5 0 1 , - o 0 - Volume 50, Number 1. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Mar. 16, 1933 Subscription $2.00 a Year CITY GETS ON MAP LAWMAKING TOLD Demand for Sheepskin Money Comes From Far and Near. LIONS HEAR STORIES Looking in on Legislature is Theme of Gazette Times Reporter Who Saw Session Through. A Bhort time ago the Heppner Lions club In a series of meetings discussed the question of putting Heppner on the map. That end has been accomplished, but not by any of the means then talked, Spencer Crawford, president, told the club Monday noon. It came about through the Issuance of the Heppner sheepskin scrip, a demand for which has come from the far corners of the country. Among outlying points to which scrip has been transmitted by the committee on request, the president made known the following: New York City, to the Chase- National bank and the department of edu cation; Plymouth, Mich.; Rock ford, 111.; Bemidja, Minn.; Witchl ta, Kan.; Chicago, San Francisco, Spokane, Seattle, Portland, Berke ley, Cal.; Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Quantities of the scrip have gone to towns n all parts of Oregon and elsewhere, with that sent out by the -committee being augmented by that sent out by individuals, it was said, indicating a large popular demand. One request for scrip waB accompanied by the statement that a picture of it had been seen In a Minneapolis newspaper, indicating, President Crawford said, that the picture had been disseminated over the country by some picture feature syndicate. Turner to Speak. "On the Outside Looking In" w x the topic dsicussed by Jap Crawford of the Gazette Times staff, as appli ed to the 37th Oregon legislative assembly, a feature of the program presaging a talk next Monday by Representative J. O. Turner, enti tled "On the Inside Looking Out." Crawford told of the privilege ' that was his of sitting in on the legislature throughout the regular and special sessions, and gave some glimpses of the legislature in action. , While the special session helped to get the legislative machinery in mo tion, the regular session got up mo mentum slowly, largely due to the many new members, who numbered 40 out of the 60 in the house with a slightly less proportion in the senate, said the speaker. The get ting acquainted process was slow, and both old and new members hesitated to move until they "got a line" on each other. Bills were thrown into the hopper slowly, aivd it was necessary for Speaker Snell and President Kiddle to urge speed ing up of the process several times. Publio Heard Often. Probably more than ever before it was the custom of this assembly to take the public into their confi dence on every important measure that came up, and hardly one of these but had one or more public hearings held upon it, which served also to slow up action and cause a new record to be set for length of any session. Apparently no one knew the exact financial condition of the state at the outset, and it was a long, ted ious job to work out the budget, ef fect necessary economies, and evolve a revenue program to meet expenses for the current biennium as well as clean up the deficit for the last biennium, which the state constitution requires the legislature to do. It was late in the days of the session before many bills touch ing these matters were ready for introduction. The long spurts of oratory be came shorter and shorter as the session progressed, and it was In teresting to see how the machinery moved faster and smoother as the days passed. Long speeches in ex planation of votes that were a habit in the early days of the session, were cut to one minute In Inncth In the latter days, and members who had previously spoken on a question were barred from this right entirely In order to speed pro gress, A glimpse of the physical facil ities of the legislature was given by the speaker. The house chamber is located in the south and the senate chamber in the north wing on the second floor of the statehouse, with the lobby between. Running thru 1 the middle of the lobby floor and on through the third story floor is a large round aperture guarded by a brass rail about which the lobbyists work. Eaoh chamber is similarly arranged, with, each senator and representative having his own desk, large enough to accommodate hi it self and secretary. A fence, known as the "bar," divides the floor jf each chamber from the gallery, and no one is permitted within the bar except members, officers and those extended the courtesy by members. The desks of the president and speaker, respectively, are situated on a large dais in front, with the chief clerk and assistants having their quarters juBt below on plat forms of slightly less elevation. When Vlo Meyers, Washingto i's (Continued on Pag Four) BOXING CARD COMING. The Heppner boxing commission is sponsoring a 24-round boxing card at the fair pavilion in Hepp ner tomorrow night, beginning at 8 p. m. Admission prices are set at 40 and 20 cents with !'Sheepskin" accepted. Ted Myers of Lone Rock and Earl Redding, local, will stage the main event in the light heavy class, going lor eight rounds. Rus sell Wright, Lexington, and Bill Massey, lone, also light heavies, will go Six. rounds in the 3eml-final event, while a four-round go will be staged between Bill Johnson of Hardman and Ralfe Forgey, local, weighing in at 155 and 160 respec tively. Other good preliminaries are announced. JIG SAWYERS BUSY. Maybe a little belated, but they're here at last: those little odd shaped pieces of cardboard, which, when properly placed together make pret ty pictures to gaze upon, but which, in the process of assembly cause deep furrows of concern and con centration to appear on the faces of the workers. Yes, Heppner now has it's proportionate population of jig saw puzzle fans, mostly among the older folks who keep thus en gaged while the youth of the city make sport on roller skates up and down Main street. SPRING RAINS WELCOME. After enjoying several days of balmy and sunshiny spring weather several days this week, Jupiter Plu vius added to the bounties of en joyment last night and this morn ing by turning the sprinkler over gently on Morrow county. Yard"! cleaning and garden making are now the order in Heppner. PING PONG INTRODUCED. Facilities of the Heppner Elks club were augmented this week by the installation of a ping pong table which is proving quite popular with the members. F. & S. Bank Depositors Name Committeemen Depositors having funds with the Farmers & Stockgrowers National bank, now In process of liquidation, met at the court house Saturday afternoon for the purpose of select ing a committee to represent their Interests. Named on the commit tee were Charles W. Smith, T. J. Humphreys, L. E. Blsbee, Anson Wright and W. F. Barnett. Chas. Thomson was temporary chairman of the meeting, attended by a rep resentative group of those inter ested. It is expected the committee will be of assistance in checking up on Information necessary to the ob taining of seed loans, as well as by acting in an advisory capacity to J. L. Gault, receiver, who welcomed its appointment. STUDY CLUB MEETS. A - real Chinese atmosnhera su captured by members of the group in cnarge or tne woman's Study club program held Monday evening at the W. O. Dix home MY ni Mrs. Earl Gilliam and Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, who were the program and hostess committee, greeted the guests at the door garbed In Chi nese costumes, with long black queues adding to their oriental nn- pearance. The Daner orOETams were most attractive, shaped like pagodas and printed in Chinese type lettering, which had been done by Virginia Dlx. The evening's program con sisted of: "Chinese Serenade," by the Missildine trio, with Virginia Dix accompanying; may study, Mrs. H. C. Case; Chinese history, Mrs. George Thomson; Chinese culture and religion, Mrs. Walter Moore; readlnir from "Lotus PetaU " a Into book by Princess Der Ling, Miss Jessie Palmiter; "Chinese Love Song," Hazel Beymer, Anabel Tur ner, Jessie French, Winifred Case, with Miss Woods at the' piano; Women In China, Mrs. George Ma bee; Chinese poetry, Mrs, J. T. Lumlev: review of "Peklns- Mrs. Kodgers. Following the program the host esses served Chinese noodles with chicken and ees. sov mime Chinese tea, using real Chinese aisnes for the service. About half the guests were furnished with chopsticks and reauired to eat thalr noodles as best they could with tnem, ana the other half acting as a gallery to urge them on in their efforts. The Anrll meeting will rnntlmtn the study of China. ROAD WORK SUSPENDED. Owing to lack of funds, the relipf road work carried on by the county during tne past months, has been suspended. While in Pendleton for a short time the past week end, Judge Campbell learned from offi cials of Umatilla county that they were applying for funds through the agency of the state aid machin ery, ana snouia tnis ce received, emergency relief work will be con tinued there. Our county court has not yet deoided to make applica tion ror a portion of these funds, but may decide to do so, following a closer Investigation of the mat ter. IS CRITICALLY ILL. Lawrence Becket, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becket of Eight Mile, underwent an operation at Heppner hospital Monday night for ruptu'ed appendix, having been brought to town from the farm home shortly before In a verv critical condition He withstood the operation under local anesthetic and some signs of Improvement were noted In his condition, still reported as being quite critical this morning, MARGARET F. LOW WAS G.A.R. WIDOW Long-Time' Resident of lone Dies; Funeral Rites Held; Other News of the Week. JENNIE E. MCMTJRRAT. Margaret Finlayson Low was born near Edinburgh, Scotland, Oc tober 3, 184S. When eight years of age the family came to America in a sailing vessel. Five weeks were required for the voyage. They sH- tied in Kendall county,. Illinois, where there was a large Scotch set tlement. She was married at New. ark, 111., June 26, 1870, to Clinton A.. Low, a civil war veteran. Mr. and Mrs. Low lived in Illinois, Michi gan and New York, and moved Iowa in 1880. They lived in that state until 1910, when they came to Oregon, making their home in lone. Mr. Low died twi years ago, and Mrs. Low passed away March 7, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Laxton McMurray, after having suffered from poor health for the last seven years. Mrs. Low was the mother of two children. One daughter, Julia E. Howe, died at Tampa, Florida, In 1927. Surviving relatives are one daughter, Jennie McMurray, thrae grandchildren, Mrs. Vera Pugsley, Caldwel, Idaho; David Howe, Gil more City, Iowa; oNblan Page, Iowa Oity, Iowa, and an adopted grand daughter, Mrs. Mabel Fanning, Sac City, Iowa; one great greatgrand child, Bennie Pugsley of Caldwell; two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Gray, Lyn wood, Calif., and Mrs. Elizabeth Harbaugh, Kenosha, Wis. Mrs. Low became a member of the Methodist church in early lite, but united with the Congregational church after coming to lone. She joined the Eastern Star in 1910 and was a charter member of the chap. ter at lone. Funeral services were held at the Congregational church in lone on Friday afternoon, with Locust Chapter, O. E. S., in charge of the services. Rev. Glen P. White of Heppner precahed the sermon. In terment was in the I. O. O. F. ceme tery at lone. Mrs. Low was a devoted Christian and a kind and helpful neighbor who leaves a host of friends to mourn her passing. Churchgoers at the Baptist church Sunday enjoyed a rare treat, tnat or Hearing addresses from two missionaries, home on furlough. The first to speak was Miss Irene Downing whose work is with the Christian Alliance and whose field is in Equador, South America, A few short years ago, Miss Downing as a little girl attended Sunday school in the Baptist church where she spoke so entertainingly Sunday. She enjoyed speaking to former neighbors and friends as much as they enjoyed listening to her tell of her work among the people of Equador, where with others she is spreading the Gospel. She has been in the work for five years and ex pects to start on the return trip to South America next week. The second speaker was Miss Od- veig Thompsen who works with the Scandinavian Alliance mission in South Africa. She has been on the African field for eight years and during her present leave of absence has been taking hospital training in New York that she may be better able to carry on her work among the black people. She is deeply in terested in her work, and had the undivided attention of her audience as she told, of the prmlltive life of the natives, their lack of any relig ion, and of their great need of the Christ Miss Thompsen expects to be at the home of- her brother, Nicholl Thompsen, for a month or more, and it is hoped will speak at the church each Sunday morning following the Sunday school hour. Rev. George A. Pollard of Port land conducted religious services at the Congregational church Sunday evening, coming over from Condon where he had held services Sunday morning. He was accompanied by Mrs. Pollard. They were Sunday night guests at the Paul Balsiger home. The special meeting in Pentecos tal mission will continue through out this week. The Willing Workers of the Christian church met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. John Bryson. Danity refreshments were served at the close of the afternoon's work. Mrs. J. W. Howk was an out-go ing passenger to Portland Monday night. She returned home Wed nesday The Hard Times dance at Cecil grange hall Saturday night, spo-i- sored by Willows Grange, drew a large crowd and those present re port an enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright and three children motored over from Baker Saturday afternoon, arriv ing here In time to join other mem bers of the E. J. Bristow family at Cecil hall and participate in the dancing. AH' members f the party, except Edmond Bristow, returned Monday to their homes In Baker. Mr. Bristow remained In lone for a more extended visit Mr. and Mirs. Earl Murray of Walla Walla were week-end guests at the M. R, Morgan home. The Murreys, one time residents of lone, and who for years have operated a north side wheat ranch, have de cided to give up the wheat game Hugh Murray, also of Walla Walla, plans on taking over the manage ment of the farm. From Mrs. M. ' R. Morgan