Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 05, 1933, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Established March 30. 1883;
Established November 18, 1S37;
Published every Thursday morning; by
and entered at the Post Office at Hpp-
ner, Oregon, aa second-class matter.
One Tear
Six Months
Three Months
, 1.00
, .75
Single Copies
Official Papar for Morrow County
THE school season is in full swing
again all over the United States.
More boys and girls are getting an
education at public expense in this
country than there are in all the
rest of the world, so far as we know
anything about it There is noth
ing to compare anywhere with the
public school system of America,
both in the number of young peo
pie it serves and in the general ex
cellence of the instruction given.
We sometimes wonder whether
our school systems might not be
better adapted than they are to the
needs of the youth of America. It
occurs to us at times that a good
many of the subjects to which con
siderable attention is given might
be left out or modified in favor of
other things which would be of
more practical help when these
children have left school and have
their way in the world to make,
But there has been a great deal of
progress in exactly that direction
in the past few years, and we lm
agine that, on the whole, the
schools are doing as well by their
pupils as could be expected, in view
of the limited amount of money
which the taxpayers can provide
for education.
Incidentally, taking the country
over, we are told that considerably
more than half of all tax money
goes for public education.
What we have in mind mainly in
suggesting that the schools might
give a better preparation for real
life is not that they ought to teach
trades or professions to enabl
folks to earn a living, but that
there are certain fundamental prin
ciples, wnich never change, on
which more emphasis might be
laid. The habit of work has to be
learned young if it is ever learned
at all. The child who gets through
high school age without under
standing that truth, and honor are
of more importance than algebra
and football has got off to a poor
start in the world.
.And we are genuinely sorry fdr
any boy or girl who goes out into
the world expecting to get some
thing for nothing, or who takes it
for granted that the world owes
him or her a living.
A really sound education would
include a course in human nature
and human conduct.
Sunday School
n Lesson
By Rev. Charles . Dunn, D. D.
Saul in Damascus.
Lesson. for October 8th.
Acts 9:1-31.
Golden Text: Corinthians 5:17.
The lesson introduces us to the
thrilling story of the conversion of
Saul, the persecutor, into Paul, the
great-hearted apostle. So signifi
cant was this dramatic transfor
miation that it is related three times
in the book of the Acts, twice by
Paul himself. As black carbon may
be transmuted into white diamond
by the rearrangement of its atoms,
so this fiery enemy of Christ be
came a passionate herald of the
We first see Saul as a fanatical
foe of all followers of the Way,
seeking, with relentless energy, to
capture, bind and bring to Jeru
sal em from Damascus as many of
these disciples of the hated Master
as he could detect Suddenly, when
near Damascus, he was blinded by
a spectacular light from heaven
Falling to the earth, he heard a
voice cry, "Saul, why are you per
secuting Me?" Now note that the
stricken victim of this strange in
terruption responded to this search-
ing query by asking two highly im
portant questions, "who art thou
Lord?" and "What shall I do?" (see
chap. 22:10.)
This is a day of reinterpretation.
The Christian world has been stirr
ed by the significant laymen's in
quiry, "Rethinking Missions." But
all departments of life need to be
restated, especially religion Itself,
And there is hardly a better way
to approach such a fresh definition
of religion than to ask anew the
two questions propounded by the
dazed Saul on the Damascus high
way. We need to know what the
Lord we profess to serve really Is,
and then, we need practical guid
ance in the Immediate task of the
Now caul s momentous conver
sion can be explained In several
ways. But the only explanation
that does full justice to the scene
Is the spiritual. The cardinal fact
is that Saul hud a vision of the
risen Christ It was a Spirit that
appeared to him, not flesh and
blood, and to this Spirit, so over
whelmingly real, he henceforth
gave bis whole heart
THK way a good many people are
talking about the so-called Re
covery Program, one would think
thev expected some sort of a sys
tem which would relieve everybody
of responsibility and which would
run all business without regard to
intelligence, initiative or industry.
That is nonsense, of course; nev
ertheless, there are a lot of people
who still do not realize that any
system, like any machine, has to
have men to operate it.
The success of the Administra
tion's program will depend entire
ly upon the quality of the men who
head up the business enterprises of
the United States. In other words.
there isn't going to be any change
from the ancient truth that every
institution, whether it is a rat-trap
factory or a railroad system, is the
lengthened shadow of a man.
Owen D. Young, who uses his
brains to about as good advantage
as any man we know of, pointed
out that what broke down and
caused all our economic woes, was
not human beings but the system
under which business and public
affairs were administered What
is being done now is to try to
change and improve the system
but it will still take men to run it.
We have an idea that young men
growing up in the world of business
and affairs from now on will find
just as great opportunities for self
expression as anyone had under the
old system; but as things point
now, they will operate the system
very much for the benefit of every
body and very much less for the
benefit of a few individuals.
We find that many men who
were thought to be entirely selfish
in their point of view are accept
ing the idea that any scheme which
works for the benefit of the entire
social group is far better than one
which benefits some but not all.
Under the old system it was in
evitable that there should be in
equalities and injustices. We do
not anticipate that any plan of hu
man devising will ever be entirely
free from them, but with the right
men of the right spirit at the helm
of things, there is hope.
Gangsters, crooks, racketeers,
cattle rustlers and bad men gener
ally had better give Heppner a wide
berth on next Monday, October 9,
for on that day the Northwest
Mounted Police company will be
with us.
No other organization in the en
tire world is better known for the
ability to "get their man" than the
Canadian Mounted Police. They
stay on a criminal's trail until they
bring him in if it takes a lifetime.
These noted manhunters will ap
pear in person presenting a vaude
ville program of mirth, melody and
music, together with actual pic
tures of the Canadian Mounted Po
lice in their training, their barracks
life and actual capture of famous
criminals. The Northwest Mount
ed Police company will show in the
Star theater in Heppner on Mon
day, October 9, presenting two
hours of interesting entertainment.
Squash Varieties Recommended
Bend Long Bush Green as a
summer squash and Large Cheese
and Big Tom as pumpkin varieties
are now being recommended to
Deschutes county growers by Coun
ty Agent Gus Hagglund. These
recommendations are the result of
trials conducted on the Charles
Park farm to determine the "curly
top" resistance of different varie
ties grown in the district. The
Hubbard variety proved very sus
ceptible to the disease. Of the
pumpkin varieties, the Large
Cheese proved somewhat late In
maturing. Additional trials of
these and other varieties will be
carried on next year, Mr. Hagglund
Polk Hardy Clover Crop Short
Dallas Polk county grown Ten
nessee Anthracnose resistant red
clover, of which several thousand
pounds were shipped to various
counties in Tennessee last year,
evidently met with the favor of the
growers there, as requests for ad
ditional shipments for planting this
fall have been received by County
Agent J. R. Beck. Because of the
short crop locally, however, Polk
county farmers were unable to fill
the requests this year. They were
also forced by the short crop to
turn down the first order for hardy
Ohio clover seed from dealers in
that state recently.
Mount Your Deer and Elk Heads
$12.50 for deer, $20 for elk. Larg
est and smallest spreads mounted
free. H. E. Yarnell, lone. 28-30p
. , .
f 0
ok w A
,H.g - -M
Quality ... of our girls
I was talking the other day with
a gentleman who for many years
was one of the heads of the person
nel department of the American
Telephone & Telegraph Company.
"Did you ever realize," he said,
"that the girls who operate the tel
ephone switchboards are the pick
of the young women of America?
I don't mean in skill alone, but in
character and devotion to their
work. Only one girl in ten who
starts with the telephone company
manages to make good for a per
manent job. And nobody gets a
chance unless she can come to a
very high standard of personality
and intelligence.
faithful servant
Ike" Hoover is dead. An hour
before he expired on the door-step
of his home in Washington he was
chatting with newspaper men at the
White House about the people and
events that had passed under his
eyes in the forty years in which he
served as "major domo" of the
Presidential mansion. Someone
asked him why he didn't write his
reminiscences. He replied that he
had been offered an enormous
amount for the "inside story" of
the White House occupants since
Mr. Cleveland, but he did not be
lieve in cashing in on confidential
Irwin Hoover was a young elec
trician when he installed the first
electric lighting and push-button
system in the Executive Mansion
when Mr. Cleveland was President.
Nobody knew much about electrici
ty then, so the President employed
the young man to see that all the
wire systems were in running or
der Pretty soon he was seeing to
it that everything in the White
House was in running order, and
through six administrations and
the beginning of a seventh he was
in charge of all formal events and
activities as well as in charge of
the building. Everybody called him
"Ike" and everybody loved him. He
was a faithful, useful public ser
Floods . . . down our way
My hillside farm, didn't suffer as
much or benefit as much from
the high water of the second week
in September, as some of my neigh
bors places did.
The. level bottom lands actually
benefit by floods of this sort if they
come after the crops have been har
vested. There is left a fine layer or
deposit of alluvial silt which def
initely enriches the land. The rich
est agricultural lands in the world
are those of Egypt, along the lower
Nile and its delta, which overflows
every year and makes any sort of
fertilization unnecessary.
Art . . . sidewalk market
One evening not long ago I went
into the old section of New York
known as "Greenwich Village" to
dine at a popular restaurant.
found one street for several blocks
crowded with people who were in
specting paintings, etchings, draw
ings and sculptures exhibited out of
doors by artsits of that section ol
the city.
Everything was for sale, and the
selling was brisk. I was amazed at
the excellent quality of most of the
works of art being shown, but I
was still more amazed, as I watch
ed the crowd, at the enthusiasm Df
people who did not look as If they
had an idea in the world beyond
filling their own stomachs.
The love of beautiful things is
universal, but too few of us carry
it to the point of being willing to
part with our money to buy what
the artist paints.
Newspapers . looking back
I like to study old newspapers,
because everything printed in them
gives a clew to the manners.
thoughts and habits of the people
of the time when they were printed
In one ancient paper, printed just
a hundred years ago, I saw consld
erable space given to a method of
protecting graves from grave-rob
bers. The subject was of lively in
terest in the days when the only
way medical schools could get hu
man bodies for anatomical study
was to Duy them from grave-rob
We have come a long way In a
hundred years. It is not at all un
common for men to will their bodies
to medical colleges, and many oth
er legal ways of obtaining subjects
tor study are common enough
I have never been able to figure
out that there Is anything particu
larly sacred about a dead bodv.
have no quarrel with those who be
lieve literally In the physical Resur
rection, but it would seem about as
miraculous to reassemble the mil
lions of skeletons I Baw in the Cata
combs in Rome as to bring back
those lost at sea or In any other
unidentified resting place. ,
4-H Club Members to Grow Pea
Astoria Four-H club members of
Clatsop county are planning to
share In the pea growing venture
which has proved rather successful
for adult farmers in certain sec
tions of the county in recent years,
according to County Agent Clifford
Smith The youngsters will plant
and care for quarter-acre plots as
4-H garden projects, and will re
ceive the regular commercial rates
for their products. In addition,
special prizes will be awarded for
the best plots, Mr. Smith says.
Above if Dr. George Rebec, who
becomei dean and director of
graduate work for the state sys
tem of higher education. Below
is Dr. W. Weniger, who will rep
resent Dean Rebec on the state
college campus.
There is no doubt that the terri
ble stringency of "times" in the last
five years has borne is yet bear
ing its deadly fruit. We doctors
know. We -who watch over the
welfare of so many human beings.
This week a young man of thir
ty-five came to consult me ... a
case of complete breakdown. Of
such a severity that one practition
er believed he had "T.B." in a hip-
joint. Could not even think of do
ing any work had just left his
bed, when his relatives brought him
to see me.
History of almost working night
and day, to make a living with
something besides if possible . . .
toil toil toil all day late and
early hours, bolting meals to save
time . . . some years of the grind
then a lift on a heavy object a
"snap" of something in the back
down and out!
Each time a rest in bed and suit
able treatment got him up and
around immediate return to stren
uous duty a linotype operator in
a rural newspaper office bending
over the machine strain on the
eyes nerves digestive apparatus
elimination arrested another
"knockout" from a slight lift to
bed again ... a series of rounds.
Tuberculosis of the hip? No.
Germs? O, the hunt for them!!
The entire set of thirty-two teeth
was extracted but It didn't help
the trouble that was ALL BELOW
THE WAIST-LINE. ... He has
new and very perfect set of store
teeth and the same old sciatic
He has lost thirty pounds In
weight: dq you wonder? He Is, as
he says, "mighty near a skeleton."
Nothing about him is normal. Must
we hint of tuberculosis or cancer?
No. Here is a young man worn out
and broken down by hard work a
diffuse neuritis is coming HE
Wheat: U. S. Exports
and Production in
U. S. Exports to Europe
( Each boat carries
20 million bushels)
WHEN Europe produces more
wheat for herself she buys less
from the United States. That Is the
feature of the world wheat problem
that this chart shows. For instance,
In 1921, when many wheat ships
were busy carrying the bread grain
to Europe, that continent produced
only 100,000,000 bushels. Since
1927 European countries have been
THURSDAY, OCT. 5, 1933.
MUST REST FIRST. He has gain
ed two pounds in weight I note this
morning. He will recover, with
rest and diet
Bruce Barton
writes of
"The Master Executive"
Supplying wsek-to-wssk inspiration
for the heavy-burdened who will find
very human trial paralleled U tha -
parlenoaa of "Tha Man BTobody Knows"
When Jesus and his mother
reached the door of the synagogue
on his first return to Nazareth a
crowd was waiting outside. They
returned his greeting with a mix
ture of regard and curiosity, and
pushed promptly through the door
behind him, filling the little room
full. There was much whispering
and craning of necks. He made
his way to the front of the room,
picked up the roll of the prophet
Isaiah, turned around toward them
and smiled.
Instantly all his Illusions van
ished. Instead of sympathetic un
derstanding there was only cyni
cism on those faces. The old wo
man, his neighbor, whom he had
planned to heal, was sitting prom
inently In front. She was willing
to take a chance on anything, for
she had been a long time sick; but
her look was less a hope than a
challenge. The substantial men of
the town settled solidly in their ap
pointed seats, and dared him with
their hard eyes to try his tricks on
them! You mav have caused a
stir in Capernaum," they seemed to
say, "but little old Nazareth isn't
so slow. We know you. You're no
prophet; you're just the son of
Joseph the carpenter, and you can't
fool us!"
Slowly he opened the roll and in
tones that stirred them in spite of
themselves he began to read:
The Spirit of the Lord Is upon me
Because he anointed me to preach
of good tidings to the poor,
He hath sent me to proclaim re-
realse to the captives,
And recovery of sight to the blind;
To set at liberty them " that are
And proclaim the acceptable year
of the Lord.
He closed the book and handed
it hack to the attendant "This day
hath this Scripture been fulfilled in
your ears," he said simply. There
was an ominous silence in the syn
agogue. "The eyes of all were fas
tened upon Him." He knew what
they were thinking; they wanted
him to do some mighty work such
as he had done in Capernaum.
But he knew also the uselessness
of trying The scorn, the Ignorant
self-sufficiency were miracle proof.
They would never receive him;
never be proud of him. They merely
wanted him to exhibit himself and
they hoped that he would fail.
"No prophet is acceptable In his
own country," Jesus said to them
sadly. "Elijah did his greatest
works in a foreign city; Elisha
could accomplish nothing big until
he got beyond the borders of his
With a look of soul-weariness he
turned to leave.
Next Week: The Storm Breaks.
To the many inquiries as to why
KOAC, the state-owned radio sta
tion at Corvallis, is not broadcast
ing football games this fall, Wal
lace Kadderly, manager, has re
plied that the Associated Oil com
pany, which was sold the exclusive
right to broadcast games of the
coast conference Bchools, has re
fused to make any exception in the
case of this pioneer non-commercial
and educational station. KOAC of-
ierea to announce during any
broadcast that it was made possi
ble through the courtesy of the ol!
company In making the exception,
but the officials insisted that the
full commercial announcements
would have to be used, Kadderly
says. This would violate the non
commercial regulations under which
KOAC is operated.
producing more and more of their
own wheat and the wheat traffic
across the Atlantic has slowed up.
