Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 14, 1933, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Established March SO. 1883;
Established November 18, 1397;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hpp
ner, Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Tear
Six Months .,
Three Months
Single Copies ., ,
Official Paper tor Morrow County
TT MAY turn, out that the most
important thing that has hap
pened in the world in the past
three years is the international
wheat agreement which has been
signed by the representatives of 21
nations. We believe that Mr. Fred
erick E. Murphy, the head of the
American delegation to the Wheat
Conference, is right when he says
that the records for a thousand
years past show clearly that wheat
has always been the index to the
price of other commodities.
In other words, as Mr. Murphy
puts it, "prosperity comes from the
Under the terms of the London
agreement, the great wheat-growing
nations are to reduce their
acreage of wheat by about 15 per
cent the wheat importing nations
are to keep their own acreage down
to or below present levels and use
every possible measure to increase
the consumption of wheat, and thay
agree to pay a price of not less than
55 cents, gold, rising to 63.02 cents,
At the present value of the dollar
in foreign exchange that would
give an equivalent of about 92 cents
for American wheat. And since the
trend of the dollar is downward, it
seems, as Mr. Murphy points out
that we can look for "dollar wheat"
as the minimum for years to come.
For whenever the price has been
maintained at the 63.02 cents mini
mum for four months, the import
ing nations agree to reduce their
tariffs, to further stimulate the im
portation of wheat
The importance of this to every
man, woman and child In America
may not be apparent on the sur
face. But it touches the pocket
books of all of us. It will cut down
the surplus of wheat above the
present world demand in two ways,
first by regulating production, sec
ond in increasing consumption. It
should not take long to absorb the
present world surplus of something
like half a billion bushels. Even
before that is absorbed, however,
money at a rate that is profitable
to the wheat grower will begin to
flow into the farmers' pockets; and
that should be the break in the
vicious circle of economic depress
ion that is needed to start the
world back to prosperity.
Sunday School
. J
. -.
By Bev. Charles Dunn, D. D.
Lesson for September 17th.
I Kings 5-8.
Golden Text: Psalm 100:4.
Under the leadership of Solomon,
the Wise King, Israel reached a
high point of material splendor. He
began his reign with noble ideas,
as indicated by the impressive story
of his dream at Gibeon where, in
answer to the divine request, "Ask
what I shall give thee," he did not
beg for long life, or riches, or vie
tory over his foes, but for "an un
derstanding heart."
What is life's best gift? Some
insist it is gold. Others claim it
is fame. Still others answer in
terms of health. But Solomon's
dream makes It clear, to quote
from the book of Proverbs, a book
ascribed to Solomon, that "Wisdom
is the principal thing; therefore get
And be it noted that with wisdom
come, in inevitable sequence, the
lesser gifts. God gave Solomon npt
only what he asked for, but, in ad
dition, prosperity, honour, length of
days, and a reign of peace without
a parallel in Jewish history.
Solomon was a splendid politician
and administrator. He consolidated
the kingdom, welding together its
disorganized tribes into a tempor
ary union. He realized, too, the
value of foreign alliances, through
the promotion of which he stimu
lated international commerce and
good will, as indicated by the fa
mous visit to Jerusalem of the
Queen of Sheba. But his greatest
claim to fame arises from his suc
cessful completion of the spectacu
lar Temple,
But S o 1 o m o n's extraordinary
wealth and fame proved, in the end,
his undoing. "His wives," says the
narrative, "turned away his heart
after other gods. . . . And the Lord
was angry with Solomon." Self-indulgence
and pride of possession
brought about, at last, unmistak
able deterioration In the fibre of
his character. With all his wisdom,
he lacked self-control. We do not
wonder, then, that the glory of his
reign was followed by the disaster.
The wisest man in history was
made a fool of by his women and
his wealth, and his splendid king
dom crashed into ruin. What a
commentary on human weakness
and divine judgment!
"THE Federal Government Is go-
ing to try its hand at controlling
the price of poultry and eggs, in
the interest of the producer.