we learn that her son-in-law and (Continued on Page Four) FIFTY YEARS. By HARRY L. KEYTE, First Compositor on the Heppner Gazette. Merlin, Ore., Feb. 20. To the ed itor of the Gazette: Fifty years ago just about this time I was "laying the cases" with the bright new type from Palmer Sc Reys foundry, pre paratory to getting out the first 13 sue of the Heppner Gazette, which, as I remember it, was about the first week In March, 1883. J. H. Stine was the moving spirit ' in launching a paper in Heppner. He was a sort of a chronic news paper starter. But to start them was about as far as he would get. He would drop Into a promising newspaperless town and prevail upon the business men to put up twelve or fifteen hundred dollars to pay on a plant with, a Washing ton hand press, of course, in those days they to receive their money back as they could get it after ward. It would take him several weeks working the thing up, gettLig the plant, and the paper started, by which time his hotel and bar bills would be of such proportions that he would rather sell his equity, clean the slate, and start looking for a new town. ' The last paper he started before coming to Heppner was at Weiser, Idaho, and the next place after leaving Heppner was at Indepen dence. Stine was not a bad fellow; he just simply associatetd too much with King Alcohol. Poor fellow, heard thkt he died at Indepen dence, from being shot . I was foreman, compositor and pressman for the Gazette's first three years. My last work In the printing business was at Everett, Wash., where my partner and I hid the first commercial printing plant using electric motive power in Sno homish county. After six years in the business there, and It being rather hard on my health, I decided to try to break away from it and live In God's great outdoors. So I sold out to my partner and moved with my family down here to the valley of the Rogue. That was thirty-five years ago. Was In min ing some years, then In horticul ture nearly twenty, now back In mining again. I would like to see Heppner again although I know there are but few of the old friends left there now. When I start on some of the motor ing trips that I feel I owe myself, Heppner will surely be on my itin erary. Long live the Gazette. In a letter from Waillams, Ore., under date of Mrch 3, '33, Mr. Keyte writes as follows: Vawter Crawford, Heppner: I want to think you for your nice letter and the information it gae me, the greatest of which is that my old friend, Nels Magnuson, is still alive. I have often wondered If he was, and that a number -f times I would write and find out. Nels was one of our party from Marshall, Mo., to Heppner, Ore., via tne Southern route, San Francisco and boat to Portland. There was no railroad to Portland at that time. The Oregon Short Line was building. ... I was surprised to see that you have stayed with the Gazette until you have grown together. I was not acquainted with your wife, but knew of her Miss Spencer. Her mother married Jas. Sperry, broth er of "Lish" Sperry, father of lone. I was well acquainted with both the Sperrys. ... I am wondering if Mac Clark, Elmer Slocum and Will Irwin are still there. If so, please give them my regards, also Dave McAtee and Nels. Again thanking you, Yours very truly, HARRY L. KEYTE. Mr. Keyte may be -remembered by some of the older residents of this community still living here, a number of whom have been con stant subscribers and readers of this paper since it was started la 1883. Their ranks are thinned, however, and should Mr. Keyte make the contemplated visit to the little city he will note how time has left its marks of change, not only in the passing of faces once famil iar, but also in the physical and material transformations. This pa per appreciates being remembered by Mr. Keyte, as he called to mir.'l his part in the beginnings of the Gazette 50 years ago. Large Gift of Books Received by Library Heppner public library acknow ledges the receipt the past week of a shipment of 100 volumes of books, the gift of Mrs. Alice Cummlngs Wlngo of Sacramento, Calif., and formerly of this city. For this gift the library officials are very grate ful and they sincerely appreciate the motives prompting Mrs. Wingo In thus remembering her old home town. The list Includes books by many of the most popular writers of the day and this addition of 100 vol umes will be very acceptable to the reading public of Heppner, it is be lieved. FLYING EAGLES PLAN HIKE. The Flying Eagle patrol (Ameri can Legion) had a patrol meeting last Friday in the high school room 8. There was a good attendance. They planned for a hike next Satur day to their camp where tests will be passed and preparation for the first aid and signalling contests which will be held in the near fu ture. The next meeting will, be Friday night at the home of the patrol leader where they will get together some of their first aid equipment and practice signalling. LEGISLATOR TALKS AT GRANGE MEET Enjoyable Program Held; Ingles Goes to Boardman ; Socials Feature Week's News. By BEULAH B. NICHOLS. A pleasing program preceded the business meeting of Lexington grange Saturday evening. LaVerne Wright played two guitar solos, "Old Folks at Home," and "Aloha Oe." Mrs.. Chris Brown gave a reading. A one act comedy, "The Marriage Shop," was presented, The cast of characters included Bertha Dinges, Edith Miller, Emma Peck, Lorena Miller, Beulah Nich ols, Harry Dinges, Karl Miller, S. Wright and Elmer Hunt The con cluding number was a guitar duet by James T. Lumley of Heppner and Paul Brown. A class of four received the third and fourth degrees. They were Mr, and Mrs. Chris Brown, Mrs. Elsie Beach and Miss Ellen Nelson. Or- ville Cutsforth gave a short talk on "Rodent Control." This subject was also discussed by County Agent Smith, Mr. Smith complimented the agricultural committee of the grange on their cooperation with him in his work on agricultural pro jects. J. O. Turner, chairman of the legislative committee, gave an interesting report on the recent session of the state legislature which he attended as a representa tive from this district He discuss ed the various measures which were presented to the legislature, including the tax bills,' warehouse bill, dance hall bill, sales tax bill and bills on mortgage moratoriums and bank moratoriums. George Peck, chairman of the fire insur ance committee, gave an interest ing report The resignation of Bert Johnson as overseer was accepted and a new overseer will be elected at the next meeting. After the business meeting a so cial hour was enjoyed with Mrs. George Peck, Mrs. Harvey Bauman, Mrs. Ed Kelly, Mrs. Harry Dinges and Mrs. Karl Miller as hostesses. Adrian Bechdolt of RnrHmn was calling on Lexington friends one day last week. Mr. Bechdolt taught in the Lexington schools two years ago. The Luttrell zirls entertainprl with a pleasant party at their home Wednesday evening. Games and refreshments were enjoyed during tne evening. Those present were NaOml McMillan. Edith Rmnrtlov Rose Thornbure. Edith Tucker' Grace and Doris Burchell and Ruth, Faye and Fern Luttrell. George Gillis snent the week end at his home in Portland. I Edward Rice left reeentlv for Boulder, Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Ine-les and Verl who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ingles for the last several weeks left Friday morning for Vancouver. Wash From there they will go to their name at Cambria, Calif. Miss Eva Wilcox was a recent visitor in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Burchell nf Sheridan were recent guests of u.r. and Mrs. Ed Burchell. Dr. MoMurdo of Hennner w calling on Mrs. Margaret McMillan Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Mvles Martin Is confined tn her home by illness. Miss Helen Smouse is assisting with the work at the Martin home. Mrs. Claude White and dune-titor LaVerne, were hostesses for a de lightful party at their home Satur day evening. The guests spent the evening dancing and playing cards ana aencious refreshments were( served at midnight. Edwin Ingles has accepted the position as superintendent of the schools at Boardman next year. Mr. Ineles has been simerintpnHAnf nt the schools here for the last three years and Mrs. Ingles has been en gaged as an instructor in the high school during the last two years. Lexington people are sorry to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Ingles are not to be here next year. On Friday evening, March 31, Lexington high school will present their annual feature show Including a vaudeville, country store and aance witn luncn at midnight. Go. d music will be provided; there will be both old time and modem dances and everyone, whether old or young, is assured a good time. The admission price will be 35 cents for adults and 10 cents for children, Including everything. Those wish ing to attend the vaudeville and who do not Care to remain for the dance will be charged 25 cents nH those who come for the dance only win also be charged 25 cents. The next meeting of the P. T. A. will be held on Wednesday eve ning, March 29. Guests registering at Lucas place reeentlv J. B. Eaton of Bend, Henry Cram er or ine unnfts w h: TimirAn t P. Pierre, E. P. Pierre, C. A. Klein and A. R. Mnntpnmorv r? PnrHon.l Ed Powell of Cecil, and A. Kaiser or f enaieton. Miss Lucille Beymer has gone her home near Hennner. to George Mead of Hermiston was a Dusiness visuor in Lexington Tu esdav morning. At the school meeting last week u was aeciuea to retain the high scnool nere next year instead oi sending the students to Hnnnnpr be was considered at a previous meet