Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 14, 1933, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Registration Sept. 18
Opens 66th O.S.C. Year
Corvallls Oregon State college,
the oldest institution In the state
system of higher education, will be
gin its sixty-sixth year of instruc
tion Monday, September 18, when
the class of 1937 registers for
Freshman week.
Freshman week is held in ad
vance of the starting of regular
term, for which upperclassmen will
register Saturday, September 23, in
order that the administration and
faculty of the college may be free
to give undivided attention to the
needs of the new students. It pro
vides an opportunity for the fresh
men to become oriented on the
campus, to learn where different
buildings and classrooms are, and
to get acquainted with each other
and with the faculty before the
older students arrive.
The chief value of this prepara
tory week, however, in the opinion
of Registrar E. B. Lemon, who or
iginated the idea at Oregon State
11 years ago and has been in charge
of the programs ever since, lies in
the Instruction and information im
parted to the beginning students
by some of the most experienced
members of the faculty in lectures
during the week.
Dr. U. G. Dubach, dean of men,
in his lecture on "Comparative
Values," during this week, for in
stance, will take pains to give the
students a general idea of the prop
er relationship between the differ
ent phases of college life. H. T.
Vane, professor of secretarial sci
ence, whose topic is "Budgeting,"
ha had years of experience in
teaching students how to use their
time and money to the best advan
tage. Dr. F. W. Parr of the school
of education, whose address is en
titled "Study Hints," is the author
of a syllabus on how to study which
is in general demand, even by ex
perienced students. Dr. Kate W".
Jameson, dean of women, will talk
on "College Spirit and Traditions;"
Dr. F. A. Gilfillan of the school of
pharmacy on "Student Activities,"
and Mr. Lemon on "College Pro
cedure." Among other features of the
week's program will be Freshman
convocation Monday night; Psy
chology and English placement
tests Tuesday, as well as a convo
cation Tuesday morning with stu
dent body officers in charge, and
the annual reception of Chancellor
and Mrs. W. J. Kerr for the fresh
men Tuesday night; convocation
Wednesday with Dr. J. R. Jewell,
dean of education, as speaker, and
"Freshman Mix" Wednesday night;
pledge convocation, Thursday night,
an impressive ceremony when the
freshmen pledge allegiance to their
new alma mater; final registration
Friday, with open house at the va
rious churches Friday night; Fresh
man week examinations and the
first freshman class meeting Satur
day morning. Saturday afternoon
a double header football game be
tween O. S. C. and Willamette and
O. S. C and Southern Oregon Normal.
(Continued from First Page)
son. Mrs. Swanson went home
with them to spend a short time in
the capitol city.
Election of class officers for the
coming year have been held by the
high school classes. The freshmen
elected Bert Mason, Jr., as presi
dent, Maurice Feeley, vice-president,
and Denward Bergevin as
secretary-treasurer. Their advisor
is Mr. Tucker. Sophomores elect
ed Eugene Normoyle, president;'
Irene Zinter, vice-president, Elaine
Nelson, secretary, and Fred Hos
kins, treasurer. Their class advis
or is Mrs. Amy Sperry. The Jun
iors evidently believe in woman's
rule as all their officers are girls.
Harriet Heliker is president, Eva
Swanson, vice-president, Ellen Nel
son, secretary, and Alice Patterson,
treasurer. Their class advisor is
Miss Goodall. The seniors elected
Jane Collins as their president,
Raymond Lundell as vice-president,
Walter Bristow as secretary, and
Theodore Thompson as treasurer.
Their class advisor Is Mr. Tucker.
The total enrollment of high
school pupils has reached 57 to date.
A bus from Gooseberry and an
other from Morgan bring high
school pupils from those districts.
In the grades there are 106 pupils
enrolled. There are 27 in the first
and second grades, 25 in the third
and fourth, 24 in the fifth and sixth,
and 30 in the seventh and eighth.
Pupils from four country districts
are attending school in addition to
the pupils in this district.
On Monday evening the high
school alumni had a farewell party
for Miss Marguerite Mauzey at the
home of Miss Eva Swanson. About
twenty-six persons were present
and the evening was spent in play
ing game.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Barnes of The
Dalles were over-night guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. O.
