PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 26, 1933. fypjmrr (&nzttt? Stmrfi THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 80. 1883; TH1C HEPPVER TIMES Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15. 1912. Published every Thursday morning by TAW7EB and SPENCER CRAWFORD and entered at the Post Office at Hepp- ner, Oregon, a second-class mauer. ASVERTXSINtt BATHS GIVEN OH APPLICATION. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear 12.00 Si Montha 1.00 Three Months .76 Single Copies .06 Official Paper for Morrow County. should be restricted to wheat and cotton will antagonize producers of the five other basic commodities that were to be protected In the democratic bill. This Is the first of a long series of decisions the new leader will have to make which will rroduce damaging: repercussions throughout the country. Most of the difficult stands were avoided during the campaign. They can not be avoided much longer, and as they are made the record-breaking majority of last November will be gin to disintegrate. Baker Democrat-Herald. Bruce Barton writes of "The Master Executive" Supplying a Inspiration for the heavy-burdened who will find every human trial paralleled In the ex perience of "The Han Nobody Knows" Time for Everything SALARY CUTS COMING. JN LINE with the persistent de- msA for economy in state and county nffairs, proposals are com ing before the legislature at Salem for drastic cuts in the salaries of officials from the governor down to the constables of the remote precincts. Bills are in process of incubation and will be tossed into the hopper soon, if some are not already before the committee hav ing charge of this branch of legis lation. There seems to be no doubt, whatever, but that legislation on this subject wil ultimately be pass ed, and cuts in salaries may range anywhere from 10 to 25 per cent There is an urgent demand, lo cally, that salaries of Morrow coun ty officials be included in this legis lation. The suggestion is made, how ever, that our officials take a vol untary cut, through action of the county court This is based on the theory that the officials here are not getting excessive salaries when normal conditions prevail, and when the necessity for curtailment in expenses governmental has pass ed, the court would be in position to restore the salaries. Budget balancing is a very ser ious problem these days, and state and county governments are having great difficulty in finding ways and means. The cry is loud and long for a reduction in taxes; the diffl- ' culty of trying to keep expenses In line with budget requiremer ts when no tax money is coming in and delinquencies are being pyra mided on the rolls, with the conse quent piling up of warrant indebt edness, creates a condition that is fast getting beyond the ability of taxing bodies to solve. Therefore it becomes necessary to make dras tic cuts wherever it is possible to do so. So far salaries of county officials have been unmolested, but they will have to "take their med icine" along with all the rest of us. If they do it voluntarily, all right; if not, then the legislature will be called on to do its duty, and when the cuts are thus made, it will not be so easy to restore the salaries to the present basis. We have so far heard of no move on the part of Morrow county of ficials to voluntarily accept a sal ary cut, though this plan may be revolving in the minds of some of them. PROSPERITY MUST START ON THE FARM. Express, Red Oak, Iowa- " THE quickest way to break the back of the depression is to re store the buying power of the far mer. If this one thing is done a cy cle of improved business will result, reaching into all other fields of en deavor. The reconstruction of our dis tress must start at the bottom, not at the top, if we are to overthrow our business lethargy within a reas onable time. Farming communit ies are without buying power, mer chant stocks are low, trade is at a low ebb, credit is tight and natur ally so because of low priced com modities. Communities, such as ours, will not regain their purchas ing power until prices of farm prod ucts are boosted. When the farmer cannot buy, the manufacturer does not operate, his employees do not work and so the cycle of unemployment and bus iness listlessnes goes on in metro politan centers. When the farmer buys, the merchant moves his goods and re-stocks his shelves from the manufacturer. Then the wheels' start to turn. So far we have witnessed a con gress devoting its time to beer. And Its time was wasted in this session. The important thing is not beer, it is business the business of putting the farmer back on his feet The froth on the beer discloses no prosperity. But take hope. Just now there is indication that congress intends to take up farm relief. The Domestic Allotment plan is coming up for consideration. There are arguments in favor of and against it but we have reached the point where it behooves us to try something new. If it fails we will be no worse off than we were; if it succeeds we are ahead. The allotment plan looks to im proving the price on several farm commodities. It could be put into operation within a short time and improve the farmer's purchasing power at once. That done the far mer would be a good spender. He needs things; we all need some thing or other. The manufacturer would soon feel the results of our needs when the farm buying power is restored. It wouldn't take much to start the cycle of business and industry on the upgrade if buying power were m the right place but until the wealth that comes out of the soil is recognized there will be no buying power and no prosperity. Better days will come to all when corn and hogs are put on a pinnacle of respect, not before. President-elect Roosevelt's dec laration that the new farm bill Sunday Schoolj B Lesson 3 By Rev. Charles E. Sunn, S. S. Jesus and the Sabbath. Lesson f-r January 29. Mark 2:23-3-6. Golden Text: Mark 2:27-28. In this lesson Jesus takes excep tion to the artificial Sabbath regu lations of His time. Numerous petty prohibitions made the day an ex cessively burdensome one. It was forbidden to trod grass on the Sab bath, to wear shoes with nails, or, as our lesson indicates, to pluck errain. One is reminded of the quaint Sunday laws of the Puritans forbidding a woman to kiss her child, cook victuals, or make beds, preventing a man from shaving, and banning all travel, except that required for attendance at public worship. By such trivial rules the cherished liberty of the Lord's Day was seriously curtailed. The Master brushed aside all such absurd embargoes. To Him they were more honored In the breach than in the observance. He point ed out how David, on the ground of hunger, defied the strict law of the tabernacle. To Jesus the needs of humanity came first This is vividly Illustrated by the incident in the lesson of the heal ing of the man with a withered hand. The Master's enemies were eager to make this merciful act an occasion of accusation. In the light of a generous interpretation of their law, they had no case, for medical assistance on the Sabbath was not absolutely forbidden. But by legal quibbling, they could argue that the cure was a piece of work, involving the release of a high de gree of energy, and therefore in vio- latlon of Sabbath legislation. Jesus ODenlv and indignantly rebuked them by defying their casuistry, and restored to the cripple the vse of his hand. The principle upon which our Lord acted is given in that great saying chosen as the Golden Text, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." The needs of man were central with Jesus. This means that not only are rest and worship to be promoted on Sunday, but also Inspiring recrea tion, congenial friendship, and help ful service. THE LATEST CURE-ALL. Autocaster Service, line SUPPOSE it is entirely nat- ural, when things are going badly, for people to want to change everything. Whenever we have any serious economic troubles there is always a crop of new schemes to set everything right again. These schemes usually Involve a complete change in the form of our govern ment and our system of banking, credits and money. Just now the new scheme that is getting a lot of attention is one called "technocracy." The idea seems to be that there is so much technical energy available and the technical people know so much about how to use it that we ought to turn the government over to en gineers and let them run the coun try. We understand that everybody would have to do a little work un der technocracy, a matter of per haps three or four hours a day once in a while. But everybody would have plenty of time to go fishing, or attend the movies, and plenty of money with which to enjoy his leisure, if what the technocrats say turned out to be true. One part of the scheme Is to use kilowatt hours instead of gold for money. Money Is to be based on units of energy produced or con sumed. This strikes us as a pretty good idea In some respects, but we know some men who would starve to death if they were only paid in proportion to the energy they spend on their jobs. Seriously, we haven't the slight est idea that the people of the Unl ter States, or any important part of them, are ready to scrap the sys tern of government and the econ omic-industrial system under which we have got along pretty well. We all know the present social struc ture has its faults, and that our gov ernmental machine creaks at times, but we are always pretty earnest and usually pretty prompt about patching the leaks and mending the cracks as fast as we discover them. And. we have a notion the old ma chine will run along pretty well for a few hundred years yet. It doesn't do any harm, however, as we. bee it, for people to talk about better systems and why we ought to have them. The best ones we know anything about have per fection as their aim, even If they never reach it. LIONS' PATROL MEETS. The Lions' patrol of Boy Scouts held their regular weekly meeting Monday after school, in the high school reference room. The adop tlon of a secret oath was the prln cipal matter of business, and this was accomplished after a heated discussion. A number of songs were sung while the boys were try ing to choose a patrol song, finally "Old Black Joe" got a majority of the votes. A patrol hike is sched uled for Saturday, The disciples had many worries. They wanted to get it clear as to their relative positions in the new Kingdom; they were concerned be cause outsiders, not properly init iated into the organization, were claiming to be followers of Jesus and doing miracles in his name. They fretted because there was so much work to be done and the days too short for doing it But Jesus towered