Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 05, 1933, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(Continued from Tint Pag)
tended was followed by an Inter
esting program at 8 o'clock. Offi
cers of the grange were seated in
form followed by the ceremonies
of opening the bible and presenta
tion of the flag. Roll call was an
swered by officers with answers to
the question. Why join the grange?
Several charter members were pre
sented and seated in a position of
prominence. An address of wel
come by the master was followed
by the reading of greetings from the
national master. There was a vo
cal solo by Mr. Spaulding. a drill
by the Cecil school, a talk oa fire
prevention and fire insurance by
H. E. Cool, a vocal trio ty Mrs.
Vernice Crawford, Mrs. Peter Timm
and Mrs. Dean Engleman. A talk
on the new Morrow county Indus-
try, the growing of sorghum and
making sorghum 'lasses by Ernest
Heliker, a piano duet by Marion
and Mansel Krebs, a reading by
Shirley Hurst, a talk on state li
brary and child welfare by Mrs.
Harriet Brown, singing of well
known songs by the audience, a
pantomime, a talk by County Agent
Smith on the latest developments
in the wheat allotment plan, a talk
by Oscar Lundell on the principles
of the grange, a reading by Mrs.
Oscar Lundell and a good night
song by Harriet Heliker. After the
program the children were en
gaged in a feather blowing contest
The award for the winning side was
a box of candy which they gener
ously distributed among contestants
and spectators alike. The floor was
then cleared for dancing. An ex
hibit of needlework and home can
ning was on display during the eve
ning and a large blackboard was
hung on the wall where all farmers
were invited to write a notice of
any farm produce they had for
sale or exchange.
Willows grange announces a so
cial dance at their hall on Satur
day evening, October 14.
Mrs. Bernlce Christopherson of
Hermiston, district president of the
6th district of the Oregon state de
partment of the American Legion
Auxiliary, will install the officers of
the local unit at their room in the
Legion hall Wednesday evening.
October 11. Several members of
the Hermiston unit are expected
to be present. A short program is
being prepared and the members
of the Legion have been asked to
join the auxiliary members during
a social hour following the meet
ing. All members are urged to be
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson are
having their house remodeled and
repainted. A concrete foundation
has been put under it, worn sills
replaced and new floors laid. The
work is being done by a brother-in-law
of Mrs. Garland Swanson.
Work has been completed on the
repairs made necessary on the
home of Mrs. Lana Padberg as a
result of the fire last spring. The
entire house has been re-papered
and all woodwork painted. New
electrical wiring and fixtures have
been installed and considerable re
pairs made on the building, includ
ing a new roof. Carpenter work
was done by Clark Davis of Lex
ington, wiring by W. H. Mahrt of
Heppner and painting and paper
hanging by the Thornburgs of Lex
ington. O. E. S. Social club met Tuesday
in the dining room of Masonic hall
to work on their quilt Mrs. Fred
Mankin served as hostess.
(Continued from First Page)
chell home many times in the past
and had many acquaintances here.
Among those from here who at
tended the Pendleton Round-Up
Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Munkers, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shaw
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs.
James Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Tucker and family, Mrs. Adella Du
ran and son Moses, Mr. and Mrs.
George Peck and two sons, Harry
Dinges and son Danny, Mrs. Ed
Burchell and daughters Grace and
Doris, Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Tucker,
Edith Tucker, Johnnie Miller, Fred
Nelson, Lawrence and Harold
Beach, George Scott Wood row
Tucker, Paul Nichols, S. G. McMil
lan, Elmer Hunt and T. L. Barnett
Harry Hechtner was a guest at
the S. G. McMillan home last week.
Mrs. Sarah Thornburg is enjoy
ing a visit from her son and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thornburg of
Spokane, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Smouse and
daughter Shirley motored to Moro
Wednesday to visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Orlow Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth
returned Monday evening from a
trip through Oregon, California and
Nevada, They stopped at Crater
Lake and the Oregon Caves and,
while in California, visited Yosem
ite National park.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schweitzer,
who have been occupying the
Strodtman house during the sum
mer, have returned to Portland.
Mrs. Bertha Dinges returned to
her home here Monday after spend
ing a week with relatives in Port
land. Miss Helen Hall of The Dalles
was a week-end guest of Mrs. El
sie M. Beach. On Saturday Miss
Hall attended the Round-Up in
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Orwick of
Condon were Lexington visitors
T. W. Cutsforth left for Salem the
first of the week to visit with his
daughter, Mrs. Maude Pointer.
Mrs. Etta C. Hunt of Portland
who has been visiting relatives here
returned to her home Friday.
Guests at the Ed Burchell home
Sunday were Vance- Burchell, Mr.
New and P. Peterson of Dayton,
Lexington School Notes
The science department is now
installed in its new room on the
first floor and reerular laboratory
work has been given all week.
Laurel Beach, after a week's ab
sence, returned to conduct his
classes Tuesday. Organization of
a glee club will begin immediately.
ine senior class met Monday to
consider plans for the class play
and other details of graduation.
All the teachers spent an enjoy
able day at the institute Friday.
The following Lexington teachers
will serve on the committee which
is to formulate plans for the next
institute: Mrs. LaVelle White and
Supt James H. Williams. Mrs.
Turner was appointed to serve on
the declamatory committee and
jniss Alabaman on tne spelling con
test committee. Mr. Gillis will ren-
resent the Morrow countv teachers
when the O. S. T. A. meets in Port
land during the holidays. Mr.
Beach will be on the committee
which arranges the next grade
school athletic meet.
The P. T. A. held its annual re
ception for the teachers of Lexing
ton on Wednesday evening in the
Hunt, Jack McMillan, Vivian White,
Alfred Van Winkle, Garland Thom
son, Vester Thornburg, Claud Wil
cox. The glee clubs elected the
following officers: Faye Luttrell,
manager for the girls and Erma
Lane, librarian; Jack McMillan,
manager for the boys, and Gar
land Thomson, librarian.
Friday was physical examination
day for the grades. All the pupils
were weighed, measured and test
ed. Teeth defects were most nu
merous. Parents should consult
Supt Williams in case of doubt
concerning the reports which were
sent home. Teeth and eye defects
should be corrected now as they
mean so much to the health and
happiness of the children later on.
Friday evening the annual fresh
man initiation party was held in
the gym. Alma Van Winkle and
Doris Burchell were responsible for
some refreshments which were dif
ferent The sophomores showed
their good sportsmanship by not
repeating the strenuous initiation
which they themselves had to un
dergo last year. The freshmen In
their assembly Monday recorded a
vote of thanks for the evening's
entertainment and promise to have
an Interesting program for their
return party next Friday evening,
Bernice Martin, president of the
freshman class, says the party will
present some very unusual features
Lexington plays a scrimmage
with Heppner Friday. Coach
Beach expects his men to benefit
by this practice game. On Wed
nesday the freshmen play Mr. Gil
lis' 7th and 8th grade team.
Word has been received that Amy
Strodtman, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. S. S. Strodtman, formerly of
this city, has been pledged to Theta
Sigma Upsilon, national social sor
ority, at Kansas State Teachers col
lege at Emporia. Miss Strodtman
Is a freshman at Emporia where
she is working on a preparatory
course in law.
The P. T. A. executive committee
met Monday evening at the home
of the president, Mrs. R. B. Wilcox,
and made plans for the meetings
during the year.
Miss Ruth Dunford of Portland
is the guest of Mrs. A. H. Nelson.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth
and Mrs. Beulah Nichols motored
to Pendleton Wednesday.
(Too late for last week)
Mrs. Ed Burchell received the
gad new Monday morning of the
death of her father, B. Y. Reaney,
at his home at Wenatchee, Wash.!
Mr. Reaney had visited at the Bur-
Further Opportunity for
Army Enlistment Given
Young men interested in gain
ing a knowledge of motor mechan
ics, both aviation and heavy duty
tractor engines, will be pleased with
Major Paul Hathaway's announce
ment that the U. S. Army Recruit
ing station, located at 323 New Post
Office building, Portland, is taking
applications for enlistment in
branches of the army where such
training may be had. A very lim
ited number of vacancies are avail
able in the air corps, and a simi
larly limited number of vacancies
exist in a motorized field artillery
unit at Fort Lewis, Wash.
Major Hathaway also stated that
enlistments could be made for Let
terman General hospital, San
Francisco, where training in clin
ical laboratory work, X-ray, sur
gery, aenustry and other technical
work may be had.
In addition to these vacancies
mentioned, enlistments may still be
maae in coast artillery corps, in
fantry and in horse drawn field nr
tillery. An enlistment in any of
uiese orancnes oi service may easi
ly become the means of learning a
trade that will be of lasting value
upon return 10 civil Me.
The Flying Eagle patrol headed
by La Verne Van Marter has gain
ed an excellent lead in the intra
patrol contest with 99
Flaming Arrows are second with
to points, Dut are closely followed
by the Lions with 23 points. The
contest has some time yet to run,
therefore the story may be different
soon. Among the activities which
the Flyine Eaeles nut nn in train
their lead was an Interesting snap
shot hike last Saturday. On Tues
day evenine Jackson Gilli
of Lions met at the home of Larry
jnoore w aevise plans for bringing
the Flying Eagles down from their
perch at the top of troop honors.
The weekly troop meeting was
held last evening at the gym. An
interesting Droeram w nut nr,
with the help of Lieut. Vawter Par-
Ker who gave the scouts some mil
itary drill. After this the scouts
enjoyed a srame nf "Steal th t?a.
con." The meeting was concluded
with the- Scout Oath and the blow
ing of Taps. Dean Goodman, tronn
At Heppner
JOEL R. BENTON, Minister.
Bible School 9:45 a. m.
Morning services 11 a m.
C. E. Society 6:30 p. m.
Evenine services 7:30 d. m.
Choir rehearsal, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
Midweek service, Thursday, 7:30 p. ra.
Morning services: Sunday school
9:45. Public worship 11. Anthem,
"The Lord is My Shepherd," Schu
ler. Sermon, "The Likeness of the
Evening services: Epworth Leo
gue 6:30. Evangelistic service 7:30.
Sermon, "The Surprises in God's
Choir practice Wednesday eve
ning 7:45.
Prayer meeting Thursday eve
ning 7:30.
Come and rejoice in the Lord
with us.
Last Chance Given to
Get Wheat Plan Money
With the deadline for signing ap
plications for wheat allotments set
forward about two weeks in many
Oregon counties, particularly west
of the mountains, those in charge
of the campaign in this state are
making a final effort to see that ev
ery wheat grower is acquainted with
the benefits that await him under
the provisions of the act, and that
he knows this is the last chance to
get an allotment for the coming two
"Indications are that many far
mers are just now realizing the fact
that this plan affords immediate
cash benefits to the individual and
that its advantages to the average
wheat grower do not depend entire
ly on future betterment of the
wheat market," says Paul V. Maris,
director of the Oregon State col
lege extension service, which is di
recting the educational and organi
zation campaign. "As .fast as this
is understood, farmers have hur
ried to get in their applications.
Extension from the first deadline
of September 25 was granted at
the request of many county organi
zations to accommodate these late
Estimates made at the end of the
first closing date were that Oregon
will ultimately turn in 6000 appli
cations covering some 800,000 seed
ed acres of wheat, Maris has re
ported to Washington. Eastern
Oregon has given quick and hearty
support to the plan, running 90 per
cent or better. Western Oregon,
with its many small acreages, has
been slower and it is doubtful if
the final signup will exceed 50 per
cent of the acreage, though nearly
an tne larger growers have ap
plied for allotments.
