PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1933. THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 30. 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY IS. 1912. Published every Thursday morning by VAWTER and SPBNCEB CRAWFORD and entered at the Post Office at Hepp- ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. ADVERTISES BATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear J2.00 Six-Months 1.00 Three Months .75 Single Copies .06 Official Paper for Morrow County BOARDMAN RACHEL. JOHNSON The community was grieved to hear of the death of Earl Olson, who passed away Tuesday evening in The Dalles hosDital. after beme injured in an auto mobile accident in Condon. At the tinie of the accident he was driving a state hiehwav truck when he saw a car rap idly approaching, and rather than crash into tne cor ne arove tne irucn over a bank, turning the truck over. He was badly mangled and burned from hot oil which poured on hira from the truck. He was immediately taken to The Dalles hospital where he passed away about seven hours after the acci dent. He is survived by his widow of Arlington, motner ana iatner oi ioara man, one brother Ray, and four sis ters. Mrs. Lester Uthey of Yakii.. Mrs. Pat Pattee of Condon and Alida and Nonne of Boardman. Funeral ser vices were held here at the community church Friday afternoon. Many out of lone, and the members of the highway town friends from Arlington. Condon. crew attended the funeral. Interment was made in the Boardman cemetery. a new ana amereni type ot graaua Uon exerecises were given for the se nior class in the school auditorium last Friday evening. The program includ es: uream oi ve, smngea ensem ble; Senior Fantasy (Theme, "Benefits of a High School Education) ; "Anchors A weigh," boys' glee club; processional, Mendelsohn, stringed ensemble; invo cation. Rev. W. O. Miller; senior mes sage, Mary Chaffee; "One Fleeting xiour, gins giee ciud; superintendents message, . Marscnat; Luiiabye, stringed ensemble: Dresentation of di Dlomas. Sunt. Marscnat: "The Rnaarv." Lois Messenger, Elsie Wilson, Vernon Partlow and Delbert Machan.. Class and honor day exercises were neia in tne scnoolhouse last Thursday afternoon. , Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mead and family and Miss May Smith and Miss Gladys Wilson of Arlington attended the grad uation exercises in the school Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rainville and Miss Peggy Rainville of Cayuse spent the week end in Boardman. Their two sons who have been staying at the L. W. Compton home returned home with mem. Ray Barlow and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Johnson and Rachel motored to Wasco Sunday where they spent Mothers' Day with Mr. Johnson's mother, who is eighty-four years old. Mrs. John Davies of Portland spent the week end at the home of her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dillon. The high school students and mem bers of the faculty enjoyed a picnic at tne greennouse last Wednesday eve nine. The members of the Home Econom ics club were entertained last Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Paul Smith. Mrs. Idella Harnden moved from the teachers' cottage this week to a house at (joyote wnere ner son is working. For the past two years Mrs. Harnden has boarded two of the teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Delano motored to Pendleton Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward McAlland at tended the funeral in Boardman last Friday and spent the reminder of the day with the former's mother, Mrs. Kunze. Mr. and Mrs. McAlland and son are making their home at Rufus at the present time where Mr. McAll and is employed on the highway. Mothers Day was observed in the community church Sunday morning. A program was given by the Ladles Aid. followed bv an address bv Rev. C. M. Brown. A delicious basket dinner was served at noon after which Rev. W. O. Miller conducted short services. Miss Mildred Messenger and Frank Mamel of The Dalles spent Sunday at the E. T. Messenger home. Mr. Absher of The Dalles was a Boardman visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Duean of La Cen ter, Wn.. spent the week end in Board- man wnere tney attenaea tne gradua tion exercises of their son Kenneth. Wayne and Kenneth Dugan who have been staying with Mrs. Eva Warner since tneir parents movea to a center, accomDanied them to their new home. Officers of Greenfield Grange motored to Lexington Saturday wnere tney at tended the grange council. A congenial crowd motored to Stan- field Sunday in a truck to attend the ball game. A picnic dinner was en Joyed before the game in the Stanneld camp park. The Boardman team won by a score of 13-6. Next Sunday the Irrigon team will play in Boardman. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Atteberry and son arrived In Boardman Saturday from In diana. They will make their home for a time at the Ves Atteberry home. Services are being held this week at the community church, at 8:00 p. m. Everyone is invited to attend. Rev. C. M. Brown and Rev. W. O. Miller are in charge. PINE CITY By OLETA NEILL Mr. and Mrs. John Healy and Mr., ari't Mrs. T. J. O'Brien attended the funeral of Mrs. Murtna at Condon Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Healy stayed with rela tives in Heppner Saturday night and returnea nome ounaay aiternoon. Minn Alma Neill. who has been vLa lng with Mrs. Neil Knighten at Hard man the past week, returned hnn. Saturday. Mrs. Knighten is spending this week with her mother, Mrs. Nora Moore, at the Neill ranch. E. B- Wattenburger left Friday for the John Day country to look after business interests tnere. The baseball game held at Irrigon Sunday between Irrigon and Pine t'lty ended in a victory for Pine City after playing 14 innings to play off a tie. Frank Helms was a business visitor in Hermlston Saturday. Mrs. Ollie Neill viBited with her niece Mrs. Roy Coxen near Hermlston Thurs- 'r. Ebsen of Alpine gave a dance Saturday evening. Those from Pine City attending were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee and daughter Evelyn, Fred and August Rauch. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mi chel, Mr. and Mrs. John Hasketet, Les ter Michel and Dick Carlson. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Neill and daughters moved to Pendleton Wed nesday. Mr. Neill was back on the creek Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger and Miss Alma Neill motored to lone Sun- "m. Nora Moore and daughter, Mrs. Neil Knighten were in Heppner Sun day visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers are the parents of a baby girl born Thursday night at Heppner. The baby has been named Juantta Mae. Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughters Oleta and Lenna were in Hermlston Satur day on business.. The Pine City grade school picnic is planned for this Thursday, but there is no definite place settled upon yet The Pine City high school held their picnic at Wallula Gap Friday. Four teen attended, some of the pupils re gaining at home. Miss Rose Lleb- brand. Lester Michel and Fred Rauch took the pupils to the Gap in their cars. Miss Neva Neill spent the week end with Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger while Mr. Wattenburger was away. Mrs. C. H Bartholomew spent Sat urday with her mother, Mrs. O. F. Th..ninenn Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill were busi-1 ness visitors in rieppner t riaay. iney visited relatives. Church was held Sunday evening at the Pine City auditorium. There was a good attendance. Rev. Sias of Lex ington delivered the sermon. Miss Ger trude Tlchenor sang a solo. Miss Elsie Strain and Floyd Van Ors dall of Pendleton visited Miss Strain's sister. Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger, Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Neill and son Ralph and Mrs. E. P. Jarmon attend ed the Mothers' Day services at the Christian church In Lexington Sunday. Mrs. Ritchie of Hermiston is staying with her son-in-law. C. H. Ayers while Mrs. Ayers is in Heppner. C. H. Bartholomew went to Portland Saturday morning with the Messrs Boylen. He returned home Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Morey are visiting thel. daughter. Mrs. Charlie Morehead, thi week. They arrived Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Omohundro and sons Edwin and Lewis and daughter Iris and Miss Rietha Howard attended the commencement exercises in Lexing ton Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger and son Earle were in Hermiston Sat urday. The members of Pine City's last yeir graduating class are planning a picnic for Tuesday, as it was a year ago that day that tney had such a lovely time on their Senior Sneak. Stan Atkin, principal of the Irrigon school, will ac company thent. Mr. Hixson, brother of Mrs. H. E. Young, will hold services at the Pine City auditorium beginning Tuesday evening at eight o'clock. These meet ings will be held every evening the rest of the week. C. H. Ayers an son Ray and Mrs. Ritchie visited Mrs. Ayers in Heppner Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bartholomew vis ited Mrs. Mary Bartholomew in Hepn ner Sunday. Mrs. James Omohundro and Mrs. Roy Omohundro and daughter Iris visited friends in Lexington Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Wigglesworth surprised Burl Wattenburger at his home Thurs day evening in honor of his birthday. Mrs. Nora Moore and son Guy am' Mrs. W. D. Neill and sons Ralph and Harold attended a play given Frldav evening in