Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 09, 1933, Image 1

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    0 R f. ", - ! ! 3 30 K I C A L S 0 C I E
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Volume 49, Number 48.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
State Relief Commission
Provided by Bill; Five
Others Approved.
Legislator Anxious to Finish Work
In Allotted 40 Days; Local Rep
resentatives Get Bequests.
Salem, Feb. 6. One of the first
matters considered of major Im
portance before the legislative as
sembly for consideration was put
into effect today .when Governor
' Meier signed House Bill 169 provid
ing for setting up new machinery
for the administration of unemploy
ment relief. In the governors' mes
sage read to the house just after
dinner today-was also reported the
signing of House Bills 8, 14, 88 and
124. .
While the unemployment relief
measure now passed does not con
stitute all that it is hoped will be
done by proponents of other meas
ures that are being considered by
the house and senate joint com
mittee on unemployment .relief, It
Is considered one of the major
pieces of legislation. It Is in line
with the program of relief asked
for by the governor In a previous
message. Its operation is said not
to affect the adoption of any reha
bilitation plan which might later
be put into effect
Under this unemployment bill a
new state unemployment relief com
mission is authorized to be appoint
ed by the governor, which will be
assisted in administration of funds
to be borrowed through the Re
construction Finance corporation,
by a board of seven members in
each county. Four members of
these county boards will be ap
pointed by the governor and the
remaining three will be either mem
bers of the respective county
courts or persons selected by them.
The new set-up is Intended to work
In close coordination with existing
relief agencies.
Other important problems of the
session are still being milled about
in committee, and it is expected no
definite action will be taken on cut
ting governmental costs, putting
across mortgage moratoriums and
passing tax measures until after re
ports are had from the ways and
means, taxation and assessment
and special mortgage moratorium
committees. The session is now
only 17 days away from Its stated
time of closing, and what with re
written game, banking, educational
and highway codes still awaiting
action besides a large flock of spec
ial Interest bills, and those dealing
with the major problems of the
session, it is plainly evident that
much midnight oil will have to De
burned by legislators If they are to
give them all 'the amount of con
sideration they deserve and dispose
of them in the stated time.
Legislators, like their constituents
at home are depression-minded and
desire to finish their job in the al
lotted 40 days rather than stay on
at the state house at their own ex
pense. They are thoroughly mind
ful, too, of the need of finishing up
the major program of the assembly
before they adjourn.
Many of the solons have been
heard to express the opinion of
Representative Turner of Morrow
county, that now is a poor time to
attempt to balance the state's bud
get when it Is practically an im
possibility for the majority of fam
ilies of the state to balance their
own budgets. As long as the state's
income is less than Its outgo it is a
mighty difficult task to keep the
state's credit in the most favorable
position, Turner says, while wish
ing to put into effect such tempor
ary expediency measures as are
necessary to keep the farms, homes,
and businesses of the state Intact
and maintain the state's credit at
the highest possible point
The representation in the house
and senate from the districts which
Include Morrow county were called
upon the last of the week by Chas.
W. Smith, county agent from Mor
row county, and through Speaker
Snell of the house a request was
made of Governor Meier to wire
President Hoover to sign a bill then
pending in congress to have the
seed loan bill for this region admin
istered from the office of the Agri
cultural Credit corporation at Spo
kane In order to facilitate the speed
with which loans may be made.
Other eastern Oregon people have
dropped in at different times. John
Withycombe, a former reading
clerk of the house, was around last
week and was extended the cour
tesies of the house. Charlie Dar
nlelle and Dave Lemon of Arling
ton were seen in the galleries today.
Then the other day Bob Carsner
was sean about the lobby as natural
as life and light at home In the
legislative atmosphere.
With 32 bills up for third reading
and final passage in the house to
day,, most of the time was taken
up with a debate on the so-called
"Basic Science BUI," which would
require all practitioners of human
healing, excepting those of relig
ious nature, to pass an examina
tion in five basic subjects, viz.:
physiology, pathology, anatomy,
(Continued on Page Four)
Lucy Harbison, beloved wife of
Robert E. Harbison, Sr., died at
8:30 Sunday morning, February 5,
at the home in Orenco, Ore. - Fu
neral services were held Tuesday
afternoon and Interment was at
Hillsboro. Surviving are her hus
band, four daughters, one son and
seven grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs.
Harbison made their home for
many years at Morgan. Leaving
there a year ago last October they
went to Cottage Grove and from
there moved to Orenco. Mrs. Har
bison had been In failing health
for several years. She had a wide
circle of friends here who sympa
thize with the bereaved family.
The annual visitation meeting of
the churches of the Mid-Columbia
district was held January 31 in the
Congregational church at this
place. Interesting talks were
given by C. W. Harris and Mrs.
Frank Bennett of Condon, the for
mer speaking on the work being
done in the Condon community
church and the latter outlining the
work being accomplished by the
Ladles Aid. Lawrence E. Spraker,
Sunday school superintendent and
editor of the Condon Globe Times,
also gave a flhort address. The
sermon of the evening was by Rev.
G. A. Pollard of Portland, pastor
at large of the Congregational con
ference of Oregon. Preceding the
evening service dinner was served
in the church dining room at which
plates were laid for fifty. Those in
attendance from Condon were G.
W. Parman, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Harris, Mr. arid Mrs. B. D. Wil
liams, Mrs. Frank Silvey, Mrs.
Frank Bennett, Lawrence E. Sprak
er, Mrs. Mertie Camine and Mrs.
Sadie Grider. The Condon delega
tion was delayed somewhat on the
trip coming over when one of the
cars ran Into a snow drift and
skidded into the ditch. With the
assistance of another car driven
by members of the' party the first
car was placed on the highway with
no damage done, either to autom'o
bile or occupants.
The postponed social meeting of
the Women's Topic club was held
Tuesday evening, January 31, in
Masonic hall, Mrs. D. M. Ward and
Mrs. Louts Bergevin being hostess
es. The house decorations were in
keeping with "China and Japan,"
the subject now being studied by
the members of the club. The color
scheme was orange and black, with
gay Chinese lanterns, Sags, fans,
and a beautiful Chinese shawl on
display. The two hostesses were
charming in their Chinese gowns.
Chinese and Japanese foods were
served as refreshments. The music
was phonograph records of Chinese
tunes. A large number were in at
tendance, ten tables of bridge be
ing at play. High scores were made
by Mrs. Glen Jones and Bert Ma
son; low by Mrs. Elmer Griffith and
Omar Rietmann. Out - of - town
friends present were Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Lucas of Lexington and Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Jones and Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. McNamer of Heppner.
For the articles used In the dec
orations and for the phonograph
records the hostesses were indebt
ed to Eddie Ohlnn, kindly proprie
tor of the Elkhorni restaurant In
A well filled house greeted the
cast which presented the high
school play, "Wheres" Grandma,"
Wednesday evening at the auditor
ium. The play, a three-act comedy,
was ably directed by Miss Marguer
ite Mauzey. "Each part was well
suited to the character and all parts
were well earned. Both as a pleas
tag entertainment and from a finan
cial standpoint, the play was a suc
cess. The Women's Topic club met Sat
urday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Bert Mason. . Twelve ladles
were present In answer to the
roll call, distinguishing traits of
the Chinese people were named;
"The Open Door Doctrine" (Bau)
was reviewed by Viola Lieuallen;
"China and World Peace" (Bau), by
Juanlta Rietmann, and "The Trav
els of Marco Polo" (Manuel) by
Fannie Griffith. Following the
study hour dainty refreshments
were served by the hostess, Mrs.
Mason, The next social meeting
of the club will be held February
18 at the C. W. Swanson home.
Mrs. Swanson and Mrs. Walter
Corley being hostesses.;
A notable week-end - event was
the party given by Theresa Tabor,
local teacher at the Dry Forks hall,
Saturday night Dancing was the
order of the evening. Sandwiches,
cake and coffee were served for
supper. Nearly a hundred guests
were present
Mrs. Carl Feldman was happily
surprised on Thursday of last week
when a party of friends motored
to her country home to remind her
that it was her birthday anniver
sary. Three tables of bridge were
at play during the afternoon with
delicious refreshments served at
its close.
