o soe,ET,f PORTLAND. ORE alette Volume 50, Number 7. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1933. Subscription $2.00 a Year SCHOOL CHILDREN ENJOY MAY EVENTS Heppner Takes All Cups In Spelling and Field Contests Held Here. MAYPOLE IS WOUND County Unit O. S. T. A. Sponsor Events; Mitchell Honored For Spelling Feats. Morrow county school children had their day In Heppner Monday when they competed In spelling contests, in track and field events, and enjoyed, the winding of the Maypole under the Auspices of the county unit Oregon State Teachers association. Though the weath'-r was not the most favorable, causing arrival of the May to be celebrate! within the gym-auditorium, the auditorium was packed for this part of the program, and a large assemblage of children and adults were present to participate in or to witness the other events. It was an enjoyable day for all, but especially so for Heppner who took the lion's share of honors by gaining permanent possession of the lone Odd Fellows loving cup for winning the lower division spelling contest the third consecutive time; by winning the Lions club cup of fered In the upper division spelling. and by taking the O. S. T. A. cup for the largest number of points scored in the track and field events all the cups that were offered. The cups, and ribbons to the in dividual winners In the spelling contests, were awarded by Mra i.ucy J. Kodgers, county school u perintendent, at the May exercises in the gym at the conclusion of the day's activities. Signal recognition was given by Mrs. Rodgers to members of the Pat Mitchell family, one of whom won each year in the lower division spelling contest to give Heppner permanent possession of the cup. This year litUe Miss Kathleen Mit chell won In this division, while her brother, William Mitchell, who naa won before in the lower div ision, this time place first in the upper division; and in doing so, spelled every one of the 500 words correctly. Ruth Crawford and Charlotte McCabe, both of lone, placed sec ond and third respectively In the upper division spelling, while Dor othy Howell, lone, placed second, and Josephine Arbogast, Heppner, placed third in the lower division. Through error the lower division third place award was mistakenly announced Monday afternoon. Judges in the spelling were Mrs. Ruth Mason, Mrs. Ruth Rietmann, Mrs. Edith Mathews, lone; Mrs. Lena Kelly, Miss Ruth Dlnges, Lex ington; Mrs. Blanch Slocum, Mrs. Tlndal Robison, Mrs. Harriet Gem mell, Miss Velma Huston, Mrs. Sara McNamer, Heppner. The commit tee in charge was Miss Juanita Leathers, Miss Gwendolyn Evans, Heppner; George Gillis, Lexingtor, and Mrs. Harriet Brown, lone. Track and field events beginning at 1 o'clock consisted of 100- and 75- yard dashes, running and stand ing broad Jump, baseball throw, high Jump and shot put, with the boys grouped according to ago, grade and weight into groups rang ing from A to F, with each group competing In a stated number of events on a point basis. Three classes of girls competed. By points the Individual winners were: Boys Group A: Hugh Crawford, Heppner, 269; Fred Ritchie, lone, 207; Clyde Pettyjohn, lone, 197. Group B: Paul McCarty, Heppner, 224; Jack Healy, Pine City, 223; Lester Shaw, Lexington, 220. Group C: Keith Gentry, Lexington, 207; Richard Hayes, Heppner, 185; Mil ton Morgan, Heppner, 177. Group D: Hubert Albee, Heppner, 223; Al ton Pettyjohn, Heppner, 221; Alvln Pettyjohn, Heppner, 207. Group E: Leonard Gilman, Heppner, 392; Ri ley Munkers, Heppner, 273; Ken neth Peck, Lexington, 198. Group F: Laurence Wright, Lexington, 347; Johnnie Hanna, Heppner, 304; Charles Cox, Heppner, 238. Girls Group A: Frances McCar ty, Heppner, 142; Frances McRob erts, Heppner, 131; Mable Rauch, Pine City, 124. Group B; Florence Becket, Liberty, 182; Juanita Od om, Morgan, 150; Betty Bergevin, lone, 126. Group C: Dorothy Brookhouser, Heppner, 175; Gene vieve Hanna, Heppner, 170; Helen Cunningham, Heppner, 151. Blue, red and white ribbons were awarded first, second and third place winners respectively In each group. The Maypole exercises, with the dance In charge of Miss Juanita Leathers, began at 4 o'clock, with numbers by the Heppner school band and band accompaniment to the dancing. Sixteen gaily dressed girls staged the dance and wound the Maypole In a charming manner. They were Kathryn Parker, Dora Bailey, Patty Cason, Alice Latour ell, Genevieve Hanna, Dorothy Brookhouser, Betty Jean Robinson, Edna Faye Dulan, Juanita Phelps, Helen Cunningham, Georgia Mar tin, Marjorie McFerrln, Carol Cob lantz, Lola Coxen, Beth Vance and Marjorie Parker. , GOOD SAVING MADE IN CITY'S LIGHTING Council Vote $10 to Earthquake Relief Fund; Annual Clean-up Day Coming Soon. The city's light bill will be 26 per cent less, and a sizeable refund that will take care of its payment for several months to come was obtain ed, as the result of a subsidiary agreement Monday evening between the city council and Pacific Power and Light company. The saving was made through Installation of the new lighting system on Main street recently.. Counoilmen, all of whom with the mayor were present, smilingly took the action, feeling that the street lighting arrangement had been bettered at a worthwhile sav ing. All the council-men were In a hu mor to make the vote unanimous for a contribution of $10 to the county's $40 Los Angeles earthquake relief quota asked by the Red Cross. The belief was expressed that Hepp ner had been delinquent in recipro cating the good response from Los Angeles at the time of the Heppner Hood. Arangements were talked for staging the city's annual clean-up day, and were left In the hands of the mayor. While this event has usually been held in April, It was thought not out of line to hold it later this year due to the lateness of the season. The city will coop erate as in the past by hauling away free of charge rubbish in con tainers placed at street curbs. May or Anderson said he would make proclamation of the event in the near future. A discussion was had of the meat peddler situation, and further bun lness consisted of payment of cur rent expense bills. BUSINESS CHANGES TAKE LOCAL MEN John W. Hiatt and Cole Madsen to La Grande on Stage Deal; Dix Assumes Store Ownership. John W. Hiatt recently dlsnnsed of his Interests in the Hiatt & Dix grocery to his partner, W.- O. Dix, and this week in company with Cole Madsen, proprietor of the Heppner-Pendleton-Arlington stage nne, took over tne operation of the Wallowa Valley stages between La Grande and Joseph. Madsen e tains the ownership of the local stage run, now being operated by Clair Cox. Hiatt and Madsen recently nego tiated the purchase of the Wallowa run from Carl Curteman, who also has stages running between Pen dleton and Baker. Both the Hepp ner men are engaged on the new run, with Hiatt maintaining head quarters at La Grande and Mads-m at Joseph. They employ thrae busses on the new run, having transferred the one used locally and replaced it with one acquired on the new deal. Mrs. Hiatt and Doris will remain at Heppner for a time, expecting to move to la Grande later. Mr. Hiatt bade adieu Monday to his friends in the Lions plub, in which he has been an active worker, ex pressing regret that he was leaving Heppner, but hoping to be back often. Mr. Dix did not expect there would be any change In the policy of his store as a result of the own ership change. STUDENT OFFICERS ELECTED Student affairs at Oregon State college passed into the hands of a new group of leaders with the in stallation of the officers who came out on top at the annual spring election. Those now holding the reins of student body government are Fred Sallng, Corvallis, presi dent; Dorothy Ann Sldler, Port land, secretary; Kermit Llnstedt, McKenzie Bridge, first vice-president; Virginia Cooper, Portland, second vice-president; Robert Rush ing, Oakland, Cal., third vice-presi dent. The principal editorial positions. which are appointive, are now filled by Warren Reid, Corvallis, editor Dally Barometer; Ralph Coleman, Eugene, editor of the Beaver; and Phil Bralnard, Grants Pass, editor of the Student Directory. Newly elected class presidents are Albert Head, Portland, sopho mores; Milton Campbell, Portland, juniors, and Everett Davis, Corval lis, seniors. Mrs. W. J. Beamer, who attended the state conventon of the Degroo of Honor in Portland the past week, was made president of the order for the coming year. Mrs. Beamer has been the state secre tary for the past two years and Is now honored by being advanced to the head office. Mrs. Beamer was accompanied on her trip by her daughter, Irene, who attended the Christian Endeavor convention at Eugene as a delegate from the En deavor society here. , They returned home Tuesday morning. For a good time be sure to at tend the ANNUAL DANCE given by the Business and Professional Women's Club, ELKS TEMPLE, SATURDAY, MAY 6. NTERI ROAD Lions Committee at Work To Obtain Money From National Relief Fund. FAVOR 6-YEAR TERM Discussion of Socratic League Fro. posal Honoring President's Day Brings Favorable Response. Heppner Lions Interested them selves Monday nl obtaining further help in completing the Heppnor Spray road. J. O. Turner, district state representative, read a com munication from Walter M. Pierce, U. S. representative in congress, in which Mr. Pierce said he was fol lowing a new lead that he hopad would be fruitful of results in get ting additional government money for the road. Appointed was a committee to meet with the county court yester day and to write Governor Meier concerning the chances of getting part of the county's share of the $50,000,000 unemployment" relief fund expended on this road. Named on the committee were G. A. Bleak- man, W. W. Smead, Al Rankin, S, E. Notson and J. O. Turner. S. E. Notson made a further plea to hurry funds along to meet the county's $40 Red Cross earthquake rener quota. Strengthening the plea was an assertion from Charles Thomson that Los Angeles was the first to send relief to Heppner at tne time or the Heppner flood, and that poor reciprocity had so far been shown. Well received in the singing of cowooy songs were Robert Botts and Donald Heliker, the lone Wranglers, who obliged with sever al numbers, Botts playing banjo accompaniment Earl W. Gordon led the main pro gram discussion of the day anent a six-year presidential term, tusiine material disseminated by the So cratic League of America for use In the celebration of President's Day, honored In conjunction with May Day and Child Health Day. Majority sentiment of the olub was shown to be In sympathy with the league's proposal that the pres iential term be lengthened to six years with the restriction that the office could be held by one person for a single term only. " It was brought out that the pres ent system puts a president under too great obligation to his party, the demands of which claim a large proportion of the time spent in of fice, and that he is busier serving the interests of his party than in serving the Interests of the nation. Restriction to the serving of a single term and lengthening of the term, it was believed, would tend to put party interests into the back ground and give the president suf ficient time to put into practice such policies as he might have for the welfare of the nation. It was pointed out that any man to reach the presidency must necessarily be the highest type of citizen, and that the present plan of tenure does not give him a fair opportunity to do the things which he might be able to do for the best interests of all. 5 Morrow County Boys Accepted for C. M. T. C. Vancouver Barracks, Wash,, Apr. 27. Enrollment for the 1933 Citi zen's Military Training camp at this post has been completed in Morrow county, It was announced today by camp authorities under direction of Brigadier-General Stanley H. Ford. Five youths have been notified of their accept ance. The acceptances are contingent upon compliance with the entrance qualifications, which included the necessary vaccinations and Inocu lations, but In most cases these al ready have been met. Those for whom four weeks of active outdoor work and recreation are ahead, be ginning June 23, are: Harold R. Ayera, Heppner, William C. Coch ell, Heppner; Theodore E. Thom son, Heppner; Steven S. Wehmeyer, Heppner; and Claud E, Wilcox, Lexington. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on the first day of May, 1933, John W. Hiatt and W. O. Dix, dissolved the partnership heretofore existing be tween them under the firm name of Hiatt and Dix, and that said W. O Dix is the sole owner of the gro cery store conducted by said part nership at Heppner, Oregon, and that said John W. Hiatt has severed all his connection with said partner ship, JOHN W. HIATT. W. O. DIX. AUXILIARY MEETS. Mrs. Walter Moore and Mrs. E. F. Bloom were hostesses for the Am erican Legion auxiliary at the home of Mrs. Moore Tuesday evening. Besides caring for the regular rou tine of business the members as sisted Mrs. Chas. Smith, poppy chairman, in putting the name stickers on the popples In readiness for the Poppy Day sale May 27. The next meeting of the unit will be at the home of Mrs. Hugh Snider. PROCLAMATION. In accordance with an estab lished custom of the City of Heppner, Oregon, I, Gay M. An derson, Mayor, do hereby pro claim Monday, May 15th, 1933, CLEAN-UP DAY IN HEPPNER, and urge all residents to cooper ate with the said City so that we will be rid of all unsightly rub bish and fire hazard and thereby add to the beauty of the City and the peace and happiness of the citizens. All trash, garbage and rubbish must be In sacks, boxes, barrels, or other substantial con tainers and placed at the street curb on or before that day and will be taken care of and hauled away by and at the expense of the City. GAY M. ANDERSON, Mayor. By order of the Common Coun cil of Heppner, Oregon, and dat ed this 4th day of May, 1933. TWO MEN INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT Harold Buhman and Andrew Bald win Victims of Crash When Car Skids Into Pole. Harold W. Buhman and Andrew Baldwin received painful, though not serious injuries, when the Buh man coupe crashed into a telephone pole on Elder street near the school- house about midnight Monday night. George Mabee, in the seat with itham, escaped with a slight cut on his lip, while the car was badly damaged and the pole was severed from its base. Faulty car lights and the slippery street, due to the heavy rain of that day, were believed to have been the cause. The three men walked from the wreck to the doctor's office where their injuries were treated. Buh man received a bad laceration of the scalp and bled profusely, be sides body bruises. Baldwin, whose head was thrown through the wind shield by the Impact, was cut deep ly in his lower lip, and lost his two upper front teeth when his mouth was thrown against a jagged piece of glass which remained In the low er part of the windshield after his head struck it. There is a chance that he may lose some of his other teeth, also, as a result. Buhman, grade school principal, remained in the hospital Tuesday and returned to his room at Mrs. Mattie Huston's on Tuesday eve ning. Baldwin watfleileved of driv ing his delivery wagon for a day by Frank Egan, and Mabee assum ed his teaching duties at the school Tuesday as usual. The men had been at the Bald win home on K street playing ping pong, and had got into the car to drive down town. They were not sure wnetner it was the car liirhfs or street lights which went out just as they reached the intersection turning on to Elder street toward the schoolhouse. but the whole town was in darkness shortly after. The poor visibility confused Bnhmnn who was driving, and at the same time matters were complicated by the slippery condition of the trt which caused the car to skid into uie poie lust in front of Oia resi dence occupied by the Wm. McRob erts family. While painful, the iniuriea ed will not prove serious, the doc tor oeueves, and the young man making good recovery. They are congratulating themselves that it wasn't more serious, while receiv ing the sympathies of their many friends. Manuals Now Available To License Applicants An indication of the treat Int .r- esrt Oregon motorists are showing in the renewal of their drivers' li censes and in the savings accom plished by registration nrlor tn June 9th, is the increasing demand for free copies of the Oregon Mo torist's manual. Hundreds of re quests are being received weekly by nai a. tioss, secretary of state, from renewal applicants who wish to study the questions and approved answere before taking the required eAuiuinauan. 'Every possible effort is helne- made to simplify the procedure nec essary under the existing law to obtain a renewal license," declares Secretary Hoss. "After a study of the motorist's manual, the appli cant should be able to complete thi written quiz and the visual acultv tests In approximately 20 minutes. Driving tests are not required on renewals unless the applicant is 70 years of age, or older, or is physical ly impaired," Mr. Jbioss points O'lt Only Ave more weeks remain be fore the new motor vehicle law3 become effective, al which time the drivers' licenses will sell for twice the present price. The fee under the new enactment will be $1, as ngainst 50 cents now being charged. Motorists must have their licenses renewed, if Issued to them prior to July 1, 1931, or forfeit their driving privileges. September 1st has been set as the dead-line for the exist ence of these old-type licensese, ac cording to the new law. Those drivers wishing to study the