Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 03, 1933, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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(Basrttr ExmtB
Established March SO. 1883;
Established November IS. 1S97;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp-
ner, Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Tear $2 00
Six Months LOO
Three Months .75
Single Copies .05
Official Paper for Morrow County
Detective . on rural clues
The chief of police of Pittsfield
sneered when Garrett Troy of West
Stockbridge, deputy sheriff of
Berkshire, asked for a search-war
rant for the home of a respected
citizen of Pittsfield. No country
sheriff could tell the Pittsfield po
lice anything about detective work.
It was ridiculous to suspect a hard
working citizen, anyway. '
"Only one car went along the
road past the house that was rob
bed," said Troy. "The marks in
the snow showed that it had two
new rear tires of a peculiar tread
design. I've followed those tracks
to Pittsfield and I'll show you where
the car is parked in front of this
man's house."
The skeptical police chief sent a
man with the sheriff. They got in
to the house and found more than
$2,000 worth of the stolen property.
The robber and his accomplices
pleaded guilty in court
That is only one of a dozen cases
in which Sheriff Troy has proved
himself a better detective than you
often find outside of story books.
Efficiency . in town affairs
Three years ago the city of Fall
River, Mass., was bankrupt. It
could not pay the interest on the
city debt, couldn't pay salaries. The
courts appointed a receiver for the
city, who cleaned out the deadwood
and set out to balance the city's
Several hundred persons who had
been on the city payroll without
doing any work were dismissed. A
campaign against dirt and disorder
was begun. In spite of the closing
down of textile mills, throwing
thousands out of work, means were
found to keep the home people
busy at something, if only cleaning
up the town. Fall River people be
gan to feel a new pride in their city.
Now the cotton mills have started
up again, but even before that Fall
River had got on its feet, merely
because a few energetic citizens
were determined to bring it back.
There's hardly a community in
America that isn't in need of a
thorough municipal house cleaning.
Education ... too cheap
A movement has been started I
don't know how far it will eet to
abolish free education in some of
the publiclv-suDDorted colleges
To me that seems like a sound
idea. Colleee education has hemme
too cheap. It is so cheap that it is
not regarded as valuable by a good
many of those who get it for noth
ing. I would be the last to put an ob
stacle in the wav of anv bov or pirl
of outstanding ability, but the older
i gei uie more i am convinced that
tne duty of government to provide
free education at the expense of the
taxpayers ends about high-school
The truly able and ambitious will
get the education they seek despite
an obstacles.
Foolishness ... in laws
Nothing could be more foolish
than trying to prescribe rules which
must be followed literally by those
who come after us.
A hundred years ago some chari
tably-minded ladies collected a fund
to provide red flannel underwear
for poor students at Andover Theo
logical Seminary. For many years
no students have needed or want
ed that sort of underwear, and the
fund has been accumulating until
it is now $12,000. It took a court
order to authorize the trustees to
spend the Income for other assist
ance to poor students.
When this "Samaritan Fund" was
established everybody wore red
flannel underwear. The good ladies
assumed that everybody would al
ways wear it
When the Constitution of the
United States was adopted the
statesmen of that day assumed that
conditions would always be what
they were then. We've had to
change the Constitution twenty
times, and to make new interpre
tations of its old provisions a hun
dred times.
Religion . . not wholesale
The revival of interest in religion
is one of the most striking devel
opments of the past few years. I
know of many groups of people,
young and old, rich and poor, who
are holding frequent meetings for
the discussion and study of religion
in its broad sense, and finding new
meanings to life as a result of their
Foremost among the new religi
ous movements is what is called
the "Oxford Group Movement" or
"Buchmanism," from its originator,
the Rev. Frank Buchman, who
started the first meeting at Oxfond,
England, twelve years ago. It is
not a new sect or church, but an ef
fort to brjng back into the lives of
people of all denominations the
truth of Christianity as a guiding
rule of life.
The fundamental principle of
Buchmanism is the power of the
Holy Spirit to purge the soul of
sin, which follows uponconfession
and repentance. I have attended
several of the meetings and many
of my friends have, to my know
ledge, benefitted greatly by them.
Bruce Barton
writes of
"The Master Executive"
Supplying a week-to-week Inspiration
for the heavy-burdened who will find
every hnman trial paralleled In the ex
periences of "The Man Nobody Knows"
These Men at the Top
Where will a man ever eet vou
ask, if he delivers twice as much
as he is paid to deliver? The an
swer is that unless he's a fool he
will probably get to and stop at the
ton. I remember once traveling
from Chicago to New York on the
Twentieth Century Limited. We
were due in the Grand Central Sta
tion at nine-forty, a nice leisurely
hour, and three of us who were
traveling together decided to make
a comfortable moraine of it. We
got out of our berths at a quarter
arter eight, shaved and dressed and
half an hour later were making our
way back to the dining-car.
A door to one of the drawing
rooms was dpen, and as we walked
by we could hardlv keeD from look
ing in. The bed in the room had
Deen made up long since; a table
stood between the windows, and at
the table, buried in work was a
man whose face the newspapers
nave made familiar to every one.
He had been Governor of New
York, a Justice of the Supreme
Court, a candidate for the Presi
dency of the United States nnrl
was at the time practising law
and reputed to be earninc much
more than a hundred thousand dol
lars a year.
My companions and I were vouni?
men; he was well along in middle
life. We were poor and unknown;
he was rich and famous. We were
doing all that was required of us.
We were up and dressed and would
be ready for business when the
train pulled in at a little before ten.
.tsut tnis man, or whom nothing was
actually required, was doine far
more. I thoueht to mvself as wp
passed on to our leisurely break-
last, "That explains him; now I
understand Huehes."
I have several times heen in tho
offices of J. P. Morgan and Com
pany after six o'clock in the eve
nine. I remember vividlv the men.
tal picture which I once had of
what such a private banking house
must be the nartners comine- down
in limousines at eleven and leaving
at three, after having given their
nonchalant approval to a million-
dollar deal.
But on the occasion of one of the
visits to which I refer the offices
were closed. The clerks, and as
sistants and even the elevator mm
had gone, leaving onlv nieht-watch-
men. is lght-watchmen, and some
or the partners. There seems to
be always lights in the partners'
omces no matter what the hour.
Of the office force it ia remiired
that they travel the one mile which
lies between nine o'clock in thP
morning and five o'clock at night.
But the partners travel the second
mile; have always always traveled
it all their lives; and are partners
because they have.
Next Week: Six Great Men.
We desire to thank our neigh
bors and friends for their kindly
ministrations during the illness
and death of our beloved mother,
Margaret Reaney; near neighbors
tendered their help and sympathy
at all times, and we cannot ex
press to you our full appreciation in
words alone, also for the mjany
beautiful floral offerings.
The Reaney Family.
We sincerely thank our many
friends and neighbors for their
kindly expressions of sympathy and
for the many beautiful floral offer
ings, given at the time of our be
reavement Walter Evans,
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Herren,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Herren
and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Evans,
Mr. and Mrs. George Evans,
Marion Evans.
Martin Redding, examiner of op
erators and chauffeurs, will be in
Heppner, Wednesday, Aug. 9, at
the courthouse, from 1 to 8 n. m.
All those wishing permits or li
censes to drive cars are asked to
get in touch with Mr. Redding at
this time.
Union High School No. 1 will re
ceive bids for painting high school
building at Hardman between Aug
ust 8 and Aueust 27. KISS. Th
board reserves the right to reject
any or an bids.
LaVerne, small son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Hams, suffered an attack
of appendicitis alst Thursday and
was taken to Heppner for medical
attention that day. He is now re
ported to be on the road to recov
ery. Raymond McDonald suffered a
broken arm one day last week
while cranking the combine engine
on which he was working near
lone. The arm was dressed by a
physician in Heppner and is getting
along as well as can be expected
out Raymond will be unable to re
turn to his harvest work.
Mr. and Mrs. McKeen were visit'
ors at the home of Mrs. McKeen's
aunt Mrs. John Adams, one day
last week. Mrs. McKeen was for
merly Miss Blanche Ward of this
The Misses Zetta and Elvira
Bleakman were visiting Mrs. Vic
tor Johnson in Heppner last week,
Margaret Browning, from the
French place, was a visitor at the
J. W. Stevens home Friday.
Business visitors in Heppner from
here Saturday were Mr. and Mrs
Elmer Musgrave, Esten Stevens
Mrs. Carl Leathers and Mrs. Frank
Mrs. George Samuels accompan
ied Miss Ruby Corrigall to the
Ralph Corrigall ranch on Butter
creek last Thursday where she will
visit indefinitely with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Corrigall.
Ed McDaniel and daughter Jessie
arrived here Monday from Muckel
teo, Wn., for an extended visit witb
relatives and friends.
Mrs. Walter Farrens and Roland
are spending a while visiting Mrs
Verl Farrens at the old Knoblock
place near Rhea creek.
Mrs. Sam McDaniel Jr. and Max
ine are spending a while at her hus
band's mountain sheep camp.
Bernard Bleakman, postmaster,
and Ad Inskeep are making wood
at the old Graham place in the
mountains this week. Mrs. Bleak
man has charge of the duties at
the postoffiee during her husband's
Loes Stevens and Pat Bleakman
rode horseback to Mrs. Elmer Mus
grave's mountain home last Mon
day where they will spend a few
The Spicer girls who were for
mer high school teachers here,
made a short visit to old time
friends here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leathers made
a business trip to the Monument
country the first of the week. Dur-
ing their absence the garage was
looked after by Miss Elvira Bleak
Mrs. Reid Buseick and children
Mrs. Rose Shields and Mrs. A. E,
Wattenburger called at Mrs. Ollie
Neill's home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Robison of Eight
Mile visited for a few days at the
C.H. Bartholomew home the early
part or the week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill and son
Hugh and Miss Oleta Neill were
Heppner visitors Friday.
Mrs. J. J. Chisholm and daugh
tors, Barbara and Marjean of Wal
la Walla, are visiting at the home
of Mrs. Chisholm's aunt, Mrs. Ol
lie Neill, this week.
Mra Marion Finch and Miss Len
na Neill were Hermiston business
visitors Tuesday.
John Carlson left the middle of
the week for Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger
and Mrs. Reid Buseick were in Her
miston Saturday on business.
Miss Isabella O'Brien has been
visiting at the home of her aunt
Mrs. Fred Hoskins.
Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughters
and Mrs. J. J. Chisholm and daugh
ters visited at the A. E. Watten
burger home Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Isabella Corrigall has been
visiting with her daughter, Mrs.
Fred Hoskins.
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Cox and
daughters visited at the E. B. Wat
tenburger home Sunday.
Miss Mary Conrad and Mr. Mi
chel were married in Pendleton
Mrs. Bill Bucknum and Joe Far
ley called at the John Healy home
Reid Buseick of Long Creek vis
ited at the; A. E. Wattenburger
home Sunday. Mrs. Buseick and
children returned to Long Creek
with him.
Frank and Dick Carlson motored
to Meacham Sunday.
A large charivari crowd met
Wednesday evening and serenaded
the newlyweds, Mr. and Mr3. Jas
per Myers at the C. H. Bartholo
mew ranch.
Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger and
Mrs. Reid Buseick called on Mrs
Walter Wigglesworth Sunday af
ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T. Robison and Mrs.
C. H. Bartholomew motored to Pen
dleton Wednesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. W..D. Neil, Marion
Robertson and Hugh Neill were In
Pendleton Saturday on business
Hugh remained until Monday with
his brother Clarence Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. John Healy and
family were in Hermiston Sunday.
A. E. Wattebnurger and E. B.
Wattenburger extracted honey on
Lois Jean Neil returned home
with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dee Neil. Saturday from Pen
dleton. Kate J. Young lodge, Degree of
Honor Protective association, meets
Tuesday, Aug. 8, at 8 o'clock in Odd
Fellows hall. The Sunshine Divi--ion
meets at 2:30 in afternoon. The
Senior Division meets at 4 o'clock.
Clara Beamer, secretary.
Mrs. Didama Day Charnley re
turned from Vancouver, B. C, to
her home in Portland, July 29. She
was accompanied by Miss Laura
Hall of Naches, Wash., and Robert
Ohm of Portland.
L. D. Neill, butter creek ranch
man, was transacting business In
the city yesterday.
I cannot help passing along to my
friends the things I find out in the
day's busy routine things that
may prove useful, and are always
worth the telling. Things that PAY
if you can adapt them to your in
dividual case.
I've found that a colon yes, you
have one that is over fifty years
old maybe forty-five, such a col
on must not have harsh food or
harsh medicines. You want no ir
ritating pills pills that "gripe." I
used to think a pin did no real good
unless it hurt! Had no sense. A
pill that hurts is dangerous else
it wouldn't hurt I devote all my
effort, now that I'm wiser to find
ing laxatives that act without dis
tress. If you have a colon past middle
age, you want to avoid "dead-wood"
in food products too. After middle
age, a patient is actually going
down-hill. You may be forty-five,
the prime of life; but, chances are,
you'll not reach ninety so few do.
You'll be never quite so good to
morrow as you are today . . . sad,
but it's the mathematics of it
Then, why fool with worthless
food or, say, bran that isn't a
food at all just the husks the
weather-boarding of grain? Quite
as well get up a brand of red-cedar
saw-dust and serve with real food,
sugar and cream. Just as much
sense in it. No, you've got to re
spect a colon that's over forty-five.
Give it soft, non-irritating nourish
ment; treat it well and it will treat
you well. Be nice to a lazy colon.
Why not try drinking a good half
gallon of water each morning and
Oatmeal mushes are soft. Boiled
rice is soft Finest starches imag
inable. Then, if you're working,
mashed potatoes. Boiled meats are
soft, and agree with most folks.
Try 'em.
At Heppner
JOEL R, BENTON, Minister.
Bible School . 9:45 A. M.
Morning Worship 11 o'clock
Senior and Junior C E 7:00 P M
Evening Worship 8:00 o'clock
Church Night Thursday at 8:00 P. M.
Just One Sin
"Whosoever shall keep the whole
law, and yet sin in one point, he
is become guilty of all." James 2-10.
This seems like a hard saying,
and many people use a lot of words
and take a great deal of time try
ing to show it is unjust. Let us
see. This statement is very strict
ly in accord not only with all nat
ural law, but also with the laws
made by men.
' Break into a jeweler's shop and
steal one small and inexpensive
bauble and one becomes a burglar
You will do well to
take advantage of
the prices offered
Gazette Times
Morrow County's Newspaper
THURSDAY, AUG. 3, 1933
and is sent to the same prison that
holds murderers. Steal a dime from
a postoffiee and the same time and
money will be spent in one's appre
hension that would be expended in
the pursuit and capture of one who
took a thousand times as much.
And it is so with any infraction
of God's laws. That is why we all
need the same blood of the Cruci
fied Lord for our redemption from
sin whether we consider ourselves
small or large sinners. Or whether
we consider we have sinned at all,
(oftentimes simply because we have
not been caught yet, or have cried
or talked our way out of publicity) ;
for God's Word says "We have all
sinned and come short of the glory
of God." That is why eternal life
is a free gift not to be earned by
any soul, but purchased on the
Cross through the death of Jesus
If you have not a Church home
we invite you to come and worship
with us. We have a live, interesting
B'ble School, and a class where you
will feel at home and you may help
and be helped in the services of
worship. For the earning Lord's
Day the sermon topics are: For
the morning service, "The Call,
and for the evening service, "The
Open Window."
Sunday Shcool meets at 9:45 a,
m., with classes for all ages.
Public worship 11:00 a. m. Spec
ial music by the choir. Sermon
"The Magical Whosoever."
Epworth League 7:00 p. m.
Evening worship 8:00. Sermon
The Romance of a New Road."
Choir practice Wednesday eve
ning 8:00.
Prayer meeting Thursday eve
ning 8:00.
We extend to you a hearty wel
come to attend the services of our
FOR SALE 1928 Model W Case
Hillside Combine, 16-ft cut with
Helix Bulking attachment. This
machine has only run two seasons.
1927 Model W. Case Hillside Com
bine, 16-ft cut; sacking attach
ment 1927 Model W. Case Hillside
Combine, 16W-ft. cut sacking at
tachment 1928 Model No. 7 Inter
national Hillside Combine, 16-ft
cut The prices on the above com
bines are priced to sell. If you need
harvesting machinery it will pay
you to look them over. L. Van Mar
ter, Heppner. 13-tf,
Mrs. R. G. Stearns was the week
end guest of Miss Alena Redding.
Mrs. Stearns is from Lebanon.
than on the second Monday .n
August, (Monday, August 15, 1933,)
the Board of Equalization for Mor
row Conuty, Oregon, will attend In
the Courthouse in Heppner, Ore
gon, and publicly examine the As
sessment rolls of said County for
the year 1933, and will correct er
rors in valuation, description or
quality of land, lots or other prop
erty, assessed by the Assessor of
Morrow County, Oregon, for the
year 1933.
All persons interested or having
any complaint against their assess
ments for the year 1933, should ap
pear at that time. Petitions for re
duction in assessment must be
made in writing, verified by oath of
applicant or his attorney and must
be filed with the board the first
week it is in session and any peti
tion or application not so made,
verified and filed shall not be con
sidered or acted upon by the board.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, July
20, 1933.
JESSE, J. WELLS, Assessor,
Morrow County, Oregon
. . i i,-. n(ian hnt the
police is neicuy
?.e " r M,,r7- ,w County
Oregon. Joint executor and executrix
of the estate oi mai B n , i
ceased, and have accepted such trust
All persons Having cuums oB."
estate are hereby notified and requi
an .1
to present tne same, wim
vrllied as by law required to us at
... T n Turner.
omce oi our buuihcj. .
Heppner, Oregon, within six montlis
trom tne uiue nereui.
Dated and first published August
' ' EDITH MILLER. Executrix
E. L. REANEY, Executor.
xti,a ia horahv e-iven that the un
dersigned has been appointed by I he
County court oi me bl..v i
or tne county oi nmuuw,
t..,. nf tho oatntA nf Charles H. Adams,
deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present the same, duly verified us
by lw required, with proper voucher?
attached, to the undersigned at his law
office at lone. Oregon, wnnin six
months from the date of the first pub
lication of this notice.
Date of first publication of this no
tice. July 27th, 1933.
Administrator of the estate of
Charles Adams, deceased.
The Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a
coroorat on. rannuii.
Arthur A. Finley and Daisy E. Fin
ley, husband and wife; Eiue J. Gil
liam, a widow; Lenn L. Gilliam,
single; E. E. Gilliam and Mary
Gilliam, husband and wife; C. C.
Gilliam and Hazel Gilliam, hus
band and wife; Ona Gilliam, a
spinster; Hazel Vaughn and Charles
Vaughn, wife and husband; Lenn
L. Gilliam and E. E. Gilliam as
Executors of the Estate of Frank
Gilliam, deceased: L. E. Bisbee and
Jane Doe Bisbee, husband and
wife; J. L. Gault as Receiver of
First National Bank of Heppner,
First National Bank of Heppner, a
corporation, Albert Bowker and
Katherine Bowker, husband and
wife; Also all other persons or par
ties unknown claiming any right,
title, estate, lien or interest in the
real estate described in the com
plaint herein: and lone National
Farm Loan Association, a corpora
tion. Defendants.
To all other persons or parties un
known claiming any right, title, estate.
lien or interest in tne real estate des
cribed herein.
appear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled court
and cause within four weeks from the
date of the first publication of this
summons and if you fail to so appear
and answer for want thereof, plaintiff
will apply to the said court for the re
lief prayed for and demanded in its
complaint on file herein in the above
entitled matter, to-wlt: For a judg
ment against the defendants, Arthur
A. Finley and Daisy E. Finley, husband
and wife and against each of them for
tne sum or $133.25, with interest at
the rate of 8 per cent per annum from
the 6th day of December. 1931; the sum
of $133.25. with interest at the rate of
8 per cent per annum from the 6th day
of June, 1932; the sum of $133.25. with
interest at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum irom me bin oay oi uecemoer,
1932; the sum of $133.25. with intere.it
at the rate of 8 per cent per annum
from the 6th day of June, 1933; the
sum of $3208.28, with interest at the
rate of 6'4 per cent per annum from
the 6th day of June, 1933; the sum of
$154.49. with interest at the rate of 8
per cent per annum from the 17th day
of October. 1932: the sum of $37.50 ab
stract charges; the sum ot $250.00, at
torney tees; and for plaintiff s costs
and disbursements In this suit; that
the mortgage described in the plain
tiffs complaint be foreclosed and the
mortgaged premises tnereln and here
inafter described be sold in on nnr.
eel aa provided for under the statutes
ot tne state oi Oregon, to-wit:
All of Section 27 in Township 2
North, Range 26 E. W. M., contain
ing 640 acres, all situated in Mor
row County. State of Oreeon.
and which said morttraere 1h HatpH ivia
6th day of December, 1918. and was
thereafter to wit: On the 26th day of
lc..ciii.,ci, ipio, uuiy recoraeu in tne
office of the County Clerk of Morrow
County, Oregon, in Book 28 of Mort
gages at Page 95 thereof and (hot tho
proceeds of the sale be applied to the
Buuniacuon oi saiu summons, attor
ney's fees. Interest, costs nd rlihiirao.
ments and for a decree further provid
ing that any party to this suit may
bid upon and purchase the said land
at the sale thereof, and that all of the
defendants hereinabove named be for
ever foreclosed and barred of any and
a., iif,iii, iiiiw, ciaun, nen or interest
in or to said nremfnen hrrpinnbnva Dn,i
'? Kld mortSage described, except the
.ifs'- "i leueiiipuou wnicn said de
fendants have under the laws of the
State of Oregon, and for such other
and further relief as to the Court muv
appear that equity and the nature of
ouiu ouil may require.
mm una summona is nerven nn,n
you by publication thereof once a week
for four successive weeks in the Hepp-
xinies, puoiiMneo in iiepp
ner, Oregon, by order of the Hon. Cal
vin L.. Hweek. JuriirA of Ihn nhr, a.
titled Court, which said order was
"inoB ana entered tne rand day of July
1933, and the date of IIia Hrnt ni,i,ii...'
tion of this summons is the 27th dav
Postoffiee Address:
Heppner, Oregon.
Postoffiee Address:
Spokane, Washington,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
iw nuimui caivcm mill
under and pursuant to a decree made
In thA nil-milt r'r.,,wt r.t
... v.uuii liio ouue OI
Oregon for Morrow County on the 28th
ui uune, moo, 111 tne case or t , E.
iovw ,o. mtwy ivjuhoii ana C J. L
Rftiimnn fiharltt ,r M ...... .. i ...
r,: . y u. ui'juuw cuuniy,
State of Oregon, and under and our-
uani. iw a win, ui rjACT;uu(m issued out
of Circuit Court of the State of Ore-
Stnn fnr Mnrrnur iniint n 1 i i
of November, 1932. on a judgment and
uecree maaB, renuerea and entered in
an If rrmrt nn tho AU An-,. f mtn
j n -n ' wnnvii wtia LUH.UUHI
and B . E Mason was defendant and in
aim uy me terms or sata judgment and
decree it was adjudged that beginnlm?
with tho mniiih n -i din iu. i -
-"v iiiuiilii ih wav, iojd, wit de
fendant was to pay to the plaintiff as
ctniiiwiij' ttrm un- ui uppori oi jtranK
Mason and Ralph Maon, minor chil-
Hron nf nlnlntlW n ...1 .1 f n. .
sum of 40.00 per month on which Judg-
iiii-m. a i iu uw;ree uie uoiennani nam
this monthly installments down to and
...wuvii.ip, Uic jiitjiiiii ui amy, iuq, anu
upon which said Judgment and decree
bo made, rendered and entered on the
14th day of May, 1919, as shown by
said execution, there is due, owing and
ui'isaiu me Bum oi dusu.w .Dollars.
Wn fh fllHH liulcrma.nt n wl '
j - .'.ii ..'V inn WICI l Ul HHin
court on the 14th day of May, 1933
TllJir 11 n Hot anrl niiPonnnf n .11
fllllv nnnlrattkft Kit ttin nlA1.
tjons contained in said Writ of Execu-
unuer anu pursuant to the
decree of the court made and entered
... "i vu. wary
Mason and C. J. D, Bauman, Sheriff
of Morrow County, State of Oregon, I
di 10th W of July. 1933. file
ter descrlhcd real property.
inuw, THEREFORE, I will on the
o.nTi " V1 ,Al,KURt- Rt the hour
of 2:fH) n'r nn lha faHMnH
duy at the front door of the Court
hruse in Heppner. Morrow Countv,
State of Oregon, sell all the right, tl.
tie. estate, claim, lien, interest or de
mand which the defendant. P. E. Ma
son, has In or to the following descrlh
ta real property, Bituated ill Morrow
County. Oregon, to-wit:
South Half of Section 35, Town
ship 1, South Range 24. E. W. M -South
Balf of Northeast Quarter
and Lots 1. 2. and 3 of Section 2,
Township 2 South. Range 24 E. W.
M. : West Half of Section 6, Town
ship 2 South Range 25 E. W. M.;
Northwest Quarter of Section 7,
Township 2 South, Range 25 E. W.
M. ; Lot 8 In Block 1. duffs Sec
ond Addition to the Town of lone,
all in Morrow County. Stute of Or
egon, and all of the interest which the said
defendant, F. E. Ma-son had In or to
said property on the 14th day of May,
1SI32, together with the tenements, her
editaments and appurtenances, there
unto belonging or in anywise apper
taining. The said gale to be held at
public auction and the said property
sold to the highest bidder for cash in
hand, the proceeds of said sale to be
applied toward the satisfaction of said
judgment, decree and execution and
all costs.
DATED this 11th day of July. 1933.
Sheriff of Morrow County, State
of Oregon.
Department of the Interior, U. S
Land Olllee at The Dalles, Oregon
June 17, 1933.
NOTICE is hereby given that Lloyd
Matteson of Heppner, Oregon, who, on
July 20, 1928. made Homestead Entry
under Act. Dec. 29. 1916, No. 025389 for
Lot 1, EMi SEi4, Sec. 1, T. 7 S R. 28 E.
Lots, 7, 8. 9, 10. 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23
24 Section 6. Township 7 South. Range
29 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make final Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before Gay M. Anderson,
Unttetd States Commissioner, at Hepp
ner Oregon, on the 2nd day of August,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Geo. E. Sperry, of Heppner, Oregon.
J. D. French, of Gurdane, Oregon.
Ed. LeTrace, of Heppner, Oregon.
Riley Summers, of Ritter, Oregon
R. J. CARSNER, Register.
Professional Cards
Phone 1332
Attorney at Law
Phone 173
Humphreys Building
A. B. GRAY, M. D.
Phono 323
Heppner Hotel Building
Eyu Tested and Qlassea Fitted.
Leave orders at Peoples Hardware
X-Bay Diagnosis
GUman Building
Heppner, Oregon
Frank A. McMcnamin
906 Guardian Building
Residence, GArfleld 1949
Business Phone Atwater 1348
A. D. McMURDO, M. D.
Trained Nurse Assistant
Offlce in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
First National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon
Offlos In L O. O. F. Building
Heppner, Oregon
Farm and Personal Uroperty Sales
A Specialty.
"The Man Who Talks to Beat
the Band"
6229 72nd Ave., S. E., Portland, Ore
Phone Sunset 8461
latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
Watches - Clocks - Diamonds
Expert Watch and Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Old Llns Companies. Beat EataU.
Heppner, Oregon
Boberts Building, Willow Stmt
Heppner, Oregon