HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 5, 1933. PAGE THREE Announcement has been received i of the marriage of Miss Alva Janet McUUnee, aaugmer 01 nr. nuu mm. George McDuffee of this city, to Dorr Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason of lone, at Portland last Thursday. Both are popular young people of this county to whom go the well wishes of a host of friends. Mrs. Lillie Aiken was hostess to the O. E. S. Cheer club at her home Saturday afternoon. A social time with delicious refreshments was enjoyed by the guests, including Mrs. J. A. Patterson, Mrs. Chas. B. Cox, Mrs. Frank S. Parker, Mrs. Henry C. Howell, Mrs. Ada Cason, and Mrs. Ambrose Chapin, Sr., of Coquille. Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford and Jasper returned from Portland Monday afternoon. While in the city over the week end the Gazette Times editor went through a clinic and his condition was pronounced quite serious. It was advised an operation would probably be neces sary. Truman Babb was brought to the Morrow General hospital this week, suffering from Intestinal and heart trouble. He was taken very ill while at work at the Gorger farm near lone. Mrs. Babb and broth er, Ray Luper, came up from Port land to be with him. Rev. T. D. Yarnes, district su perintendent of Methodist churche3, was In Heppner Monday evening to preside at the quarterly conference of the church. An outline of the church program for the year was augmented by a dinner served by ladies of the church. A wedding of interest to Morrow county friends was that of Cole Madsen, co-partner in the operation of the Wallowa Coaches, formerly of Hoppner, and Miss Margaret Trimble of Enterprise. The cere mony took place at Dayton, Wash., recently. J. H. Huddleston came over from Lonerock Tuesday, delivering a band of wether lambs at the local yards. For many years "J. B." was local station agent for the O.-W. R. & N., which position he resigned to become a large sheep operator. Mrs. L. W. Briggs, Mrs. Joseph Pope, Miss Opal Briggs, Miss Lu cille Moyer and Mrs. Alice Adkins composed a party that attended a meeting of the Methodist Foreign Missionary society at Yakima yes terday. Leaving for the tall timber yes terday morning was a hunting par ty composed of C. J. D. Bauman, sheriff, John Wightman and Law rence Beach. . They were well equipped to give the deer a tall chase. , Natt Kimball, formerly in the garage business at Pendleton, has arrived in Heppner and will make his headquarters here while en gaged as an examiner for the Fed eral Land bank of Spokane. Report has been received here of the marriage of Miss Hazel Kirk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erb Kirk, formerly of Heppner, to Frank Gates of Eugene. The young cou ple will reside at Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Vernor Sackett de parted for their home at Salem Tuesday morning, after spending two weeks visiting at the home of Mrs. Sackett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Notson. . J. L. Carter, administrator of the estate of the late Jos. Rector, de parted yesterday for his home at Hood River after spending a week here on business. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Gordon mo tored to John Day the end of the week and enjoyed part of the Grant county fair. Mrs. Elmer Griffith, chairman of the non-high school board for Mor row county, was a visitor here yes terday, coming up from her home at Morgan. Ranch to lease 3000-acre Scher zinger sheep ranch on Rhea creek. See Mrs. Henry Scherzinger, Hepp ner. Paul M. Gemmell has been given an assignment as appraiser for the Federal Land bank of Spokane, Alma Hake has gone to Portland where she expected to enter a beauty school. Mrs. Ada Cannon of Hardman was a business visitor In the city yesterday. BOARDMAN By RACHEL J. BARLOW Mr. and Mrs. Albin Sundsten and children spent the week end with relatives at Cascade Looks. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barlow and Uhloe, Mrs. J. F. Gorham and Mrs, H. E. Walte were visitors In Pen dleton Saturday. Miss Mabel Brown and friend, Miss Rodgers of Alderdale, were guests during the week end at the Ray Brown home. The Home Economics club met last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ray Brown. A large number of ladles were present and enjoyed the meeting and the pot luck dinner. Plans are being made for the play which the club will give soon. Mrs. Edwin Ingles and Mrs. Earl Cramer are in charge of it, the name of which is "Windy Willy." Ves Atteberry, who has been very 111 for several weeks, was taken to the Walla Walla hospital last week. Mr. Gregg and Chet Atte berry and Mrs. Attoberry accom panied him and Mrs. Attoberry re. mained there with her husband A large crowd