Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 13, 1933, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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(Bnzttti States
Established March 30. 1SS3;
Established November 18, 1897;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Tear
Six Months
Three Months
Single Copies
, $2 00
, 1.00
. .75
. .05
Official Paper for Morrow County
Autocaster Service.
IT IS a .common saying that the
Winters are getting milder and
the summers hotter. Now comes
along the United States weather
bureau, which has been studying
the weathe conditions directly for
more than sixty years and by ref-
erence to old records for more than
a hundred years back, and con
firms the belief that the past few
years ha e been exceptionally mild.
Since 1908 the United States, es-
reciallv that part of it east of the
Rnrkiea. has been enjoying the
longest "warm spell" in history. The
average annual temperature has
been steadily rising for twenty-five
Perhaos it has begun to
chance. The Winter just pass
was not as mild as the last one,
which was the mildest in a century.
If we have a cool spring, weather
sharps say, we may look forward
to a cooler Autumn.
Just after the war of 1812 there
was a long warm spell, lasting more
than ten years. There was another
soon after the Civil War. But from
1875 to 1912 the summers kept get
ting colder.
What causes these fluctuations in
average annual temperature is not
yet clearly understood, but know
ledge of them is important For
one thing, these changes of climate
have a decided influence upon ag
riculture. They determine the
length of the growing season.
Wheat production has been extend
ing farther and farther north In
Canada for a good many years now,
A change of only two or three de
grees in the average temperature
shortening the growing season,
might materially cut down the
wheat area of our northern neigh
bor. Similarly, the northward limit
of the cotton belt is fixed by the
average annual temperature.
The weather is one topic of per
ennial interest Everybody talks
about it although, as Mark Twain
remarked, nobody ever does any
thing about it It is of interest to
everybody because it affects every
body. We have heard of lands of
perpetual sunshine, In which the
temperature never changes fro..i
season to season, where nobody ever
has to give the weather a second
thought We have often wondered
what the people of these happy isles
found to talk about And we also
wonder whether life doesn't get en
tirely too monotonous where Nature
itself never changes.
PAPER. THE country paper Is still the fa-
vorite paper with the women in
the Big City, according to the ques
tionnaire that has been answered
by college women, members of the
Panhellenic Association, at the
Panhellenic Hotel in New York City
of twenty-one national fraternities,
The questionnaire showed that
the novelists are right when they
call New York City a big place
where the small town people meet
Members of the Panhellenic Asso
ciation were asked a number
questions about their favorite pa
pers, their favorite news topics, and
their favorite news writers. After
giving their answers to these quer
ies they remarked that their favor
ite paper was still their home town
One woman answered: "I read
every item in the paper the family
sends me because it gives me news
about all the neighbors that my
family never writes me about My
family's weekly letter tells me the
news about themselves and that's
about all. The paper gives me all
the facts about the friends I have
known since I was knee-high."
Another successful woman in
New Yok City wrote: "After all,
the news we care the most about
is the news about the people that
mean the most to us, and they are
at home."
MOTHERS. Autocaster Service.
EVERY nation is governed by its
leisure class. That is to say, by
the peope who have nothing else to
do but govern. If the United States
and its governmental units are gov
erned by politicians, that is because
we have got the habit of paying
better salaries to professional poli
ticians than men of equal ability
can earn in private business, and so
we have created a leisure class
which rules us. They can afford to
do nothing else but run the affairs
of government
But we have another and larger
leisure class, which is beginning to
come into Its own. That Is the
grandmothers of the nation. Time
was when a grandmother was
thought of as having fulfilled her
earthly duties and as having no oc
cupation left but to prepare for
the next world. But that time is
long past Grandmothers today are
among the most active class in pub
llo life and affairs; not actually
grandmothers, all of them, to bo
sure, but women of the maturity
and experience of life which dis
tinguishes the grandmother type.
We are thinking at the moment
of the announcement from Wash
ington that Mrs. Nellie Ross, for
merly Member of Congress from
Wyoming, is to be appointed treas
urer of the United States, in which
capacity, among other things, she
will have her name on all United
States money. We are thinking of
Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen, daughter
of the famous "Commoner," an ac
tual grandmother, who is to be, we
hear, Assistant Secretary of State.