In the evening of the same day
Mrs. Ed Bngelman was honored by
a birthday party at her home In
the country, her neighbors planning
and successfully carrying out the
The McCabe country home was
the scene of a large party Saturday
evening. The time was Bpent in
playing cards and dancing. Music
was by the Gorgor brothers and
the A. W. Lundell family. Refresh
ments were . served at midnigh t
About fifty were in attendance, fif
teen of the number going from
Mrs. Victor Rietmann entertained
Friday evening complimenting Mr.
Rietmann whose birthday anniver
sary was on that date,
Mrs. Wallace Matthews, assisted
(Continued on Page Throe)
Action by Bureau of Pub
lic Roads Expected to
Be Taken Soon.
A question uppermost in the
minds of members of the Morrow
county court, and citizens of Hepp
ner has been securing of funds
wherewith the gap in the Heppner
Spray road from the mouth of Cha-
pin creek to Hardman might be
closed. At a meeting in Portland
last fall, attended by members of
the court and others of Heppner,
this matter was seriously discussed
before the state highway commis
sion and bureau of public roads In
a joint meeting. No way of finan
cing the work was found, but the
suggestion was made that the for
est boundary might be extended out
to Hardman and thus make the six
miles of uncompleted highway sub
ject to federal aid. The Heppner
committee left the meeting with
the understanding that this would
be put up to the head officials of
the bureau at Washington. Yester
day S. E. Notson received the fol
lowing message from Senator Stele-
Washington, D. C, Feb. 7.
"S. E. Notson, Heppner, Oregon.
Inquiry bureau public roads de
velops report received from Dr.
Hewes re extension of forest high
way number 32 to Hardman. No
definite action has been taken as
yet by bureau but am assured ap
proval can be expected in near fu
ture. Frederick Steiwer."
This, at least, is encouraeing. and
shows that the matter is being put
up to the higher authorities. When
such action is taken, it will mean
a big boost toward the closing of
the last gap in the Heppner-Spray
road. We hope to be able to make
the definite announcement soon.
Proposed New Lighting
System Being Tried Out
In the interests of economy, a
new style of lighting for Main
street is now being tried out The
power company has installed four
of the new lights In a central block,
one 40-candlepower unit at each
intersection and two 250-candlepow-er
units In .the center. This gives
1300 candlepower to the block as
aerainst 680 in the 1H utom ij
means a saving of $25.08 per month
to me city in tneir street lighting
bill, according to the proposition
made to the council. Afw
ficient trial the city dads will de
cide wnetner the new lights will
serve the purpose,
' Mrs. C. R. Riplev nresented her
music pupils in recital at her apart
ments Sunday. The parents of the
pupils were present and the guest
artist was Mrs. Edward F. Bloom,
who sang, her accompanist being
Mrs. Ripley. The pupils appearing
on me program and presenting
their piano offerines were Donald
Baker, Betty Snider, Robert Cash,
uetiy KODinson, Dean Goodman,
Edna Faye Deulan, Ruth Green,
Lucille Mover. Clara Nelson and
Fred Hoskins.
At the state meeting of the Ore
gon TaXDavers Eouallzatlnn and
Conservation League In Salem on
May 9, 1932, the committee, consist
ing or m. s. snrock, Clackamas
county, chairman, Mac Hoke, Uma
tilla county, H. T. Potts, Tillamook
countv. Huron Clonch. nmio-lja
county, and A. G. Morrison, Klam-
atn county, representing various
sections of the state, was appointed
to make a thoroueh sttidv nf nosnl.
ble tax reduction through "The
(jonsollaauon of Local Taxing Un
its with Special Reference to School
Districts" and to oronose nee.eaan.rv
legislation to achieve that purpose.
uaaea upon months of careful
study and Investigation, our com
mittee heartilv recommends the
amended county unit school plan
ror an wegon counties as a means
of materially reducing school' costs
t 71.83
Wyoming 133.21
jamornia ... 131.81
Montana 109.04
Drepon 103.31
Washington 98.66
The average cost per pupil for
the six northwest states other than
Utah Is $114.36. Utah's cost per pu
pil Is only $71.83 or 62.8 per cent of
the average for the other six north
west states. Utah has only 40 school
districts as compared with 2195. dis
tricts In Oregon.
Other material gathered by our
committee which led to our recom
mendation that the proposed "Coun
ty School Law" be adopted In all
counties in Oregon is set forth Sn
the following paragraphs:
We have In Orepon some 2750
separate and distinct local taxing
units of which 2195 are school dis
tricts of various types. Under the
proposed "County School Law"
l. L. Gault of Corvallis Here to
Handle Liquidation of Local
Financial Institutions.
Heppner's two banks, taken in
charge early last week by the com-
troller of the currency, are now in
the hands of J.' L. Gault of Cor
vallis, whose appointment as re
ceiver comes direct from Washing
ton, D. C. Mr. Gault arrived here
Friday evening and has entered up
on the discharge of his trust T.
L. Quinn of Prinevllle la the re
ceiver's clerk and will assist in the
liquidation of the two banking in
stitutions. Miss Reita Neel, stenog
rapher In the First National for the
past several years, has been re
tained and will act in that capacity
for the receiver.
Mr. Gault was at one time inter
ested in the banking business at
Burns and is familiar with the
banking customs of the Eastern
Oregon section. . George Conser,
for long years the popular cashier
or First National bank, was an un
cle of Mr. Gault by marriage, Mr.
Gault being a brother-in-law of the
late Earl Conser, who formerly
worked in the bank here.
Doric Lodge Has Visit
From Walter G. Gleeson
Walter G. .Gleeson, Grand K. of
R. and S., of the Oregon domain.
Knights of Pythias, was a visitor in
the city Tuesday evening and a part
or Wednesday, and his coming was
made an occasion for a special pro
gram by Doric Lodge No. 20. A
program was prepared and featured
a trio by Mrs. Crocket Sprouls,
Miss Doris Hiatt and Mrs. Merle
Venable and singing by the Lions
male quartet, composed of Ellis
Thomson, John Anglin,, F. W. Tur
ner and E. F. Bloom. The main
feature of the evening was the ad
dress by Mr. Gleeson, whose leader
ship among the Knights of Oregon
has been recognized for these many
years that he has served the order,
ana nis remarks on this occasion
were especially appreciated.
About 35 members of Doric lodge
were present and refreshments
were enjoyed.
L. E. Dick, formftrlv In rhnivA rt
the Standard Oil. wholesale station
at lone, has taken p Imsb nn that
station and the station at Heppner,
so this paper is informed. This
will give Mr. Dick full control of
the wholesale business of the com
pany on the branch line. The deal
does not include thn fillino- nfntlnn
at Heppner and this will remain un-
aer tne management of Standard
Stations, Inc.
Mr. Dick has recently been in
charge of the Standard station at
Pomerov. Wash. Ha Is nns In
charge here, having moved to
nepnper tne past week with his
family, and we are sure they will
be made wpln.mA ti nmTM,,
ity. C. R. Ripley, who has been
in cnarge or tne station at this
Ooint during tha nast VM r rr mnra
expects to be transferred by the
company eisewnere, out is not at
this time aware of lust where h
will be placed.
You owe It to vonranlf ana
GRAND HOTEL. Star Thaator
Tues., Wed., Thurs., Feb. 14-15-16.
and we urge the passage of "The
County School Law" which is House
Bill No. 253 as a means of tax re
duction. The report of our committee, In
cluding the proposed legislation now
embodied in "The County School
Law" bill, was adopted by the Ex
ecutive Committee of the Oregon
Taxpayers Equalization and Con
servation league at a special meet
ing held in Salem on January 16.
"The County School Law" bill
presents a plan similar to the Utah
County School Law which has re
duced very materially the cost of
schools in that state since its state
wide adoption in 1915. Note - the
following comparison of school
costs per pupil in 1930-31 In the
seven northwest states. (Circular
No. 11, November, 1932, Education
al Research Service.)