attended the high school dance given in te gym last Saturday evening. Fine music was furnished bv the Ttvth Those playing in the orchestra are Miss Medler, Miss Marshall, Har vey Adams and Marvin Ransler. The high school girls sold candy and the Home Economics club served lunch. Dorothy Rose spent last week end With friends in Boardman. H. T. Moreland of the State Game commission was a business visitor in town last week. The social given by the Ladies Aid society in the church last Fri day evening was well attended. An Interesting program was given af ter which lunch was served. Miss Dorothy Compton is visiting at the Jack Rainville home at Ca yuse. Mrs. A. B. Chaffee left last week for Eugene where she will visit for a time with her daughters, Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. John, and her son, Nat Chaffee. Mr. and Mrs. Al Macomber and children of Heppner were Board man visitors over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bechdolt and Frances Skoubo motored to Hard man Saturday where they spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Morgan and sons and Mrs. H. H. Weston mo tored to Echo Sunday where they spent the day at the Neil Blakely home. Mrs. Blakely is Mrs. Wes ton's daughter. The students of the science and biology classes of high school en Joyed a trip to the fossil beds south of the project Sunday, and in the afternoon they went to Blalock Is land where they had a picnic din ner and hunted for Indian relics. Miss Brown, teacher of the science and biology classes, and Mrs. J. F. Harford accompanied them. HARDMAN By LUCILLE FARRENS The high school students under the able supervision of their teach ,er, Mrs. Marie Clary, entertained the public at an enjoyable pit par ty Friday evening. Games and dancing were also enjoyed. Re freshments of sandwiches and cof fee were served. Episcopal church services were conducted here Sunday evening by Rev. Tom Lewis of Pendleton. He was accompanied by Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. George McDuffee of Hepp ner. Friday afternoon the school chil dren and teachers descended upon Mr. DeMoss with a surprise party. The occasion was his birthday. However, it terminated that Mr. DeMoss was not the only one sur prised for the community had pre viously decided upon a surprise party for the entire school and came in with an abundance of cakes, sandwiches, etc. Everyone reports a most enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howell were called to Lonerock by the illness of their son Everett who is suffering from lumbago. Going over with Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Howell, Mrs. Howell remained to be with her son but Mr. Howell returned home, and reports that Everett's condition has improved. George Kirk who has been quite seriously 111 for the past few weeks was consulting a physician in Heppner Monday, going over with his daughter, Mrs. Clair Ashbaugh, and Mrs. Kirk. The Episcopal Church school opened Sunday morning with an enrollment of tbout twenty and sev eral new members. Teachers in the school this year are Harvey DeMoss who has the Bible class; Mrs. Clary, the Intermediate grades; Mrs. Floyd Adams, primary, and Lucille Far rens, kindergarten. Mrs. Anna Heiney, teacher of the Matteson school, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Marie Clary. Mrs. Ada Cannon and children were attending to matters of bus iness here the last of the week. Mrs. Sam McDaniel, Jr., and Mrs. Carey Hastings spent a few days of last week digging potatoes at the Sam McDaniel, Sr., mountain ranch. Archie Leathers and Mann Neill were Kimberley visitors here Sun day. Mrs. Verl Farrens was tne recip ient of many useful gifts at a show er given for her at the home of Mrs. Walter Farrens last Saturday afternoon. Present were Mesdames Harlan Adams, Dick Steers, Frank Howell, Sam McDaniel, Sr., Geo. Samuels, Clair Ashbaugh, Lew Knighten, Neil Knighten, Bill John son, Marie Clary, Glen Farrens, Ted Burnside, L. J. Burnside, H. Harshman, Anna Heiney, Elmer Musgrave, Walter Farrens, C. H. McDaniel and the Misses Mary El len Inskeep, Mildred, Murl, Lucille and Dolly Farrens and the guest of honor. The time was spent in visiting and piecing a block for a friendship quilt Refreshments of cake, sandwiches and coffee were served. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harshman and Delsie May, Mr. and Mrs. Ever ett Harshman and Loyd and G. Harshman were visiting in town Sunday from the Hail ridge com munity. Mrs. Verl Farrens who spent the week visiting at the home of Mrs. Walter Farrens left Tuesday to spend a while at the home of Mrs. Pat Mollahan in Heppner. Vic Lovgren and Jessie McDan iel spent Sunday visiting friends and relatives here. IRRIGON MRS. W. C. ISOM. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rutledge and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lelcht were deer hunting In tho mountains near Ukiah from Monday until Friday of last week. Vonna Jones spent the week with Nellie and Ruth Lclch during the absence of their parents. Mrs. Shirley Linkhart of Port land visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fredreckson over the week end. Mrs. Fred Reiks and daughter, Mrs. Ward, were business visitors In Pendleton Monday. Mrs. Fred Markham visited sev eral days last week with Mr. M. E. Coe of Echo. Mrs. C. W. McFall and daughter Vivian of Imbler spent the week with relatives here. Benny McCoy was a Pendleton visitor Tuesday. D. C. Grabiel of San Jose, Cal., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Grabiel. Mr. Grabiel Is still very 111. The H. E. club held a business meeting at the school house Tues day afternoon and practiced the work they will put on at Pomona meeting which will be held here Saturday, October 7. Russell and Benny McCoy were both quite ill with flu several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Looker visit ed Mrs. Looker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Rancier, at Echo Sun day. The social evening held for the several commercial clubs Wednes day evening had a splendid attend ance. A delicious luncheon was served. Those in charge wish to extend thanks to the ones who do nated so freely ' and helped to make the evening a very pleasant one for everyone present. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom and Earl Leach were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner of Wasco and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Haight of The Dalles were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Warner and Mr and Mrs. Harvey Warner last week. Mrs. Edith Puckett who has been visiting her sister in Portland the past six weeks returned home Sunday. THE Hehisch Published by the Journalism Class of HEPPNER HIGH SCHOOL STAFF Editor Francis Nickerson Assistant Editor Frances Rugg Reporters: Sports Ilene Kilkenny Classes Louis Gilliam Grade School Jennie Swendig Editorial About this time every six weeks period blue slips are the main topic of student discussion. They are laughed at and some times ignored but generally they are taken pretty seriously and rightly so. A blue slip is an official midterm statement of the scholastic stand ing of the student to whose parents the slip is sent. A blue sup is an indication that the student is hav ing difficulty or that the student has certain faults which should be corrected. Through the use of this system the necessity of the school's placing a failing mark against the student's record is oftentimes avoided. Therefore the blue slip system Is beneficial and should be regarded as such. Tryouts will be held Wednesday night to decide which of the school band members will compose the school "Pep" band this year. This pep band will play for the first time at the double header football games to be played tomorrow af ternoon on the Rodeo field between Heppner and the teams from Echo and Lexington. Class News One of the main features In the high school student body program last Friday was a farce featuring a group of economists. The play ers participating were juniors who failed to obey the custom of wear ing loud socks on junior loud socks day. The student body sang sev eral songs, and Armln Wlhlon in troduced the Norton Wlnnard cup to the freshmen and to other new members of the high school. Armin explained that this cup Is awarded to the outstanding student of the senior class each year. The pro, gram was ended with the Introduc tion of the football team. Today the Oregon point system will be adopted by the girls high school gym classes. In this system each girl participating in five out of six of the interclub games will be given ten points toward the one hundred thirty points required In the earning of a letter. On Columbus Day, October 12, the public speaking class will make Its first appearance before the as sembly In a program concerning the accomplishments of Columbus. There will be a short but peppy football rally tonight . The high school student body will meet In front of the postofflce at 7:80. Planning future assembly pro grams and appointing a booster club committee were matters of business before the studjent body council meeting, Wednesday morn ing at nine o clock. Grade News The second and third grades are looking forward to the installation of a sand table. Mrs. Dlx, the teacher, has planned many projects for this year. A new student, Helen Huff, reg- istered in the eighth grade last week. Achievement tests were given the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades In the high school assembly Thursday. These tests are given by the county for the pur pose of finding the mental ability of each child. In order that the pupils of the fourth grade will know more of the customs and manners of the Afrl can people they are making an In tensive study of Africa. Claudlne Drake has carved two nero chll dren and an elephant out of wood and colored them to aid this study. Posters called "Moral Code for Youth," have been placed in all of the grade school rooms, These tell what every youth should do in or der that they be patriotic and good American citizens. John D. Watkins has reentered school this week. Standings of the grade school gym, leagues are as follows: 7th and 8th grade boys: Braves 12, Cougars 12, Trojans 11, Lions 5. Sth and 6th grade boys: Lions 15, Bull dogs 13, Beavers 9, Elks 8. League of Oregon Cities Names Kehrli Executive Eugene, Ore. Organization plans for the coming year were made here by the League of Oregon Cit ies last week, and the group for mally named Herman Kehrli, di rector of the bureau of muncipal research and service at the Univer sity of Oregon, as its executive sec retary. Mr. Kehrli, who will take over his duties immediately, outlined plans for regional meetings of the league in various parts of Oregon. His of- HERMAN KEHRLI flee, which will be located on the campus of the university, will act as a clearing house for interchange of ideas, and will assist municipal ities in many ways. More than 30 officials, represent ing 16 municipalities, were present for the session. Full control of the liquor situa tion, especially the right to raise revenue from licenses and taxes on beverages, will be sought by the cities, through the legislative com mittee of the league, it was decided at the meeting. A legislative pro gram will also be formulated on un employment relief and public works projects, and this will be presented before the special session of the legislature expected in the near fu ture. Cities were urged to prepare and complete data on public works projects, and the next session of the legislature will be called upon to pass legislation so that tax mon ey can be used to liquidate these projects, Burton E. Palmer, execu tive secretary of the Oregon com mittee on Public Works Adminis tration, told those present at the meeting. The aims of the university bureau for municipal affairs was outlined at the meeting. Subjects on which the university will give aid and in formation include regulation of public utilities, distribution of tax burden, city planning sanitation projects, legal questions, recrea tional and social service problems. Mr. Kehrli, new executive secre tary, comes highly recommended for the position. Last year he stud ied the famous Minnesota league of municipalities, and did graduate work at the University of Minne sota, and previous to that served for many years as the secretary of the City club in Portland. i "I've kept track of the money it saved us this month 4 -&fc I I 1 i Ml "Here it is all put down. Whenever my telephone relieved me of a trip downtown, I made note of the nickel, dime or quarter saved. They soon amounted to more than the price of telephone service, and I also have the telephone for calling friends, and making ap pointments. It's true, and I've proved it the tele phone in the home costs so little and does so much that it 6iinply doesn't pay to be without one." The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company business Office: 4 West Willow Street Jieppner, Oregon PINE CITY By OLETA NEILL Mrs. Kelly of Heppner is teach ing the primary room at the Pine City school for Miss Marian Hen derson, who was hurt in an au,o mobile accident recently. The Pine City school gave a par ty Friday night In honor of the freshman class. There w'ai a large crowd and a good time was had by everyone. Mrs. T. J. O'Brien and sons and Mrs. Ollie Neill were In Echo Sat urday on business. Miss Cecelia Brennon and Milton L. Smith called on Mis Marian Hen derson at Hermiston Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Healy were business visitors at Dale Saturday. Miss Gladys Haskans of Portland who has been substituting at the Pine City school the past week for Miss Marian Henderson, returned to Portland Friday afternoon. Lowell Young and Earle Watten burger went deer hunting in the Arbuckle mountains over the week end. Neither was lucky enough to kill a deer. Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughters Oleta and Lenna and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ayers and children visited friend's at Irrigon Sunday. E. B. Wattenburger and Earle Wattenburger left Tuesday morn ing on a business trip to Mt Ver non. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Jarmon, Mrs. O. F. Thomson and Mrs. A. B. Thomson attended the Pioneer club in Pendleton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Wattenburger of Echo Sunday. Bert Barnes has returned from Browning, Montana, for a few days visit Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ayers and daughter and Mrs. Ollie Neill were in Hermiston Tuesday on business; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Moore and Miss Alma Neill and Russell Moore attended the Rally at the Christian church In Lexington Sunday. Frank Helms went to Seattle Saturday on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ayers and family were in Heppner Saturday on business. Miss Naomi Moore returned to Pendleton Thursday after a few days visit With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Moore. Special Oysters and Shell Fish NOW IN SEASON! For a good meal anytime go to the ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHINN, Prop. ' (Ml Project Refinance Plans Held Up by Unpaid Taxes The problem of delinquent taxes on reclamation projects is one of the chief obstacles In the way of obtaining federal refinancing of Cstrict indebtedness, Judging from difussion at the recent annual meei'Vig of the Oregon Reclama tion congress at Baker The Con gress took much time in digging into this problem and ended by ap pointing a committee to prepare, if necessary, emergency legislation to be used in clearing away the fin ancial pathway, reports Dr. W. L. Powers, secretary of the congress and head of the soils department at O. S. C. On this special committee are Senator Jay Upton, Bend; Donald Graham, Prineville; F. P. Ferrell, Medford; Albert B. Ridgway, Port land:, and E. E. Wist. Scappoose. The executive committee of the congress was authorized to build up a fund for use in following up the Oregon district applications for refinancing. President Sawyer brought out In his annual address that this le- flnance legislation and much of the program of the national reclama tion association originated with the Oregon congress. Dr. Powers, in the report of the secretary, pro posed a new definition for reclama tion to include "keeping in produc tion or bringing into full produc tion those lands that most deserve SUPER-AGITATOR WASHER PACIFIC POWER ALWAYS AT I COFFEE f I MILK fl "ROASTER TO CONSUMER" " A Tiit V o 11. FEDERAL BRAND AIRWAY 3 lbs. ooc m tat t mm Nob Hill, 3 lbs. 73c 7 TinSe 45P Dependable 2 lb 53c - Vvir aci? Vacuum packed y&.VO KjAOCj C00K1NG01Lqpt,23cS83c BACON CRACKERS Medium weight, well streaked, SNOW FLAKES, of course finest quality. POUND .. 19c 2 CADDY ... 30c 1 TOILET PAPER finest 55c Salmon P.N. BUTTER Cocoa Llbb,,A1(i?ka Maximum Brand, finest Hershey's Bulk. Sockeye nmilltv bes' quality 2 TALL TINS ,.,b Ja'rs ' 25c 2 LBS. 4C Bulk, Per lb. .. lie J.C JELL-WELL Dessert1 4 PKGS. 25c CEREAL, Post O I Candy extra lg. Toasties, Pkg. OCbars. 3 for 1.111 PORK & BEANS 5230 I VEGETABLES III SOAP II "Eat More Vegetables" whte Klnf, pure KramiIllted Cabbage jJLf soap, real special per lb Per Lge fAA Bananas g "C ml Savings for FRI.-SAT.-MON., OCT. 6-1-9, Inc. to be in production." Klamath Falls was selected as the next meeting place. The presi dent and secretary were reelected together with the following direct ors: E. H Judd, Medford; M. R. Lewis, Corvallis, and George Kan off, Bend. Oregon Milkmen Urged to Enter Portland Exhibit Oregon's milk producers and dis tributors, many of whom are known to market some of the best milk in the country, may get public recog nition for this quality by entering the annual Pacific International Dairy Products show in Portland, October 21 to 28, says Dr O. H. Wilstex, manager of the show and professor of dairy manufacturing at O. S. C. 'Tlany Oregon dairy and cream erymen may not realize that this has grown to be the largest dairy products show in the country that features all products," says Dr. Wilster. "Butter and cheese mak ers of Oregon have been competing successfully year after year with the best from the middlewest and east, but Oregon milk producers have for the most part left the field to other states." All milk and cream entered must be produced October 9, and must be shipped or delivered not later than October 10. All milk scoring above certain marks is awarded signed diplomas, while the highest scoring sample gets a gold medal. A REAL VALUE AT TODAY'S PRICES The new improved Super Agitator Thor is an excep tional value at an exceptional price. There's no finer washer made. You will unquestion ably save money by taking advantage of today's low level of $69.50. With the present condition of the market we cannot guarantee this price for any period of time. Save clothes save time save money buy today! You may purchase on convenient terms. & LIGHT COMPANY YOUR SERVICE!