Heppner by the Degree of nonor loage. iWlUB ifUUrra Achievement Day Celebrated The Kitchen Queens cookery club, division II, held an achievement dav celebration recently at the John Stev ens home near Hardman, which was in honor of every club member having completed her year's work. All the mothers were invited and most of them were in attendance. Refreshments of vegetable salad, jello and sandwiches were served. All the recipes were taken from the club book. Club members and leaders agree that we have had a most enjoyable and successful club year, due no doubt to the fine cooper tion among members, leaders and par ents, and the efficiency of our club leader. Mrs. O. fi. Stenhona T.niiio Farrens, reporter. lone 4-H Club News Th TTirrV, Tnlt. 0.l w - . , fe wcwmg units met May 8th at the home of their leader ViuIb rilkanlra Tn. tl -'- wweiiiiw3. x ne kiiis were ail prM ent except Dorothy Brady. There were icn wiua given out ana new wnrlr naaicrnoft au I. ... . i school the meeting date was changed to Monday of every week instead of al ternate weeks, and will be at the home of Veda Eubanks. The girls decided in hHVA ft uHni vnoor rnj i f,Ma? ,15- The president appointed "CJ1 -iiiuaiiy miu ioroiny riowell to act as refreshment committee and El eanor Eubanks and Maxine McCurdy to act as entertainment committee. Sev eral visitors were present at the meet- ".Ti , lul-'ly jiuwen. reporter. THOMSON BROS. DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE IT'S AS SIMPLE AS A. B. C. W MMrtSK-J61?.!133 MONEY THREE WAYS IT KEEPS YOU HEALTHY, LASTS LONGER, COOKS BETTER. SATURDAY, MAY 20th MONDAY, MAY 22nd SnJrnviw ca SUPER SUDS KsUt! f hi Regular Size TIN . ,. .l lb Tin 34c 3 PACKAGES 26c FREE! FREE! GRAPE NUTS LA FRANCE BLUING "There'a a Thtm"Dozena ot WitA each purchase of 3 packages PACKAGE 1 7f 1 Package Regular size SATINA 11 "Tune in KOIN Tue., We., Thur.. . 2 p. m." WHiAMET BAND 2 PACKAGES 19c STRING BEANS 2's CAMPBELL'S CAN 1 1 0 TOMATO SOUP "Glows with Sunny Flavor" MELO WEST BRAND 3 CANS 23c PEARS 2-lb. Tin In Syrup. red dart brand can 1 6c SUG24i?tSEAS ked 'spot brand" CAN 14c PRUNES 214's. In Syrup. AMERICA'S OWN 2 CANS 21C Spring Clothes Pins our mother s 36 Pins to Package Pore All Occasion PACKAGE 15c COCOA 2-lb. Carton LESLIE SALT CARTON 20c Plain or Iodized. Full Size 2 lb. Round label good for 150 votes In H-D BRAND package:.!!!!::.. 9c T0MAiUICE H-D BRAND 3 CANS 25c JELL POWDER CALIFORNIA HOME BRAND Your choice Strawberry, Raspber- PATSTTP ry, Lemon, Mint, Loganberry, pine- v.fAOUA apple, Cherry, Orange, Grape or Large 18-oz. Bottle 5 PACKAOES 25c "0TTLE 19: H. DBRAND tiwatd PURE HONEY UUiAINO 6-ib. Tin 1 Can Large Slie Baked Beans TTN AQf 1 Can Large Site Brown Bread XJ1' tux, ALL FOR 33c fh swansdown -- BLEND FLOUR CAKE FLOUR 'gTp Mah Frlend" 9'lb 27 Times as Fine as Ordinary Flour PACKAGE 24c rumtord brand guf stream brand BAKING POWDER SH?JMP CA N 29c CAN IQc minute brand RfVRAY niTPd TAPIOCA nyjivxxv villi o Easy to prepare Requires no 20-Mule Team. Large Size soaking PACKAGE 29c 2 PACKAGES 25c IRRIGON MRS. W. C. ISOM. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Haynes of La Grande have purchased the Ellis place, 4 miles southwest of Irrigon and will take immediate possession. Mr. and-Jhlrs. C. Ellis will move( to Newport where they have pur chased a place. Howard Ellis, their only son, was a graduate from the eighth grade this year. Friends and classmates are sorry to lose the El lis family from our community. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Markham visited Thursday with the home folks leaving for Sand Hollow Fri day where Mr. Markham is engaged in shearing sheep. Batie Hand took a bus load of young folks to the show at Hermis ton Friday night. Transportation was furnished free to all who cared to go. Glenn Ball left for Portland Mon day to buy a truck body to use on his school bus frame during the summer months. E. Cogswell who was a business visitor here a few days left for Portland Saturday. He was accom panied by Bessie and Alice Wilson who were going to visit relatives for a few days. Calvin Allen of Plymouth, Wn., visited his mother, Mrs. Hugh Grimm, over Sunday. Fied Markham spent several davs last week at his home, leaving Fri day for Riverside to do some shear ing. Mrs. George Rand left Saturday for a three weeks' visit with friends and relatives at Portland and Med ford. Mr. and Mrs. Bradburn of Arling ton were Saturday night and .Sun day guests of their nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Minnick. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leicht were Hermiston visitors Saturday. Mrs. Kate Bullfinch, the 5th and 6th grade teacher, and her little son left Friday for Fairfield, Idaho, for a short visit Mrs. Bullfinch will leave her son with relatives and return to Moscow, Idaho, to at tend summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Minnick mo tored to Arlington Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Brace pf The Dalles attended the graduation ex ercises here Thursday night Their granddaughter, Florene Brace, was one of the graduates. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Shultz and daughter, Mrs. Spittler and her two children were guests of Mrs. Schultz's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brace, Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Woodard and daughter Veril of Arlington attend ed the graduation exercises Thurs day night. They were also guests of the Brace family. Mrs. Henry Wier who is attend ing the Morman beauty school at Walla Walla was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. A, C. Houghton Thurs day night. Miss Leola Beneflel and Mrs. A. Collins were Hermiston visitors Saturday night The Rev. Walter Warner from near Portland visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Warner sev eral days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Shillings and fam ily of Portland were visiting friends in this vicinity Sunday. Bene, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Markham, has been suffering quite severely with infec tion in her hand from a sandburr sliver. She is under the care of Dr. Johnson at Hermiston who was compelled to lance the hand Thurs day. She i9 some better. A short business meeting was held by the Grange Saturday night before the dance. Though the crowd was not so large as usual ev eryone seemed to enjoy the evening. Lucille Jones, the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Jones, has been ill for severs', days this week. The graduation exercises lor the six high school graduates given Thursday night were attended by a large crowd and were a huge success. The decorations carried out in the school colors, blue and white, were beautiful. Large jar- deniers of bridal wreath and iris were artistically arranged on the stage and at the sides of the hall. The graduates marched to the stage to the beautiful strains of Tanhaus er's march played by the Irrigon band. Dr. E. T. Allen delivered the invocation which was followed by the salutatory address by Margaret Allen. The band followed with two numbers, "New Colonial March" and "Japanese Sunset" Dr. Allen then delivered the commencement address. The band played one more number, "The Iron Count," follow ed by the valedictory by Florene Brace. Elroy Lamoreaux presented the diplomas to the class. Mr. At kins gave a short talk. Benedic tion was pronounced by Dr. Allen. ROCKY BLUFF SCHOOL CLOSES The Rocky Bluff school closed Friday, May 12. There were four who graduated from the eighth grade and received their diplomas These were Joyce A. Carlson, David H. Baker, Clifford L. Carlson and Merle G. Baker. Five perfect at tendance certificates were issued to Joyce and Clifford Carlson, David and Clarence Baker and Henry Pe terson, Jr. All members of the school received reading certificates. On the last day the school enjoyed a picnic on the school grounds, roasting wieners and toasting marshmallows. visitors were Don aid White, Betty Baker. Mildred and Lewis Carlson, Mr. Peterson and Mr. Baker. Miss Redding has taught the Rocky Bluff school the past two years. Family can enjoy 2-room hot 1 apartments, private bath, frigid aire. beddine. dishes, etc.. 19. mln. utes walk from city, $1.50 day, week a.uu. 131 N. E. Union Ave. 2 blocks off Sandy. Free parking Jackson Hotel Apartments. 9-llp NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NntlCA let hofaHi, 1,.. dersigned were duly appointed by the hi In O ur TOM THUMB Department PREPARED PAINT Guaranteed. Use. Attractive Colors. Household 4 - Hour Enamel For Varnish Stain Stains Screen Enamel, Renews Autos, Furniture, Walls, and varnishes Floors, Protects and Preserves Woodwork, Toys, etc. 16 Woodwork, Furniture. Mesh and Frames. Does Attractive Col- -f 4 effects, clear, -i JZ not clog mesh, -f ors. it-pint .- JL el ground, 6-oz. .. JLtHBiack, 6-oz. can API Stove & Iron Enamel, A gloss black Machine Oil Large 6-oz. bottle of for stoves, pipes, ranges -i JZgi quality lubricant for home, -f Sg and all iron work. Six oz. A 9 office and shop appliances. JLP Wall Paper Cleaner, 12- Paint Cleaner, 15-ounce Dri - Cleaner, Removes oz. can of best quality size, for quick washing Spots, instantly from for easy cleaning of pa- of painted surfaces, clothing, upholstering, per, fresco, Does not harm -fl all fabrics, fire- -i window shades J. finish of streak J. proof Aef Furniture Polish Cleans as it pol- Hand Soap Pound can, antiseptic, ishes furniture and all "fZg Instantly removes all stains -i wood surfaces, 6-oz. bottles A tf K grime, leaves hands soft X Drain Pipe Opener Stove Polish Paste An Metal Polish, Cleans and Cleans out greast, hair improved fireproof pol- polishes brass, silver, and dirt from drains, ish that imparts a jet nickel, copper and all toilets, Saves -i fZg black lustre 4Zri metal, Lasting ffj plumber biIls...A9 quickly, 5-oz. .. A9v lustre. 4-oz. .. AtH Tile & Glass Cement Mends China, Wood Patch Fills holes, dents and glass, porcelain, wood. Ideal for cracks in all wooden surfaces. Re setting bath room fixtures, -i J? finishes same as old wood. S g tiles, etc. One-quarter pintAtf Household size AtF Auto Polish Quickly Auto Top Dressing, Re- Touch Up Black, for re cleans and brings high news, beautifies & pro- finishing spots in auto gloss to auto bodies, fur- tects auto tops and cush- fenders, bodies, wheels, niture, radios, ! jZg ions, Easy to etc. Sg pianos. 4-oz. apply, y-pint .. AO 6-oz. can AtfC Roof Cement Asbestos, plastic, for Furnace Cement, Permanently seals repair of leaky roof s, flash- 4 Bj cracks in furnaces, stoves. 1 ings, spouts, etc. 10-oz. can A 9 Resels joints. U-oz. can .... At) And Many Other Money-Savers EVERYONE GUARANTEED ! 2 for 25c TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. County Court of the State of Oregon ror Morrow county, aaminlstraturs or the partnershp estate of Gilliam and Bisbee. Frank Gilliam, deceased, and all persons having claims against said pannersnip estate, are nereby required to present the same duly verified as re quired by law. to the undersigned ad ministrators, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published (his 18th dav of May, 1933. LULia . Mists city, LENN L. GILLIAM, E. E. GILLIAM. Administrators. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of Harry L. Duvall, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy, No. B-18093 To the creditors of Harry L. Duvall of Lexington, Morrow County, Oregon, bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the 12th day of May, 1933. the said Harry L. Duvall was duly adjudicated a bank rupt and that the first meeting ot his creditors will be held In the office of the referee in bankruptcy of this court in Pendleton, Oregon, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon of the 29th day of May, 1933: at which time and place the said crediors may (and the said bankrupt MUST) attend, prove their claims, ap point a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly be brought before said meeting. Done and dated at Pendleton, Ore gon, this 13th day of May. 1933. C. K. CRANSTON, Referee in Bankruptcy. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue oi an njxecuiion issuea oui oi tne cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, dated April twenty-t-ixth, 1933. in that certain suit wherein The Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a corporation, as plaintiff, recovered a juugment against tne defendants. Wil liam Huebner, a widower, L. W. Tall madge, and T. M. Keller on the twenty fifth day of April, 1933, which Judg ment was for the following sums, to wit: J168.0Q with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from April B, 1931; $168.00. with interest at the rate of 8 ?er cent per annum from October 5. 931; $168.00, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from April 6, Attention Mr. Shipper 810,000 810,000 We wish to make this announcement, that the JOHN DAY VALLEY FREIGHT LINE carries $10,000 worth of Cargo Insurance on each piece of equipment in its service. John Day Valley Freight Line SMASHING airosiDirD "The Little Brand With the Big Value" For interior 1932; $168 00, with interest at the rate r e n w annum from October 5. 1932: $3871.78 with interest at the rate of t per cent per annum ui October 5. 1932; $194.91, with . intereiit at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from November 5. 1932; $34 50, abstract charge, paid on July 22, 1932; and the further sum of $365.00, attorney's fee in this suit, and the further suinof $28.65. costs and disbursements, and a decree of foreclosure agaln9t the de fendants, William Huebner. a widower: L. W. Tallmadge, B. P. Doherty, same person as B. P. Daugherty. and Cath erine Doherty. husband and wife; F. C. Lynch; T. M Keller. F. B. Nicker son. doing business under the assumed name of Morrow County Abstract Com pany, Lillian Gluth and Emery R. Gluth, wife and husband. C. R. Wal strom. Fred Lehnherr and Marie Lehn herr, husband and wife; and Hardman National Farm Loan Association, a cor poration, I will, on the 26th day of May, 1933. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M.. of said day, at the front door of the county court house in Heppner, Mor row County. State of Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand all the following described real property in Morrow County, State of Oregon, to-wit: The South half of the South Half of Section Fifteen, the South Half of the Northeast Quarter and the North Half of the Southeast Quar ter of Section Twenty-two, in town ship One North of Range Twenty six, East of the Willamette Merid ian. Morrow County, State of Ore gon. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. or so much of said real property as may be necessary to satisfy the plain tiffs' judgments, costs, attorney's fee and accruing costs of sale. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, State of Oregon. Date of first publication, April 27th 1933. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. isrntia ia borAhv crivAn that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon ror Morrow couniy executrix oi u estate of o H. Warner, deceased, and that all persons having claims against the said estate must present the same, duly verified according to law, to me at the office of my attorney. S. E. Notson, in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of first publication of EACH and Exterior 15c this notice, said date of first publica tion being April 13, 1933. EVA L WARNER. Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un- ersigned have been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County, Joint Execu tors of the last Will and Testament of Frank Gilliam, deceased, and all per sons having claims against the estat-i of said deceased are hereby required o pesent the same proueily verified as re quired by law, to the undersigned ex ecutors, at tha law office of Jos. J. Nys, it iepnper, uregon, wunn ,iix mot um fom the date of this notice. Dated and published this 13th day of April, 1933. IjCINIM Li, WILLIAM, E. E. GILLIAM. Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby Kiven that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County administratrix of the estate of William J. Davis, deceas ed, and that all persons having claims against the said estate must present said claims, duly verified according to law, to me at the office of my attorney, S. K. Notson, In Heppner, Oregon, with in six months from the date of first publication ot this notice, said date of first publication being the 13th day of April, 1933. M. 1JAVIS, Administratrix. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY LAND. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER of the County Court, dated April 25th, 1933, I am autnorziea ana airectea to sell at public auction, as provided by law, the following described real property, at not less than the minimum price herein set forth and upon the following terms as set out after each tract, to-wit: The N4 SE'4 of Section 25, Town ship 5 North, Range 26 E. W. M, for tne minimum price oi ssj.uu. The SEt4 SW14 of Section 17, Town ship 4 North, Range 25 E. W. M., lor the minimum price of $40.00. The NW!4 of Section 30, Township 2 North, Range 25. E. W M and the SE4 of Section 2i Township 2 North. Range 24, E. W- M the minimum price to be at least $1.00 per acre, of which $.25 per acre shall be cash and the balance In 10 equal yearly pay ments at 6 per cent interest per annum on the deferred payments, the purchas er to pay all taxes levied upon said property during the term of the con tract or sale THEREFORE, I will, on the 27th day of Way, 1933. at the hour of 2:00 P. M at the front door of the Court House In Heppner, Oregon, sell said property to the highest and best bidder: , . C. J. D. BAUMAN, bherlff of Morrow County, Oregon. Professional Cards J. 0. TURNER Attormey at low Phone 173 Humphreys Building HEPPNER, ORE. A. B. GRAY, M. D. PHYSICIAN ft StmOEON Phone 333 Heppner Hotel Building Eyes Tasted and Olanes Fitted. WM. BROOKHOUSER PAIN TIN O PAPERHANOrNO INTERIOR SXCORATINO Leave orders at Peoples Hardware Company DR. J. H. McCRADY DENTIST Z-Ray Diagnosis Ollmiin Bulldinf Heppner, Oregon Frank A. McMenamin LAWYER 90S Guardian Building ResUence, GArfleld 1949 Business Phone Atwater 1848 PORTLAND. OREGON A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUBOEON Trained Nnrse Assistant Office In Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY ATTORNEY AT LAW First National Bank Building Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office In X. O. O. F. Building Heppner, Oregon AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Uroperty Sales A Specialty. O. L. BENNETT "The Man Who Talks to Beat the Band" 6229 72nd Ave., S. B., Portland, Ore. Phone Sunset 8451 J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches - Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. FtBB, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Lint Companies. Real Batata. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTONEY-AT-LAW Roberts Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon