon, for the County of Urn- . " . i.ant in th rasft of Pa. Sc Coast Joint Stock Land Bank of Portlana, a torimmiw son and Laura Nelson, husband and ,V- T.i 1 t Vc ann atiH Jennie Nel son, husband and wife The First In land National nana 01 rtiiiutuiu, corporation. vaiimam Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. August 31, 1333. September 28 1933. NOTICE OP SHEBEFF'S SALE. nn th Twentv-flrst dav of October, 1933 at the hour of Ten o'clock A. M. at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, Morrow County, Oregon, I will sell at auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property located in Mor row County, Oregon, fo-wit: The South half of the Southeast quarter of Section 20; and the North half of the Northeast quar ter of Section 29; The southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter, the Northwest quarter of the South- -east quarter and the North half of the Southwest quarter of Section 29; Lots 1, 2 and 3 and the North east quarter of the Southwest quar ter of Section 31 all in Township 1 South Range 26 East of the Wil lamette Meridian. Also all water rights owned or claimed by the grantors or either of them appurtenant to said lands. Said sale is made under execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the Countw of Mor row to me directed in me case 01 State Land Board, a public cor poration. Plaintiff, vs. Arthur W. Gammell and Ida M. Gammell, his wife; County of Morrow, First National Bank of Heppner, Oregon, a corporation, J. L. Gault, receiver of First Na tional Bank of Heppner, a cor poration, Defendants, C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County. Oregon. ftEaEsteatBiwtaKSMessja Professional Cards PHELPS FUNERAL HOME Phone 1332 HEPPNER, OREGON J. 0. TURNER Attorney at Law Phone 173 Humphreys Building HEPPNER, ORE. A. B. GRAY, M. D. PHYSICIAN tt STTBGEON Phone 323 Heppner Hotel Building Byes Tested and Olaiiei Fitted. WM. BROOKIIOUSER PAINTING. PAPEBHANOIHG IHTEBIOB XfECOBATINO Leave orders at Peoples Hardware Company DR. J. H. McCRADY DENTIST X-Bay Slagnoela Gil man Building Heppner, Oregon Frank A. McMenamin LAWYER 90S Guardian Building Residence, GArfteld 1948 Business Phone Atwater 1348 PORTLANB. OREGON A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SVBOEON Trained Bun Assistant Office In Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY ATTORNEY AT LAW First National Bank Building Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Offlee in L O. O. P. Building Heppner, Oregon AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Uroperty Sales A Specialty. Q. 1m. BENNETT "Th Man Who Talks to Beat . the Band" 6229 72nd Ave., S. H Portland, Ore. Phone Sunset 8461 J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches - Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. FIXB, A TITO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Companies. Real Estate. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTONEY-AT-LAW Robert Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon