Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 31, 1933, Image 1

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Volume 50, Number 25.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Election of Community
Committees Finished
In Wheat Plan.
Final Steps In Organization Pro
duction Control Association
Set for Next Week.
The county organization meet
ing will be held Monday evening
at 8:30 at the courthouse. Com
munity committee chairmen will
attend. In the afternoon at 2:30
all members of community com
mittees will meet for instruc
tions on how to proceed. At this
meeting the places and dates will
be set for the community com
mittees to meet with farmers in
their district meetings. Anyone
wishing Information as to how to
proceed can get it from their
committee members at the dis
trict meetings.
Announcement of the acreage re
duction figure of 15 percent by Sec
retary Wallace, and completion of
the election of community commit
tees in the seven districts of the
county are the outstanding devel
opments in the wheat control pro
gram locally this week. The at
tendance of farmers was estimated
at 93 per cent with the last of the
community meetings held at Eight
Mile Monday evening, said C. W.
Smith, county agent, and a heavy
sign-up is indicated.
Committees Named.
The community committees elect
ed in each district are:
Morgan Omar Rietmann, chair
man; Henry Gorger, M. J. Fitzpat- j
North Heppner E. H. Miller,
chairman; Ralph. Jackson, Harry
Lexington Geo. Peck, chairman;
L. Palmer, C. Marquardt
lone Lee Beckner, chairman;
Chas. McElligott, A. A. McCabe.
Alpine vR. B. Rice, chairman?)
W. J. Doherty, Frank Sallng.
South Heppner-Hardman C. E.
Carlson, chairman; Henry Baker,
Floyd Wbrden.
The office of the county agent,
whose work has been extended to
Include supervision of organizing
the control plan in Gilliam, Wheel
er and Sherman counties, has been
a seething beehive of activity this
week, with many farmers coming
to his office for information on the
Farmers who are considering
making applications for allotments
are urged to act Immediately. If it
is necessary to get in touch with
their landlords, this should be done
at once. No information has been
received as to when the deadline
for signing applications will be set,
but it may be set at any time, and
after it Is set, no further oppor
tunity to make applications will be
Help From Committees.
Those farmers desiring to make
applications for allotments are in
structed to fill out the blanks to the
best of their ability, and if help Is
needed, to get such help from mem
bers of the community committee
of their district. As soon as the
papers are completed, they should
be turned over to the respective
community committees, who will
consider the figures and pass the
papers along to the county allot
ment committee. The latter com
mittee will be named at the meet
ing of the community committee
chairmen next week.
If the allotment committee finds
any application to contain insuffi
cient information, it will go back to
the farmer for the information
Immediately after the deadline
date, the allotment committee will
complete its work, and publication
will be made of individual allot
ments, which after due time will be
considered as settled if no protests
are registered.
The county agent has received in
terpretatlons this week concerning
several points of the plan about
which there has been some misun
derstanding. In the case of the
kind of land to be taken out of
production, W. L. Teutsch, assist
ant county agent leader for the
state, has interpreted the ruling to
mean that the 15 percent of acre
age to be taken out of production
must be land of average production,
and that a farmer will not be al
lowed to substitute a greater per
centage of low producing land.
No Deduction Made.
It has been definitely ruled that
all of the benefit payment will be
given cooperating1 farmers to use
as they see fit, and that no deduc
tions will be made for government
loans, including seed loans, that
any such cooperating farmer may
In regard to the base period for
computing the seeded acreage on
non-conrtactcd farms of cooperat-
ors, Teutsch cites this ruling: "Any
Individual producer who has con
tractcd to reduce wheat acreage on
one farm and agreed not to increase
on any other farm must use as the
base period for the seeded acreage
on the non-contracted farm or
(Continued on Pago Four)
Tri-State League Sees Obstacles
In Way of Bonneville Project
That May React Favorably.
That several obstacles still re
main in the way toward construc
tion of the Bonneville dam which
may react in favor of the Umatilla
Rapids project, was brought out at
a meeting of the Tri-State Devel
opment league executive committee
at Walla Walla Tuesday evening,
reports S. E. Notson, local league
director who attended the meeting.
"Whereas actual construction
work could be started on the Uma
tilla project within 30 days, and as
many as 2000 men could be put to
work there by Christmas, accord
ing to the word of engineers, it is
certain that work could nnf hn
I started on the Bonneville dam any
thing like as soon," Mr. Notson
"So far only a cursory survey has
been made of the Bonneville site,
resulting in a 'favorable' report by
engineers. However, they have not
yet been able to determine how the
water could be diverted at that
point while the dam is being con
structed; they have not ascertained
definitely that there is a suitable
base for anchoring the dam, and
there remains the necessity of go
ing through condemnation proceed
ings to acquire railroad and other
property that would be inundated
by construction of the dam."
In view of the fact that the river
development work is intended to
provide employment at an early
date, and the fact that solving the
proDiems still in the way of the
Bonneville project will take manv
months, Mr. Notson said the Tri-
State league directors were pleased
at me advantage which the Uma
tilla Rapids project holds In this
The league expects to carry these
facts along with manv others to
Washington for presentation before
Secretary Ickes, who. they believe,
is not ready to be stampeded into
spending the public's money. It is
me nope tftat Walter M. Pierce.
representative in congress from this
district, may be able to take the
league's case to Washington for
presentation. Another plea for
memberships at $1 each was made,
that the league may help defray
expenses In carrying the case to
Washington. Senator Pope of Ida
ho, now in the capitol city, was con
tacted with the hope that he could
stay over to help present the
league's case, while Senator Dill of
Washington has sent word that he
expected to visit the capitol short
ly in the interests of the Coulee
Representative Martin is on the
way to Washington, with the an
nounced purpose of working for
Portland's 'Front Street' project,"
said Mr. Notson, "But his inter
est in the Bonneville dam is no se
cret, and it appears that the bat
tle for river development is to be
centered next in Washington, where
tne league is convinced it must have
representation if it holds Its own
in the fight"
Five Fast Boxing Bouts
Will be Seen Saturday
At 7 o'clock Saturday evening the
Heppner Boxing commission will
present the championship elimina
tion boxing contest between Camps
Bull Prairie and Frog Heaven at
the open-air arena on Main street.
Five fast bouts, each in a different
weight class, are included on the
card. Winners in this contest will
go to Baker to meet contestants
from other citizens' conservation
camps of the district.
In the 125-pound class Kay Man
soor of Bull Prairie will meet Geo.
Woodruff of Frog Heaven. Wil
liam Perillo 140, George Bellman
155, Isador Golden 175, and Al Shas
tlk, heavyweight all of Bull Prairie
will meet William Heidlnger, Leo
Ward, Vernon Waterhouse and Bill
Negan of Frog Heaven, respective
ly, in ine other weight classes.
Paul Gemmell, manager, vouch
safes that all the boys are Dlentv
fast, and especially promises that
tne Shastik-Negan go will be
clever and hard-fought battle.
40 Pet. Dividend From
F. & S. Bank Due Soon
Announcement of a 40 dividend
to depositors of the Farmers &
Stockgrowers National bank has
been made by J. L. Gault, receiver,
wno states that dividend checks
were mailed to the comptroller of
tne currency at Washington Mon
day, August 28, seven months to a
day from the date of the bank's
suspension, January 28th, last. Mr.
Gault hopes to have the checks re
turned so as to permit their release
about September 10th.
Mr. Gault further states that this
dividend arises almost entirely
from the collection of the bank's
loans and not through funds de
rived from the Reconstruction Fi
nance corporation or the sale of
any of the bank's real estate hold
The payment of so large a dlvl
dend from the collection of the
banks loans under present condl
Hons is indeed fortunate for the de
posltors and encourages them to
hope that their ultimate loss may
not De large.
Wanted Gaited saddle
Fred Mankln, lone, Ore.
Pupils Will Report at 1:00
o'clock; Teaching
Staff Announced.
Lions Committee to Help Board In
Solving Problem; Efficiency
To be Maintained.
Superintendent E. F. Bloom is
busy this week preparing for the
opening of school next Monday,
Sept 4. The morning hours will be
taken up with teachers' meetings.
Enrollment will start at 1 o'clock
and all pupils are expected to be on
hand at that time. Many new stu
dents from rural districts are ex
pected to enroll in the high school.
Superintendent Bloom will be in
the office from 10 to 12 and from 2
to 4 o'clock tomorrow (Friday).
Any students or parents wishing
aid or information concerning reg
istration are urged to meet with
him at that time. Mr. Bloom wishes
to confer with all students expect
ing to take post graduate work.
The full teaching staff has been
announced as follows:
High school: George Mabee, Jas.
T. Lumley and Miss Madge Cop
pock of last year's staff; Phillip
Foord, English and public speak
ing, graduate of Linfield college,
graduate study at University of
Oregon, who taught the last two
years at Dallas, Ore.; Miss Minnie
Staley, home economics, world his
tory and Spanish, .graduate of Ore
gon State college who taught the
last five years at Ridgefleld, Wash.
Grade school, all of last year's
staff: Miss Beth Bleakman, first
and second grades; Mrs. Elizabeth
Dix, second and third; Mrs. Adelyn
O'Shea, fourth; Miss Juanlta Craw
ford, fifth; Miss Miriam McDonald,
sixth; Miss Juanita Leathers, sev
enth, and Harold Buhman, .eighth.
To effect further economies in
the operation of the school this
year, which in the aggregate will
make a saving of 30 percent under
last year's expenditures, the teach
ing staff was reduced by eliminat
ing two teachers, and a consider
able cut was made in the salaries
of those retained, Supt Bloom told
the Lions club Monday.
While the teaching staff has been
curtailed, the curricula has not been
affected, as the work has been di
vided' up among the teachers, so
that, while the work of the individ
ual teacher has been increased, Mr.
Bloom expects the efficiency of the
schools will be maintained at a high
level. In line with the work con
solidation program, Miss Juanlta
Leathers of the seventh grade will
handle the music instruction in
place of the full time instructor
formerly employed for this work.
The work in the first second and
third grades has also been divided
between two instructors, leaving
out one teacher formerly used in
the primary department
Although the board has retained
the teachers on three-months con
tracts, it Is not its Intention of hold
ing but three months' school, Supt.
Bloom said. This was done because
the board did not feel Justified in
obligating the district for a full
nine months in the face of the pres
ent outstanding warrant indebted
ness, and to leave it in a position
to make further adjustments should
such prove necessary in order to
keep the school open. The board
is fully determined' to keep the
school open as long as there is a
possibility of doing so.
At the Lions club meeting Mon
day, S. E. Notson, Gay M. Ander
son and Spencer Crawford were
named on a committee to confer
with the board, and it is expected
the board will ask several other in
terested persons of the community
to join in the discussion, to work
out plans for solving the financial
The board has called attention
to the fact that school taxes will be
received separately by the tax col
lector, and that everyone interested
in seeing the school maintained at
a high standard can help mater
ially by making a special effort to
pay their school tax. '
Local Pine Mills Start;
First Cars Being Loaded
The sawmill of the Heppner Pine
Mills at the Hamilton ranch on
Rhea creek started cutting Tues
day, and tho planer of the com
pany in town started operations
yesterday, according to announce
ment of D. C. Eccles, local man
Immediately as the first lumber
came from the planer It was load
ed on cars ready for shipment to
fill orders already received from
the east,
Harold Buhman, manager of the
American Legion swimming tank,
announces that the tank will be
closed for the season next Sunday.
While the season has not been a
big success financially, Mr. Buhman
reports that good progress was
made by many youthful swimmers
of the community. For the last
week of the season he has made a
rate of an all-day admission to the
tank for one ticket
From Happenings Here and Ton
Cool Evenings
Living Costs
and Water
and other things of more or less
moment as seen by
Morrow county folks, beginning
to shiwer a bit from the cool eve
nings of the last week, now find
that starting a fire in the heater is
likely to be a regular chore.
But the chore Is not altogether
unpleasant after one of the longest
hot spells of local record; the great
est unpleasantness coming from
the payment of fuel bills.
Fuel bills, like rent, light, water
and grocery bills are not easy to
pay. One has lived up the rent,
used the light drunk the water,
eaten the groceries and usually
burned the fuel before pay day and
there remains only the necessity of
purchasing more.
How to keep down the cost of the
necessities of life Is a grave prob
lem; and more grave when incomes
are shrunken.
Uncle Sam, through a generous
public works program expected to
bring to Oregon $3,300.000 will
help to keep body and soul together
for many people. Whether Morrow
county receives any benefit from
this fund depends largely on what
Morrow county people do about it.
Someone would like to have
Heppner use $100,000 of the amount
for a sewer system.
That would be a nice luxury if
Heppner could afford it, one busi
ness man was beard to say this
week. But he believed the money
could be used to better advantage.
Heppner and the whole Willow
creek valley needs water, and it
could use cheaper power and fuel.
This business man is sold on the
construction of a dam somewhere
on the upper reaches of Willow
creek, which woujd . undoubtedly
conserve enough water for use of
all the towns and farms of the
valley, besides furnishing an abun
dance of cheap electrical energy
he believes, so cheap that it could
be used economically for heating.
The picture is not far-fetched.
One need but go into some of the
theretofore arid regions of Califor
nia to see what such projects have
already accomplished. '
Certain it is that the money will
be spent snd whether or not Mor
row county receives any benefit,
her people will help repay the loan.
The great need seems to be for
leadership of vision and courage
someone with executive ability to
get the facts and to see that they
are properly presented before the
right people.
Should such a leader arise, he
could do more toward solving the
long-time problem of living costs
and living conditions in Morrow
county than is likely ever to be
accomplished In any other monner,
Even Portland
value of water.
recognizes the
This morning's Oregonian says,
construction or Bonneville . Dam
Would Double the Productivity of
tne Willamette Valley."
If water will do so much for the
Willamette valley where the ma
jority of fields must be tiled to keep
tne larms 4rom Deing drowned out
in the winter time, there's no tell
ing what an abundant supply of
water would do lor arid eastern
Capt Hugh C. Parker, army su
pervisor of Camp Bull Prairie, an
nounces that Instructions from
Washington have been received to
carry on the local forest work for
an additional six months.
Already the weather in the moun
tains is getting too cool for com
fort, the captain says, and he is In
vestigating the possibility of mov
ing the camp to Heppner for the
Rain Tuesday evening hit gener
ally over the county causing har
vesting crews to take a short lay
off, and giving many farmers an
opportunity to transact business In
town. Prime Interest of many of
these was to complete applications
for allotments under the wheat
production control plan. Harvest,
now generally completed In the
north end of the county, Is well
along In the south end, with yield
reports generally exceeding expec
tations, though considerably below
average. No check-up of total pro
duction figures hns been possible
to date, but a preliminary estimate
is given at 1,225,000 bushels.
For Sale 85 tons of hay and
some pasture. Ralph Reads, Klm-
berlcy, Ore. 22-242
Coronation, Welcome for
Visiting Ruler High
lights of Day.
Dorothy Doherty Boosted by Vote
In Home Vicinity; All Plans
For Show Progress Well.
Miss Dorothy Doherty, Alpine,
24,700 votes.
Miss Mae Doherty, Rhea Creek,
19,700 votes.
Miss Edna Lindstrom, lone,
12,900 votes.
Miss Ruth Dinges, Lexington,
11,200 votes.
Miss Margaret Brosnan, Lena,
7,000 votes.
