HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1933. PAGE THREE David Hynd, who was In the city on Tuesday from the Rose Lawn ranch of Hynd Bros. In Sand Hoi low, wag pleased that shearing hud not yet started at the Hynd ranch es. The heavy loss of sheep on Butter creek, following shearing, caused by the severe storm of the first of the week, would doubtless have been visited upon them, as the storm was quite cold and heavy at the Hynd ranches. The moisture will be of much benefit to range conditions, however. Shearing will be on at the Cecil ranch this com ing week, Mr. Hynd stated, and would have been under way there sooner but for the weather condl tiona. John Harbke of Portland and Harry Duvall who farms the Bell ranch north of Lexington belonging to xur. inaroke, were transacting business in the city Saturday. It was from Mr. Harbke that the fa mous north-end dust storms receiv ed their name, and he let it be known while here that he had brought a real shower this time, The Harbkes moved their home to Poruand recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner motor ed to Moro on Tuesday afternoon, attending a meeting of taxpayers at that point in the evening, where air. Turner, with other legislative representatives of this district, gave some account 01 tneir labors at the recent session of the legislature. and offered explanations of some of the laws passed. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. O'Donnell and P. B. Nickerson got home Saturday evening from a three weeks' visit m and about San Francisco, their oia name. xney report having bucked a lot of snow- through the mountains, returning by way of xviamacn aus. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Huston spent a few hours in town on Wednesday afternoon from the Eight Mile farm. Good rains have favored the south end of the county this week, and will greatly benefit the on-coming crops. Some 60 or more applicants for drivers' licenses were busy at the courthouse Wednesday afternoon, taking the necessary examination before the representative from the office of Hal Hoss, secretary of state. Mrs. Ohas. Oorder Is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Lillie Aiken, coming up from her home in the California Bay region. She is accompanied by her two sons. Mrs. J. R. Cypert is a visitor at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank E. Parker on Heppner flat. She expects to spend the summer at the Parker home. Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spe cialist of Pendleton, will be at the Heppner Hotel on Wednesday, May 10th. Hours 10 a, m. to 5:30 p. m. Harry Dlnges, Lexington ware houseman, was attending to some business matters here on Wednes day afternoon. Loren Hale, lone resident, was looking after business affairs here on Wednesday afternoon. Farm Electricity Aids In Thwarting Thieves The shotgun and the dog are giv ing way to outdoor lighting sys tems and electric burglar alarms as protection against petty thieves and night prowlers who cause such heavy losses of farm property each year. The agricultural engineering department at Oregon State college finds a strong demand for an alarm or protection system which Is cheap and effective in reducing this farm hazard. Yard and flood lighting systems, with a control switch at the owner's bedside, often prove valuable in frightening away night prowlers. One well-known Oregon woman uses a 100-watt bulb, fastened high powerful reflector, fastened high on the windmill. Another Oregon farmer goes still further and has mounted on his house top a large search light similar to an auto headlight. From inside the house he not only can turn on the light but can also turn the rays lnany direction. Many farm women can reach out from their bedsides and make the electric lights gleam In the poultry house. Another popular method of re ducing farm losses from theft Is the burglar alarm system, which Ik quite effective, especially when com blned with flood lighting. When the system is set for the night a bell will ring In the house If any door or window Is opened in the build' ing or buildings thus protected. The owner then snaps on the flood lights and picks off the Intruder with his twenty-two. Or, if the owner prefers not to be disturbed, he may locate the bell In the chick en house or elsewhere, and Its ring will In Itself usually frighten the thief away. There are various kinds of sys terns, and their value usually de ponds on the cleverness with which the alarm circuits are Installed, the agricultural engineering department finds. Several commercial concern.) are handling such farm equipment, or a person handy with electrical equipment can do a creditable Job himself, i The agricultural engin eerlng department will be glad to supply further details to anyone in teres ted. BOARDMAN RACHEL JOHNSON Ira, Berger of Oregon City was a business visitor in Boardman last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cox and fam ily of Pasco spent the week end In Boardman with relatives. John Chaffee returned home from Pendleton last Thursday. Mias Linda Hango has joined the Delta Delta Delta sorority at Eu gene. Miss Hango who has been attending the university for the last three years is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hango. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger and family moved to Condon Sun day where they will make their home. Robert Harwood moved their furniture over in his truck. Mrs. Clyde Carrick and Mrs. Wm. Wilbanks motored to Hermiston Wednesday, where the latter had dental work dona Mr. and Mrs. Marsohat's young est son, Gerald, who was very ill last week, is much Improved at this time. The high school senior class took their sneak day last Tuesday and spent the day in The Dalles. Mrs. Idella Harnden and L. E. Marschat took them in their cars. The stu dents making the trip were Mary Chaffee, Helen Slanger, Cecelia Partlow, Warren Dillon, George Wicklander and Kenneth Dugan. The program at the community church last Tuesday evening drew a large crowd. Miss Margaret Lewis, missionary to China, who re cently returned from that country, gave a very entertaining talk about her work and experiences. Vocal duets were sung by Mrs. Claud Coats and Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie, and by Mrs. Floyd Surface and Mrs. C. M. Brown. Miss Lewis spoke to the school children in the auditorium Tuesday afternoon. Frank Marlow, who had recently rented the Lee Mead ranch, left last week for The Dalles where he expected to locate. Mrs. Chas. Goodwin is visiting this week at the Ralph Davis home in Umatilla. Guy Barlow and Eldon Wilson motored to Hermiston Friday eve ning where they met with members of the baseball teams from Irrigon, Stanfield and Pine City and made a schedule for the baseball games that these towns will play. The local team motored to Rufus Sunday where they were defeated 9-7. The score was tied 7-7 at the end of the ninth inning, necessita ting an additional inning. Hector Wicklander and Weldon Ayers returned home last week from a motor trip to Idaho where they visited Carl Ayers. Paul Smith has rented the east 80 acres of the old Harrison ranch and Jess Allen the west 80 acres. It was previously reported that Mike Healy had rented it, but this was an error. Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Miller of Umatilla were dinner guests Tues day evening at the J. A, Allen home. Chas. Goodwin left Friday morn ing for Silver Lake where he will have work with a contractor. Mrs. Goodwin plans to Join him later. The Mothers Day program will be given in the community church Sunday morning at 10:15 o'clock. Rev. C. M. Brown will deliver the sermon at 11:15. Everyone is In vited to attend and to bring a bas ket lunch which will be served af ter the church services. J. F. Gorham made a business trip to Portland this week, deliv ering a Chevrolet truck to The Dalles to the Cramer brothers. Mrs. Claud Coats worked in the store during Mr. Gorham 'a absence. Farmers here lost a number of sheep the first of the week when the cold rains came. Most of the sheep on the project have already been sheared. The May Day program was held In the gymnasium Monday morn ing and was given by the school children. Miss Dorothy Compton was crowned queen by George Wicklander, her attendants being Miss Mary Chaffee and Miss Cecel ia Partlow. The Maypole was wound by the children from the four lower grades. Exhibits were on display In the school rooms, showing the students' work for the year. Miss Margaret Lewis, Miss Mir iam Campbell and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Goodwin were entertained at a lovely dinner last Tuesday eve. ning at the home of Mrs, Eva War ner. A good sized crowd attended the dance given by the senior class last Friday evening. Kaufman's from Pendleton furnished the music. Graduation exercises for the class of '33 will be held Friday evening, May 12, In the school auditorium at 8 o'clock. Ves Attebury who has been con fined to his bed for the past two weeks is -now able to be up and is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Ell Knight of Sun nyside are the proud parents of a son, born to them Saturday. Mrs, Knight is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nickerson. R. O. T. C. INSPECTION HELD, Annual Inspection of all units of the Reserve Officers Training corps at Oregon State college was con ducted April 28 by Col. Jerome O. Pillow, cavalry R. O. T. C. officer for the ninth, corps area. The GaietU Times' Printing Ser vice Is complete. Try it The HEHISCH Edited by the Journalism Class of Heppner High School STAFF Editor, Edmund Gonty. Assistant Editor, Miriam Moyer. Reporters: Esther Adams, Mary Driscoll, Harold Ayers, Beth Wright, Billy Thomson. Special reporters: Ralph Breedo.'., Anabel Turner, Alice Bleakman. Feature writers: Armin Wihlon, Marie Scrivner. "SPRIG HAS CUB." Spring is surely here. How do we know? Well, take for Instance those worthy or is It unworthy students, who sallied forth from the mussy, dusty halls of learning Into the warm spring sunshine to commune with, nature instead of lapping up knowledg in the class room. How sorry we feel for those stu dents whose spirits were so high and whose same spirits were brought to earth with a bang Mon day morning when Mr. Bloom sen tenced them to five times as much study time as they spent playing "hookey." We wonder if, after all, it was worth it i HE DIB IT. When Franklin D. Roosevelt an nounced during the campaign that If elected he would cut twenty-five percent from the government's op erating budget, long articles were written to prove that the job was Impossible. His foes laughed at him; his friends wished that he had thought before he spoke. Todav he has been In nffW fnr two months: he has made his rrnm . ise good and with a margin to spare. To do it. he had to walk on some very sensitive toes and beat the op position or nis party. Today his countrymen admire him for mak ing a campaign promise good. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Curt Thomson and Billy Schwaiz do not spend all of their time trv. Ing the part of ladies men. A per son saw them sitting upon a hill last Sunday, hodine a cord In their hands. Thinking that nerhans their minds had wandered and had failed to return, the fellow started UP to tell thm that there were nn fish on that mountain-side, and they mignt just as well go and sit in the shade and throw their line nut in the middle of the pavement Upon arriving, tne fellow found that their lines had loops in them, and when Sir or Madam Sauirrel Htnc.V his head out to find out what the score was, or to admire the lovely weath er, those two old "masters of mel ody" would give a jerk and poor squirrel would be caught in the noose. Soon Billy and Curt would have them in the "palm of their hands." JUNIOR FLUNK DAY. No junior appeared at school last Friday and everyone was quite startled until he finally realized i was junior nunk day, and the lunors had sneaked nfT iinlrnnum tn the other classes. Four cars carried the rlnoo tn Barker's Mill where -they played oaseDau and nad a big lunch at 12 o'clock. Eats at noon consinterl nf cake, ice cream, salad, sandwiches and water. Games were olaved In the after noon and a treasure hunt w held The winner of this hunt was Fritz Ayers, who received a bag of pea- nuis ior nis endeavors. At 6 o'clock a fire was buit and wieners were roasted. The tired but happy juniors started home about 7:30 p. m. after a verv en joyable day. OPERETTA WELL ATTENDED. "Oh Doctor," the school operetta, was well attended last Thursday. Gross receipts were $73.40. Some of the pupils paid for ther own cos tumes, and this brought the total receipts to $75.55. The royalty for the operetta was $23.48, including the play books. Printing, costumes and other expenses brought the to tal expenses to $41.62. Thus the to- Time to Fight Spittle Bugs Corvallis Seventy-five per cent control of the spittle bug on straw berries can be expected from appll- cation of 100 pounds of hydrated lime per acre to the Infested plants, according to O. T. McWhorter, ex tension horticulturist, who says the bugs are out and the time to com bat them Is at hand. It is neces sary to apply the lime with a dust ing machine that will force the dust through the plants and back from beneath. Nicotine dust is more effective than the lime, he says, but may cost as much as $6 per acre, while the hydrated lime costs $1.60 or less. tal profit was $33.93, which goes to the high school student body trea sury. CLASS NOTES The biology and chemistry classes are hurrying to get their term pa pers of two thousand words. The Englsih 1 class has just fin ished reading "Treasure Island." During the reading of this book, the members of the class brought in pictures which Illustrated scenes of the book. Dorris Allstott has made an attractive cover and has also assembled the pictures in story form order. This scrap book has been made as a class project Spanish II class is making pro duct maps as a class project Each member makes a map showing the grains and fruits raised, or mines, fisheries, imports, or exports, etc. Due to an error, Margaret Sprin- kel's name was omitted from the operetta program. SOPHOMORE PICNIC. The sophomore class went on a picnic last Friday after school at the Sawdust Pile instead of the artesian well as it had been plan ned. The time was spent In play ing baseball until the call for sup per. The picnic lunch consisted of ice cream, cake, sandwiches, and jeuo salad. GRADE NEWS. Ten DUDlls of the seventh crane have applied for certflcates for making book reports, which has Deen a project of tnis class. May baskets were completsd Monday by the second grade. These were filled with flowers and taken home to the parents or given to friends of the pupils. Mrs. Mildred Green is teaching in the eighth grade in the absence of Mr. Buhman, who was injured in an auto accident Monday night Mrs. Green Is a graduate of Hepp. ner high school. PINE CITY By OLETA NEILL Mrs. John Maxwell of Milton en tertained the Pine City pupils and some of the parents of the young people of the community with a 30 minute program Thursday after noon. The program consisted of several songs, pianologues and read ings. A large crowd attended the rodeo given Sunday afternoon at the A. J. Vey ranch. Nearly everyone from Pine City attended. The rain which fell Saturday and the early part of the week helped the farmers greatly, at the same time causing tremendous loss to the sheepmen, chilling and killing many of the sheared sheep. Jasper Myers and Hugh Nelll were tn Pendleton Saturday on bus iness. The Pine City high school went to Heppner Monday to attend the track meet and band concert They hired Burl Wattenburger to take them in his bus. Some of the grade school pupils who had enter ed some of the contests in the track meet went with the high school. Miss Oleta Neill also ac companied them. It is not yet known who won the track meet. A group of Alpine-Pine City young people are practising a play to be presented at the Alpine Farm Bureau meeting the first Saturday of this month. Mrs. T. J. O'Brien and family were In Heppner Monday. Malcolm OBrien was one from Pine City to enter the contests. Miss Neva Neill who has been working at the W. D. Nelll home the last few weeks returned to her home Sunday evening. Mrs. John Maxwell and small daughter Maryln of Milton visited their friend, Miss Rose Lie-brand. at the C. H. Bartholomew home part of last week. They came down from Milton Wednesday afternoon. Because of the rain Saturday the shearing on the Tom Boylen ranch was delayed for a few days. Church was held at the Pine City Being without a telephone is such an unnecessary hardship E J rE APPQINTM-NTS CLEAN . R 1 WWm I " l---------i--------- A telephone is found in the thrifty, home, for it eaves the nickels, dimes and quarters of constant errand-running. It increases personal effectiveness. In savings and in services it's a wage- Ms' earner for the whole family. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Compaq Office 4 West Willow Street, Htppner, Ore. auditorium Sunday evening. There was a goodly attendance. Mrs. Carrie Chapman and Miss Freda Hammel made a business trip to Echo Friday evening. Mrs. Roy Omohundro and sons Edwin and Lewis attended the track meet in Heppner Monday. Mrs. Carrie Chapman, Miss Rose Liebbrand, Mrs. John Maxwell and daughter Maryln and Miss Freda Hammel were dinner guests at the Dee Neill home Wednesday evening, C. H. Bartholomew, who made a business trip to Montana last week, returned Home Sunday morning. Those from Pine City entering the spelling contest in Heppner Monday were, in the lower division Mable Rauch and Cecelia Healy; In the upper division. Charlotte Helms and Lillie Rauch. Miss Rose Leibbrand, Mrs. Carrie Chapman and Miss Freda Hammel took the Pine city spellers to Heppner early jwonaay morning. Mrs. Marion Finch and daughter Betty accom panied them. . Rhea Creek Grange. By VELMA HUSTON Mrs. Nellie Burns of Seattle has been visiting her sister, Mrs. John Berg-strom of Eie-ht Mile. Mm Burns came down to see her little daughter who is spending the win ter with 'her grandmother, Mrs. Charley Osmin of Heppner. Mrs. Burns was accompanied by Wilbur Taylor, Mrs. Mildred Loner and son Jackie Long. Mrs. Charley Becket and Mrs. S. T. Roblson spent Friday visiting Mrs. B. O. Anderson. The Misses Florence and Esther Bergstrom departed for Portland last week. Thev exoect to tmenH n couple of weeks visiting relatives in me Jrtose uity. Miss Marvel Akers, teacher in the Democrat Gulch school, is en invincr her summer's vacation as her school was out last Friday. Misa Akera will return to teach at Democrat uuicn next fall. There w01 be a dance at the Rhea creek grange hall next Saturday night. May 7. with Bud's .T Oano- furnishing the music. 'ine regular meebner of Rhea creek grange will be held next Sun day, May 7. At this time our mas ters resignation becomes effeo.ti-r. We will have to elect a new master so it is urged that all grange mem bers who can be present There FOR A GOOD MEAL ANYTIME GOTO THE ELKHORN Complete Fountain Service ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHTNN, Prop. will be a short program commem orating Mother's Day and the ag riculture committee will have an Interesting speaker. There will al so be Initiation work m the third and fourth degrees. Mrs. O. E. Wright Is so mucn Improved since her recent nervous breakdown that she has been able to be moved to her home on Rhea creek. All Mrs. Wright's friends wish her the speediest of convel escences. The H. E. C. met last Thursday afternoon at the hall with 12 ladies present The afternoon was spent in quilting. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hooker of Medford were visitors the first of the week at the Clive Huston home, Mrs. Huston being a niece of Mr. Hooker. Mr. and Mrs. Hooker were one time residents of the Hardmnn district but they have been gone from this county for 40 years. Nat urally on visiting their old home places they noted vast changes. Mrs. S. T. Robison an Mrs. Chae. Becket entertained at the home if Mrs. Becket last Sunday evening with a turkey dinner. Those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Olden, Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Dobyns, Mr. and Mrs. John Bergstrom, Mr. and Mrs B. O. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becket Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Robison, Mr. and Mrs. Clive Huston, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Becket, Nor ma and Florence Becket and Vel ma Huston. Mrs. Walter Becket has returned to her home in Eight Mile after having spent the last six weeks in Heppner with her son Lawrence who was so critically 111 following an opsration for appendicitis. Law rence is up and around now and he . will soon be home, too. I ROCKY BLUFF SCHOOL. By DAVID BAKER, The Rocky Buff school extends to all a cordial invitation to be present at a school program, May 8, 8 p. m., at the schoolhouse. Fol lowing the program games will be played and supper served. Lad en are asked to bring cakes, salads or sandwiches. Come and bring your friends. Donald White, a Vancouver boy, is visiting at the L. Carlson home. He drove up Wednesday to visit his relatives here. The Bachelor Five sewing club met at the Rocky Bluff schoolhouse Friday, April 28. At the present time we are making camp aprons. All members were present Visitors were Joyce Carlson, Marjorie Pe terson and Donald White. Social time followed the meeting. All the school children enjoyed dress up day, Friday. Various costumes were in view. . MOTHERS TO VISIT O. 8. C. Some 2000 invitations have been sent out to Oregon State Mothe-s urging them to visit their daugh ters and friends' on the campus during the tenth annual Women's Weekend, May 12 to 14. Campus women's organizations are arrang ing a program designed to honor and entertain their mothers, In cluding the annual Mothers' Day banquet and the Honors Convoca tion. The annual Co-ed Barometer, an edition of the Daily Barometer edited entirely by women, win, as usual, be an interesting feature of the weekend. Amy Aldrich, daugh ter of E. B. Aldrich, editor of the Pendleton East Oregonian, will be editor-in-chief this year. Attention Mr. Shipper 810,000 810,000 We wish to make this announcement, that the JOHN DAY VALLEY FREIGHT LINE carries $10,000 worth of Cargo Insurance on each piece of equipment in its service. John Day Valley Freight Line Let's Trade! Short on money? Almost everyone is! Want Morow County's Newspaper? Of course you do ! You can have a 1-year or 3-year subscription without paying out any cash. Here's how: We will accept any of the following products at market prices to pay for your subscription to the Gazette Times: Dressed CHICKENS TURKEYS BEEF PORK LAMB POTATOES EGGS CURED HAM BUTTER SWEET CREAM VEGETABLES Heppner Gazettejimes Morrow Couny's Newspaper 1 Year, $2.003 Years, $5.00 SERVICE SAYINGS QVPTIP m 5-LB. TIN . MAXIMUM CANE AND MAPLE .590 '1.09 PA TCI TD HIGHWAY No better at any vnuui price. 2 LARGE 14-OZ. BOTTLES 25c SARDINES, large oval tins asst. 3 for 25c. EACH..... OX OYSTERS, 5-oz. Eastern Q pack. PER TIN JC SHRIMPS, 5-oz. fancy AA pack. PER TIN 1UC Baking Powder Q AT T MORTON'S IODIZED OiLi 1 2-LB. CTNS. 2 CTNS. Royal, "absolutely pure" OQ 2&-LB. TIN ?Xl9 17c SHORTENING White and fresh 8-Lb. Ctn. . . . 69c LARD Pure hog lard No. 10 Pall... 75c POST TOASTIES 8c CANDY BARS fVrg6 10c CRACKERS, Snow- (IDA flakes. ..2-LB. CADDY UOK, SALAD DRESSING Best food always. QT. PINEAPPLE, Libby's crushed. PER GAL. ... 30c 45c COFFEE The quality of these coffees can not be duplicated at near the price, AIRWAY, 3 LBS 58c NOB HILL, 3 LBS. ... 79c DEPENDABLE, 2 LBS. 55c SAVINGS FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY, MAY 5, 6, 8, INCL.