We think, too, of Mrs. Wilson, who
goes by her maiden name of Fran
cis Perkins and is Secretary of La
bor in the President's Cabinet.
Those ladies, and many others in
public life, are symptoms of an ap
proaching government by grand
mothers. It may be objected that we have
had experience with plenty of "old
women" in the Senate an else
where, although not of the femin
ine sex. But seriously, who thst
knows anything about grandmoth
ers could object to having them
run the Government The greu
thing about grandmothers, as we
see it is that they know so much
more about the real things of life,
about human nature and how it
works, than the rest of us do. It's
hard to fool a grandmother; she
has had too much experience with
men and women and children to be
imposed upon easily. And when it
comes down to thrift to keeping
the house in order and saving ev
ery available penny, we would
rather trust a Congress of grand
mothers than' a Congress of politi
clans, any time.
Women cast one-third of the
votes at the last election. We would
be willing to give the women the
gi andmothers especially two-
thirds of the offices.
Farmers Try New Crops
La Grande Twelve new crop
demonstrations on acreages from
two to 40 acres have been arranged
by farmers through Union county.
Most are with crested wheat grass
though three each are trying flax
seed and alfalfa planted in rows
for seed. Duncan McDonald of this
vicinity is putting to the largest
acreage of these new crops, seed
ing 40 acres to flax and 20 to crest
ed wheat grass, reports H. G. Av
ery, county agent J. B. Weaver of
Union is putting in 20 acres of al
falfa for seed and 10 acres of flax.
Extension Records Broken
Dallas March broke all records
in the history of extension work in
Polk county for number of calls at
the office of County Agent J. R,
Beck. During the month there
were 589 calls either personally or
by telephone. Of these 84 were fai
mers seeking loans from the fed
eral loan office. In addition to the
office business, the agent made 79
farm calls in March. The usual
volume of office calls in Polk coun
ty runs around 200 or so a month,
Early Lambing Successful
Canyon City Grant county's ear
ly lambing operations were most
successful in the past six years, re
ports County Agent R. G. Johnson
Ewes twinned well and then had
plenty of milk.. Grass was slow
in starting but by April 1 condl
tions were good. Stockmen are
learning that the finest "medicine'
is plenty of feed before, during and
after lambing plus cleanliness.
With these prevailing generally this
year disease was at a minimum.
lake Fanners Request Reports
Lakeview Seventy-five Lake
county farmers have registered re
quests with the county agent for
all agricultural outlook and market
reports to be issued this year from
the office of the'extension economist
at Corvallis. This information will
be mailed directly to them as it is
Wheat Production Off
In State and Nation
Paul C. Newman, Statistician.
March first planting intentions as
expressed by Oregon farmers to
the Division of Crop and Livestock
Estimates, United States depart
ment of agriculture, will' probably
show considerable change at actual
planting time due chiefly to unfa
vorable spring weather conditions
which have been so unusual and
the effect on the farm crop program
so pronounced that changes caused
by other factors are relatively in
significant This is particularly
true of western Oregon. All spring
seeding operations in western Ore
gon are delayed by continued col
wet weather. Winter damage here
was the worst in years so that crop
prospects now are poor. East of
the mountains reseeding of winter
killed wheat is progressing satis
factorily and is approaching com
pletion. The damaged acreage
ranged up to 100 per cent All
grass and pastures are very slow
in starting and the lack of green
feed is having a deleterious effect
on lamb and calf crops. One favor
able circumstance, however, is that
the slpw melting of snows has les
sened the amount of runoff and
made possible Increased absorption
by the soil and the maximum bene
fit will be derived. Some eastern
localities will be short of mois
ture, however, unless rains come
As a result of these conditions
the winter wheat remaining has a
very low condition figure and pros
pective yield is below average. The
present condition of winter wheat
remaining for harvest in Oregon is
very poor, the estimates, however,
anticipate normal conditions from
now until harvest which would be
for the most part favorable.
The United States forecast of
winter wheat production is much
below average due to present poor
condition of the crop in the great
middle west producing area, where
the prospects, are somewhat com
parable with our own Pacific)
Northwest from similar causes.
Bruce Barton
writes of
"The Master Executive"
Supplying a week-to-week Inspiration
(or the hoary -burdened who will find
very annua trial paralleled la the ex
perience of "The Man Nobody Knows"
When Gideon called for volun
teers to fight the Midianites, thirty
two thousand responded, Gideon
looked them over critically. He
knew the conflicting motives that
had brought them there some from
mere love of adventure; some be
cause they were afraid to be taunt
ed with cowardice; some for plun
der; some to get away from their
wives. He determined to weed
them out at once:
"Whosoever is fearful and afraid,
let him go home tonight," he pro
claimed. The next morning twenty-two
thousand had vanished. Only ten
thousand remained.
Still Gideon was unsatisfied. He
hit upon a stratagem. Down the
hillside and across a little brook he
led the whole band. It was a hot
morning; the men were thirsty and
tired; and Gideon, standing on the
bank and watching, had a shrewd
idea that character would show it
self under the strain. Sure enough,
of the ten thousand, a vast major
ity knelt down and pushed their
faces into the cool, clear water,
taking long, refreshing draughts.
But a few were too eager. They
caught up the water in their hands,
dashed it into their faces, and h r-
ried across to the other bank, rest-
ess to be on
Only a handful; one three hun
dred. But Gideon kept them and
sent the rest home. Better three
hundred who could not be held back
from the battle than ten thousand
who were merely half-heartedly
ready to go. t
With the three hundred he won.
That higher type of leadership
which calls forth men s greatest en
ergies by the promise of obstacles
rather than the picture of rewards
that was the leadership of Jesus.
By it he tempered the soft metal of
his disciples' nature into keen hard
steel. The final conference with
which he prepared them for their
work is thrilling in its majestic ap
peal to courage. Listen to the calm
recital of the deprivations and dan
Get you no gold, nor silver, nor
brass in your purses.
No wallet for your Journey; neith
er two coats, nor shoes nor staff.
Beware of men: for they will de
liver you up to councils and in their
synagogues they will scourge you;
yea and before governors and kings
shall ye be brought for my sake.
He that loveth father or mother
man than me is not worthy of me
and he that loveth son or daughter
more than me is not worthy of me
And he that doth not take his cross
and follow after me is not wort-ty
or me.
He that flndeth his life shall lose
it; and he that loseth his life for
my sake shall find it
Watch the faces and the figures.
See the shoulders straighten, the
muscles of the lips grow hard
There is power in those faces that
will not be withstood
The great Idea prevailed.
Next Week! A "Many-Sided" Man
Diseases Lurk Unseen in
Good Looking Seed Spuds
"No one on earth can look at
two piles of potatoes and say with
certainty which one Is better than
the other."
E. R, Jackman, extension spec
ialist In farm crops, and who knows
the Oregon potato business from
both ends, is author of that ch U-
lenge. ur course, he says, some
things like soft rot, scab, and rhy-
zoctonia can be detected by look
ing at the spuds, but the main dls
asters of potato crop the virus dis
easesmay lurk in the finest look
ing pile of potatoes to be found,
"A nice smooth potato is not like
ly to differ in seed value from the
rough one beside it" says Jackman
in urging the advantages of certi
fied seed. "Frequently the rough
one may be much better, as three
of the commonest types of virus
iseases tend to make the tubers
smooth that do develop.
"Certified seed is that which
tagged with the official tag sealed
on the bag by a representative o:
the state college. Growers pay for
this Inspection and certification
hence the little extra charge for
this type of seed is fully Justified
and the seed is well worth the dif
ference. One growing his own seea
can do what the certified seed
growers do maintain a seed plot
learn the diseases and rogue them
Speaking of the various varle
ties of potatoes to plant for the
early or mid-season, G. R, Hyslop,
head of the farm crops department,
gives these brief descriptions of the
leading sorts for this state:
Bliss Triumph An oval, pink po
tato with white flesh, suitable for
most any section of the state, gain
lng special favor in Malheur coun
ty. Good flavor and cooking qual
ity ana yields better than some
trifle earlier.
