Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 31, 1933, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Dr. A. D. McMurdo motored to
Ontario Saturday to attend a con
ference of the Eastern Oregon Dis
trict Medical society. He was ac
companied from Pendleton by Dr.
G. L. McBee. Dr. McMurdo ap
peared on the program with a dis
cussion of "Diagnosis and Manage
ment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis,"
the discussion being led by G. C.
Bellinger, M. D., superintendent of
the state tuberculosis hospital at
Salem, with a lecture illustrated by
x-ray slides. The round trip to On
tario was made In one day, cover
ing a distance of 500 miles. Dr.
McMurdo reports the conference
very interesting and instructive.
Jess Lower of Boardman was
brought to Heppner Tuesday, suf
fering from a severe face wound
received In a fall from a train that
morning. Dr. McMurdo went to
Boardman after the Injured man
and attended his. Injuries, the treat
ment requiring the removal of some
bone of the upper nostril. Lower
was found after the fall and was
unable to tell just how it happened.
It was the second time he had been
Injured in a similar manner.
S. E. Notson, C. J. D. Bauman,
F. B. Nickerson, John Wightman
and Mrs. Helen Christenson com
posed a party motoring to 1 Walla
Walla Tuesday afternoon. Mr.
Notson attended an executive com
mittee meeting of the Trl-State
Development league, and the party
made an Inspection tour through
the state penitentiary.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Bloom ar
rived In Heppner the end of the
week from Seattle where they spent
most of the summer, Mr. Bloom
doing graduate work at the Univer
sity of Washington. They will be
domiciled for the winter at the
Jones apartment, while Mr. Bloom
resumes his work as superintendent
of the local schools.
The Misses Leta and Evelyn
Humphreys returned home Satur
day from a two-months' vacation
trip in the course of which they
circled the United States, going
south into Mexico, east as far as
New York, and home via Chicago
and the World's fair. They report
an enjoyable trip.
Harvey Miller and George Peck,
chairmen of the North Heppner
and Lexington community commit
tees, respectively, were visitors at
the county agent's office yesterday,
checking up on the details' of pro
cedure in carrying on the work of
the wheat production control pro
gram. D. A. Wilson motored to Spray
Tuesday evening to meet James
Parley who did relief duty in the
Wilson store at John Day while his
brother John was off the job be
cause of illness. John was able to
go to work the first of the week and
is making good recovery.
Floyd Adams visited his doctor
in Heppner Tuesday for the re
moval of stitches used to close the
wounds received when he was
dragged Into his combine last week.
Rapid progress toward recovery is
Mr. and Mrs. George Mabee ar
rived from Sheridan, Wyo., the first
of the week to be on hand for the
opening of school Monday. Mr. Ma
bee will again have charge of ath
letic Instruction In the school.
A. M. Markham of Freewater,
former Morrow county resident,
was in the city yesterday making
application for allotment on his
wheat land In the Clarks canyon
The American Legion auxiliary
will meet Tuesday evening, Sept
5, at the home of Mrs. Spencer
See Beatrice Thomson NOW for
health and accident insurance.
The Perilous Climb Is On
1 ..r-JHMg
Mrs. M. D. Clark and daughter,
Miss Marjorie, departed the first of
the week for Portland and Eugene,
to visit at the latter place with
Mrs. Clark's daughter, Mrs. Riggs.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pope and
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Case were din
ner guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Quackenbush on Rhea
creek Monday evening.
Victor Rietmann, north lone
wheat farmer, visited the county
agent's office yesterday, getting
blanks for the purpose of applying
for an allotment
Heppner Post No. 87, American
Legion, will hold its regular meet
ing Monday evening, Sept 4. Ur
gent business demands attendance
of all members.
Mrs. Eva Lane returned to her
home at Lexington the first of the
week after being confined to Hepp
ner hospital for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Nikander and
W. W. Smead departed Monday
for East Lake;' Deschutes county,
on a fishing jaunt.
12 head Hampshire rams for sale.
W. H. Cleveland, Heppner, phone
8F11. 25-27
The small daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Arvln Hug was swept through
a culvert under the road at the west
corner of the old Broyles ranch last
Wednesday. Only a small amount
of water was running through the
culvert when she fell and was car
ried into it. Pete Farley who was
near and saw her fall, opened the
ditoh, letting more water through
the culvert and it brought the child
out at the other end more quickly.
The child was not Injured and had
apparently held her breath as she
had swallowed very little water.
