Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 01, 1933, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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--"-------- ....... ... ...i .........4
J. H. Helms visited Heppner Wei
nesday forenoon from the farm
south of Lexington. He is hiding
his phiz behind a luxuriant growth
of "brush these days, and his clos
est friends are scarcely able to rec
ognize him. Jim reports grain mak
ing a good growth now, and he
hopes for some profitable return
after having placed seed in the
ground three times for the one sea
son's crop.
Estey French and wife of Dayton
Ohio, were over-Sunday visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon W.
Briggs. Mr. French, -who Is a sec
ond cousin of Mrs. Briggs, has been
touring the northwest for the past
several weeks, and is now return
ing to his eastern home by way of
Spokane, near which city he ex
pected to stop for a short visit with
Millard French.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bloom depart
ed from Heppner Sunday evening,
going to Pendleton where the par
ents of Mrs. Bloom reside. Mr.
Bloom expected to go to Spokane
for a visit with his people and In a
couple of weeks will proceed to
Berkeley, Calif, where Mr. Bloom
will finish his work at the Univer
sity of California and get his mas
ter's degree. .
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stephen
son visited in Heppner over Me
morial Day at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Hayes, uncle and aunt
of Mr. Stephenson. "Steve," one of
Arlington's leading ball players,
was in the lineup for Heppner
against Pendleton in Tuesday's
Miss Madge Coppock' and Miss
Charlotte Woods, teachers during
the past year in Heppner high
school, departed Monday for Port
land. Miss Woods will join her peo
ple at McMinnville and Miss Cop
pock will journey on to Los Angeles
to remain for the summer months.
Mr. and Mrs. John Anglin and
daughter, Miss Rachel, departed on
Sunday for Yakima, where Mr.
Anglin has property interests to
look after. They will be gone for
the week. Anderson Hayes is help
ing Harlan Devin in the store dur
ing Mr. Anglin's absence.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Wells and son
Woodrow were over from Pendleton
for the services Memorial Day.
Woodrow gave a violin solo at the
morning program, and the friends
of the boy here are pleased to note
his remarkable advancement in his
musical studies.
J. A. Adams was in town from
his Hardman home Wednesday,
having business to transact here.
He reports better weather condi
tions prevailing over the south end
of the county, with the result that
grain Is now beginning to grow
Guy Boyer came over from Mon
ument Monday to spend Memorial
Day at Heppner. He has been liv
ing at Monument for the past three
months, but his family still remains
at Eugene, where the oldest boy,
Donald, is attending the university.
T. J. Humphreys and daughter,
Miss Evelyn, departed on Monday
for Hillsboro, to be in that city for
Memorial Day. They expect to be
absent for a week or ten days. Bob
Benton accompanied them as far
as Portland.
August Anderson reports good
growing conditions for wheat In the
Gooseberry and Eight Mile sections
right now, with crop prospects im
proving day by day. He was look
ing after business affairs here to
day. J. E. Hams reported from the
Hardman section Wednesday, and
he believes that summer is now
here. It has been just around the
corner for some weeks. Vegetation
is now making a good showing.
Mr. arid Mrs. Walter LaDusire
came over from La Grnade Monday
evening to be here for Memorial
Day. They were accompanied from
Pendleton by Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Farnsworth
came up from their home at The
Dalles Monday, remaining over
Decoration Day and enjoying a visit
with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Pruitt Cox of Ore
gon City were in Heppner over Me
morial Day, visiting with Mr. Cox's
parents, James Cox, and other rel
atives and friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrow drove
up from Portland Monday and
Bpent a short time here decorating
the graves of departed relatives for
Memorial Day.
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec
ialist of Pendleton, will be at the
Heppner Hotel on Wednesday, June
7th, hours 10:00 a. m. to 5:30 p. m.
C. A. Houghton, secretary of West
Extension Irrigation district, was a
business visitor In Heppner Mon
day from his home at Irrigon.
Jack Stanfleld, wool buyer for a
Boston firm, was here on Wednes
day interviewing a number of local
The American Legion Auxiliary
will meet Tuesday evening, June 6,
at the home of Mrs. Raymond Fer
guson. D. A. Wilson, Ed Bennett and
Luke Blbby spent Decoration Day
on a fishing jaunt in central Oregon.
For Sale Used Thor electric
washer, in good condition; a bar
gain at $25 cash. Inquire this office
For Sale General Electric radio,
slightly uaed. A bargain at $35.
Earl Bryant, phone 8F12. 12-13
Be sure and see ad on last page.
Watkin's Products.
I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harris of
Park hotel at lone, were visitors
in Heppner Wednesday.
Lost Black spaniel pup, white
spot on chest. Finder return to
James Beamer.
Newspaper avertising is the buy
ing guide of millions of people.
For Sale Bed davenport; oak
dining table. A. Q. Thomson, lp
the proud parents of an 8-lb. son,
born Sunday at the A. P. Ayers
Bible 'itudy school will be held
In the community church starting
Monday morning, June 12, at 9:00
a. m. All children of school age
are urged to come. Rev. W. O. Mil
ler, local pastor, and Rev. Weible
of Pendleton, Sunday school mis
sionary, will have charge of the
The Ladies Aid are having an
auction sale in the church Friday
evening, June 2, starting at eight
o'clock. This sale will be similar
to a rummage sale except that the
articles will be auctioned off. Lunch
will be served at 5c a plate, later In
the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Stiles and daughter
have moved to Gibbons where he
will be the railroad signal main
tainer. Mr. Wolfe will be main
tainer at Boardman.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Marschat en
tertained at a 500 party Saturday
evening in honor of Miss Spike and
Miss Henry. Other guests were
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Macomber, Mr.
and Mrs. Bryce Dillabough, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J.
F. Gorham, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bar
low, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Rands,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mead, Mr. and
Mrs. W. O. King, Misses Katherine
and Mabel Brown, Eldon Wilson,
Deibert Johnson and John Steel-
hammer. Honors were accorded
Mrs. Rands, Bryce Dillabough, Miss
Henry and Ray Barlow. A lovely
lunch was served late in the eve
Vernon Root who has been at
tending the Decker Business colleee
in Portland returned home Satur
day where he will spend the sum
mer months with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. V. Root. He will re
turn to school again in the fall.
Basil Cramer came to Boardman
Saturday where he will stay during
tne summer vacation at the Earl
Cramer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Otto and
family motored to Portland last
week where Mrs. Otto expects to
undergo a goitre operation. Ken
neth Ran3ier is doing the chores
for Mr. Otto.
E. W. Peck and W. A. Price were
visitors in Portland last week.
Rev. and Mrs. C. M. Brown. Bar
ents of Mrs. Floyd Surface, left
Wednesday on a camping trip.
Miss Frances Spike of Echo and
Miss Ellen Henry of Estacada were
guests during the week end at the
L. E. Marschat home. Miss Spike
has been reelected to teach In The
Dalles high school and Miss Henry
will again teach at Estacada.
Mr. Gregg left Friday for Seattle
where his wife and two sons have
been during the winter months, the
Doys attending school. They will
return home with Mr. Gregg this
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bunch of Ar
lington spent Thursday evening at
the Y. P. Rutherford home.
Mr. and Mrs. Prueter were visit
ors In Hermiston Friday.
Jack Disbrow is herdine sheen
for John McNamee at Butter creek.
He expects to be there all summer.
Maxlne Mackan is visitine at the
T. O. Delano home this week.
Charles Smith, county aeent. and
Dr. Green, state veterinarian, were
In Boardman several days last
The Home Economics club will
hold a meeting Friday, June 9, at
the home of Mrs. Ray Brown. The
usual pot-luck dinner will be served.
The small son of Mr. and Mrs.
Chat Atteberry was ill several days
and was taken to Hermiston for
medical treatment.
Marvin Ransier is working this
week on the Glen Carpenter ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wickland-
er and family of La Grande visited
Sunday at the Bryce Dillaboueh
home. Lorraine Dillabough returned
to la urande with them where she
will visit for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Macomber of
Heppner and the former's mother
spent the week end in Boardman.
Mrs. J. E. Barlow returned to
Boardman Sunday after spending
the week with relatives in Condon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Arsdale
of Redmond visited Monday at the
Earl Cramer home and then mo
tored on to La Grande, accompan
ied by the latter's mother, Mrs. An
na Miller, who has been visiting
here the past two weeks. Mrs! Mil
ler plans to go to Redmond the
last of the week with Mr. and Mrs.
Van Arsdale when they return
Mr. and Mrs L. E. Marschat and
sons were dinner guests last Tues
day evening at the Lee Mead home
In Arlington.
Mrs. Anna Miller was a dinner
guest at the J. R. Johnson home
Mm H. E. Watts Is visiting this
week with her daughters at Port
land, Longvlew and Centralla.
While there she plans to attend
graduation exercises of three of her
grandchildren who finish high
school this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt and family
from near Pendleton have moved
to Messner where Mr. Hewitt Is
employed on the section.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mead and chil
dren of Arlington spent Saturday
with friends In Boardman.
Mr, and Mrs. Royal Rands mo
tored to Echo last week. Mrs,
Rands' mother, Mrs. Mary Hiatt,
returned home with them.
Jackie Johnson, who la staying at
Frank Cramer's, spent last week
with his sister, Mrs. Patterson, In
The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill LaLonde are
Mrs. Lena Bartness and son Jay
and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peterson
of Gridley, Cal, and Miss Doris Col-
well of San Francisco, made a short
visit with relatives and friends last
week. On Wednesday they mo
tored out to Burton valley, accom
panied by Mrs. Ella Bleakman and
visited at the home of Mrs. Ethel
McDaniel, Mrs. Bartmese being a
sister of Mrs. McDaniel. They left
Wednesday evening for Walla Wal
la where they will visit relatives.
Jim Miller came bark from Lone
Rock Friday where he has been at
work since the first of April. He
was accompanied by John Allen
who is visiting his aged mother,
Mrs. J. H. Allen.
Charlie Knighten was In town
Friday from his home near Three
Everett Harshman and Miss EI
ma McDaniel were united in mar
riage In Heppner Saturday, Joel R,
Benton officiating. Mr. Harshman
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvie
Harshman of the Hail Ridge dis
trict and Mrs. Harshman is the eld
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kin
nard McDaniel of this community.
We join in wishing them a long and
happy wedded life. Upon their ar
rival In town old and young des
cended upon them with an old time
charivari at the home of Mrs.
Harshman's aunt, Mrs. Alice Hast
ings, where they were invited in
by the groom and treated to candy,
nuts and cigars. The crowd then
repaired to the I. O. O. F. hall
where dancing was enjoyed by all
Music was furnished by Roy Ash-
baugh, Jim Stevens and Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bleakman
moved out Friday to the Tupper
ranger station where they will be
domiciled for the summer. Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Bleakman accom
panied them, returning Saturday
Mrs. Mildred McDaniel motored
to the Ed Musgrave ranch on Rhea
creek after her brother, Arlton Ste
vens, bringing him up to visit witn
his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B
F. Ensley who came up from their
home in Salem Sunday. On Mon
day they were accompanied to the
mountain home of Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Musgrave by Mrs. J. W. Stev
ens and daughters, Mrs. Mildred
McDaniel and Lois and son Arlton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ensley left Tuesday
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Stevens and daughter Lois for Col
fax and vicinity where they will
visit for a week with relatives with
whom Mrs. Stevens lived and spent
many happy days when a child.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Farrens and
daughter Murl and Mrs. Ethel Mc
Daniel were in town from Burton
Valley Friday buying vegetables off
the truck which makes a weekly
visit here from Freewater.
Shearing is well under way in this
locality and those having sheep to
shear are glad to see the warm
Mrs. Zoe Fisk, Mrs. Mary Mc
Daniel and Mrs. Lavelle Hams re
turned Saturday from Union where
they had gone to consult Mrs. Jes
sell. They report a very pleasant
trip and much benefit from their
treatments. Mrs. Fisk returned to
her home in Arlington Sunday.
Word has been received that W.
H. French is very ill, having suffer
ed a relapse. Mr. French has been
in a hospital for some time and It
was thought he was getting along
nicely but has recently taken a turn
for the worse.
Glenn Ball visited his wife at the
Hermiston hospital Monday. Mr.
and Mrs. Ball are the proud par
ents of a little girl born Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Houghten and
son Don were Heppner visitors
Wayne Caldwell went to Brew
ster, Wn., Monday to work for the
Northern Pacific company.
Mrs. Barnes is quite seriously ill
She Is suffering with high blood1
The ball game here Sunday be
tween irrigon and boardman re-
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom and son
Don motored to Pendleton Satur
day. suited in a score of 11-13 In Irri
gon's favor.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Markham
of Pendleton visited the home folks
Dock McCoy of Imbler is visiting
his brother Emmett McCoy.
Ruth, Edward and Francis Mark
ham are visiting relatives at La
J. A. Grabiel has been 111 the past
R. V. Jones motored to Pendle
ton with berries Saturday.
Rev. Grise, singing evangelis of
Idaho, will be at the community
church Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith vis
ited friends in Stanfleld Saturday
night i Miss Kathryn Olday return
ed with them for a few days' visit
Mrs. Minick left for a visit at
The Dalles Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan and family
visited friends here Saturday. They
were enroute to Nyssa where they
will make their home.
Mrs. Roscoe Williams went to
Walla Walla Monday to visit rela
tives. Frank Leicht purchased a new
Ford eight last Monday at the Her
miston Ford garage.
James Warner has been quite ill
with intestinal flu the past ten days.
W. L. Rutledge is suffering with
an attack of rheumatism.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom went to
Imbler Saturday to visit relatives.
They remained for Decoration Day
J. P. Conder gave an address at
the community church Sunday.
A commercial club was organized
Friday night.
0. S. C. Students to Make
Bus Trip to World Fair
A motor bus trip to the Chicago
world fair with most of their ex
penses paid in advance through
their own activities, is the unusual
experience to be begun the week of
June 5 by 18 students in agricul
tural engineering at Oregon State
college. -
This group started to work on
such a project more than a year
ago and last season cleared $300
raising a crop of field corn on rent
ed land near Corvallis. The Oliver
Farm Equipment company and the
Caterpillar tractor company have
added $100 each to the fund, which
with other cooperation permits the
month long trip to be made at a
cost of only $10 for each student
The students will be accompan
ied by two members of the staff,
W. J. Gilmore and Clyde Walker.
The party will go first to Purdue
university, in Indiana, to attend
the annual convention of the Amer
ican Society of Agricultural engin
eers, and will be at the world fair
during engineering week.
J. L. Gault, receiver for the First
National and Farmers and Stock
growers National banks of Hepp
ner, has announced that the time
for filing claims with these institu
tions ends June 23, and urges every
one having claims unfiled to make
proof of same at once.
Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F.
A. M., will hold regular com
munication Saturday evening, June
3rd, at Masonic hall. There will be
initiation as well as important bus
iness and all members are urged to
be present. L. L. Gilliam, W. M.
Notice is hereby given that all
warrants of School District No. 25,
of Boardman, Morrow County, Ore
gon, dated October 7, 1932, to March
24, 1933, both dates inclusive, num
bered 9 to 211, inclusive, will be paid
upon presentation to the clerk of
said district. Interest ceases on and
after June 6th, 1933.
MRS. M. L. MORGAN, Clerk,
12-lt Boarman, Oregon.
All General Fund Warrants of
Morrow County, Oregon, registered
on or before May 28th, 1933, will be
paid on presentation a', the office of
the County Treasurer, on and after
June 15th, 1933, at which date In
terest on said warrants will cease.
Dated Heppner, Oregon, May 31,
3t County Treasurer.
Family can enjoy 2-room hot I
apartments, private bath, frigld
aire, bedding, dishes, etc., 12 min
utes walk from city, $1.50 day, week
$9.00. 131 N. E. Union Ave. 2
blocks off Sandy. Free parking.
Jackson Hotel Apartments. 9-llp
Notice is hereby given that I will
not be responsible for bills contract
ed by my wife. Chas. Bookman,
Heppner, Ore.
FOR SALE Late type Monarch
wood-coal range; reasonable. In
quire at this office.
Local ads Id tne Gazette Times
bring results.
Commencement Program
Notable One at 0. S. C.
A notable program for alumni
and parents of graduating seniors
who go to Oregon State college for
the events of Commencement week
end June 2 to 5 has been announced
by officials of the college.
Highlights of the schedule Satur
day, June 3, will be alumni reunion
events centered around the silver
and golden jubilee classes of 1908
and 1883, the annual reception giv
en by Chancellor and Mrs. W. J.
Kerr to the graduating class, alum
ni and guests; and the alumni ban
quet at night to be addressed by
Chancellor Kerr who will explain
what the present system of higher
education offers the youth of this
Phi Kappa Phi initiation and al
umni breakfast will open the Sun
day program followed by Bacca
laureate service at which Dr. John
Haynes Holmes of New York City
will be the speaker.
The sixty-fourth annual gradua
tion exercises will be held Monday
morning at 10 o'clock when 486 de
grees will be conferred, including
53 masters' degrees. This is the
largest class of graduate students
to date. Speaker at the commence
ment eexercises will be Dr. Melvin
Gordon Neale, president of the Uni
versity of Idaho.
These prices sure save you mon
ey on quality Flour
49-LB. BAG
49-LB. BAG
: "BOASTER TO CONSUMES." We take pride In the fact that we can :
: aave you money on quality Coffee. :
! AIRWAY 3 LBS. 65c I
: XT"kTl TT TT T o T Tn tin -
AJ 4 A - W1J rLlL,Ll 3 LIDO. I C s
t)l.lU I DEPENDABLE 2 LBS. 55c
CRACKERS, Slightly salt- )Qr SALMON, Libby Sockeye, OCp
ed Snowflakes. 2-Lb. Ctn.AOC deep red. 2 TALL TINS VOX
Reds or Whites. Prices
advancing; buy now
r 59c
Salad Oil
Buy it in bulk and save
Per Qt 25c
Per. Gal. 89c
SALT, Morton's Shaker f fj SALAD DRESSING, Best Q4)n
Iodized. 2 CARTONS lit Food always. Per Qt. UV
Eastern corn fed Bacon.
Very delicoius
LB. ...
Blue Rose head Rice.
Extra fancy
8-0. Tin
BUNCH GOODS j Cake Flour
i LBS. .
I Candy Bars -i fin
I Assorted JLUVr
May 22. 1933
. I suppose that I may claim to be the first Ford Dealer I not only
made cars, but sold them and frequently delivered them myself.
The "drive away" is not new; often I have driven cars from Detroit
to towns in Ohio or Indiana or Michigan to make delivery.
There were no good roads in those days, and the people where I
drove had never seen a motor car before.
My first really enthusiastic customers were Country Doctors. They
were the first to realize the value of dependable transportation to a
widely scattered practice.
Even today I occasionally hear from some of those first Ford users.
We had to teach local mechanics how to care for the cars That
is how Ford Service began, which is now found everywhere in the world.
. We believed from the beginning that a sale does not complete our
transaction with our customer - it create . upon us ar i
to see that our customer's car gives him service, fora
their duty to the public in this respect.
I can say of Ford Dealers generally that they have been and are men
of character and standing in their communities. Most of them have
been with us many years, which indicates that we agree on basic
businlsl principLs. The Company provides that the methods used to sell
the Ford car are consistent with the self-respect of the Dealers
who handle it.
The present Ford V-8 is the peak of our 30 years experience.
We have never made a better car. Its eight-cylinder engine is
powerful and smooth running.. The car is admittedly very good looking
and has comfortable riding qualities. It is economical in
operation because of advanced engine design and low car weight.
It is the fastest, roomiest and most powerful car we have ever built.