Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 03, 1933, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Prof. William P. Boyer, super
intendent of music for the Portland
public schools, was a week-end
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gault.
On Sunday he accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. Gault and Mr. and Mrs. J. O.
Turner on a trip to the timber for
a picnic lunch, departing for his
home Monday, accompanying Mrs.
Gault to the city. Mrs. Gault will
go on south to Jefferson for the
dedication of the new state high
way bridge, to be dedicated as the
Conser bridge in honor of the mem
ory of Mirs. Gault's grandfather,
also the father of the late GeorRe
Conser, former cashier of the First
National bank of Heppner, who
was. an uncle of Mrs. Gault's
Heppner friends received word
last week end of the death of Ralph
Charnley, who died at Vancouver,
B. C, on Tuesday previous. Burial
was at that place on last Friday.
Mr. Charnley was the husband of
Mrs. E. F. Day, one-time resident
of this city, and a sister of Mrs.
George Schwarz and Mrs. Melissa
Marlatt of Heppner. Mr. Charnley
had been confined to a Vancouver
hospital for several weeks follow
ing an operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford
and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schwarz
who spent two weeks at Rockaway
on an outing, left that place last
Saturday southward bound for San
Francisco, where they expected to
enjoy a visit at the homes of Ar
thur R. and William V. Crawford,
sons of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford and
brothers of Mrs. Schwarz. The G.
T. editor reports beneficial health
effects from the beach sojourn.
S. E. Notson reports that his son
Edward and wife, with a contin
gent of Almira, Wash., Boy Scouts,
who visited the world's fair In Chi
cago, reached home Monday on
their return trip. He expects Mr.
and Mrs. Notson the younger to
arrive in Heppner the end of the
week to get their son, Robert, who
stayed with his grandparents while
his parents were on their trip.
Miss LaVelle White returned on
Friday from a two weeks' vacation,
moBt of which time she spent as
sisting in conducting revival serv
ices at Forest Grove. She has re
sumed her duties as operator in
the Pacific Telephone and Tele
graph office.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray P. Kinne spent
four days last week at Rockaway
and Seaside enjoying the ocean
breezes. They returned home Fri
day, expecting to take a few more
days' vacation this week in the
Yakima valley.
E. C. Olsen and C. E. Cleveland,
Dodge and Plymouth dealers for
Morrow and Umatilla counties,
spent Tuesday in Heppner, coming
over from their Pendleton head
quarters. A. F. Majeske and son were in
the city Monday from their north
Lexington farm home. Mr. Ma
jeske reported his harvest com
pleted with an average yield of 12
Mrs. Doris Wilson and son of
Dufur are visiting at the home of
Mrs.' Wilson's uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Quackenbush, at
the Wendel Cleveland farm on Wil
low creek. '
Mr. and Mrs. Walter La Dusire
were over from their home at La
Grande on Monday, visiting at the
home of Mrs. La Dusire's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Turner.
Al Troedson, in town Tuesday
from the farm home In the Mor
gan vicinity, reported harvest well
along on his place, with the average
running around 12 bushels.
David Maser of Seattle was a
week-end guest at the S. E. Notson
home. He was on his way to Eu
gene to attend summer school at
the U. of O.
Walter Luckman was doing busi
ness In town the end of the week,
being among shippers of stock
from the local yards Saturday eve
ning. Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eyesight Spec
ialist of Pendleton, will be at Hepp
ner Hotel on Wednesday, August 9
Hours 9:00 a. m. to 5:30 p. m.
Fred Hosklns took time off from
his sheep operations, with head
quarters on Rhea creek, to transact
business In town Tuesday.
Robert V. Turner arrived from
Portland Tuesday for a visit at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs
Frank W. Turner.