Inc. . Joseph Eskelson came up from his home at Salem last week and is visiting at the home of daughter, Mrs. R. B. Wilcox. his (Continued on Page Four) MOVING CITY OFFICES. The rooms in the City Garage building, recently occupied by W-n. Mahrt with his electrical equipment, will become the city hall of Hepp ner and house the officials of the municipality In the future. Work men moved the big safe across the street into the new quarters on Tu esday, and the other equipment is being installed. Henceforth the city waterm aster's office will be In this building, and the city , fathers will hold their sessions there. The building will also house the fire apparatus and other property need ing storage room. We are inform ed that there will be no remodeling of the premises at this time, this being a matter to be cared for later on. Mr. Mahrt has moved to the building of M. L. Case just north of the postofflce and will conduct his business from there in the fu ture. GRAND OFFICER VISITS. Ruth Chapter 32, Order of East ern Star, was honored Friday by a visit from Mrs. Inez V. Glaisyer of Coquille, associate grand con ductress for Oregon. In the after noon Mrs. Glaisyer conducted a school of Instruction and in the eve ning was honor guest at the regular session. Other guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Misner, wor thy patron and worthy matron of Locust chapter of lone. Mrs. Glais yer was the house guest of Mrs. Frank Parker, local worthy matron, while in. the city. BENEFIT SHOW GIVEN. x Heppner Business and Profession al Womens club was the sponsor of a benefit show, "Rebecca of Sunny- brook Farm," through the courtesy of the Star theater, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The club's share of the proceeds will assist in their local welfare work. Good patronage is reported. County Bastile Receives Much Needed Ventilators New ventilation was installed at the county jail during the week, and that building has been made a little more desirable as a place of abode for those citizens of the com munity who may be called upon to take up temporary living quarters there. Large windows placed in the north and south walls of the struc ture now allow free circulation .of an abundance of fresh air when de sired. Other work done has also lessened the fire risk. A thorough cleaning of the jail has also been going on, and the place tidied up. If it remains in this sanitary condition in the fu ture, it will doubtless free the "strong box" of the county from some of the severe condemnation it has suffered at the hands of suc ceeding grand juries when they passed their semi-annual reports in to the presiding judge. If you contemplate taking up quarters In the boarding house of Sheriff Bau man you doubtless will appreciate the efforts of the county court to make things more pleasant for you. KICKING THE MONEY LOOSE. 'Fear of punishment and a be-1 lated sense of loyalty" was given In a daily news dispatch this week as the reason for more than $2,000,000 in gold coin and gold certificates be ing turned in over the counters of Portland banks since the beginning or the new administrations anti hoarding campaign. Similar results have been obtained in all parts of the nation, reports say, bringing the total to an astounding figure. And coincident with this large influx of local hoardings back into normal channels comes word from France that she is readv to nav $30,000,000 on her war debt, and ad ditional news that the government is turning out $2,000,000,000 of fresh, crisp, new federal reserve notes which are being shipped to banks all over the country. These are al ready being released into the chan nels of industry. While all this is going on the new administration continues the pro cess of reopening banks as fast as their management and general con dition can be determined to be sound. The desire of President Roosevelt and Secretary Woodin is to keep the new currency from be ing soiled by handling with unclean hands. Economists who have advanced the theory that stagnation of the medium of exchange has been the cause of most of the country's econ- omio ills for the last two years, should see in the present picture a distinct note of optimism. And It is to be hoped that the advocates of free coinage of silver will now pass out of the picture. President Roosevelt gives assur ance that the new money Is good, and that It is sound, being backed by collateral of the highest type No one need fear it That's all the country needs en ough good, sound money to transact the nation's business, put in hands that can be trusted. The manner in which this is now being accom plished has inspired the confidence of the people. It appears that It will not be long before commodity prices will again rise to a point where agriculture and Industry may again make a profit, enabling