The final vote will be cast in the
Rodeo queen contest in Heppner
sometime before 1 o'clock Satur
day night, when the winner will be
announced, and Queen Jean of the
Pendleton Round-Up will accord her
royal felicitations and welcome her
as an attendant at the Round-Up
court. During the day ballots may
be obtained and voted at Gordon's,
but in the evening the voting will
be transferred to the pavilion where
the final queen's dance will close
the opening day of the Rodeo sea
son. Alpine came through in grand
style Saturday night and boosted
their candidate, Miss Dorothy
Doherty, into the lead with 5000
votes over her nearest contestant.
Miss Mae Doherty of Rhea Creek.
The vote for the evening was: Dor-
othy Doherty 8500, Mae Doherty
2500, Ruth Dinges 1100, Margaret
Brosnan 1100 and Edna Lindstrom
900. The friendly battle has been
hot and full of fun, and no matter
who wins Rodeo is assured of a
comely court, for while the winner
.will be queen, each of the other
contestants will be her attendants
for the two days September 8 and 9.
Fitting conoration ceremonies
will mark the close of the queen
contest as C. W. McNamer, honor
ary Rodeo president places a gold
en crown on the head of the girl
receiving the most votes, and sil
ver crowns upon the heads of her
Queen Jean's arrival from Pen
dleton, slated for 5 o'clock in the
evening, will be marked by appro
priate welcoming ceremonies. She
will be met at the Rodeo grounds
by Rodeo officials, and the school
band, and will be escorted to Hotel
Heppner. In front of the hostelry
Queen Jean will be greeted by
Mayor Anderson who will arrive on
horseback and present her with the
key to the city.
In the evening Queen Jean will
be a guest of the Rodeo officials at
a luncheon, in company with mem
bers of the royal court and mem
bers of the school band.
During the day the band will
play at intervals. Citizens of the
city will appear attired in official
cowboy hats and Windsor ties, and
streets and stores will be adorned
In bright colors, all to hail the
coming of Rodeo the following
week end.
All last minute preparations are
well in hand for presentation of
ijhe show itself, and the several add
ed attractions that will go to make
the time an enjoyable get-together
occasion for all of Morrow county,
and the folks from afar who find
the time an ideal occasion to meet
old friends.
Herb French, arena director, has
his corps of help lined up, the
stock ready in fine fettle, includ
ing an ominous array of wild mus
tangs that will make top-hands get
in and dig for the good prize money
in the bucking contest. At least
five strings of relay and pony ex
press horses will be here, and an
Imposing array of other fast horses
to take part in the special race
Several innovations will be seen
in the running of the races. The
cowboy and saddle horse races will
be run fifty yards In one direction,
horses to turn on line and return
to the place of start There will be
a musical rope race each day, a
new Rodeo attraction that has
gained wide popularity at other
shows. A two-year-old race will
show some fast ponies in their rac
Ing debut, and a cowgirl race will
give the feminine top-hands an op.
portunlty to show.
The home carnival, with merry.
go-round for the kiddles, will be
on hand each day to help in the
fun, and Saturday morning will
come the large, colorful parade, for
which more entries than ever are
assured to vie for the $100 prize
money. The school band will be
on hand at the show and on the
streets with their peppy music, and
each evening dancing will be en
joyed at the open air pavilion to
the music of Fletcher's Round-Up
Nels Johnson and R. B. Smith
were in the city Monday. They are
now getting sheep In from summer
range In the mountains, so they
may be back on their Dry Fork
ranches in time for fall work.
Workers Named for Heppner; Post
masters to Head Work In
Outside Communities.
The local NRA executive com
mittee named at a mass meeting
at Hotel Heppner Friday evening
working in conjunction with Han
son Hughes, county NRA advisor,
this morning announced a corps of
workers to visit homes in the city
tomorrow for the purpose of plac
ing consumer blue eagles in every
home. The local executive com
mittee, headed by W. W. Smead,
postmaster, has the following mem
bers: Mary Patterson, secretary;
D. A. Wilson, M. L. Case. Chas.
Thomson and Spencer Crawford.
