Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 09, 1933, Image 1

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    r V. I 5 T 0 H 1 C A - SOCIETY
Volume 49, Number 52.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Special Election in July
May be Called for
Public Expression.
Lawmakers Expected to Finish by
Last of Week; Record Set for
Length of State Session.
Salem, March 6. Having run 16
days overtime to set a new record
for the length of any single session,
the 37th legislative assembly now
expects to finish Its labors some
time before the end of the week,
and then to adjourn sine die. Talk
of adjournment has been rife for
more than a week, as weary solons,
working without pay, have let their
desires get the better of their judg
ment But even the more pessimis
tic now admit that the assembly
should be able to adjourn either
Thursday or Friday.
Most of the major bills dealing
with the outstanding problems of
unemployment, readjustment of
credits, curtailing expenditures and
providing revenues for the opera
tion of the state, have now either
been passed or are In the process
of being acted upon.
When one of the most critical slt-
uations of the week, the governor's
bank moratorium, arose, the legis
lature responded to the emergency
and came to the governor s assist
ance by the passage in record time
of a bill which permits the state
banking department to suspend the
operation of any bank whenever its
judgment sees the need of such ac
tion. This bill, introduced Friday
morning, was rushed through to
third reading in the house, made a
special order of business for 1:30
and was in shape for the signature
of the governor Saturday. .
Opposition that developed In both
house and senate on the grounds
that debtor relief should be grant
ed along with relief to banks, was
shortly overcome in the house and
was sidetracked in the senate on
the promise of sponsors of the bill
to support any other reasonable bill
proposed for this purpose. Such a
bill, under the authorship of Sena
tors Brown, Dickson and Zimmer
man, came to the desks of the
members of both houses in printed
form today. It Is a mortgage mor
atorium measure similar to others
that so far have been unsuccessful
of passage, but it may be that ob
jections appearing to the other
measures will be overcome by pro
visions In the new bill.
Interest in the new sales tax that
had before held the center of the
stage waB momentarily diverted by
the banking emergency measure.
The sales tax bill passed the house
by a comfortable majority and to
day is reposing in the senate taxa
tion and revenues committee, where
rumor has it, It Is undergoing a
hot seige with the possibility that
It may come out with a majority
report recommending that It do not
pass and a minority report favor
ing its passage.
Deemed by Its sponsors as the
most Important bill of all to the
welfare of the state, Representative
Lonergan rose to the heights of his
oratorical career when he took the
floor in Its behalf In the house, and
convincingly stated his arguments
that the bill was needed, that It
would work, and that it was found
ed on the right principle of taxa
- tlon. Opponents fought the bill on
principle, and some who agreed that
they believe the principle wrong,
voted for the bill with the belief
that It would raiBe revenue which
the state sadly needs and which It
is plain to be seen cannot be raised
by the property tax method.
In the face of the proposed threat
to Invoke the referendum if the bill
passes the senate also, its sponsors
have another bill ready on the house
table which calls for the holding
of a special election next July 14
for the purpose of letting the peo
ple express themselves.
Most of the ways and means bills
have got to the house and many
have passed both the house and sen
ate with very little amendment and
no rejection of any part of the pro
posed program. Outstanding points
In the program are a salary reduc
tion scale of from 6 to 30 per cent
and tithing of various self-sustaining
departments to the general
fund. More opposition has devel
oped to the latter than to any oth
er part of the program, but indica
tions are that this part of the pro
gram will also succeed. Another
part of the program has been the
' intention of knocking out the plan
of continuing appropriations gen
erally, but not with the idea of ser
iously handicapping the function
ing of any agency thus supported,
providing Instead that the neces
sary expenses be dispersed by the
government department under
whose supervision they come. This
was the case In the Instance or the
agricultural experiment stations
Whose continuing appropriations
were greatly curtailed, but with the
full knowledge and, largely, consent
of those directly affected, members
of the committee asserted. The ap
propriation to match federal funds
for the maintenance of the county
agricultural agents underwent a
(Continued on Pag Four)
Mrs. Gertrude Landwehr, who
died last month at St Joseph home,
fit Cloud Minnesota, at the ae-ft of
104 years, was one of the most col-
onui pioneers or central Minneso
ta. She was born in Germany on
a farm where her family lived for
200 years, and which Is still in their
possession. She came to America
when she was 22 years of age and
her family settled in Illinois, and
there she married Henry Landwehr.
One year after their marriage, Mr.
and Mrs. Landwehr moved to Min
nesota and settled on a farm in St
Augusta, which is still In posses
sion of the family. That was in
1857. Mr. Landwehr died in 1882,
and for fifteen years following his
death, Mrs. Landwehr lived with a
son, Henry, at Portland, Ore., later
returning to the old home in Minne
sota. A short, time before her
death the pioneer mother was very
111 and at this time expressed a wish
to live until she was 104 years old.
Her wish was granted. Her birth
day anniversary was February 2.
She was the mother of seven chil
dren, one of them being Mrs. Wil
liam Gorger who died March 1st,
1916. -The survivlne ffrandr.hiliiren
number 38, the great grandchildren
127, and the great great grand
children 3. Her CfTMlldpjhilriren wlm
are known here are Henrv Gore-er
Minnie Ramsey, Leo and Joe Gorger
of lone, Gertrude Cooney of Board
man, George Gorger of Pendleton
and Genevieve Eisenprice of Aber
deen, Wash.
The members of the Girls league
were entertained Wednesday after
noon, March 1st, from 2:00 to 3:30
by the Women's Topic club, at the
pleasant home of Mrs. M. E. Cotter.
The study hour was devoted to a
discussion of China and Japan, the
countries now being studied by the
club. Alt its close daintv refresh
ments were served by Mrs. Cotter.
ixuests present were Miss Marguer
ite Mauzey, Dot and Dimple Crab
tree. Eva Swanson. Elaine Ne.lsnn
Virginia Griffith, Harriet Heliker,
raargaret juiy, jane Collins, Hattie
Van Schoaick, Frances Troedson,
Josephine Buschke, Mildred Lun
dell, Lucy Montgomery and Helen
Grabill. The members of the Topic
club who were in attendance at
the meeting were Mrs. Louis Ber
gevin, Mrs. D. M. Ward, Mrs. Lana
Padberg, Mrs. Carl Feldman, Mrs.
Earl Blake, Mrs. Sam Hatch, Mrs
Roy Lieuallen, Mrs. Bert Mason,
Mrs. Ernest Lund ell and Mrs. El-n-.er
The high Wind of last week com
pletely wrecked the windmill on the
M. E. Cotter ranch, which Is being
farmed by Clarence Warren.
Reta King, third grade pupil In
our school, made the honor roll in
the last six weeks examination. Her
name was omitted from the list
published last week.
From one of our good Masonic
brothers here we learn that Seldom
Swift noted checker player, passed
uirougn town recently en route to
Heppner where he went to in
struct Sheriff C. J. r. Rm
John Wightman In the high points
oi me game, so they will be better
fitted to comoete with the Tnn.
checker players In the coming
maion. f or more detailed Informa
tion about Mr. Swift's Visit nnnmiH
Bauman and Wightman.
Locust Chapter No. 119, O. E. S.
met in regular session February 28
with a large number In attendance.
Following the routine of work a
turkey dinner was served in the
dining room In honor of the past
matrons and past patrons of the
order. Many of the past officers
were present and gave short talks.
Those who were not able to be pres
ent, sent interesting. newv lotte
which were read.
Miss Norma Swanson nnH no
land Swanson returned homo v,
first of the week after spending ten
unys very pleasantly with relatives
aim inenaa in sajem.
On Wednesday of last weeir tu-
ladies of $he Congregational church
in jexmgiun neia an an day meet
ing compllmentine their nro.nt
Mrs. George Allyn. Several guests
were present from Heppner and
those in attendance from lone were
Mrs. Louis Balsleer. Mrs. Paul ri
siger, Mrs. Emll Swanson, Mrs. Hal
u. ciy, jars, udward Keller and
Mrs. Laxton McMurray. A moat
delicious dinner was served at the
noon hour. The ladles spent the
time quilting on a aullt for Mr. ai
Mayor John Lonv went c-i
land Saturday, returning Sunday.
... i. iwuraun was transacting
business in Pendleton -Monday.
M,r. and Mrs. Harold Gullland
are the parents of a son, born on
Wednesday, March 1st, In a Pen
delton hospital. The babv h h.n
given the name of Harold R. Jr.
Mrs. Gullland and baby plan on re
turning to cnear home in lone next
The dance given at Legion hall
Saturday night was well attended
and would have been an onWnKi.
affair had it not been for the brawis
wnicn took place both in the hall
and outside. In the future an ef
fort will be made to maintain t,
ter order. The music was by the
nowiy iM-gamzeu orchestra, known
as "Bud's .Tbm Oh
uaviiig Llie
following personnel: Veda Eubanks,
jimo; nanes L,undell, saxophone'
Harry Peterson, banjo and violin-
Rjnlnh nicm. lAK.i -. . . . '
u.uduu, iiisiuuuue ana VlOlin-
Donald Hellkee, drums. The young
HiJ were complimented on their
music Saturday night. The orches
tra Is available for all dance dates
A young man by the name of
John Bell became quarrelsome in
the dance hal Saturday night and
was placed In the olty jail by Mar-
o-kii mn. wnortiv afterwnrH It
(Continued on Pag Four)
30-Piece Musical Organization Will
Be Heard March 81, Under Dl
ruction of Harold Buhman.
The thirty-piece Heppner school
band, under the direction of Har
old W. Buhman, will be heard In
concert for the first time in the
school gym on March 31, at 8:00
p. m.
The band has now been organized
for slightly over two years and al
though it has appeared in public
on several occasions it has not as
yet been heard in concert and this
will be a new experience for the
members as well as a new enter
tainment for the community.
Since its organization the band
has doubled Its original member
ship and although it is one of our
school's activities, no school time Is
taken for instruction or rehearsal,
which is all done after school hours
and evenings.
The members of the band are
working hard on each number to
be presented and are determined to
do their best to give a varied and
Interesting program to show the
community they are worthy of sup
port in this activity.
An added attraction of the pro
gram is to be two numbers by the
girls' quartet under the direction
of Charlotte Woods. Another fea
ture will be the introduction of the
junior band which has been work
ing hard for this oportunity to show
what they can do. This group Is
composed almost entirely of grade
school students who began their
band work only last November.
Tickets for the concert will be
sold in the near future for a nom
inal sum of 25c. The proceeds are
to be used in paying bills and pur
chasing imusic. The balance will
be put aside to start a fund for uni
forms which Is a chief objective of
the band for the coming year.
Receivers' Office Will Be
At First National Bank
In the interests of economy, J, L.
Gault, receiver of the two Heppner
banks, announces that after the
first of April the office at the Far
mers & Stockgrowers National bank
will be closed, and all the business
of the two trusts will be carried on
at the offices of the First National.
In the meantime, Mr. Gault will
be found the major part of the
time at the First National offices.
During his absence at church on
Sunday evening the home of Wm.
Baird in the Albina district was
entered. The discovery was made
by Mr. Baird when he arrived at
his residence, and upon investigat
ing it was found that money to the
amount of some $8 was missing,
and no amount of searching on his
part revealed the whereabouts of
the coin. The pilfering would seem
to have been the work of some party
or parties familiar with the prem
Legislative Proposals Entitled to
Full Consideration of the Public
By the time this reaches the read
ers of the home-town newspaper It
appears the 37th legislative assem
bly will have finished its labors of
the present session, and It will be
left for the people finally to decide
the wisdom of the many meaures
wiich It will have produced; for ul
timately public opinion and accept
ance determines the degree of suc
cess to be attained by any law.
In the face of one of the greatest
crises In the state's history, this
legislative session has labored hard
and long, in fact longer than any
previous assembly In the legisla
ture's history, and to meet each of
the outstanding problems confront
ing It there has been offered a def
inite program of solution. These
programs should be given a fair
trial. It Is not enough alone for the
ninety members of the legislative
assembly to give sixty days of con
centrated thought to the solution of
the problems confronting the state.
The same Intensity of application'
of the minds of all the people for
a much longer time is needed to
effect a betterment of conditions
that now exist. If this be given,
there is sure to be found much of
wisdom and merit In the programs
proposes, and In spite of some In
justices and Inequalities which
might be exposed, or at least pre
sumed, they should be found work
able generally, be given public en
dorsement and cooperation, and
thus hasten better times for all.