We have a notion that this is go
ing to be a more difficult and com
plicated job than putting up the
price of cotton, or wheat, or to
bacco. But we are for it. We want
to see the hen come back to her
appropriate place in the scheme of
It will be a hard job, because
there are so many hens so widely
distributed. It doesn't take a far
mer to keep hens. In fact, a lot of
farmers don't bother with hens.
According to the Agricultural De
partment statistics, out of about
6,000,000 farms, there are hens kept
on 5,400,000 of them, but the vast
majority of these, more than 5,
000,000, have flocks of less than 200
hens, while only 22,000 farms have
flocks of 700 or more.
But besides these hens on the
farms, there are the backyard hens,
who aren't counted in the picture
at all. The total value of eggs and
poultry which figured in the com
mercial statistics the last time they
were counted ran to about 848 mil
lion dollars; that covered some
twenty-seven hundred million eggs
from 379 million hens. It would be
our guess that there are another
hundred million hens that never
got counted, in dooryard flocks of
a dozen or two.
we are ror giving tne hen a
break. We would like to see the
poultry business as profitable in
reality as it is on paper. We know
of no line of business that has
tempted so many people with the
notion that it was easy to make
money, as the poultry business has
done. It is an easy business to get
into, and usually an easy one to
get out of. If the Government can
put it on a basis where the possi
ble profits become real profits, we
wish them well, but we don't want
the job of trying to do it.
University of Oregon
Ready for Opening
Eugene, Ore. Activities in prep
aration for the opening of the fall
term are in progress in all depart
ments of the University of Oregon
and new and returning students
will find not only improvements and
repairs in many campus buildings,
but adjustments and refinements in
curricula offerings, it was stated by
Dr. Earl M. Pallett, executive sec
retary and registrar.
Pre-registrations of first year
students are now coming in rapidly.
Indications are that return of old
students will be normal, and may
even exceed that of last year, due
to better economic conditions in
many parts of the state. Registra
tion of graduate and special stu
dents already exceeds that of last
Plans have been completed for
"freshman week," six busy days
during which new students will be
"oriented" or neatly fitted into the
scheme of things here. This week,
which opens Monday, September
18, will precede the regular open
ing of classes, which is set for Mon
day, September 25.
Into freshman week will be
crammed conferences, physical and
psychological examinations, Eng
lish placement tests, and all the
hustle and bustle of "rush week,"
that period when fraternities and
sororities invite the new students
in to look them over for "pledge"
material. Careful planning by those
in charge, however, will make it
possible for every student to get
careful attention to individual as
well as general problems.
Monday and Tuesday of the week
will be devoted to physical, psy
chological and English placement
tests, and Dr. Pallett emphasizes
the fact that new students should
be here on time for these examine
ations. These tests are important.
not only to those who will have
charge of the students, but to the
student himself, it is pointed out.
Registration material will be given
out Thursday and registration will
take place Friday.
Added opportunity will be offered
students in nearly every major de
partment of the university. This
has been accomplished through re
organization, elimination of some
of the more highly specialized
courses and expansion of courses
which serve a larger portion of the
student body to make them more
thorough and adequate.
Instruction in religion, a new de
partment here, in charge of Dr. E.
W. Warrington, will be sponsored
and supported by friends and par
ents of students throughout the
For the first time landscape ar
chitecture will be offered exclusive
ly in the school of fine arts. It
will be in charge of Prof. F. A.
Buthbert, who has been transferred
from Oregon State college. Stu
dents will go to the Corvallis cam
pus, however, for the third year of
this five year course.
Upper division work in business
administration, now completely re
organized for this campus, will be
offered exclusively here hence
Specialists in voice and stringed
instruments have been made avail
able to Btudents on both campuses,
through reorganization of the staffs
of the mu3ic departments, while
Professor Paul Petri of Oregon
State will divide his time between
the two campuses and have charge
or choral groups for men and wo
men and instruction in voice.
Students in nursing education
may spend their first two years at
either institution, with upper di
vision work given in Portland.
Lower division and essential ser
vice courses in science and home
economics carry out the plan of the
State Board to make adequate sub
ject matter in these fields available
to students in other major fields.
