Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 08, 1933, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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W. H. French was In Heppner
yesterday, having just returned
from Portland where he underwent
a severe illness and operation at
Emanuel hospital. At one time dur
ing his illness it was necessary to
make a blood transfusion, and he
suffered for ten days steady with
hiccoughs, at which times his re
covery was despaired of. He says
he is a well man now, and though
not having entirely regained his
normal strength, he feels happy to
be able to look after his business
once more. He went out to his Blue
Mountain farm south of Hardman
yesterday evening.
Dr. John L. Marxer will be with
Dr. A. D. McMurdo for a time, while
Dr. McMurdo takes a jaunt or two
including the shoot-off match of the
Oregonian trapshooting tournament
at Klamath Falls, and the state con
vention of Lions International at
Roseburg, both to be held next
week. Dr. Marxer was with Dr.
McMurdo before, and since leaving
Heppner took postgraduate work in
New York city, including work at
the Bellevue and other leading New
York hospitals, and is now associat
ed with Dr. Joseph Wood in the
practice of medicine and surgery
in Portland.
To reach Eugene in time for the
graduation of their son, Vawter
Parker from the law department of
the University, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
S. Parker are leaving tomorrow.
They will be accompanied by Mrs.
E. R. Huston, who will have a visit
with her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Taylor. Re
turning to Portland early the com
ing week, Mrs. Parker and Mrs.
Huston will attend the meeting of
grand chapter, Order of Eastern
Star, and Mr. Parker will represent
Heppner Lodge No. 69 at the meet
ing of the Masonic grand lodge.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Parker, Mrs.
E. R. Huston, Mrs. Charles Cox and
Earl W. Gordon, local Eastern Star
lodge officers, attended a meeting
of Jasmine chapter at Arlington
last Friday evening, the occasion
honoring the birthday of Mrs. Lena
Snell Shurte, first matron of Jas
mine chapter, and now a member
of Ruth chapter of this city. Mrs.
Shurte, former superintendent of
Morrow county schools, is now a
resident of Arlington.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Wilson and
children motored to Wallowa Sat
urday in response to word of the
serious illness of Mrs. Wilson's
mother, Mrs. Jennie Elder, who had
suffered, a nervous breakdown. Mrs.
Elder accompanied them home on
Sunday. She had gone to Wallowa
last week with her son, George, to
help him with a cafe business which
he recently acquired there.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Merrill and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schwarz and
Billy Schwarz motored to Prine
ville last week, Mr. and Mrs. Mer
rill and Mr. and Mrs. Schwarz re
turning home Friday with a nice
catch of fish which the gentlemen
caught in Crooked river. Billy re
mained at Prineville to assist his
brother Leonard in the meat mar
ket. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Dix and
daughter, Miss Virginia, departed
Tuesday afternoon on a vacation
trip that will take them as far
south as Los Angeles, and possibly
into Mexico. They will be gone sev
eral weeks, and during their ab
sence the Dix Grocery will be in
charge of Harry Duncan and Dean
Goodman, Jr.
C. P. Manion and Vernon H
Galloway, special representatives of
Lions International, called at Hepp
ner yesterday and last evening
met with directors of the local club
at Hotel Heppner. Mr. Manion,
who organized the local Lions club,
is located In the northwest terri
tory while Mr. Galloway has offices
at the Chicago headquarters.
Marvin Wlghtman, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Wightman, has been un
dergoing a severe illness, the nature
of which is quite baffling, accord
ing to Mr. Wlghtman, though it has
the earmarks of Influenza. The ill
ness has prevented the young Mr.
Wlghtman from taking care of his
duties as scoutmaster for more than
a week.
Mrs. J. L. Gault has joined her
husband at Heppner, arriving on
Sunday from the home at Corvallis.
She was met in Portland by Mr.
Gault and they drove to Heppner
Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gault are
domiciled In the Jones apartments.
Charles W. Smith, county agent,
and Paul M, Gemmell motored to
Union the last of the week to take
in the sessions of the Eastern Ore
gon Cattle and Horse Raisers asso
ciation meeting in convention there.
Hugh Snider and family made a
visit to La Grande Monday, return
ing Tuesday. They were accompan
ied home by Mrs. John Turner of
Pendleton, who is making a short
visit with relatives over this way.
Neva Bleakman, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Bleakman of Hard
man, underweent an operation at a
local hospital Monday for a bursted
appendix, and is reportetd to be
making good recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Kendall of
Pilot Rock visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Parker in this
city Saturday, on their way home
from a visit to their son residing
In southern Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Babs and
son Norman were guests at the
home of Mrs. Bonnie Cochran last
week while Mr. Babs was employed
In building an annex for Mrs. Agnes
C. H. Latourell, local automobile
dealer, was In Portland over the
week end, looking after business.
He went to the city Friday after
noon and was accompanied by J. L.
David Chlnn had the misfortune
to completely sever the thumb at
the first joint from his left hand
with an axe while chopping wood
at tho Elkhorn restaurant yester
FOR SALE 1928 Model W Case
fiiusiae combine, 16-rt. cut, with
Helix Bulking attachment. This
machine has only run two seasons.
1927 Model W. Case Hillside Com
bine, 16Va-ft. cut; sacking attach
ment. 1927 Model W. Case Hillside
Combine, 16-ft. cut, sacking at
tachment 1928 Model No. 7 Inter
national Hillside Combine, 16-ft.
cut The prices on the above com
bines are priced to sell. If you need
harvesting machinery it will pay
you to look them over. L. Van Mar
ter, Heppner. 13-tf.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Menegat came
up from Scappoose, where Mr. Men
egat just finished the school year as
principal of the school, and are vis
iting relatives and friends here and
at Hardman this week. Mr. Mene
gat was principal of the local high
school for two years.
Vernon Jones of Irrigon, who
grows produce on the project and
helps supply the local market, was
a visitor here yesterday. Prospects
are favorable, for a good melon
crop, he says.
Tho Methodist missionary society
will hold its June meeting Wednes
day afternoon, June 14, at 2:30 o'
clock at the home of Mrs. J. D.
For Sale 235 black-face lambs,
born Jan. and Feb.; 350 ewes from
1 to 5 yrs. old; 4 reg. black-face
bucks, 2 2-yr. olds and 2 4-yr. olds.
W. H. French, Hardman. 13tf
Enjoy your vacation. Will take
entire charge of home and children
by day-week-month-hour. Reliable,
reasonable. Mrs. Bonnie Cochran.
A. C. Houghton, secretary of the
West Extension Irrigation district,
was up from Irrigon yesterday
transacting business.
Kathleen Furlong, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Furlong, suffer
ed an attack of appendicitis this
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jones spent
Wednesday in Pendleton where Mr.
Jones was called on matters of bus
The son of Mr. and Mrs. George
Hinton underwent an operation for
appendicitis at a local hospital today.
Mrs. Ed Farnsworth was taken to
a local hospital yesterday suffering
an attack of influenza-pneumonia.
For Sale Broke horses; will dis
pose of 5 or 6; good work stock.
Cleve Van Schoiack, Heppner. 13-2
Man and wife wanted to cook on
farm. Call before coming out. "W.
H. French, Hardman.
John Edwards is undergoing an
operation for appendicitis at a lo
cal hospital today.
The Bryce Dillabough sedan was
wrecked and Sonny Dillabough and
Donna Rands received slight cuts
on the head Saturday evening when
the trailer of a large gas truck hit
the sedan. The accident occurred
west of Tom's camp when the Dil
labough car was parked to one side
of the highway and a fast travel
ing car and the gas truck met and
passed beside the parked car. The
rear end of the trailer struck the
Dillabough car, badly smashing the
left side of it A piece of glass cut
Sonny s forehead and he was taken
to Hermiston to the doctor. Donna
received a small cut on the back of
her head. Mrs. Dillabough, the only
other occupant of the car, was not
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gorham and
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Blayden motored
to Hermiston Saturday evening
where they attended a dance.
Mrs. S. C. Russell and son Vernon
returned home Friday from a two
week's vacation with relatives In
Idaho. Mrs. Russell's niece, Miss
Lelia Conyers, returned with them.
Miss Dorothy Beers remained in
Cascade, Idaho.
The Boardman Athletic club base
ball team defeated the Pine City
team in a game played at Pine City
Sunday. The score was 6-2. Only
seven innings were played because
of the wind and dust storm.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cox and fam
ily of Pasco spent the week end in
Boardman. Dale, their oldest son,
went on to Arlington Sunday where
ho will be employed on the high
way crew.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Blayden of
Spokane are visiting at the Geo.
Blayden home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berger and
children, Bobby and Faye, of Mad
ras are visiting this week at the
Chas. Dillon home.
Mrs. Ray Brown and Katherine,
Mrs. Bryce Dillabough and L. E.
Marschat were visitors in Portland
several days last week.
The state examiner for drivers'
and chauffeurs' licenses was in
town Friday when many people
took their examination before the
raise in the fee.
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Root spent
Sunday with relatives in Umatilla.
Mrs. Bullock, Mrs. Shell's sister,
was a visitor In Boardman last
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barlow and
Chloe were visitors in the county
seat Thursday.
Harold Craber and George Agee
of Willow creek were In town Fri
day. Bill Ayers served on the grand
Jury in Heppner last week.
John Steelhammer, teacher of
the Beventh and eighth grades in
the local schools for the past two
years, left last Wednesday for his
home In Sllverton. He expects to
attend the University of Oregon at
juugene mis rail.
The school election will be held
Monday afternoon, June 19, at 2
oclock in the school auditorium,
when one director to serve for a
term of three years and a clerk to
serve for one year will be elected,
Ray Barlow and father, J. F. Bar
low were business visitors In Hepp
ner Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barlow, Ver
non Root and Echo Coats motored
to Corvallis Wednesday. They re
turned to Boardman Sunday bring
ing Barlow's household goods with
them. Thev will make their home
in town while Mr. Barlow is work
ing on the Davis ranch.
Junior Davis of Umatilla spent
last week in Boardman with his
friend, Allan Chaffee.
Miss Mary Healy of The Dalles
spent the week end in Boardman
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Emmet Ayers of Heppner was a
visitor in Boardman last Friday.
Mrs. A. E. Porter and son Arthur
spent Wednesday in Arlington, vis
iting at the Hubert and Lowell Spa
gle homes.
Mrs. John Davles returned to her
home in Portland last week, after
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dillon, for sev
eral weeks.
Many of the farmers cut their
first crop of hay last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cramer, Fran
cis Titus and Basil Cramer left Fri
day for central Oregon where Mr.
Cramer will shear sheep and Mrs.
Cramer and the boys will enjoy the
camping trip.
The Bible school will be held In
the afternoon Instead of the morn
ing as previously announced. The
school will open June 12, Monday,
and will continue during the week.
Several people have donated their
cars and will bring the children
to the Bible school.
Miss Catherine Berger and broth
er Richard visited this week with
friends in Boardman. Miss Berger.
a graduate of the Boardman high
school, has taught the 3rd and 4th
grades in the school at Sandy and
has been reelected to teach there
next year.
Miss Elizabeth Marshal of Con
don has been elected to teach the
3rd and 4th grades in the Board
man school and Miss Lucia Jenkins
will teach the 5th and 6th. Miss
Juanita Leathers who was formerly
elected to teach the 5th and 3t'i
grades will remain in the Heppner
Greenfield Grange will present
the 5th degree tableaux at the
State Grange meeting in Pendleton
which convenes June 13th. Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Ransier are the delegates
from this grange with Mrs. Bryce
Dillabough as alternate.
Last week the school board of
District No. 25 issued the spring
call for warrants and this week
paid them, the total being $9,566.79.
Mrs. H. E. Waite returned home
Tuesday from Portland.
Miss Mary Chaffee left Friday for
Eugene where she will be employed.
Billy Price is spending the sum
mer at the home of his grandpar
ents in Portland.
Paul Hatch was a business visit
or in Irrigon Saturday.
Mrs. Idella Harnden and son El
mer motored to Arlington Saturday
Ed Sauders bought the land east
of his place last week, when it was
sold for taxes.
Rhea Creek Grange.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buschke have
departed for Elgin where they will
make their home.
Mrs. Cora Young and daughter
Donna Lee and Mrs. Earl George
and daughters Shirley and Audrey
accompanied by Aubrey Shaver
were week-end visitors from Port
land and Salem at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Clive Huston.
Mrs. Charley Becket and two
aaughters, Norma Jean and Flor
ence, spent last week visiting rela
tives in Fossil.
Mrs. R. E. Allstott underwent
a major operation at The Dalles
hospital last Monday. Word re
ceived from there states that she is
doing nicely following the opera
tion. Charley Becket and daughter,
Norma Jean, acompanied by Theo
dore Anderson, motored to Portland
and spent a few days visiting at the
home of J. W. Becket.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Olden and
Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Dobyns took a
short vacation trip to Spokane and
way points last week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Robison have
moved to their mountain ranch to
spend the summer.
Thomas Phillips, small son of Dr.
and Mrs. Ben Phillips of Portland,
has come to Bpend the summer with
ED CH3NN, Prop.
his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
Claud Huston.
Walter and Lawrence Becket left
Saturday to spend a week visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Becket in
Oscar Keithley left Saturday for
Maryhill, Wash., to visit his son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Keithley.
Mr. and Mrs. William Stilger and
eon, Marshal Sleeman, were visit
ors from Portland at Clive Huston's
last week.
There will be a dance at Rhea
Creek Grange hall Saturday, June
17, with Bud's Jazz Gang playing.
The Rhea Creek H. E. club met
at the hall last Thursday with sev
eral of the ladies present. They fin
ished quilting a quilt they have been
working on for some time. Mrs. O.
E. Wright, chairman of the club,
was able to be back in the chair
again. Mrs. Wright has been ab
sent for some time recovering from
a severe illness. A change of sup
per committees for the dances was
decided upon and a new committee
was named by the chairman.
The regular meeting of the Rhea
Creek Grange was held last Sunday
with a rather small crowd in at
tendance. It was decided at this
meeting to enlarge the hall to take
care of the immense crowds coming
to the dances. Plans have been
drawn and approved by the Grange
for the change. On Thursday all
Grangers have been asked to come
to the hall and help make the al
terations. A basket or pot luck
lunch will be served at noon.
Sven Westalund, a cousin of Olaf
and Eric Bergstrom, has been visit
ing here. The Messrs. Bergstrom
hadn't seen him since they were
eleven years old. Naturally it was
n joy and surprise to see him again.
(B.IE. Meftrigeratoir
today's LtfDW Prices
Today's low prices repre
sent the greatest values
General Electric has ever
offered. With all com
modity costs advancing
there is a strong proba
bility of higher prices
soon. Remember that
every G. E. Refrigerator
is guaranteed free from
mechanical failure for
four long years. The
simple mechanism is
sealed in the famous
Monitor top, permanent
ly oiled safe from air,
moisture and dirt. Cabi
nets are all steel porce
lain lined easy to clean
broom-room beneath.
Pacific Power & Light Company
"Always at your Servicel
from $99.50 UP
Enjoy General Electric convenience
and economy now! You'll find a
model to suit your needs at a price
you can afford to pay. From $99.50
up (F.O.B. Factory). You may buy
on convenient terms.
All General Fund Warrants of
Morrow County, Oregon, registered
on or before May 28th, 1933, will be
paid on presentation at the office of
the County Treasurer, on and after i 3t
June 15th, 1933, at which date in
terest on said warrants will cease.
Dated Heppner, Oregon, May 81,
County Treasurer.
Pare Cane, Extra Fine, Priced Low
16 LBS
The Nation'! Favorite Dessert
Full cream
Oregon Loaf
A coffee with 97
percent of the
caftein removed.
Highly concentra
ted fruit pectin.
. Best Food
Best Always
Highway or Satin Tip Best by Test
"Boaster to Consumer"
coffee is always freshest
AIRWAY, 3 Lbs. ... 65c
NOB HILL, 3 Lbs. . . 79c
DEPENDABLE, 2 Lbs. 55c
Maximum Brand in jars that can he used for
canning ,rui, 2-LB. JARS
The leading
2 Pkgs. .. 25c
Carton $1.23
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Cucumbers, 2 for 15c
Large, long, green
Oranges, 2 Doz. 29c
Fancy mediums
Grapefruit, 6 for 29c
Del Monte fancy
Golden Bantam
4 No. 2 Tins
Puritan brand, full 3-lb. tini priced below today's
wholesale market, g g LJJ TINS
Harmony, Cryatal White, P. & G. Priced Low.
Savings for FRL, SAT., MON., June 9-10-11, Incl.
May 29, 1933
There is some doubt that people care to hear very much about what
goes on under the hoods of their cars. .,,aT, -i. thev
The driver knows that "driving qualities" are not "
are put there. Ho. the .anuracturer oreates or evolves th se esu ts
ay Hot interest-hlm. He judges entirely by the results he gets in
Tn. it is not essential to talk "shop"; let us talk ?esu
runs with surpassing smoothness, due to its design
methods of its manufacture. drive
Power There it is, 75 horsepower (we could say 80) at the drive
power, mere ii x , , eieht to pull around, the mettle
shaft for the driver's use. With less weigni, xo v
of this car-its life-like response-is rather than
Economy, Our V-8 develops more a jal ring. but
anv car we have made. Mileage is partly a matter oi ia
average conditions the Ford V-B does 17 to 20 mi es a gal
Of course, car economy is not only a matter of fuel. Ford V
too, but it is also economical in the complete sense initial cost.
operation, maintenance. rnntributi0n The motor car must not
APPearance. This is woman s contnbu n; T y8 and you will not
only be useful, but also good-looking. View the
need our comment on its fine appearance.
Comfort. This also is woman's concern. In 30 years she cha g
motoraTTrom a wagon to a coach. Comfort is a ffeT sZit
numerous ingredients. There is no comfort without a quiet, e-o
running engine. We have all the other ingred en ts to o
taste, quality, ease, safety, roominess and convenience.