Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 29, 1933, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(Continued from First Page)
Allan Howk who had his tonsils
removed by a Heppner physician
last week is recovering from the
operation nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Moore re
turned last week from a. few days
spent at the home of their daugh
ter, Mrs. Wrex Hicock, In Portland.
Mrs. T. C. Troge, accompanied
by her daughter Marguerite and
her brother Larry Ritchie, arrived
In lone Saturday morning to visit
old friends for a few days. Mr.
Ritchie will remain for harvest.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin mo
tored to Gibbon Sunday to bring
home their daughter, Betty, who
has spent the past two weeks vis
iting relatives at Haines and Gib
The Campfire girls left for the
mountains Tuesday morning for
their annual camping trip. They
expect to be gone until the end of
the week. Harlan McCurdy took
them up on his truck. Mrs. Ruth
Mason, Mrs. Delia McCurdy, Miss
Delvena Reis, Miss June Anderson
and Miss Kathryn Feldman accom
panied the girls on their vacation
which will be spent at the moun
tain camp of the Gay Anderson
family on the coal mine road. The
following girls went: Sibyl Howell,
Maxine McCurdy, Bethal Blake
Katherine and Virginia Griffith,
Valjean Clark, Bertha Akers, An-
nabelle McCabe, Helen Lundell,
Betty Bergevin and Joy Biddle.
Miss Myrn Lindley of Portland
who has been a guest at the W.
Blake ranch departed for her home
Tuesday. She made the return trip
with Mrs. T. C. Troge and daugh,
ter who were returning to their
home at Damascus, Ore.
Keithley Blake of Eugene and
Willard Miller and Harry Stone of
Philomath arrived in lone Tues
day. Mr. Blake will remain for
harvest but Mr. Miller and Mr,
Stone drove on. to the north fork
of the John Day river on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan McCurdy
made a business trip to Pasco,
Walla Walla and other eastern
Washington and Oregon points
last Thursday. They report the
wheat in the Weston and Athena
country to look in excellent condi
French Burroughs was surprised
the first of the week by the arrival
of his sister, Mr3. Minta Rogers of
Ohio. He had been expecting her
a little later as she came by auto
and he did not expect the trip to
be made in the short time she was
on the way, about six days.
Miss Gladys Brashears, Miss
Margaret Crawford and Miss Clara
Nelson were joint hostesses Satur
day afternoon for a shower given
Mrs. Orlo Martin (Helen Smouse)
el the Smouse farm. The affair
was a surprise for the guest of
honor. Many lovely and useful
household articles were received by
Mrs. Martin. At the close of a
pleasant social time refreshments
were served. Ladies present were
Mesdames J. E. Swanson, James
Lindsay, M. R. Morgan, C. W.
Swanson, Frank Lundell, Cleo
Drake, O. E. Lindstrom, Carl Al
lyn, H. O. Ely, Wallace Matthews,
Fred Mankin, Walter Eubanks,
Mildred Eubanks, Earl Morgan,
and Misses Eva Swanson, Ruth
Crawford, Norma Swanson, Mil
dred Lundell Edna Lindstrom, El
len Nelson, Bernice Martin, Alice
Patterson, Margaret Ely and Veda
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Bristow
of Nampa, Idaho, announce the ar
rival of a son, John, on June 19,
New Law Require Obtainment by
September 1; 800,000 Expected
By Hos6 to be Issued.
Balance on hand from 1932 $ 29 "5
Donations 246.50
Dunce .- - '89.56
Gate Receipts 1,007.60
fc-ntrance 1-eea iow
Concessions - ou.tft
Hay and Livery
Labor at Grounds
Three hundred thousand Oregon
motorists must obtain renewal li-
cmses before September 1, the first
day on which the law requires ev
ery motor vehicle operator to have
new-tvpe permit, according to
Hal E. Hoss, secretary of state.
This great number, approximate
ly three-quarters of the drivers in
the state, may occasion a rusn for
permits such as swamped the ex
amination stations during the last
few days preceding June 9, when
the motor vehicle laws raised the
cost of permiU from 50c to $1. "In
the short time from May l, up to
and including June 8, 75,384 per
sons were examined,' Mr. Hoss de
clared. "The magnitude of this
task may be seen by comparison
with the 22-month period between
July 1, 1931, and May 1, 1933, when
only 21,816 drivers were examined.
On June 8, this year Huou persons
were given examinations, with ap
plicants in some localities being
taken care of until midnight Such
a congested condition will recur in
the weeks just preceding Septem
ber 1," the secretary of state point
ed out, "unless drivers arrange im
mediately for renewals."
Authority has been given by the
legislature to waive examination
of renewal applicants, except for
those 70 years of age and older, or
when, because of obvious physical
impairments or a questionable
driving record there is reason to
believe that an applicant may not
be qualified to operate a car in a
safe manner. Holders of new-type
drivers' licenses and renewals is
sued since July 1, 1931, need not
renew their permits until June 30,
1935, regardless of the expiration
date they bear.
In order to obtain a renewal per
mit, Mr. Hoss warned, it will not
be sufficient merely to mail a dol
lar. The applicant must obtain the
regulation application form either
bv mail from the secretary of
state's office in Salem, or from
state police, county sheriffs, or ex
aminers. This must be filled out
and signed before a notary public
or one of the official examiners, all
of whom have notaries' commis
sions, or other persons qualified to
administer oaths. State examin
ers will affix the notary seal free
of charge.
An examiner may be located by
referring to the printed schedules
which mav be secured from the
secretary of state's office, state po
lice, or sheriffs.
...J 193.25
... 221.30
... 780.00
... 150.00
... 50.00
Dance Orchestra
School Band
Printing 51.30
faraue frizes .. io.ou
Rooms and Meals 61 90
Lumber 1995
Loud Speaker - 10.00
Horse Bought i 45.00
Insurance on Hay 2.50
Telegrams - 2.20
Blacksmith Work 5.50
Rent of Stock. Add Moore 35.00
128 Checks - 2.56
glass partition upon a Japanese
princess about to enter her palan
quin for a journey.
Another more whimsical display
is fhat of nine hand embroideries,
called "one-hundred children," on
a rich background of red satin.
Balance 174.46
Receipts - $478.75
Release of Merry-Go-Round S 35.00
Tickets . 2.51
Labor 137.38
Merchandise Bought 255.26
Kent or Grounds -. lo.uu
Lumber 40.85
Drayage and Freight 60.75
Gas and Oil 9.91
Phone and Teleerams 15.15
Lights 4.6S
Blahm and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ak
ers returned to their home at Wal
la Walla Tuesday after visiting for
several days at the ranch home of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blahm on Wil
low creek, now being operated by
Mr. Blahm. Mrs. Akers and Miss
Blahm are daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Blahm.
Voters Pamphlet Lists
10 Measures Up July 21
While the sales tax and prohibi
tion repeal are holding the center
of attention in the coming July 21
special state election, the voters'
pamphlet just issued from the sec
retary of state s office lists ten mea
sures that will be up for decision
of the electorate. They are:
1 Adoption or rejection of twen
ty-first amendment to the federal
constitution, which will, if adopted
by three-fourths of the states, re
peal the eighteenth amendment
2 The sale3 tax law, enacted by
the 1933 legislature and referred by
it to the people for final action.
3 A state constitutional amend
ment providing that payment of
cash bonuses to war veterans shall
cease after June 30, 1938, and au
thorizes the issuance of refunding
bonds to pay cash bonuses and
4 A state constitutional amend
ment paving the way for the man
agerial form of government for
Oregon counties, by authorizing
counties to submit questions to the
5 A state constitutional amend
mnt providing for a change in
grand jury procedure by authoriz
ing accused persons to waive in
vestigation by grand jury and
stand trial on information filed by
district attorney, except for capital
6 A state constitutional amend
ment providing for a two-thirds
vote for approval of bond issues
and authorizing the legislature to
restrict the taxing powers of muni
cipal subdivisions.
7 Approval or rejection of
nroDosed $103,000 bond Issue for
the state power commission to use
In surveying the state s power re
sources and in making a study of
possible market for electrical en
8 Referendum on the oleomar
garine tax law enacted by the last
leuialature. placing a tax of four
cents a pound on all oleomargarine
old in Oregon.
9 Referendum on the legislative
act creating the new state power
commission, authorized by the last
legislature to carry out the provl
ions of the state grange power
10 .JteDeal of the remaining state
prohibition laws already made In
effective when the voters abrogat
ed the enforcement clause of these
School attendance figures in
Morrow county for the last year
were compiled in the office of Mrs.
Lucy E. Rodgers, superintendent,
this week, to be included in her
annual report Pupils enrolled in
the grade schools of the county for
the year totalled 863; those in high
school 317, making a grand total
of 1153. The average number of
ays taught was 165. The average
aily attendance in the grades was
754.5; in high school, 295.2. Per
centage of attendance for the
grades, 96.3; high school, 95.4.
There were 717 tardinesses report
ed in the grades; 642 in the high
school. Seventy-three grade school
pupils were neither absent nor tar
dy, while there were nine in high
school with this record, (jooseberry
district had the highest percentage
of attendance, 98.7, with Rocky
Bluff, 98.6, next.
Murray Warner Museum
Now Open at University
Eugene, June 27. People of Ore
gon through whose generosity the
massive museum of art was erect
ed on the University of Oregon
campus, now have tne opportunity
of inspecting daily the contents of
the building, the Murray Warner
collection of oriental art, it is an
nounced by Mrs. Murray Warner,
donor of the collection and direc
tor of the museum.
Many of the rarest treasures in
the Warner collection may be seen
by the public for the first time
since never before has there been
space or facilities for showing
them. The Warner collection is
regarded as one of the finest of its
kind in the entire country.
Mrs. Warner has made the gift
to the university in memory of her
husband, Major Murray Warner.
From 1899 to 1909 Major and Mrs.
Warner live in China, where Major
Warner befriended hundreds of
Chinese and took a keen interest
in oriental art
The building, a massive brick
structure erected at a cost of $200,
000, was the gift of the people of
the state. It was constructed with
out windows, so that no daylight
could ever strike the delicate fab
rics of the priceless objects it
houses. A remarkable system of
lighting simulates daylight.
The most interesting exhibit,
Mrs. Warner believes, is the im
pressive "throne room." At either
end of this room will be found a
throne, backed by rare and deli
cate screens, with rare old rugs for
floor coverings. Around the walls
of this room are court costumes,
coats and gowns into which gold
threads and colorful designs have
been woven with rare skill.
On the lower floor probably the
most interesting display is a group
of objects which were created in
clay by the hand of man before the
Christian era. These depict strange
men, horses and other objects. The
trappings of gold have been heav
ily encrusted with patina.
Across the hal lare other cabi
nets housing figures similar, but
not so ancient. The public is
transported back 300 years in an
other room, as it looks through a
Mr. and Mrs. John Anglin and
daughter Rachel and Harlan Dev
in motored to Walla Walla Sunday
to attend a banquet and conven
tion to organize a combination so
cial and insurance benefit lodge
among the Safeway organization
employes. While this organization
is coast to coast wide among the
Safeway employes, the plan had
not reached this district which in
cludes more than 50 employes. Mr.
Anelin of the local MacMarr store
was elected vice president for the
district Mrs. Harlan Devin and
sons Glen and Boyd accompanied
the party as far as Pendleton
where they visited Mrs. Devin's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hiatt
Henry Peterson was in the city
vesterdav from the Eight Mile
farm. He predicts a very short
crop in that section, with grain
badly pinched. A good rain would
help the grain to till and better
the quality, he believed.
Fresh and Cured
Butterfat, Turkeys, Chickens
bought for SWDJT CO.
Phone us for market price
at all times.
Phone 82 IONE, ORE.
Mrs. Wilson Brock, sister of Mrs.
Josephine Jones, and Mrs. Cora
Phelps have returned to their
homes in Pendleton after visiting
for several days at the home of
Mrs. Jones in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford
left this morning for Prineville for
a visit at the home of their daugh
ter, Mrs. Leonard Schwarz.
Mrs. Henry Blahm, Miss Katie
A Good Insurance Company?
It's the poor man's friend,
The rich man's bank.
Insurance Counselor
Office 1 block south of court house
Any Kind of Cemetery Work
Write for Prices or Appointments
Headquarters for
Canned Foods
lone high school is included in
the list of standard high schools
in Morrow county eligible to re
ceive non-high school district pu
Dils. according to word received
this week from the state superin
tendent by Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers,
county school superintendent.
Heppner high school was previous
ly announced as being the only
standard high school so qualineo.
Lexington high school is arranging
to comply with requirements for
standardization, Mrs. Rodgers said.
Of 500 reading certificates issued
in 1933 to members of the Oregon
Children's Book league sponsored
by the Oregon state library, 21 were
given pupils of Morrow county
schools. All the pupils in Rocky
Bluff school with an enrollment of
:, and all in Golden West school,
with seven, qualified for certifi
cates, earning school certificates
for these schools. The other eight
certificates were issued to pupils
of the Matteson school, according
to a report received from the state
library by Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers,
county school superintendent.
Four head mixed Guernsey and
Jersey heifers, all yearlings; missed
out of pasture shortly after May 1.
Reward. Notify Adam Blahm at
Heppner. 13-15p
Dr. J. L. Marxer returned to his
home in Portland Sunday after as
sisting at the office of Dr. A. D.
McMurdo for two weeks. On Sat
urday he enjoyed a fishing trip out
on Potamus creek with F. B. Nick
crson and L. Van Marter.
Now Available
In Heppner
With Our Brand
New Equipment
The famous Mayo Clinic, Roch
ester, Minn., Harvey S. Fire
stone, Arabian Horse Ranch of
Pomona, Cal., owned by W. K.
Kellogg, all use
Will not stain drapes or rugs,
pleasant odor.
For economy's sake, bring your
container to the house or have
it ready when I cal.
Pint 25c, Quart 45c, 1-2 gal. 75c
gallon $1.25
J, C. HARDING, Watklns Dealer
Trade and Employment:
(Printed without charge,
continued on notice.)
For Trade Full blood white belt
ed male hog; will trade for male
pig of same breed at weaning time.
Harry French, Hardman. Ore.
Weanling pigs for trade.
Higgins, Lena, Ore.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
June 17. 1933. . , .
NOTICE is hereby given that Lloyd
Matteson of Heppner. Oregon, who, on
July 20. 1J28, made Homestead Entry
under Act. Dec. 29. 1916, No. 0253S9. for
Lot 1, EVfe SE'.4. Sec. 1, T. 7 S.. R. 28 K
l.r,! 7 a 8 111. 11. 12. 17. 18. 19. 22. 23.
24 Section 6, Township 7 South, Range
29 Eat, Willamette Meridian, has hied
nniiio nf intention to make final Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before Gay M. Anderson,
Unltetd States Commisloner. at Hepp
ner, Oregon, on the 2nd day of August,
rinlmnnt names as witnesses:
Geo. E. Sperry, of Heppner, Oregon.
J. D. French., of Gurdane, Oregon..
Ed. LeTrace. 01 Heppner, uregon,
Riley summers, oi uiuer,
I ll
July I
To Trade Hotpoint electric
range, slightly used, for what have
you. Mrs. Ji;pn iiiskeison, city.
2-man Deering combine with mo
tor to trade for cattle, sheep or
hogs. Troy Bogard, Heppner.
To trade Electric range, nearly
new, for what have you. O. T. Fer.
guson, Heppner.
To trade Gasoline engine and
water pump, also .32 Remington
automatic rifle. Max Schultz,
Heppner, Ore.
To trade Cream separator and
automobiles for sheep. O. T. Fer
guson, Heppner.
To trade Wagon for wood. Wer
ner Rietmann, lone.
Will trade fresh Holstein cow for
grain drill, Nick Faler, Boardman
To trade Jersey bull for another
Jersey bull. Must be from high pro
ducing stock. G. E. Aldrlch, Irrl
gon, Ore.
For Trade 2 Chester White
boars ready for service, for pigs,
wheat, or what have you. Ralph
Butler, Willows, Ore., Ewing station.
Will trade gasoline washing ma
chine motor for a portable type
writer. Also will trade thorough
bred Jersey cow for anything I can
use. Beulah B. Nichols, Lexington.
To trade Jacks for mules; take
and pay In mules when raised; or
any other stock I can use. o. B,
Swaggart, Lexington.
To Trade Purebred Jersey heif-
r, fresh. Ray Beezeley, Ions.
To Trade Bearded barley for
cows. Frank Munkers, Lexington.
Trade Purebred aged Jersey bull
for young Jersey bull. E. T. Mes
senger, Boardman, Ore.
Hay chopper to trade for wheat
D. A. Wilson, city.
Majestic range to trade for what
have you. See D. m. unman, city,
it means farmers will get more than cost of pro
duction; that they will be able to buy some of the
things they've been needing. There may be a
short crop, but the increased price is good news.
rirrnTiciMf IM Tlir P A 7CTTC TTMUC
AUVLruiJiiNU UN inc unciiD hiyilj
is the Morrow County farmers' guide the guide
used by reliable merchants.
azetfee Times
Morrow County's Newspaper