The quality of instruction, due to
careful reorganization, will be equi
valent to any period in the history
of the institution, officials declare.
This is attributed to the loyalty and
interest of faculty members. Few
changes in faculty personnel have
occurred this year.
Zein ... an old friend
Ever hear of zein? Few people
have by name but it is one of
the commonest substances grown.
Zein is the name given by chem
ists to a hard- horn-like substance
extracted from corn gluten, which
is a by-product of the manufacture
of corn starch. For more than a
hundred years industrial labora
tories have been trying to find
economical and practical ways of
extracting zein from corn in large
Once they get the process, there
is almost no limit to the things that
can be made of zein. Some time
before the war I met a German sci
entist who had made rubber out
of zein. It was good enough rub
ber so that he had made a set of
tires for the Kaiser's automobile.
Hew steps in prosperity are us
ually based on new industries based
on new discoveries. Maybe some
application of zein will prove the
permanent cure for the depression.
Value unexpected sources
Practical - minded people ask:
"What's the use of such foolish
things as horse-racing, motor-boat
racing and 'round-the-world-flying?"
It seems like a waste of
money to many. But
Through the breeding up of
horses to racing standards the ar
mies of the world have a steady
supply of cavalry mounts capable
of high speed and endurance; and
say what you like, the horse has
not yet been supplanted by ma
chines in war. And the other day
T. F. W. Meyer, who designed the
propellers for Gar Wood's "Miss
America X," the fastest water-craft
in the world told how that im
proved propeller design, applied to
the circulating systems of electric
WITII President Roosevelt's acceptance of the
NRA Automobile Code, Chevrolet, the
world's largest builder of motor cars,
officially begins operations in accordance with the
administration's recovery program.
Although the official code was signed only a few days
ago, it will be of interest to Chevrolet' many friends
to learn that the Chevrolet Motor Company started
to carry out the spirit of today's recovery program
over three years ago!
At that time, we put into operation a "share-the-work"
plan, whereby our workmen cooperated in
spreading the work to give more men jobs. By means
of this plan, as well as by regulating hours of work
per week to meet retail demand, and by building up
parts stocks in lean seasons, it was possible to carry
33,000 men on our payroll through the depression.
For eleven months of each year since 1929, we have
kept our employment within 10 per cent of this
average. We are justly proud of that record. We are
also proud to say that Chevrolet workmen did not,
at any time during the depression, become a burden
on public welfare departments.
and gas refrigerators, had reduced
their cost and bulk and increased
their efficiency.
Something practical comes out of
almost every human activity. Most
new ideas and devices originated in
somebody's "fooling around for
Hogs Wallace knows them
I have a good deal more confi
dence in the soundness of the Fed
eral Government's scheme to re
duce the nation's hog surplus, than
I would have if it were in anyone's
hands except those of Henry Wal
lace. For the Secretary of Agri
culture probably knows more about
hog-raising which is really a
branch of corn-growing than any
one else in Uncle Sam's service.
There are 20 million acres too
much planted to corn, says Henry.
There are 5 million too many hogs.
This year's corn crop is short, so
his plan, which really originated
with corn-belt farmers, is to kill off
at once 4 million pigs or light hogs
and one million sows due to farrow
this fall, keep the pork off the gen
eral market but sell it at a low
price to relief agencies, and pay the
hog producer a bonus to be raised
by a tax on processing hogs and
hog products.
Sounds complicated. Takes ex
perts to handle it. But if Henry
Wallace says it will work, I'll be
lieve him.
Bulbs . Holland's worry
Holland is suffering from an ov
er production of bulbs, and tulips,
hyacinths and narcissi by the mil
lion are being destroyed by order
of the "adjustment committee for
rehabilitation of industry."
Just what we are trying to do
with cotton, wheat and hogs!
Bulb growing is one of Holland's
chief industries. It has been hurt
by the American restrictions on im
ported bulbs resulting in the im
portation of "many Dutch farmers
to grow bulbs in this country.
Great fortunes have been made in
bulbs by the Dutch. Two hundred
years ago the great "tulip specula
tion" set the whole nation gambling
in bulbs, just as we Americans
gambled in stocks a few years ago,
and with the same result; a finan
cial crash that it took the nation
years to recover from.
Times change but human nature
doesn't. Every people has its prob
lems of overproduction, and all
's j.s.
Proud and glad
to do
THURSDAY, SEPT. 14, 1933.
seem to be adopting the same type
of cure. How mucn more sensiuie
it would be if, instead of destroy
ing Dutch bulbs and American
wheat, we traded one for the other.
For Sale 300 ewes from 2 to 6
yrs. W. H. French, Hardman. 26tf
For your favorite pie, see Mrs.
George Moore. 26-28
12 head Hampshire rams' for sale.
W. H. Cleveland, Heppner, phone
8F11. 25-27
Notice Is hereby given by virtue
of the laws of the State of Oregon
that I have taken up and now hold
at my farm 2Vt miles east of Irrl
gon, in Morrow county, Oregon, the
hereinafter described animal; and
that I will, on Saturday, Sept 23,.
1933, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said
day, at said farm, sell said animal
to the highest bidder for cash in
hand, subject to the right of re
demption of the owner thereof.
Said animal is described as follows:
1 bay made, aged, branded small
"p" on right shoulder.
26-28 Irrigon, Oregon.
Nntirft in herebv eiven that bv vir
tue of an attachment execution issued
out of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Morrow County, dated
September First, 1933, in that certain
suit wherein Briatow & Johnson, a cor
Doration. as plaintiff, recovered a judg
ment against the defendant, Earl Mur
ray, for the sum of Six hundred One
and 83-100 Dollars, together with in
terest thereon at the rate of Six per
cent per annum from the Thirty-first
day of August, 1931- the further sum
of Nine and 10-100 Dollars, plaintiff's
costs and disbursements, I will, on the
Seventh day of October, 1933, at the
hour of Ten o'clock A. M. of said day
at the front door of the county court
house in Heppner, Morrow uounty,
State of Oregon, offer for sale and sell
to the highest bidder for cash in hand,
all of the following described real prop
esty situated in Morrow County, State
of Oregon, to-wit:
Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block 9, Sper
ry's Second Addition to the Town
of lone. County of Morrow, State
of Oregon,
or so much of said real property as
may be necessary to satisfy the plain
tiff's judgment, costs and accruing
costs of sale.
Sheriff of Morrow County, State of
Date of first publication: September
7, 1933.
On the 30th day of September, 1933,
at the hour of 10:00 o'clock, A. M at
the front door of the Court House at
Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, I
On August 1st of this year, Chevrolet announced a
blanket wage increase as well as the adoption of a
72-hour, 5-day week and the employment of 12,000
additional men. This wage increase was the second
in the last 4 months, Chevrolet having been among
the first to put a blanket wage increase into effect.
We feel that the President's recovery program de
serves the whole-hearted support of every citizen and
manufacturer in America. It is a bold, swift, coura
geous plan to start the ball rolling toward economic
recovery. Its sincerity is unquestioned. Its objec
tives are admirable. And the direct, forceful steps
the President and his associates are taking to make
it a success, should stir the pride and admiration of
every American.
We are proud and glad to do our part. And we are
deeply grateful to the American people for the
patronage that has enabled us to anticipate the
present recovery program and to play our part
today. After all, the immense number of men em
ployed by Chevrolet is a direct result of the con
tinued preference America has shown for Chevrolet.
will sell at auction to the highest bid
der for cash the following described
real property in Morrow County. Ore
gon, to-wit:
Southeast Quarter oi
Quarter and the Southeast Quar
ter of Section Twelve: Northeast
Quarter of Section Thirteen in
Township Two South RanR'T'":
ty-nlne. East of the Willamette
Meridian, in Morrow County, Ore
gon. Bad6l..ffUiJ-
suea oui ui wo m-w' -t rT.
State of Oregon, for the County of Um
atilla, to me oirecieu in f
cine Coast Joint oiocn.
rtd, ? coloration vs James Nel-
son anu auia "'- .,., ri
wife, Charles J. Nelson, and Jennie Nel
son, nusDana anu who,
land National Bank of Pendleton, a
corporation. & BAUMAN,
Sheriff of Morrow County. Oregon.
August 31, 1933..
September 28, 1933.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of Harry E. Johnson, deceased, has
filed with the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Morrow County,
his final account of his administration
of the estate of said deceased, and
.1 i t.1 ha, flvnH Mnnaav. the
2nd day of October, 1933, at the hour
Ot 1U OCIOCK in Hie iuiciiuuii
day at the County Court room at the
Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as
the time and place for hearing objec
tions to said final account and the set
tlement of said estate, and all persons
l l l. i ,.i (harctn a T-A hfirftDV
required to file the same with said
court on or Deiore uie umo uau w
said hearing.
Dated and first published this Slat
day of August. 1933.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
A,.iA hn anrtrlintpri hV the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, administrator of
the estate of Charles W. Christopher
son, deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
im.l nAl ,Ua numa illllv VHri.
fled by law as required with proper
vouchers attached, at the law office of
F. H. Robinson, at lone, Oregon, with
in six months from the date of the
first publication oi tnis nonce.
Date of first publication of this no
tice Thursday, the 24th day of August
Administrator of the estate of
Charles W. Christophersoh, de
ceased, Postoffice Address, lone,
Notice is hereby Eiven that the un
derslirned administrator De Bonis Non
of the estate of Josephine Johnson, de
ceased, has filed his final account of
the administration of the estate of said
deceased with the County Court of the
State of Oregon lor Morrow uounty,
and that said court has set Monday, the
2nd day of October, 1933. at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day at the
County Court room at the Court House
at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and
place ror nearmg onjecuons to mini
final account and the settlement of
said estate, and all persona having ob
jections thereto, are hereby required
to file same on or before the time set
for said hearing.
Dated and nisi puuusueu uu oisi
day of August. 1933.
Administrator, De Bonis Uun.
Nntice is hereby Eiven that pursuant
to the authority in them vested by the
will of William Hendrlx, deceased, and
by an order of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Morrow, made and entered of record
In the above entitled estate on the 31st
day of July, 1933, the undersigned as
administrators of the will annexed of .
the estate of William Hendrix, deceas
ed, will on and u'ter the 26th day of
September, 1933, sell at private sale for
cash or credit, or for cash and credit,
the real property ot lilts estate Known
as the "Bellenbrock Ranch," and more
particularly descriDea as iouows, to-
wit: . ..
The Southeast quarter oi tne south
east quarter of Section twenty; the
Southwest quarter of the South
east quarter, and the South half of
the Southwest quarter of Section
twenty-one, the South half of the
Northwest quarter of the South
west quarter of the Northeast quar
ter of Section twenty-seven; the
Northwest quarter and the West
half of the East half and the South
east quarter of the Northeast quar
ter of Section twenty-eight; the
East half of the Northeast quarter
of Section twenty-nine, all in Town
ship three South, Range twenty
five, E. W. M., in Morrow County,
All persons desiring to submit bids
for the above described lands may sub
mit them in writing to the undersigned,
or either of them at any time from and
after the date of the first publication
of this notice and up to the time that
an actual sale of said premises is made.
The date oi tne first publication of
this notice is August 21. 1933.
Administrators, with will annexed,
of the Estate of William Hendrlx,
Professional Cards
Phone 1332
Attorney at Law
Phone 173
Humphreys Building
A. B. GRAY, M. D.
Phone 323
Heppner Hotel Building
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Leave orders at Peoples Hardware
X-Bay Diagnosis
Oilman Building
Heppner, Oregon
Frank A. McMenamin
906 Guardian Building
Residence, GArfiold 1949
Busffiess Fhene Atwater 1348
A. D. McMURDO, M. D.
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
First National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon
Offloe In L O. O. F. BnUding
Heppner, Oregon
Farm and Personal Uroperty Sales
A Specialty.
"The Man Who Talks to Beat
the Band"
5229 72nd Ave., S. E., Portland, Ore.
Phone Sunset 8461
Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
Watches - Clocks - Diamonds
Expert Watch and Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Old Line Companies. Beal Estate.
Heppner, Oregon
Boberti Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon