Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 02, 1933, Image 1

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0 f . S.
Volume 49, Number 51.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Legislature Acts on Many
Important Measures
This Week.
Income Tax BUI Passes House and
. Sales Tax Reported out of Com
mittee; Revenue Big Issue.
Salem, Feb. 28.-Results are now
beginning to show from the weeks
of labor of several of the principal
committees of the 37th legislative
assembly, with the house this week
concurring in all the ways and
means bills, representing the larger
proportion of the work of that body,
which came to a vote. And this
afternoon the first major revenue
producing bill was given the sanc
tion of the house without a dis
senting vote. It is a revision of
the present income tax law, expect
ed to raise between $600,000 and
$750,000 additional revenue. This
afternoon also the taxation and
revenue committee reported out fa
vorably the revamped special ses
sion sales tax bill, estimated, if
passed, to raise $3,000,000 m 1933
and $6,000,000 In 1934.
It is expected that the sales tax
bill will not meet as easy a fate in
the house as did the income tax
measure, but in lieu of any other
definite program of relief from the
property tax burden its passage is
practically assured. This presump
tion may be made In view of the
fact that one objection prevailing
In the special session, that of not
knowing how much revenue would
be needed, Is removed. There are
still those who object to the princi
ple of the tax, and will let It be
known while casting an aye vote in
order to maintain the credit of the
This new sales tax bill is different
from that of the special session
mainly in that it provides a one-half
of one percent tax on gross sales of
manufacturers. It leaves the tax
on gross sales of tangible personal
property and personal services to
consumer at 2 percent With Its
provisions of property-tax offset
and distribution of 50 percent of
the net proceeds to the counties, it
has overcome objections to the for
mer bill on the grounds of discrim
ination against the counties in the
distribution of the revenue. The
bill was worked out of committee In
Its present form by close coopera
tion of the governor, state tax com
mission and the taxation and rev
enue committee.
The revenue program, as worked
out by the committee Is expected to
give the state a nearly-balanced
budget, should the estimates of the
committee prove correct
The highways and highway rev
enue committees also came out with
its program this week which It
claims will meet the needs of the
highway department for the ensu
ing biennlum. Two of its major
bills were presented to the house
this afternoon as a special order of
business. One of these bills sets a
flat $5 license fee on automobiles
and adds another cent on the gaso
line tax, while the other is the truck
and bus rcgulartory measure.
This committee's program was
developed by numerous public hear
ings and heated contentions of the
different factions affected, and the
two bills were finally made a spec
ial order of business after much
jockeying around and an averted
attempt to send them back to com
mittee for more rehashing. The
program of the committee contains
the so-called Dunne plan of taxa
tfon, which was adopted over . the
Alen plan to insert an ad valorem
property tax on each automobile in
stead of an added gasoline tax. A
strong demand still existed in the
house for a property tax, even
though a gasoline tax were needed
to raise sufficient revenue, as the
bills came up for final passage this
afternoon. The Allen plan came
out of committee with a minority
report favoring its passage ahead
of the Dunne plan bill, but was laid
on the table awaiting the arrival
of the latter bill.
Representative Gouley's bill call
ing for the holding of a state con
stitutional convent'on for the pur
pose of voting on repeal of the 18th
amendment, slid through the house
easily this week, and was on the
senate calendar for today. Some
house drj'S laid aside personal prej
udices on the prohibition question
to give the people a chance to ex
press themselves on the matter.
Each ensuing day finds tiring leg.
islators less prone to dissect every
bill into minute particles, and with
freer use of the gag rule and a ban
on explanation of votes, they are
attempting to rid the hopper of Its
still large residue of measures and
get back to their homes. But while
taking more or less snap judgment,
the attitude largely prevails of
passing nothing unless It appears to
be good, and necessary.
It is expected there will be many
night sessions this week to hurry
along the remaining business in an
attempt to adjourn Saturday, but
tonight will be a relaxation period
as the facilities of the lawmakers
are turned over to the "third house"
(Continued on Page Four)
A pleasant social event of last
week was the dancing party Wed
nesday night at the country home of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lindsay. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Gorger and children, Mr. and Mrs.
Johan Troedson, Verner Troedso'.,
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Lindstrom, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Lindstrom, Roy
Lindstrom, Miss Edna Lindstrom,
Miss Beulah Pettyjohn, Paul Petty
John, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Lind
strom, Mr. and Mrs. Wate Craw
ford and children, Mr. and Mrs.
Crabtree and children, Wid Palma
teer, Lawrence Cochran, Mr. Pow
ell, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke and
children, Donald Heliker, Hatti ;
Van Schoiack, Miss Constance Bork,
Clifford and Earl McCabe, Carl
Troedson, Velma Huston, Veda Eu
banks, Charles Lundell, Mabel Cool,
. TTil ..... TJ T TT .- ,
Arthur Ritchie, win.
ona Ritchie, Nancy Robertson, Bill
Cool and Irvin Anderson. Music
was by Charles Lundell, Velma Hi ;
ton, Constance Bork and Mr. Pow
ell. Special vocal numbers were
by Carl Troedson who played his
own accompaniment. Refreshments
of sandwiches, cake and coffee were
Six weeks examinations were held
in our schools last week anu we find
the following names on the honor
roll: Seniors, first honor roll, El-
wayne Lieuallen; second honor roll,
Margaret Ely. Sophomores, first
honor roll, Jane Collins; second
honor holl, Harriet Heliker. Fresh
men, first honor roll, Irene Zinter
and Elaine Nelson; second honor
roll, Virginia Griffith and Eugene
Normoyle. In the eighth grade:
Junior Mason and Charlotte Mc
Cabe. In the seventh grade: Betty
Bergevin. Sixth grade: Helen Lind
say and Joan Sjpe3. Fifth grade:
Dorothy Howell.
"Three on a Match" will be the
picture show at Legion hall Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Calkins and
children were guests at the home
of Mrs. Calkins' mother, Mrs. Ida
Fletcher, Wednesday of last week.
Ray Robison was among those
from here who attended the Auto
show in Portland last week.
Both Mrs. Martin Bauernfeind
and small son, Gene, of Morgan
were quite ill last week and Mrs.
Wtllard Farrens of our little city,
went to Morgan to care for the pa
tients. Mrs. Farrens returned home
The Willows Grange meeting at
Cecil hall Saturday was an especial
ly Interesting one. During the eve
ning Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell
were presented medals, in apprecia-tion-of
their faithful, unselfish and
efficient work in Willows Grange.
Sinco the organization of the
grange at Cecil, Mr. Lundell has
been Master, until he refused the
offico at last election. During all
of that time Mrs. Lundell has been
lecturer. The presentation of the
medals came as a happy surprise to
them. At the same meeting there
was an apple pie making and bak
ing contest between Mrs. Harry
Cool and Mrs. J. E. Crabtree. One
of the ladies won the honors in
speed while the other won honors
for making the best flavored pie.
The affairs of Willows grange are
moving along smoothly under the
management of the following of
ficers: Master, Vida Heliker; Over
seer, Roy Lindstrom; Lecturer, Ed
na Lindstrom ; Chaplain, Clara Kin
caid; Steward, Walter Gibson; As
sistant Steward, Donald Heliker;
Lady Assistant Steward, Beulah
Pettyjohn; Pomona, Mabel Cool;
Ceres, Dot Crabtree; Flora, Dimple
Crabtree; Gatekeeper, Oliver Kin-
Mrs. Blaine Blackwell entertain
ed at bridge Friday afternoon at
her home on Second street. Mrs.
William Whitson being joint host-
Six tables were at plav. Hitrh
nonors were Won by Mrs. Carl Al
lyn, second high by Mrs. Elisha
Sperry. The two consolation priz.
went to Mrs. Cleo Drake and .irs,
Helen Farrens.
iiuriy-uve were present at a
bridge party at the Emil Swanson
home Wednesday evening of last
week. High scores were made bv
Mrs. Cleo Drake and Lee Howell;
low by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundp.l.
The chief social event of last
week was the card and dancing
party at Odd Fellows hall Thursday
nignt at Which the Past Noble
Grands of the Rebckah lodge were
hostesses. Fifty guests were pres
ent and all report a most enjoyable
lime. Ketresnments were served
at eleven o'clock.
Mrs. Frank Lundell entertained
at a surprise birthday party last
Thursday, honoring her sister, M;ss
Norma Swanson. A handkerchief
shower was given the honoree. Six
teen ladies were present.
Our basketball teams went to
Echo Friday night for a double
'header game. The lone boys lost
oy a score of ll-is, while the girls
tied with the Echo team. The bas
ketball tournament is being held in
Heppner this week. Our boys are
scheduled for two games,
Mrs. Henry Rowell, who has been
very ill and has been staying in
Heppner a part of the time that
she njight be near her physician, is
now at her home In lone, and is
somewhat improved. While In
Heppner she spent the time with
her friend, Mrs. Henry Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rowell
moved last week to their new home
near Hcrmlston.
Miss Dorothy Clark who has been
making her home with her sister,
Mrs. Jack Farrls, has returned to
the home of her parents in Med
ford. She visited enroute with a
stater In Salem.
(Continued on Page Four)
Heppner Sheepskin Scris lp Creating Sensation
Issued by the
Hcooner Gazette Timet
Heppner's Sheepskin Scrip, is
sued this week under the auspices
of the business men of the city, is
creating a mild sensation, not only
in Heppner but wherever It has
been displayed. Wednesday's Ore
gonian carried a picture df the
scrip, the above cut having been
borrowed from them, and orders
arrived today from Portland for
several pieces of the new medium
of exchange. Due to the shortage
In Portland of the leather required
Adjustment Committee Establishes
Offices With County Agent;
Arlington Meet Attended.
"The Morrow county voluntary
farm mortgage adjustment commit
tee is now ready to offer Its services
in any case on which it is request
ed to act," is the statement of Bert
Johnson, chairman of the local
group, who with other members
from this county attended a re
gional meeting at Arlington last
Thursday, where details of proce
dure were worked out
In order that the services of the
committee may be made convenient
to everyone in need of them, the
committee has arranged for the of
fice of County Agent Chas. W.
Smith, to be headquarters for com
mittee activity. Information on pro
cedure of obtaining the commit
tee's services may be obtained at
the county agent's office or from
any member of the committee.
Mr. Johnson reports that at the
regional meeting it was emphasized
by State Chairman O. M. Plummer
and members of the state commit
tee that the county groups have no
legal status but are prepared to
lend every aid on a voluntary basis
toward bringing a satisfactory ad
justment between farmers and
mortgage holders In order that un
necessary loss or hardship may be
avoidd for both in cases where the
parties are unable to make satisfac
tory arrangements Independently.
Members of the state committee
at the regional conference report
ed that they had word that similar
credit councils or committees in
other states have already proved
highly beneficial even where com
paratively few cases are actually
handled. Most creditors and debt
ors are ready to do the fair thing
by each other, if information Is
availabe on which to base shch
settlement, It was said.
In addition to Chairman Bert
Johnson and Secretary Chas, W.
Smith, the Morrow county commit
tee consists of Joe Devine and Geo.
Peck of Lexington and P. W. Ma
honey of Heppner. These county
committees were selected from a
group of names sent in from aach
county to the state committee
which consists of representatives
of all the laadlng farm organiza
tions and bankers' organizations of
Oregon ,
At a regular meeting of Heppner
Lodge No. 358, B. P. O. Elks, last
Thursday evening, the order of bus
iness included the nomination of
officers for the ensuing term. The
election will occur next Thursday
evening, March 9th. Nominations
made were J. O. Turner, Exalted
Ruler; J. G. Thomson, Jr., Leading
Knight; Koymond Ferguson, Loyal
Knight; J. V. Crawford, Lecturing
Knight; D. T, Goodman, secretary:
W, E. Moore and Frank Turner,
treasurer; Philip Mahoney, tyler;
Exalted Ruler D. A. Wilson, dele.
gate to the grand lodge; Chas. Cox,
Jas. T. Ayera was up from his
home at Pine City Wednesday, ,
N9 D 0695
Business Men of Heppner, Oregon
for the scrip only a small quantity
was released the first of the week,
and almost all of this has disap
peared already, going into the hands
of souvenir coleotots.
Warrants are already being tak
en in exchange for the scrip and
it is circulating freely as a medium
of exchange.
More leather was received yes
terday and it is expected the bal
ance of the sheepskin scrip will be
ready for issue by Monday of next
Mrs. E. F. Campbell
Is Called by Death
Mrs. Eugene F. Campbell passed
away at her home in this city on
Saturday, February 25th, following
a lingering illness, from which she
had been bed-ridden for the past
month. Gathered about her were
all of the members of her family,
and the final summons was an
swered in peace.
Simple but impressive funeral
services were held on Monday af
ternoon at 2:00 o'clock at the Case
Mortuary, and burial was in the
family plot at Masonic cemetery.
Pall bearers were S. E. Notson, J.
G. Thomson, E. G. Noble, R. I.
Thompson, L. E. Blsbee and J. O.
Hager. The chapel and commit
ment services were conducted by
Rev. Glen P. White, Mrs. Camp
bell's pastor, and these services
were largely attended by the friends
and neighbors of the deceased, who
gave expression to their esteem of
Mrs. Campbell in many beautiful
floral offerings.
Had Mrs. Campbell lived just one
more day, she would have reached
the age of 79 years. For the past
54 years she had been a resident of
this community, having migrated
here with her husband, Eugene F.
Cambpell and members of the fam
ily In the year 1879, and settled on
a farm on Balm Fork some seven
or eight miles southeast of Hepp
ner. After many years of rsst-
dence there, the family moved to
Heppner in 1894 and this city has
been their place of abode since.
Olive Jane Williamson was bora
February 26, 1854, at Greenwood,
New York, and was married to
Francis Eugene Campbell of An
dover, New York, March 27, 1876.
To this union four' children were
born: Louis C. Campbell of Pen
dleton, Leala Anderson of Port
land, Lulu McCarty of Heppner,
and Fred, deceased. Also surviving
Mrs. Campbell is her husband, Eu
gene F. Campbell, two grandchil
dren, Paul and Prances McCarty,
and one brother, Otis Williamson
of Lewis, Kansas.
Mrs. Campbell had been a faithful
and devoted member of the Meth
odist church of this city since 1890,
and was ever active In Its welfare,
being greatly loved because Of her
many good works. She was also a
charter member of Maple Circle,
Neighbors of Woodcraft of Hepp
ner, and the first guardian neigh
bor of the lodge. In the community
Mrs. Campbell will always be re
membered as a kindly, considerate
and dependable neighboiy though
quiet and unassuming. Through
more than two years of almost un
bearable physical suffering, she was
always patient For months she
had to bear up under the excru
tiatlng pain of arthritis, and when
this had been somewhat lightened,
It developed that she was the vic
tim of Internal cancer; yet there
was never an expression of discon
tent on her part and she was able
to bear It all with the fortitude of
a Christian, and the end to all mo:
tal pain and suffering came In
Mrs. J. O. Turner departed on
Tuesday afternoon for Salem to be
with her husband during the clos
ing days of the session of the legis
lature, which it Is fully expected to
be the end of this week. Mrs. Tur
ner was accompanied to Arlington
by Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson
and Mrs. V. Crawford, and took the
train from there into Portland.
" Jj
Dean T. Goodman, chairman of
the board of trustees handling the
issue, has expressed pleasure at the
manner in which the scrip has gone
into circulation, and believed that
in a short time it will be accepted
in Heppner universally. L, L. Gil
liam has been employed as cashier
for the committee, and other mem
bers are D. A. Wilson, L. E. Bis
bee, Spencer Crawford, Charles
Thomson and J. J. Nys.
Report Given Lions Monday; Bees
Discussed by Cox; Sage of
lone Talks Checkers.
The benefit Show for the unem
ployment relief committee, spon
sored by the Heppner Lions club
and held at the Star theater last
Friday and Saturday evenings, was
reported to the club Monday as
having been a sucess, although the
net proceeds were not as large as it
was hoped they would be. In addi
tion to the leature picture, "fvi
vate Jones," musical numbers each
evening Included selections by the
Missildine trio, banjo numbers by
Harold Becket, and songs by the
Lions quartet. John Anglin, chair
man of the committee having the
show in charge, made the report
and thanked those helping in the
The feature of Monday's program
was a discussion of bees by Elbert
Cox, Morrow county deputy sheriff
who has a small farm just south
of town. He believed It was possi
ble for a small but profitable Indus
try to be built up in this part of
the county through bee culture.
Exposure of the inner secrets of
bee life was made by Mr. Cox, and
he gave an interesting discussion of
the habits of bees, methods of
handling and uses for honey, as
well as answering many questions.
Claiming to be a checker expert,
Dwight Misner, sage of lone and
witty speaker par excelence, gave
club members an entertaining talk,
making several members the butt
of his jokes. Mr. Misner was the
guest of C. J. D. Bauman, and took
particular pleasure in ragging the
Morrow county sheriff.
The Monday meeting was dedi
cated to District Governor Shea,
and S. E. Notson gave a short bio
graphical sketch of Mr. Shea. En
tertainment features Included two
duet numbers by Mrs. Crocket
Sprouls and Miss Doris Hiatt, with
Mrs. J. O. Turner at the piano.
Over the radio the news was re
ceived that Senator Walsh of Mon
tana, who was returning to Wash
ington, D. C, from a short sojourn
In Cuba, where he and Mrs. Walsh
had been on their honeymoon trip,
had died of a heart attack on the
train coming through the Carolinas.
Senator Walsh had been chosen by
President Roosevelt to be attorney
general in the new cabinet, and he
was returning to the capitol for the
Inaugural ceremonies on Saturday.
Senator Walsh was 73 years of age
and was just recently married.
County court met In regular ses
sion Wednesday, and had a pretty
heavy grist of business to dlose
of. They decided as the county
was having to pay the rent, the of
fice of the district attorney would
be moved back to the court house
from the I. O. O. F. building. Max
Crandall of Hillsboro was hired to
audit the books of county officials
for the coming year. There were
several other bid3 In on this Job.
Homer I. Watte and E. C. Prest
bye, atorneys from Athena, are In
town today on legal business,
Miss Lorraine Thompson, young
est daughter of Mrs. Minnie Thomp
son of College Place, Wash., and
Mr. Lawrence Beach, eldest son of
Mrs. Elsie M. Beach of Lexington,
were married at Gladstone, Ore,
on Saturday, February 25. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
J. L. Jones who also officiated at
the wedding of Lawrence's father
and mother. The bride is well
known here and is a teacher in the
schools at Morgan. Mr. Beach is
a prominent young business man
of Lexington and their many friends
wish them happiness. They will
make their home in Lexington.
The main feature of the P. T. A.
meeting Wednesday evening was a
talk by R. B. Wilcox who gave a re
port on the school finances and dis
cussed House Bill No. 253 which fa
vors the county unit system. This
system has proved successful in
Klamath, Crook and Lincoln coun
ties. The taxpayers' league is spon
soring the bill and they believe it to
be the cheapest and best system in
In making the financial report
Mr. Wilcox advanced two plans of
meeting the difficulties. Under the
first plan the taxpayers, if unable
to pay their complete taxes, would
pay only the school tax, thus en
abling the schools to keep going.
His second plan was to make use of
warrants to pay the school tax.
There was some discussion as to
the advisability of sending our high
school to Heppner next year. Trans
portation to Heppner would cost ap
proximately forty dollars per stu
dent At the beginning of the meeting
a pleasing vocal selection was given
by a quartet composed of Mrs, Eva
Lane, Ruth Dinges, Mrs. Claud
White and La Verne White. Mrs.
George Allyr chairman of the hot
lunch committee, reported that
since the committee began serving
hot lunches a total of 1048 lunches
have been served. Edwin Ingles
gave a report on the 4-H club sur
vey which has been under way since
the last meeting. Of the sixty
questionaires sent out, thirty-six
have been returned. A large ma
jority of the parents are In favor
of the club work and several have
signified their willingness to act as
club leaders. Nineteen children
have expressed a desire to take up
the work.
Louise Hunt and Marcella Jack
son each played a piano solo. This
meeting was in commemoration of
the founding of the National Con
gress of Parents and Teachers and
a birthday cake had been prepared
for the occasion. Short talks were
given by Ethel Wilcox, Ruth Mc
Millan, Edna Hunt, Caroline Kuns
and Mary Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Luttrell were
pleasantly surprised last Saturday
evening when a number of their
friends dropped in to spend the
evening with them. The guests en
joyed playing 500 and refreshments
were served late in the evening..
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth
were business Visitors in Hermis
ton Saturday.
Elmer Hunt, Lonnie Henderson
and Millard Nolan motored to Port
land over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson re
cently moved from the Strodtman
house into the Tom Barnett house.
In the Church of Christ next Sun
day Mr. Sias will, at the desire of
the Loyal Berean class, give a ser
mon on the class text, The Berean
Nobles. This is promised as a very
special sermon, and worthy of your
hearing; you are urged to attend on
this occasion. The unified morning
service opens at ten o'clock. Fol
lowing the class period and in the
assembly service the sermon will
come at ten-fifty; communion at
eleven-twenty, and dismissal at
Say, folks, dont' forget the vaude
ville and dance on Friday evening.
March 81, given by Lexington hign
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keene, Mr.
and Mrs. Scott Brown, Bill Gowl
and Geofge Gillis spent Sunday at
the George Peck home.
Mrs. Ed Burchell and Mrs. Galey
Johnson were hostesses for a de
lightful surprise party at the John
son home Saturday evening, hon
oring Mrs. Burchell's daughter,
Grace, whose birthday occurred
during the week. Those present
were Grace Burchell, Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Ingles, Mr. and Mrs. L. R.
Ingles, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burchell,
Mr. and Mrs. Galey Johnson, Doris
Burchell, Edith Tucker, Tillie Nel
son, Rose Thornburg, Faye Lut
trell, Naomi McMillan, Gladys Rea-
ney, Edith Broadley, Sam McMil
lan, Merrltt Gray, Winford Duvall,
Vester Thornburg, Vernon Mun
kers, Paul Nichols, Verl Ingles and
Billy Burchell. After a pleasant
evening of games the hostesses
served delicious refreshments.
Lexington H. E. club will meet on
Thursday, March 9, at the home of
Mrs. George Peck.
Lexington Grange will give a free
dance at Leach hall Saturday night
March 4. A small charge will lie
made for the supper tickets.
Mr. and Mrs. George McMillan of
Cherryville have been visiting at
the home of Mr. McMillan's mother,
Mrs. Margaret McMillan.
Lawrence Reaney motored over
from his home at Vancouver, Wn
last week and spent several days
visiting relatives and calling on old
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hill of Ru
fus were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Omar Luttrell last week. Mrs. Hill
is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lut
trell. Miss Lucille Beymer spent a part
of last week with her parents, Mr.
(Continued on Page Four)
Meeting Held at Court
House Saturday Draws
Large Attendance.
Purpose of Group is to Assist in
Liquidation of First National;
All Sections Represented.
Between 60 and 70 people, depo
itors of the First National Bank of
Heppner, gathered at , the court
house Saturday afternoon in an
swer to the call that had been is
sued by a temporary committee, ap
pointed at a meeting of those in
terested, the week before. The ob
ject of the meeting was nrtmartlv
for the purpose of electing a per
manent committee representing tne
depositors as the work of liquida
tion of the bank proceeds.
Hanson Hughes called the meet
ing to order and acted as chairman.
Frank Gilliam was called on, and
stated the object of the meeting
and urged the election of a deposi
tors' committee as there would
doubtless be much enmn nn fn ha
course of the closing up of the
Dan s anairs in which the deposi
tors WOUld be IrfWllv and vltnllv
interested: that a committee
be in position to keep in touch with.
me progress or liquidation, and
that it could act nn hoholf nf th
whole body of depositors, doing
wnatever it. could legitimately tu
help both depositors and liquidat
ing officials, the oblect heino- fn
obtain as nearly as possible a 100
percent return to the depositors.
Several others spoke along this
line. when, unon motion nf Mm
Lucy E. Rodgers, the chair ap
pointed two nominating committees,
eacn to prepare a list of five names
to be presented, out of which a per
manent committee of five would oe
chosen by ballot The nominating
committees were W r Raviooa
Mrs. Rodgers and John Wightman;
. a. Kice, Mrs. Ellen Schwarz
and Vawter Crawford. They pre
sented the names of Hanson
ttugnes, W. O. Bayless, Lucy Rod
gers. Erik Reraitmm Tnunkh.
- - c -, vwbfsuiiM;
Mahoney. Elsie Beanh. Imil r-oM.
son and Paul Balsiger. Upon bal
lot iiugnes, iiayiess, Rodgers and
Bergstrom received dear majori
ties, while Carlson and Balsiger
tied. Motion was then made and
carried that the committee be en
larged to six, and that Messrs. Bal
siger and Carlson ba declared as
members thereof.
The general Tnoptincr yan . i
" ' F, OU-
Journed and the mmmittoo rt
choosing W. O. Bayless as chair
man ana jars. KOagers as secretary.
" ire iniormeo tnat. It will be
the aim of the onrninittoa t
only in such a manner as to be of
ueip in uie closing up of the af
fairs of the bank, and thia mo. o
parently the expressed desire of th
samenng at the court house Sat
urday. Odd Fellows Will Get
Together Next Week
There are six I. o. n v i
Morrow county and it is planned
to brine: the memharahin tntau.
at Heppner on Wednesday evening,
, iur iraiernai greetings
mm to uiscuss matters of Interest
to the order. This will be the oc
casion of an offlciial visit from the
grand master nf th ri r tt
Jonas of Prinevllle. E. E. Sharonj
grand secretary, will also be in at-
icuuauce, ana SSteele, district
deputy, and S. F. Bowman, past
grand master, both of Pendleton,
are planning to attend.
This Is an open meeting for Odd
Fellows. Rebekaha mH j
The several lodges of the county
win participate in tne program, and
not a small feature of the evenings'
entertainment will be presented In
the dining room In Uie nature of
suitable refreshments, the hour for
this part of the evening's ceremon
ies being set at 6:30.
The Flying Eagle patrol (Ameri
can Legion) of the local Boy Scout
troop, went on a patrol hike last
Saturday up Willow creek to their
camp. Cooking and fire building
tests were passed by Dean Good
man, Jr, and Don Turner. All
members of the patrol worked earn
estly in building the camp which Is
near completion. A hike Is planned
for next Saturday if the weather
The Lions' patrol took a hike up
Willow creek last Saturday to prac
tice on siirnallins' and flra
Much progress was made, and the
patrol nopes ror winning the con
tests in these two subjects are high.
A hike is planned for next Satur
day for more practice In scout
work, and also to prepare a place
for an overnight hike to be held
some time in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Campbell re
turned to their home at Pendleton
Tuesday afternoon. They were at
Heppner for the funeral of Mr.
Campbell's mother on Monday.
Hall, Friday nite, March 3rd.