PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1933. IONE JENNIE E. MC1IURKAT. I The country home of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Kinoald was the scene of a jolly party last Saturday nlgnt when Mr. and Mrs. Kinoaid enter tained in honor of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Kincaid (Ruby Paberg). As reported the evening was spent in "dancing a little, playing cards a little and visiting a lot" Delicious refreshments of turkey in most any style from Turkey a la Drumstick to turkey sandwiches were served at a late hour. Those present to wish the newlyweds well were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Engelman, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Engelman and children, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feldman, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Timin and son, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blake, Mrs. Lana Pad berg, Pearl and Hazel Padberg, Harriet and Donald Heliker, Con stance Boric Hattie Van Schoiack, Beulah Emert, Ted Mathews, Dorr Mason, Frank Mason Jr., Vernice and Rollo Crawford and George Timm. Representing lone grade school In the annual Morrow county spell ing contest at Heppner on Monday were, upper division, Ruth Craw ford and Charlotte McCabe, and lower division, Dorothy Howell and Dorothv Brady. Ruth Crawford won second and Charlotte McCabe third place in their division, and Dorothv Howell won second place in the lower division. We feel the lone contestants did very weU in winning three of the six awards. The first and second grades stag ed a surprise oil Thursday after noon for their teacher, Miss Maude Knight, the party being given in honor of her birthday. Following out Diana made by the children themselves Miss Knight was called to the lunch room on some pretext and there found the youngsters aid several of their parents awaiting her with a nice lunch of cake, fruit aalad and lemonade. The senior class entertained the high school student body and fac ulty at a pleasant parry in ine 1. O. F. hall on Friday evening. The time was spent in playing games and dancing. Refreshments were served. Rev. W. W. Head, former pastor of the Congregational church of this city, will return to preach the baccalaureate sermon for the sen ior class at the Christian church on Sunday morning, May 14. Senior Class Night will be an event of the evening of May 16, and a pageant by the senior class and other students and the presentation of diplomas will take place on the evening of May 18. The student body of lone high school held their annual election of officers on Friday afternoon, April 28. The following were elected to office: Berl Akers, president of the student body; Jane Collins, vice president; Leo Young, secretary treasurer; Harriet Heliker, yell leader; Howard Eubanks, trans portation manager, and Lloyd Mor-" gan, athletic manager. Ellen Nelson was the popular choice of the student body to re ceive the sportsmanship cup award ed each year to the boy or girl con sidered by the majority of the stu dents to have been outstanding dur ing the year in scholarship, athletic ability, leadership, conduct in and out of school and other specified qualifications. Mrs. Chas. Massey of Heppner was visiting lone friends on Sun day. Among spectators at the rodeo on the Vey ranch on Butter creek Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Rob Grabill, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckner, Tilman Beckner, Art Turner, Miss Theresa Tabor and Norton Lundell. Harold Guilland of Hermiston spent the week end visiting his fam ily at the Harris apartments. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stefanl and son motored to Portland Friday af ternoon, returning Sunday evening. Miss Margaret Crawford has re turned from a pleasant two weeks visit at La Grande with her friend, Miss Gladys Brashears, who is a student at the E. O. state normal school. The Past Noble Grand club met with Mrs. Edith Mathews at the home of her mother, Mrs. Hal Ely, on Friday afternoon. Ten .ladies were present for the business meet ing followed by a social time and refreshments. Miss Mary Van Vactor who has been spending the last few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Edward Riet mann was called to her home In The Dalles the first of the week by the illness of her father. Miss Van Vactor was taken to Arlington by Mr. and Mrs. Rietniann. There she was met and driven home by hsr brother. A miscellaneous shower was giv en Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. W. Swanson for Mrs. Louis Padberg who lost all of her bedding and personal cloth ing In the fire which damaged their home a short time ago. Many love ly and useful gifts were received by her, one of special interest being a sheet that had been embroidered and hemstitched by Aunt Mary Hale, mother of Mrs. T. E. Gra bill, a short time before her death. Mrs. Hale did beautiful work, espt daily so for a woman of her age. The following ladies were present: Mrs. J. P. O'Meara, Mrs. E. J. Bris tow, Mrs. Ida Fletcher, Mrs. T. E. Grabill, Mrs. Minnie Forbes, Mr. Lloyd King, Mrs. Henry Rowell, Mrs. J. B. Blackwell, Mrs. E. G. Sperry, Mrs. Cleo Drake, Mrs. E. R. Lundell, Mrs. Carl Allen, Mrs. O. G. Haguewood, Mrs. Clyde Denny, Mrs. W. A. Wilcox, Mrs. S. E. Moore, Mrs. P. G. Balsiger, Mrs. W. M. Eubanks, Mrs. W. R. Corley, Mm. P. Timm, Mrs. K. K. Blake, Mrs M. Ramsey, Mrs. J as. Lindsay, Mrs. J. H. Bryson, Mrs. C. Smith, Mrs. Helen Fan-ens, Mrs. C. W. Chrsitopherson, Mrs. Lee Howell, Mies Norma Swanson and Miss Lu- cile Bristow. Delicious refresa- menst of cookies, salad and coffee were served. Gladvs Pierson of Portland ar rived Monday to assist In the care of Mrs. Ida Peterson. Friends of (well received by the Lions club of Mrs. Peterson will be glad to know Heppner when they sang a group of that she continues to show gradual cowboy songs for that orgiuiizat'oa improvement Our city park nas undergone a spring house-cleaning at the hands of two members of the vast army of the unemployed who reached our town short of funds and equally short of food. They did their work well and the park is more attract ive at present than for some time past The Ladies Missionary society of the Congregational church studied the problem of the future of the Indian missions in the U. S. at their regular meeting held in the church parlors Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Sarah Flggott was taken suddenly ill at her home last week. She was taken to Heppner by her son, Henry Smouse, for consulta tion with a physician. She is again able to be about though not en tirely well. Mr. and Mrs. Cole E. Smith re turned the first of last week from The Dalles where they visited at the home of Mrs. Smith's sister, Mrs. Hoechs. While there they en joyed a visit with their daughter, Mildred, who came up from Port land to be wtih them over the week end. Mrs. Werner Rietmann and Mrs. Victor Rietmann motored to Pen dleton on Friday with Ted Smith and his mother, Mrs. Robert Smith. While there they visited with Mrs. Johnny Turner and also with Mrs. Ted Smith who is under a doctor s care in that city. Sixty-seven persons were present at the union Sunday school at the Congregational church on Sunday morning. A vocal duet by Paul and Louis Balsiger with Mrs. Louis Bal siger at the piano was a special number presented by the adult bi ble class. Sunday school will be held in the Christian church dur ing the month of May. The Camp Fire Girls gave a bene fit tea at ne home of Bertha Akers last Saturday afternoon. The girls presented a nice program and had a grab bag as one feature of the afternoon's entertainment Though the attendance was rather smail due to the extremely unpleasant weather, the affair was a social and financial success. Locust chapter, O. E. S., met in regular session on Tuesday evening. After the business meeting the members busied themselves at piec ing jigsaw puzzles together. After a period of this arduous toil they were strengthened and refreshed with doughnuts and coffee served by the entertainment committee. Miss Oddveig Thompsen, a mis sionary on leave from her field in South Africa, preached her farewell sermon at the Congregational church last Sunday morning. Miss Thompsen has been spending sev eral weeks with her brother, Nich oli Thompsen on his ranch south of lone and while here has been very kind in giving her services to the local churches. She is leaving at once for a short visit with a brother in Portland. About the 27th of May she will go from there to Chicago by way of California. In Chicago during June she will attend a meet ing of the Scandinavian Alliance, the mission board under which she serves. From Chicago sne win go to her old home in Norway for a visit of a few weeks and will then return to her mission in Swazeland, South Africa, Mrs. Ella Davidson returned from California on Monday evening's stage. She has spent the last seven months with her son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dav idson in Los Angeles. She has re turned home much Improved in health. The Camp Fire Girls held a cere monial at the Masonic hall on Thursday evening. At that time tie rank of Wood Gatherer was confe.' red on twelve members of the group by their guardian, Mrs. Orral Feld man. Mothers of the girls and members of the Womans Topic club by whom the group is sponsored, were invited guests. After the cer emonial each girl gave her Indian name, its meaning and told why she had chosen it The girls also ans wered questions regarding their work and thanked the topic club for its support. The following girl received the rank: Valjean Clark, Bethal Blake, Betty Bergevin, Max- ine McCurdy, Mildred Lundell, Joy Hiddle, Sibyl Howell, Charlotte ar Annabelle McCabe, Virginia and Katherine Griffith and Bertha Ak ers. After the meeting the girls and their guests enjoyed refresh ments of cake, cocoa and coffee. The Womans Auxiliary of the Le gion is going forward with plans for a mothers tea to be given in their rooms on the afternoon May 13, with mothers of both the members of the auxiliary and leg ion as their guests of honor. Maude Farris has been appointed chairman of the annual Poppy sal conducted on or before Memorial day by the Auxiliary. Plans for a Memorial day program are also being discussed. Mrs. Effle Parkins of Palouse, Wash., a former resident of lone, passed through on the train Sunday on her way to visit her mother, Mrs. Sarah Booher of Lexington, She expected to visit lone friends before returning to her home. Fred Mankin was a business vis itor in Portland last week, going down Tuesday and returning Fri day. He was accompanied by M Dwight Misner who visited with her daughter, Mrs. Holmes Gab- bert, while in the city. Miss Lillle Alllnger returned on Monday's stage from a week's vis- It In Portland and vicinity. Miss Linea Troedson has been el ected to teach home economics in the Ashland senior high school next year. Miss Troedson is just com pleting her fourth year of teaching at Echo. The dance given Saturday night for the benefit of the baseball team was a financial success. A large crowd was In attendance and the music was very good. The O. E. S. Social club met at the Masonic hall on Tuesday after noon and worked on their quilt Mrs. Misner was hostess and serv ed a lovely lunch. Don Heliker and Bob Botts wero at their Monday luncheon. Mrs Edward Rietmann, Mm. Bert Mason and Mrs. Wallace Mathews spent Monday in Heppner acting as judges in the county spell ing contest Invitations have been received bidding the addressee and friends to a program at the Rocky Bluff school house May 5 at 8 o'clock p. m. Everyone is welcome and urged to attend. All ladies are asked to bring salads, cakes or sandwiches and everyone who expects to help eat thnrn is ssked to bring cup and spoon. Miss Alena Redding is teacher of the school. Miss Norma Swanson drove to club will meet Thursday afternoon next at the home of Mrs. Beulah Nichols with Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. Alta Cutsforth as hostesses. For roll call each member will be ex pected to respond with a current event. All members are urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harbke of Portland were business visitors in Lexington last week. Mr. Harbke formerly farmed quite extensive'y in the Blackhorse country. Mi's. Ed Burchell and daughters, Grace and Doris, Miss Myra Wells and Paul Nichols motored to Hood River Saturday. On the return trip they were accompanied by Miss Harriet Thomsen who will visit for a few weeks at the Burchell ranoh. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth Arlington Friday afternoon, taking were Pendleton visitors Friday, Mrs. Riggs down to catch the train for Portland where she spent the week end. Mrs. Walter Roberts and Miss Maude Knight drove to Heppner Thusrday evening to take dinner with Mrs. Victor Peterson. Later Myles Martin returned last week from Moro where he has been for several weeks wtih his father who is ill. An interesting contest between classes in the bible school at the Church of Christ closed last Sun- in the evening they attended the day, when the young people's class, cantata given by the high school the Loyal Workers, won by a good Cole E. Smith drove to Arlington margin. The anticipated picnic la on business Wednesday afternoon, their honor will occur as soon as a returning the same evening. Walt committee on time and place can Roberts made the trip with them, get an adjustment An event long anticipated and The Sunshine sewing club met nactised for by the boys and girls Thursday afternoon with Miss La- of the grade sohool was the track Verne White as hostess. Delicious meet held at HeoDner on Monday, refreshments were served at the About 50 boys and girls were taken close of the meeting. up to take part in the events. Har- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt and lan McCurdv took the boys on hl3 daughter of Heppner visited at the truck and the girls went tip in the Alex and Arthur Hunt homes Sun- Dobyns bus. In class B events a day. third place was won by Betty Ber gevin and in class A events Fred die Ritchie won a second place and Clyde Pettyjohn a third place. The relay was won by the lone team, composed of Clyde Pettyjohn, Har ry Normoyle, John Farris, Tommy Everson. Harold Buchanan and Junior Mason. Lexington won two first prizes and two third prizes in the county track meet at Heppner Mond?.y. Keith Gentry won first in group C and LaVerne Wright placed first in group F. Vester Shaw and Ken neth Peck won third places in B and E respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shaw and four The baseball game with Heppner son3 motored to Maupin Sunday to on Sunday was a good one to watch attend the funeral of Mrs. Shaw's though of course it was tough to see our neighbor take home the ba con, the final score being 10 to 5 in favor of the visiting team. The high school baseball team played their last game of the sea son on the home grounds Thursday of them being won by team A, com- afternoon. A good game was play ed by both the lone and Arlington teams with the final score 8-b in favor of lone. aunt, Mrs. Mary Cunningham, Miss Helen Doherty of Black- horse was the gue3t of Miss Naomi McMillan on Monday and Tuesday The high school girls' baseball teams have played three games, 2 LEXINGTON By BEULAH B. NICHOLS. Friday, May 12, will mark the closing of the Lexington schools until September. Sunday morning baccalaureate services will be held the Christian church at 11 clock. Special music will be fur nished by the high school glee club Mr. Sias will deliver the discourse. The Junior-Senior banquet will je held on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Claude WTitie. Commence ment, the big event for the seniors, is set for Thursday evening next at 8 o'clock in the high school and- itroium. The six high school stu dents to receive their diplomas are Edith Tucker, Grace Burchell, Dale Lane, Merritt Gray, Sam McMillan and Winford Duvall, One of the best entertainments of the year was held in the high school auditorium on nday eve ning last. The program included Japanese operetta by the first and second grades, Garden and Spring Songs" by the sunbonnet and overall children of the third and fourth grades, "Passing of the Red Man," a two-act play by the four upper grades. There were exhibits of work of the students during the year In all the rooms, and tht .e were wen for inspection. Immediately following the prv gram the last P. T. A. meeting of the year was held. The newly elect ed president, Ethel Wilcox, appoint ed the following committees to serve during the next school year membership, Mrs. Harvey Bauman, Mrs. Charles Marquardt and Mrs. Arnold Pieper; program, Mrs. Ar thur Hunt, Mrs. Laurel Ruhl and Mrs. La Velle White; publicity, Mrs. Beulah Nichols; social, Mrs. Eva Lane, Mrs. Roy Johnson and Mrs. Neil White; finance, Mrs. F.m ma Peck, Mis. Merle Kirk and Mrs. Omar Luttrell; hot lunch, Mrs. posed of Fern Luttrell, Doris Bur chell, Helen Breshears, Alberta Fulgham, Ruth Cowius, Grace Bur chell, Belva Bundy and Edith Ed wards. A group of Rebekahs from lone, Heppner and Lexington met Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ola Ward to work on flowers for their float to be entered in the par ade at the I. O. O. F. convention to be held in Pendleton this month Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kelly and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Kel ly's father, Matt Hughes, at his home near Monument. Recent guests at Lucas Place were L. W. Behrens of Walla Wal la, Fred Cook and Theodore Pick er of Milton, Mr. and Mr9. J. A. Harbke of Portland and F. R. Fort ner of Wasco. Fred Lucas made a business trip to Walla Walla Friday. This vicinity was visited by light rains the fi rst part of the week. Th wheat fields look greener than be fore the showers but the farmers are hoping for more rain soon as there is decidedly a lack of mois ture in the ground. Court of Honor for the Boy Scouts of Lexington, Heppner and lone will be held in Lexington on Wednesday evening, May 10. The mothers of the Lexington Scouts are preparing to serve a chicken supper at the Christian church lor the scouts and scout officials. The charge will be 25c a plate. Friends here have received an nouncement of the graduation of Miss Amabelle Strodtman from the high school at Penaloso, Kansas. The Strodtmans formerly made their home In Lexington where Mr. Strodtman was manager of the Tum-a-Lum Lumber company and later manager of the Lexington Far mers Warehouse company. The Strodtmans left Lexington some two years ago and have since made their home at Penalosa, Kansas. Mrs. Maggie Hunt of Heppner visited relatives In Lexington Sunday. Friends here have received word that Laurel Beach's graduating re cital at the University of Oregon at Eugene will be held May 19. Laurel was recently elected to membership in Phi Mu Alpha, national music honorary society. Born, on April 21, at St Vincent's hospital in Portland, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gale, a 6 -pound son. The little lad has been named Verne Benton. Mrs. Gale was for merly Miss Mabel Wright of this city. Mrs. Stella McRoberts and young son of Heppner were calling on Lexington friends Tuesday. The Ladies Aid society of the Congregational church gave a sur prise party for Mrs. Charles Inder bitzen on Wednesday afternoon. The ladies spent the afternoon sew ing and Mrs. Inderbitzen was pre sented with a lovely friendship quilt Ladies present were Mes dames Charles Inderbitzen, George Allyn, Ira Lewis, Florence Beach, Elsie Beach, Galey Johnson, Ed Burchell, R. B. Rice, Golda Leath ers, Lester White, Edwin Ingles, Laura Scott, Frank Munkers, Dee Cox, Lawrence Palmer, George Peck, Harry Schriever, Henry Rauch, Gene Gentry, Carolyn Kuns, Nettie Davis and Miss Jessis Mc Cabe. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of a pleasant afternoon. Mrs. Guy Shaw is ill at her hone here. Billie Nichols went to Heppner Wednesday evening to have the stitches removed from his arm which he cut some time ago when he slipped in the bathtub while taking a bath, and pushed his arm into a window. ice, "The Prisoners Heard Them." Evening service, "Respectable bin. CresweB An estimated saving of $97 has been reported by women of the home economics extension unit enrolled in the clothing clinic con ducted recently by Mrs. Azalea Sa ger, extension specialist in cloth ing, textiles and related arts. Gar ments from one to 10 years old were broueht out from closets and trunks. Some were cut down to fit children; some were made over for adults. In all, 26 garments were remodeled with an expenditure of only $1.88 for new materials, ac cording to Miss Gertrude Skow, home demonstration agent, in charge of the extension program. NOTICE Treasury Department, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D. C, March 16, 1933. Notice is hereby given to all per sons who may have claims against "The Frst National Bank of Hepp ner," Oregon, that the same must be presented to J. L. Gault, Recelv- er, with the legal proof thereof within three months from this date or they may be disallowed. F. G. A WALT, Acting Comptroller of the Currency. 6-22-33. NOTICE Treasaury Department, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D. C, March 16, 1933. Notice Is hereby given to all per sons who may have claims againrt "The Farmers and Stockgrowers National Bank of Heppner," Ore gon, that the same must be pre sented to J. L. Gault, Receiver, with the legal proof thereof within three months from this date or thev mav be disallowed. F. G. AWALT, Acting Comptroller of the Currency. 6-22-33. One bill you can't afford not to pay YOUR SAVINGS BILL! Let the New York Life help you A. Q THOMSON Insurance Counselor SillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiliiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliliJ: 5 win . win i r rv-rr What a wnaie or a Uirrerence a Little Makes I METHODIST CHURCH. GLEN P. WHITE. Pastor. Mrs. E. Bloom, Director of Music. 9:45 a. m., Sunday School. 11:00 a. m., Morning worship hour. "All for God." 7 p. m. Epworth League. 8 p. m., Song service and gospel message. CHURCH OF CHRIST. JOEL R. BENTON, Minister. Mrs. J. O. Turner, Director of Music. Bible School 9:45 A. M. Morn'ng Worship 11 o'clock Senior and Junior C. E. -.. 7:00 P. M. Evening Worship - 8:00 o'clocK Church Night Thursday at 8:00 P. M. If you have not a Church home, we invite you to come and test the welcome of this friendly Church, For the coming Lord's Day the sermon topics are: Morning serv- Trade and Employment EXCHANGE (Printed without charge. continued on notice.) Dls- Will trade fresh Holstein cow for train drill. Nick Faler, Boardman, Ore. To trade Jersey bull for another Jersey bull. Must be from high pro ducing stock. G. E. Aldrich, Irri gon, Ore. For Trade 2 Chester WTiite boars ready for service, for pigs, wheat, or what have you. Ralph Butler, Willows, Ore., Ewing station. Will trade gasoline washing ma chine motor for a portable type writer. Also will trade thorough George Allyn, Mrs. Carolyn Kuns bred Jersey cow for anything I can and Mrs. Beulah Nichols; child w:l- use. Beulah B. Nichols, Lexington. Miller, Mrs To trade Jacks for mules; take fare, Mrs. Harvey James Omohundro and Mrs. Ralph and pay m muM when TaiBei. or Scott I .nv nthei tvl T nnh nafi. R. P To trade Turkey eggs for hatch ing; will take wheat or barley. Frank Moyer, Heppner. To Trade Purebred Jersey heif er, fresh. Ray Beezeley, lone. mi., tt T) -1 -D-.. 1 - j-ue -neppuci cuoiuaia aim 'i"- s,.. T.pvinonn. . I .. 1 TIT 1 . . U unIJ Ik.U ' lessiuimi vv uiiiciib i:iuu iiciu men social meeting Monday evening at the home of Mrs. J. F. Lucas. Af ter the delicious dinner, served by Mrs. Lucas, the ladies spent the evening playing cards and other games. Members who attended were Elizabeth Bloom, Beth Bleak- man, Margaret Burns, Helen Cur- ran, Madge Coppock, Agnes Cur- ran, Elizabeth Dix, Evelyn Hum phreys, Lulu Hager, Leta Humph reys, Miriam McDonald, Lucille McDuffee, Helen McClaskey, Yvon ne Morginson, Anna Mae McKler- nan, Adelyn O Shea, Jessie Palmlt er, Lucy Rodgers and To Trade Bearded barley -for cows. Frank Munkers, Lexington. Trade Purebred aged Jersey bull for young Jersey bull. E. T. Mes senger, Boardman, Ore. Straughan of Heppner, and Betsy Asher, Gwen Evans, Carol Ingles Eula McMillan and LaVelle White of Lexington. Charles Parker of Walla Walla and his niece, Miss Rosa Frye of Portland, relatives of Mrs. Trl.ia Parker, were the guests of Mr. an3 Mrs. W. F. Barnett Thursday. They had been on an automobile tour of Southern Oregon and from here they went to Heppner where they visited with relatives for a short time before going on to Walla Wal la. T. W. Cutsforth returned Monday from Walla Walla where he had been visiting with relatives during the past week. H. N. Burchell and Mr. Demerest of Sheridan were guests at the Ed Burchell home last week. Howard Lane made Trade good Jersy cows or heif ers for good saddle horses or work horses. Give particulars. W. Vogel, Dorothy general delivery, Condon. Lost, at postofflce last Friday eve ning, automatic pencil. Finder please leave at this office. Hay chopper to trade for wheat. D. AWIlson, city. Majestic range to trade for what have you. See D. E. Oilman, city. To trade Hampshire boar for male hog. Wm. Kummeriana, Lex ington. Chester Whits boar; will trade for what have you. Also 2-bottom, 16-ln. adjustable P, O. gang plow, for milk cow. Sam Turner, Hepp ner. To trade, lumber, roofing paper, pine, brick, etc- for what have you? H. A. Schulz, Heppner. trip to Portland last week. Carol Broadley was confined to her home by Illness last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ingles and Mrs. Charles Inderbitzen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tucker at their Blackhorse home Two radio battery sets and three a business pnonographs for trade. Max acnuiz, Heppner. 1929 Whippet 6 automobile, for what have you? Mrs. Hllma An derson, Heppner. Watford transmission to trade for 80-80 rifle. W. H. Tucker, Lex The Lexoington Home Economics lng ton. MONUMENTS AND GRAVE MARKERS Any Kind of Cemetery Work MID-COLUMBIA MONUMENT CO. THE DALLES, OREGON Write for Prices or Appointments For "GOODNESS SAKE" use Watktns Pure Spices; con tain all the natural oils. You use but little why not use the best 3. C. HARDING, Watklns Dealer Scrip accepted at the house also. IONE CASH MARKET Fresh and Cured MEATS Butterfat, Turkeys, Chickens bought for SWIFT CO. Phone us for market prices at all times. Phone 82 IONE, ORE. PAINT Use Our QUICKSTEP for sparkling clean floors Easy to apply and quick to dry S FLEX is fine for Furniture, Fixtures and Fords A jigsaw free with every pint 5 Rasmussen's PURE PAINTS for all-purpose use Our new price Is $3.15 a gallon E We give one piece of attract ive topaze glassware wl'ii each quart of paint purchased in our store. A beautiful rose glass water set, seven pieces, with every gallon of our paints you buy. GILLIAM & BISBEE 1 We Have It Will Get It or It Is Not Made nlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr GEBPffiEP te GREETINGS and FAREWELL Tlan to go CHICAGO WORLD'S FAIR OPENS OPENS A JUNE With regret because of severing the pleasant business relation ships with my former partner, Johnnie Hiatt, who has gone into other fields, and with assurance to our friends and patrons that only increased effort to serve will result from my assuming his in terests in the Hiatt & Dix store, I greet you, and bid success to Johnnie in his new endeavors. W- O. DIX C Don't miss the biggest j eventof a lifetime, the 1 Chicago World's Fair. A wide variety of low fares east enables you to take the family very economically. We'll be glad to give you full details and an il lustrated booklet describing the Exposition. Call on or address LOCAL AGENT UNION PACIFIC Headquarters for MONARCH Canned Foods HUSTON'S GROCERY K Heppner Oregon j