o r e . j o '. historical s o c LI TJ 1tmeg PUBLIC AUDITOR! -j , PORTLAND, O?. . Volume 49, Number 49. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Feb. 16, 1933 Subscription $2.00 a Year BILL WOULD AMEND WAREHOUSE LAWS Safeguards Placed About Business if New Meas ure Becomes Law. MORE TIME NEEDED Legislature Will Not be Able to Finish Work In Regular Time According to Outlook Now. By JAP CRAWFORD. Salem, Feb. 13. Such faults in the warehouse laws as permitted the recent upheaval of the Heppner Farmers Elevator company will be etminated if a bill prepared by Max Gehlar, director of the state de partment of agriculture, becomes law. Gehlar's bill is being spon sored by Representatives Scott, Beet and Wells and Senator Mann. It was thrown into the hopper this week. Plenty of safeguards are thrown about the grain warehouse business in the new bill, which, if enacted, will repeal many sections of the existing code. The bill provides for state-issued receipts, which all state-licensed warehouses must use, and asks for anual, and as much oftener as the department may re quire, reports showing exactly the amount of wheat handled by the warehouse in the report period, as well as an exact record of the re ceipts issued. A heavy penalty is provided for any wrong issuance of receipts, and the interests of the owner of the grain are well protected in many ways. For instance every warehouse Is required to have a conspicuous sign stating whether it is or is not a state-licensed warehouse, and while federal-licensed warehouses do not come under the act, a pen alty of $50 a day is provided for ev ery day the warehouse operates without a license. Under the act the district atotrtiey for the dis trict in which any non-complying warehouse is located, is enforced to administer the provisions of the act within ten days after he is giv en notice by the department of ag riculture. A bond is required of all state licensed warehouses from a suretv company authorized to do business in the state of Oregon in the amount of five cents for each bushel ca pacity of the warehouse, with a minimum of not less than $25000 and a maximum of not more than $50,000. The act provides for the issuance by warehousemen of trust receipts to owners of grain when the orig inal negotiable receipt is surren dered for shipment of the grain, and a penalty is provided for fail ure to issue such trust receipt Owners are also privileged to In spect the grain on storage at any time during a regular business day In the warehouse in which their grain is situated, and may have an audit of their grain on storage made by the department of agri culture on request for a fee of $25. The bill has been given much con sideration already by legislators from the farming districts, and it is thought by many that If enact ed, it will result In much improve ment in the warehouse situation over the state. Due to end Its stated 40-day ses sion next Friday, the 37th legisla tive assembly paused In its law making activities for an hour and a half this afternoon to honor the memory of Abraham Lincoln. A joint session of the house and sen ate was held for the purpose in the house chamber, with Fred E. Kid dle, senate president, master of ceremonies. Judge Wallace iMc Camant gave the address for the occasion, termed "interesting and scholarly" by President Kiddle, in which he related the trying period incident to the Civil War, and paid high tribute to the martyred presi dent, who, he said, knew the heart-throbs of the people in spite of vociferous expressions to the contrary, and had the courage of his convictions sufficient to preserve the nation at one of the most try ing times in Its history. Members of the supreme court and state ofllcials were guests of honor at the service, though the governor was unavoidably prevent ed from being present Though due to end Its delibera tions Friday, there is practically no one about the state house who believes it will be possible for the solons to finish their work so as to adjourn at that time.' Conjecture Is rife as to whether one or three additional weeks will be necessary to complete the work In hand. So far very little of the work of the ways and means committee has been passed upon by the assembly, leaving the very large task of de ciding what the coBt of govern ment for the next biennlum will be and then providing revenue for the period as well as mora revenue to clean up the overhanging deficit A new trend In government econ- omy came to the surface today in a message to the assembly from the governor, In which he recom mended that consideration be given to the matter of extending the rec- ommended 10 to 30 percent cut in salaries of state officers to all coun- (Continued on Pag Four) I0NE JEWIE E. MCMURRAT. - In the basketball game played February 10 in the school gymna Bium, Boadman defeated lone by a score of 15-17. The Valentine's Day game which was to have been played with Lexington, was post poned to a later date. This was made necessary by broken water pipes at the school house. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanaon mo tored to Salem recently and on the return trip were accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Elmo McMll tan, and little granddaughter, Bev erly June, who will visit here for some time. Also coming with them was Miss Irene Miller, a friend of the family, and Mrs. Homer Lyons who is visiting her mother, Mrs. Helen Farrena Miss Miller re turned to her home Sunday. George W. French of Pasco, who is to take charge of the Standard Oil plant at this place, has rented an apartment from Mrs. John Louy on Main street His family arrived Sunday. Mr. and Mra Frank Lundell en- tertained twenty-five guests at din ner Thursday evening of last week In honor of their son Billy s third birthday anniversary. Among the guests were many of Billy s play mates. A play room was arranged for the children, and while the youngsters played with toys, the older folks enjoyed cards. The lit tle honoree received many nice presents. Miss Crystal Sparks came down from Heppner last week and is spending a few weeks, the guest of Mrs. Emily McMurray. Mrs. Walter Corley entertained with two tables of bridge Saturday evening, honoring Mrs. M. E. Cot ter, it being the anniversary of her birth. High honors went to Mrs. Roy Lleuallen and consolation to M. E. Cotter. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lundell en tertained with four tables of bridge Saturday evening at their home on Main street, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Elmo McMillan of Salem, guests in our city. Prizes were won by Mrs. C. W. Swanson and Elmo McMillan. Delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. D. M. Ward returned home Friday after a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. Karl Farnsworth, in The Dalles. The sudden drop in temperature on Wednesday night of last week, when the thermometers registered sixteen and eighteen degrees below zero, brought fresh worries to the farmers who had re-seeded their wheat. The snow fall which came over the week end was a few days too late as the ground was already frozen. Elmer Griffith, cooperative observer of Morgan, reports that the amount of water in the recent snow fall was .41 of an inch. The youngsters, with sleds and skiis, were having a jolly time on the old coasting track Sunday. The James Botts family who have been spending the past two weeks at the Charley Botts home in lone, made an attempt Saturday to re turn to their home near Yakima, but failed in-as-much as the Co lumbia was so full of ice that cross ing was Impossible. Ione's motion picture show Is now being given on Friday nights. The next show will feature George Ar liss In "A Successful Calamity." Mrs. Kenneth Blake was honored at a surprise birthday party Satur day evening at the home of Mrs. Charley Christopherson. The time was spent In playing cards. Fifteen ladles were present. Mrs. Blake was given a card table as a gift from her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lundell were hosts at a large bridge party one evening the first of last week at Odd Fellows hall. Forty guests were present. Cards were enjoyed until the refreshments of ice cream, cake and coffee were served, after which dancing was in order. At bridge high scores were made by Mrs. Lyle N. Riggs and Carl Allyn; low by Mrs. George E. Tucker and Earl Blake. Misa Lorraine Thompson, teacher in the) Morgan school, spent last week end in Lexington, the guest of Mrs. Elsie Beach. She attended Lexington Grange Saturday eve ning and from there, in company with a party of others, motored to the Frank Munkers country resi dence where a home dance was given. Eighty-four guests were present. George Kitchlng of Morgan made a trip to Portland Friday, return ing Saturday. He was hauling wheat for Al Troedson. Mrs. Elmer Griffith of Morgan -is enjoying a Visit with her niece, Miss Madeline Goodall of Portland. Miss Goodall made the trip to; Morgan in company with John Krebs who was a business visitor in the city last week. Mrs. Fred Ritchie was called to the Emil Carlson home Saturday to nurse members of the family who are ill with influenza. Several more cases of measles have been reported among school children and those of pre-school age. Bill, Emmet and Bob Botts fur nished music at the dance at Mik- kalo Saturday night. Others go ing from here were Clarence Nel son and Bruce Botts. ELKS TO HAVE ANNUAL BALL The annua ball of Heppner Lodge No. 358, B. P. O. E., will be given, at their hall Wednesday eve ning, February 22. This will be an occasion for Elks and their la dies and invited guests, and music will be by the Misslldine orchestra. Henry Schwarz is at the block In Central Market this week owing to the illness of Mr, Kelly, who is confined at home. Adams High Plays Local Team Tomorrow Night The hoposters of Heppner high have been showing a lot tif improve ment in their playing during the past week, and are getting them selves in readiness to meet the Ad ams team. The game between these two teams will be on at the high school gym tomorrow, Friday, eve ning at 7:30. Adams has been winning numer ous games and at present stands an equal chance with Pendleton at the tournament. No doubt the Heppner and Adams teams will put on a'flne exhibition of fast playing tomorrow night, and the game should be a drawing card. COURT OF HONOR HELD FOR SCOUTS President Hoover Award Presented Troop 61; Advancements and Merit Badges Feature. The presentation of the President Hoover Award to Troop No. 61, Bov Scouts of Heppner, was an event of the court of honor held at the school auditorium last evening, when the four patrols were brought together in regular troop meeting, The presentation was by C. W. Smith, chairman of the troop com mittee. The award came in recog nition of these facts: the troop had to grow, showing a larger mem bership than the year previous maintain satisfactory scheduled meetings and activities during 1932, and live up to the require ments pertaining to achievements and advancements; made a study of the 10-year Boy Scout program and adopted it; that is, at least one boy out of every 4 boys in this community a Boy Scout during the next ten years. Fred Hoskins, Jr., Paul McCarty, Robert Baker and Ernest Clark were advanced to the rank of sec ond class scouts, and 25 merit badge certificates were awarded. Following the court of honor the boys enjoyed basketball on the gym floor. CLUB STUDIES PHILIPPINES. Mantilla-draped Spanish senoras greeted the members of the Wom an's Study club at their Monday evening meeting, held at the home of Mrs. Walter Moore. Mrs. .Moore, Mrs. Glenn Jones and Mra Chas. Cox were hostesses. The program for the evening centered about the Philippine Islands, with Mrs. Frank Turner, Mrs. J. D. Cash, Mrs. Chas. Cox, Mrs. W. P. Mahoney and Mrs. Glenn Jones giving short talks on the islands. Miss Charlotte Woods sang "Adeste Fidelis," "Los Estu diantes" and "Chiquita" in Span ish, Virginia Dix being her accom panist Following the program the guests, seated on the floor in true Oriental fashion, partook of "beetle soup" and coffee. The soup was made from a recipe found in one of the books used for the evening's study. The Morrow county style of "bee tles" used would hardly be found in any entomological classification, but the result seemed to appeal to the ladies' palates quite as well as the real thing. MOTHER DIES IN MONTANA. Mrs. Mary Moore, mother of Wal ter E. Moore of this city, died at the home of her sons, Frank and John T. Moore in Eureka, Montana, on Friday, February 10, at the age of 87 years, and following an extended Illness. Funeral services were held there Monday. The surviving chil dren of Mrs. Moore are seven sons and one daughter, these being Frank and John T. of Eureka; Fred of Yakima, Edward of Seattle, Ernest of Pocatello, Arthur of Port land, Walter E. of Heppner, and Mrs. W. A. Alexander of Tuscon, Arizona. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, as well as pressing matters of business, Walter was unable to be present at the funeral of his mother. FLYING EAGLES MEET. The Flying Eagle partol (Ameri can Legion) of the local Boy Scout troop, had a patrol meeting Friday after school in the high school ref erence room where they made plans for advancement for the next court of honor, when all the members of the patrol are trying for advance ment. They postponed the hike they had planned for Satuday because of the weather, but they will have one as soon as the weather per mits. The next meeting will be Friday when they will work upon the first aid contest which will be held In the near future. WALLA WALLA BANKS CLOSE. Report came to Heppner earlv Tuesday morning that two of the leading banking Institutions of Walla Walla, the First Natlpnal bank and the Union Savings " & Trust company, had taken advant age of a 60-day moritorium, and did not open for business. This leaves Walla Walla with but one bank now, the pioneer Baker & Boyer institution. The closed banks, according to later reports, hope to get going again at the end of the holiday on a consolidation basis. KNIGHTS TO MEET. Dorlo Lodge No. 20, K. of P., will meet Tuesday evening, Feb. 21. W. W. Smead, district deputy grand chancellor, states that business of Importance will come before the meeting and all members are re quested to