Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 22, 1933, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Mr. Sara Moar.. Niece of Henry
Heppner, Dies in California;
Visited Here In Nineties.
Los Angees, Calif, June 19. In
the death of Mrs. Sara Moar here
last week the Pacific Northwest
lost one of its pioneer mothers.
Mrs. Moar was a native California!!,
but spent much of her life in Idaho
and Oregon. She was a member
of a pioneer family that had much
to do wtih the development of this
western country. Mrs. Moar was
a sister of the late Phil Cohn, a
niece of Henry Heppner, one of the
founders of Heppner, and a niece
of Mrs. Henry Blackman. Henry
Blackman was a pioneer merchant
of Heppner and a prominent figure
in state democratic poitics. She is
the aunt of Harold and Henry Cohn
of Heppner.
Mrs. Moar often visited Heppner
in the nineties, dividing her time
between the home of her brother
Phil and "Aunt Fanny," as Mrs.
Blackman was known to her im
mediate family. She was person
ally and well acquainted with many
of the old time families of Morrow
While Mrs. Moar was a native
of California, born in Shasta coun
ty in 1872, with her husband she
went to Boise City, Idaho, as
young woman, where he practised
his profession of dentistry. Dr.
Moar died several years ago and
since his death she had made her
home in southern California. Her
life spanned a greater part of the
period in which the Pacific coast
states were settled and developed,
Her death came after a linger
ing illness at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Yoakam,
36S N. Rexford Drive, Beverly,
Thursday, June 15. Funeral ser.
vices were conducted Saturday at
the R. E. Dayotin chapel, Beverly
Hills, with Dr. R. M. Donaldson
officiating. Immediate members of
the family attending the services
were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Yoak
am, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Magaw,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Bren and
Mr. and Mrs. Heppner Blackman,
In addition to the daughter, Mrs,
Moar is survived by two sisters.
Mrs. C. H. Magaw of Holtsville,
Cal., and Mrs. William Stark of
Boise; two brothers, Jerry Cohn
and Dr. Jacob Cohn of Boise. Jerry
Cohn was for a long number of
years a resident of Heppner.
(Continued from First Page)
teaching during the past year. She
came as far as Yakima. Wash.,
with friends and took the stage
from there.
Miss Elsie Tucker came in on
the stage Tuesday afternoon from
La Grande where she has been vis-
itine her sisters. Mrs. Paul DeF.
Mortimore and Miss Irene Tucker,
since the close of her school at
A large number of friends gath
ered Tuesday evening for a chari
vari on Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Hen
erson who returned from Mossy
Rock, Wash., late Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. HarDKe ot
Portland spent a few days the first
of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Duvall. On Tuesday they, with
Mr. and Mrs. Duvall, motored to
Hermiston and spent the day at
the Joe Norton home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMurtry
and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Duran are
spending the week in the mountains.
At Heppner
JOEL R. BENTON. Minister.
Mrs J. O. Turner, Director of Music
Bible School 9:45 A. M.
Morning Worship It o'clock
Senior and Junior C. B. .. 7:00 P M.
Evening Worship .. 8:00 o'clock
Church Night, Thursday at 8:00 P. M.
Holy communion at 8 a. m.,
morning prayer with sermon at 11
a. m.. Sunday, June 25. Rev. M. G.
Tennyson, field missionary.
Returning home with the F. S.
Parkers from Portland Friday were
Mrs. E. R. Huston, who visited rel
atives at Albany and Eugene and
also attended the grand chapter
sessions of Order of Eastern Star
in Portland, and Miss Jean Daue of
Shedd, who is visiting for a time
at the Parker home.
(Continued from First Page)
the Ochocos at an elevation of 5200
feet The mountains especially of
fered attractive vistas, while Hepp.
ner fiat grain fields, the jagged,
picturesque John Day valley, the
green fields of the Ochoco dam
project the lake and dam itself,
and the jeweled rim of the Cas
cades, all were thrown in for a
variety of aesthetic appeal hard to
equal in another day s drive.
Edward Notson, son of S. E. Not
son, was a guest of the Lions Mon.
day, Edward lives at Almira, Wn.
where he is principal of the schools
and active in the chamber of com
merce. Last week end, his father
was a guest of the Almira chamber
on a trip over the big Coulee dam
project, and father and son both
gave the Lions an insight into what
is hoped to be accomplished there
in the way of power, irrigation and
flood control development, a pro
ject that would benefit the whole
northwest, as well as Portland, as
Edward put it.
tent of the damage cannot be as
certained as yet However, It is
not yet too late for a good rain to
be of benefit in developisg the crop.
Mrs. Eva Lane returned Thurs
day from the Heppner hospital
where she has been receiving med
ical treatment
Harry Wells of Heppner spent a
part of last week with his sister,
Mrs. .Cletus Nichols.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Tucker and
Woodrow Tucker left Friday morn
ing for Grandview, Wash.
Lexington grange members who
attended the state grange conven
tion at Pendleton last week were
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth, Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Miller, Mr. and
Mrs. S. J. Devine, Bernice Bau
man, Beulah Nichols, Norman Nel
son, J. O. Turner and Bert John-1
son. All of these except Mr. and
Mrs. Devine, Mrs. Miller and Mr.
Johnson were initiated into the de
gree of Flora on Thursday evening
when this degree was given to a
class of 238. Mr. and Mrs. Devine
have already had this degree.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Barnett, T.
L. Barnett, Miss Dona Barnett and
Mrs Trina Parker were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Par
ker of Heppner Sunday. The din
ner was in honor of Mrs. Parker's
mother, Mrs. Julia Cypert of Ev
erett. Wash., who is also a sister
of W. F. and T. L. Barnett
Miss Velle Ward has returned to
Corvallis after spending her vaca
tion with her mother, Mrs Viola
Laurel Beach left Tuesday morn
ing for La Grande where he will
attend the summer session of the
F.astern Oregon Normal school.
Mrs. Roy Campbell is quite ill at
her home in Clark's canyon,
At the school meeting held at
the school auditorium Monday af
ternoon Harry Dinges was reelect
ed as director for a term of three
years and L. A. Palmer was elect
ed for one year to complete the
term of R. B. Wilcox whose resig.
nation was accepted. Miss Dona
Barnett was elected as clerk. Har
ry Scnriever is chairman of the
board of directors. The budget
previously prepared by the board,
was discussed and accepted,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gentry and
Keith, Mrs. Nancy McWaters, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Hunt and Louise,
Mr and Mrs, Harry Schriever and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jack
son and children, Miss Tillie Nel
son and Charles (Chuck) Schriever
made up a party going to the
mountains Sunday for a picnic.
Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Nichols, Paul
Nichols and Myra Wells have gone
to the mountains to cut wood
The exterior of the R. H. Lane
pastime is receiving a new coat of
paint which will improve its ap
pearance greatly. Bert Thornburg
is doing the work.
Ralph Phillips has obtained a li
cense to give dances at Leach hall.
The first one will be given Satur
day nitrht
Ralph Wickersham of Portland
was a week-end visitor at tne tiar-
ry Duvall ranch on Blackhorse. On
his return to foruana ounaay ai-
ternoon he was accompanied by
Miss Erma Duvall who will spend
hniit three weeks visiting with
vinH at Portland and Salem.
i-:..fnr. returning she will go to Es-
tacada to visit with Mr, and Mrs,
Melvin Johnston.
Miss Wilma Leach arrived Wed-
neaday afternoon from Mlnneapo
gon may well prepare to help sup
ply," Jackman continued.
The corn and cotton states will
afford the greatest increased out
let for Oregon seed crops, Jackman
believes. The corn states are all
clover states except Texas, and all
use orchard grass, tall oat gras3,
white clover, meadow fescue, Eng
lish rye grass and other crops of
which seed is grown in western
Oregon. The cotton states will
probably develop an unprecedent
ed demand for hairy vetch, crim
son clover and Austrian peas.
Four County Girls Busy
At 4-H Summer School
Oregon State College, Corvallis,
June 21. Four members of the 4-H
clubs of Morrow county are among
the 550 club boys and girls and 40
leaders completing a busy two-
weeks junior summer session here
on this compus. Though the total
enrollment is slightly lower than
usual this year for obvious reasons,
the program of work and play is
better than usual following the
club motto of always "making the
best better."
For nearly two weeks now the
delegates from Morrow county
have been following a regular
morning schedule of class work,
going in sections from building to
building on the campus, getting the
latest instructions from the regular
college faculty members on a score
of subjects ranging from the fun
damentals of livestock and crop
management for the boys and
hcmemaking for the girls, to such
interesting specialties as photog-
aphy, radio, fire prevention, jour
nalism, and music for all of them.
Once a day special speakers ap
pear before the general assemblage,
then there is an afternoon of sports
and various kinds of recreation,
followed by educational and enter
taining movies or other programs
in the evening. The group has
regularly organized system of self-
government with Stonewall Jack
son of Canby heading the boys
council and Alice Welbes of Gresh.
am the girls.
State officials of the club work,
which is part of the Oregon Exten.
sion service, are being assisted in
conducting the school by many
extension and volunteer leaders,
The session will end Saturday,
June 24.
Those attending the session from
Morrow county are Nola Keithley
and Louise Moyer of Heppner, May
Rauch of Lexington and Ruth
Leicht of Irrigon.
New Federal Profliirtinn
Credit System Arranged
Provision for farm production
credit through regional production
credit banks and local production
credit associations is the outstand
ing feature of a new law which has
passed congress, says the Oregon
Agricultural Extension service in a
review of the agricultural situation
just issued. The circular also gives
an analysis of other farm credit
and adjustment developments, and
the current trend of demand, prices
and costs of farm products.
The plan is to have the five di
visions of the new farm credit ad
ministration, each with a commis
sioner in charge under the govern
or and the deputy governors. Each
division will handle one class of
loans. The production credit com
missioner will be in charge of
twelve production credit banks, one
in each Federal Land Bank district
"The land bank commissioner
will supervise the twelve federal
land banks," the circular states
The intermediate credit commis
sioner will supervise the twelve in
termediate credit banks. The Co
operative Bank Commissioner will
administer the Central Bank for
Cooperatives and twelve regional
Cooperative Banks. And the emer
gency Credit Commissioner will su
pervise the regional Agricultural
Credit Corporations."
Local production credit associa
tions may be formed by ten or more
farmers, and a part of the capital
of local associations may be sub
scribed by the regional production
credit bank.
According to the circular the
trend of farm prices flattened out
somewhat during the past four
weeks, compared with the grand
advance during the preceding four
weeks. As things stood at mid
June, the general level of farm
prices is around ten per cent high
er than a year previous for the
whole county, and around 40 per
cent higher for the average in Ore
gon. High hop prices contributed
materially to the upswing of the
Oregon general farm price index.
Wool prices staged a remarkable
comeback and now head the list in
degree of pre-war price "parity"
with an index of 99. Wheat ad
vanced sharply, but is still far be
low "parity" with the May wheat
price index at 67 per cent of pre
war. The general level of farm
prices at 62 is still a long way from
"parity" as contemplated under the
farm act Even without any ad
vance in prices for things farmers
buy, most farm products would
have to go up around 50 per cent to
reach parity. Prospects for further
improvement are reasonably good,
says the report, but much depends
upon national and international
economic programs and developments.
Young Earwigs Ready
Poisoned Bran Dose
X Ul
Young earwigs are on the march
again in yards and gardens and just
at the best stage for effective pois
oning, says R. E. Dimlck of the
Oregon State college department of
entomology. In many localities
the ranks of the earwigs have been
greatly depleted by the ravages of
the earwig parasites that have been
liberated in Portland and many
other cities of the state, but some
supplementary poisoning at this
season before the parasites are ac
tive has been found a big help
in control.
The poison most effective is bran
12 pounds, sodium Fluosilicate 1
pound, and fish oil 1 quart, mixed
together without water. The bait
is applied thinly over the yard and
in large quantities around the base
of buildings, trees and fences,
avoiding lumps that might attract
under Act. Dec. 29. 1916. No. 025389. for
Lot 1, E"s SE'-i, Sec. 1, T. 7 S., R. 28 E.,
Lots. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 17. 18. 19. 22. 23.
24 Section 6. Township 7 South. Range
29 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to make final Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before Gay M. Anderson,
Unitetd States Commissioner, at Hepp
ner, Oregon, on the 2nd day of August,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Geo. E. Sperry, of Heppner. Oregon.
J. D. French, of Gurdane, Oregon
Ed. LeTrace, of Heppner, Oregon.
Riley Summers, of Hitter, Oregon.
R. J. CARSNER. Register.
Treasury Department, Office of
the Comptroller of the Currency,
Washington, D. C, March 16, 1933.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons who may have claims against
"The Frst National Bank of Hepp
ner," Oregon, that the same must
be presented to J. L. Gault Recelv-
er, with the legal proof thereof
within three months from this date
or they may be disallowed.
Acting Comptroller of the Currency.
Treasaury Department, Office of
the Comptroller of the Currency,
Washington, D. C, March 16, 1933.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons who may have claims against
"The Farmers and Stockgrowers
National Bank of Heppner," Ore
gon, that the same must be pre
sented to J. L. Gault, Receiver,
with the legal proof thereof within
three months from this date or
they may be disallowed.
Acting Comptroller of the Currency.
Four head mixed Guernsey and
Jersey heifers, all yearlings; missed
out of pasture shortly after May 1.
Reward. Notify Adam Blahmi at
Heppner. 13-15p
Lexington Boy Graduates
From Purdue University
Lafayette, Ind., June 13 Silas H.
Beach of Lexington, Ore., Bachelor
of Science in Mechanical Engineer
ing, was among the 798 graduates
in the 1933 class of Purdue Univer
sity, who received diplomas at the
59th annual commencement exer
cises held this morning in the uni
versity armory. Degrees were con
ferred today on 707 persons by
President E. C. Elliott and 91 oth
ers who have completed the pre
scribed courses since last June com
prise the class.
In line with a policy adopted
some years ago, no set commence
ment address was given, Dr. Elliott
formally turning the class over to
the services of the state and Gov
ernor Paul V. McNutt gave the
civic charge to the new group of
Purdue men and women. Seventy-
seven were graduated with honor
because of their scholastic records.
The list of graduates included
representatives from 78 Indiana
counties, 25 states and the District
of Columbia, one Canadian prov
ince and six other lands, Syria,
Russia, Hawaii, Philippine Islands,
(Jhina and Poland.
Electricity on Farms
Making Rapid Strides
Development of more apparatus
and methods of applying electricity
profitably to agriculture was report
ed at the annual meeting of the
Oregon Committee on the Relation
of Electricity to Agriculture held
at Oregon State college the middle
of June. The work of the com
mlttee, supported by private funds.
is now starting on its tenth year in
this state. During the past nine
years most of the modern uses of
electricity in Oregon farm opera
tions have been either developed or
improved by its work.
New projects on which progress
reports were made this year Indi
cating successful development are
electric pig brooders, homemad
electric poultry brooders, use of
electric hotbeds In potato tuber in
dexing, sprinkler irrigation of pas
ture, and corn drying.
The annual meeting was presided
over by W. A. Schoenfeld, dean of
agriculture and chairman of the
committee, with reports being made
by F. E. Price, project superinten
dent, and C. J. Hurd, assistant in
agricultural engineering. The work
is coordinated closely with that of
the experiment station.