She Is two years old.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Agers and
daughters Ethel and Rosa, Mrs.
Mary Morely and Henry Mustard of
Johnson county, Tennessee, are vis
iting this week at the I. L. Stout
Nate Macomber spent the week
end in Pilot Rock. Mrs. Macomber
and Sibyl Grace wiho have been vis
iting there for the past week re
turned home with him.
Miss Mildred Sullivan of Roslln
who has been a guest of Miss Ma
bel Brown returned home last
Wilma Anderson of New Ply
mouth, Idaho, Is here visiting with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Blayden.
Miss Ada Wilbanks returned to
Salem this week where She will at
tend the state blind school. Miss
Wilbanks is a senior in high school
this year.
Miss Dorothy Beers who has lived
here with her aunt, Mrs. S. C. Rus
sell for the past two years, left last
week for Odell where she will live
with her father.
Mrs. Ray Brown was called to
Walla Walla last Monday by the
serious illness of her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. John Graves and
family of Lexington spent the week
end at the Ward Graves home.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cramer, Miss
Bethmyrl Miller and Basil Cramer
spent several days this week in
Spokane. Basil Cramer who has
spent the summer here went on to
his home from Spokane.
Mrs. A. A. Agee was pleasantly
surprised last Monday when her
brother, J. F. Donahoo from. Ken
tucky, came for a visit Mrs. Agee
and her brother were separated
when children and had not seen
each other for forty-two years.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Ingles, ac
companied by Mrs. Ingles' mother,
Mrs. Inderbitzen, came to Board
man Sunday where they will make
their home during the coming year.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Surface surprised them Saturday
evening when they came to their
home to help them celebrate their
tenth wedding anniversary. The
self invited guests included Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Cramer and Basil, Mr.
and Mrs. W. O. King and children,
Miss Bethmyrl Miller and Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. Barlow.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blayden and
family moved Monday to Deer
Lodge, Wash., near Spokane, where
they will make their home. Geo.
Mitchell purchased the Blayden
house and land.
Hot lunches and milk and sand
wiches will be served in the school
cafeteria, starting Tuesday moon,
and everything will be sold for
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chandler of
Cecil spent Sunday at the Wil
banks home.
Lester Hoover is visiting in Se
attle this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Arnold
who have been renting the Broyles
ranch moved to Vancouver the first
of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wood vis
ited last week with relatives at
Mary Ellen Carlyle visited her
father at Umatilla from Thursday
until Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Barnard left
Friday for a ten days visit with rel
atives at Elgin. Earl Steward has
charge of the business at the depot
during Mr. Barnard's absence.
Mrs. Frank Leicht and daughters
Ruth and Nellie and son Frankie
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. McMa
hon of Arlington on a trip to The
Dalles Friday. The day was spent
In fishing and picnicking.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright who
have resided on the Geo. Haskell
place the past year, moved to Hood
River Saturday where they will
make their home.
Billy Markham is spending a
week with Miss Joy Coe at Echo.
Robert Walpole, Otto and Wiley
Beneflel, Mrs. Edith Puckett and
daughter Joyce and Earl and Max
Leach attended the dance at Echo
Saturday night
Chas. Bucaman is in Portland for
a few days visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L Rutledge, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenney and the Frank
Leicht family were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Don Rutledge.
George and Will Scarlett made a
business trip to Yakima Saturday.
S. Atkins of Walla Walla, school
superintendent and bandmaster,
was in town Thursday night calling
the students together for band
practice. We are pleased to know
the band will furnish entertainment
Friday and Saturday at the fair.
Mrs. Marshal Markham and chil
dren are staying with Mrs. Mark
ham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Km
mett McCoy while Mr. Markham is
working at Willows.
Glenn Aldrich Was a Pendleton
visitor Saturday.
Mrs. Clay Wood who is employed
at Hermiston visited the home folks
a few days last week.
Jack White was doing business in
Portland last week.
Mrs. Fred Reiks and Mrs. Frank
Markham, motored to Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Grimm were
shopping in Hermiston Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Browning and
family spent several days last week
with relatives at Centralia, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. George Haskell and
Don Brooks of Plymouth, Wash.,
were visiting friends here Thurs
day. Mr. Conklin of Lyle, Wash., Is a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. Coryell.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoag of Blalock
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Caldwell Sunday.
