Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 13, 1933, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Mr. and Mrs. E. E Downey and
son visited the first of the week at
the home of Mrs. Downey's broth
er, Henry Happold, and with other
relatives and friends here. Mr. and
Mrs. Downey who formerly farmed
here, left here 11 years ago, and
since Mr. Downey has been man
ager of J. C. Penney stores in Ala
bama and Mississippi. In passing
through Heppner the Downeys were
on their way to Vancouver, Wash.,
where Mr. Downey will open a
Penney store.
Dr. A, D. McMurdo returned
home Sunday from Vancouver, B.
C, where he spent several days
last week attending a medical as
sociation meeting. He reported a
successful and instructive meeting,
as well as an enjoyable trip with
the view of the snow-capped Can
adian Rockies especially inspiring.
The meeting of the Northwest Med
ical association will be held next
year at Salt Lake City.
Friends in Heppner have receiv
ed word of the serious illness of
C. A. Minor, former resident now
of Mt. Vernon, who is confined in
a hospital at Prairie City where he
has been since the first of the
month. It Is reported he may have
to undergo an operation.
Miss Margaret Notson arrived
home this morning and will spend
the summer with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. E. Notson. After the
close of school at Willamette uni
versity where she was a student
the past year, she spent several
weeks visiting in Portland.
Mrs. Henry Blahm, Mrs. Katie
Eirckner and Mrs. Marie Akers,
her daughters, and the latter's
three children, all of Walla Walla,
were visitors at Heppner Saturday,
Joining Mr, Blahm here and re
turning home Sunday morning.
Joseph J. Nys and family re
turned Friday from a visit over
the holidays with relatives in Mar
lon county in the vicinity of Salem.
The weather was fine throughout
the entire journey and the visit
was greatly enjoyed.
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, county school
superintendent, departed Sunday
for Salem, where she is this week
attending the meeting of superin
tendents of the state, held at the
office of C. A. Howard, state su
perintendent, Chas. Barlow and family return
ed from Portland Sunday, having
spent the past two weeks in the
city on their . summer vacation.
They visited at the home of Mrs.
Barlow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
S. Akers,
S. J. Devine and son were in
town Tuesday from the farm home
north of Lexington. Wheat ripen
ing In good shape, not hurting
from the warm weather, and a fair
yield expected, Joe said.
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Mahoney re
turned Sunday from. Seattle. Mrs.
Mahoney had been visiting rela
tives in the city for the past two
months and Mr. Mahoney drove
over for her on Friday.
Dr. J. P. Russel, who had been
assisting Dr. A. D. McMurdo here,
left the first of the week for Vale
to investigate a location. He ex
pected to be back through Hepp
ner yesterday or today.
D. B. Leonard, farm electrician
expert for the Pacific Power &
Light company with headquarters
at Walla Walla, was in Heppner
Tuesday morning oM his way to
Bend and Prineville.
Earl Thomson arrived home the
end of the week from Vancouver,
Wash., where he was engaged for
a time after finishing his year's
work at the University of Oregon,
assisting in establishing C, M. T.
camp for the season
Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford
departed this morning for Prine
ville at which point they were to
be joined by Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Schwarz for a trip to the coast.
Mrs. John Anglin and daughter,
Miss Rachel, motored to Walla
Walla Sunday to spend the week
visiting with relatives and friends
In that community.
Henry Smouse, active in Morrow
county graingrower organizations.
brought good reports to town on
Tuesday of the crop In his section
northeast of lone.
The Union Missionary society of
Heppner will meet next Tuesday
afternoon, July 18, at 2:30 o'clock,
at the parlors of the Methodist
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight
Specialist of Pendleton, will be at
tho Heppner Hotel on Wednesday
July 19th, 9:00 a.-m. to 5:30 p. m.
Lost Davenport pad and box be
tween Matlock place and Heppner
on Hinton creek last week end,
Notify Henry Clark, lone.
Omar Rletmann, from the north
lone section, was in the city Tues
day on business. Crop looks fair
in his section.
Walter Corley of lone has been
busily engaged this week hauling
wood through Heppner from the
F. E. Everson, In the city Tues
day from the lone district, had
good reports for the crop In that
S. A, Malehorn, from the office
of the stato fire marshal at Salem,
was in Heppner Tuesday on ofllclal
"Doc" Leach, leading Lexington
booster, gets up to Heppner occa
sionaily. Ho was here Tuesday,
Lost -Gasoline hoso from truck
Reward, Notify John Turner, city,
! Frank S. Parker and George N.
j Peck, county commissioners, went
lo roruana yeaieruuy ua Dusiness,
expecting to return today.
Black pine pole wood $3.60 a
cord, cash price; $4, Lexington;
$4.50, lone. H. C. Case. Leave or
ders at Case Furniture Co.
Emma Wisdom of Wapato, Wn.,
is visiting at the home of her
Lfriend, Juanlta Phelps.
A number of Boardmanites spent
the Fourth at the celebration at
Stanfield while many friends en
joyed their picnic dinners at their
ranches. Thirty-five were present
at the Harry Jaynes home.
. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barlow, Mrs.
Gladys Fortier, Mrs. J. F, Gorham
and Mrs A. A. Allen spent Satur
day in Pendleton.
Miss Ada Wilbanks returned
home last week from, the State
Blind school in Salem.
Marvin Ransier is working this
summer on a ranch near Echo.
Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Waste re
turned to their home in California
last week after enjoying a two
weeks' visit here with Mr. Waste's
sister, Mrs. Robert Bradly.
Miss Virginia Compton is spend
ing the week at the Glen Mackan
A large crowd of neighbors gath
ered at the Bob Bradley home on
the evening of the Fourth when
dancing was enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barlow and
Mr. and Mrs. George Blayen mo
tored to lone for the Fourth.
Mrs. Dale Albright and Teddy
and Marjorie of Portland were
guests at the home of Mrs. Gladys
Fortier during the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill La Londe and
son, Jack La Londe and Weldon
Ayers left last Tuesday for Yaki
ma where they will work in the
orchards. They and Bill Ayers re
turned from The Dalles the first
of last week and while there had
their suit cases stolen, which con
tained their clothes and Mr. Ayers'
barbering tools. Mr. Ayers went
with a policeman to a second-hand
store where he found his clippers
and razor strop.
Kenneth Ransier is in Pendleton
this week with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Marlow of
Pendleton spent Tuesday in Board-
man with Mrs. Marlow's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hadley.
Miss Delores Stoll and Mrs J. A.
Marlow of Pendleton are guests
this week at the Dan Ransier home.
Twenty-six ladies enjoyed the
Ladies Aid meeting held on the
lovely lawn at the Glen Hadley
ranch last Thursday afternoon.
Hostesses were Mesdames Glen
Hadley, Harry Jaynes, Floy'd Sur
face and Frank Cramer.
Mrs. J. F. Barlow, Mrs. L. V.
Root and Mrs. J. E. Barlow were
Heppner visitors Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Michael and
daughter Autry May visited at the
J. R. Johnson home this week.
Their son Richard who has been
here for the past six weeks re
turned home with them.
The Henry Bros, circus put on a
show in town Saturday which drew
a large crowd.
Mrs. EH Knight and son return
ed home last week after a two
weeks visit here at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
The Boardman baseball team
added another victory to their list
when they defeated the Hermiston
team on the local diamond Sun
day by a score of 12-5.
Mr. and Mrs. Dee Neill and fam
ily motored to Pendleton Tuesday
to visit Mr. and Mrs. Neill s daugh
ter, Mrs. Charlie Plourd, and
granddaughter, Phyllis Marie.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Buseick and
family of Long Ceek arrived at the
home of Mrs. Buseick s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger,
Sunday. Mr. Euseick returned to
Long Creek but Mrs. Buseick re
mained for a visit with her parents.
Miss Llla Bartholomew and O.
F. Bartholomew returned home
Sunday from Portland.
Mrs. E, B. Wattenburger has re
ceived the announcement of the
birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs.
C. L. Jansen of Klamath Falls.
Mrs. Jansen was formerly Miss
Emma Evans, a teacher in the Pine
City school. The baby was born
June 11, and has been named Sadie
Mi'3. Ollie Neill and daughter
Oleta were business visitors in
Hermiston and Echo Saturday and
A. E. Wattenburger and Earle
Wattenburger drove to Pendleton
Saturday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill were in
Hermiston and Echo Wednesday
and Saturday on business.
Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughters
and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Watten
burger were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Cox and
daughter spent Tuesday with Mrs.
Cox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E,
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger
and E. B. Wattenburger were in
Echo Wednesday on business.
Officers of tho local C. C. C. camp
at Bull prairie recently made
business trip to Portland and re
turned with six new trucks to be
used in the work there.
Les Robison, former resident of
this community, spent a few days
Inst week visiting friends here
from Lone Rock.
Grace and Archie Leathers and
Lewis Neill accompanied the for
mers brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs Carl Leathers, home from
Kimberly where Mr. and Mrs.
Leathers had Bpent the Fourth
with home folks.
Elwood Hastings, who has been
working in the John Day and Izee
country the past few weeks, spent
a few days at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hast
ings, returning to work Sunday.
Jim Inskeep made a business trip
to Heppner one day last week, re
turning with his brother's car that
had been repaired at Ferguson's
Mrs. Ethel McDanlel and chil
dren were visiting friends and rel
atives here over the week end from
their Burton valley home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Farrens and
son Roland and John Hastings
were attending to matters of bus
iness at the Deulan ranch on Hepp
ner flat last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Johnson and
baby daughter, Rita Dell, were vis
iting friends and relatives here on
Sunday from their home in Hepp
ner. Mrs. Dick Steers came out from
their mountain camp at the Tin-
dall Robison place, Wednesday for
a visit with her elderly father,
Sam McDanlel, Sr., who is recup
erating from a long illness at his
home here
Sylvia Joan arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Adams
Sunday, July 9. Both mother and
baby are reported to be getting
along nicely,
Mrs. J. W. Stevens and daughter
Loes were attending to Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Musgrave's chores at
their mountain ranch a few days
last week during the latter's ab
sence. B. F. Devore enjoyed a visit from
his grandson, Neal Devore of Pen
dleton last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. and T. L.
Eurnside were callers in town Sat
urday from the Rood canyon farm.
Glen Farrens was attending to
matters of business here one day
last week.
C. H. McDanlel and Bill Johnson
spent the week end at their respec
tive homes here from the local gov
ernment camp at Bull prairie.
Frank Howell brought out a load
of wood from the mountain ranch
last Monday.
Berry Canning Season
Brings Hints on Method
Raspberries and logans are the
seasonable berries now ready for
canning, and both lend themselves
well to the cold pack method of
canning, says Lucy A. Case, exten
sion specialist in foods and nutri
tion at O. S. C. Those living on or
near berry farms have the advan
tage of being able to can berries
within a few hours after picking,
or at least the same day, thus in
suring best color and flavor. Here
are some of the directions given by
Miss Case for cold-pack canning:
Wash the berries lightly, if at all,
in a colander. Place hot! sterilized
jars in a dish pan of very hot wa
ter. Pour a few berries into the
jar and shake them down by gent
ly tapping the bottom of the jar
against a wooden board. Place the
jar in the hot water again, add
more berries and shake them down
alternately to insure full jars. Add
boiling hot sirup made in the fol
lowing proportions: For one dozen
quart jars of red or black raspber
ries, bring to a boll seven cups of
sugar and 11 cups of hot water.
For loganberries use 10 cups of su
gar and 10 cups of hot water. Fill
the jars with sirup to one-half inch
from the top and partially seal. In
case of automatic seal type of jar,
place lid and clamp on jar. Leave
jar in the pan of hot water until all
are ready to process.
Have hot water bath boiling.
Place jars in boiler on a rack
which raises the jars at least one
half inch from the bottom, with
water one inch over the tops of the
jars. Cover the container and
bring to the boiling point again as
soon as possible to help insure full
jars. Boil 20 minutes, counting the
time from when the water Is at a
rolling bo(l. Remove jars imme
diately, complete the seal and in
vert to cool, except automatic type
of seal.
Oven canning and other methods
of food preservation are described
in Extension Bulletin 450, "Home
Food Preservation," which is
available free at the office of the
county agent or at the home econ
omlcs extension office at Corvallls.
How Much Food to Can?
"Budget" Gives Answer
'If you plan to serve home can
ned fruit three times a week next
winter and spring, and your house
hold consists of four persons, you
will need to fill about 120 quart
jars with fruit this summer," says
Lucy A. Case, extension specialist
in foods and nutrition at O. S. C,
who is the author of a new leaflet
entitled "Canned and Stored Food
This folder also shows that such
a family of four could be expected
to use 90 quarts of tomatoes and
tomato juice and 65 pints of peas
or the same amount dried. About
300 pints of beans, corn, peas, spin
ach and other greens and soup
mixtures will provide the family of
four with vegetables five times a
week next winter and sprlng.
Besldes being a canning guide.
the new leaflet also gives budgets
for drying or storing vegetables
and fruit and for preserving meat
and fish. It Is free to residents of
Oregon either from county or state
extension offices.
Klamath Grows More l'otutoes
Klamath Falls Some Increase in
Klumath potato acreage Is expect
ed this season as the result of con
siderable land being planted where
alfalfa was frozen out last year,
There has been a greater demand
for seed potatoes late in the year
than usual. Several potato seed
treatment trials have been started
recently on the U. E. Reeder and
Otto Wabbles farms by the county
agent. Comparative results will be
noted from the corrosive sublimate,
hot formaldehyde and acld-mor-
cury dip methods In disease cor
Special FM)d Values Are
Found in Oregon Pears
High vitamin content of Oregon
.pears and the presence in this fruit
of the rare levulose sugar has been
revealed in research carried on at
the Oregon Medical school and Or
egon State college on a cooperative
basis with the Oregon-Washington
Pear bureau.
In a recent report of this work,
Henry Hartman, horticulturist with
the bureau and stationed at Cor
vallis, reported that preliminary
findings are promising, but that
much work remains to be done be
fore the extent of their importance
can be determined.
The investigation of the vitamin
content of winter pears was made
by Dr. Ira A. Manville, associate
professor of physiology at the Ore
gon Medical school at Portland. He
found that the Winter Nelis varie
ty was particularly high in vitamin
C content and that winter pears in
general compare favorably with
oranges in this regard.
Intensive work on the chemical
content of pears has been carried
on by J. C. Moore at Oregon State
college. He has established defi
nitely the presence of levulose su
gar in the pear, ths only form of
sugar tolerated by the systems of
those persons afflicted with diabe
tes. He has not yet worked out any
practical method of extracting it in
quantities, however.
Levulose now commands an ex
ceptionally high market price, run
ning up to $25 a pound because of
the difficulty in extracting it Re
cent reports are, however, that an
Iowa scientist has found a way of
refining it from Jerusalem arti
chokes at a cost of only a few
cent3 a pound. Mr. Moore is now
in the middle west investigating
this report and related matters
pertaining to possible recovery of
levulose from pears.
Whether pears as such, or wheth
er a fruit syrup made from them
will be of special value to diabetics
remains to be determined, says
Professor Hartman.
It is hoped that by continuing
this work much valuable informa
tion for both producers and con
sumers of pears will be developod,
as past investigation of the food
value of pears has been unusually
Back - to - Primitive Used
In Harvesting New Grass
A "back to the primitive" move
ment in seed harvesting methods
appeared to have been inaugurated
at the Oregon Experiment station
at Corvallis the first week in July
when farmers from five counties
were seen carefully stripping by
hand the seed from the heads of
grass on several acres.
The explanation is that this grass
Meadow Foxtail, a new and val
uable sort developed at the exper
iment station that has been in
creased from year to year until
now it is ready for more general
distribution to growers. No ma
chine has been made, however,
which will harvest the seed of this
Harry Scohth, federal agrono
mist at the station, made county
agents the proposition that if they
cared to bring in some farmers
and strip the seed, he would assign
certain parts of some six acres of
the grass then ripening, and they
could have all they could strip. His
offer was accepted by farmers
from, Coos, Clackamas, Washing
ton, Yamhill and Benton counties,
and the primitive methods of har
vesting followed.
The grass has been grown exper
imentally for 15 years and is now
known to be one of the most val
uable wet-land grasses yet devel
oped. The name "foxtail" is a mis
nomer, as the heads are really
much like timothy. The grass
stands the lowest temperatures
here and can be under water for
months at a time and still come
out all right. Along the coast last
year it was still growing when
other grasses were killed by the
cold. It is the one grass that ap
pears to do well on the heavy
adobe land.
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Jones and
family and Mrs. Fred Markham
motored to Walla Walla Friday.
Mr. Kenney made a business trip
to Portland Friday. Ruth Leicht
was a guest of Mrs. Kenney during
his absence.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Houghton
Mrs. W. C. Isoin,, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Leicht and Mr. and Mrs.
Don Rutledge were Heppner visit
ors Tuesday.
Miss Leola Beneflel was visiting
Mrs. A. Collins and family Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Portland
and Howard Weaver of Nebraska
visited their uncle, R. V. Jones and
family, several days last week.
Frank Brace and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Markham and family spent
the fourth at The Dalles. Mrs.
Brace who has been at The Dalles
the past two weeks returned with
them Wednesday.
The North Morrow County Fair
board met at the school house on
Monday night to make final plans
for the fair at Irrigon in Septem
-ber. Watch for dates.
The commercial club held a
meeting Monday night at the
school gym.
Sunny Seven News
The Sunny Seven met at Mrs
Nate Macomber's house, Board-
man, June 7. After the business
meeting the club listened to a song
with ukelele accompaniment, by
one of the members, after which
the club all joined in singing "Oh
Me, Oh My."
Virginia Compton and Loralne
Dlllabough demonstrated the mak
ing of Welsh rarebit The Sunny
Seven are planning on giving an
afternoon tea for their mothers
FOR SALE Late type Monarch
wood-coal range; reasonable. In
quire at this office.
Bruce Barton
writes of
j. lie iiiasici jiiAciuuvc;
Supplying- WMk-to-weck inspiration
for the heary-burdened who will find
every human trial paralleled In the ex
periences of "The Han Hobody Knows"
Finally Jesus knew the necessity
for repetition and practised It. One
of the sons of President Garfield
was traveling with him through
Ohio, when the President was ad
dressing county fairs. At the close
of the day he asked his boy what
he thought of his speeches. The
boy was embarrassed by the ques
"Why . . . why they were fine,
dad," he stammered, "but I felt
awfully uncomfortable part of the
time. You repeated yourself so of
ten; once you said the very same
thing In different words four time
Gartield slapped the boy's shoul
der with a hearty laugh.
"So you thought your old dad
was running out of ideas, did you?"
he cried. Well, I don't blame
you; but there's method in his mad
ness. Tomorrow when I reach that
passage in my talk, you watch the
audience. The first time I make
the point, you'll see by their faces
that a few folks near the platform
get it. But further back there will
be noise and commotion; people
will be turning their heads to find
out who has just driven up, or
what sort of a hat Mrs. Jones has
on and they won't hear me at all.
When I repeat it the first time a
few faces in the middle of the
crowd will show a response; on the
third go, I'll make still more con
verts, and on the fourth trial they'll
all have a notion of what I am
talking about. But It takes four
shots to land them all; experience
with all sorts of audiences has
made me sure of that."
It has been said that "reputation
is repetition." No important truth
can be Impressed upon the minds
of any large number of people -by
being said only once. The thoughts
which Jesus had to give the world
were revolutionary, but they were
few in number. "God is your
father," he said, "caring more for
the welfare of every one of you
than any human father can possi
bly care for his children. His King
dom is happiness! His rule is love."
This is what he had to teach, but
he knew the necessity of driving
it home from every possible angle.
So in one of his stories God is
the shepherd searching the wilds
for one wandering sheep; in an
other, the Father welcoming home
a prodigal boy; in another a King
who forgives his debtors large
amounts and expects them to be
forgiven in turn many stories,
many advertisements, but the same
big Idea.
Because the advertisements were
unforgettable, the Idea lived, and
is today the one most powerful in-
Both National
and State
at the
JULY 21st
As Follows
300 X YES
314 X YES
"Personally Favor the
Adoption of the
Article of Amendment
Association Against The
Prohibition Amendment
The Crusaders, Inc.
Oregon League For Repeal Of The
Eighteenth Amendment
Women's Organization For
National Prohibition Reform
(Paid adv. by Cameron Squires,
804 Wilcox BIdg., Portland, Ore.)
fiuence on human action and
thought To be sure the work of
the advertisements is far from
complete. The Idea that God is
the Father of all men not merely
of a specially selected few has
still to penetrate some creeds, and
to establish Its dominance In so
ciety. Next Week Founder of Modern
Expert Explains Points
In Buying Cotton Goods
"Possibly never before has the
consumer buyer had such a bewil
dering array of cotton materials
from which to select" says Azalea
Sager, clothing specialist at O. S.
C, "and all are not equally good
The weave of a cotton fabric has
a great deal to do with the length
of its service, says Mrs. Sager.
Regularity of weave, even spacing
of thread, regularity In size of
threads, and the straightness of
weave, that is, warp and filling
threads at right angles to each oth
er, are qualities that are essential
both to good appearance and dura
bility of the material. Broken
threads, rough places where an un
even or knotted thread occurs, are
in many cases the cause of a tear
or hole in the fabric when it is used
or laundered. Cottons with coarse
or heavy warp threads and lighter
or finer filling threads or vice-versa
are only as strong as their weakest
threads. Heavier threads tend to
cut weaker ones, especially where
there is any rubbing, as under the
arms, at the elbows or at the side
Ashland. Ore. An aouatic car-
den, 70 by 90 feet has been con
structed on the campus of the
Southern Orecon Normal Rchool.
and within two years is expected
to contain hundreds of native and
imported plants. It was construct
ed entirely bv students. whr did
most of the work during a "cam
JrTiHJJ I'll r
NO. 10
OYSTEBS, each 6-oz. tins
O TINS .... 29c
Puritan, full 3-lb. tins
V rrCC
For Your Jellies
2 Pkgs
Per Quart
Best Food Always
Per Lb
Golden Ripe
Per Doz
Large , Juicy
2 Lbs.
For your salad
pus day." Flowers and plants have
been donated, and the garden is
soon expected to be one of the show
places of southern Oregon.
Per 6-box ctn.
16-oz. tin
2 Tins
4 Pkgs
A Real Dessert
4 Pkgs
AIRWAY, 3 Lbs. 55c
NOR HILL 3 Lk. 72c
Dependable 2 Lbs. 53C
Maximum Brand
10 LBS. 59c
Federal Brand
7c S3.29
- MON., July 14-15-17, Inc.