Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 08, 1933, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(Comtr.ueJ frvsra First P
Mrs. Alice returned to camp
with them to srond a. few dav
Several members of Locust chap
ter, O. E. S., Journeyed to Arling
ton Friday night to be present at
the surprise given Mrs. Lena Snell
inline by jasmine chapter of Ar
nngion. Mrs. Shurte will be re
membered as a former county
scnooi superintendent of Morrow
county. She makes her home at
present with a sister in Arlintrfnn
The surprise was well planned and
carnea out and the occasion Is one
that will be long remembered by
those attending. Going down from
lone were Mrs. Bert Mason, Mr. and
airs. Dwight Misner, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Feldman, Mrs. A. A. McCabe.
Mrs. Willard Blake, Mrs. Fred Man-
kin and George Ely,
.mis. wiiiard iJiake acted as
hostess for the Snoinl nlnh nf tha
O. E. S. at Masonic hall Tuesday
afternoon. A number of ladies met
to work on the quilt which the club
is making. Refreshments were
served after the afternoon's work
was Bnished.
The lone baseball team met an
other defeat at Condon Sunday.
They were beat 23 to 21. Judging
Dy uie score one Ian said he did
not see how the boys could have
run so far in the length of time
tney were gone from lone.
A no-host dinner was given at the
Bert Mason home Sunday. Present
were Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ward, Mr.
and Mrs. Werner Rietmann, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Bergevin and Mr.
and Mrs, Bert Mason.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dudley of
Athena were Sunday visitors at the
Lee Beckner home.
Charlotte McCabe spent a few
days with Alice Patterson at the
Mankin ranch the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parsons of
Milton were Tuesday guests at the
H. O. Ely home. Mrs. Parsons is
a school friend of Mrs. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin had a
dinner party followed by bridge on
Saturday evening. Guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Beckner and Mr. and
Mrs. Werner Rietmann. High score
was won by Mr. and Mrs. Bergevin
and low by Mr. and Mrs. Beckner.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Stefan! and son
were visitors in Portland over the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin were
transacting business in Pendleton
Miss Margaret Ely and Mrs. Wal
lace Matthews gave a birthday din
ner for their mother, Mrs. H. O. Ely,
Sunday. All of Mrs. Ely's children
and their families were present, as
well as her father, W. G. Palmateer.
(Continued from First Page)
Orville Cutsforth and children, Mr.
and Mrs. Archie Nichols and son
Eillie, Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Ruhl,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunt and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hunt and son
Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shaw and
sons and Merritt Gray.
Miss Lucille Hill of Portland is
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Hunt
Mrs. Etta C. Hunt who has been
visiting relatives here and at Hepp
ner for the past few weeks return
ed to her home in Portland Tues
day, going down on the stage.
During the past two weeks of
warmer weather the wheat around
Lexington has progressed rapidly.
At present the prospects seem good
for a bumper crop if the weather
remains favorable.
Ralph Leach spent the week end
with relatives in Pendleton.
Miss Alice Palmer who taught in
the schools at Cascade Locks dur
ing the past year has returned to
Lexington and will spend the sum
mer at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Palmer.
Lexington and vicinity was visit
ed by a dust storm Friday after
noon. Late in the afternoon, how
ever, there was a light sprinkling
of rain which settled the dust
Garland Thompson left Sunday B Ma '
for an extended visit with his par
ents at tima, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Raich Scott and
. .. . . " ' oievensor
family Went to La OranrlB ITrMov ..
They were accompanied bp Mrs. W. p Fisk
o. i ucKer ana daughter Wilma who Mathews r
are spending the week visiting with
jmts. lucKers daughter, Mrs. Paul
DeF. Mortimore and the Misses
Irene and Elsie Tucker.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester White re
turned Monday afternoon from a
two weeks trip to Idaho Falls. Mrs.
White's mother, Mrs. Golda Leath
ers, who went with them remained
ior a longer visit.
Mrs. Henry Rauch is ill at her
home here. A physicion was called
irom Heppner Sunday to attend
Mrs. Julia Cypert of Everett, Wn.,
is spending the week with her
brother, T. L. Barnett She visit
ed at the W. F. Barnett home over
Saturday and Sunday.
The school board held a meeting
Monday evening to make up the
budget for next year.
Mrs. Galey Johnson received word
Sunday of the death of her broth
er, Clarence Hendricks, at his home
in Marionville, Mo., Saturday night.
Mrs. Sarah While of Lexington
and her son, Gerald White, of Her
miston, spent the week end with
her daughter, Mrs. Lee Gilbraeth,
at Dayton, Wash.
Mrs. Lawrence Beach left Thurs
day morning with her mother and
brothers for a trip to Portland and
Mr. and Mrs. James Leach, Mrs.
Minnie Leach and Miss Opal Leach
spent Sunday In Hermiston.
Mrs. Neil White left Tuesday for
Ukiah to Join Mr. White and Vivian
who went over last week. They
will spend the summer at Ukiah
but plan to return to Lexington
when school opens in September.
Edward Burohell, freshman at
Oregon State college, writes home
that he has received his baseball
Wayne and Jack McMillan, Ver
non and Kenneth Warner and Geo.
Broadley have gone to the moun
tains to cut wood.
Allotment Plan Proposed
For Early Use on Wheat
Additional preliminary work
which included further appoint
ments and some informal advance
hearings with representatives of the
various commodity groups, marked
the progress made this past week
in getting the new federal farm act
into effect, according to a review
of information received direct from
Washington made by the Oregon
Extension service.
Probably the most significant
event to Oregon farmers is the out
come of the preliminary conference
of representatives of the nation's
wheat industry which was presided
over by M. L. Wilson, wheat pro
duction administrator. Reports
from that meeting are that there is
considerable likelihood that the do-
At Heppner
JOEL R. BENTON, Minister.
Mrs. J. O. Turner, Director of Music.
Bible School 9:45 A. M
Morning Worship 11 o'clock
Senior and Junior C E. .. 7:00 P M
Evening Worship 8:00 o'clock
Church Night Thursday at 8:00 P. M.
Against Our Own Holp
"It is thy destruction, O Isreal,
that thou art against Me, against
thy help."
What sheer witlessnesa If wnulH
have been if, during the World War,
tne British and French and Ameri
can and other allied armies had
turned their guns upon each other
... . " , ana naa gone to lightiner amonr
mestic allotment nlnn na sffulinir ' uu t""un0
. . . . . r r -"--""e uiemseives. uermany would verv
eMrn.rU lf!? '"Si! "on ave won such I war as toaT
Though the farm act administra
tion has been firm in emphasizing
mat it is not yet committed to any
fhertivo!untPr:ndthe ' Shteousness; YET, how often we
l6n SVrl0?.6!?! "e 80 '-h stand AGAINST
the Fa; sNatnaVc Uf Evenly allies, and do all we
the Farmers National Grain enmnr
ation, were given prominence in re.
ports of this informal hearing.
Thatcher proposed that payments
to farmers be made this season on
agreement to reduce fall wheat ac
reage for the 1934 croD. and that a
piocessing tax to finance such pay
ments be effective August 1. .
Should this proposal be adopted
it would mean that farmers hn
would agree to reduce acreage to
uie ueiermmea amount would be
given advance benefit payments
from the special fund provided in
the bill in advance of the collwtinn
of enough processing tax money to
finance the plan that early. This
was part of the advance plan of
sponsors of the bill who felt ttiot
the stimulus of increosed farm
purchasing power should precede
me conecuon or tne processing tax.
The theory on which the dnmm.
tic allotment plan is based is that
it is necessary to reduce wheat pro
duction in this countrv to a i
equal to the domestic demand plus
cne proDaDie export outlet Without
some machinery to insure ironoroi
adherence to such a reduction plan
it cannot be put into effect except
through the long and painful pro
cess of survival of the fittest
The new farm act nroviriea ma.
chinery whereby the amount of
necessary reduction will be deter
mined and then each state
and finally each wheat grower will
oe auouea a snare in the neces
sary production based on past av
erage output
A farmer then will have tho nri-
portunity to agree to cut his acre
age down to the Dronosspd n
and in return will be paid enough
excess over the market price for
his remaining harvest to boost his
return per bushel to the pre-war
exchange value of wheat A farmer
wao reiusea 10 sign sucn an agree
ment would continue to receive
only tie general market price
which, as now, could be subject to
the influence of world conditions
Thus the plan is to bring about
acreage reduction by making it
profitable for farmers generally to
enter such voluntary agreements,
and unDrofitable for the "individ
ualist" to remain outside.
(Continued from First Page)
hard line drive, getting a badly in
jured finger in so doing.
Box score and summary:
H. Gentry, s 5 12 0
Robertson, c .
R. Gentry, p-2 .
Thomson, 1
Crawford, 1
Bucknum, 3
Hayes, m-r
R Massey, r-p
Ferguson, 2
.... 4
.. 4
. 3
. 3
. 4
... 3
Stevenson, p
...36 4 10 24 15 5
B. Fisk. 2
Wheelhouse, 1-3
Salline. 1
Farley, 3-1 4
farrish, m
0 12
1 2
Totals 37
Earned runs, Arlington
9 27 25
1. FTpnn.
ner 0; first base on balls off Stev
enson 2. off Gentrv 2: left nn haaoa
Heppner 8, Arlington 8; first base
on errors. neDDner j. at inptnn
home run, Pete Fisk; struck out by
Stevenson 9, by Gentry 1, by Mas-
sev 4: double nla Vft. Fislf -Ocrl lrr-
Wheelhouse, Farley-B. Fisk-Wheel-
nouse; nit Dy pitcher, Robertson by
Stevenson. Umpires. Hart and
Glen Hayes: scorer. Clarence
And vet here in th wnrlH tiviov
is ranged on our side Omnipotence,
with all the hosts of heaven and
righteousness ready to fight for us
ajAii5T the forces of sin and un
can, apparently, to thwart God's
plans for our victory over the un
toward things of this life.
Surely this will be our destruc
tion, as it was the destruction of
Israel, if it continues. And what
else could we expect How quickly
and utterly we ought to turn from
such folly. And how quickly we
ought, all of us who have not al
ready done so, to enter in to that
wonderful alliance with Christ in
Christian living, which has been so
wonderfully provided for us. How
many fine men and women and
young folks of today are living
either tragically the wrong life, or
only at half their possibilities, be
cause they are leaving Christ out
of their lives.
Do you have a Church home? If
not, come and worship with us.
We invite you to come and test the
welcome of this friendly Church.
For the coming Lord's Day the
sermon topics will be: For the
morning service. "The Conditions
of Hope." For the evening service,
"Doing What Jesus Says."
The Womans Study club will hold
its annual picnic pot-luck supper
at the home of Mrs. J. F. T.ncna In
this city Monday, June 12, at 6:15
P m. ji,acn member is requested
to bring own table service. Coffee
will be furnished.
Trade and Employment
(Printed without charge.
continued on notice.)
Weanling pigs for trade.
Higgins, Lena, Ore.
Will trade wood, nosts or sheen
for 9-ft. hay rake. W. H. French,
To T rad e Hotpoint electric
range, slightly used, for what have
you. Mrs. Eph Eskelson, city.
2-man Deering combine with mo
tor ro trade tor cattle, sheep or
hogs. Troy Bogard, Heppner.
To trade Electric range, nearly
new, for what have you. O. T. Fer
guson, Heppner.
To trade Gasoline engine and
water pump, also .32 Remington
automatic rifle. Max Schultz,
Heppner, Ore.
To trade Cream separator and
automobiles for sheep. O. T. Fer
guson, Heppner.
To trade Good wood and coal
range. Mrs. Gerald Booher, city.
To trade Wagon for wood. Wtr
ner Rietmann, lone.
Will trade fresh Holstein cow for
grain drill. Nick Faler, Boardman,
To trade Jersey bull for another
Jersey bull. Must be from high pro
ducing stock. G. E. Aldrich, Irri
gon, Ore.
For Trade 2 Chester White
boars ready for service, for pigs,
wheat or what have you. Ralph
Butler, Willows, Ore., Ewing station.
A modern kitchen on wheels will
visit HenDner Fridav. June Ifith
during the afternoon and evening.
It is the General Electric Kitchen
coach, which will be brought here
by the Pacific Power & Light Co.,
distributors here for G. E. kitchen
appliances, by arrangement with
the General Electric Sunnlv rnmnr.
ation of Portland. Known as the
"Dream Kitchen." it is entilnneH
with all modern electric work sav
ing devices, such as electric refrig
erator, electric range, electric dish
washer, electric food mixer, venti
lating fan, builtin radio, electric
washer, ironer, novel lighting ar
rangement, metal sinks and scien
tifically arranged cabinets. A hmaU.
fast nook and kitchen desk also are
built In. Housewives will be in
vited to Inspect the noval kitchen
Will trade gasoline washine ma
chine motor for a portable type
writer. Also will trade thorough
bred Jersey cow for anything I can
use. Beulah B. Nichols, Lexington.
Mates Dual Pumose
Of Conservation Work
That the president's emergency
conservation work is a program of
man Duiiaing as well as forest build
ing. Is the cnoceDt of foresters nri
army officers In handilng the for
est camps. This policy is based on
the president's expressed views, as
set forth in his remarks to the con
gress asking for the adoption of his
recovery program, when he said, In
"This enterprise is an established
part of our national policy. It will
consereve our precious natural re
sources. It Will tiav dividend to
the present and future generations.
it win make improvements in na
tional and state domains urViloh
have been lareelv forcotten in thn
past few years of industrial devel
"More important hnwpver than
the material gains will be the moral
and spiritual value of such work.
The overwhelming majority of un
employed Americans, who are now
walking the streets and receiving
private or public relief, would ln-
nnueiy preter to work. We can
take a vast armv of these unem
ployed out into healthful surround
ings, we can eliminate to some ex
tent at least the threat that enforc
ed idleness brings to spiritual and
morai scatuuty. it is not a panacea
for all the unemployment, but it Is
an essential step in this emergen
In all plans for the hnndlino- nf
the emergency conservation work
in this region, man-rehabilitation
and forest conservation have been
given equal weight, according to
Regional Forester1 C. J. Buck.
"We are not coddling these boys, '
said Mr. Buck. "We expect them
to deliver a fair dav's work and in
contribute to the betterment and
security of the forests in which they
are working. We want to contrib
ute to their self-respect, and to give
them the wholesome outlook on life
that woodmanship brings. We want
to send them back to their homes
better men, mentally and physical
ly; and we hope they will carry
throughout their mature years a
love of the forest, and an active de
sire to help protect and perpetuate
this great national resource with
which they have been working,
our American forests."
MARY A. NOTSON. Reporter.
Everybody commends the govern
ment for its solicitude for the In
dians. They are the wards of the
government and should be protect
ee against any evil influence. How
much better is the Indian than the
boys and girls of the white people?
The government has ruled that 3.2
beer can not be sold to the Indians
on the reservations. But white boys
and girls are not protected from
this liquor.
Population and the number of
automobiles in relation to popula
tion considered, the number of au
tomobile accidents in Great Britain
te several times that of the United
States, and the authorities over
there attribute this situation to the
fact that intoxicating liquor is read
ily obtainable anywhere in England
and other parts of Great Britain.
Every motorist is warned to avoid
the use of intoxicating liquor of
fny kind when driving. Evidently,
prohibition is not so much of a fail
ure as our wet friends would have
us believe. No one who will give
serious thought to the question will
conclude that it will be safer on the
highways when intoxicating liquor
is more easily procured. The in
crease in automobile accidents in
Canada since "government control"
was adopted is amazing. Do you
want to increase the hazard of
traveling on the highways? If so,
vote for repeal of prohibition.
The old domineering attitude of
the liquor interests is again becom
ing manifest. The brewers want the
prohibition enforcement officials to
put a stop to homebrewing because
it is unfair competition to their bus
iness and they "pay taxes" on their
product. The wets succeeded in re
ducing the appropriation for prohi
bition enforcement, but they want
the Volstead Act enforced against
the homebrewer. However. It is
well to remember that the brewers
and retailers of beer do not pay the
taxes; they simply collect them off
the drinkers and turn the money
over to the government. In this
connection, it is also well to notice
that the homebew which contains
more than "one half of one per
cent" of alcohol is subject to the
revenue features of the law. In the
not remote past, the wets made a
great roar about the "one half of
one per cent" limitation, but when
they want to shut off competition
they draw the line at "one half of
one per cent" That is not surpris
ing for it was the old beer crowd
who first wrote that limit into the
law years and years before prohi
bition. The liquor crowd will soon be
trying to tell every officer from the
president down to the constable
that they want the officers to put a
stop to the illicit making of intoxi
cating liquor so as to protect them.
Those who are old enough to re
member the old days know how the
booze crowd thought they owned
the government and that every of
ficer was bound to do their bidding.
And they undertook to punish ev
ery ofilcer who did not follow their
dictation. Do you want a return of
such conditions? If so, vote for re
0. S. C. Campus Ready to
Welcome Four-H Clubbers
Four-H club boys and girls of
Oregon will flock to the Oregon
State college campus June 12 to
begin the round of instruction, rec
reation and general education that
makes up their annual two weeks
summer school. This will be the
nineteenth session.
The cost of board and room and
tuition for the two weeks has been
reduced this year to $12, which is
$1 less than last year and $3 less
than two years ago. Hundreds of
boys and girls will have their ex
penses paid through scholarships
won by them during the past year
ior outstanding work in their va
nous projects, while many others
will be sent as delegates from their
clubs and communities, and still
others will pay their own expenses
with money made in their club
As in the past, the clubbers will
live in the college dormitories the
hoys in the men's building and the
girls in Waldo hall. Beds and mat
tresses will be furnished, but mem
bers are expected to bring their own
bedding and towels, according to
H. C. Seymour, state club leader.
Girls will also do well to bring
bathing caps, tennis shoes, and gym
suits if possible, as well as sewing
equipment, including scissors, tape
line, thimble, needles and thread.
All members who play musical in
struments are urged to take them
The clubbers will spend their
mornings in laboratory and class
room work under the guidance of
members of the college faculty.
Several new courses will be offer
ed this year in response to requests
from club members and leaders,
and every effort has been made to
construct a well-rounded and prac-
Treasury Department, Office of
the Comptroller of the Currency,
Washington, D. C, March 16, 1933.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons who may have claims against
"The Frst National Bank of Hepp
ner," Oregon, that the same must
be presented to J. L. Gault, Receiv
er, with the legal proof thereof
within three months from this date
or they may be disallowed.
Acting Comptroller of the Currency.
Treasaury Department, Office of
the Comptroller of the Currency,
Washington, D. C, March 16, 1933.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons who may have claims against
"The Farmers and Stockgrowers
National Bank of Heppner," Ore
gon, that the same must be pre
sented to J. L. Gault, Receiver,
with the legal proof thereof within
three months from this date nr
they may be disallowed.
Acting Comptroller of the Currency
To trade Jacks for mules; take
and pay in mules when raised; or
any other stock I can use. B. F.
Swaggart, Lexington.
To Trader Purebred Jersey heif
er, fresh. Ray Beezeley, lone.
To Trade Bearded barley for
cows. Frank Munkers, Lexington.
Trade Purebred aged Jersey bull
for young Jersey bull. E. T. Mes
senger, Boardman, Ore.
Trade good Jersey cows or heif
ers for good saddle horses or work
horses. Give particulars. W. Vogel,
general delivery, Condon.
Hay chopper to trade for wheat.
D. A. Wilson, city.
Majestic range to trade for what
have you. See D. E. Gllman, city.
To trade Hampshire boar for
male hog. Wm, Kummerland, Lexington.
Chester White boar: will trade
for what have vou. Alsn 2-hnttnm
16-ln. adjustable P. & O. eanar nlow.
for milk cow. Sam Turner, Hepp
ner. ,
Lifa&mAmm'M'MAV .... . ftjQjl
To trade, lumber, roofing paper.
pipe, brick, etc., for what have
you? H. A. Schulz, Heppner.
Four head Guernsey heifers aired
about 20 months; missed out of pas
ture snortiy alter May 1st Re
ward. Notify Adam Blahm at
Heppner. 13-15p
TWO radio hattarv sats and throA
phonographs for trade. Max Schulz.
1929 Whippet 6 automobile, for
what have you? Mrs. Hilma An
derson, Heppner.
Warford transmission to trade
for 80-80 rifle. W. H. Tucker, Lexington,
SHOES the favorites
of two World Fairs owe their un
changing popularity to their
unchanging quality. The name
"Florsheim" on footwear has been
both promise and proof of money's
worth and more, $Q Most Stylet.
The Store of
Personal Service
son s
tical program of Instruction for the
boys and girls. The popular aner
noon assemblies will be continued
this year, as will the evening radio
programs and entertainments, anu
the hours of supervised sports.
Swimming tanks, tenis courts,
lounge rooms, and all campus fa
cilities will be open to the clubbers
to make their two weeks at college
both enjoyable and profitable.
FOR SALE Late type Monarch
wood-coal range. Like new and
priced about half the prsent figure.
Inquire Gazette Times-office.
FOR SALE Late type Monarch
wood-coal range; reasonable. In
quire at this office.
Try a Gazette Times Want Ad.
Any Kind of Cemetery Work
Write for Prloei or Appointments
Strawberry JELLY and JAM
always perfect if Watkin's Pure
Fruit Pectin is used. Remark
ably economical, too.
Scrip accepted at house also
J. C. HARDING, Watkins Dealer
Martin Redding, examiner of op
erators and chauffeurs, will be In
Heppner next Wednesday, June 14,
at the courthouse, between the
hours of 1 and 8 p. m., according
to announcement from the office of
Hal E. Hoss, secretary of state. All
those desiring permits or licenses to
drive cars are asked to get in touch
with Mr. Redding at this time.
For Sale General Electric radio,
slightly used. A bargain at $35.
Earl Bryant, phone 8F12. 12-13
Ever visited a "Poor Farm"?
Plan now to live comfortably In
your old age on the proceeds of
a policy.
Insurance Counselor
Fresh and Cured
Butterfat, Turkeys, Chickens
bought for SWDTT & CO.
Phone us for market prices
at all times.
Phone 82 IONE, ORE.
Prices Reduced
We are lowering prices on all our genuine IHC
American-made repairs from 10 to 20 percent
as an accommodation to our customers.
All Mowers, Rakes and Binders Reduced 10.
Get those weeds while thy are small with a
Rotary Rod Weeder: Cheney, Calkins, or In
ternational. We have an excellent stock of Oil, Grease,
Bolts, Hay Forks and Handles for harvest.
FLOUR as advanced and indica-
A vUi firm a if ia 1 m
Ci lb lij
still a good buy at, Per BBL.
BAR NONE Soap Powder
1 Glass tumbler FREE
Steam Refined BORAX Soap Pow- M
der, Glass cup and saucer FREE ..ft"U
2 CANS ZuC Sat Only
W O. Dix Grocery
"Quality Always Higher Than Price"
Headquarters for
Canned Foods