them to put on more help and thus ab sorb the class of unemployed who may again become contented, pro ductive citizens. If the signs are read correctly, we say God-speed to Woodin money and farewell technocracy. Clifford Sims, receiver of the Ar lington National bank, was a vis itor In this city on Wednesday eve ning. ' BUSINESS SMILES AT "Sheepskin" Fame Goes Like Magic, Easing Taut Countenances. LOCAL TRADE AIDED $1250 in Leather Money Issued To Date to Help Teachers; May be Civic Benefit. Does it help to have more money In circulation? The average business house in. Heppner, since the appearance of the first issue of "Sheepskin Scrip," will tell you it does. To date only $1250 in the leather and paper money has been issued. Plans call for the issuance of $5000 all told, at the rate of $1000 a month or as needed. The scrip was issued to make liquid the warrants of Heppner school teachers. Warrants are tak en by the business men's organiza tion in exchange for the scrip at a 5 percent discount and with slight exception the scrip will purchase services or commodities anywhere in Heppner the same as a like am ount of Uncle Sam's gold coin. Business Stimulated. A piece of it may not look quite as good as a Federal Reserve bank note, which may be the reason there is small tendency to hoard it; and it may be the anxiety of some peo ple to get rid of that which comes Into their possession that has acted as a stimulus to business. Anyway that has been the effect as many Heppner business men will testify. The warrants taken for the scrip are held by the directors of the scrip organization, and it is hoped that tax money sufficient to redeem them will be forthcoming by De cember 31, 1934, on or before which date all the outstanding scrip, as called, will be redeemed by the com mittee in good old u. S. currency at face value; or, that is, so much thereof as is presented. That's the way the directors who, by the way, are Dean T. Good man, chairman; L. E. Blsbee, Chas. Thomson, D. A. Wilson, Spencer Crawford and L. L. Gilliam, secre taryhad it planned. But they have begun to smile at develop ments since the first issue. When the scrip plan was conceiv ed, all phases of its feasibility were considered, and certain hitches that might develop were contemplated. Foresee Drawbacks. For instance there was the possi bility that the warrants taken might not be called by the time the scrip was to be redeemed, and the committee might be caught short. This was answered by a represent ative group of business men who said it made no difference. They had been taking some warrants already, and that if it became nec essary they would take warrants for the scrip they held and hold them until such time as they were called. Then there arose the possibility that one store might become too congested with scrip, making It dif ficult to meet its out-of-town cash requirements. There appeared to be no good answer to this objection, but all agreed to take a chance. It was in answering the question of what the scrip was to be like that probably caused the develop ments that later brought pleasure wreaths about the mouths of the directors to replace the drawn ex pression of anxiety that hovered there as the first issue was being made ready for trial. There now appears little likelihood that any of the contemplated drawbacks will develop into reality. The answer? Sheepskin! Sheepskin Decided Upon. So far as anyone of the commit tee knew, there wasn't any sheep skin scrip in existence. It would be original with Heppner; it was a true reflection of the large sheep industry of the county, on the suc cess or failure of which the fate of Heppner largely depends; and the leather money would be durable. When the cost of making the scrip was investigated, however, it was found to be too great to per mit making the nickels of leather; so it was decided that these should be made of paper and only a por tion of the larger denominations of leather, leaving the quarter as the smallest denomination to be made of the skin. The name "Sheepskin Scrip" al most magically, it seemed, spread from coast to coast before the Ink on the leather of the first Issue had dried. Immediately there came de mands from far and near for pieces of the leather money for souvenirs. Most of the leather money so far issued is out of circulation entire ly, with the larger proportion going to souvenir hunters, giving the committee a neat little cash balance with which to manipulate local cir culation of the scrip In such man ner as it deems advisable. When the scrip business Is finally wound up, if the committee finds that it has made a profit such mon ey will be used in clvlo Improve ment There Is no chance for per sonal profit. The American Legion Auxiliary will meet March 21 at the home of Mrs. J. D. Cash. SCRIP RESULTS