Ely last Wednesday.
(Continued from First Page)
and son Vivian, Homer Tucker and
Boyd Copenhaver.
Mrs. Maggie Doney of Portland
came in on the stage Friday eve
ning and is visiting at the Hynd
ranch in Sand Hollow. Mrs. Doney
is a sister of the Hynd brothers and
of Miss Annie Hynd.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Run, Miss
Faye Luttrell and Vernon Mun
Jters attended the state fair at 6a
lcm last week. They were accom
panied a far as Portland by Miss
Edna Luttrell who went to take up
her teaching work near there.
Harry Duvall made a business
trip to Rufug last week.
Mrs. Kathryn Slocum ha gone
to Grass Valley to visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. Jess Bcardsley.
Mr. and Mr. Walter Lyons of
Portland are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Bauman. Mr. Lyons
la a sister of Mr. .Bauman.
Mr. Roy Campbell ha returned
from Heppner where she ha been
under the rare of a physician
Misses Faye and Leora Gentry
of Portland spent last week at the
W. R. Munkers home.
Glenn Bain of Walla Walla spent
the week end with Harold Beach
who was his classmate while at
Whitman college. On Sunday Har
old took him to Pendleton where
he took the stage to Walla Walla.
They were accompanied to Pendle
ton by Lawrence and Laurel Beach
and George Scott
Mrs. Laura Scott and son Vernon
and Miss Opal Leach left Friday
on a trip to Yellowstone National
Bculah Nichols motored to Vale
Wednesday, taking her sister, Irene
Tucker, who will teach near there
this year. Wilma Tucker accom
panied them and will attend school
Miss Grace Burchell has return
ed from Hood River where sh ht
been visiting with Miss Harriet
Bill Barnhouse of Antnno Trioito
at the S. G. McMillan home last
Mr. and Mrs. Orlow Martin of
Moro spent the week end with Lex
ington relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wyman of Cul
desac, Idaho, were visiors at the
S. G. McMillan home last week.
Mrs. Wyman and Mrs. McMillan
are sisters.
Miss Delpha Merritt, who is at
tending high school in Arlington,
spent the week end with her moth
er, Mrs. Ted McMillan.
Mrs. Alfred Caldera is a patient
at tne rierren hospital in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Matlock and
family have returned from Mt Ad
ams where they went to pick huc
kleberries. Lexington grange will meet Sat
urday night for its first meeting
since July. Work is scheduled in
the first and second degrees, with a
social hour after the meeting. All
members are urged to attend.
Lexingon schools started this
year on September 11 with an en
rollment about the same size as
last year. All the former grade
teachers have returned. Mrs. La
velle White has charge of the pri
mary grades r Miss Eula McMillan
third and fourth: a
fifth and sixth, and Mrs. Lillian
mrner, seventh and eighth.
In the high school Supt James
H. Williams has two new assist
ants, Miss Freda Hammel and
Laurel Beach. Miss Hammel
teaches Enelish.
and girls' athletics. Mr.' Beach
win nave charge of social science,
mathematics and boys' athletics.
Supt Williams will direct the sci
ence department
The first football turnout was
held Tuesday afternoon with eigh
teen players in suits. Although
the boys are small and light, Coach
Beach says their pep and enthus
iasm will go a long ways in carry
ing them through.
On Wednesday the girls' athletic
association held is first meeting
under the direction of Miss Ham
mel, and elected the following offi
cers: President, Doris Burchell;
vice-president. Rosp ThnmimM,
and secretary. Fern Luttrell. The
lunowing managers were also elect
ed: volleyball, Faye Luttrell; bas
ketball, Erma Lane; baseball, Al
berta Fulgham; field day, Mildred
Hunt; miscellaneous, Alma Van
Winkle: hikine. Edna Pnnoh-
stunts, Edith Edwards. The point
system will be used in awarding
the girls' letters.
On the following day the student
body of Lexington high school met
and elected its officers for the
year. Faye Luttrell will be the
new siuaent Dody president; Jack
McMillan, vice - resident, rwio
Burchell, secretary; Alma Van
winKie, treasurer, and Bernice
Martin, yell leader.
