Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 23, 1933, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(Continued from Flint Page)
ran who was ill In The Dalles hos
pital. Mr. Cochran's loss Is partly
covered by insurance.
Mr. French, driver of the Stand
ard Oil truck, moved his family In
to the company residence near the
plant the first of the week. They
have been living in the Louy apart
ments on Main street.
R, H. Jonas of Prineville, grand
master of the order, visited the
Morgan Odd Fellows lodge officially
last Thursday night Several mem
bers from the lone lodge attended
the meeting.
Mrs. Louis Fadberg and daugh
ter, Miss Emerald, entertained the
Baptist Ladies Aid on Thursday af
ternoon, March 16. The following
ladies were present: Mrs. John Bry
son, Mrs. Delia Mobley, Mrs. E. J.
Bristow, Miss Lucile Bristow, Mrs
Hal O. Ely, Mrs. Wallace Matthews,
Mrs. Gus Wilcox, Mrs. Paul O'
Meara. Mrs. Rietk, Mrs. Lana Pad-
berg, Mrs. T. E. Grabill, Mrs. Wal
ler Eubanks. Pearl and Hazel Pad-
fcertr. Mrs. Ed Moore, Mrs. Blaine
BlackweU, Mrs. Charley Christoph
erson and Mrs. Ida Fletcher. The
time was spent working on a quilt
for Mrs. Lana Padberg.
Last week the milk goat owned
hv Rav Barnett gave birth to five
kids. The mother goat and three
of the kids died.
Elmer Cochran returned Friday
from King City, Cal., where he had
been at work for almost a year.
He plans on going back to Califor
nia later.
The Odd Fellows are giving a
dance at Legion hall Saturday nite,
March 25. Supper will be served
at midnight.
Mrs. Roy Lieuallen was hostess
at the social meeting of the Wo
men's Topic club Saturday after
noon at her home. Fourteen ladies
were present The time was spent
in playing bridge. Mrs. Cleo Drake
won high score.
Members of Locust chapter, O. E.
S. who attended a meeting of the
order at Arlington Friday night
were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Misner,
Mrs. Bert Mason, Mrs. Roy Lieu
allen, Mrs. D. M. Ward and Mrs.
Carl Feldman.
Mrs. Elisha Sperry was taken
suddenly ill Saturday morning and
was taken to Heppner for treat-
ment She returned home Monday
and is recuperating at the home of
her mother-in-law, Mrs. John Louy
Mrs. Louy accompanied Mrs. Sper
ry to Heppner Saturday, returning
with her Monday.
Francis Ely, student at Willam
ette university, is spending the
spring vacation with his father,
George Ely.
Francis Troedson of O. S. C. is
spending the vacation with home
Miss Oddveig Thompson, mission
ary from Africa, plans on conduct
ing religious services at the Bap
tist church a few evenings this
week beginning with Wednesday
night Every one ia invited to be
Harold Mason came up from
Portland Sunday and is spending a
few days here with relatives and
The special meetings at Pente-
costal Mission closed Sunday night.
Assisting Evangelist Gus Taylor
and his daughter, Pauline Taylor,
in the final service were Mrs. wat
erman and Mrs. Wade from Stan-
field. Mr. Taylor and his daughter
Jeft Monday for Slanfield, after
having been here for three weeks.
Charley Allinger returned home
Sunday morning from Hood River
where he had been called Wednes
day by the death of his wife. Miss
Lillie Allinger will make a trip to
Portland and Salem before return
ing to lone.
The members of Bunchgrass Re-
bekah lodge gave their annual par
ty for the juniors and seniors of
high school last Thursday evening
at Odd Fellows hall. It was a St
Patrick's party, and decorations, re
freshments and games were in
keeping with the occasion. Alto
gether It was a most enjoyable af
fair. The honor guests were Mar
garet Ely, Leo Lieuallen, Elwayne
Lieuallen, Charles Carlson and
Charles O'Conner ef the senior
class, and Raymond Lundell, Wal
ter Bristow, Robert Montgomery,
Alfred Nelson, Josephine Buschke,
Jane Collins, Theodore Thompsen
Donald Heliker and Leo Young of
the junior class. Principal and Mrs,
Geo-ge E. Tucker were also guests.
Leo Lieuallen is suffering from a
fractured and badly sprained shoul
der, the results of a fall he received
while playing ball at Boardman
Mrs. Anna Ellis, worthy grand
matron of the Order of the Eastern
Star of Oregon, will pay her official
visit to the lone chapter on April
13. This will be a district meeting.
Members from the chapters at
Heppner, Hermiston and Umatilla
will also attend.
Guests this week at the Emil
Swanaon home are Mr. and Mrs,
Elmo McMillan, Beverly June, Miss
Harriet Pointer, Miss Virginia
Wassam and Norman Swanson all
from Salem.
Mrs. Paul O'Meara entertained
with a quilting party Tuesday af
ternoon. Twelve ladies were pre
Mrs. J. C. Calandra of ITood Riv
er is visiting her mother, Mrs. Ida
Fletcher, and her sisters, Mrs,
Blaine BlackweU and Mrs. Oliver
A special meeting of the Past
Noble Grand club was held Tues
day at the home of Mrs. Ernest
Lundell, to make final plans for the
dance which Is to be given Satur
day night under the auspices of the
Odd Fellows lodge.
Friends here have received the
announcement of the birth of
even pound son to Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Shipley of Lostine. The
young man has been named Allen
Grant Mr. and Mrs. Shipley are
former residents of lone, moving
from here about six months ago.
Another week-end guest at the
Ernest Heliker home was Mrs,
Blanche Hummel, who Is a teacher
In the Echo school.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. Flnnell
' and two children, Harold and Mil
At Heppner
dred, of Portland were week-end I IIIIIIHIIIIIIimillllllliilllllllHIIIIMIIIII
guests at the pleasant country
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker.
Miss Linea Troedson of Echo
spent Saturday and Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johan
Maxine, small daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Elvin Ely of Morgan, has
been quite ill, and the grandmoth
er, Mrs. Hal Ely has been out on
the ranch assisting in her care.
Mrs. Wallace Matthews is teach
ing In the third and fourth grade
room at school while the regular
teacher, Mrs. Elmer Baldwin Is
having a bout with the measles.
Mrs. Lyle Riga's enjoyed an over
Sunday visit with R. E. Emmons
of Los Angeles, Miss Genevieve
Emmons and Floyd De Harppold
of Salem. Mr. Emmons and Miss
Emmcns are brother and sister of
Mrs. Riggs.
Arthur Reed of The Dalles ar
rived Tuesday for a visit with his
sister, Mrs. Delia Corson.
JOEL R. BENTON. Minister.
Mrs. J. O. Turner, Director of Music.
Bible School 9:46 A M.
Morning Worship 11 o'clock
Senior and Junior C. E 630 o'clock
Evening Worship 7:S0 o'clock
Choir ehearsal. Wed. at 7:30 P. M.
Church Night Thurs. at 7:30 P. M.
If you have not a Church home.
we invite you to come and wor
ship with us. Attend our Bible
school, and all the services of this
warm, friendly church. For the
coming Lord's Day, the sermon
topics are: For the morning service,
"Freedom From , Feverishnessq."
And for the evening service, "The
Heart of a Father."
(Continued from First Page)
gradually getting in place and the
slips and slides will be less notice
able as time passes.
"Long Beach, Compton and Santa
Ana got the brunt of the blow. Los
Angeles got a slice and many build
ings here are a bit worse .for the
shake up. But the damage Is slight
in L. A. Few deaths here and they
would not have happened if people
had not become panicky. They got
bumped off by falling bricks or kill
ed by lumping through windows.
These earthquakes are not nearly
so bad as floods and tornadoes, If
we didn't lose our heads. But no
one is in any condition to do sane
thinking when they are being shook
loose from their false teeth, glasses
and what have you. I think the
shake up has turned over most of
the torpid livers In Southern. Cal
ifornia and from here out prune
juice, spinnacn, coa liver on ana
even Old General Cathartic will not
be necessary for some time to come.
After all the quake is not such
a great calamity. The towns will
be rebuilt and people will go back
to their homes and live happily
ever after. The percentage of
deaths and property loss is small
in comparison with population and
investment Then, too, perhaps it
will develop a rubber for building
construction anyway some plastic
material will be neded, or they will
have to tie other kinds of material
together better. Public buildings,
erected by public graft, seem to be
the worst hurt. School buildings
especially. And, what a crime!
Had it happened a couple of hours
earlier, in all probability thousands
of children would have been injur
ed, if not killed. To prevent injury
the quake was properly timed. Most
everyone had left the office and
store and were either home or on
their way there. Folks riding in
cars say they didn t feel the jar.
"We stayed up most of the night
so we could experience more shocks
and be able to talk intelligently up
on all of them the next day. The
main conversation now is: "There,
there, did you get that one?' Ans
wer, 'Yes, but it was not so bad as
the one last night at 9 oclock.
That one rattled everything in the
house.' Etc., etc. We forgot about
our closed banks and our inability
to cash checks or even eat. We
didn't notice when the banks open
ed and didn't seem to care. All we
care to do is stand about in groups
and talk 'quake.' Saturday this
office began to shake while I was
writing a letter. I looked around
and no one was present. In less
than two seconds I was absent But
came back and here we are all
working away again just as though
nothing had happened in our young
Christian lives. But here is one I
must tell you.
Sunday night we were down at
Heps' visiting. , ("Hep" Is Heppner
Blackman, native of Heppner and
namesake of the city s godfather.)
We had turned on the radio to lis
ten to Reba Crawford, who is fill
ing in for Sister Aimee Semple Me
Pherson-Hutton. She had been for
two days and nights down in the
stricken area. I had met her in
Florida and wanted to get her line,
She was spouting away under a
good head of steam, when all of a
sudden our house began to jiggle
the lights danced and the tables did
a fair job of jittering. At the same
time Reba broke loose shouting to
the very top of her voice: 'Sit
down! Sing, sing! "In the Lord
Trust, I Have No Fear",' and she
repeated it over and over until Bhe
finally rocked the choir into the
tune and quieted her congregation
After the fuss was over she then
told them that if there were any
In the house who did not believe
God would protect them to quietly
slip out and go where they liked
It was dramatic. It was filled with
sheer showmanship, yet she pre
vented a panic and perhaps pre
vented a stampede that would have
cost a life or two.
Well, I went through the Hepp
ner flood, experienced a Florida
hurricane and now I have a Cal
ifornia shake chalked up to my ex
perience. I have seen one good war
and dont care to see another,
feel exactly the same way about
these three experiences. Mable
Leezer Bascom, the Blackmans and
the rest of we Heppnerites here in
L. A. came through O. K. Our ner
vous systems will probably never
calm down, but we will have some
thing to worry about besides flnan
cial troubles. And that's sumpin'."
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Gemmell
and Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Crawford
entertained with dinner Sunday
evening at the Gemmell home. Be
sides the hosts, those present were
Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Van Marter,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cohn, Mrs.
Adelyn O'Shea, Mr. and Mrs. Alva
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wil
son, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Snider,
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Barratt, Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond FerguBon, Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Ferguson, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Smith and Jasper
GLEN P. WHITE. Pastor.
Mrs. E. F. Bloom, Director of Music
9:45 a. m., Sunday school.
11 a. m., morning worship hour.
Message by Mr. Notson, "Christian
No evening services on account
of Epworth League institute at
Hood River.
Math. 28:20 "And remember, I
am with you day by day." Wey
Sunday, March 26.
Holy Communion, 8 a. m.
Church School at 9:45.
Morning prayer with Litany at
11 a. m. Sermon, "Capital Virtues."
Services in Cecil at a p. m.
(Continued from First Page)
course in forestry at Oregon State
college. They brought with them
Luella Owens, the small daughter
of Mrs. A. E. Owens, formerly Miss
Katie Eskelson of this city. They
will leave soon for their work at
Ellis ranger station.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmer have
rented the B. S. Clark ranch in
Sand Hollow. Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Smethurst who have been farming
this place have moved to the A. E.
Kincaid ranch on Black Horse.
Mrs. Galey Johnson entertained
with a delightful party at her home
Wednesday evening, honoring her
granddaughter, Doris Burchell,
whose birthday occurred on that
date. The guests were Faye, Ruth
and Fern Luttrell, Edith Broadley,
Naomi McMillan, Rose Thornburg,
Edith Tucker, Doris and Grace Bur
chell, Mrs. Edwin Ingles and Mrs.
Charles Inderbitzen.
The Sunshine Sewing club met
Thursday afternoon at the home of
Miss Naomi McMillan. The guests
were Vera Breshears, Mary Slocum,
La Verne White, Edith Broadley
and Ruth Luttrell. After the young
ladies completed their sewing, the
hostess served dainty refreshments.
S. G. McMillan went to Portland
Wednesday and returned Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. George McMillan
who came up from their home at
Cherryville to visit with Mr. McMil
lan's mother, Mrs. Margaret Mc
Laurel Beach, a student at the
University of Oregon at Eugene, is
spending his spring vacation witn
his mother, Mrs. Elsie M. Beach.
Lawrence Palmer has leased the
the Joseph Eskelson ranch at Hard
man and is making preparations
to begin reseeding.
Edward Burchell arrived from
Oregon State college Sunday eve
ning and Is spending his spring
vacation at his home here.
Miss Alice Palmer who is teach
ing at Cascade Locks Is very III
with an attack of influenza at a
hospital in Hood River.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Padberg were
visitors in Pendleton Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Scott enter
tained the Willow Creek club with
a delightful "Five Hundred" party
Saturday evening at their home in
Blackhorse. The guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Evans, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Bauman, Mr. and Mrs.
Omar Luttrell, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Blahm,
Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Parker, Mr,
and Mrs. George Evans, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Moyer, Mrs. Des3a
Hofstetter, Mrs. Helen Christen
son, Mrs. Altha Kirk, Clarence
Bauman, Raymond Blahm and Joe
Delameter. Mrs. Earl Evans and
Loyal Parker received prizes for
high scores and consolation was re
ceived by Mrs. Harvey Bauman and
Clarence Bauman. Refreshments
of chicken sandwiches, pie and cof
fee were served.
The next meeting of the Parent-
Teacher association will be held on
Wednesday evening, March 29.
The Bible study class met Thurs
day evening at the home of Mrs.
Claud White.
T. W. Cutsforth came up from
Salem Saturday and is visiting with
his son, Orville, and looking after
business interests in this vicinity,
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Wilcox of this
city and Charles W. Smith, county
agent of Heppner, made a business
trip to Hermiston Wednesday.
Mrs. Harvey Bauman entertain
ed the Ladles Aid society of the
Congregational church at an all-
day meeting at her home Thursday,
The ladies quilted during the day
and a delicious dinner was served
at noon.
Barbara, young daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Lawrence Slocum, has
been having an attack of measles,
Walter O'Brien died Friday at
the Good Samaritan hospital in
Portland as the result of an acci
dental shot last week from a pre
sumably empty gun. He was at
tempting to "break" the gun when
It was discharged, the bullet en
tering his chest and going down
ward through the liver and stom
ach and lodging In the spine. Mr,
O'Brien formerly spent three years
at the Ed Burchell ranch near here
and had many acquaintances in this
Miss Edith Tucker entertained
with a pleasant party Saturday
evening at the home of her sister.
Mrs. Beulah Nichols. Games were
enjoyed during the evening. The
guests were Mr, and Mrs. Edwin
Ingles, Betsy Asher, Rose Thorn-1
burg, Erma Lane, Doris and Grace
Burchell, Tillle Nelson, Betty Doh
erty, Faye Luttrell, Vester Thorn
burg, Dale Lane, Garland Thomp
son, Vernon Munkers, Winford Du
vall, George Gillis and Woodrow
Born, Thursday morning, March
16, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller
an eight pound son. The little lad
has been named James Bernard. -
Mrs. Alta Cutsforth and children,
Mrs. Beulah Nichols and Wilma
Tucker motored to Pendleton Friday.
Olln Ritchie of Hermiston was
in Lexington a few days of last
Miss Helen Valentine is spending
her vacation with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Valentine.
B. S. Clark of Gresham was at
tending to business matters in Lex
ington last week. Mr. Clark for
merly resided here.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hackett of
Pendleton were calling on friends
in Lexington Friday. Mr. Hackett
was formerly the local station
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmer and
Joseph Eskelson were business vis
itors in Hardman Thursday.
Mrs. Susie Worden of Portland
Is spending a few days with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Munkers.
Lexington was well represented
at the St Patricks dance at toe
Elks temple In Heppner Friday
Miss Irene Tucker came In on
the train Sunday morning from La
Grande where she is attending the
Eastern Oregon Normal school. She
Is at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Tucker.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duvall had
as their guests Sunday Sue Shep
pard, Lenna Waid, Gene Calhoun
and Vernon Waid, all of Stanfleld.
J. A. Harbke of Lyle, Wash., was
transacting business in Lexington
Monday. Mr. Harbke, who former
ly lived on the Bell ranch, has
leased his ranch at Lyle and he
and his family are moving to Port
land soon.
Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Wilcox were Mrs. Wilcox's father,
George Currin, and Mr. and Mrs
Irwin of Gresham.
Miss Harriet Pointer of Salem Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Cutsforth this week.
White Federation Wheat
Will Be Tried Out Here
By C. W. SMITH, County Agent.
Following up the recommenda
tions made by Prof. G. R. Hyslop,
of the Oregon State Agricultural
college during the series of meet
ings held in Morrow county in De
cember, White Federation wheat
seed has been secured through the
county agent's office and will be
given a trial on the O. W. Cutsforth
farm, Lexington; Bert Peck, Lex
ington; Timm Brothers, lone; A. IL
Nelson, Lexington; Ed Ditty, Sand
Hollow. White Federation has
yielded on an average as much as
has soft Federation in the nursery
.plots in Morrow county and at the
Sherman Branch Experiment sta
tion at Moro. This wheat has very
good milling qualities as it is high
in protein and it makes a white
loaf which expands to meet the
wishes of the bakers and according
to reports from California it has
commanded a premium in the mar-
kets there. These field plots will
be watched closely during the sum
mer and at harvest time the yield
made will be checked against soft
federation and bluestem seeded at
the same time and grown under
identical conditions.
Blight resistant beans and squash
will be tried out during the summer
by cooperative workers in conjunc
tion with the county agent s office
and O'Rourke field peas will be
given a thorough trial both under
irrigation and under dry land con
ditions to see If they have a place
in the cropping system of this coun-
Many Inquiries have come to the
county agents office during the
past few months regarding crested
wheat grass as a pasture plant and
more than 100 acres have been
planted during the fall of 1932 and
this spring. Crested wheat grass
plantings have been established at
the Ellen Buseick Schwartz farm
on Skinner creek; Bert Peck, Lex
ington; Mary Rood Burt, Heppner
flat; Walter Jepson, Rhea creek;'
Ernest Heliker, lone; Guy Chapin,
Hardman; R. A. Thompson, Hepp
ner; Fred Mankin, lone; . Elsie
Beach, Lexington, and Sarah White,
Lexington. Another lot of seed has
been ordered and anyone wishing to
try out crested wheat grass on a
small scale can get seed at the
county agents' office.
(Continued from First Page)
the public hearings as one of the
things that delay committee prog
ress. In the majority of cases lit
tle good comes from these hearings,
he said, believing that the better
way for a committee to obtain in
formation Is for it to call those who
wish to discuss the matter In hand
singly before it There Is too mu :h
time wasted in public hearings by
heated debate on extraneous mat
ters by persons on opposite sides of
a question.
The short time allotted to Mr.
Turner necessitated his cutting
short the discussion of measures
passed at the session with short
reference to the sales tax, and to
the legislation waiving penalty and
Interest on delinquent taxes. Peo
pie will hear plenty about the sales
tax before July 21, date of the spec
ial election at which they will de
cide the matter, he said. The meas
ure waiving penalty and interest
removes these charges up to the
year 1930 and allows payment of the
delinquent tax to be made m ten
semi-annual payments, with a two
percent penalty assessed in case de
fault of one of the payments is
made,. and requiring foreclosure af
ter default ot three payments, rnis
measure in no way affects payment
of current taxes.
Mr. Turner gave a short history
of this legislation, of which he was
the original sponsor. Time lor lur-
ther discussion of bills was allott
ed him at the next meeting.
Good success with their annual
St. Patrick's day ball is reported by
ladies of the Altar society of St.
Patrick's church of this city. The
Elks hall was brightly decorated in
streamers of green and white. More
than 200 couples enjoyed the music
by the Missildine orchestra.
Continued from First Page)
government. There was a big pro
gram of farm relief four years ago.
Yesterday the house of representa
tives passed another big farm re
lief measure. Grain trade, not sure
whether it should effect an Increase
or decrease in price, got scared. Net
result to farmer: just another kick
in the pants.
So far no one seems to be sure Just
what the new farm relief program
is. That is understandable. Any
one who has seen lawmaking in
progress knows that a bill Is yet
embryonic when it first gets past
the house. Much amending, and of
ten emasculation, is sometimes re
quired to make a bill acceptable.
Just how effeminate this new
farm relief will be after congress
gets through with it is a matter for
Esteemed contemporary as well
as wheat authority, Editor Aldrich
of "E. O.,1 waxed enthusiastic for
a time, then moderated. "It should
at least be tried," he loyally brayed
like any good Independent should,
The Lions patrol held a meeting
at the home of the leader Tuesday
night to study up on their second
class first aid, over which the troop
Is going to hold an Inter-patrol con
test at its regular weekly meeting.
The patrol leaders are taking flr.it
aid Instructions from Mr. Mabee
every week. They pass this Infor
mation they gather on to their re
spective patrols, then every week an
lnter-patrol contest Is held under
the direction of Mr. Mabee.
To sell or trade, one ollstove with
3 burners and oven;' also one gas
Iron. Mrs. Claude Myers, Board
man, Ore.
Try a Gazette Times Want Ad.
Trade and Employment
(Printed without charge.
continued on notice.)
Will trade Buff Orpington setting
eggs for other eggs; want 5 cents
per doz. over market price for set
ting eggs. Mrs. R. B, Wilcox, Lexington.
Spring Crop Outlook
Reviewed by Jackman
With the greatest prospective
acreage of spring-planted field
crops In recent history of the state,
because of the destruction to fall
crops by freezing, E. R. JacKman,
extension crops specialist at Oregon
State college, has reviewed the
prospect and outlooK ror uiw va
rious crons in Oregon so far as
present Information permits.
Through the" eastern uregun
wheat belt the acreage is so vast
that. Rhout the onlv possibility Is to
seed spring wheat despite the low
price, as wheat can re boiu mi
something, while heavy increases In
oata or barley would msiely glut
the feed market, Jackman says.
Care in replanting red wheats sucn
as Marquis where reds are frozen
out, and white wheats such as one
of the Federations where white had
been sown, ia highly Important to
avoid discounts from mixing.
West of the mountains the situa
tion is different however, as oats,
barley, corn or flax will in most
cases bring a better return normal
ly than spring wheat Early seed
ing of gray oats or OAC No. 7 bar
ley, or later seeding of Victory oats
or Hennchen barley Is a good bet,
he says.
For home feed especially corn
offers-the opportunity of the great
est number of pounds at the least
cash cost Jackman adds, as seed
cost is negligible and harvesting
cost consists mostly of "maybe a
plaster for a stiff back after the
first day."
Though flax seed is working
downward In price compared to re
cent years, it is still about 2 1-2
times that of wheat, while yields
are usually a little better than half
that of spring wheat A ready mar
ket in Portland is assured, and seed
may be had there at about $1.20 an
The seed crop outlook is promis
ing In the main, Jackman adds
Both alsike and red clover are
cleaning up well, and the nation
wide agitation to seed low yielding
lands to grass and clover is favor
able to the future demand for al
sike and alfalfa and to some extent
red clover. The outlet for Ladino
clover is also expanding and good
Oregon growers are really making
money. Austrian peas and hairy
vetch have been damaged to such
an extent that low production Is In
prospect with probably Increased
New Booklet Portrays
Chicago's World Fair
Wonders of the Chicago World
fair are vividly portrayed by word
and picture in a beautifully illus
trated, booklet In color just issued
by the Union Pacific System. Cop
ies of the booklet may be obtained
by addressing the General Passen
ger Agent, Union Pociflc System,
Pittock Block, Portland.
Interesting details of the world's
great show place for 1933 are des
cribed the Maya Temple; the
Golden Pavilion of Jehol; the En
chanted Island; the Agricultural
building with its architectural de
sign resembling a battleship; the
Transportation building, whose
walls re-echo the human voice fifty
times; and many other outstanding
features of the big fair.
Treasury Department, Office of
the Comptroller of the Currency,
Washington, D. C, March 16, 1933.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons who may have claims against
"The Frst National Bank of Hepp
ner," Oregon, that the same must
be presented to J. L. Gault, Receiv
er, with the legal proof thereof
within three months from this date
or they may be disallowed.
Acting Comptroller of the Currency.
6-22-33. .
Treasaury Department, Office of
the Comptroller of the Currency,
Washington, D. C, March 16, 1933.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons who may have claims against
"The Farmers and Stockgrowers
National Bank of Heppner," Ore
gon, that the same must De pre
sented to J. L. Gault, Receiver,
with the legal proof thereof within
three months from this date or
they may be disallowed.
Acting Comptroller of the Currency.
The pass book, certificate of de
posit, draft or other evidence of in
debtedness upon which the claim U
based, must be surrendered when
proof of claim Is filed.
Care Bhould be taken that all
blank spaces in the form are prop
erly filled in. The signature or tne
claimant should be written exactly
as It appears upon the banks' books.
When proof is made by an admin
istrator, executor, or by any party
other than original claimant, a cer
tificate of authority for bo doing
must be attached to the proof. .
Members of firms and officers of
corporations must, of course, make -their
affidavits as individuals. Use
this style: "In and for said County
and State. John Smith, who is a
member of the firm of John Smltn
& Co." or "John Smith, who is
treasurer of John Smith & Co., a
corporation." At the bottom the
affidavit should read, "Due and pay
able to John Smith & Co." and
should be signed by John Smith os
an Individual.
To trade, turkey toms for spring
seed wheat. Mrs. Fred Casteel,
Lost, at postofllce last Friday eve
ning, automatic pencil. Finder
please leave at this office.
Parsnips to trade for anything I
can use. S. H. Shannon, city.
Hay chopper to trade for wheat.
D. A. Wilson, city.
Duroc Jersey boar to trade for
another boar of same breed, or any
thing I can use. R. B. Wilcox, Lexington.
Bourbon Red turkey hens for
milk cow or what have you. Daisy
Butler, Willows, Ore.
Majestic range to trade for what
have you. See D. E. Gilman, city.
To trade team of work horses,
1200 to 1500; also good bronze toms.
W. P. Hill, city.
To trade for chickens, 1 brooder,
300-egg capacity, automatic; has
ben used. Rood Ekleberry, Morgan.
To trade Hampshire boar for
male hog. Wm. Kummerland, Lexington.
Two new type Superior tractor
drills to trade for anything I can
uie. O. W. Cutsforth, Lexington.
800 watt, 32 volt, Delco light
plant to trade for wheat, or what
have you. F. P. Lelcht, Irrigon.
To trade, a 125-lb. boar pig for
another of different stock. Frank
Wilkinson, Heppner.
Chester White boar; will trade
for what have you. Also 2-bottom,
16-ln. adjustable P. & O. gang plow,
for milk cow. Sam Turner, Heppner,
To trade, lumber, roofing paper,
pipe, brick, etc., for what have
you?- H. A. Schulz, Heppner.
Two radio battery sets and three
phonographs for trade. Max Schulz,
To trade, all steel horsepower
hay press for wheat or cows. Adolph
Skoubo, Boardman.
Wood or white leghorn hens for
a garden seeder. Alfred Skoubo,
Chas. Bartholomew of Pine City
has Federation wheat to trade for
other wheat on basis of 1 1-2 bu of
other varieties for 1 bu. Federation.
Address, Echo, Ore.
Team of horses, weight 1500 lbs.
each; also fresh milk cows, to ex
change for wheat or beef cattle.
Sterling Fryrear, Heppner.
1929 Whippet 6 automobile, for
what have you? Mrs. Hilma An
derson, Heppner.
Local ads Ip the Gazette Times
bring result.
Warford transmission to trade
for 80-30 rifle. W. H. Tucker, Lex
Cows for horses, apples for po
tatoes, hogs for potatoes. R, B.
Rice, Lexington,
xi Lb. Pepper for lc
with each 11-oz. bottle of Va
nilla. Scrip accepted.
J. C. HARDING, Watklns Dealer
An old man can live in comfort
on the money a young man
throws away.
Does the New York Life guar
antee you a life income?
Insurance Counselor
FRI. & SAT., Mar. 24-25:
Pathe News -: Comedy
Ralph Bellamy, Pat O'Brien, Alan
Hale and Betty Compson
Behind the calm of the sea lurked
a nameless menace a death slow
and certain twelve men and a wo
man on a derelict ship with "Des
tination Unknown."
Fresh and Cured
Butterfat, Turkeys, Chickens
bought for SWIFT & CO.
Phone us for market prices
at all times.
Phone 32 IONE, ORE.
SUN.-MON., Mar. 26-27:
Pathe News -:- Comedy
Spencer Tracy, Marion Nixon and
Stuart Erwin
Surpassingly beatiful photogra
phy, sprightly dialogue, able acting
make "Face in the Sky" a most en
tertalnlng production.
March 28-29-30:
Comedy :- Cartoon
Ann Harding, Leslie Howard, Myr
na Loy and Neil Hamilton '
This is not a lion and tiger pic
ture but deals with tire great hu
man Animal Kingdom the splen
did cast makes this successful stage
play by Philip Barry most delight
ful on the screen.
Headquarters for
Canned Foods