Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 31, 1933, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Mrs. Sarah Piggott and grand
daughter, Joan Slpes, have return
ed to town after spending the sum
mer at Hope, Idaho, wjth Mrs. Pig
gott's daughter, Mrs. Hoss. Mrs.
Plggott Is much improved in health,
Mrs. Frank Engelman has return
ed home from a visit of several
weeks at Portland and South Bend,
Miss Linea Troedson departed on
Monday for Ashland where she will
teach Domestic Science in the Ash
land senior high school during the
coming year.
Miss Catherine Farnsworth is a
guest at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. D. M. Ward. Miss Farnsworth
came up from her home in The
Dalles with her aunt, Mrs. Chance
Mrs. Doris Helms and children
have returned to their home at
Hermiston after spending some
time visiting relatives here and at
Mrs. J. H. Bryson had a family
dinner at her home last Sunday in
honor of her brother and sister-ta'
law, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wood and
their children, Valdys and Billy of
Eugene, who have been visiting
friends here and at Heppner the
past week. Guests besides the fam
ily of the host and hostess were Mr.
and Mrs. L. J. Padberg and family,
Mrs. Lana Padberg and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kincaid.
Mrs. Tom Perry who has spent
several weeks at the home of her
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Perry, has returned to
her home In Portland.
Miss Margaret McDevitt has
gone to Bend to resume her work
as art teacher in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Johhny Turner were
guests at the Frank Engelman
home Tuesday.
Mrs. Ruby O. Roberts, local post
master, has returned from her va
cation which was spent at South
Bend, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wood return
ed to their home at Eugene Wed
Miss Katheryn Feldman will
teach the Cecil school this year. It
will open on Sept 11.
Mrs. Cora Sharp and daughters
of Seattle are visiting at the home
of Mrs. Sharp's sister, Mrs. Ross
lone ladies shopping in Pendle
ton last week were Mrs. Bert Ma
son, Mrs. Werner Rietmann, Miss
Margaret McDevitt and Misses Ma
ble and Bonnie Smith.
Mrs. Sam Pomerantz was hostess
at a bridge luncheon last Wednes
day honoring Miss Linea Troedson
before her departure to Ashland
where she will teach this winter.
Guests were, the honoree, Miss
Troedson, Miss Norma Swanson,
Miss Mable Smith, Mrs. Oren Fur
long, Mrs. Emil Groshen, Mrs. El
mo McMillan and Mrs. Cleo Drake.
Mrs. W. Guy Cason and daughter,
Guyla, arrived in lone Tuesday for
a short visit at the home of Mrs.
Lana Padberg.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lansing and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Swenson and
children of Walla Walla, Wn, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bris
tow last week, returning to their
home Monday. Mrs. Lansing is
the mother and Mrs. Swenson a
sister of Mr3. Bristow.
Past Noble Grand club met at
the home of Mrs. E. J. Bristow on
Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. E. C. Heliker and daughter,
Harriet, motored to Hermiston last
Wednesday to take Al Zink to the
doctor in that city for treatment
The Camp Fire Girls met at the
home of Helen Lundell last Thurs
day to work on their ceremonial
gowns. Following a busy afternoon
the hostess served refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. H D. McCurdy mo-
tored to Toppenish, Wash,, last
Saturday to see Arthur Reis, their
brother-in-law, who is seriously ill
at his home there. Miss Delvina
Reis who has spent several months
here visiting her grandmother, Mrs.
Ella Davidson, returned to her
home wih them. Mrs. McCurdy
returned on Tuesday and reports
that Mr. Reis has been taken to
the sanitarium at Hot Lake for
treatment and is still in a serious
condition. Mr. McCurdy did not
return with her but went on to
Browning, Montana, where his
sheep are on summer range.
uscar and iJnc Bergstrom mo
tored to Yakima Sunday. They
were accompanied by Mrs. T. E.
Grabill, Master Bobby Cochran who
has spent the summer with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric
Bergstrom, and Miss Marjorie
Holman who has spent the past two
weeks visiting relatives here and
at Heppner. On the return trip
they were accompanied by Mrs.
Grabill and her sister, Mrs. Harry
Armitage. On Monday Mrs. Gra
bill and Mrs. Armitage motored to
Lonerock where they will visit
sister, Mrs. Carrie Cason.
were visitors at the home of W. H.
Instone last Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Barbara remained for a week's
visit with Miss Constance Instone.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger
and Burl and Earle Wattenburger
were business visitors in Pendleton
last Friday.
Mrs. C. H. Bartholomew has been
visiting at the Tyndell Robison
home for several days. She return
ed home Tuesday.
Miss Genevieve Bowman of Echo
visiting with Mrs. Ralph Corri-
gall this week.
A number of Pine City people
attended the dance at Juniper Sat
urday night
C. H. Bartholomew and daughter,
Mrs. Marion Finch, were in Hepp
ner Friday on business.
Roy and Dee Neill are cutting
wood in the Arbuckle mountains,
Al Hiatt is hauling the wood for
Roy Neill and daughter. Alma,
and Mrs. Nora Moore and son, Guy,
and Ralph Neill spent the week end
in the mountains near Jones Prai
rie picking huckleberries. They re
port fairly good success.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Coxen and
children of Heppner were dinner
guests at the home of Mrs. OUie
Neill Sunday. Miss Lenna Neill re
turned home with them for a short
Mr. and Mrs. Burl Wattenburger
and children were visitors in Pen
dleton Tuesday.
C. H. Bartholomew and Mrs,
Marion Finch made a business trip
to fendleton Saturday.
Joe Farley of Heppner is visit
ing this week at the John Healy
Miss Lenna Neill, who has been
visiting relatives in Heppner re
turned home Friday.
Jim Paine of Pendleton is doing
carpenter work on the Pine City
school house.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill have
purchased a new car.
Tom Healy has been visiing rel
atives in Heppner this last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bartholomew
were visitors in Heppner and Lex
ington during last week end.
A. E. and Burl Wattenburge:
motored to Mt Vernon on business
Wednesday of last week.
Miss Oleta Neill, who has been
visiting with Mrs. J. J. Chisholm
In Walla Walla for two weeks, re
turned home the early part of last
week. Miss Neill spent part of her
time huckleberrying in the moun
tains near Toll Gate. She reports
the huckleberries plentiful in that
region and her party, of which
there were Ave, picked fifty gallons
while there.
The opening of the Pine City
school has been postponed for an
other week, due to some extra work
which has to be done on the school
house. The school therefore will
open September 11 instead of on
the 4th as formerly planned.
Miss Elsie Strain and Floyd Van
Orsdall of Pendleton visited Miss
Strain's sister, Mrs. E. B. Watten
burger, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Healy and
family were visitors In Heppner
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coxen and Mrs.
Mary Rhea of Hermiston were vis
itors at the A. E. Wattenburger
home Wednesday.
Mrs. J. J. Chisholm and daugh
ters, Barbara and Marltan, and
At Heppner
JOEL R. BENTON, Minister.
Bible School 9:5 A, M.
Morning Worship 11 o'clock
Senior and Junior C. E. 7:00 P, M.
Evening Worship 8:00 o'clock
Church Night Thursday at 8:00 P. M.
Sunday School 9:45 a. m. We
have classes for all ages.
Public worship 11:00 a. m. Mu
sic by the choir.
Epworth League 6:30 p. m.
Evening worship 7:30.
Official board meeting Monday
evening 7:30.
Choir practice Wednesday eve
ning 8:00.
Prayer meeting Thursday eve
ning 8:00.
We shall be glad to welcome you
at all our services.
Church School. 9:45.
Holy communion, 11 o. m., with
Services at Cecil, 3 p. m.