questions and answers in the motorists manual before taking the exams can obtain free copies of th booklet by writing directly to Sec retary Hoss, calling at the county sheriff's office, the city hall, or at newspaper offices. Examiners' schedules, which show when and where the tests are given in the 60 Individual cities and towns covered by travelling examiners, should be obtained when asking for a manual. GRlSTl From Happenings Here and Yon Concerning Rain Brings Hope A Patriotic Service Presidential Powers and other things of more or less moment as seen by The G. T. REPORTER The long-hoped for rains have arrived In Morrow county, and a new tease on life has been taken, not only by the large amount of spring-sown grain necessitated by the general freeze-out last winter, but by the people as well. Rain is not the only cause of a better feeling generally. Reports that eastern Oregon wool is being bought at as high as 17 cents a pound in some instances double the amount received a year ago has a heartening effect, with shear ing just getting under way in this county. Accompanied by a streng thening of the lamb market, there is more reason for hopefulness. Grain prices, too, remain firm at the highest level in two years. Con trading has been reported in neigh bor counties at 50 cents a bushel, With rains sufficient to boost the good start of spring grain, i heart of wheat farmers has started to throb once more. It started to rain last week. In Heppner the rain descended for 24 hours last Friday and Saturday a steady, soaking shower. It was not general over the north end. But there have been intermittent show ers since, covering the county quite well; and no matter how bright and sunshiny the morning In Heppner, the common remark now is, "We're going to get some more today. it's too bad that "what Is one person's gain is another person's loss" must hold true in this in stance. Some sheepmen of the But ter creek country lost freshly shorn sheep because of the rain. Their loss is regretted by friends and neighbors of this vicinity. we are privileged to live in a great age. Who does not believe max, wnen Dy a mere twist or a knob or two he can have his pres ident and other high officials of the nation sit own with him and tell him their ideas of government. Whether or not one agrees with their ideas, anyone who was priv ileged to hear Henry W. Wallace, secretary of agriculture, and Cor dell Hull, secretary of state, in ra dio addresses this week, could not help but be impressed by the broad view they have of their tasks, and their depth of understanding of the problems confronting the nation. They are not supermen. And, mayhap, neither are they more ca pable than their predecessors. But the fact that radio is bringing the men in high office ever closer to the people, so that the people may the better know them and the things they hope to accomplish, surely marks a new era in national un derstanding and enlightenment The Washington Star, the broad casting companies, and others re sponsible for such programs, are giving true patriotic service. Not equaled in our national his tory, are the powers which have been delegated to President Roose velt. This morning comes the news that the "inflation" bill which would give the president power to Inflate currency by $6,000,000,000 if he deems it necessary; to decrease the value of the gold dollar as much as 50 percent, and to take unparalellcd steps for farm relief; had passed the house of representatives. Unless the president has had a complete change of heart in the last few weeks, he will use spar ingly such powers as are given him for inflation. At no time has he favored reckless inflation. That assures larger confidence of the people. CUT-OFF MEETING SET. A business meeting of the Wallu-la-Umatilla Cut-off association has been set at the state line between Umatilla and Wallula next Sunday afternoon beginning at 2 o'clock, ac cording to notice received this week from H. B. Nolan, president, and R. R. Thrasher, secretary. The meeting is for the purpose of fix ing a time and place, and to con sider finances, appropriate cere monies, and a far-flung publicity campaign for a grand opening of this new Oregon-Washington fed eral highway. The officers extend an invitation to Heppner to come with a delegation of live wires. CLUB TO STUDY JAPAN. The Heppner Womans club will have Japan as its topic of discus sion next Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. J. O. Turner, begin ning at 7:45. Papers scheduled In clude "Japan's Case," Mrs. F. W. Turner; "Romantic Japan," Mrs. A. Q. Thomson; "Japan and Korea," Mss Botsy Asher; "Diaries of Con ft Ladies of Old Japan," Mrs. E. F. Bloom; "Japan in the World of To day," Mrs. Jeff Beamer. Japanese songs, poems and music will round out the program, ANNUAL OPERETTA PLEASES AUDIENCE "Oh Doctor!" Draws Capacity Crowd Thursday Night; Music and Dancing Featured. A capacty audience filled the audi torium at the school gym building Thursday evening to witness the presentation of "Oh Doctor!," the two act operetta presented by pu pils of Heppner high school under direction of Miss Charlotte Woods, teacher of music Assisting In the program were Miss Virginia Dix, piano, Miss Margaret Missildine, violin, and Miss Ruth Missildine, cello, and the instrumental work f the presentation was well sustain ed, the instrumentation adding greatly to the support of the vocal work of both soloists and choruses, and when summed up, the operetta can be said to be one of the best presentations the school has put before the Heppner public In many seasons. Mrs. Harold Conn had charge of the preparation of the ballet fea tures, and these were especially striking. She was assisted In the direction of these dances by her sister, Mrs. Adelyn O'Shea. Each number called forth appreciative applause from the audience. The cast was a large one and necessarily called for a lot of work on the part of those participating. The preparation had been a matter of serious attention in the music department for several weeks, and the performance was a fitting se qual to the time and labor of both director and actors. Leading parts were well sustained by Billie Coch ell, Winifred Case, Matt Kenny and Anabel Turner, each' of whom had much solo work; while Marvin Mor gan, as the colored servant. Rain bow, and Francis Nlckerson, the Mexican cowboy, Pancho, added to the comedy by well sustained ef fort Frances Rugg and Rach 1 Anglin were "ideal" patients of the Doctors Slaughter and Coffin, rep resented by Anson Rugg and Ger ald Cason. The costuming was good all around, adding to the force of the parts taken. The full cast is here presented: Cast Dr. Drinkwater. proprietor of Drinkwater sanatorium, Bill Cochell; Glory Drinkwater, Dr. Drinkwater's granddaughter, Winl- irea uase; nuip, young ranch owner, Matt Kenny; Honor, pre tending to be Glory Drinkwater. Anabel Turner; Rainbow, colored servant at sanatorium, Marvin Mor gan; Pancho, Mexican cowboy, Francis Nlckerson; Mrs. Weaklev and Mrs. Crossley, patients, Fran ces Rugg and Rachel Anglin; Dr. Slaughter and Dr. Coffin, doctors, Anson Rugg and Gerald Cason: Bob, Glory's fiance, Bill Schwarz; Cynthia, his cousin, Jessie French: Madam Chere, Honor's mother, Bene Kilkenny; Bessie, maid, Juan ita Morgan; Old Timer and Jim, from Philip's ranch, Raymond Drake and Reese Burkenbin . Manuel, Mexican rustler, Richard Benton. Chorus of cowboys Ernest Clark. Ray Coblantz. Ronald Coblantz. Marshall Fell and Donald Turner. Chorus of nurses and patients Dorris AUstott Margaret Farley. Myrtle Green, Margaret Nelson, Lydia Ulrich, Marie Barlow, Ros anna Farley, Katherlne Healey, Kathryn KeUy, Esther Adams, Ha zel Beymer, Jessie French, Ethyl Hughes, Delia Ulrich, Margaret Sprnikel. Birth of Spring" ballet Kath ryn Parker, goddess; Dean Good man, pilgrim; Dora Bailey, solo dancer. Nymphs: Louise Ander son, Juanita Phelps, Harriet Ha ger, June Anderson, Alice Latou rell, Patty Cason, Marie Barlow, Delia Ulrich, Hazel Beymer, Katn-i !een Cunningham, Elsie Crump. Rose Cunningham, Jessie French, Betty Happold. "Morning Glory" chorus Beth Vance, Virginia Swendig, Jeannette maltely, Betty Happold, Rose Cun ningham, Maud Bailey, Nina Cox, Frances McCarty. Spanish dancer, Adele Nickerson. Stage managers are Beatrice Thomson and Frank Anderson. Butter Creek Sheepmen Suffer Heavy Losses Cold rains the first of the week cost Butter Creek sheepmen an es timated 10,000 head of newly shorn sheep, according to reports reach ing Heppner. Heaviest losses we-e sustained by Tom Boylen, Jr., and brother, Eugene Boylen, with lat est reports placing the estimate of tneir losses upwards of 4000 head. Among other losers were Antone Vey, Mrs. Mary Pedro and Joseph Cunha. The upper Butter creek section was the first to start shearing oper ations, and the cold rains coming after many sheep had just been shorn, caught them unprotected, causing them to pile up and smoth er to death. The experience Is not a new one, accord' ng to J. G. Bar ratt, who recalled Monday that his father at one time lost $7,500 worth of sheep when the animals Were caught in a strom In the moun tains. Charles H. Latourell drove to Bend yesterday by way of the Heppner-Spray road, expecting on the trip to catch a few big trout from the rivers of central Oregon. Wanted To hire, man and 12-up team; inquire at this office. LOCALS TRIM Id -5 III IT GAME Nervousness of Egg City Lads Results in Cost ly Errors. THOMSON HITS HARD Two Three-Baggers Drive In Four Tallies; Massey and Teammates Play Air-Tight After 4th. TEAM STANDINGS Won Lost Pet Fossil Blalock Heppner Arlington lone 1.000 1.000 J500 .500 .000 .000 Condon LAST SUNDAY'S RESULTS: Heppner 10 at lone 6, Fossil 8 at Arlington 7, Blalock 9 at Condon 8. Where the Teams Play Next Sun day: Condon at Heppner, lone at Fossil, Arlington at Blalock. Heppner stepped into the half way mark In percentage of Wheat land league team standings by de feating the Egg City lads at lone Sunday, 10-5. Overanxlety on the part of some of Ione's hustling youngsters, who show plenty of promise, helped boost the Heppm.r score. On earned runs Heppnrr took the edge 6-3. It looked like Ray Massey, Hepp ner chucker, was in for plenty of trouble as lone touched him up for seven hits in the first four Innings, which with loose support let in thi five lone tallies, two in the second and three In the fourth, but from there on out he was found for only two scattered blngles and his team mates played errorless ball to shut out the Ionians. Gar" Swanson, who did the pitching for lone up to the eighth, when he was relieved by Bill Whit son, did not get into much trouble of his own making. Some of the youngsters behind him Just didnt have the confidence on easy chances and several times threw the ball away. When they get over their nervousness, lone will . make it tough on any of the other teams in the league. Whitson proved a little wild and three batsmen whom he walked crossed home plate. Rod Thomson, batting clean-up for the locals, took good care of the place by lining out two three baggers over the left field fence and driving in four runs. Heppner runs were scored one In the second, two in the third, one In the fourth, three in the seventh and three In the ninth. Next Sunday Condon comes to Rodeo field to engage the locals. when another good game is antici pated. Box score and summary: HEPPNER AB R H O H. Gentry, s Robertson, c . R. Gentry, 2 . Thomson, 1 Ferguson, 3 Hayes, m Crawford, 1 Turner, r Massey, p Totals IONE 42 10 9 27 yl Linn, 1 Akers, 2 5 5 5 8 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 3 1 -42 R. Lundell, s Swanson, p Tucker, m-3 Everson, e F. Lundell, 1 Whitson, r-p Lieuallen, 3 Engelman, r Totals . 9 27 18 10 Earned runs, Heppner 6. lone 3: three base hits, Thomson 2; first base on balls, off Massey 0, off Swanson 2, off Whitson 3; left on bases, Heppner 6, lone 8; balk, Swanson; first base on errors, Heppner 4, lone 1; two base hits, Tucker; struck out by Massey S, by Swanson 5, by Whitson 1; hit by pitcher, Tucker by Missey. Um pires, Hoskins and Johnson; scorer, a. ii.eiiy. FOREST WORKERS SELECTED. The ten Morrow county men to be used in the emergency forjst work in this district were selected by the county court from the list ct applicants yesterday. They are George L. Scarlet, Irrigon; Ray mond L. Fletcher and Marquis S. reenwalt, lone; and Basil Brook houser, John McNamee, Joe Swen dig. Ralph Breedon, William Cun ningham, Jr., Ray Massev and Ralph Forgey, all of Heppner. These men are expected to report to the court immediately and to hold themselves subject to call. It is ex pected they will report at the camp on Wilson creek in this district by the 15th, and will undergo the re quired physical examination at a time and place to be announced, later. The missionary society of the Christian church was entertained at the home of Mrs. Frank E. Par ker on Heppner flat Tuesday after noon, the occasion of their regular monthly meeting. Cars were fur nished to carry all those desiring to attend, and the usual number was present Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Emma Gemmctl were hostesses, and following the program hour, served delicious refreshments.