Those named to conduct the drive
and the districts allotted are:
South of May street and east of
Willow creek, Mrs. Bonnie Coch
ran and Mrs. Sylvia Wells.
South of May street and west of
Willow creek, Mrs. Paul M. Gem
mell and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo.
Between May and Center streets.
Mrs. Josephine Mahoney and Mrs.
Harold Case.
West of Main between Center and
Alkali, Mrs. Claude Cox and Mrs.
George McDuffee.
East of Main and north of Bal
timore, Mrs. Sadie Sigsbee and
Mrs. Liilie Aiken.
Mr. Hughes also announced this
morning that the postmasters in
the various outlying communities
have been named to head the drives
in their communities, and are asked
to appoint their solicitors to get
the blue eagle Insignia in every
home as soon as possible.
Non-High School Board
Adopts Budget for Year
Its budget for the ensuing school
year was adopted by the Morrow
county non-high school district
board, at a meeting at the office of
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, county school
superintendent, Tuesday. All mem
bers of the board were present
The budget adopted includes $10,600
for high school tuition, $5000 for
transportation and board, $500 for
interest on warrants, $50 for inci
dentals and $1000 for emergency.
The board ruled that no money
for transportation or board would
be allowed pupils who attend high
school outside of Morrow county.
Also, where a transportation route
is established to a standard high
school, no money will be allowed
toward paying board for pupils un
less the pupils live at too great a
distance from the bus route to be
transported. In that case appeal
may be made to the non-high school
board for mileage to be applied to
boarding such pupils.
The board sanctioned the estab
lishment of a new bus route from
the Gooseberry district where the
district is standing part of the cost
All pupils in non-high school dis
tricts contemplating attending a
standard high school are requested
to get certificates from the county
school superintendent before school
starts or on the first day of school,
as the standard high schools can
not enroll such pupils until the cer
tificate is presented.
'New Round-Up Attitude'
Cited By Manager Ritner
Pendleton, Ore., Aug. 30. N R A
means "New Round-up Attitude" in
Pendleton, scene of 23 revivals of
the spirit of the glamorous old wild
west. Pendleton folks have discard
ed depression worries and uncer
tainty and have their hearts set on
making the forthcoming 1933
Round-Up, September 21, 22 and 23,
a worthy successor to the long
chain of breath taking cowboy
spectacles that have spread the
fame of Oregon around the world.
Out of this new Round-Up at
titude, or to be more exact, this re
newed Round-up enthusiasm, comes
the announcement that the Round-
Up management has "taken the bit
between their teeth" and boldly
slashed admission prices for the
September classic. Reserved seats
that used to cost $2.50 are made
available this year for $1.50 and
$1.25, while bleacher seats, former
ly $1.50 are to be sold for 75 cents.
"At these pre-war time prices we
hope, and expect to pack 30,000
people in the stands daily," busi
ness manager Roy W. Ritner of
the reorganized non-profit Pendle
ton Round-Up association, said yes
terday. "What we want is twice
as many vislors seeing the Round
Up at half the price of recent years
in other words volume of people
rather than mere volume of rev
enue. The Pendleton Round-Up
stands alone in that it is put on for
the enjoyment of the folks of the
northwest and to advertise the
whole northwest throughout the
"The Pendleton Round-Up will
be as big and colorful and dramatic
as ever in its history. We want to
spike the rumors to the contrary
that have been floating around this
summer, probably originating as
a natural product of the late but
not lamented depression. Our Pen
dleton show still remains the one
competitive spectacle where the
world's championships In riding,
roping and bulldogglng are settled."
Eddie Chidsey, former Heppner
boy and graduate of Heppner high
school with the class of 1920, passed
through town Monday morning on
the way to his home at La Grande.
Drive Planned to Put Con
sumer Blue Eagle in
Every Home.
Northwest Director, Prominent Au
thor and Active In War Drives,
Would Keep District at Top.