Martin Redding, examiner of op
erators and chauffeurs, will be in
Heppner, Wednesday, September 6,
at the court house, between the
hours of 1 and 5 p. m. All those
wishing permits or licenses to drive
cars are asked by Hal E. Hoss, sec
retary of state, to get in touch with
Mr. Redding at this time.
-By Albert T. Reid
r1ffrtiVTW Hfltlt
Thomas Peterson, (center) of Cass County, North Dakota, was the first
spring wheat farmer of the Northwest belt to apply for a contract with
the Agricultural Adjustment Administration and thus cooperate with the
government in trying to solve the problem of getting a reasonable price
for wheat Right, is County Extension Agent, E. A. Calhoun. Left, E.W.
Madison, neighbor wheat grower who also signed.
Rather Stay in Prison
Joe Bnzzard, 75, above, stole
chickens. He was sent to prison is
Pennsylvania. Be served his tune but
at tfa end asked to be allowed to
malt th prison his home, so he
might be near hia brother, Abe, 84,
in for horse stealing. He has been
allowed to stay.
Northwest is Center of
Much Farm Act Activity
Oregon and the Pacific northwest
were the centers of much activity
related to the agricultural adjust
ment act and having to do partic
ularly with wheat, fruit and live
stock in this territory, according to
a summary of events issued by Ore
gon State college.
Of vital interest the world over
was the informal hearing at Port
land on the proposed plan of sub
sidizing export of some 40 million
bushels of surplus wheat in the
Pacific Northwest This consti
tutes a new policy for the United
States and is considered to haVe
special significance just now as the
wheat exporting nations are seek
ing to reach some reduction agree
ment The hearing resulted in formation
of a detailed plan reported accept
able to all parties concerned, par
ticularly the producers, and export
ers and the millers. The plan calls
for selling this surplus wheat for
what it will bring in foreign mar
kets and then making up the dif
ference between that and the do
mestic market price out of pro
ceeds of the wheat processing tax.
The effect of this will be to raise
the price in the northwest by wip
ing out much of the present ab
normal spread between here and
Chicago, officials believe. It will
also clear out the present congest
ed terminals and storage space
without flooding the eastern mar
kets and thus harming the entire
domestic price level.
Immediately following the wheat
hearing the formal hearing on the
proposed marketing agreement for
tree fruits of the four Pacific north
west states was held. Sentiment
was overwhelmingly In favor of the
agreement submitted by the agri
cultural adjustment administration,
which was a compromise between
previous majority and minority re
ports. Federal examiners who presided
over the hearing expect it to be ap
proved and put Into effect by Sep
tember 15, in time for the winter
pear and apple movement. More
orderly control of markets, result
Ing In better returns to producers,
is hoped for.
Meanwhile the administration has
put its hog slaughtering plan into
effect in the mlddlewest and has
announced that hog raisers in this
state will also be eligible later to
dispose of light weight pigs and
heavy sows to farrow at premium
prices. This is purely an emergen
cy plan to avert a disastrous sur
plus of pork, the officials state.
More permanent plans for hand
ling all livestock were considered at
Spokane where amendments to the
national code were approved and
preparations made to organize the
northwest states on a regional ba
sis. Mr. and Mrs. Gay M. Anderson
and Gay, Jr., motored to Walla
Walla Sunday morning where they
met Miss June, who spent several
weeks visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Fraser in Spo
kane. Mrs. Bonnie Cochran has return
ed to her home In Heppner after a
two months visit at the Simas and
Wlngfield homes at Kimberley.
Grows To Be Queen I May Be Ambassador I
Four years before she was bora,
Miss Jean Frazer'a father, L, Q.
Fraier, wu one of the founders of
the annual Pendleton, Ore., Roundup.
Now at 19, Miss Jean will this year
role as Queen of the Roundup, Sept
Bruce Barton
writes of
"The Master Executive"
Supplying a week-to-week inspiration
for the haaT-r-Ttraxdened who will find
every human trial paralleled In the ex
perience! of "The Man Nobody Knows"
Responsibilities of
Jesus went to John to be bap
tized and for a while John's influ
ence molded him. Jesus, too, re
tired into the wilderness and there
met the first crisis of his career.
When he emerged he had formed
his own plan for his work; ascet
icism and denunciation, he knew,
were not the role for him.
His first success was swift be
yond all expectations. Out of the
Temple, shrieking and cursing, went
the money-changers, while the
crowd cheered his name to the echo.
That night the whole city was
stirred by the story. When he left
at the end of the feast, and went
back into his own north country,
he found that his fame had pre
ceded him. Crowds flocked to hear
him talk; news of his deeds of heal
ing traveled ahead of him every
where. His vision 'of his work began to
take definite shape. He would re
store the self-respect of the people,
abolishing the rule of formalism,
and establishing a fresh, glorious
conception of the Fatherhood of
God, and the brotherhood of man.
It all seemed so natural, so easy,
there In the warm sunshine of Gal
ilee with the responsive faces of the
multitude turned eagerly toward
The year and a half that followed
were filled with the joy of increas
ing reputation and success. Appar
ently there was not a single cloud
in the sky.
But there were people In Jerusa
lem with whose urivate affairs his
Ideas would seriously interfere. He
was not left long in doubt as to
their attitude. Incensed at his
cleansing of the Temple, they sent
their spies Into the north country
to report his movements and made
every effort to turn the crowds
away. Perhaps at first he had hope
of winning even his enemies to his
teaching so altogether simple and
satisfying his gospel seemed to him.
If so, the hope soon vanished.
Opposition, crystallized; it made
itself felt in every audience he ad
dressed, In everey town he visited.
Reluctantly he had to face the fact
that the time was coming when he
must compromise or fight It was
with this realization that he faced a
second greater crisis.
He had crossed the lake one day
In a little boat to get away from
the crowds; but they were too
quick for him. Running around the
end of the lake, and gathering re
cruits as they ran, they waited for
him at the landing place more
than five thousand strong. He was
tired, and wanted a chance to rest
and think. But here were the peo
ple, pathetically eager, and he "had
compassion on them." So he sat
down among them and went on
"RepeaT Wins
' Repeal ' ', Grand Champion sheep
owned by R. E. Pullin, of Waterloo,
la., and shown above by Miss Winn
Jackson, repeated and won the title
again this year at the Chicago Fair.
Jefferson Caffery, above, is the
man slated to be the new U 8.
Ambassador to Cuba, to relieve
Sumner Welles, who it is reported
will come home to be Assistant
Secretary of State.
with his teaching until the day was
almost over.
Next week: Eyes Upon the Goal
School District No. 1.
Notice is hereby given that out
standing registered warrants of
School District No. 1, Morrow
County, Oregon, numbered 2062 to
2083, inclusive, will be paid upon
presentation at the office of the
Clerk of said District in Heppner,
Oregon, on September 1st, 1933. In
terest on these warrants ceases af
ter that date.
Distriot Clerk.
Guy Hall, who spent the spring
and summer months here, left Sun
ay for Rawlins, Wyo.
.Vacuum Packed a
P. N. Butter
Bread and Butter
A Jars 35c
Morton's Shaker in
A General Food Product
Best Food Always
Pure cane, extra fine
granulated ; the market
is adavnting.
Harmony. P. & G.,
Crystal White
Vanilla f
Extra Quality
imitation vanilla
More Co-Eds Enter O.S.C.
Freshman Week On Soon
Corvallis A larger proportion of
women and a smaller proportion of
out-of-state students In the fresh
men class at Oregon State college,
compared with last year, Is Indi
cated by the advance applications
for admittance received by E. E.
Lemon, registrar.
As freshman week starts Septem
ber 18, Mr. Lemon is urging stu
dents to file their credentials im
mediately so as to avoid delay and
possible disappointment In the last
rush at registration time. This ap
plies equally to all institutions, he
Students are going to be able to
start this year with somewhat less
cash in hand than at any time In
many years as the result of reduc
tions of fees and other expenses in
effect this fall. It Is estimated
that with the cutting of fees by
six dollars a term and with dorm
itory board and room at $23 a
month that It will cost a student at
least $100 a year less than could
have been estimated a year ago.
Classification of those admitted
to the college so far shows that the
engineering school leads in total
numbers in the coming freshman
class. Next in order is home ec
onomics, lower division (junior
college), secretarial science, edu
pation, agriculture, pharmacy and
forestry. Those contemplating
science as a major register first in
lower division.
The tenth annual freshman week
will be conducted much as in the
past, with the program being ar
ranged to afford the new students a
thorough introduction to college life
and its surroundings before actual
class work begins.
AJAR 25c
Post's Bran Flakes
Llbby's Finest Quality
PER 12-OZ. TIN 19c
"Camels, please"
PER CTN $1.23
Sperry Regular
Cream Oata
BAG ..
2.crak- 30C
CORN, Golden Bantam,
ONIONS, fancy, 15 LBS. 25c J