Secretary of Agriculture Wallace
has directetd a final warning to
growers in states that have been
slow to sign up that there is ab
solutely no prospect of bettering
tne wneat situation without pro
duction control as provided in the
allotment plan. Incomplete reports
near the end of September showed
380,472 farmers had signed appli
cations agreeing to take more than
iVi million acres out of production
in return for the cash benefit pay
ments, Wallace reported. The or
iginal goal was the retirement of
about 9 million acres from wheat
Those who sign will get the mar
ket price for three crops plus cash
Denent payments, it is emphasized
Those who stay out will get only
tne maritet price.
Latest Cleaning Methods Worked
Out by O. S. C. Chemists Now
Used Throughout the State. '
Oregon apples and pears will go
to world markets this year cleaned
better than ever before and fully
meeting the new federal require
ments of an extremely low toler
ance for lead as well as other spray
residues, says R. H. Robinson, ag
ricultural chemist In the Oregon
State college experiment station.
As soon as it was learned early
this year that the new regulations
would be in effect this season, Rob
inson and other station scientists
set to work in cooperation with
growers, shipping . interests and
cleaning machinery manufacturers
to see what extra precautions, If
any, would need to be taken by
Oregon growers this year to make
sure that fruit from this state
would receive the federal O. K.
The result is the perfecting of
washing procedure which is already
in effect in the principal fruit sec
tions and which has been recorded
in permanent form in a new bulle
tin entitled, "The Removal of Lead
and Arsenic Spray Residues from
Apples and Pears," by Robinson
ana nis assistant, M. u. Hatch.
"Under moat Orppnn rtnimmB
we find that the usual hydrochloric
acia wasn as developed by the Ore
gon station some years ago is ade
auate to remove both kinds f
idue when the fruit is washed
promptly and with slightly heated
solution when necessary," says
Robinson. "Pear growers have ex
perienced little or no difficulty this
"Complications in cleaning arise
mostly through the use of oil
sprays late In the season and thru
accumulations of wax on the fruit
because of its being allowed to re
main long on the tree or to stand
long after picking before washing.
For that reason growers were ad
vised not to apply oil sprays after
July 7. Tests this year will show
the latest date possible for use of
oil sprays."
A double washing process using
both acid and alkali and employing
tandom machines was worked out
this summer by the chemists and
enough equipment has been install
ed in the principal centers to han
dle any of the fruit that nmvn.
unusually difficult to clean. The
new Duiieun, wnich is free to Ore
gon residents, gives detailed results
of the experiments conducted this
Students in the school of encin
eering at O. S. C. have maintained
tneir past record by once more
winning one of the two anniml
awards for the best research paper
in electrical engineering prepared
by any senior student in the United
Kenneth Eldrede-e of Portland
now. a graauate student at Corval
lis, has just been notified that his
paner on "A New Waltmotor fnr
Communication Circuits" has been
given the second or honorable men
tion award. In the seven veara the
awards have been made Oregon
State students have won two first
places and six seconds, exceeding
tne recora oi any other college.
For $2 per year accident policies
see A. y. Thomson.
Guess Who?
Mrs. Everett Haves and child rpn.
Leland and Mildred, arrived from
their home .t Joseph Tuesday night
for a visit with Mrs. Hayes' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford.
Fourteen million farmers
the basic commodities covered by
the new law.
Back from a morning canter and
In riding attire, she stops to test
her wicket-skill at croquete . . .
none other than Helen- Jacobs, the
queen of the tennis courts. The na
tional U. S. Tennis Champion
vacationed in Maine following the
finalf against Helen Wills Moody.
In accordance with the proclama
tion issued by the President of the
United States, I Invite the people of
this state to observe Fire Preven
tion Week from October 8th to 14th.
I hope they will make this an oc
casion of special significance and
will absorb during this week a con
sciousness of the dangers from
Are which will remain with them
and be effective throughout the en
tire year.
Meier, Governor of the State of
Oregon, by authority In me vested
do designate and proclam the per
iod from October 8th to 14th as
Fire Prevention Week.
In support of this observance, I
urge that local officials and organi
zations in every community prompt
ly unite upon specific programs of
cooperation, in order to discover
and correct existent fire hazards,
promote measures of public and
Trade and Employment
(Printed without charge. Dis
continued on notice.)