Evening service at 8 p. m. This
is a service of churchmanshlp in
struction and preparation for con
firmation. The public is welcome,
Emergency County Agts
Named in Wheat Drive
Appointment of three emergency
assistants for the Oregon State col
lege extension service to serve
through the period of the wheat ad
justment campaign has been ap
proved by the agricultural adjust
ment administration and these are
all at work now helping with the
educational and organization activ
H. A. Lindgren, extension spec
ialist in livestock, has been appoint
ed to work in Marion county and
has been given leave of absence
from his ordinary duties for the
duration of the wheat campaign.
C ft Bnggs, former agent
Benton county and now in charge
of agricultural programs on the
KOAC staff, has been appointed to
serve in Linn county where no ag
ent is maintained regularly.
East of the mountains the coun
ties of Morrow, Gilliam, Wheeler
and Shermata have all been grouped
under the leadership of County Ag
ent Charles Smith of Morrow coun
ty. Perry N. Johnston has been
appointed to assist him. Offices
have been established in Condon
for Gilliam and Wheeler counties
which will be served by one organ
ization, and in Moro for Sherman
Crook, Jefferson and Deschutes
will all be aided In their organiza
tion work by W. B. Tucker, county
agent of Crook county. All other
counties where wheat growing is
important are being cared for by
tneir regular county agents.
The extra expense of maintaining
this increased work is being met by
iunas rrom the agricultural adjust
ment administration.
A farewell party was given Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Bleakman and Mr.
and Mrs. Lotus Robison Saturday
evening. A large number of friends
attended. They are moving to
Heppner to make their home in the
Mrs. Lorena Isom was visiting
her sister, Mrs. Blaine Chapel, this
week. She departed for Portland
Saturday where she will have em
ployment for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Perl Howell were
called to Pendleton Monday on ac
count of the serious illness of Mrs.
Howell's mother, Mrs. A. McCarty.
Mrs. Chas. McDaniel accompan
led Mr. and Mrs. John Adams to
Heppner one day this week. Mra.
McDaniel went over to be with her
son, Everett Hadley who Is in a
hospital receiving treatment for
stomach trouble.
Floyd Adams who was Injured
while working on his combine, Is
much improved at this time and
will soon be able to go about his
usual duties.
Mrs. Clair Ashbaugh was attend
ing to matters of business in Hepp
ner Thursday.
School will open Sept 4th. Mrs.
Clary will have charge of the high
school and Mr. DeMoss and Mrs
Johnson the grade school. Wes
Stevens was employed as janitor
for the year.
Misses Kate and Charlotte Ad
ams are visiting friends in Heppner
this week.
Bachelor Five Meet.
The Bachelor Five sewing club
met with their leader, Miss Alena
Redding Monday afternoon at the
home of their secretary, Clifford
Carlson. This was the final meet
ing. All exhibits were prepared
for the North Morrow County fair.
The president Merle Baker, called
for reports and the work was dls
cussed. After adjournment of the
business meeting, refreshments
were served by Mrs. Carlson. Da
vld Baker, reporter.
For Sale 2 International buck-
I rakes; used two seasons. Priced
Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughter Neva right Frank Monahan, city. 21-23
The people of Lexington have
been notified by Mr. Guild of the
Union Pacific System that the Lex
ington station agent will be re
tained during the months of Sep
tember and October. There is a
possibility that an agent will be
kept here during the entire year.
Miss Helen Valentine had as her
guest last week Miss Velma Hamil
ton of Corvallis, a sorority sister.
