HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 14, 1933. PAGE THREE Miss Jeanette Turner, daughter! of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Turner, and Miss Ruth Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Turner, left yester day for Eugene and Corvallls re spectively, Miss Jeanette to re sume her work at the University of Oregon and Miss Ruth to enter Oregon State college as a fresh man. F. W. Turner took them In his car. Commitment services were held at Heppner cemetery Monday for Charles Thomas, flve-day-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall of Lexington, with Phelps Funeral home in charge, and Rev. P. J. Stack officiating. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Amort (nee Melba Griffiths) and son John ar rived in Heppner late Saturday night and visited until Sunday noon with Heppner relatives and friends. Their home is in Portland. Henry Smouse was one of a group of farmers from the lone district transacting business in the city yesterday. Mr. Smouse is presi dent of the Morrow County Grain Growers association. W. N. "Bill" Huddleston, who managed the annual cowboy con vention in his home town, was over from Ukiah for the last day of the Rodeo and walked away with some of the race money. Reward for return of black imi tation leather suitcase containing man's and woman's clothing which was taken from the hotel at the time of the fire. W. N. Huddles ton, Ukiah, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Bergstrom came in from the Eight Mile farm home Tuesday to transact business. Harvest is now generally over In their district and fall work is being started. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson mo tored to Prineville Thursday and returned that night accompanied by Mrs. Leonard Schwarz who is spending the week visiting home folks. Miss Charlotte Woods, instructor of music for the last two years in the Heppner schools, was a week end guest of Miss Madge Coppock. She will teach at Cloverdale this year. Willis Stewart, former livery sta ble proprietor and one-time lead ing weather prophet of Heppner, was over from his home on the John Day river to take in the Ro deo. Wm. O'Rourke, former resident of this city now In the creamery business in Pendleton, enjoyed greeting old-time friends while at tending the Rodeo Saturday. Clifford Sims, receiver of the banks at Milton and Arlington, vis ited over Monday with Heppner relatives and friends, departing for Arlington Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shaw were transacting business in the city Tuesday. Mr. Shaw is starting a windmill, well and plumbing work business in his home town. Miss Rose Owen of Pendleton Is staying with her sister, Mrs. Pat Mollahan, during Mr. Mollahan's absence on his trip to his old home In Ireland. Judge and Mrs. C. L. Sweek cams over from Pendleton for the Rodeo Friday, and were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gay M. An derson. W. H. French was In from his Blue Mountain farm home south of Hardman Tuesday, looking fit as a fiddle after his recent severe illness. Will trade portable gasoline heat er In good condition for wood heat er, wheat or what have you. Mrs, L. G. Rumble, General Hospital city. Herb Thompson, a judge at last year's Rodeo, was among a group of Interested spectators who vlS' ited this year's show from Pendle' ton. Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Specialist of Pendleton, will be at Hotel Heppner on Wednesday, Sept. 20, 9 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Ad. Will M. Peterson, attorney and leading democrat of the Umatilla county metropolis, saw the Rodeo Friday In company with his son. The Methodist Woman's Foreign Missionary society will hold Its regular meeting at the church next Tuesday, Sept. 19, at 2:30 o'clock. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mor gan of lone at the home of Mrs. Pat Mollahan In this city Sunday morning, a 9-pound boy. Dr. Wilson D. McNary, president of the Round-Up, and Mr. Sturgls were among Pendletonlans who at tended the Rodeo. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hiatt of La Grande took time off to visit Heppner friends and relatives dur ing the Rodeo. Warren Stender of lone under went an operation for removal of tonsils at Heppner hospital "Tues day morning. Concord grapes at Suddarth's, lV4c per lb. cash or wheat. Yt mile S. Columbia highway, 2 miles W, of Irrlgon. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gaily of La Grande visited at the homo of Mr. Gaily's brother, Hubert, during the Rodeo. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ohleschlager of The Dalles visited with Heppner friends during the Rodeo. Will pay market price for one ton soft wheat. Call Mrs. L. G. Kura ble, General Hospital. Hp. gqppSBDIIDDg BOARDMAN By RACHEL J. BARLOW Mr. and Mrs. Y. P. Rutherford celebrated their 50th wedding an niversary Wednesday, September 6. A lovely dinner was served in the afternoon at their home on the project, covers being laid for 22. Guests present were their son, F. E. Rutherford of Boardman, their daughter, Mrs. Clyde Wristen of Brentwood, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rutherford of Toledo, Wn., Mrs. Asburn Lemon, Mrs. Italia Morrison and Mrs. Loretta Peters, all of Seattle; Ida Lewis of Yaki ma, Wn,, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Weatherell and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Lemon of Arlington; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Marvel of Rock Creek and Glen Rutherford, Mrs. Eva Warner and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wicklander. In the evening the grange and friends held a recep tion for them in the school audi torium. After the program of mu sic and a mock wedding, all retired to the dining room where a lovely lunch was served. The room and table were decorated with gold col ored flowers and crepe paper. Mrs. T. E. Hendricks made the large wedding cake. Mrs. W. O. King as toastmaster called on several for toasts. After lunch a dance was held in the gymnasium. A very large crowd was present for the occasion honoring Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson of Walla Walla were visitors Sunday at the Weston home. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Weston were friends forty years ago at Castle Rock and Wyeth. Mr. Wilson is road master of the O.-W. R. & N. Miss Brown from Eugene came to Boardman Sunday where she will teach In the local high school, taking the place of Miss Leibbrand who resigned recently. Miss Brown and Miss Galley are boarding with Mrs. Eva Warner, and the other teachers are at the hotel at this time. A large crowd attended the teachers' reception in the school house Saturday evening, given by the board of directors. The eve ning was spent by playing games and a program of music, after which lunch was served in the cafe teria. The Ladies Aid Silver tea was held last Friday afternoon at the Gorham home. Mrs. Eva Warner took charge of the meeting. A dainty lunch was served by Mese dames J. F. Gorham, Albin Sund sten, Wm. Strobel and Bryce Dil labough. " Mrs. Buster Rands and daughter Mary Ann are here visiting with Mrs. Rands' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Healey. George Blayden and Jess Lower were business visitors in Moro last Thursday. Bill La Londe who is working during harvest near Dufur was home for a few days last week. Bill Ayers spent the week end In Heppner. Mrs. Earl Cramer, Mrs. Frank Stevens and Miss Bethmyrl Miller motored to La Grande last Thurs day. Miss Miller will teach again this year In the La Grande city grade school. Miss Mary Healey of The Dalles spent Sunday here with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Root and son Vernon left Friday for a two weeks vacation. While away they will at tend the postmasters' convention in Seattle and visit relatives in Port land and Corvallls. Mrs. Gladys Fortier and Norma Gibbons left Wednesday for Eu gene where Miss Gibbons will at tend the university. Guy Barlow, deputy sheriff, at tended the Heppner Rodeo last week where he assisted Sheriff Bauman with his work. Jack Sayers visited friends in Boardman last week. S. H. Boardman of Salem was a visitor in town last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Skoubo are the parents of a son, born at their home in Boardman last Monday morning. HARDMAN By LUCILLE FARRENS George Kirk who has been ser iously ill is now reported to be on the road to recovery. Lotus Robison was moving the last of his household goods Monday. The Robisons are now domiciled at their new home in Heppner and Richard is attending Heppner high school. Holly Leathers and daughter Grace came over from their Kim berly ranch last week and spent several days visiting at the home of Mr. Leathers' son and daughter. In-law. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leath ers. While nere Mr. Learners wok in the Rodeo and states he not only had a most enjoyable time but found It a most opportune place to meet his many old time Morrow county friends. Ad Inskeep returned from the mountains the last of the week where he has been making his win ter's wood. Mrs. J. W. Stevens and sister. Mrs. Nettie Billmlre, and Mrs. John Adams were all day visitors of Mrs L. J. Burnside at their Rood con' yon ranch last Tuesday. This community was well repre sented at the Heppner Rodeo both days, leaving our little city almost deserted on Saturday. Both Bud Cannon and Carl Leathers took In truck loads of passengers. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Johnson and family have moved into the Rood canyon district whore the children are attending school. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Venable of Arlington took time off to attend the Rodeo. Place vour order for your favor lte pie with Mrs. George Moore. 28 Superior 20-dlsc drill for sale W. Valentine, Lexington. 2(l-29jg C. C. C. Cruisers Making New Survey of Forest (Editor's Note: This Is the sec ond of a series of articles dealing with the work accomplishments of the various crews at Camp Bull Prairie, written by Bull Prairie correspondent.) If anyone should happen to be strolling through the Umatilla for est, he would probably be startled to hear an ocasional cry of "Yo! Yo!" That, my readers, is the call that the cruiser crew has tentative ly adopted. Their work is considered to be rather hazardous. Therefore, the crew, which consists of Jimmy Di Gregario, Dick Cardwell, Al "Tam arack" Shastik, Izzy Golden, Izzy Klopot, Maurice Shostack, Sam Wilson, Eugene Kosciuk, Joe Bus ceml and Jacob Witlin, were espec ially picked for the work. Up to the present time, the sur vey crew has completed about 10,- 000 acres. All this work has been carried on in the Umatilla National forest which was last completely surveyed in 1879. The boys have discovered and corrected many er- ors that were made previously. They have finished all of the ter ritory surrounding Camp Bull Prairie and the Notch. From there they expect to go to establish a camp at Long Prairie, where work of a similar nature will be done. Under the supervision of H. C. Heine, Jr., the crew has made rap id progress. Right now they are considered one of the most out standing crews at the camp. The transportation is ably handled by Boyd Huston of Monument. Districts Not Liable For Bus Accidents "A school district in operating a bus for the transportation of pu pils is acting as an agency of the state in affording children an op portunity to secure an education. The district is acting for the com mon good and without purpose of obtaining pecuniary profit In oth er words the district is acting in a governmental capacity and is there fore not liable for damages in case of accident." This recent supreme court decis ion is cited by Mrs. Lucy E. Rod gers, county school superintendent, who says further: "However, action for damages may be brought against the driver of the bus in case of accident and he can be held Habit. The driver should be protected by liability in surance, and the district should take this into consideration in fix ing the salaries of bus drivers, and should require such insurance even though there is no law specifying the requirement of liability insur ance." The superintendent points out that school busses are required by law to display in a prominent po sition on the front and rear of the bus the words "School Bus" in let ters not less than six inches high and of proportionate width. Busses must come to a full Btop before crossing railroads. - All motor ve hicles in passing a bus which is loading or discharging pupils must slow down to a rate of speed not exceeding 15 miles an hour. Bachelor Five Meet The Bachelor Five sewing club of Rocky Bluff took all prizes In their division at North Morrow County fair at Irrlgon. Ribbons were awarded as follows: 1st, Clifford Carlson; 2nd, Clarence Ba ker; 3rd, David H. Baker; 4th, Merle G. Baker; 5th, Henry Peter son, Jr. This completes the year s work under the leadership of Miss Redding. As the club members completed their work 100 percent an achievement certificate and pins will be awarded. David Baker, re porter. EXAMINER HERE 20TH. E. R. Thurber, examiner of op erators and chauffeurs, will be in Heppner Wednesday, Sept 20, at the courthouse, between the hours of 1 and 5 p. m., according to an nouncement from the office of Hal E. Hoss, secretary of state. All those wishing permits or licenses to drive cars are askd to get in touch with Mr. Thurber at this time. CHICAGO FAIR Effective Daily on all Union Pacific tratni, Including The PORTLAND ROSE Good In DELUXE COACHES AND IN J TOURIST SLEEPERS upon payment of regular looping car charges t For complete Information and aulitanco In planning your trip to the World's Fair, Inquire of Chester Dubee, Agent, Heppner, Oregon UNION PACIFI THE Hehisch Published by the Journalism Class of HEPPNER HIGH SCHOOL Edior-ln-chlef Jennie Swindig News Editor Francis Nickerson Sports Editor Bill Schwarz Grade School Editor , Owen Bleakman Reporters, Ilene Kilkenny, Frances Rugg, Louis Gilliam, Cleo Hiatt. EDITORIAL It is hoped that the parents and the public will do all in their power to help that very worthwhile insti tution, the school. Let's everyone boost our school. Because of the Increase in enroll ment in the high school this year, some rearrangement had to be made in the assembly hall to ac commodate the new students. If the assembly hall were used as a home room for all the students It would be necessary to install an extra row of seats. This would be quite Impossible because it would obstruct passage to and from as sembly. The newly Instituted system pro vides for about sixty students to have their home room in the so ciology and english rooms and the other sixty students to have theirs in the assembly hall. When all the students pass in and out of the assembly hall, it necessi tates some confusion. With this new system, however, we believe that most of the confusion will be done away with. This year will be "an Era of Bet ter Feeling" for the chorus class because of the change in the chem istry period. Last year chorus was held in the chemistry room Imme diately after chemistry, and our crooners found the odors of gasses and other chemicals rather dis agreeable. This year chemisty is the first hour in the morning and chorus the last period in the af ternoon. Heppner high sohool student body census of 1933 shows an In crease of 9 over last year's en rollment. Vocation Class Mr. Bloom Is conducting a class in vocation this year for the lower classmen. This is a new subject and is Intended to give lower class men some idea of what they would like and are suited for in the way of a life work. The course of study takes up the different principal types of occupations and tells the opportunities for advancement, ma terial gain, and profit offered in each. So far 22 students have been enrolled In the class. The Big Sister Movement For the purpose of assisting the freshmen and other new girl stu dents this year in getting settled and instructed in the ways, func tions, and activities of the school the "big sister" movement has been organized. The idea of the movement is not original since It Is used in most large schools and universities, but it is the first time it has been adopted here. Eight senior girls are acting as the offi cial "big sisters. They can be easily identified by the small tri angular badge, in school colors which they wear during school hours, and they may be called on for advice at any time. Physical Education To have their names printed on the banner that was won by the Shamrocks last year Is the object of the four clubs of the girls gym classes. The Shamrocks, Shooting You Hear It I to 3. C Penmey Co. - DEPARTMENT STORE Store Phone 593 HEPPNER, ORE. Manager's Phone 1S8S Stars, Red Devils and Wild Cats have already started competition In baseball. Much interest has been shown so far. The clubs use a point system as a means of choos ing the winning team. The points are given as follows: winner three points, teams coming in even, two points, and losers none. High School Gym for Boys Heppner high school gym, for boys, has a new program this year, completely changing from last year's club plan. Baseball, horse shoes, and basketball will be the diversions of most interest. Roy Gentry will manage an elimination tournament in basketball, prepar ing some of the best players for a better chance at the varsity com petition. Grade School Sport News The clubs composed of seventh and eighth grade boys have been organized into teams for play ground baseball play under the di rection of the physical education instructor, Mr. Mabee. The teams are Trojans, Bronks, Cougars, and Lions. Play will be held during the boys' gym periods which are between 11 and 11:50 o'clock every Tuesday and Thursday. Grade News Mr. Foord, high school english teacher, is taking charge of the seventh grade spelling class while Miss Leathers, seventh grade teach er, coaches the high school glee clubs. The Payne and Garrison spelling books published by Rand & Mc Nally, are being used in the fifth, sixth, seventh' and eighth grades. These books comply with the stale lists. The fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades are having extended review in arithmetic. The music classes of the grade school are being coached by Miss Leathers, seventh grade teacher. Mr. Buhman has reported that he expects enrollment of new band FOR A GOOD MEAL ANYTIME GOTO THE ELKH0RN Complete Fountain Service ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHTNN, Prop. Everywhere! Penney has the Smartest New IFaflll 3.77 Newer, smarter, more unusual than any dresses you ever 'saw at any where near the price! Such brilliant satins, such chic ribbed sheers, such plain sheers and soft crepes! You'll want them all and at Penney's low prices you can have all you want ! students. The sixth grade leads in enroll ment So far forty students have enrolled, 26 of whom are boys. The New Day arithmetic books, published by Durell & Gillet, are being put into use by the fifth and seventh grades. These books are state adoptions. The second and third grades are enjoying the new library books which they received from the state library. The lower grades will start work on projects this week. PINE CITY By OLETA NEILL Mr. and Mrs. Tom Journey of Los Angeles have been visiting for several days with Mrs. Journey's uncle, Jim Ayers. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill and sons Ralph and Hugh attended church in Pendleton Sunday. Those from Pine City attending the Heppner Rodeo were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vey, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. O'Brien and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ayers and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Morehead and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Barholomew, Roy Neill and daughter Alma, Mr. and Mrs. John Healy and family, Misses Oleta and Lenna Neill, O. F. Bartholomew and Russell and John Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Buseick and children of Long Creek have been visiting over the week end at the BUY YOUR PACIFIC POWER ALWAYS AT SEPT. PEAS EhIRK Sugar Fancy Selve Oregon Product FUSE No. 2 Tin .... 10c 16 LBS. COFFEE Honey Pure Strained 5 Lbs 49c 10 lbs 89c JELLO QQs 3 Pkgs. mOK, For your dessert CANDY BARS Extra large, extra fine 3 BARS Co DRESSING rn Best Foods always best Per Qt. Del Monte Golden Bantam, finest quality. CEREAL f Per. Pkg. IOC Grape Nuts for breakfast 29c Tins P. N. Butter PAR At such a rldlc u I o u s 1 y low price of FEB FKO. 30c Bk.Pwdr Calumet Double Acting 5 LBS $1.09 10 LBS. .. $1.69 home of Mrs. Buseick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger. Miss Georgianna Briggs of Her miston called on Mrs. E. B. Wat tenburger Sunday morning. Mrs. T. J. O'Brien and family were In Pendleton Thursday on business. Miss Freda Hammel and Miss Harriet Chambers spent the week end at the C. H. Bartholomew home. A group of the young women of Pine City surprised Miss Nea Neill Sunday afternoon with a handker chief shower, as a farewell party. Those present were the Misses Ber nice Neill, Charlotte Helms, Oleta Neill and Lenna Neill, Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and Mrs. Jasper My ers. Miss Neill Is leaving the lat ter part of the week for La Grande where she will attend Normal the coming year. Mrs. Isabella Corrlgall has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Gorley for a few days. Miss June Way is staying at the Jim Omohundro home and will at tend the Pine City high school this year. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill and family were in Heppner Monday afternoon on business. CARD OF THANKS. I wish to sincerely thank all those who helped in saving my house from the fire. MRS. E. RANCK. For your favorite pie, see Mrs. George Moore. 26-28 Sfe$ NOW You know the outstanding quality of Thor washers. There is no finer home laundry equipment made For a limited time we do not think it will be long j ou may buy the new im proved Super-Agitator Thor at the exceptionally reason able price of (69.50. It is a real bargain a price that may not be equaled again in years, if ever. We sincerely advise you to buy today! Yon may purchase on convenient terms. & LIGHT COMPANY YOUR SERVICE! No ! ! This is no Fire Sale. Just some real dazzling hot specials for Friday, Saturday, Monday, 15, 16, 18, Inc. Tissue Waldorf large rolls fin est quality toilet tissue CANE 85c Per Roll 5c "fbom Airway, 3 lbs 55c eoasteb to Nob Hill, 3 lbs 73c consttmeb" Dependable, 2 lbs. 53c Bacon Fancy light weight, real lean Per Lb. 18C .. 10c PRETZELS 29c To top off that lunch with Per Lb. 19c Maximum finest quality 10c OUK Per Lb. LARD Armour's pure hug lard No. 10 Ctn. 79c