A feature of this year's student
body was the organization of a high
school cooperative book store. This
was established at the mip-crsstinn
of Supt Williams who pointed out
that the students could save them
selves a large sum of money by
handling their own books through
a non-profit student organization.
Over fifty dolalrs has already
been turned directlv hack tn th
students in the purchase of new
texts at wholesale prices.
The following directors will serve
the district this year: Harry Schrie
ver, chairman; Harry Dinges and
u. A. Calmer. Miss Donna Bar
nett la clerk.
An all-day meeting of the Mor
row Countv Wheat Production Pnn.
trol association was held nt T.oarh
hall Tuesday for the purpose of
completing applications for allot-
uieiiLs ior me iNorxn iieppner alS'
trict. A large maioritv of th an,
plications were comoleted inrl th
rest will be within a short time,
according to Geo. Peck, chairman
of the local committee. Another
meeting is to be held at the hall
Friday to complete the applications
oi larmers in uie Lexington dis
trict. H. E. Albert, route scent nnH
H. H. Smith, superintendent of the
railway express agency, of Seattle,
were business visitors at the local
postoffice and express office Tues
day afternoon.
Mrs. Cora Steagall came over
irom Spray Monday to attend the
funeral of her grandson, Charles
Thomas Steagall. She was accom
panied by her son, Earl Steagall,
and her two daughters, Irene Stea
gall and Mrs. Lola Belle Breeding.
iney were overnignt guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall and re
turned to Spray Tuesday.
Notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday, October 3, 1933, at 2 P. M.,
the Directors of the West Exten
sion Irrigation District, acting as
a Board of Equalization, will meet
at the office of the District in Irrl
gon, Oregon, to review and correct
the annual assessment of said Dis
trict to be levied on or before the
first Tuesday in September, 1933.
He paid two dollars his mother
received ten thousand at his death.
Would your mother get one cent?
Beatrice Thomson, Health and Ac
cident Insurance.
At Heppner
JOEL R. BENTON, Minister.
Bible School 9:45 a. m.
Morning services 11 a. m.
C. E. Society 6:30 p. m.
Choir rehearsal, Wednesday" 7:30 p. m'
iuiuwrc service, inursaay, p. m.
What Satisfies?
"The eye is not satisfied with see
ing, nor the ear filled with hear
ing." Ecc. 1-8.
"And he shall snntph nn th rio-Vit
hand and be hungry; and he shall
eat on tne leit hand and they shall
not be satisfied." Isaiah 9-20.
"He that loveth silver shall not
be satisfied with silver; nor he th,at
loveth abundance with increase."
Eccl. 5-10.
"So two or three cities wandered
unto one city to drink water, but
they were not satisfied." Amos 4-8.
"Hell and destruction are never
full, so the eyes of men are never
satisned." Proverbs 27-20.
perience of life proves beyond a
doubt the certitude of the Scrip
tures above quoted that real, last
ing satisfaction for the upper or
Spiritual nature of man is NOT
found in material things.
The world-wide restlessness of
humanity, running to and fro, up
and down, shows the disorder; the
inward urge and seeking after
something, something that -arm at
last prove to be the final desidera
tum, tne vaae mecum, the end of
all seeking. But the world alone
fails tO furnish las'tin? SJlHefsmtinn
ten: me unrest or the world is the
unrest of the neglected inner man;
the immortal soul of man, tired and
hungry and weary and worn and
lost, without God. And God alone,
and His leading and Proa pnno will
fully and finally SATISFY human
"For He satisfleth the longing
soul, and filleth the hungry soul
with goodness." Psalm 107-9. Find
God and we shall find soul rest and
soul peace.
If you have not a Church home,
we invite you to come and worship
with us. For the coming Lord's
Day the sermon topics are: For the
morning service, "Resurrection
Life." For the evening service,
"What Satisfies?"
Morning services:
Sunday School 9:45.
Public worship 11:00.
Special music by the choir.
Sermon, "The Liberating Na
ture of Truth."
Evening services:
Epworth. League 6:45.
Evangelistic service 7:45.
Sermon, "What Will Happen
We are always glad to welcome
you at all the services of our
(Continued from First Page)
on the face promised to be even
more sensational.
Mike DeVito, champion of his
weignt in camp Bull Prairie, who
hails from Brooklyn, encountered
Bud Gibson, 135-lb. Burns battler
in tne opening three rounder. In
the first round, Mike snapped back
Gibson's head on numerous nr.ra.
soins with vicious uppercuts. It
was mine s round by a wide mar
gin. In the second round the
southpaw from Burns made a het.
ter showing and managed to hold
his own. Both fighters still had
lots of pen and the crowd for the
second time that evening was wildly
excuea. in the last round DeVito
hit with terrific force and drew
blood from his opponent The:
crowd was yelling for a knockout,
but the Burns boy took It all and
came back for more. The Tinli
Prairie boy received a big hand
wnen ne was announced the win
"Smoky" Thomas, 140-lb. grap
pler from San Francisco, met Tony
-ironsides" .tjitell 143-Ib. repre
sentative from Camn Bull PraiHe
Tony, a possessor of prodigious
sirengtn, weakened Smoky by pick
ing him up and tossing him heavily
time after time. At one Htao-o ti.
telli managed, to have Thomas in a
punisning armiock, and just failed
to pin the wily Frisco lad. The
dark haired eraDDler was not tn ho
denied and finally pinned Smoky
after 5 minutes and 8 seconds of
wrestline. Once more the rmwH'.
favorite came through with a vic
In the final fight of the evening
Bill Perillo, K. O. artist from Camp
Bull Prairie, fought Ken Depew,
150-lb. boxer from Ukiah. The fight
stirred up the crowd, and for th
third successive time a C. C. C. boy
was tne victor. The heavy-hitting
Perillo sent Depew to the canvas
twice, once late in the first round
and repeated in the second round
The officials were Art Blbby, box
ing rereree; Gay Anderson, George
Mabee and Clarence Bn
Judges; Harvey Bauman, wrestling
reieree, ana w. Tamblyn, time
Seed of New Grans Harvested
Oreeon Citv .Tnhnunn hrnthoro
Canby dairymen, harvested 200
pounds or Meadaw Fortall grass
seed rrom two acres of wet land
this year, accordinz to a renort
made to J. J. Inskeep, county ag
ent. Meadow foxtail, a highly pal
atable pasture grass, Is a new grass
on the west coast, and this In the
first seed to be produced commer
cially in the northwest, so far us
mere is any record, Mr. Inskeep
To all who so kindly assisted in
bringing about our happy reunion,
we extend our sincere and heartfelt
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson
and France.
(Continued from First Page)
Emerging with the fastest time in
the pony express Friday, Swaggart
got off to a bad start Saturday but
passed the field to get off in the
lead on the second lap and main
tained it to the finish. Both the
express and relay races were hotly
contested with six entries in each
at the start Swaggart's time for
the two-days express of 4:45 was
seconded closely by R. L. Baze in
4:47, with Add Moore taking third
in 5:53.
In the relay Swaggart hung up
the time of 7:11 V, to edern nut Ken
neth Depew with 7:18 and Bert
tsaze witn v:ai.
Girls Have Part.
A bit of color was added to the
show this year by special races for
the cowgirls and participation of
women iockeva in the feature rappa
While mounted on some of the
tastest horseflesh in the lists, Delia
Shrlver of California showed she
could hold her own with any of the
boy jockeys In the feature races.
She copped the girls' pony ex
press race in the total time of 2:55,
with Maude Barnett on the Frank
Swaggart horses second in 4 flat,
and Florence Dosser on the Phil
brick and Anderton horses third in
4:29. She also placed first in the
cowgirl race with Norma Drayer
second. On Friday Miss Shriver
placed second in the free-for-all,
being edged out by Pete Gilliland,
but on Saturdav she ran. five nr siv
lengths ahead of the field In this
eveni witn fete trailing tor second
Climaxine her race nerfnrmnnne
as well as that of the fast string
of Shriver ponies, Delia rode to
victory in the spectacular three-quarter-mile
dertav nn Saturdav
with Bert Baze placing second and
Arden Gilliland third.
Kenneth Depew copped the half
mile saddle horse race Friday with
Eddie O'Brien taking second' in a
laree field of entries rn Satm-dav
Bill Huddleston blew In from Ukiah
to take first In the event, with sec
ond split between Frank Swaggart
ana ivennetn Depew.
The boys' pony race was taken
by the John McMann and Frank
Swaggart horses, first and second,
Friday, with another Frank Swag
art horse winning, and a Harry
uwens horse placing second Satur
In the quarter-mile cowboy race
atuDDy jonnson took first and Lloyd
Depew second, Friday, with Ken
neth Depew and W. N. Huddleston
placing first and second Saturday.
A feature race Fridav waa the
two-year-old race in which Bert
caze piacea nrst and Frank Swag
gart second.
Winding up the program each
day was the .closely run Roman
race, with Gerald Swaggart first
ana it. u. Baze second, Friday; and
it. u. naze first, and Johnny Eu
bank second. Saturdav.
JNOtninfif hilt Ht sfnntlnn hno Koa.
heard regarding the decisions of
me arena judges, stubby Johnson
of Pendleton, Dean Dudley of
Athena, and- Clarence Porter of
Long Creek. John Carter of Long
Creek, Dudley and Percy Hughes
of Umapine assisted in starting the
From the north as far as British
Columbia, from the south far into
California, from the east Intn Mon
tana, came the performers, the list
or which includes:
Mack White Tommy Woods
Andrew Philbrick Scott Furlong
Tommy Philbrick
Florence Dosser
Gerald Swaggart
Frank Swaggart
John Watkins
Merle Swaggart
Harold Wallace
Nick Melinchuk
Paul Baker
Marion Wallace
Eldon Michael
Rolie Hayes
Pat Fisk
Leonard Carter
Bud Walton
Bob Tonack
Art Mann
Doc Watson
Ted Fisher
Joe Kenny
Phil Bosley
Sammy Carter
Stub Johnson
Tony Vey
Ivan Applegate
John Zumstein
R. L. Baze
Buz Gibson
Frank Almack
Buck Rose
Cody Dodaon
Buster Tippet
Glen Rutherford
Raymond Dodson
Jack Hartman
Bert Baze
Tom Healy
Melvin Raze
-. . nnuu iuii jacit uauon
E. .1 Ttirl
Kenneth Depew
Johnnie Drayer
Willie Simpson
Bill Elk
Pete Gilliland
Arden Gilliland
Max Gilliland
Tomple Scoggln
Bud May
Jack McMann
Harry Dick
Wilkin Williams
Archie Coby
Homer Hager
Bud Colvin
Eddie Sheridan
Les Sanburn
Joe DeMello
Nick Knight
Joe Allen
Oral Zumwalt
Add Moore
A. G. Shriver
Delia Shriver
Floyd Peters
Maude Barnett
Johnny Barnett
Eddie O'Brien
R. W Bailey
V. Hunt
Emery Moore
Herb Owens
Pat Owens
Harry Owens
Ray Reyner
Jos. v. Pedro
Rnh TTlpthpf Tf
Lloyd Depew
To Herb French, arena rii renfnr
ana u. A. Wilson and Henry Aiken
vice presidents. eoea the, nrennn.
derance of credit for the fine stag
ing or this year's show.
Fatal Fire
The great Tillamook county fire
or law was singularly free of hu
man fatalities, only one so far as
known. Other great flres were
more destructive of human life.
The Feshtigo (Wis.) fire of 1871
took 1,500 lives, the Hinckley
(Minn.) fire of 1894 took 418 lives,
the Cloquet (Minn.) fire of 1918
had a toll of 400 persons, the Yacolt
or iewis river fire of 1902 snuffed
out 18 lives.
Great Fire
The destructive Tillamook countv
nre or ii66 covered far more acre
age than any fire In Oregon since
me days of organized forest pro
tection. Oregon's mountains, how
ever, show evidence of even great
er fires. The Yaquina fire of 1846
covered about 450.000 acres: the
Nestucca fire of 1853, also on the
Coast range, about 320,000; the SU
verton fire of 1865 about 1,000,000
acres; the Coos Bay fire of 1868
about 3,000,000 acres. The 1902
flres on the Cascade range on both
sides of the Columbia river swept
about 600,000 acres, mostly In the
Lewis river watershed.
Flxh FUnted
To Whet tho Internal of nnnrtji.
men, 65,000 trout were recently
planted in Inkna and rraeka nf tho
Colville national forest, Washing
ton. The spawn of the eastern
brook trout came from Missouri,
the Rainbow spawn from Iowa and
the black-spotted spawn from Yel
lowstone park.
Shade Saves Snow
How a forest cover retards the
melting of snow in Douglas fir
woods was observed at the Wind
river (Washington) branch of the
federal forest experiment station
this spring. In open cut-over land
the snow had melted by April 20;
in partly cut-over land some of it
lasted until May 1, while In virgin
woods it was not gone until May 12.
No Wonder They Gain Weight
Figures prepared by the War De
partment for Robert Fechner, Di
rector of Emergency Conservation
work, show that the C. C. C. boys
put away 1,042 carloads of bacon,
beef, coffee and other food stuffs
every thirty days. Each month this
group of forest workers consume
1,125,000 pounds of bacon, 5,625,000
pounds of beef, 9,000,000 eggs, 5
625,000 pounds of potatoes; 2,250,000
pounds of pork, 6,750,000 pounds of
nour, 1,125,000 pounds of coffee, 2,.
812,500 pounds of sugar and 1,125,
000 pounds of onions. Army stat
isticians spent a few moments re
cently checking up on the number
of hogs, steers, chickens, and acres
of land it would take to produce
the food needed to keep the Civil
ian Conservation Corps on rations
for a single month. Their figures
aisciosea tnat It would require 281
250 chickens, 186,000 hogs, and 9,-
sto steers to furnish the beef, ba
con, lard and eggs needed over a
thirty-day period.
(Continued from First Page)
purple and gold, atop of which rode
"Brownie," pet dog of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Shively, the lion for the oc
casion. Brownie took French leave
before the parade was over, giving
the crowd a laugh.
Cash prizes of $25, $15 and $10
were given for the floats. Beatrice
Thomson won the $10 first prize for
the best decorated auto; Dee Cox
won Ferguson Motor company's $3
prize for the oldest man riding In
the parade, and Mrs. Add Moore
won Bert Kane's $3 prize for the
oldest woman riding in parade.
Beulah Eskelson claimed Pen
nes $5 prize for the best cos
tumed cowgirl, and B. W. Baker
won Wilson's prize of a like amount
for the best costumed cowboy.
Little Betty Happold and Guy
Moore, dressed as pioneer man and
woman, with cart and pony, claim
ed Ralph Jackson's $5 prize for the
best comedy offering, with the Boy
Scouts doing their camp chores in
a big cook wagon taking Pat Mol
lahan's $2.50 second prize.
For the twins looking most alike,
riding in parade, the little Misses
Margaret and Juanita Hale took
Chas. H. Latourell's first prize of
$3, and Gerald and Delbert Vinton
won the Tum-A-Lum $2 second
prize. Both sets of twins are from
the Lena district
Parade judges were taken from
among the Rodeo officials, being
Stubby Johnson, Pendleton; Clar
ence Porter, Long Creek; John
Carter, Long Creek, and Dean Dud
ley, Athena.
Trade and Employment
(Printed without charge. Dis
continued on notice.)
To trade Cows and hay track
and carrier for Van Brunt grain
drills. Leo Gorger, Lexington.
One 3-bottom, 14-ln. gang to
trade for rye or wheat. W. P. Hill,
Box 526, Heppner.
To Trade 5 head good mules for
good horses; aslo saddle mare for
work horse. Troy Bogard, Hepp
ner, fone 6F12.
To Trade Horse for wheat or
wooa. wm. Kummerland, Lexing
Will trade for boy's saddle pony.
a. v . MajesKe, Lexington.
For trade Dairy cattle for sheep,
wneai or parley, rtoy Weill, Echo
Two fresh heifers with calves to
trade for hogs or sheep. John G
Parker, fone 17F3.
To trade Fresh milk cow. Max
Schulz, Heppner.
To trade -Pint and quart bottles;
also three 100-gal, barrels. Max
O.U..11 T T
ocnuitz, neppner.
2 tube Tooth Parte in.
One 60o bottle Antiseptlo
1 tabes Shaving Cream
One 50o bottle AntUeptio
1 tabe Tooth Paste
1 tube Shaving Cream r
One 50o bottle Antiseptlo ""
Quality of the finest? Of course
J. C. HARDING, Watkln Dealer
Are YOU one of those men who
will leave to your family
New York Life Counselor
Office in Mahrt's Electric Shop
Fresh and Cured
Butterfat Turkey, Chicken
bought for SWIFT A CO.
Phone u for market price
at all times.
Phone 88 IONE, ORE.
7,e FAM0D.Y
It is with the utmost disgust that
I see the most wonderful discov
ery of our age, turned over to ped
dlerism and the howling dervishes
of medical quackery. No hour of
day or night Is immune, and it is
only rarely that we get a program
that is not frescoed with ballyhoo
of one sort or another.
Sometimes I find myself fairly
tolerant and I listen in at the mob
of bunc - slingers - for - pay. One
bawls "It is now given up that bad
breath is caused by germs in every
instance." With that lie out of his
system, he proceeds to tell anoth
erthat his stuff will kill them
easier, quicker, more thoroughly
than any ordinary germ extermin
ator. People listen and perhaps
hurry to the drug store to buy the
nostrum. I wonder. . , .
I heard a hawker talking about
the prostate gland, the other night,
With a solemn, clerical voice, spec
ially selected for the purpose, he
urged the simple-hearted old fel
lows to believe they've got diseased
prostates and rush right in for
treatment. . . . Take his word for
it. The only guy on top o' dirt that
is master of this important gland
The only fellow capable really ca
pable of doing good work all oth
ers are wrong mistaken danger
ous to fool with! Don't trust your
family physician get your advice
over radio the genuine kind. Dab
ble around take your prostate to
the ballyhoo works! Well ... I
can't help what you do with your
prostate but I know what I'm NOT
going to do
While they are at it, I wish con
gress or some power that is ef
fective, would clean up this radio
carnival of blacksheep beggars. I
wouldn't complain if it were en
durable. For Sale Standard make piano
near Heppner. Will sacrifice for
unpaid balance. A snap. Easy
terms. Write Tallman Piano Store,
Salem, Ore. - 24-26.
Headquarters for
Canned Foods
Check Up on
Your Printing
Needs NOW!
Paper Prices
Going Up!
Orders filled from
present stocks giv
en advantage of re
cent low prices
Heppner Gazette Times
Technical Forestry Tests
Announced for This Fall
' Civil service examinations for
both junior forester and junior
range examiner In the U. S. for
est service are to be held this fall,
according to announcement just re
ceived by the regional forester at
Applications for these examina
tions must be on file with the U. S.
civil service commission at Wash
ington, D. C, not later than Sep
tember 26, 1933. Applicants will be
notified of the exact date of the ex
aminations. These civil service examinations
are to secure men to fill vacancies
which may occur on any of the na
tional forests as well as for forestry
work on Indian reservations, and
are usually tried by a large number
of students at the thirty-five for
estry schools of the United States.
It is from these eligible lists that
the technical staff of the forest ser
vice is recruited, as well as forest
ers for the U. S. Indian service.
These men do subordinate work In
forest management, range manage
ment, forest research, planting and
nursery work, ranger district ad
ministration, and allied lines.
The entrance salary for each of
these positions is $2,000 per year
less a deduction not to exceed 15
for the fiscal year 1934, and the
age limit is 21 to 34 years. A col
lege education In foresty, or Its
equivalent In education and prac
tical experience, is a requirement
for admission to the examinations.
Intending applicants should se
cure application form from local
civil service secretary or from the
U. S. civil service district manager,
Federal Office building, Seattle.
No trespassing or hunting will be
permitted on Dee Cox and D. O.
Justus land in Morrow county.
Anyone found trespassing or hunt
ing on. this land will be prosecuted
to the full extent of the law.
rhosphate Doubles Alfalfa Yield
Gold Beach A small plot of al
falfa treated with treble phosphate
practically doublel its yield on the
farm of Z. J. Crockett, Pistol river.
The phosphae was obtained thru
the county agent's office.
Today, more than ever, we must