Current expendtiures per puotl The cost per pupil in
in averaee daily attendance, Utah is less by
excluding Interest
26 83
there would be only 73 school dis
tricts consisting of 36 county school
districts, 29 city school districts
(districts with 1000 school census),
8 union high schools (those union
high schools with territory in more
than one county or in a first class
From our study, these larger dis
tricts would make very substantial
savings possible without in any way
crippling the schools. We have In
our own state three counties oper
ating under a county Bchool plan
which exemplify well the reduction
In school costs made possible un
der that type of organization. These
counties of Crook, Klamath and
(Continued on Pas Four)
Mass Meeting Called to
Act on Report of
A mass meeting of the business
men and citizens of Heppner has
been called for next Monday eve
ning at 8:00 o'clock to act on the
report of the scrip committee ap
pointed at a similar meeting last
Tuesday. The meeting will be held
at the Elks temple where accom
modations will be ample to care
for all who wish to attend. The
scrip committee appointed by Ma
yor Gay M. Anderson last week and
composed of Dean T. Goodman,
chairman, Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, Mrs.
Josephine Mahoney, Jos. J. Nys,
S. E. Notson, Earl Eskelaon and
Spencer Crawford, has held two
meetings, the last one Tuesday eve
ning of this week, and a plan has
been formulated for submission to
the citizens of the town.
Under the plan scrip would be
issued not to exceed a total amount
of $5,000, put Into circulation only
as fast as it was absorbed. Scrip
would be issued to warrant hold
ers at a five per cent discount on
the warrant, and would circulate
at face value. Various demomina-
tions are suggested and it was the
opinion of the committee that only
one denomination, probably the 25
cent piece, be printed on sheep skin.
The scrip would be secured by the
warrants bought, and redemption,
the date of which was set for the
month of July, 1934, would be
guaranteed either by a group of
guarantors or by the signing up of
enough persons to deposit a sum of
scrip each month with the trustees
to retire the Issue by the time of
redemption; In either case the war
rants held by the trustees to be
accepted for the scrip deposited.
Details as to size of scrip, amount
to be issued at intervals and elec
tion of trustees were left by the
committee to be taken care of by
wnicnever group sponsors the issue.
Legion Membership Drive
Being Held This Month
During the month of February
the American Legion is conducting
a nation-wide campaign for mem
bers, in which more than 10,650
Posts of the organization are to par
ticipate in their local communities.
Heppner Post No. 87 will have a
definite part In the big member
ship drive, and plans have been
made to contact every veteran of
the World War in this community,
in an effort to enroll him in the
Legion during the month of Febru
ary, according to Loyal Parker,
post commander, who is organizing
the local legionnaires for the cam
paign. "The American Legion is the
most effective veteran organization
in the world today,' says Mr. Park
er, "and the American veteran
owes much to the Lgion. The Le
gion has obtained for the vteran
almost every piece of beneficial leg
islation he now enjoys, and the
American Legion is making a val
iant fight to retain the privileges
and benefits accorded veterans at
the present session of Congress.
where the National Economy league
is conducting a vigorous fight to
destroy the program designed to
aid disabled and sick American vet
erans," he said.
Heppner Post is one of the out
standing organizations In this com
munity, and carries on an exten
sive program of welfare work
among local veterans and their fam
ilies, is interested in numerous com
munity enterprises, and. is deserv
ing of the full support of all vet
erans of the World War.
The regular meeting of the Bus
iness and Professional Womens
club was held Monday evening at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W.
O. Dix. The hostesses for the eve
ning were Lucy Rodgers, Jessie
Palmiter and Dorothy Straughan.
Members found their dinner part
ners by matching red paper hearts
on which were written names of
famous lovers. A short business
meeting was held and the club vot
ed to oppose the minimum salary
and minimum term law and to fa
vor the 2 per cent general tax.
Plana were started for National
Business Women's week In March.
Mrs. Rodgers, president, appointed
the following standing committee
chairmen: Speakers bureau, Leta
Humphreys; state convention.
Madge Coppock; national conven
tion, Elizabeth Bloom. After busi
ness meeting Lulu Hager gave an
Interesting talk on "Dieting," and
Audrey Beymer gave a demonstra
tion of good reducing exercises,
Gee, but it was cold in this man's
town lust night, and Frank Gilliam
reports 18 below zero by the gov
ernment thermometer. The wind
was in the east and old Boreas
showed no mercy whatever. At 6
o'clock this morning it was 28 de
grees below at the Sand Hollow
ranch of W. B. Barratt & Son, and
other points out of town report
around 22 degrees below. The
ground is covered with about three
inches of snow not much protec
tion for wheat that has recently
plan i
The executive committee of Lex
ington Grange met one day last
week and adopted the following res
olution, copies of which were for
warded to the senators and repre
sentatives in congress. This reso
lution has been adopted by a num
ber or Granges in Oregon:
Whereas, agriculture for many
years has been suffering from low
prices, high taxes and high Interest
And whereas, the Oregon State
college survey discloses that there
are over 28,000 farms mortgaged in
Oregon, more than 11,000 of which
are delinquent and subject to fore
closure, And whereas, with prices at the
present low level it is impossible
for these delinquents to meet their
payments and they are living in
continual fear of losing home and
the accumulation of a lifetime;
President Hoover, in his message
to congress of January 11, said:
"The present process of forced
liquidation through foreclosure sale
is proving utterly destructive of in
terests of debtors and creditors
alike. If this process is allowed to
take its usual course during the
present emergency, thousands will
suffer without bringing substantial
gain to the creditors who insist up
on liquidation and foreclosure In the
vain hope of collecting their claims."
And whereas, unless immediate
steps are taken to relieve this con
dition agriculture in this state is
faced with demoralization and
bankruptcy, and that more and
more taxes will become delinquent
and general demoralization of pub
lic affairs will follow with results
hard to predict.
Now, therefore, be It resolved by
Lexington Grange of Lexington,
Oregon, that we petition you to en
act such legislation in the shape of
a moratorium and otherwise as will
afford immediate relief;
Be it further resolved that we fa
vor a reduction in the interest on
farm mortgages to not over 2 per
cent and that such legislation be
passed as will provide a morator
ium on all farm mortgages of at
least one year, and that this de
ferred payment shall act as an ex
tension of one" year to the present
We earnestly believe-that no act
by the Government would so quick
ly and effectively bring to the
American farmer confidence and
prosperity as the enactment of a
law putting Into effect the above.
As a precedent, we are submitting
oeiow Tabulated loans made to
steamship companies and we feel
that if the Government was justi
fied in making these loans at the
rate of Interest Indicated to "pro
mote foreign trade," it would cer
tainly not be inconsistent to do
likewise in the saving of thousands
of American farmers.
From the Congressional Record
of May 27, 1932, Page 11715, loans
made by the U. S. Shipping Board
to "promote their operations in for
eign trade":
Dollar Steamship Lines, $5,287,-
000, 1-4 per cent, 20 years.
Export Steamship Co., $1,705,000,
3-8 per cent, 20 years.
Oceanic Steamship Corp., $5,850,-
000, 3-8 per cent 20 years.
Export Steamship Corp, $1,725,-
000, 1-2 per cent, 20 years.
United States Lines, $7,875,000,
1-2 per cent, 20 years.
United States Lines, $7,875,000,
1-2 per cent, 20 years.
Motor Tankship Corp., $1,260,900,
.7-8 per cent, 20 years.
Dollar Steamship Lines, $5,287,-
500, 1 per cent 20 years.
Unanimousely adopted by Lexing
ton Grange No. 726.
E. H. MILLER, Master.
Ten o'clock la the morning ser
vice hour in the Church of Christ
This includes the morning worship,
lesson period with the International
lessons, a short sermon by the min
ister, followed with the Commun
ion and offering. A good interest
and attendance are shown in all
departments. A most kindly wel
come is extended to all comers.
Your presence next Sunday will
also help us In our contest with
the Sunday school in Sheridan.
The regular monthly business
meeting of Lexington Grange will
be held at Leach hall Saturday eve
ning, February 11. In addition to
other business there will be Initia
tion in the first and second degrees.
The meeting will begin promptly
at seven-thirty and all members
are urged to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil White had as
their dinner guests Sunday Miss
Sue Sheppard, Vernon Waid and
Gene Calhoun, all of Stanfleld.
Wednesday of last week was John
Miller's birthday and in honor of
the occasion a number of his friends
dropped in to spend the evening
and to wish him many happy re
turns of the day. The guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner, Mr. and
Mrs. George Peck, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Dinges, Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Gentry, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tur
ner, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Miller, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Hunt Mrs. Sara White and Ed
Miller. The guests spent the eve
ning playing 500 which was full of
such surprises as changing hands
and playing without looking. Prizes
were won by Mr. Kelly and Mrs.
Harry Turner and consolation went
to Mrs. Gentry and Harvey Miller.
Refreshments, which the guests
had thoughtfully provided, were
Harry Schrlever went to Portland
Wednesday to be with Mrs. Schrle
ver during the Illness of their in
fant son, David Gordon.
(Continued on Page Three)
Local Committee's Funds
Exhausted; Musical
Numbers Planned.
Agricultural Commodity Prices to
Be Better if Scheme Is Adopt
ed; Present Set-Up Used.
The Heppner Lions club will
sponsor an entertainment to be giv
en February 17 and 18 for the bene
fit of the central relief committee,
Monday noon luncheon. The plan
according to action taken at their
was presented on behalf of the re
lief committee by John Anglin, and
contemplates a picture show and
special musical numbers by the
Missildine trio, Harold Becket and
his banjo, and the Lions quartet.
The theater is being furnished for
the cost of the pictures alone, Mr.
Anglin said, and he believed It
would be possible to raise some
money for the central committee
to carry on its work, the committee
having exhausted its funds.
In accordance with the desire of
Lions International, the club Mon
day discussed the "Clair Plan" for
farm crop stabilization. The plan
was explained by Earl W. Gordon
and brought out considerable dis
cussion, and consists of a federal
market control and minimum price
stabilization program of the basic
indispensible and non-perishable
food and clothing crops of the Uni
ted States. '
The Clair plan embodies the fol
lowing positive program of object
ives: "Contends that the restoration of
prosperity In this country is de
pendent upon domestic trade and
domestic conditions.
"Provides for yearly determina
tion of a reasonable minimum price
to the producer for the raw cloth
ing and food crops necessary for
United States consumption.
"Provides for yearly determina
tion of prorate for United States
consumption against total produc
tion of each of these crops, on
which quantity proration for domes
tic consumption, no less than the
established minimum price shall be
paid according to law.
"Provides for a federal market
ing control without governmental
subsidies or credits" through .the
agency of the United States Post
Office, which is positive in its meth
od of control, lends itself to any
form of buying, selling and crop
credit procedure and does not en
tail additional public expense.
"Provides that the marketing
methods proposed will be made
compulsory by law, to be executed
under the present Agricultural
Marketing Act
"Provides for tariff protection of
the American minimum price.
"Provides for taking the United
States Government out of the busi
ness of trading in agricultural
products and restores the business
of handling these commodities to
the normal channels of trade.
"States that there should be no
governmental restriction of produc
tion of these crops in this country.
Incentive to voluntary reduction in
production Is provided to those ac
cepting. "Provides that surplus production
of these basic agricultural com
modities, over the national domes
tic prorate, shall be impounded on
the farm unless sold for export
"Establishes economic equaliza
tion between basic agriculture and
other industries."
Francis J. Clair, president of the
National League for Economic Sta
bilization, author of the plan, says:
"there will be no return to -prosperity
for all classes and kinds of
people, or for all classes and kinds
of business nor real security for
our banks, insurance companies,
ana otner institutions of vital im
portance to society, until the stabil
ization of agricultural values and
agricultural income is definitely
ana positively provided for in our
economic system."
He believes further that "It is
time we realized that world condi
tions have nothing to do with the
major part of our own plight We
should face the conditions Intrinsic
in our own country; examine into
the domestic trade balance between
agriculture and industry, and find
out what is wrong. There is avail
able the greatest trade balance that
is possible for us to find anywhere
in the world, right within the bor
ders of our own country. Exports
at our peak never amounted to
more than ten per cent of our total
trade and, moreover, we have not
lost all of our foreign business dur
ing this depression,"
In answer to the question "Where
has the money gone?", Mr. Clair
"This decrease in farm wealth has
not been due to lack of production,
but for the most part to the un
warranted decline in the value of
these products to a fraction of what
they should be bringing. Conse
quently, billions of dollars of buy
ing power, represented by produce
on hand, warehouse receipts, bank
credits or actual cash, has been un
justly wiped out and disastrously
so to society. The significance of
the loss of these billions of dollars
(Continued on Page Four)