It can be said without fear of
successful contradiction that this
legislative assembly has been sin
cere and honest in Its endeavors to
produce good legislation. Without
holding a brief for the administra
tive department, or for the various
leaders in the respective branches
of the legislative department, your
humble correspondent believes the
lie is given to the oft-repeated state
ment that this assembly has been
without competent leadership, by
the very fact that a comprehensive
program has been adopted In each
Instance to meet the respective ma
jor problems confronting the state.
The governor has been ready In
every Instance with a statement of
I. O. 0. F. Gathering
Has Large Attendance
Willow Lodge No. 68, 1 O. O. F.,
was host to a large gathering of
Odd Fellows and Rebekahs at their
hall in this city last evening, the
occasion calling the membership of
the various lodges of the county to
gether that they might receive an
official visit from the Grand Master,
R. H. Jonas of Prineville. At this
time also the proposition of consol
idation of some of the lodges with
the Heppner lodge was presented,
and this will be further considered
by the individual lodges at a fu
ture time. Hardman, Morgan, lone
and Lexington lodges had delega
tions present and numbers on the
program were presented by repre
sentatives of both the Odd Fellows
and Rebekah lodges, Heppner Re
bekahs giving the greater number,
while lone and Lexington each had
prominent numbers.
The ceremonies began with the
banquet at 6:30, and this revealed
many visitors from outside the
county, coming from Pendleton.
Grand Master Jonas delivered
the main address of the evening,
being followed by S. F. Bowman,
past grand master, D. H. Nelson,
grand warden, and O. F. Steele, past
grand warden. Mrs. Frank Whet
stone, past president of the Rebekah
assembly, spoke in behalf of the
Rebekahs and Mr. Whetstone pre
sented the claims of the Purple
Circle for consideration. Many of
the numbers on the program were
mirth provoking,; and the musical
and literary items were artistically
presented and greatly appreciated.
Local M. D. High Up
In Chess Tournament
Dr. A. B. Gray of this city, who
meets all comers locally in chess,
and who, when so disposed, gives
none of them a "look in" at the win
nings, has added to his laurels
abroad. He fs a member of the
Correspondence Chess league, and
has to wrestle with men of nation
al repute in the game.
Dr. Gray has just recently finish
ed taking part in a tournament
sponsored by the league, and out of
the 20 games played he was winner
in 17, lost two and drew two, and
he is rightfully proud of the record
made. A drawn game counts as
half a game for each player.
Inez A. Glaisyer of Coquille, asso
ciate grand conductress, Order of
Eastern Star of Oregon, will make
an official visit to Ruth Chapter No.
32 of Heppner tomorrow, Friday,
afternoon and evening. There will
be a school of Instruction for offi
cers at 2:00 o'clock p. m., and the
regular meeting of the chapter in
the evening, and all members are
urgently requested to be present
The regular meeting of Heppner
Lodge No. 358, B. P. O. E., will be
at their temple tonight with the
main item of business the electing
of officers for the coming year, nom
inations for Which were made at
the last meeting. Members are
urged to be present
state policy to guide the course of
needed legislation. His many mes
sages would make a good-sized
book, if bound together, and an an
alysis of the legislature's work will
reveal that legislation was enacted
in line with most of his proposals.
The speaker of the house and the
senate president, both of whom
represent Morrow county, showed
wisdom In cooperating closely with
the administrative departments,
and both showed themselves highly
competent In the manner In which
they dispatched the routine duties
of their offices. And, again, the lay
members of the house and senate
who worked out the programs In
committee and who battled for them
as they were put through final pas
sage, surely showed themselves In
telligent and capable.
Breaking forty new members to
the harness in the house, and a
somewhat smaller proportion of 'he
members in the senate, had a ten
dency to slow up business In the
beginning days of the session, but
the places of prominence gained by
many of these as the session pro
gressed, showed many of them to
be apt pupils who are now seasoned'
workhorses. The test of public
opinion and acceptance of the bet
ter judgment of the majority of
these lawmakers, It may be repeat
ed; will determine the depth of the
niche that will appear In the hall
of fame for the body as a whole.
It Is true that nn analysis of the
many measures coming before the
legislature for action reveals a pre
ponderance of "special Interest"
proposals, and the number of "flesh
and blood" bills as one represen
tative put It small in proportion.
But every special Interest affects
many people, and there are those
Interested pro and con who exert
their forces for and against and
these forces In most Instances near
Ing somewhat of a balance It has
been shown to be difficult for any
single Interest or class to gain an
undue advantage, and In the pas
sage of such bills it should gener
ally be found that the rights and
privileges .of the average citizen
are protected and that the majority
of benefits will accrue to him,
Payroll of District No. One Re
duced 23 Per Cent Through
Action of Board Tuesday.
What amounts to practically 23
per cent reduction over the present
schedule of pay for the teaching
force of School District No, 1, to be
effective next school year, was
made by the board of directors at
their monthly meeting Tuesday eve
ning. This is a further cut from
the budget as voted the last of No
vember, and is made necessary if
school is to be carried on the com
ing year. The action was not tak
en, however, without a lot of figur
ing and serious consideration on the
part of the board of education, who,
in order to meet the exigencies of
the times, have decided on a fur
ther reduction in the monthtly pay
roll by abandoning one high school
and one grade teacher. It is thought
this will put the district In position
to carry on during the next school
year for the full nine months' term.
While the general tendency is re
duction in salaries all down the line,
no matter what the occupation, this
move is made all the more neces
sary in regard to the school because
of the non-payment of taxes, re
sulting in the piling up of warrant
indebtedness. The board sees no
other way out at the present time,
than by the policy they have adopt
ed. The new schedule of wages
will be $100 per month for grade
I'achers and $115 for high school
instructors, with the exception of
the grade principal and the physical
education instructor, who are to re
ceive $150 per month each.
The board had up for consider
ation on Tuesday evening the selec
tion of superintendent, teachers and
janitor for the coming year, and of
the present teaching force the fol
lowing were retained: Edward F.
Bloom, superintendent salary $2025
for the year; Harold W. Buhman,
grade principal and teacher of 8th
grade, Beth Bleakman, 1st: Eliza
beth Dix, 2nd; Juanita Leathers,
Miriam McDonald, Juanita Craw
ford and Adelyn O'Shea for the
other grades. In the high school,
Geo. W. Mabee, James T. Lumley,
Madge Coppock and Jessie Palmi
ter have each been elected to the
positions they now hold. Wm. Dris
coll was given the janitor's posi
tion at a salary of $1500 for the
It Is understood that the cut in
salaries Is acceptable, and these
teachers will return for another
year, if not offered better wages
Crop Production Body
In Session Here Today
A meeting of all the committee
men of Morrow county was in ses
sion for some hours today at the
office of C. W. Smith, county agent,
for the purpose of working out de
tails regarding the filling out of
applications and administering the
crop production loans. We are in
formed that details regarding the
loans can be obtained from any lo
cal committeeman or from the
county agent's office.
In this connection, ' attention Is
called to Information received from
the office of E. J. Davis, field in
spector, located at Freewater, that
all applicants for crop production
loans should refuse to pay any fees
for the preparation of applications;
such fees are Illegal under the law
and any one making such charges
is subject to penalty of both fine
and imprisonment. Notarial fees,
however, are still necessary, as are
fees charged by the county record
ing officials for recording the lien
given as security for the loan, and
for searching the records for prior
The first of two meetings devoted
to the study of China will be held
by the Woman's Study club Mon
day evening, March 13, at the W.
O. Dix home. The place of meet
ing has been changed from the ear
lier announcement. Mrs. Dix, Mrs.
Earl Gilliam and Mrs. Lucy Rod
gers comprise the program commit
tee in charge of the evening's study,
and are planning a particularly In
teresting evening, with Chinese art,
poetry and music featuring. The
meeting will open at 7:45. Roll call
topic for March is "What I think
about Philippine Independence."
Mrs. Dick Wells and Mrs. Wilson
Bayless were hostesses Tuesday eve
ning for the American Legion Aux
iliary. The meeting was held at
the home of Mrs. Wells with twenty-one
members present. Two new
members were Initiated. Dainty
refreshments were served by the
hostesses. The next meeting of the
unit will be at the home of Mrs. J.
D. Cash.
Notice is hereby given that there
will be a meeting of the depositors
of the Farmers & Stockgrowers
National Bank, at the Court House,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday,
March 11, 1933, at the hour of 2:30
P. M., and all depositors are urged
to be present
Chas. Dillon, Leslie Packard, Dan
Ransier of Boardman, and C. A.
Houghton of Irrlgon were In the
city today, having business In con
nection with crop production loans,
being members of the county com
mittee from the north end.