To Trade Young turkeys for
wood. Mrs. Chris Brown, city.
Pigs to trade for what have you.
Arnold Pieper, Lexington.
Geese to trade for fresh young
milk cow. Lana A. Padberg, lone.
To Trade Wood and pigs for
wheat. W. H. French, Hardman
To trade Cows and hay track
and carrier for Van Brunt grain
drills. Leo Gorger, Lexington.
One 3-bottom, 14-in. gang to
trade for rye or wheat. W. P. Hill,
Box 526, Heppner.
To Trade 5 head good mules for
good horses; aslo saddle mare for
work horse. Troy Bogard, Hepp
ner, fone 6F12.
To Trade -Horse for wheat or
wood. Wm. Kummerland, Lexington.
Will trade for boy's saddle pony.
A. F. Majeske, Lexington.
For trade Dairy cattle for sheep,
wneat or barley. Roy Neill, Echo.
Two fresh heifers with calves to
trade for hogs or sheep. John G,
Parker, fone 17F3.
To trade Fresh milk cow. Max
Sehulz, Heppner.
For Sale 300 ewes from 2 to 5
yrs. W. H. French, Hardman. 26tf
Isn't the BEST always the
SUREST value?
New York Life Insurance
Office in Mahrt's Electric Shop
Fresh and Cured
Butterfat, Turkey, Chickens
bought for SWIFT & CO.
Phone us for market prices
at all times.
Phone 32 IONE, ORE.
To trade Pint and auart bottles:
also three 100-gal, barrels. Max
Schultz, Heppner.
PYPnciTiriM Tf
n rfl
11 r
October 21 to 28
19 Shows In One 11 acr.i under on
roof. Exhibit of pure-bred Uvutock,
Dogs, Poultry, Pt Stock, Wild life, lond
Products, Manufactured Products, 4-H
Clubond Smith-HughesVocational Edu
cation Work; Combination Horn Show
and Indoor Rodeo.
Simmons Bedding
See Display at
Case Furniture Co.
Simmons' Always in Stock
private fire protection, extend In
struction in fire prevention among
adults as well as school children
and arouse the people generally to
the need for habits of greater care
fulness. If this be undertaken without de
lay and earnestly carried on
throughout the year, the result can
not fail to be a large contribution
to public welfare.
In testimony whereof, I have
hereunto set my hand and caused
the seal of the State of Oregon to
be hereto affixed on this, the 22nd
day of September, A. D. 1933.
JULIUS L. MEIER, Governor.
By the Governor:
(Seal) Secretary of State.
For well, windmill or plumbing
work see Guy Shaw, Lexington. 30p
School district No. 53, Morrow
County, will pay outstanding war.
rants numbered 36 to 59 inclusive
on presentation at the office of the
county treasurer. Interest ceases
after Oct 12, 1933.
District Clerk.
Over 50,000 people employed in
the pro'ductlon and Belling of
Founded 65 years ago 1868-1933.
9,000 Dealers 36 factories and
branches. , ,
Evey Watkins Dealer an indepen
dent merchant in business for him
self.. A few territories still open.
If interested see
3. C. HARDING, Watkins Dealer
R. & W. COFFEE, Mb. Pkg 29c
R. & W. CATSUP, Bottle 16c
R. & W. GELATINE DESSERT, 3 for 19c
SPERRY'S OATS with China, 2 for .... 49c
TOILET TISSUE, 6 Rolls 25c
Washo Soap Powder, none better, pkg. 30c
Swift's SOAP POWDER 2 Pkgs 31c
R. & W. BAKING PWDR., try it, lb. can 19c
B. & W. COCOA, 2-lb. can 27c
A Good Local Graded Pea, 2 cans 25c
And the "Quality is always higher than the
price" here.
W- O. Dix Grocery
W. 0. DIX, Proprietor
Headquarters for
Canned Foods
Check Up on
Your Printing
Needs NOW!
Paper Prices
Going Up!
Orders filled from
present stocks giv
en advantage of re
cent low prices
Heppner Gazette Times