Word has been received by rela
tives here that Mrs. T. M. Scott Is
very seriously 111 at her home In
Lost Between stock yards and
Frank Parker place, man's pigskin
purse. Reward for return to this
Chance Wilson of Monument
brought over more stock for ship'
ment from the local yards Satur
For Sale 2 International buck
rukes: used two seasons. Priced
right. Frank Monahan, city. 21-23
Alex Green opened Green's Feed
store in. the corner space of the
Case apartment building this week,
A. H. Swllzor, attorney and Jus
tlce of the peace at Arlington, was
a Heppner visitor Monday.
Gordon Ridings of Eugene was
a week-end guest at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Clark,
Steam drag saw for sale. Drag
saw; other articles. H. K. Porter,
Rufus, Ore.
Local ads lp the Gazette Times
The main part of the Harry Mur
chle residence in town was des
troyed by fire early Friday morn
ing. At about 11 o'clock Thursday
evening when grangers were going
home from a meeting they saw
that the roof of the house was on
fire. Many helpers soon put the
fire out, although It had burned a
large hoi through the roof and in
to the dining room. Then again at
3 o'clock Friday morning neighbors
saw the roof aflame and woke Mr.
Murchie, a crowd soon gathered but
tire could not be put out. How
ever, the small addition of two
rooms on the west end was saved
although damaged by fire and wa
ter. Practically all of his clothing
and furniture was saved. The fire
was thought to have been caused
from a spark from the chimney as
Mr. Murchie had a fire in the stove
in the dining room that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barlow and
Lucille of Heppner spent Sunday
in town.
Dinner guests Sunday at the J.
R. Johnson home were Mr. Payne
of Hermiston, Mr. and Mrs. W. O.
Miller of Umatilla and Mr. and Mrs.
A. R. Barlow and Mrs. Eva Warner.
The Tyler and Cooney families
enjoyed a picnic dinner in the
camp park Sunday.
Marvin Ransier who is working
near Echo spent Friday in Board-man.
M. L. Morgan is painting the
house and sheds at the Glen Had
ley ranch.
Mrs. J. E. Barlow and Vernon
Root motored to Heppner Thurs
B. J. Ravietti and wife and fam
ily of Detroit, Mich., visited last
Tuesday at the home of his sister,
Mrs. Ed Kunze. They were on
their way to California.
Billy Harper was visiting on the
project last week.
A special meeting of the grange
was held in the auditorium last
Thursday evening when Chas.
Wicklander, state deputy, was here
and gave slide pictures of the work
of the four degrees. Mrs. Chas.
Wicklander read the story explain
ing the pictures as they were shown
on the screen. Lunch of root beer
and sandwiches was served in the
basement of the gym.
Mrs. Walter Stude and daughter
of Portland are visiting this week
at the Faler home.
Mr. and Mrs. L, E. Whurlow are
boarding at the home of Mrs. Eva
Warner. Mr. Whurlow is working
with the signal crew which is in
town now.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harwood
motored to Portland last Tuesday.
They were accompanied home by
Mrs. Harwood 8 cousin, Mrs. Dallas
Mallory of Portland who is visiting
at the John Jenkins home.
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Flickinger
and Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Messenger
and Mrs. H. E. Waite motored to
Walla Walla Saturday by way of
the new Wallula cut-off which was
recently opened.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Whurlow mo
tored to Pendleton Sunday.
Mrs. Gladys Fortier and Norma
and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cramer left
Saturday for the mountains near
La Grande where they will pick
W. W. Bechdolt spent Thursday
at his ranch at Hardman.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Ayers of
Heppner spent the week end In
S. E. Notson, C. J. D. Bauman
and Elbert Cox were business visit
ors In town Saturday.
A school meeting will be held In
the school auditorium Friday af
ternoon, August 4, at 2 o'clock for
the purpose of voting on the bud
get and to elect a school clerk.
Mrs. Lynne Ranney and Phyllis
returned home Saturday.
Gladys Graves went to Lexington
Sunday where she will visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Macomber and
Sybil spent the week end at Pilot
Miss Beatrice Weed of Condon Is
a visitor this week at the Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Healey of
Portland were visitors on the pro
ject last week. Miss Lois Messen
ger returned to Portland with them
where she will visit her brother
and family.
Miss Lois Messenger entertained
26 of her friends at her birthday
party last Monday evening. The
evening was spent in playing games
and singing. Lovely refreshments
of ice cream, cake ad punch were
served by the hostess.
Wllma and Margaret Myers left
Sunday night for a visit in Portland.
tored to The Dalles Saturday eve
ning. Belle Markham accompanied
Jack Horner and grandmother
motored to La Grande Friday. Mrs.
Margaret Horn accompanied Mr.
Horner on his return the same eve
ning. Miss Nellie Leicht. Audrev Gil-
breath and Louise Moyer motored
to Walla Walla Wednesday for a
few days visit.
Russell McCoy was a business
visitor in Hermiston Saturday.
Mrs. Jess Oliver accompanied the
John Oliver family from Echo on
a trio to Pasco Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Markham and chil
dren, Mrs. Frank Markham and
Mrs. Lawrence Markham are
spending a week in the mountains
near Meacham lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gridar vis
ited with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isoin
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright were
in Hermiston Thursday.
Ethel Oliver is visitincr her
grandmother at Goldendale for a
rew weeKs.
Bert and Wiley Benefiel left for
Wasco Wednesday where they are
working In the harvest fields. Le
ola Bemefiel motored over with
them, returning the same evening.
Ollie Coryell and Wesley Chaney
were in Heppner Wednesday.
Mrs. Brownell of Portland arrived
here Friday night to be with her
father, J. A. Grabiel, who is still
very ill.
Bert Butler and Cloyd Leach of
Ukiah were over Sunday guests of
Mr. Leach's daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom.
Harry Minnick of California is
visiting his brother. Rov Minniru
and family. The brothers had not
met ror seven years. They mo
tored to Pendleton Saturday to vis
it a daughter of Harry Mlnnlci
and to Heppner Sunday to visit his
son, iNorman Minnick.
J. W. Sparks is 111 this week.
Brownie Buskirk has been auite
ill. He was taken to Pendleton
Wednesday for medical treatment
and on to Portland Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frederirltann
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
amitn, Mrs. Clara Smith and Mr.
and Mrs. Will Norcross left Mon
day for a week's vacation in the
mountains near Ukiah.
Heat, More Heat Gives
More Safety to Canning
Happy is the home canner whose
canned products always keep. The
four essentials in the keeping qual
ity of canned goods are adequate
hfat in processing to kill the bac
teria, yeasts and molds; second, an
airtight seal that remains airtight;
third, fresh sound products to start
with, and lastly, cleanliness, says
Lucy A. Case, extension specialist
in foods and nutrition at Oregon
State college.
Eeans are more likely to keep if
they are boiled five minutes before
being placed, still h0t, in the Jars.
All of these hot methods of handl
ing help to satisfy the first rule of
successful canning, adequate heat,
says Miss Case. She gives further
directions as follows:
Pour the boiling hot water in
which the beans were precooked
over the hot beans to one-half inch
from top of the jar, add one-half
teaspoon salt to each pint and par
tially seal. Keep the jars standing
in hot water until all are ready to
process. Then place them in the
hot cooker, preferably a pressure
cooker, and process at 10 pounds
pressure, 35 minutes for pint jars
and 40 minutes for quart jars.
The hot water bath is not recom
mended, but if it must be used,
lower the hot jars into boiling hot
water which comes one inch over
the tops of the jars. Bring the wa
ter to a boil again as soon as pos
sible and keep it at a rolling boil
for three hours. It may be neces
sary to add more boiling water to
take the place of what bolls away.
Letting the fire die down will lower
the temperature in the Jars. At the
end of the processing period, re
move jars, seal immediately and in
vert to test for leakage, except with
self-seal jars.
The cause of the spoilage of homo
canned beets, that resulted in three
deaths at Dayton, Wash., recently
was inadequate heat, as the beets
had been boiled only one hour in
the jars, reports to Miss Case indi
cate. These botulinus infected
beets were also eaten without boil
ing after taking them from the
can. A safe rule is to boil all home
canned meats, fish and non-acid
vegetables 15 minutes before tast
ing after opening the jars.
Heppner Pine Mills received their
first order 'last week end from New
York for four carloads of pine lum
ber. The order will be filled out of
the first lumber finished, said D.
C Eccles, local manager. Instal
lation of facilities for delivery of
electric power to the planing mill
near the stock yards was complet
ed the first of the week.
Lamoyne Cox, son of Elbert Cox,
deputy sheriff, was brought from
the mountains where he was stay
ing at a wood camp, Sunday eve
ning, suffering with a ruptured ap
pendix, at first thought to be pto
maine poisoning. His condition is
reported to be quite serious.
ED CMNN, Prop.
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Jones were
Hermiston visitors Friday.
Vallls Dexter left for Portland
Thursday for an indefinite stay.
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Williams
were in Hermiston Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom
Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Markham
of Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
Chapman and daughter Frances
and Mr. and Mrs. J. Berry and
family of Umatilla were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett
McCoy Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Batie Rand, Mrs.
Geo. Rand and Mrs. James War
ner were doing business In Pendle
ton Tuesday.
Rex Moses drove over In Wash
ington Thursday for a few days'
visit with his mother.
T. R. Bush of Boardmnfi purchas
ed a load of lambs from W. C. Isom
Wednesday and trucked them, to
Portland the same evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brace mo-
AIRWAY, 3 Lbs. 55c f
NOB HILL 3 Lbs. 73c
Dependable 2 Lbs. 53c
k Vacuum Packed
Pure Cane, Fine Granulated
Beginning Aug. 1, In
compliance with Pres.
Boosevelt's N. B. A.
plan this itore will op
en each morning at 8
and close at 6 and close
Saturday at 9 p. m.
Maximum Brand
2-LB. JAR 25c
White, fresh and fluffy
Best Food Always
PTS. 19c -:- QTS. 31c
Roval Quality
12-OZ. TINS 45c
Baker's Quality
1-Lb. New Style Tin 22c
Delicious Cereal
Libby Deluxe Halves
2N0.2'2 TINS 33c
For Your Breakfast
Morton's Iodized
Carton, 9c :- 2 Cartons, 17c
Sperry Regular Cream Oats
9-LB. BAG 49c
Federal Brand
6 3S.40C
$3.15 Case '
Puritan Brand
2-3LB.AJ-1 AQ
TINS .... t&l.Utf
10 BARS 33c
Crystal White, Harmony, P. &
G. Laundry
Friars . y- 4..r. "T"1' "V,-Jr;irv yinfr-Yiv r y;rrA
Mr. President:
In Helping the
National Recovery Act
Gilliam & Bisbee
Ferguson Motor Company
J. C. Penney Co., Inc.
Patterson & Son
M. D. Clark
Thomson Bros.
W. 0. Dix
Humphreys Drug Company
Hughes & Hughes
Latourell Auto Company
Frank Shively
E. G. Noble
J. S. Baldwin
Green's Feed Store
Peterson's Jewelry Store
Huston's Grocery
Peoples Hardware Company
P. A. Mollahan Service Station
C. A. Kane Garage
Heppner Gazette Times
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company
Heppner Market
Sanitary Bakery
Standard Stations, Inc.
John Skuzeski
Vaughn & Goodman
MacMarr Stores, No. 387
Central Market
Hotel Heppner
Coxen & Chapin Barber Shop
Curran's Ready-to-Wear Shop
E. E. Clark Barber Shop
McAtee & Aiken
II. T. O'Donnell Pastime
Merrill's Cafe
bring result.