Free hot lunches were served to
the school children In the Lexing
ton school this year by the Parent
Teacher association. In former
years there has been a small charge
made for the lunches, just enough
to cover the cost of materials and
to pay someone for cooking. At
the beginning of this year It was
rather doubtful If the hot lunches
could be served at all because the
children who moat needed them
could not afford to pay and the few
who could pay would not make it a
self-supporting venture. However,
the mothers who live ta the coun
try signified their willingness to do
nate the materials for the dishes if
the mothers who lived In town
would prepare them. After due
consideration the hot lunch com
mittee decided to try this scheme.
Each mother was asked to send to
the committee a list of materials
she could furnish and when any of
these were needed that one was
asked to donate it Each week two
of the women in town cooked the
lunches. When it was necessary to
purchase crackers or other Items
from the stores, the country par
ents sent In eggs, butter or other
produce to the stores to pay for
them. In this way no cash was
needed for purchases. 1048 lunches
were served during December, Jan
uary and February, and the plan
was very successful. The commit
tee is well pleased with the coop
eration which they received from
the parents. In the case of parents
who could not afford to contribute
to the lunches, thedr children were
given the lunches just the same as
the more fortunate ones.
The ladies of the IWllow Creek
club gave a surprise party for Mrs.
A. P. Parker at her home Thurs
day. It was an all day affair with
quilting during the day and a pot
luck dinner at noon. The guests
were Mrs. Earl Evans, Mrs. Har
vey Bauman, Mrs. C. P. Brown.
Mrs. Merle Kirk, Mrs. Roy John
son and Mrs. Adam Blahm.
The Bible study class met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvannus
Wright Thursday evening.
At the meeting of the Ladies Aid
society at the Congregational
church Wednesday a large cake
was presented to Mrs. George Al
lyn In appreciation of her faithful
services as president of the society
Mrs. Allyn has served In this ca
pacity for the past ten years. Out
or town visitors at the meeting
were Mrs. W. L. Blakely, Mrs. Earl
Eskelson, Mrs. W. T. Campbell,
Mrs. u. w. McNamer and Mrs. Mag
gie Hunt from Heppner and Mrs.
E. Swanson, Mrs. Paul Balsiger,
Mrs. Ed Keller, Mrs. L. Balsiger,
Mrs. Hal Ely and Mrs. Laxton Mc
Murray from lone.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Parker enter
tained the following guests at din
ner Thursday evening: Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Ingles, Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Baldwin, Miss Betsy Asher
and George Gill is.
Mrs. B. F. Swaggart, who has
been receiving medical treatment
at a hospital in Heppner, has re
turned to her home. Her daughter,
Mrs. Carl Wheeler of Pendelton, is
with her.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gentry were
hosts at a novel bridge party on
Wednesday evening. The Revolu
tionary Idea was carried out in the
evening's entertainment The
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Ingles, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner, Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Lucas, Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. McNamer, Mr. and Mrs. John
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Cletus Nichols, Mrs. Sarah
White, Mrs. Laura Scott Mrs. Les
ter White, Miss Myra Wells, Tom
Barnett and Tom Wells. Prizes
were won by Myra and Tom Wells
and consolation was received by
Mr. and Mrs. Hunt.
Mr. and Mrs. George McMillan
motored up from their home at
Cherryville Sunday. They" were
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert McMillan who came up for a
visit with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Helms and
two children, Billy and Hazel Mae,
of Hermiston were visitors at the
Alex Hunt home Sunday.
About forty friends of Mr. and
Mrs. A. P. Parker gave them a sur
prise party Saturday evening at
their Willow creek home. Eight
tables of five hundred were in play
during the evening with high scores
being won by Mrs. Karl Miller and
Omar Luttrell. Mrs. Gerald Boo
her and Earl Evans received con
solation prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Par
ker are leaving soon for their new
home near Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saling en
tertained Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rice,
Mr. and Mrs. Galey Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. George Peck and Mr.
Belts at a bountiful turkey dinner
last Sunday.
The Loyal Workers class of the
Christian Bible school entertained
the Loyal Bereans at a pleasing
party at the church Friday evening.
The young people had prepared a
very interesting program for the oc
casion and this was thoroughly en
joyed by everyone. Games were
played and later refreshments
were served.
Miss Betsy Asher, Miss Eula Mc
Millan, Mrs. Carol Ingles and Mrs.
LaVelle White attended the meet
ing of the Business and Profession
al Womens,' club at Heppner Mon
day evening. This meeting was held
at the home of Mrs. Frank Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Winkle
entertained with a delightful party
at their Clark's canyon home Sat
urday evening. A large number of
friends and neighbors were present
and everyone spent a very enjoy
able evening.
Speaker Urges Support of
New Administration
In Present Crisis.
Joel K. Benton Addresses Club
Monday; Day of Provincialism
Past Speaker Asserts.
Stating that the problems of the ,
United States are not local, but
world wide, and pleading for the
larger view of affairs, Joel R. Ben
ton, pastor of the Christian church,
gave Heppner Lions a very enter
taining and inspiring address at
their Monday luncheon. Mr. Ben
ton was the featured speaker for
the program. Little Miss Mary
Moore sang two solos, with Miss
Juanita Leathers accompanying her
at the piano.
Starting his address with the
poem beginning: "If with pleasure
you are viewing any work a man
is doing; if you like him, or you
love him, tell him now," Mr. Ben
ton paid the Lions club high com
pliment for the work they are do
ing and for their Ideals and aspira
'This hour world history Is In the
making," he said. "I mean to say
that today our problems are not
merely local. Provincialism ha8
for the time at least been done away
and the great spiritual truth that
"no man liveth to himself Is in
process of practical demonstration;
for our problems are world prob
lems and world problems are our
problems. World history is In the.
making. Cervantes said that his-'
tory is "The depository of all great
actions." Let us hope that what
some future historian will have to
chronicle of our action these days
shall bring them within the confines
of the meaning of Cervantes' state
ment. "We are standing just now at
the very door of a new political era
for this nation. Already President
Franklin D. Roosevelt has fired an
aerial bomb Into the rarlfled atmos
phere of high finance; just what
win come to earth from this we do
not yet know the near future alone
can tell us. But permit me to as
sure us of this one thing:
"The bringing of order out of
chaos, the unravelling of the tan
gled threads of national and Inter
national affairs in this nation is not
a job for any one man, or any one
party or group of people but It is
the job of every last citizen of this
nation! The last one of us must
put our shoulders to the wheel and
push with the last ounce in us. We
must cast aside al pettiness and
prejudice and go to work for the
great common good of our nation.
A great new community of interest
must obtain among all the citizens
of this nation; if we are to stand,
and we shall stand! I have faith
to believe that the spirit of Bunker
Hill and Lexington, of the great
battle spots of the Civil war, of the
Argonne and of Bellieu Woods, still
exists! That the spirit and bond of
unity of all the dark days of this
nation is yet ours to hold us as
one great nation still! That we shall
oe round not wanting as a nation
in this time of great trial; that as
a people we shall hold the hanrU
of our new president as high as ie
is aDie to reach; that our acts of
these days shall be worthy the pen.
of a great historian: that thev
shall be truly great acta."
A little Baa Baa lost his pelt
When change was getting low;
Now Mary wears it In her belt
To use as Heppner d-c-u-g-h!
What Is Safer Than a Bank?
A bank Is safe and may endure;
A safe, when locked, may be se
cure; Security is writ by pen.
And pens, you know, are used by
And men, of course, are made bv
In spite of this, I lost my wad.
The Lion patrol hiked up Willow
creek Saturday to finish prepara
tion for an overnight hike to be
held soon. The patrol has secured
two more members, Edwin Dick
and Billy CochelL. This raises the
membership to seven. Next Satur
day the patrol wUl gather at the
home of the patrol leader to finish
work on the patrol den. Four mem
bers are planning to join the sea
scouts as soon as It is organized.
This patrol will be under the di
rection of Clinton Rohrer and will
study seamanship on land.
A deal was closed Tuesday where
by Adam Blahm became the pur
chaser of the Skinner creek ranch
of O'Connor Bros, from the owner,
Mrs. Ellen SchwaTrz of this city. Mr.
Blahm will take possession of the
ranch Immediately. For many
years he has been on the alfalfa
and dairy ranch of Henry Blahm
on Wllow creek a few miles below
Heppner. He gave this up the past
week and Henry Blahm of Walla
Walla has taken title to the land