Immediate organization of NRA
re-employment committees in Ore
gon and Idaho communities which
have not yet inaugurated active re
covery campaigns is nec essay if the
Oregon-Idaho district is to hold Its
present lead in the Blue Eagle cam
paign, George Creel, famed writer
and Pacific coast NRA official said
Sunday when he stopped in Port-
alnd on his flying inspection tour.
Oregon, and Idaho have out
standing organizations," Mr. Creel
declared, "NRA committees in com
munities too numerous to mention,
including Heppner, are making
splendid records. The district is
far ahead of the country as a whole
in the drive for re-employment
However, there are also districts
where no concerted action has been
taken," Mr. Creel said. "'Here are
the weak spots. We must organize
these weak spots in a dynamic,
forceful campaign if we are to hold
our district leadership. Every com
munity must organize. Every coun
ty must see to it that the commu
nities within its borders line up be
hind the drive.
The Idaho and Oregon state re
covery boards, and the district re
covery board embracing the two
states, are now ready to supervise
the organization of county and
community organizations," Mr.
Creel continued. "Frank Messen
ger, director of the department of
commerce bureau for the Oregon
Idaho district is secretary of the
district recovery board, and his of
fice is prepared to assist in the for
mation of these NRA divisions
along lines I have suggested."
Mc. Messenger explained the plan
for organizing all Oregon and Ida
ho communities along the lines of
the county defense leagues during
the war. The state recovery board
will select a man in each county
to act in a supervisory capacity. It
will be his duty to see that NRA
drive committees are organized and
functioning in every community,
and to keep the work up to a high,
pitch of enthusiasm.
After the recent meeting of the
state recovery board, Mr. Messen
ger announced that Hanson Hughes
had been selected as the NRA su
pervisor for Morrow county. Mr.
Hughes today announced plans for
carrying on the re-employment
campaign in Heppner.
"Let me say at the outset that ex
isting organizations will be con
tinued in office," said Mr. Hughes.
"Mr. Messenger has advised me
that the local NRA committees are
doing splendid work, and we have
no intention of setting up conflict
ing organizations where local NRA
committees are already functioning.
As county supervisor, my work will
be in an advisory capacity. By or
ganizing along county lines, the
state recovery board created small
er, more efficient units,
"In cities where there is no NRA
organization, we intend to set up
the machinery for a successful
drive. A general will be appointed
to lead the campaign in the separ
ate cities, and he will select his
own subordinate officials.
'"We will endeavor to see that
every employer in the county dis
plays the Blue Eagle code. An in
vestigation division will be organ
ized in every city to check alleged
violations, and offenders will be se
verely, punished. We are going to
carry this campaign into the farth
est corners of the county."
Mr. Creel, who was due in Port
land Saturday night for a radio ad
dress, arrived 14 hours late Sunday
morning. The plane loaned him by
the Standard Oil company, piloted
by Shirley Brush, was delayed by
adverse weather conditions on the
flight from Boise, and was forced
down at North Dalles, 90 miles from
Mr. Creel stressed the importance
of women's cooperation in the ulti
mate success of the NRA program
in his conference with Mr. Messen
ger, H. B. Van Duzer, chairman of
thte Oregon state recoverey board,
and Edgar Freed, general in the
Portland campaign.
"Gentlemen, you must organize
the women into militant consumers'
organizations," Mr. Creel told the
drive executives. "Miss Celia Ga
vin, prominent attorney of The
Dalles, has been named to handle
women's activities in the state of
Oregon, and a women's activity di
rector will be named in Idaho.
"Housewives control about 85 per
cent of the buying power and the
success of the NRA recovery pro
gram rests on the shoulders of the
women who hold the purse strings,"
Mr. Creel continued. "I cannot
stress too highly the Importance of
organizing the women of each com
munity. Supplies of pledge cards,
and consumer's Blue Eagles wilt
shortly be available. Merchants
who signed the Blue Eagle code
have made great sacrifices to put
men back to work. It Is only fair
(Continued on Pag Pour)