magnificently above it all. Wherever he went the children flocked. Pomp and circumstances mean nothing to them. Their instinct cuts through all outward semblance with a keen swift edge. So they swarmed around, tugging at his garments, climbing on his knees, begging to hear more of his stories. It was all highly improper and wasteful in the disciples' eyes. But Jesus would have none of It "Suffer little children to come unto me! he commanded. And he added one of those sayings which should make so clear the message of his gospel. "They are the very essence of the Kingdom of Heaven," he said, "un less you become like them you shall in no wise enter in." Like them . like little children . . . laughing . joyous . . . unaffected . . . trust ing implicitly . . . with time to be kind. To be sure Jesus was not always In the crowd. He had his long hours of withdrawal when, in communion with his Father, he refilled the deep reservoirs of his strength and love. Toward the end he was more preoccupied. He knew months in advance that if he made another journey to Jerusalem his fate would be sealed; yet he never wavered in his decision to make that journey. Starting out on it, his mind filled with the approaching conflict, fcu shoulders burdened with the whole world's need, he heard his name called out from the roadside in shrill, unfamiliar tones. "Jesus Jesus . . . thou son of David have mercy on me." It was the voice of a useless blind beggar. Jesus stopped. "Who called my name?" "Nobody, Master . . . only a blind beggar ... a worthless fellow , . Bartimaeus . . . nobody at all . . we'll tend to him," said the disciples. "Bring him here." Trembling with hope he was guided forward. The deep rich eyes of the Master looked Into those sightless eyes. The mind which had been burled in the greatest problem with which a mind ever wrestled, gave itself unreservedly to the problem of one forlorn hu- ma.! life. Here was need; and he had time. . . . The man was healed, W. C. T. U. NOTES MART A. NOTSON. Reporter. Mrs. Charles Sab in, the rich so ciety woman who heads the wet women's repeal organization, pub lished quite a lengthy article on the conditions of the present as com pared with the days of the open saloon. Dr. Katharine B, Richard son of Mercy hospital, Kansas City, Mo., in answering Mrs. Sabln, said: "Mrs. Sabin doesnt know what she is talking about She didn't see the children I saw. In winter the children of drunkards froze. The parents weren't low and de praved. They were drunk and they forgot their children. I remember an Oklahoma laborer who brought his three children to Kansas City, put them in a cheap hotel room for the night Three days later we re ceived the child that was left alive, "My nurses can walk down the street at night now. I remember when they couldn't Beasts slept or loitered or watched on vacant lots. I can tell you stories of horror about my nurses. "I remember when virtually all our cases were the cases of children mistreated by drunken fathers and mothers, frozen, starving, abused unspeakably, not by bad men, but by good men good men drunk. "I know little rich girls who com placently Inform me that I'm wrong. They say they want liquor back. Children, my friends, will play with poison. They don't know any better. I do." Congressman Hull came back from Sweden last summer with great story about the Bratt system, He said that the Swedish people had repealed prohibition and had installed the wonderful Bratt sys tem. Now, the facta are that out of 2400 divisions of the country only 120 are under the Bratt sys tem, the others being dry under the local option law of the country. It does not look like the people of Sweden are very wet, when only five per cent of the local subdivis ions of the country use the Bratt system. Furthermore, the repeal of the national prohibition act was accomplished by the coercion of the Wine producing countries of Eu rope. In this connection, it might be well to note that just a few days ago the wine Interests of France were advised to use every possible means to help the wets to get thru congress the repeal amendment This is the same France that re fused to pay its installment of its debt to us on the 15th of December last. The wets are much concerned over the violations of law, attrib uting all law violations, seemingly, to prohibition. The brewers always were in favor of obedience to the laws, were they not? May 1, 1910, back in the days of the saloon, the Brewers' Journal said: "No matter what laws may be made to cripp! the beverage industries of our pres ent times they cannot and will not be observed by those managing these Industries. rv , y Next Week: Be of Joy and Good Cheer. Reseeding Precautions Listed by Prof. Hyslop Care in choice of varieties for re- seeding frozen out wheat in east ern Oregon, and precautions in treating seed for smut this spring, will go far toward preventing ser ious loss from low yield or grade discounts for the coming crop, says G. R. Hyslop, head of the farm crops department at Oregon State college, who has studied the situa tion with college representatives and leading farmers east of the Cascades. "Turkey wheat that was well es tablished and that which was plant ed very late and just sprouting seems to be injured less than much of the wheat in the intermediate stages," says Hyslop. "Wheat on well prepared summer fallow ap parently suffered less than that on late plowed or poorly prepared sum mer fallow. Selection of similar varietal types so as to avoid mixtures In the har vested crop is particularly Import ant where a partial stand remains, Hyslop points out Where Hybrid 128 needs resowing the same va riety may be used if seeding can be done by the middle of February, but after that the comparabl spring varieties are Hybrid 143, commonly called shot hybrid, and Federation, often called soft Fed eration. Fall seeded Federation can be planted back to Federation in the spring, and records show that Its spring yields average well with fall plantings. With Turkey wheats that have been injured, Turkey may be plant ed back till the middle of February, after which Marquis Is probably the best Hyslop believes. This will cause some mixture but it is not seriously 'discounted at Portland. "Where lighter soils were seed ed to Federation in the fall, it may pay to reseed with a more drouth resistant variety, such as early Baart, Hard Federation or White Federation. These are better mill ing wheats than Federation. All are well suited to the thinner soils," Hyslop reports. This is a golden opportunity to eliminate smut from fields by be ing extra careful with treatment of the spring seeded grain, he adds. Dry copper carbonate is recom mended except in cases of very smutty seed when the bluestone treatment followed by lime water bath to prevent seed Injury is safest. Coolidge . who knew him I knew Mr. Coolidge lees well than I have known every other President of the past forty years. That was not strange, since few people can really claim to have known him well. I asked the late Nicholas Long- worth, when he was Speaker of the House and Mr. Coolidge was Presi dent who knew Coolidge best. I suppose I know him as well as anybody," Nick replied. "I cam paigned for him for Governor, al most lived and slept with him when he ran for President, and as Speak er I have to consult him frequent ly. But I haven't the slightest idea, never have, of what s going on in Coolidge's mind!" I was a long way from home on election day, 1924, and so could not vote. To make conversation, I re marked to him one day in the White House: "I didn't vote for you, Mr. Presi dent." "Some did," he responded, with out cracking a smile. Technocracy . aftermath A new word is sweeping the country "Technocracy." Literally, it means "government by techni cians." The word was coined by a group of research men at Colum bia University, who calculate that the time is at hand when every thing human beings want can be produced with so much less labor than before, that nobody ought to have to work more than 660 hours a year. Coupled with this idea that ev erything can or will be done by ma chines, they have a nebulous plan for discarding our present system of money, banking and credits and creating money based on electric energy instead of metal. After every period of depression has got along about so far, new schemes to reorganize the world begin to be taken seriously by peo ple who Imagine that human nature can be changed over night Tech nocracy is merely another theory which can only be put Into practice after a few hundred generations, if at all. We aire far from being ready, In America, to turn the control of our lives over to a dictator under any name, even that of Technocracy. Automobiles . how many? 1he ffAAADILY u mam JOHN JOSEPH GAINESMQ Henry Smouse gives it as his op inion that the 250 acres of Arco wheat he reseeded following the December freeze, and which had began to sprout well, has been kill ed by the more recent cold Bnap. Mr. Smouse was in town Tuesday from his home near lone. The Gazette Times' Printing Ser vice la complete. Try It The Expected Arrival I write this letter at a time when every couple of moderate means or, perhaps, less, are looking with per cent of apprehension on the coming visit of the old stork. Adult garments are being made over Into dainty baby-clothes, and confer ences are being held as to how to obtain the best and safest service for the least possible outlay of money. . . . The young father with a $30 week salary, probably engages hos pital service that will put him two years In arrears with his meager income but he loves his dear ones. The hospital two weeks, special nurse one week, operating-room, and the specialist in obstetrics they all cost, you know, but he loyes, and wants the best. His credit Is good, but it may be "the beginning of the end' for him flnan- cially. The humbler couple cannot even think of a hospital service. They engage the family doctor several months In advance. He knows of a nurse who came within a few months of graduating; she is capa ble, and will work for a fraction of the sum required to hire a register ed nurse. She needs the work, and will do her utmost. The home is prepared for the event Antisep tics, dressings, a sanitary bed all are arranged under the guidance of the family doctor. "Mother and babe doing well," re ports the home paper next day. The parents get out of It with the mini mum of expense maybe have a lit tle left if they have "saved up" as they should have done months in advance. I wish we were all well-to-do, but wishes do not get us very far these days when it takes action to get results. My readers may get some uung out of this talk I hope so. FLAMING ARROWS TO HIKE. The Falmlng Arrow patrol met Monday In Room 8 at the high school. All members were present except three. They are going1 to nave a secret oath whloh all mem bers of the patrol will sign. This oath will be put In a leather case which Is to be tacked on the patrol flag staff. The patrol flag Is kept by the patrol quartermaster, Scott MCMurdo. There were seven ad vancements made at the last court of honor. Thev are Planning for hlfte next Saturday If the weather permits, which will take them to their patrol camp up Willow creek. John F. Kilkenny, attorney of Pendleton, was looking after legal matters in this city Tuesday, Only four or five years ago there were nearly Ave million automobiles sold In America in a single year. This year the manufacturers are figuring on a total production of about a million and a half. They are hoping that times will get enough better so that they will sell two million cars. Automobiles are cheaper than they have ever been before. All the way up and down the line prices have been cut, engine power In creased, all sorts of new gadgets in- troduced, until It is difficult to see how anyone can get much more for his money if he has it than in buying a 1933 car. I have a feeling that the makers are going to be surprised at the volume of their sales. I think the scared money that has been hiding In the stockings and savings banks is going to begin to come out of hiding this spring, and that people will begin to buy more automobiles and ftshlines and other commodit ies than they have been doing the last couple of years. Rockefeller . city in city What seems to me perhaps the moat valuable contribution to un employment that has been made in these past three difficult years Is the enormous building project car ried out by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., which is known as Radio City, in New York. Imagine nearly seven acres of land solidly built up with brick and steel buildings from five to ten stories high, as closely as they can be built Then Imagine one man getting possession of this entire tract in the middle of the city of New York, tearing down all of the buildings and starting to cover the seven acres with new buildings, some of which wJH run seventy or eighty stories high. That is what John D. Rockefel ler, Jr., is doing. In a time when almost all other building activity In the country had stopped, he has given work to thousands and thous ands of men in the building trades and is creating something of per manent value. I don't Imagine Mr. Rockefeller will personally ever make a cent out of Rladlo City. But I don't think he cares. Mortgage Adjustment Aim of State Committee A voluntary statewide committee authorized to set up a system of county and local farm mortgage adjustment committees has been provided for as tne ouicoiau wl n recent preliminary gathering of in terested agricultural and business representatives held at Salem, At this meeting which was called by Paul V. Maris, director of exten sion at Oregon State college, a temporary organization committee was authorized to set up a pe. nent state organization. Personnel of the state committee which has now been named is as follows: Rav W. Gill. Master, Oregon State G ranee. Montavilla Station, Portland. L. B. McBee, President, Oregon Farmers' Union, Dallas, ure. Fred Phillips, Oregon Wool Grow ers association, Baker, Ore. Herman Oliver. President, Oregon Cattle and Horse Raisers' asso ciation. John Day. Ore. George Fullenwlnder, President, Oregon Dairymen s association, Carlton, Ore. C. F. Emerson, President Oregon Wheat League, The Dalles, or, Fred C. Cockell. President, Ore gon Poultrymen's association, Milwaukie. Ore. Dean H. Walker, President, Ore gon Hop Growers association Indenendence, Ore. Glenn B. Marsh, President, Ore gon Cooperative council, Hood River, Ore. Robert W. Sawyer, President Or egon Reclamation Congress, Bend, Ore. Oregon Bankers Association by Eugene Courtney, Chairman, Executive committee, Wood burn. Ore., and Theo. P. Cramer, Lumberman's Building, Portland, Ore. Geo. P. Brice, Brice Mortgage company, 82 6th St., Portland Oregon State college Extension Service by: Paul V. Maris, Director, Cor- vallts. and F. L. Ballard, County Agent Leader. Corvallls. O. M. Plummer, General Mana ger. Pacific International Livestock Exposition, American Bank uuuu ine. Portland, was named chairman of the committee, and L. R. Brelt- haupt Agricultural Economist, Oregon State college extension ser vice, was named secretary. Through county and local com mittees to be set up by the state organization it is hoped to provide a means of affording fair and im partial information and assistance to both borrowers and lenders In farm mortgages on a purely volun tary basis, as the committees will have no legal standing. Such as sistance, however, will afford a means of making suitable adjust ments in principal and interest so as to avoid the economic wreckage that follows in the wake of whole sale foreclosures. Similar state movements are be ing worked out successfully in the mlddlewest, notably in Iowa and Ohio where farm organizations, fi nancial agencies and the college ex tension service are cooperating in meeting this serious problem that has arisen from the collapse of farm prices and land values. Statistics presented at the first Salem meeting by L. R. Briethaupt, agricultural economist of the ex tension service, show that approxi mately 28,000 or 52 per cent of Ore gon farms are mortgaged. Esti mates are that 40 per cent or more of these mortgages are now delln- quont When many of the debts were contracted, often for what ap peared to be conservative expan sion or Improvements, the average cash income per farm in Oregon was around $2200 a year, but in 1932 estimates are an average of ?95u per year.. NOTICB Or BHEilPP'S BALE. Notice is hereby Riven that by virtue of an Execution issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, dated January twenty-third, 1933, in that certain suit wherein The Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a corporation, as plaintiff, re covered a judgment against the defend ants, Ernest Ambrose Brown, same per son as Err.est Brown: siirri K. Flickenger, same person of Michel hi. Flickenger, and Michel K. Flicken ger; ana west axiensiOu national Farm Loan Association, a cor poration, on the twenty-first day of January, ivm, wnicn juugiueui was for the following sums, to wit: $39.00 with Interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from April 8th, 1931; $39.00 with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from October 8th, 1931; $39.00 with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from April 8th, 1932; $39.00 with interest at tne rate oi 8 per cent per annum from October 8th, 1932; $1062.65 with Interest at the rate of 6'4 per cent per annum from September 19th, 1932; 944.38 wun interest at me rate of 8 per cent per annum from Sep tember 19. 1932; $18.65 and the further sum of $86.00 attorney's fees and the further sum of $30.50, costs and dis bursements and a decree of foreclosure against the defendants Ernest Ambrose Brown, game person as Ernest Brown and Ethel G. Brown, husband and wife, Michael K. Flickenger, same person as Michel E. Flickenger and Michel K. Flickenger and Ellen S.. Flickenger, husband and wife, West Extension Na tional Farm Loan Association, a cor poration. I will, on the twenty-fourth day of February, 1933, at the hour of ten o'clock A M of the said day, at the front door of the county court house in Heppner. Morrow County, State of Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash In hand all the following described real prop erty In Morrow County, state oi Ore gon, to-wit: The Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Elev en, Township Four North of Range Twenty-five, East of the Willam ette Meridian, Morrow County, State of Oregon. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, or so much of said real property as may be necessary to satisfy the plaintiff's judgment, costs, attorney's fee and ac cruing costs of sale. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, State of Oregon. Date of first publication, January 26th 1933. FLYIN EAGLES MEET. The Flying Eagle patrol (Ameri can Legion) had a patrol meeting Monday after school. They voted on having their patrol meeting on Fridays instead of Mondays, They decided that each member was to pay 15c for the making of a knot board. They are going to make a secret patrol oath the next meet ing which will be tomorrow. Monte Bundy was in town Tues day from his ranch near South Springs what is left of It. With the heavy winds of the last couple of weeks, ranchers out that way scarcely know where to look for their land the most of It has been up In the air, and the results to wheat that was resown is disas trous. Professional Cards CALL FOR SCHOOL WARRANTS. Notice is hereby given that the following warrants of School Dis trict No. 25, Morrow County, Ore gon, have been called for payment: No. 966, dated October 7, 1932, to and including No. 1000; also No. 1, dated October 7, 1932, to and In cluding No, 8. Interest ceases on these warrants January 28, 1933. MRS. M. L. MORGAN, Clerk District No. 28, Boardman, Ore, J. 0. TURNER Attorney at Law Phone 173 Humphreys Building HEPPNER, ORE. A. B. GRAY, M. D. PMY8ICIAN k SUEGEON Phone 323 Heppner Hotel Building Byes Tested and 01nei Fitted. WM. BROOKHOUSER painting PaPZKHJLHGINO: interior decoratiwq Leave orders at Peoples Hardware Company DR. J. H. McCRADY DENTIST X-Bay Diagaosl Gllman Building Heppner, Oregon Frank A. McMenamin LAWTEB 906 Guardian Building Residence. GArfleld 1949 Business Phone Atwater 1848 PORTLAND. OREGON A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Trained Horse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon NOW IN SEASON Oysters SHELL FISH Served Here Fresh Daily. If your appetite de mands something different some thing tasty some thing healthful EAT SHELL FISH For a good meal any time go to ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CIUNN, Prop. P. W. MAHONEY ATTORNEY AT LAW First National Bank Building Rappner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Offloe la L O. 0. F. Building Heppner, Oregon AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Uroperty Sales A Specialty. a. L. SBNNBTT "The Man Who Talks to Beat the Band" 8229 72nd Ave., S. E., Portland, Ore. Phone Sunset 8461 J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches Clocks Diamond Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. FIRE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Oempanies. Real Estate. Heppner, Oregon JOS, J. NYS ATTONBY-AT-LAW Roberta Building, Willow Btreet Heppner, Oregon