attend. LINCOLN BIRTHDAY OBSERVED BY CLUB Short Talks Made by Lions Mem bers on Early Impressions of Great Emancipator. Linvln'ft hlrf.hlnv flnnluAwinrv was observed by the Lions Monday with short talks by members featur ing the program. The speaker for the dav was unable to be nresent and the following were called upon ror extemporaneous tains on tne subject, "My Impressions of Lin coln Rftreivert In Snhnnl"- T T Nys, E. F. Bloom, Chas. W. Smith, can uoraon, apencer crawrord and 8 V. NTnfanni Traits of character and anecdotes or the Great Emancipator were brought out in the discussions, and it was evident that impressions of Lincoln received in school had been very much revised in later years. J. L. Gault, receiver of the local oanics, and H. H. Hall, receiver of closed banks at Bn ana wmeville, were guests of the club and made short talks Mi- Hall was in Heppner to assist Mr. Gault in eettin? started with th work here, and in his talk ex plained the functions of a bank re ceiver, and made a. utmnir nimi tnr- cooperation of the people of the community with the receiver. He said the receiver was the represen tative of the depositors and in his dealings with the banks' customers his actions were governed by reg ulations, with the interests of the depositors paramount at all times. It is necessary, however, Mr. Hall pointed out for the receiver to act as arbitrator between the interests of the depositors and the interests of the debtor in order to fully carry out his trust. Stating that for a great many years he had been interested in Heppner, Mr. Gault explained his knowledge of the town had been gained through relationship to Geo. Oonser, for many years cashier of the First National bank stated that he hoped to so conduct me liquidation of the banks here that when the iob whs flniaho h would be able to retain the friend- snip or the people of the commu nity. He stated that he had no other purpose than to do his best to relieve the situation and asked for the help and cooperation of every- First Section of Report On Farm Outlook Issued The trend of dfimnnH m,r,i,. ' prices and -costs of farm -nH,.to during the next year is indefinite, out it seems certain that it will be necessary for farmers to again plan operations on a live-at-home basis, according to the first division of the 1933 Oregon farm outlook just released bv the cnll sion service. The report contains sections on the treneral Drice levnl fo and income, the demand outlook, farm costs and on planning the farm business, with several charts to supplement the subject matter. Specific crop outlooks wili be re leased soon. One chart shows the trend nf tho general commodity price level for iiiuro man iuu years, which makes it evident that depressions have fol lowed the war-time infln Mnn ahiv, has occurred three times since 1800. ine report points out that this is one of the principal factors in the present larm situation, as farm prices usually fall faster and far ther in post-war depressions than prices in general. As a result, farm icome gets out of line with 'the cost of farming, and farmers have irreat rilfflrnitv tn pay interest and taxes, operate the larm Dusiness, and maintain their families. The money cost of most thing.) farmers spend their incomes for has come down materially during the last vear. but the xohncro ,,oi ue of farm products for the things wnicn make up the cost of farming has decreased, according to index numbers given in the circular. One feature of the outlook circu lar just released is a plan for an alyzing and budgeting the farm business, with a sample form and instruction for its use. ComillOlHtV OUtlOok InfnrmnHnn will be released in another circular, ana copies of all of the Oregon farm outlook reports are available from county agricultural agents or direct from the college. STAR SOCIAL CLUB MF.ETS. Mrs. Wilson Eayloss and Mrs. Hanson Hughes were hostesses for the meeting on Saturday afternoon of the O. E. S. Social club at Ma sonic hall, when several tables of bridge were in play, in which the ionowing guests had part: Mos dames'E. W. Gordon. 15. F. Charles Vaughn, L E. Dick, C. w! Mcwamer, liussell Pratt W. P. Ma honey, E. F. Bloom, Chas. B. Cox, D, T. Goodman. Mrs. Rnnnln rvv-n. ran and Mra. Blanche Patterson. iionors for high score went to Mrs. Gordon. Dainty refreshments of nucKieDerry pie with whipped cream and coffee were served. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to thank nil fHondo nolghbors and relatives for their lumiiy sympatny ana aid extended to us in our hour of sorrow, and for the many beautiful floral offer ings. Mrs. Catherine Doherty and Family. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kenny and Family. Relief Entertainment Set for Feb. 24 and 25 The entertainment being spon sored by Heppner Lions for the relief of the Relief committee, will be on Friday and Saturday eve nings, Feb. 24 and 25. This paper gave the .dates as Feb. 17 and 18, but we got our wires crossed in thus attempting to pull off the show a week ahead of time. This entertainment contemplates a picture show, and musical num bers by the Misslldine trio, Harold Becket and his banjo, and the Lions quartet. JAS. G. DOHERTY EARLY SETTLER Morrow Stockman Dies Suddenly Saturday at Biackhorse Home; Came to County in 1885. The sudden passing of James G. Doherty at his home in Biackhorse Saturday morning came as a severe shock to his immediate family and relatives, as well as the numerous friends of the family. Mr. Doherty had prepared to come to Heppner with his neighbor, Oral Scott, and as he was stepping into the car, was stricken. A physician was im mediately called from town, but Mr. Doherty had passed away be fore his arrival. The stroke came without warning, though Mr. Do herty has for some time past not been in the best of health. Funeral services were conducted Monday by Rev. P. J. Stack at the local Catholic church, and were at tended by a large number of friends of the deceased, besides his relatives and Immediate family and the attendance was indicative of the esteem in which he was held in this community, so long his resi dence. James G. Doherty was born In County Gonegal, Ireland, April 14, 1867, the son of Frances and Cath erine Grant Doherty. He came from the Old County to America in 1883 and settled first at Vinson in Umatilla county, where, he remain ed for two years while working for the Cunningham Sheep & Land company. He then located in Biackhorse, some six miles north of Heppner, taking up a homestead and timber culture. Mr. Doherty added to his holdings in this sec tion until he had acquired many acres of farm and stock lands. Stockraising and farming became his occupation during the remain der of his sojourn here. Mr. Doherty was married to Miss Catherine Doherty at Pendleton in July, 1893. He is survived by the widow and the following children: Mrs. Con McLaughlin of Lena, Mrs. Owen McLaughlin of Tacoma, Wn., Mrs. Sam J. Turner of Heppner, Mrs. Harvey Miller of Lexington, Mrs. Harry Howard, Kent, Wn., Miss Tina Doherty, Portland; Frances Doherty, Eugene Doherty, Bernard Doherty, Gertrude Doher ty, Helen Doherty, Paul Doherty and Betty Doherty, all of Heppner, and a sister, Mrs. Michael Kenny of Heppner. Burial was in Heppner cemetery, Case Mortuary having charge of the arrangements. COOK STOVE EXPLODES. Because no one happened to be right near at the time a very ser ious, if not fatal accident was avert ed at the Henry Happold residence Monday morning when the range in the kitchen exploded. Mr. Hap pold had the fire going in the stove for some minutes when the explo sion occurred, and it so happened that he was in an adjoining room just at the moment, and other mem bers of the family were not yet up. Frozen pipes no doubt caused the trouble, and the explosion not only badly wrecked the range, but it made a bad mess of the kitchen. It is possible that Mr. Happold might have been hurt some, but the force of the blow up was away from wnere he happened to be standing at the time. CIRCLE GIVES CARD PARTY. Maple Circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft, entertained at their hall Monday evening with a card party. Nine tables of 500 were in play, and those attending enjoyed a good so- citl time. Hams were given those winning high honors. Mrs. L. E. Dick received the award for the ladies and Ambrose Chapin for the men, each being awarded a ham. Consolation prizes of salt and pep pers went to Mrs. Crocket Sprouls and Billy Schwarz. Following the playing refreshments of sand wiches and coffe were served. The quilt to be given away shortly by the Circle ladies, was on exhibition Monday evening. LINCOLN SUPPER ENJOYED. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Smith were hosts Sunday evening at a de lightful Lincoln birthday buffet supper, having as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Snider, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Barratt, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gilliam, Mr. and Mra. P. M, Gemmell, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Crawford and Mrs. Adelyn O'Shea. Shakespeare said "Delay is haz ardous." Yes it has proved even tragic for those families whose breadwinners waited too long to get that precious thing called Pro tection. Pay pennies now for dol lars later when Most Needed! See A. Q. Thomson for New York Life Protection and Investment policies. LEXINGTON By BEULAH B. NICHOJB. Saturday, February 11, was J. B. Carmichael's eightieth birthday and in honor of the occasion his two daughters, Miss Merle Car michael and Mrs. Harry Turner arranged a surprite party for him. At five o'clock a delicious turkey dinner was enjoyed by members of the family and later a number of friends were invited in for the eve ning. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carmichael, Mr. and-Mrs. J. E. Gentry, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. George Allyn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner, Miss Ruth Turner, Mrs. Caroline Kuns, Mrs. Laura Scott Mrs. Eva Lane, Mrs. Ola Ward, Miss Merle Car michael, Tom Barnett, Ray McAl lister, Clarence and Park Carmich ael. Five hundred was played dur ing the evening with high scores being won by Mrs. Wilcox and Mr. Turner. Dainty refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Last Thursday night at the J. E. Gentry home occurred the weekly Bible study class in connection with the monthly business meeting of the Loyal Bereans class of the Church of Christ Fifteen were in attendance. A profitable and pleas ant evening was spent, inclusive of delicious refreshments served by Mrs. Gentry, and a social hour. This week's study will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bar nett Valentine's Day was fittingly ob served at the school. During the afternoon little parties for the youngsters were held in different rooms where games were played and valentines exchanged. Mrs. Roy Leonard and three chil dren. Dale, Edith and Carol Broad ley, of Farmington, Wash., are vis iting at the home of Mrs. S. C. Mc Millan. The banquet given the Loyal Workers class of the Christian Bible school on account of their recent victory in the contest, oc curred Wednesday evening. Cov ers were laid for the thirty mem bers, of whom twenty-seven were present A splendid spirit prevail ed. Garland Thompson acted as toastmaster, and did it ably. A number of fine responses were made. All professed a fine time. On Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. S. G. McMillan a very pleas ant surprise party was given the members of the Ladies Aid society, honoring Mrs W. P. McMillan of Corvallis, Mrs. Maude Pointer of Salem and Mrs. Roy Leonard of Farmington, Wash., ail of whom are former residents of Lexington. Af ter a very delightful afternoon spent in visiting and renewing old acquaintances, refreshments of sandwiches, cake and coffee were served by the hostess assisted by ner aaugnter, Naomi, and niece, Edith Broadley. The guests were Mesdames Sadie Lewis, Laura Scott .tnei wncox, Nellie Palmer. Golda Leathers, Estelle Inderbitzen, Car oline Kuns, Elsie Beach, Alta Cuts- forth, Florence McMillan, Ruth Mc Millan, Freida Slocum, W. P. Mc Millan, Maude Pointer and Rov Leonard. Bert Thornburg is going about on crutches as a result of a badly aiMiuutju anKie. Dr. McMurdo was in Lexington Monday afternoon calling on Mra. S. C. McMillan who has been ser iously ill. Preceding the business meeting of Lexington Grange Saturday eve ning, the lecturer, Bernice Bauman, presented the following very inter esting program: Reading, "O Cap tain, My Captain," Eileen Kelly; the remainder of the program was in charge of the Boy Scouts, di rected by their scoutmaster, George Gillis. The scout laws were ex plained by Dale Yoeum, Keith Gen try, Danny Dinges, Lyle Allyn, La Verne Wright and Lester McMil lan. Keith Gentry discussed the scout badge and LaVerne Wright gave a demonstration of artificial respiration and also showed how to pick up an injured person. Several of the scouts are musically Inclin ed and have learned to play the guitar quite beautifully as was shown in the several numbers giv en during the program. LaVerne Wright played a solo, "Red River Valley,' and Keith Gentry and Danny Dinges played a duet. La Verne then favored the audience with "The Stars and Stripes For ever,' and responded to an encore with "When the Moon Comes Over the Mountain." All the boys then participated in a game of "Scandi navian baseball," which created much hilarity and amusement They ended the program by giving the scout prayer. During the bus iness meeting several committees reported, among them the agricul tural committee, by H. V. Smouse .who outlined the program of this committee for the next six months. The Grange decided to try to raise enough money to pay the dues of delinquent members. The first and second degrees were exemplified to a class of four, composed of Mrs. Elsie Beach, Miss Loraine Thomp son, Miss Ellen Nelson and Law rence Beach. They will receive the third and fourth degrees at the next meeting. A dance will be given by Lexing ton Grange Saturday night Feb. 18. Supper tickets will be sold at the door for 25c for men and 15c for women and the dancing will be free to all those having supper tick ets. Good music will be provided. W. C. Bush, examiner of operat ors and chauffeurs, was in town Thursday and a large number of people of this vicinity availed them selves of the opportunity to take the examination for their new driv er and chauffeur licenses. (Continued on Page Four) SCR PUR BACKED Bf MISTS $5000 Issue Authorized by Meeting of Business Men Monday. MARCH 1 ISSUE DATE Board Elected to Administer Warrant-Secured Medium; Details Now Being Worked Out With about fifty representatives of the business interests of Hepp ner in attendance, the mass meet ing at Elks' temple Monday evennig voted almost unanimously to un dertake the issuance of "sheepskin" scrip for the purpose of relieving the stringency in the market for school district and other municipal warrants. Dean T. Goodman, orig inal sponsor of the idea here, pre sided, and gave a thorough explan ation of the plan as presented by the committee appointed two weeks ago by Mayor Gay M. Anderson. The plan submitted by the commit tee was adopted with but one ma jor amendment Elected to administer the scrip issue were Mr. Goodman, D. A. Wilson, L. E. Bisbee, Chas. Thom son and Spencer Crawford. J. J. Nys was selected as ex officio mem ber and legal advisor of the board. Following the general meeting the board was called together and pre liminary plans as to details of or ganization, size, desjgn, amount of denominations of scrip, etc., were ' started. Mr. Goodman was chosen as chairman of the board, and a secretary will be selected later. As adopted by the meeting the plan calls for an issue of not more than $5000 in scrip, to be released as absorbed in the regular order of business. The scrip is to be secured by warrants of school districts, oity and county, and will be re deemable on or before January 81 1934. Denominations of 5c, 25c, 50c, $1, $5 and $10 were tentatively de cided upon. In operation the plan adopted would permit holders of warrants issued up to the first of March this year to dispose of not to exceed $50 worth of the paper per month, tak ing a five per cent discount The scrip so received will be accepted by the business houses of the city at face value and will be used, so far as transacting business in Heppner Is concerned, as money. If at any time any business house of the city accumulates more of the scrip than it is possible to place back in local circulation, the priv ilege will be given to use the scrip for the purchase of warrants held by the organization, thus retiring scrip to the amount of the warrant purchased. A3 the warrants held by the organization are called, scrip to the amount of the cash received for the warrants will be redeemed. The five per cent discount on the warrants, with the interest earned by the warrants, is expected to more than defray the expenses of the issue. Feeling that those receiving war rants for services rendered are not getting a fair shake because of the exhorbitant discount being asked for cashing their paper, and because or many of them finding it Impossi ble to get cash enough to pay their living expenses; and believing that the plan suggested offered a solu tion for the problem without risk to anyone,. the business men at the meeting expressed themselves as willing to acept the scrip at face value. Issue date was set at March 1, and it is expected to have the scrip ready by that time. RHEA CREEK GFANGE NEWS. The announcement of the mar riage of Miss Evangeline Phillips, Elgin, to Mr. Fred Buschke, which occurred durine- the hollrtavn made last Sunday. The bride in a leacner in the Morrow county schools. Mr. and Mrs. Buschke have the best wishes and congrat ulations of their many friends of this community. Mra. Minnie Furlong entertained Sunday with a turkey dinner for Mrs. Buschke. Guests were Mrs. Buschke, Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Ander son, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Rohtsrm pnH Mrs. Minnie Furlong and family. a cnanvan was planned on the newlyweds for Sunday night but the weather was too cold for most of us to be out. However, at some later date we promised Mr. and Mrs. Buschke that we will make up for lost time. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kreuger will depart for their home at Sherwood some time this week. They have spent the winter as guests of Mrs. Kreugers' father, Anson Wright Don't forget the Home Economics meeting the 23rd of February. It is to be at the hall. Bring your husbands that day as we will need help to wash the windows and scrub the fioors. On February 25 there will be a 40c chicken dinner and free dance at the Rhea Creek Grange hall. Gorger brothers will furnish the music. The dance last Saturday night was unusually well attended. Muato was furnished by the Gorger boys of lone. Everyone reports an en joyable time. Mrs. J. D. Juday of Portland la visiting with her parents, Mr. und Mrs. Sam Hughes in this city.