Irish Cobbler A white early po
tato that sets fewer tubers than
some but reaches market size early,
Favored in some lower elevations
in eastern Oregon.
Early Pink Pink oval potato
with white flesh favored in dryland
sections where growing season
very short.
Earliest of All or Idaho Rural-
A white oval potato, very produc
tive, setting a large number of tu
bers. Not necessarily "earliest of
For Rent 6 -room furnished resi
dence; barn, pasture, chicken house,
garden. Call 6F32, or write Mrs.
George Moore, Echo, Ore, 4-6
MART A. NOTSON. Reporter.
Why did America amass 740U
points in the Olympic Games and
their nearest competitor but 262 H?
Was it the climate? Was it the
technique and training? Was it the
spirit and stamina?
Various answers are being given
by those who analyze. Some think
it the scientific attention given to
athletes In schools. The co-ordinance
of mind and muscle has been
the study of scientists In the Uni
ted States. This possibly has some
thing to do with It
The executive assistant to the
president of the American Olympic
Games committee and Athletic Un
ion, J. Lyman Bingham, says that
the generations of tradition in op
position to alcohol have been par
ticularly important in raising the
ability of American youth. The use
of alcohol is specifically forbidden
among American athletes.
"You can't win with alcohol," was
the frequent word heard among the
2,000 athletes from thirty-nine na
tions assembled in the Olympic
Village, says the '"Christian Science
Alcohol and athletics do not mix!
The youngsters who begin training
for the next Olympics will have It
in mind. Every boy on the sand lot
the next four years who aspires to
be a sprinter, a Marathon runner,
or a halfback on a football squad
will shun alcohoL
One outstanding difference be
tween America and all other con
testing countries is prohibition. The
difference in scores is eloquent.
And some politicians want it
back! From an editorial in the
Los Angeles Times, September 3,
Connie Mack, manager of the
Philadelphia Athletics, says: "All
the umpires together have not put
as many players out of the game as
old man booze.
Alonzo Stagg, coach at the Uni
versity of Chicago, says: "Coaches
and trainers are dead against the
use of alcoholic liquors, even beer."
"The greatest of them all," Knute
Roukne, former coach at Notre
Dame, "demanded that the men of
his teams abstain from alcoholic
drinks both in and out of football
season," slays Collier's Magazine,
1927. . .
Suzanne Lenglen, tennis star of
France, coming from a wine-drink
ing country, says: "I never drink
wme or alcoholic drinks or any
u mum
A very ancient complaint, and
an annoying one, as you well know,
who are subject to attacks when
least expected. Folks with full ves
sels are subject to it; those with
"catarrh," the old bogey-man tt
the quack. Those with high blood
pressure? Well, if you have it the
nose-bleed Is likely to prove help
ful at least for awhile. Let it bleed
if you have Increased blood-pres
sure, it will lower tension.
Most people do the very wrong
thing for an attack of nose-bleed
they ruch to a basin of warm wa
ter and try to get as much of it in
the nose as possible. I've seen men
try to drive their forefingers into
the nostril as far as .possible, for
what purpose they could not tell.
They snort, blow the nose violently,
rasp the throat, and do everything
to keep up the local uproar. Ev
erything but the right thing -which
is to try to quiet the nerves, cease
snorting, poking fingers and wash
ing out with warm water. . . . Just
be still, if you can. Let it drain, at
least until the doctor comes, if you
were so scared that you sent for
him posthaste.
Every person has his own time
of blood-coagulation This is Im
portant to him that It, the numbt-r
of minutes it takes his blood to
form a clot which arrests the nose
bleed. A clot cannot ever form, u
e'er warm water douches, and fore
finger poklngs, and snortings. Pit
still be still apply cold if any
thingsnort not at all. Gentle pres
sure up-and-down and maintained
each side of nose. No time wast
ed, no harm done if it does not heip,
uut oe quiet deliberate; I never
saw a death from nose-bleed.
The time to cure nose-bleed is to
get next your good doctor WHEN
Tell the doctor I said so.
Rhea Creek Grange.
Mr. and Mrs. Charity Osmin spent
the week end with Mrs. Osmln's
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. John Bere-strom.
Lawrence Becket is reported to
be slowly but gradually Improving,
ronowing his operation.
Mrs. B. O. Anderson is suffering
irom the effects of a badly burned
Injuries to his face, which Onez
rarker suffered last week In a mix-
up with his drill team, are healing
ana wni leave no scars.
Sunday guests at the Cllve Hus
ton home in Eight Mile were Mrs.
Minnie Ramsey and daughter Char
lotte, Messrs Joe and Leo Gorger
ana Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Roblson.
There will be a dance at the hall
April 22, with Bud's Jazz Gang
An insurance company wrote out
a policy for Samuel Johnson and
for a few years premiums were
paid promptly. Suddenly they
stopped and after sending out a
few notices, the company received
this Teply:
"Dear Sir: Please excuse us, we
can't pay no more premiums on
Saim. He died last May. Yours
truly, Mrs, Sam Johnson." Ex.
Ability it's scarce
I am constantly being surprised
to discover that men who got along
more than passably well in good
times are utterly without ability to
help themselves in hard times. By
contrast, the proportion of first-
rate men with initiative, courage
and confidence in themselves, seems
pitiably small.
More than three hundred years
ago a man named William Shake
speare expressed the same idea
when he wrote":
"The fault, dear Brutus, Is not
In our stars, But in ourselves,
that we are underlings."
Every day I get fresh evidence
that men who were classed as su
perior a few years ago are weak
lings. Also I hear every day of
men who never made any great
splash in the world, but who are
getting ahead today in spite of hard
One thing depression has taught
is that all men are not equal, at
least in ability. But let prosperity
return and with it will come a new
crop of incompetents getting by on
their nerve and assurance.
Work and the lazy
One evil result of the depression
and the vast expenditure of money
for the unemployed has been to get
millions out of the habit of work
It is so much easier to draw money
and food from the public and char
ity funds than it is to work.
We have been trying to hire
competent woman to do general
housework, In my family. Six re
fused the job because "it was too
much work," although my hundred-
pound daughter manages to do it
all in half a day. On inquiry we
round that each of those six had
been living comfortably without
working, supported by one or an
other source of unemployment re
In three weeks we tried out six
who were willing to try or so they
said. They were willing to eat and
sleep, but it turned out they were
unwilling to work.
Many business men friends till
me that It Is next to Impossible to
hire people who will really work at
their jobs. They feel that they don
have to work unless they want to.
I am afraid that those of us who
are willing to work will have to go
on supporting a huge army of non
workers, even when good times
come back again.
Business . . in chain gang
Adversity sometimes discloses un
suspected business ability in the
last place one would look for it
Carter Melvin, a Negro convict in
a Georgia chain-gang-, found
nickel in the prison yard. He got a
Keeper to Duy him a package of
matches, ten boxes. He sold the
matches to other convicts and
guards for a cent a box, doubling
nis capital. ie Bought more
matches wholesale and sold them
retail until he had a quarter. He
bought six packages of smoking to
bacco for his quarter and sold thai.-
for a nickel a sack. At last he had
enough to buy a carton of cigar
ettes, which he again retailed at
Carter has $20 now, all from the
original nickel. He has done bet
ter than a whole lot of white folm
who have let the hard times lick
them. And he has proved that bus
iness ability is not confined to any
one ciass or race.
Chicago it's fair
Anybody with half a dollar and
bus fare to Chicago any time after
June 1 can get more entertainment
end education In a short time than
has been crowded into one place in
a long time.
The Chicago Century of Progress
Exposition, although unfinished, has
already attracted more than 850,000
paid admissions. In seventeen prin
cipal buildings and unnumbered
smaller ones will be shown more
interesting and instructive exhibits
from all over the world than have
been seen in one place In Amerl
since the San Francisco World fair
of 1915.
It may easily turn out that Chi
cago's show, putting money into
free circulation again, will prove
tne stimulus to business that will
finally smash the depression.
Thomson . after 80 years
Eliou Thomson, eighty years old
is still working, still Inventing. Not
so widely Known as Edison. Pro
fessor Thomson ranks among men
or science as tne foremost living in-
ventor in tne electrical field.
He invented electrical welding,
among other things. But befora
that he had made the primitive dy
namos work, perfected the electric
motor and done many other thingj
to mane electricity turn the world
Professor Thomson's enthusiasm
In the fled of astronomy led him to
try to find a way to make blgge
and better telescopes. When past
seventy he invented a method
fusing quartz so that it can be
worked like glass, and fused quarU
lets in a lot or light which glass
bars out, so the biggest telescope
lens in the world is now being made
out or Thomson's fused quartz.
The human mind never stops
working and 'growing as long as
I he body endures. We may yet hear
of startling new Inventions by Ell-
hu Thomson.
The Gazette Times' Printing Ser
vice Is complete. Try It
Ed Bloom of Heppner and Will
Bloom of Umatilla, old friends of
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caldwell, were
guests at the Caldwell home Sun
day of last week.
Vaughan Maytteld, son of Mrs-
Barnes, went to Pendletos the first
of the week for a few days visit
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Buskirk and family
of Pendleton are new residents In
Irrigon. Mr. Buskirk is employed
on the section.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wood were
business callers at the W. C. Isom
home Wednesday.
Mrs. F. Grider and Mrs. Fred
Markham were shoppers in Her
miston Thursday.
S. D. Atkln of Walla Walla call
ed on his son, Stan Atkln, superin
tendent of schools, a few hours on
Several private cars have been
engaged to take the band members
to Eugene for the contest Saturday,
April 15. Wiley Beneflel, who will
play In the clarinet solo contest
Friday, and Margaret Allen, who
will play In the baritone contest the
same day, will go down Thursday,
the rest leaving early Friday morn
ing. Let us hope Irrigon will again
return with some of the laurels.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leicht mo
tored to Pendleton on business Fri
C. W. Wood went to Boardman
Friday to arrange for a baseball
game. Mr. Wood is manager of tho
Irrigon team who are in league
with Boardman. Hermiston and
A lot more donation work is being
done Monday on the ball grounds
by local men with teams.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Halett of Ool-
dendale visited their daughter, Mrs,
Jess Oliver, arid family over Sun
day. John Brice and crew of Board-
man sheared sheep for W. C. Isorn,
Vern Jones and Frank Ferdrickson
Saturday. The shearing was done
at the Isom place.
Nearly every family In the com
munity was represented Saturday
at the gathering of people who
came to help clean up and Improve
the cemetery. Everyone worked
diligently and a lot was accomplish
ed. Ditches were made, old ditches
cleaned and water run through
them, trees set, weeds and rubbish
removed and burned. Elaborate
plans are being made for a supply
tank and sprinkling system, also
for the purchase of a five-acre tract
of land adjoining the cemetery. As
soon as this Is accomplished more
trees and ' shrubbery will be sat.
Next Saturday, April 15, all who
can come are invited to take part
in the work again. The ladies
served dinner in the school dining
room and will do so again next Sat
urday. The new board of trustees
is composed of Hugh' Grimm, Fred
Caldwell and Mrs. Clara Smith.
Mrs. Frank Brace was a Hermis
ton visitor Saturday.
This community was agreebaly
surprised upon reading the wedding
announcement of Rex Moses and
Gwenneth Corey at Pendelton Sat
urday, April 1. Mr. Moses Is In
partnership with Geo. Rand on his
ranch near here and is well known
around Irrigon. He Is a nephew
of Mrs. Bessie Wisdom and made
his home with them a few years
Ego. Miss Corey's home was In Ir
rigon several, years and she attend
ed the grades and one year of high
school here. The young people
have a host of friends In this com
munity who unite in wishing them
both happiness and prosperity.
Thursday afternoon, April 20th,
Mrs. W. C. Isom and Mrs. E. Fager
strom will act as hostesses at a so
cial and miscellaneous shower hon
oring Mrs. Rex Moses, nee Gwen
neth Corey, to which every lady in
the community is cordially Invited.
Notice of the meeting place will be
announced in the school later.
The regular1 meeting of Irrigon
Grange was held Saturday night
A short business meeting was held
when Mr. Ross of Hermiston was
duly Initiatetd Into the mysteries
of the order. This was followed by
a good program and lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright were
Pendleton visitors Saturday.
Sumtay afternoon at 2:30, April
16, Rev. Payne of Hermiston will
give a special Easter address at the
community church. The public Is
cordially Invited to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Warner,
Mrs. James Warner and Mr. and
Mrs Bowluare attended churc.i
services at the Methodist church
in Hermiston Sunday.
Calcium Arsenate Bait
Best for Slug Control
Slugs, those slimey, repulsive, vo
racious garden destroyers What
to do about them Is an ever recurr
ing question in the many regions
where they thrive. Large bulletins
have been written about them, but
still they prosper while gardens
they feed on do not.
Despite the attacks of science,
control is even yet a difficult prob
lem, admits B. G. Thompson, ento
mologist at the Oregon experiment
station. Many Insecticides are In
effective, but calcium arsenate Is
the best yet found.
Calcium arsenate prepared as a
bait of one part to 16 parts of fine
ly chopped lettuce leaves is hlghiy
toxic to slugs and is readily de
voured, tests show. The bait Is
scattered over the Infested area
during the late evening. Fair
weather Is best as rain will wash
off the poison.
The old reliable method of "catch
'em and kill 'em" is still good In
slug control, however. Boards laid
on the ground after rubbish is all
cleaned up will trap large numbers
every night The next step Is bet
ter done than written about.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County executrix of the
estate of O. H. Warner, deceased, and
that all persons having claims against
the said estate must present the samn,
duly verified according to law, to me at
the office of my attorney, S. E. Notson,
in Heppner. Oregon, within six months
from the date of first publication of
this notice, said date of first publics-
' .i I : .....11 19
EVA Li. W AKIN en, executrix.
MnttA ! hernhv eiven that the un-
ersigned have been duly appointed by
the county coun oi me dww i viw
gon for Morrow County, Joint Execu
tors of the last Will and Testament of
Frank Gilliam, deceased, and all per
sona having claims figa'nst the estat j of
said deceased are hereby required to
pesent the same prouei ly verified as re
quired by law, to :he under-tigned ex
ecutors, at tha Ip.w office of Jos. J. Nys,
t Hepnper, Oregon, witrin .iix mor him
fom the date of this notice.
Dated and first published this 13th
day of April, 1933.
Nntli-e is hereby civen that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County administratrix of
the estate of William. J. Davis, deceas
ed, and that all persons having claims
against the said estate must present
said claims, duly verified according to
law, to me at the office of my attorney.
S. E. Notson, in Heppner, Oregon, with
in six months from the date oi nrst
ubllcation of this notice, said date or
irst Dublication being the 13th day of
April. 1933.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County executrixes of the
estate of Olive J. Campbell, deceased,
and that persons having claims against
the said estate must present the same
to us at the office of our attorney, S. E.
Nolson, In Heppner, Oregon, duly veri
fied according to law, within six months
from the date of the first publication of
mis notice, wnicn date oi nrst publi
cation in March 30, 1933.
leala anderson,
lula Mccarty.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Morrow County, executrix of
the last Will and Testament of James
G. Doherty, deceased, and all persons
having claims against the estate of
said deceased, are hereby required to
present the same to the undersigned,
verified as requird by law, at the law
office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Ore
gon, within six months from the date
Dated and first published this 2nd
day of March, 1933.
Professional Cards
Attorney Law
Phone 173
Humphreys Building
A. B. GRAY, M. D.
Phone 323
Heppner Hotel Building
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Leave orders at Peoples Hardware
X-Ray Diagnosis
Oilman Building'
Heppner, Oregon
Frank A. McMenamin
905 Guardian Building
Residence, GArfleld 1949
Business Phone Atwater 1348
A. D. McMURDO, M. D.
Trained Norse Assistant
Office In Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
First National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon
Offloe In L O. O. F. Building
, Heppner, Oregon
Farm and Personal TJroperty Sales
A Specialty.
"The Man Who Talks to Beat
the Band"
5229 72nd Ave., S. E., Portland, Ore.
Phone Sunset 3461
Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
Watches - Clocks Diamonds
Expert Watch and Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Old Line Companies. Real Estate.
Heppner, Oregon
Roberts Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon