OREGON PUBLIC HISTORICAL A 'J D I T 0 R I U W SOC I ETY PORTLAND, OR?.. Volume 50, Number 17. HEPPNER, OPvEGON, THURSDAY, July 6, 1933. Subscription $2.00 a Year SPRAY ROAD GRADE ALOTTED $44,1 Would Complete Grade on Gap Between Hardman and Chapen Creek. WASCO ROUTE AIDED 12,850 Goes for Bridges Under Pro gram of Commission for Expen diture of Federal Funds Money sufficient to complete the 5.6 miles of grading on the Hepp-ner-Spray road, the only remaining gap, was allotted by the state high way commission in its program an nounced following its monthly meeting last Wednesday. The sum allowed is $44,500. Also allowed was $12,350 for bridges on the Heppner-Wasco highway, one across Rock creek at a cost of $8,000, and bridges across six Mile canyon at a cost of $4,350. The money on these projects was allotted from the $6,100,000 of fed eral money coming to Oregon as a result of recent congressional ap propriations for relief work, of which $3,058,000 was allotted to major highways. In announcing the commission's program, Leslie M. Scott, chair man, said the proposed allocation was but tentative, being subject to cnange due to price fluctuations. as well as approval by federal au thorities. S. E. Notson, spokesman for the local delegation which waited on the commission In behalf of the Heppner Spray road, expressed pleasure at the commlsison's ac tion. While the estimate for com pletion of the gap between Hard man and the mouth of Chapen creek Is placed at $65,000, the grad ing work is all that could be hoped to be completed thiB year, and allot ment of funds for this is all that might well be expected at this time, he said. It seems probable, said Mr, Not son, that by these funds being al lotted the county will be at liberty to place elsewhere the $25000 which it had already planned to expend in Improving the road down Hosking canyon beyond Hardma. There were may interests at work, including timber interests, to get money placed on this gap, Mr. Notson said, and he believed that development of the timber ad jacent to the road would be rushed as soon as the road is completed. There was a large number of delegations from over the state to be heard by the commission which limited the time of Mr. Notson's presentation, and made It neces sarily brief. Other members of the delegation were Judge W. T. Campbell, George Peck and F. S. Parker, commissioners; Harry Tamblyn, engineer, and G. A. Bleakman. The federal funds, out of which this work is to be done, having been intended for emergency re lief work, it is expected the pro posed projects will be rushed as fast as possible, though no definite word was given as to how soon the local work might start. Pat Foley Again Has High Producing Cow Pat Foley, The Dalles, owner of Hotel Heppner, had the high pro ducing cow in the Hood Rlver Wasco County Dairy Herd Im provement asociation, for the month of May, says The Dalles Optimist, an honor before held by his herd. Mr. Foley's cow, a purebred Guernsey, "Kindness," produced 1702 pounds of milk and 76.6 pounds of butterfat, according to the re port. HERREN-RUMBLE. Married, at the home of the bride in Heppner Wednesday eve ning, July 14, were Mrs. Willard Herren and Mr. Frank Rumble of Missoula, Mont, Joel R. Benton of ficiating. Mrs. Rumble is well known here, having conducted a millinery business in the city for several years, and later following her profession as a trained nurse, opening the Morrow General hos pital Which she now manages. Mr. Rumble is a retired landscape gar dener. Originally from the south, he was a friend of Mrs. Herren's youth in Tennessee. We Join their many friends in wishing for Mr. and Mrs. Rumble the best of life's blessings. They will be at home to their friends at 106 Water street. BOY SCOUTS TO FAIR. Next Monday morning eleven Al mira, Wash., older Boy Scouts, ac companied by their scoutmaster, E. A. Notson, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Notson of this city, will leave for Chicago to attend the world's fair They will make the trip In a car and a trailer made by the boys. Tho party goes prepared to da their own cooking and the trailer Is fixed for six of the boys to sleep In it. Each boy contributes $5 to car expense and his share of the food, and it Is believed that an ad ditional $5 each will pay the other expenses. Mr. Notson and C. J. D, Bauman expect to go to Pendleton Monday to see the gang on their way east. I0NE By MARGARET BLAKE Announcements of the marriage of Miss Maude Knight and Oren G. Grablll on June 28th at Forest Grove have been received by friends of the couple; Miss Knight has been the teacher of the pri mary room in the lone school for tho past three years. Mr. Grabill, son of the late D. H. Grabill, has spent all of his life in and around lone. Future plans of Mr. and Mrs, Grabill are unknown at present out the well wishes of the com munity go to them wherever they mane tneir Home. Miss Hart, a representative of the Delineator company, spent sev eral days of the past week in lone on business for her firm. She was registered at the Park Hotel, Miss Lucy M, Spittle of Astoria has signed a contract to teach the fifth and sixth grades next year, She is a graduate of the Oregon Normal school, class of 28, and spent the last year attending the University of Oregon. Mrs. Oren G. Grabill (Maude Knight) has tendered her resigna tion from her position as teacher of the first and second grades, to the school board. Mrs.. Viola Ward who has been spending the past few weeks in Pendleton with her daughter. Mrs. Flora Dimlck, has returned to the home of her son, D. M. Ward. Charles Alllnger was a Portland bound passenger on Friday's staee. M. E. Cotter has completed the well he has been deepening on the ai -rroeason ranch. When given the final test the water stood two hundred feet In the well and pump ed out at the rate of over five gal lons per second. Mrs. Ida Peterson celebrated her 70th birthday last Saturday. Due to Mrs. Peterson's illness no large anair couia De naa but friends and relatives dropped in during the day to wish her "hamv birthdnv " Mrs. Wrex Hicock of Portland drove up Sunday to spend the 4th wltn her parents. Mr. and Mrs. a. Hi. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Balsiger mo tored to Newberg to spend the 4th witn relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckner ac companied by Mrs. D. M. Ward spent Friday on business in Pen dleton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wills ar rived in lone Sunday to Boend sev eral days visiting at the home of Mrs. Wills' sister, Mrs. S. E. Moore, and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Paul G, Balsisrer left Friday for Hadlock, Wash., where they were to spend the 4th with their daughter. Mrs. Allan Learned. They drove by Wasco to pick up their son, Alfred, to make the trip with them. On Thursday of last week sev eral of the parents and friends of the Campfire girls drove to the mountains to spend the day with the girls at their camp. Those making the trip were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Griffith and Georee and June, Mrs. Cleo Drake and Bobby and Patricia, Mrs. Ernest Lundell, Mrs. Henry Clark, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Feldman, Mrs. W. R. Corlev. Mrs. A. A. McCabe, Mrs. Lee How ell, Mrs. Ella Davidson, Dorothv Howell and Mildred Lundell. Miss Irene Miller 6f Salem and Garland Swanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson of lone were married at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Jones at Gladstone on the morning of June 30. Imme diately after the ceremony thev drove to lone and are at present at the home of the groom's par ents. Mr. Swanson has a position as wheat buyer for Henrv Col lins and will have his office in Lexington. The many friends of young couple join in wishing them wen. Miss Virginia Wasson of Salem Is a guest at the J. E. Swanson home. She made the return trip with Eva and Garland Swanson who motored to the capitol citv last week. Fred Pointer of Salem was also a member of the nartv and went on to Lexington for a visit at the home of his uncle, Or vllle Cutsforth. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davidson and daughter Treva Jean of Los An geles, arrived, in lone Tuesday They will spend six weeks here vis iting friends and relatives. George Zlnk of Portland came up from that city last Thursday for an overnight visit with his sis ter, Mrs. Ernest Heliker. With him was his small daughter, Irene, wflo win remain at the Heliker ranch for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Wrleht and sons of Baker were "over the 4th" visitors at the home of Mrs. Wright's parents, Mr. and Mrs Tom Grabill. Mrs. D. M. Ward receive word of the death of her sister, Mrs. Keeney of Portland, who died in that city Monday as the result of a stroke. Mr. and Mrs. C- F, Feldman and daughter Katheryn motored to The Dalles Monday to visit Mr. Feld man's brother. Miss Dorothy Clark underwent an operation for appendicitis at a Heppner hospital last week. The Fourth of July was fittingly observed In lone Tuesday, a good many people coming from sur rounding towns and farms to meet old friends and help the eagle scream In a regular old fashioned way. The events of the day were planned and carried out through the combined forces of the lone post of the American Legion and the Morrow County Grain Growers association, A short program with J. E, Hallyburton of Hermlston as (Continued on Pegs Four) Carsner's Car Wrecks Gilliam Co. Mail Stage The McRae & Brown mail truck upset on the highway a short distance north of the Shaffer ranch Thursday morning, injuring slight ly, Miss Catherine Hart, a passen ger. Fred Rickard, driver, was; uninjured but the truck was badly damaged, reports the Condon Globe Times. The accident happened as R. J. Carsner, in going around the truck, hooked his rear fender on the front of the truck, according to reports. With Mr. Carsner was Miss Claudle Gochenour of Spray, who is a student nurse at The Dalles hospital and was going nome for a visit. Carsner had been following the truck for some distance until he saw the clear road ahead so e deavored to pass it. "I've driven since 1914 and this is my first accident," said Mr. Car sner, former state senator and now register of the land office in The Dalles. "I had just remarked to Miss Gochenour the danger in pass ing vehicles, especially near turns." County Agents Consider Part in Adjustment Plan C. W. Smith, county agent, left for Corvallis today to be present tnere at 9:30 tomorrow morning for a conference of county agents. called by F. L. Ballard, county ag ricultural agent leader, for the purpose of considering the wheat program of the Agricultural Ad justment administration. The act will be explained at the conference to be attended by 20 county aeents. and the place of the extension ser vice in the program will be fullv explained and many details there with ironed out. "This is an important piece of work which is directly before us and takes precedence over all oth er matters at hand," Mr. Ballard writes. LOCAL NEWS Sixteen members of the C. C C. camp at Wilson prairie were brot to Heppner this moraine and dIrc- ed on the train with their trans portation paid to New York, from whence they came about a week ago. These young fellows seemed to be very much bent on making trouble all the while, were insub ordinate and altogether undesir able. It is reported that the camp was in a state of almost complete riot when a number of state police, who had been called to the came arrived on the scene early this morning the sixteen "gangsters" being arrayed on one side, armed with clubs, axes, etc., with the bal ance of the camp on the other, ready to defend themselves with similar weapons. Getting rid of the Dunch or sixteen should bring peace, and those remainine will doubtless be able to go along with their work. J. W. Beymer is over from Mon ument for a meeting with the stockholders of Farmers & Stock growers National bank. It Is stat ed that a move is on foot to dis pose of the assets of the bank to a Portland banking house in order that a bank can be opened at Hepp ner. So far nothing of a definite nature has taken Dlace. further than the circulation of petitions among the business men of the city, asking their support should such an arrangement be consum mated. Roy Neill, in the city on Friday from his ranch at Pine City, states mat tne jsutter creek section will have Just a third of its normal hav crop this season. Winter killing of alfalfa forced the ranchers to put In grain which, is yielding a fine lot of hay but will be only one cutting as against the usual three of al falfa. He looks for hay prices to bo up this fall and winter because of the shortage. Mrs W. C Isom, Frank Leicht, A C. Houghton and others from Irrlgon were in Heppner Wednes day afternoon to interview the county court concerning matters within the boundaries of their pre cinct. Mrs. Isom was particularly interested in funds to be allotted to the North Morrow county fair, the date of which will be announc ed soon. Morrow County Has One Man at Vancouver Camp Vancouver Barracks, Wash., July 1. With the seventh annual Citi zen's Military Training camp here now under way but drastically re duced dn size, Morrow county has one student attending the camp. He is Claude E. Wilcox of Lexing ton, Considerably less than half the original quota of 590 were able to come this year, due to curtail ments by Ninth corps area head quarters in line with the federal economy program. In addition, however, the budget for transpor tation was sliced so heavily that Colonel Harry A. Wells, camp com. mandor, was forced In many in stances to make selections from nearby counties, in order to have enough money to transport the students to camp and back again. The two circumstances are the reasons why many county quotas this year are so Bmall. LISTEN! The ladles of the Christian church wish to announce that they will call on you at your homes on Saturday with candy, cookies and doughnuts for sale. We will appre ciate your patronage. tfllHIIIIIIHMIIIIIIllllHIMMIIMMIIimilHIIIMIIIIIIIMIUIIIMU r . s I a - 111 " " ' - I From Happenings Here and Yon 1 Concerning I The Changed Fourth Good Roads and Unification and other things of more or less I moment as seen by The G. T. REPORTER The Fourth of July "ain't what it used to be." Automobiles have lessened the comimunity sociability of the event Many folks now Just get in their cars and go places some do things others just see things. There's not the patriotic oratory that once was. Probably folks feel the significance of the occasion Just as must; do not need the annual revival message; are thankful none the less for the good work signers of the Declaration of Independence did. A factor which contributed most largely to the new conception of the Fourth was probably the inten sive publicity campaign carried On for years teaching people the pre- ferability of a "safe and sane Fourth." Youngsters like to play with fire works just as much as they ever did. But instead of Grandad hold ing a cannon cracker in his hand to help the youngsters with their fun, and getting severely powder burned in the doing the way it used to be he now stands back and cautions them not to throw the lighted crackers in the dry grass. Then there's the marshal to look out for now, too. Theres an elderly gentleman down in Portland who used to be a member of the fire department There was no celebration in Port land this Fourth; no fireworks. Serene and quiet surroundings made him reminisce on how arrival of the Fourth once meant overtime work for the firemen. A change for the better; but a bit saddening to the aged fireman. Heppner didn't celebrate. Folks who stayed home J mostly hunted the shade. Others hunted the shade of the mountains; fished a little, lone celebrated safely, sanely. A large, orderly crowd hunted ex citement not so much as education The principal fireworks was a de bate on the sales tax. An enjoy able community get-together . was reported. C. C. C. boys broke up the dance not with fisticuffs as at another celebration but by fancy footwork, brand new stuff from New York. Oregon is a grand state, unsur passed in scenic beauty. Topo graphically much divided by moun tain ranges, rivers, once people of various sections intermingled with each other little; had little in com mon to work for. Good roads have changed all this. And more good roads are coming! Instead of being on the dead end of a little used state highway, Heppner will soon be on an attract ive cross state highway with com pletion of the Heppner-Spray road; will be visited by more folks from the outside. These good roads have cost and are costing a lot of money, and some people ask are they worth it? It seems the untouched resources that have been and are being open ed up through their construction should pay heavy dividends on the Investment; not to consider the en hanced spirit of state unification that naturally results. The harvest season approaches apace, to bring heartaches to some, recompense to others. Crops, gen erally spotted, are below average. Reseeding, in some places twice, brought forth green spears in places to be blighted by drouth be fore the heads were formed In other places average yields will be harvested But a good price will help all to carry on Swimming Tank Water Tests Okeh Says State The water in the American Le gion swimming tank was pro nounced okeh this week by the state board of health In a test re port received by Harold Buhman, manager. Given a high test, the water was announced as pure, with no danger of infection. Mr. Buhman says the tank is now full and the water quite warm, offering attractive and clean swim ming facilities for the people of the city. SUNSHINE CLUB MEETS. The Sunshine 4-H club met July 1 at the homo of Mrs. Swendig. There were six members and three visitors present. The members of the club have completed project number one, with most of the girls making tablecloths and napkins. They are now working on a cro cheting project. After the busi ness hour a social time was en joyed with songs and yells. Re freshments were served by the committee. Non-High School Board Has Organization Meet Members of the non-high school board of education for Morrow county met at the office of Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county school superintendent, Saturday, and or ganized for its duties. Mrs. Elmer Griffith of Morgan was elected chairman, and R. B. Rice of Lex ington, vice-chairman. To settle the tie for the two-year term re sulting from the recent election, Mr. Rice conceded the term to O. E. Peterson of lone. Tuition and transportation of pu pils was discussed, and it was de cided something would be allowed for transportation but the amount was not set, awaiting the making or tuition contracts. It is the aim of the board to do all possible for the high school pupils of the coun ty, but to keep the levy at this time within the 2.6 mills. Another meeting will be held July 15 at Mrs. Rodgers' office when chair men and clerks of districts 35. 12. 1 and 26 will be invited to attend to assist in drawing up tuition con tracts. Harvey W. Scott Statue To be Unveiled July 22 Unveiling of the Harvey W. Scott statue at Mt Tabor park and pre sentation to the city of Portland has been announced for Saturday. July 22, at 2:30 o'clock. The statue is the work of Gutzon Rnre-lum sculptor of international recogni tion. The statue commemorates Har vey W. Scott, pioneer editor of the Morning Oregonian of Portland whose journalistic career was cor related with the pioneer develop ment of the Pacific northwest i'atnenng the destinies of the Ore gonian through its formative per iod, Scott's forceful character, re flected in his writing, not only made a strong Institution of the fledgling Oregonian, but influenced in a large degree the development of a pioneering country. HARDMAN By MRS. J. W. STEVENS. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farrens and family came home from the Jim Carty ranch on Tuesday of last week, the sheep in charge of Mr. Farrens having been sold. Neva Bleakman, who underwent an operation for appendicitis some weeks ago, was brought home on inursaay of last week. Friends are glad to note her rapid recov ery. This locality was treated to thunder storms and light showers Sunday evening. Crops are look ing pretty well but a good rain would be welcome. Bud Cannon and Lester Ash baugh left Sunday for Vancouver to spend the 4th. Lester will visit his mother, Mrs. Maud Ashbaueh. and sisters Katherine and Arleta, Arleta having gone down to visit her mother at the close of school here. The boys made the trip on a motorcycle. Carey Hastings and Perl Howell returned Sunday from shearine in Montana. Owen and Archie Leathers re turned Monday from shearing in Montana. Bill Johnson left Friday for Portland to join Mrs. Johnson who has been visiting- for the nast month with relatives in the Rose City. The 4th passed rather auietlv out this way, some going to the moun tains to eat their dinner, others going to Top, in Grant county, and u ione Kock where a real celebra tion was staged. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns came up from near lone Friday and spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Musgrave, Mrs. Dobyns re mainng with Mrs. Musgrave and the men going on to Crooked river for a fishing trip. On their return home Monday Mr. Dobyns received the news of the very serious Illness of his mother, Mrs. H. M. Olden, and departed at once for home to be at her bedside. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jessell of Union spent several days of last week in our city. Mrs. Lucy Glasscock of La Grande and Mrs. Golda Leathers of Lexington were visiting a few days of last week with their mother, Mrs. Ellen Ashbaueh. and other relatives of the community. Jim and Osel Inskeep who work in the Dry Fork country are spend ing a few days visiting home folks. Mrs. Minnie Furlong, postmistress at Eight Mile, and daughters Ethel and Kathleen, Mrs. Joe Batty of Eight Mile and Mrs. Richie Jones of Dry Fork were guests of Mrs. J. B. Adams Thursday Mr and Mrs. Carl Leathers left Monday for Kimberly to visit with Mr. Leathers' parents, and to take in the celebration at Top. They were accompanied by Miss Nellie Bleakman and Archie Leathers. Mrs. Lorena Isom, Louis Mar- quardt and Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Chapel were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. James Hams of the Rood canyon district. Ed Warren, brother of Mrs. J. B. Adams, was a guest at the Ad ams home from the army camp at Bull prairie. J, B. Adams is looking after the Cannon sheep In the absence of Bud Cannon. Ralph Butler was in town today from the ranch at Cecil. He will begin the cutting of his hay crop, which is all grain hay this season, in another couple of weeks. The crop will be good, but will not make up for the usual three cut tings of alfalfa. LEXINGTON By BEULAH B. NICHOLS. The regular monthly meeting of the Lexington Home Economics club will be held Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. Marion Palmer. Each member is request ed to write on a slip of paper her suggestion for the betterment of the club and bring it to the meet ing. These slips will be distribut ed to be read at roll call. Harold Beach returned home Friday evening from Chicago where he has just completed his course at Purdue university. From Dawes City, Iowa, he was accompanied by (jeorge Scott, a cousin of Mrs. El sic M. Beach. Mr. Scott will spend tne summer here. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cutler have moved into the Kuns house. Mr. Cutler is with the state highway department. Miss Delpha Merritt, who has been in Arlington for several months has returned to the home of her mother, Mrs. Ted McMillan. Her grandfather. Joe Clark, and Mr. Emerald drove up with her. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Pieper are the parents of a seven-pound boy. born on July first at the home of Mrs. Maggie Hunt in Heppner. The mile lad has been named Melvin Rufus. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McNeil of Portland were visitors at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Harry Schriever, for a few days the first or the week. J. H. Frad of Portland made a business trip to Lexington last week. Iva Kuns Is confined to her home by Illness. Orville Cutsforth is Installing an electric motor in his elevator to take the place of the gasoline en gine which he used last year. This elevator, which he built last year for the handling of his wheat here, has a capacity of 25,000 bushels. Mr. Lasher and Mr. Sipe of the International Harvester company were business visitors in Lexington last week. Edna Rauch came over from Echo Saturday morning and spent the Fourth of July with her par ents. She has returned to Echo where she is attending the school for confirmation. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Townsend and daughter Olive came up from their Portland home Tuesday and are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schriever. Freeman Hill of Portland is vis iting Lexington friends this week. rsamara jane Fryrear, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sterling tryrear of Heppner, spent last week with Mrs. Roy Johnson. Miss Wilma Leach, Mrs. Golda Leathers, Mr. and Mrs. Lester White and Howard Lane spent the fourth of July in the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stewart are the proud parents of a 10H pound boy born on June 29. He has been named John Alec. Doris Burchell suffered an attack of appendicitis last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Graves, for merly of Lexington but now of Boardman, were visitors Sunday at the homes of their sons, John and Shelby. Mr. Graves had the mis fortune recently to lose his barn and all its contents in a fire caused by spontaneous combustion of a haystack adjacent to the barn. Mrs. Golda Leathers returned on Thursday from a visit of several weeks with her son Loren at Idaho Falls. W. L. Copenhaver motored to Hermiston Friday and took the stage for Ellensburg, Wash. Mrs. Effle Parkins visited friends in lone last week. Mrs. Florence Beach left on the train Friday morning, going to Portland where she will spend a week with her sister. Nellie Doney visited friends in Portland last week. Fred Pointer of Salem spent a few days of this week at the home of his uncle, Orville Cutsforth. W. Trumbull of Stanfleld arrived in Lexington last week and has charge of the depot Among Lexington Grange mem bers who attended the meeting of Morrow County Pomona grange at Boardman Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Devine, Harvey Miller and J. O. Turner. Ed Miller was a business visitor in Pendleton Friday. The secretary of state has sent out application blanks for those de siring to renew their operators and chauffeurs licenses. These may be obtained at the W. F. Barnett store in Lexington. All licenses must be renewed by Sepetember 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Jones and son Richard and Miss Clara Miller, all of Salem, are visiting relatives here this week. Mrs. Jones and M1ss Miller are sisters of Harvey, John, Karl, Ed and Merle Miller. Mrs. A. Reaney has been 111 at her home below Lexington. Mrs. Omar Luttrell returned home from The Dalles hospital Sat urday evening. She was accom panied home by her daughter Ruth who has been visiting relatives at Rufus. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Gail Jones, Miss Clara Miller, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Miller. Mrs. Carl Daniclson and her daughter, Delma Miller, of Ellens burg are visiting releatives near Lexington. Mrs. Minnie Leach was hostess at a campfire dinner at her home Friday evening. Her guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. James Leach, Mrs. Trlna Parker and Miss Dona Barnett. (Continued on Pg Four) HARVEST TO START IW COUNTY JULY 20 Grain Reported Ripening Fast in North Section; South End Later. CONDITION SPOTTED lone and Lexington Sections Will Have Best Yields; Heppner Fiat Wheat Hurt by Heat Waves. Ripening wheat fields in north Morrow county omen the starting of harvesting by July 20, according to general reports from that sec tion. Fields to the south, later to mature, will not be ready until la ter, but once started harvesting will be in progress in the county through much of July and August Varying reports of crop condi tions come from different sections, with best reports coming from the lower country about Lexington and lone. Heppner flat, upper Eight Mile and other sections to the south of Heppner appear to have been badly damaged by heat waves. with the condition quite spotted. Nearer the mountains the grain is reported still in condition to be helped materially by rain, with re port of some fields that may fall to neaa out If rain does not come. Reports generally indicate that Morrow county's total output will be considerably below average. This was occasioned largely by the general freeze-out last winter which necessitated reseeding this spring, and in some instances two reseeding3 were made. Not considered a profitable spring wheat country on the aver age, production of a spring crop this year was a case of necessity. Early in the spring the crop ap- pearea to Be a complete failure with an arid condition prevailing generally. Good May rains im proved conditions, and good growth was made until the middle of June when three days of strong winds and warm weather dried out the ground and resulted in consider able damage. Cooler days and nights with oc casional light sectional showers helped conditions throughout the remainder of June, helping wheat in sections to mature, with quite warm weather the last week has tening the process. Few farmers have attempted to predict their yields, except in cases where the wheat apaears to be too far gone for hopes of harvesting it A check of the sacks as the wheat comes from the spouts of combines and threshers will tell the story better. Meantime, encouraging market reports are received, with the cash price in Portland for soft white at 72 cents today. The soft Federa tion, largely used for reseedine here, comes under this classifica tion. There is a very light old-crop carry-over in this county to bene fit from the better market condi tions, and the return to the county from wheat this year depends largely on the new crop results. Early Action Requested In Getting New Licenses Nearly 300.000 drivers are yet to be licensed before September 1st and every possible arrangement to expedite the issuance of the per mits is being made, according to word just received from Hal E. Hoss, secretary of state. During the past few days each county sheriff and each state police of- ' fleer has been supplied with ap plication blanks, making new sources of supply for the required forms. Applicants may now con tact these officials as well as trav elling examiners or writing to the Salem office to obtain application blanks. "For the motorist's own conve nience in getting his new driver's license, I recommend early action." Mr. Hoss declares. "Because there are so many persons to be rell censed during the short time be. tween now and September 1st prompt and effloient service can be given only if applicants file at an early date," the secretary said. examinations are dispensed with in most cases, under the new law. Only those who are 70 years or more of age, those who have driv ing records that might Indicate de fects In operation, and those who are not normal physically or men tally are required to submit to the examinations. Applicants desirine to renew their licenses before September 1 should first obtain an application DianK, nil it out, sign it In the presence of a notary public or oth er person qualified to administer an oath, and finally either hand it to a travelling examiner or mall it directly to the secretary of state with the $1 fee. EXAMINER HERE 12TII. Martin Redding, examiner of op erators and chauffeurs, will be in Heppner Wednesday, July 12, at tne court house, between the hours of 1 and 5 p. m., according to an nouncement from the secretary of state's office. All those wishing permits or licenses should got In toucn with Mr. Redding at this time.