In fact, efforts of European coun
tries to supply their needs and their
buying wheat from other countries
has just about cut off our wheat ex
ports as the lone boat for 1933 rep
resented In the chart Indicates. The
United States doesn't want to with
The Woman's Study club will
meet next Monday night October
9, at 7:45 at the home of Mrs. Frank
Turner on Jones street All former
members are Invited to attend.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have filed their final acc -cunt
as executrixes of the esfte of Olive J.
Campbell, deceased, and that the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County, has aPP,nV,M!!n
the 6th day of November. 1933. at the
hour of 1U o'clock in the forenoon of
said day as the time and the County
Court room In the court house at
Heppner, Oregon, aa the place, of hear-
i -!..nt nt ni(i final ac
count Objections to said final account
must be filed on or before said date.
lula Mccarty,
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an execution issued out of tne
Ni-.,if n,,ft ,.f thn State of Oregon
for Morrow County, dated October
Fourth, 1933, in that certain suit where
in The Federal Land Bank of Spokane,
a corporation, as plaintiff, recovered a
judgment against the defendants Ar
thuf A. Finley and Daisy E. Finley
husband and wife, and against each of
them for the sum of une nunoreu inn-tv-ihree
nrirl 25-100 Dollars with inter-
eat at the rate of 8 per cent per annum
fn.rn December 6. 1931: One hundred
thirtv.thi-M and 25-100 Dollars with in
terest at the rate of 8 per cent per an
num from June 6. 1932 ; One, hundred
thirty-three and 25-100 Dollars with in
terest at 8 per cent per annum from
December 6. 1932; One hundred thirty
three and 25-100 Dollars with interest
at the rate of 8 per cent per annum
from June 6. 1933; Three thousand and
Three and 28-100 Dollars with interest
at the rate of 5M per cent per annum
from June 6. 1933: One hundred fifty
four and 49-100 Dollars with interest
at the rate of 8 per cent per annum
f-,, rw.ihor 17 1032: Thirtv-seven and
50-100 Dollars and the further sum of
Seventy and 25-100 Dollars, Plaintiffs
nrvata fin A disbursements and Two hun
dred fifty and no-100 Dollars attorney's
fee and a decree of foreclosure against
the defendants, Arthur A. Finley and
Daisy E. Finley, nusDana anu wne
v.flio J aillinm. a widow: Lenn L. Gil
liam, single; E. E. Gilliam and Mary
Gilliam, husband and wife; C. C Gil
I wife- Ona G
1 Vaughan and
liam and Hazel lilinam. nusuanu aim
ii ism. a SDinsier; tiae
d Charles Vaughan. wife
,nr hnshand : Lenn L. Gilliam and
E. Gilliam as Executors of the Estate
of Frank Gilliam, deceased; L. E. Bis-
tee and Jane Doe BtsDee, nusDana anu
wife; J. L. Gault. as receiver of First
National Bank of Heppner; First Ma
Hnnni Rnnk of Hennner. a corporation;
Albert Bowker and Katnerine eowKer,
hnahand and wile: A so all otner per
sons or parties unknown claiming any
ri.ht. title, estate, lien or interest in
th real nronertv described in the com
plaint- and lone National Farm Loan
Association, a corporation. I will on
the Fourth day of November, 1933, at
the hour of Ten o'clock A. M. of said
day at the front door of the county
hrtuae in Hpnnnflr. Morrow Coun
ty. State of Oregon, offer for sale and
sell to the highest bidder for cash in
hand all the following described real
property, situated in Morrow county,
State of Oregon, to-wit:
All of Section Twenty-seven (27) in
Township Two (2) North Range
Twenty-six (26) E. W. M. Con
taining Six hundred forty (640)
or no much of said real property aa
may be necessary to satisfy the plain
tiffs judgment, costs ana attorney s
fee and accruing costs ol sale.
Sheriff of Morrow County, State of
Date of First Publication
October 5th. 1933.
NnHcfi Is herebv eiven that bv vir
tue of an attachment execution Issued
out of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Morrow County, dated
September First, 1933, in that certain
suit wherein Bristow & Johnson, a cor
noratlon. as Dlaintiff. recovered a iudg
ment against the defendant Earl Mur
ray, for the sum of Six hundred One
and 83-100 Dollars, together with In
terest thereon at the rate of Six per
cent per annum from the Thirty-first
day of August. 1931; the further sum
of Nine and 10-100 Dollars, plaintiff's
costs and disbursements, I will, on the
Seventh day of October, 1933, at the
hour of Ten o'clock A. M. of said day
at the front door of the county court
house in Heppner, Morrow county.
State of Oregon, offer for sale and sell
to the highest bidder tor cash In hand,
ail oi tne roiiowing aescriDea real prop-
esty situated In Morrow County, State
oi uregon, to-wit:
Lots 5. 6, 7, and 8 in Block 9, Sper
ry's Second Addition to the Town
of lone, County of Morrow, State
of Oregon,
or so much of said real nronertv i
may be necessary to satisfy the plain
tiff's Judgment, costs and accruing
costs oi sale,
Sheriff of Morrow County, titate of
Date of first publication; September
On the 30th day of September, 1933,
at the hour of 10:00 o'clock, A. M at
the front door of the Court House at
Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon,
will sell at auction to the highest bid
der for cash the following described
real property in Morrow county. Ore
gon, to-wit;
Southeast Quarter of Southwest
Quarter and the Southeast Quar
ter of Section Twelve; Northeast
Quarter of Section Thirteen In
to Europe
Production in Europe
(Each sacK holds 100 million bu.)
draw from the export trade, but
rather than have grain pile up In
the-Unlted States or be sold at Jess
than cost, the Agricultural Adjust
ment Administration has begun a
wheat plan which will reduce acre
age In the United States and bring
production down to the point where
it can all be marketed at a profit to
the farmer.
Township Two South. Range Twenty-nine.
East of the Willamette
Meridian. In Morrow County, Oregon.
esaia suae i . ;
sued out of the Circuit Court of the
State or Oregon, ior mo uunvjr iu m
atilla. to me directed in the case of Pa-
. , T , . i . T nH Km nit nf
tint iwwi " ---
Portland, a corporation, vs. James Nel
son ana aura ixeiu, uuauu anu
wife, Charles J. Nelson, and Jennie Nel
son, husband and wife. The First In
unii National Bank of Pendleton, a
corporation. ,.
l J-ii inin,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
August 81, 1933.
September 28, 1933.
rn th Twftntv-flrst dav of October.
1933. at the hour of Ten o'clock A. M.
at the front door of the Court House
in Heppner, Oregon, Morrow County,
Oregon, I will sell at auction to the
highest bidder for cash the following
described real property located In Mor
row County, Oregon, to-wit: "
The South half of the Southeast
quarter of Section 20; and the
North half of the Northeast quar
ter of Section 29; The southwest
quarter of the Northeast quarter,
the Northwest quarter of the South
east quarter and the North half of
the Southwest quarter of Section
29; Lots 1, 2 and 3 and the North
east quarter of the Southwest quar
ter of Section 31 all in Township
1 South Range 26 East of the Wil
lamette Meridian,
Also all water rights owned or
claimed by the grantors or either
of them appurtenant to said lands.
Said sale Is made under execution
issued out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for the Countw of Mor
row to me directed in tne case or
State Land Board, a public cor
poration, Plaintiff,
Arthur W. Gammell and Ida M.
Gammell, his wife; County of
Morrow, First National Bank of
Heppner, Oregon, a corporation.
J. L. Gault, receiver of First Na
tional Bank of Heppner, a cor
poration, Defendants.
Sheriff of Morrow County. Oregon.
Professional Cards
Phone 1332
Attorney at Law
Fbone 173
Humphreys Building
A. B. GRAY, M. D.
PHYSICIAN k s treason
Phone 393
Heppner Hotel Building
Eyes Tasted and Olasses Fitted.
Leave orders at Peoples Hardware
Z-Bay Diagnosis
Oilman Building
Heppner, Oregon
Frank A. McMenamin
906 Guardian Building
Residence, GArneld 1949
Business Phone Atwater IMS
A. D. McMURDO, M. D.
Trained Rons Assistant
Office In Masonic Building
Heppner. Oregon
First National Bank Building
Heppnsr, Orsgon
Offlos In L 0. O. T. Building
Heppner, Oregon
Farm and Personal Uroperty Sales
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Heppner, Oregon
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Heppner, Oregon
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Heppner, Oregon