On Thursday the two young ladies
motored to Spokane and brought
back Miss Hamilton's sister, Cath
erine. On Friday the two sisters
accompanied by Miss Eula McMil
lan, left for Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. George Allyn and
son Lyle spent Sunday in the moun
A district meeting for organizing
the Morrow County Wheat Produc
tion Control association was held
at Leach hall on Friday afternoon,
The following community commit
tee was elected: Geo. Peck, chair
man; L. A. Palmer and Charles
Marquardt Mr. Peck, with the
chairmen of the other six district
committees, will serve on the exec
utive committee which will super
vise all of the details of adminis
tering the wheat production con
trol program in this county.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nelson re
turned Friday evening from a two
weeks sojourn at Newport
Mrs. Maude Pointer and daugh
ter Harriet of Salem are visiting
at the Orville Cutsforth ranch,
Mrs. Marion Palmer is at home
again after a short visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Petty
john, at Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cox and family
of Pasco were recent guests of Mr.
Cox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. J,
Mrs. Alex Hunt has returned
from Mt Adams where she went
last week to pick huckleberries,
Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Helms and
children of Hermiston were Lex
ington visitors Friday.
L. A. Palmer went to Hardman
Friday to harvest the wheat on the
Eskelson ranch near that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth
motored to Pendleton Thursday
J. B. Lasher of the International
Harvester company, was a business
visitor in Lexington Tuesday.
Mrs. Ted McMillan returned Sun
day from a visit with relatives in
E. C. Miller of Salem is looking
after business interests here.
Mrs. George Peck accompanied
Judge and Mrs. W. T. Campbell of
Heppner to Mt Adams Sunday on
a huckleberrying expedition.
Buck Padberg is driving a new
Essex sedan which he purchased
Mr. and Mrs. Dee Cox and sons
are camping in the mountains this
week. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs,
Ira Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Munkers drove up and spent the
day with them.
Friends here have learned that
W. P. McMillan, night watchman
at Oregon State college, had the
misfortune to lose the Index finger
of his right hand while working
with a wood saw. Mr. McMillan
and family were residents of this
community for many years.
Tom Wells of Heppner is spend
ing the week with his sister, Mrs
Cletus Nichols.
Mrs. Carl Allyn and daughter.
Maxine, of lone were calling on
Mrs. George Allyn Friday after
noon. Miss Annabclle McCabe
came up with them and visited wltn
her Bister, Miss Jessie McCabe
Guests at the W. M. Tucker home
Monday night were Huldah Ander
Bon, Motler Dodge, Vera Case and
Elsie Tucker of La Grande. The
party was on the way home from
the state Christian Endeavor con
vention at Turner. They left La
Grande on Friday, August 18, and
enjoyed a few days' outing at Pig
eon Lake. From there they went
on to Turner for the convention
and returned by way of the Mc
Kenzie Pass and Redmond. They
were accompanied as far as Hepp
ner by Miss Irene Beamer who
also attended the convention. They
returned to La Grande Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMillan and
family have returned from the Mt.
Adams country where they picked
Tom, Harry and Myra Wells of
Heppner were visitors at the Cletus
Nichols home Sunday.
Supt Williams was in town last
week making preparations for the
opening of school on September 11.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Miller depart
ed for Salem the latter part of the
week. They expect to be gone)
about three weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beach
spent the week end with relatives
In Walla Walla and College Place,
Wash. They were accompanied by
Laurel and Harold Beach and Geo.
Scott who visited friends in Walla
Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Ingles and
Mrs. Charles Inderbitzen of Board
man were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. G. Johnson on Tuesday. Mr.
Ingles is superintendent of the
Boardman school this year. Mr.
and Mrs. Ingles were in the school
here the past three years and en
joyed greeting their many friends
while in town.
The girls class of the Christian
Bible school gave a surprise hand
kerchief shower on Tuesday after
noon for Miss Glea Sias who Is leav
ing soon. Those present were the
Misses Glea Sias, Peggy Warner,
Naomi McMillan, Ruth Dingt
Faye Luttrell, Rose Thornburg,
Mildred Hunt, Fern Luttrell, Jessie
McCabe, Mrs. Sarah White and;
Mrs. LaVerne Henderson. Games
were played and refreshments
served late In the afternoon.
H N. Burchell finished harvest
ing Tuesday and has gone to his
home at Sheridan. Miss Kay Rob
inson, who has been the guest of
Mrs. E. D. Burchell the past few
weeks, accompanied him as far as
Corvallis. Miss Grace Burchell
went with them and stopped off at
Hood River to visit with Miss Har
riet Thompson.
Mrs. Eva Lane returned Tuesday
evening from Heppner hospital
where she recently underwent an
Fred Reedy and Harry Franklin
who have been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Jackson returned to
Salem Tuesday evening.
The county road crew is at work
this week grading the Black Horse
market road.
Cronin of Washington
(Continued from First Page)
that they be given the hundred per
cent support of loyal buyers. '
Mr. Hughes announced that local
women s committees would be
named to secure consumer pledges
from all housewives in the county.
Mr. Creel, 5 feet 5 inches of bust
ling energy, was enthusiastic over
the progress of the NRA campaign
in the Oregon-Idaho district. He
declared that nowhere else in the
Pacific coast area was the work so
far advanced. Volunteer organiza
tions in the Oregon-Idaho area are
working In close harmony with of
ficial representatives of the de
partment of commerce, and the
campaign here is more than satis
factory, Mr. Creel said.
This district is weeks ahead of
other sections. Your NRA officials
have anticipated the plans of the
administration, and you have
functioning organization while oth
er areas are merely planning their
set-ups," said Mr, Creel. "Now it
only remains to complete your or
ganization in areas which have not
yet taken an active part
Mr. Creel was drafted to be the
Pacific coast director of NRA pub
licity by President Roosevelt, whom
he knows intimately. He was di
rector of the committee for public
Information during the war, when
the president was assistant secre
tary of the navy.
Mr. Creel conceived the organiza
tion and publicity which made the
meatless days a success during the
conflict, and it was only the coop
eration of the civilian population.
secured by Mr. Creel through his
public information committee,
which made possible the speedy ter
mination of the war.
He took an active part in the
campaigns which put the Liberty
Loan drives over the top, and the
work he inaugurated in dropping
leaflets from airplanes over Ger
many, telling the German people
that 2,000,000 Americans were in
France, has been characterized by
military authorities as the master
stroke which broke the morale of
Germany and forced the armistice,
Mr. Creel has had a long career
as a newspaperman and publicist
He was the editor of the Kansas
City Independent before he was 23,
and was also editor of the Denver
Post, Rocky Mountain News and
other papers. Since the war he has
been a frequent contributor to Col
lier's, and has written 11 books on
politico-economic subjects, includ
ing "The Causes of the World War"1
and "Ireland Fights for Feedom
Sets Atlantic Crossing
' "ST
;'f i pit '-wxSrsh
duce on the contracted acres feed
for cattle, sheep, or any other form
of livestock which he is raising to
sell. He could grow feed for his
work horses or mules or products
for consumption and use on his
own farm."
Notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday, October 3, 1933, at 2 P. M.,
the Directors of the West Exten
sion Irrigation District acting as
a Board of Equalization, will meet
at the office of the District in Irrl-
gon, Oregon, to review and correct
the annual assessment of said Dis
trict to be levied on or before the
first Tuesday in September, 1933.
For Sale Standard make piano
Here it the youthful baseball idol
of the hour, the 24 year old Joe
Cronin, Manager, of the American
League leaders, the Washington Sen
ators. Cronin 's club is now the fa
vorite to win the pennant in the Amer
ican league.
(Continued from First Page)
farms the average for the years
1930-31-32, or the 1933 acreage,
whichever Is larger."
Another ruling affecting farmers
who had no crop in 1933 is given
by Teutsch, as follows: "No per
son who did not cultivate and plant
land to wheat for the 1933 crop
will receive payment for the year
1933 unless he shows to the satis
faction of the county allotment
committee that the failure to do so
was the result of his consistent cul
tivation practice. This may mean
either a crop rotation or a summer
fallow rotation which has been fol
lowed during a period of at least
five years. When such a rotation
has been followed, use the last four
years or the last five years, which
ever is most representative of this
cultivation practice, for his base
period." Teutsch adds, "From this
it is apparent that if a farmer sud
denly decided not to plant wheat
for the 1933 crop because he
thought it was a smart thing to do,
I doubt if he could receive any ben
efit payment in 1933. On the oth
er hand, If he can show that this is
a part of his regular rotation prac
tlce over a period of years and can
prove this to the satisfaction of the
county allotment committee, from
any of the regulations which I have
read he would be entitled to the
same benefit payment which other
growers receive.
Anent increasing the amount of
livestock on the farm to consume
crops raised on acreage taken out
of wheat production, Teutsch says:
"So far as I can see the question
on the number and kind of live
stock which the new tenant brings
to the farm he Is renting has no
relationship to hla wheat contract.
The new renter cannot produce on
the contracted acres anything that
he will sell directly or indirectly.
This means that he could not pro-
Trade and Employment
(Printed without charge. Dis
continued on notice.)
To Trader 5 head good mules for
good horses; aslo saddle mare for
work horse. Troy Bogard, Hepp
ner, fone 6F12.
To Trade Horse for wheat or
wood. Wm. Kummerland, Lexington.
Will trade for boy's saddle pony.
A. F. Majeske, Lexington.
For trade Dairy cattle for sheep,
wheat or barley. Roy Neill, Echo.
Two fresh heifers with calves to
trade for hogs or sheep. John G.
Parker, fone 17F3.
To trade Fresh milk cow. Max
Schulz, Heppner.
To trade Pint and quart bottles;
also three 100-gal, barrels. Max
Schultz, Heppner.
Hot weather calls for Iced cof
fee try 3 or 4 drops Watkins'
Vanilla In each glass. Gives a
wonderful flavor and aroma
but it has to be Watkins' to be
truly delicious.
J. C. HARDING, Watkins Dealer
Above is the new Queen of the
8eaj, the Italian liner Bex, which set
a new Atlantic crossing, Gibraltar to
New York, in 4 days, 13 hours and
68 minutes. She averaged 28:92 knots
per hour, equal to 33 13 land miles
per hour. The former record was 4
days, 18 hours, 66 mln's., by the
Gorman line Bremen.
If you don't die, you'll live so
get some life insurance for life
Income for family or self.
Insurance Counselor
Fresh and Cured
Butterfat, Turkey, Chickens
bought for SWIFT 4 CO.
Phone us for market prices
at all times.
Phone 8S IONE, ORE.
near Heppner. Will sacrifice for
unpaid balance. A snap. Easy
terms. Write Tallman Piano Store,
Salem, Ore. 24-26.
School District No. 1.
Notice is hereby given that out
standing registered varranta of
School District No. 1, Morrow
County, Oregon, numbered 2062 to
2083, inclusive, will be paid upon
presentation at the office of the
Clerk of said District in Heppner,
Oregon, on September 1st, 1933. In
terest on these warrants ceases af
ter that date.
Distrlot Clerk.
See Beatrice Thomson NOW for
health and accident insurance.
and store will be closed. Come in and look
over our stock of tempting Luncheon Goods
for that picnic.
30c Pkg. of SOAP CHIPS for 17c
60c Pkg of TEA for 44c
2 Pkgs. Sperry's Oats (China premium) 51c
7 Rolls TOILET TISSUE :.. 26c
45c Can ORONITE Cleaning Fluid 31c
Buy 3 cans of the best VEGETABLE SOUP
on the market and get a can of Soup FREE
"Aunt Mary" says, "I can't see through a
tin can, but I know if its Red & White there
is something good inside."
W O. Dix Grocery
"Quality Always Higher Than Price"
W. 0. DIX, Proprietor
Headquarters for
Canned Foods
Check Up on
Your Printing
Needs NOW!
Paper Prices
Going Up!
Orders filled from
present stocks giv
en advantage of re
cent low prices :
Heppner Gazette Times