Members of the committee at
tending, besides those named, In
cluded Ralph Laird, Eugene; stock
ton Brothers, Sheridan; Ambrose
Brownell, Milwaukle; R. L. Burk
hart, Albany; Glen Jackson, Med
ford; W. M. Hamilton, Salem; Paul
V. Maris and R. H. Dearbarn, Cor
vallis; A. C. McMicken, O. B. Cold
well. Louis McArthur, Lyle G. Sear
been and A. S. Moody, all of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright are
the proud parents of a 7-pound
boy born at the Pendleton hospital
Wednesday night June 14. Mother
and son are doing fine.
Robert Smith and Tom Caldwell
motored by truck to Portland on
Wednesday, returning Saturday
with a load of furniture for Mrs.
Mrs. Tom Caldwell is at Belling
ham, Wn., attending conference.
Mrs. Clair Caldwell is in charge of
the rooming house during her ab
sence. Fred Markham visited the home
folks Monday night before leaving
for Great Falls, Montana for an
other job of shearing.
Ralph Benefiel left Tuesday for
Fishtrap, Wash., where he has ob
tained steady employment for the
summer and coming year.
Mrs. Elroy Lamoreaux and son
Raymond and Miss Margaret Al-
en were Pendleton visitors Wed
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brace were
visiting their daughter Florene at
The Dalles hospital Thursday.
Frank Benefiel who has been vis
iting the Chas. Benefiel family left
for Wasco Saturday.
Ruth Leicht, one of our promin
ent 4-H club girls, is attending the
two weeks session of summer
school at Corvallis. Letters to the
ome folks from Ruth report a
wonderful time.
Mrs. Ashbaugh from Yakima,
visited her nephew and family, Mr.
nd Mrs. R. V. Jones, Friday and
Mrs. Robert Smith and Kathryn
Olday of Stanfleld, who is a guest
of Mrs. Smith, motored to Pendle
ton Tuesday night to attend the
State Grange convention. While
there Mrs. Smith had the misfor
tune to have a traveling bag full of
valuable clothing stolen from her
car. The thief was not apprehend
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leicht, Mrs.
. C. Houghton, Mrs. Fred Mark-
ham and Mrs W. C. Isom attended
the State Grange convention at
Pendleton Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Jones and
family motored to Pendeton Sun
day to attend the circus.
Batie Rand took a bus load of
Irrigon folks to the circus Sunday.
Department of the Interior, V. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
June 17, 1933.
NOTICE is hereby given that Lloyd
Matteson of Heppner, Oregon, who-, on
July 20, 1928, made Homestead Entry
Oregon Seed Crops Vital
Farm Adjustment Move
A prospective demand for mil
lions of pounds of crested wheat
grass seed, which can be raised in
eastern Oregon, to be used on land
taken out of wheat production
through operation of the new fed
eral adjustment act, is foreseen by
h. K. Jackman, extension agrono
mist at Oregon State college.
For western Oregon Jackman
forsees an almost equally stlmulat"
ed demand for the seed crops
grown there, such as the clovers,
vetcnes and various other grass
"If the administration decides to
try to effect a reduction of 20 per
cent in wheat acreage, as has been
suggested, that will mean some
300,000 acres in the Columbia basin
aione, for which the only possibil
Ity In the long run would be seed
ing down to grass." Jackman
points out. "The only grass possl
bility is crested wheat grass, which
has proved itself so wonderfully In
the few years since its introduction
throughout eastern Oregon by the
experiment station and extension
"The same statement applies to
much of the wheat belt of Kansas,
Nebraska, the Dakotas, Oklahoma
Texas and the Intel-mountain and
Pacific Northwest states, It seems
safe to predict then that we will
have a demand for crested wheat
grass seed far In excess of the sup
ply. it is doubtful If more than
iou.uuu pounds or tnis seed was
produced In the United States last
year. It would require 3,000,000
pounds to seed the 300,000 acres in
the Columbia basin alone, using 10
pounds to the acre.
"Of course there will be other
uses made of the same land, an
even if seeded to forage crops, not
all will go into crested wheat grass
but the fact remains that If pres
ent plans continue there will be
heavy demand for years to come
which every county in eastern Ore-
It is bad business to put off
Insurance Counselor
Office 1 block south of court house
Trade and Employment
(Printed without charge.
continued on notice.)
For Trade Full blood white belt
ed male hog; will trade for male
pig of same breed at weaning time,
Harry French, Hardman. Ore.
Weanling pigs for trade.
Higglns, Lena, Ore.
The famous Mayo Clinic, Roch
ester, Minn., Harvey S. Fire
stone, Arabian Horse Ranch of
Pomona, Cal., owned by W. K.
Kellogg, all use
Will not stain drapes or rugs,
pleasant odor.
For economy's sake, bring your
container to the house or have
it ready when I cal.
Tint 25c, Quart 45c, 1-2 gal. 75c
gallon $1.25
J. C. HARDING, Watklns Dealer
Electric Cooking is
ool9 (Clean3
Electric cooking is a summer blessing there is no
stifling kitchen heat. And electric cooking is clean as
sunshine. There are no blackened pots and pans
kitchen walls and ceiling keep fresh and bright.
Electric cooking is automatic. There is no basting,
stirring, watching. Dinners take minutes instead of
hours to prepare. You simply put the meal in the
oven, set the timer and leare home if you wish, with
the assurance that there will be a completely cooked
and delicious meal awaiting your return.
Fresh and Cured
Butterfat, Turkeys, Chickens
bought for SWIFT & CO.
Phone us for market prices
at all times.
Phone 82
1 1
You may buy on
convenient terms
The new 1933
A beautiful table top range,
cooking units at left, work space
at right, with convenient height,
heat-insulated, automatically con
trolled oven. Smokelest broiler
pan. Has utility drawer and
warming compartment with sepa
rate electrio heating unit. Two
tone porcelain enamel, Ivory and
Colonial Buff finish, with atain
less porcelain enamel top. lias
money saving Thrift Cooker. Can
be equipped with Hi-Speed Cal
rod or open type units.
Pacific Power & Light Company
"Always at your Service!"
To Trade Hotpolnt electric
range, slightly used, for what have
you. Mrs. Eph Eskeison, city.
2-man Deering combine with mo
tor to trade for cattle, sheep or
hogs. Troy Bogard, Heppner.
To trade Electric range, nearly
new, for what have you. O. T. Fer
guson, Heppner.
To trade Gasoline engine and
water pump, also .32 Remington
automatic rifle. Max Schultz,
Heppner, Ore.
To trade Cream separator and
automobiles for sheep. O. T. Fer
guson, Heppner.
To trade Wagon for wood. Wtr
ner Rietmann, lone.
Will trade fresh Holsteln cow for
grain drill. Nick Faler, Boardman,
To trade Jersey bull for another
Jersey bull. Must be from high pro
ducing stock. Q. E. Aldrlch, Irri
gon, Ore.
For Trade 2 Chester White
boars ready for service, for pigs.
wheat, or what have you. Ralph
Butler, Willows, Ore., Ewlng sta
Will trade gasoline washing ma
chine motor for a portable type
writer. Also will trade thorough
bred Jersey cow for anything I can
use. Beulah B. Nichols, Lexington
To trade Jacks for mules; take
and pay in mules when raised; or
any other stock I can use, B. F.
Swaggart, Lexington.
To Trade Purebred Jersey heif
er, fresh. Ray Beezeley, lone.
To Trade Bearded barley for
cows. Frank Munkers, Lexington.
Trade Purebred aged Jersey bull
for young Jersey bull. E. T. Mes-
senger, Boardman, Ore.
Hay chopper to trade for wheat.
D. A. Wilson, city.
Majestic range to trade for what
have you. See D. E. Oilman, city.
Any Kind of Cemetery Work
Write for Prioes or Appointments
We have just the
right things for that
Sunday Dinner
at home or in the mountains
W- O. Dix Grocery
"Quality Always Higher Than Price"
W. 0. DIX, Proprietor
June 30, July 1,2, 3,4
Returning July 7
(Horn by midnight that date)
For information about
these over-the-holiday
fares, call on or address
union Msmc
Headquarters for
Canned Foods
lis, Minn., where sue "