U ' ' ' . . , T n rj 1 i K - t " . i p - R " , , ORE P 0 ?. T - Volume 49, Number 46. HEPPNEE, OREGON, .THURSDAY, Jan. 26, 1033. Subscription $2.00 a Year T Revenue Measures Being Promoted, Held up for Committee Report. ECONOMIES BACKED Many Bills Affect Counties, Cities; Consolidation and Control Boards Advocated; Employment Cited. By JAP CRAWFORD. Salem, Jan. 3. The third week of Oregon's 37th legislative assem bly got under way today, with the personal feud between the governor and state treasurer which came so forcibly to the surface last week dropping into the background. At last reports 'it was found the two leading state officials were agreed on the matter of transfer of funds from self-sustaining departments to tide the general fund over the existing crisis. Though the total of bills thrown into the hopper In the two houses had nearly reached the 200 mark today, there still maintained a lethargy of action, the large bulk of the bills being In the hands of com mittees. Such bills as have been passed to date are mainly bills of application; to particular localities against which there was little or no opposition. It Is the attitude of most of the committees to give the public a chance to be heard on all bills of general importance, and a number of public hearings are slat ed on such bills. Public Given Hearings. A public hearing this afternoon was had by the revision of laws committee on house bills 4, 19, 25 and 26, all of which seek to curb the operation of small loan compan ies who are permitted to charge al legedly exhorbitant rates of Inter est Under the present law these specially licensed small loan com panies may charge as much as 3 per cent a month on loans under $300. One of the bills offered would cut the rate to 1 per cent a month. A little ripple was evidenced on the presentation of an enabling act by Representatives Lewis, Dickson and Dykes, which would be put In to operation the "Grange Power Bill" passed by the people last elec tion. A public hearing on this bill, No. 99, has been called for Thurs day, Jan. 26, at 8 p. m. Calling for the creation of a new hydro-electric commission to supplant the body al ready in existence, this bill would enable the commission to Issue bonds for operation, as needed, up to the estimated $67,000,000 sanc tioned by the people last November. Revenue-producing measures are still in abeyance, awaiting the re port of the joint ways and means committee, which report will not be due till later in the week, and there is then the possibility of an exten sion of time being granted. The committee was given ten days in the original resolution. Sponsors of the various types of tax bills, In cluding income tax measures, the "shelter sales tax" bill, luxury tax bill, and several others, are none the less assiduously at work, and the destiny of most of the meas ures should be well determined by the time they come to a vote. Peoples' Will Reflected. Meanwhile many bills looking to economies in state and local gov ernment have been proposed, most of which are still in the hands of the counties and cities committees of the two houses. Bills calling for consolidation of counties, Institu tion of county boards of control and supplanting the work of the commissioners In the offices of clerk and assessor acting with the county judge; limitation of the tax ing powers of counties, municipal ities and local taxing districts; sal ary reduotion (with no measure of general application yet appearing), doing away with the minimum wage of school teachers, and many oth ers of like nature are in the hop per. Some of these will be with drawn, no doubt, and others will be strenuously opposed; but the ex pressed will of the people at the last election Is being reflected quite tru ly by the action of legislators. A flock of bills thrown Into the hopper this morning by Carl Ab rams, Marlon representative and former state purchasing agent, look to efficiency and economy In the operation of some of the state de partments. Fishing and game have come In for their share of attention as us ual, with rights of the people vs, commercial interests again show ing as the bone of contention as re garding the first. Some game bills have been produced affecting cer tain localities, and there has been talk of a bill to open the season on elk in some counties but this has not yet appeared. The state game commission has taken the stand that there Is no need for changing the existing laws. In spite of this there has been a bill presented to return enforcement to that body from the state police. Governor Asks $600,000. Unemployment relief, an out standing subject since the begin ning of the special session, is still well in the foreground, with the main development of the week be lng a message from the governor Mil IIS 11 I0NE JENr'IE E. MCMURRAT. Mrs. I. R. Robison, assisted by Mrs. Edward Keller, . entertained their Sunday school class Satur day evening, January 14, at the Robison home. Girls present were Valjean Clark, Helen Lundell, Joan Sipes, Sibyl Howell, Katherine Griffith and Bethel Blake. During the evening class officers were elect ed as follows: Sibyl Howell, presi dent; Katherine Griffith, vice-president; Helen Lundell, secretary. Games were enjoyed and at nine o' clock refreshments of pie with whipped cream and cocoa were served hy Mrs. Robison and Mrs. Keller. At the request of the boys and girls a Junior Christian Endeavor was organized Sunday morning, January 15, with a membership of sixteen. Officers elected at that time were Billy Eubanks, presi dent; Eleanor Eubanks, vice-president; Katherine Griffith, secretary, and Sibyl Howell, pianist. Mrs. Edward Keller is sponsor. Bethel Blake was leader last Sunday. The society will meet each Sunday morning following Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rowell visit ed briefly at the Harvey Ring home Wednesday of last week as they were returning from a trip to Shanfleld where they visited rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Rowell have rented a place near Hermiston and will take possession soon. The junior class of high school will give a benefit dance Saturday, January 28, under the auspices of the American Legion. Cecil or chestra will furnish the music. Supper will be served at midnight. Carl Troedson arrived in town Saturday for a few days' visit With relatives and friends. He is recup erating from Injuries he received when a pile of sacked barley fell on him while he was at work in the warehouse at King City, Calif. Mr. Troedson will return to California the last of this week. Homer Mankin, former resident of this section, Is here for a visit at the home of his brother, Fred Man kin. Mr. Mankin has been empoy ed for some time at Hoover Dam, near Las Vegas, Nevada. Please do not forget that the high school play, "Where's Grand ma," will be given February 1st. Admission 10 and 25 cents. Albert Massey Is very ill with measles at the home of his parents on Second street. Miss Lillie Allinger of Heppner, who recently went to Hood River to visit her mother, a patient in the Hood River hospital, writes her father that she is quite ill, having suffered a relapse of the flu. Mrs. Allinger also has Influenza. On Thursday of last week Mrs. John Bryson received a telegram informing her of the death of her cousin, Mrs. Charles Anderson of Portland. Funeral services were Saturday. Mrs. Anderson died at the age of 57 years. She had been an Invalid for ten years. Surviv ing are her husband and two daugh ters, Mrs. Charles Battersby and Mrs. Lewis Jones, all of Portland. Mrs. Anderson was well known here where she had visited often with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Kitching of Morgan were called to Estacada last week by the death of Mr. Kitchings' mother, Mrs. Julia Kitch ing, who died January 14 at the age of 79 years. Funeral services were held January 16. lone met the Heppner basketball team on the home floor January 18 and were defeated by a score of 20-25. Friday evening our boys journeyed to Boardman where they won over the Boardman boys by a score or u-24. Many pleasant luncheons, card and dancing parties were on last weeks' social calendar. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allyn entertained Wed nesday evening, with five tables of bridge. Following refreshments dancing was enjoyed. Winning nign nonors in the card game were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley, con solation going to Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace Matthews. On the afternoon of the same day Mrs. Fred Mankin entertained thirteen ladies at luncheon with cards following. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Wal lace Matthews entertained a oartv of maids and matrons compliment ing Mrs. Uharley Christopherson whose birthday anniversary fell on that date. Present were Mrs. Blaine (Continued on Pase Four) asking for an appropriation of $500,000 for this work. Thla mon sage, along with all other matters pertaining to the subject, including report oi an interim committee that went auite exhaustivelv Intn the. amount and nature of relief work already done, is in the hands of the unemployment committee, from which is expected to emanate a worthwhile program. The one bill so far presented by Representative Turner of Morrow county, dealing with waiving of penalty and interest by county courts on delinquent taxes, has not come out of committee, but there has been a goodly expression of op. inlon that the bill is needed. Con trary to the Interpretation of the bill by the Condon Globe Times in an editorial last week, this bill docs put a restriction on the time for which penalty and interest may be waived. It is merely an extension of an existing statute to include the time on which penalty and in terest may be waived up to and in cluding 1933, the present statute granting the power for the year 1927. The matter of waiving pen alty and Interest is mada discre tionary and not compulsory with the courts. The Primadonna Takes Her Bow GRANGE OPPOSES REFUND REPEAL Tax Rebate Said to be Necessary For Operation of Wheat Farms Under Present Conditions. Both farmers and business men joined in passing resolutions oppos ing the repeal of the gas refund law as suggested by Hal E. Hoss, sec retary of state, at the meeting of Rhea Creek Grange Friday eve ning last. The resolutions adopted to be forwarded to the legislature at Salem are similar to resolutions passed at the last meeting of Mor row County Pomona grange at Ce cil, and were as follows: Whereas, Hon. Hal E. Hoss, Sec retary of State, has recommended that the four-cent refund of the gasoline tax upon gasoline used for operating farm machinery be repealed; and, Whereas, the repeal of the statute providing for such refund would make it impossible for the farmers of this section of the State to pro duce wheat, since a great majority of the farmers could not provide themselves with livestock to take the place of their tractors; and, Whereas, many of the farmers have purchased tractors under sales contracts and have not paid for them in full and would find it necessary to turn back their trac tors to the machinery companies at a heavy loss if deprived of the four cent refund ,on gasoline; and, Whereas, it seems feasible to col or the gasoline to be used for agri cultural purposes so that it may be identified, thus obviating the use of the same for other purposes; there fore, Be it Resolved by a general meet ing of the farmers and business men of Morrow County, held at the Rhea Creek Grange Hall, on the 20th day of January, 1933, that It is the sense of this meeting that the statute providing for the refund of four cent's per gallon upon gasoline used for operating farm machinery should not be repealed, and that we recommend that such gasoline be colored some color to be selected by the Department of Agriculture of the State of Oregon. GAME VIOLATORS TAKEN IN, W. F. Francis of the state game department has been a pretty busy officer during recent days, and he reports to this paper the following arrests of violators, none of whom, by the way, are from Morrow coun ty; Cecil Grlndstaff, Wheeler county, minting deer in closed season; giv, en 90 days in jail. Paul Jones, Wheeler county, hunt ing deer in closed season; given 30 days in jail. George Potter, Wheeler county; having deer in possession In closed season; parts of two does and two bucks and one spoiled carcass; as sessed a fine of $100 and costs. D. M. Cate, Umatilla county, hunting without a license; fined $25 and costs. Leslie Jones, Umatilla county, hunting without a license; fine of ana costs. Cecil Johnson, Umatilla countv. killing elk out of season; assessed fine of $200, with jail sentence of six months; parollcd om Jail sen tence. Mrs. R. C. Phelps, suffering a neart attack and becoming quite 111, was taken to General hospital on Tuesday for treatment Yeah, big fyMm ' JM F. C. RELIEF I Need for Further Help Growing Greater Every Day. LIONS' HELP ASKED Opposition to Open Season on Elk Expressed; Club Discussions Brought to an End. The assistance of the Heppner Lions club was solicited at their Monday meeting, should application be made by Morrow county for a loan from the Reconstruction Fi nance corporation to relieve the stringency in the countys' relief work which will be severe within a few weeks. Gay M. Anderson pre sented the matter on behalf of Judge, Wm. T. Campbell, and stated that because of the present bank ing situation it would be necessary soon for the county to go on a war rant basis, and this would work a hardship in the relief work because of probable scalping of warrants. While it was stated that decision on making application for the loan was still pending, the county judge requested the club to make inves tigation of the matter and be pre pared to make their recommenda tion should it be asked for. Mr. Anderson, Dr. A. D. McMurdo and Chas. Thomson were appointed to investigate the proposal and report recommendations at the next meet ing. Concluding the discussion on the subject "Keeping Heppner on the Map," S. E. Notson, program chair. man, expressed the belief that' many projects advanced for club action would receive attention and he re quested members to hand to the committee written suggestions for club activities. He stressed the importance of fostering better un derstanding between town and country and outlined measures that might be taken to accomplish this. Mr. Notson also closed the discus sion on the subject of club meet ings, as to the manner in which they were to be held In the future, A vote was taken and it was unani mously decided that the club con tinue the present plan of weekly meetings. At the request of J. O. Turner, state representative, A. D. McMur do asked for expression of senti. ment by the club on the proposi tion of an open season In Morrow county on elk. He stated that a bill would be Introduced calling for an open season in several adjoin ing counties, and that the 'delega tion at Salem wished to find out what the home folka thought of In cluding Morrow county in the list The club voted unanimously against the open season lor this county, EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Sunday, January 29 Church School, 9:30; Holy communion, 11 a. m., with sermon. Parish meet ing January 30th at 7:30 p. m. M. G. TENNYSON, Missions ry-ln-Charge. The firm of Baldwin & Lewis of Portland, sales agents for Ohmer cash registers, was represented in weppner toaay Dy Mr. ttaiawin, -By Albert T. Reid EGGS AND DRESSED POULTRY EQ.UAL OME TENTH Or fTHE ENTIRE FARM PRODUCTS OF THE UNITED STATES. JTHIS IS EXCLUSIVE OF FARM HOME OWSUMPTlONl, MRS. ANNA B0RG DIES IN PORTLAND Pioneer Resident of Heppner Was Born in Sweden 91 Years Ago; Lived In Portland 20 Years. Many old friends and neighbors of Mrs. Anna Borg gathered at Case' Chapel on Wednesday after noon where services were held on behalf of another early pioneer of Heppner. Death came to Mrs. Borg at her home at 1115 Mallory avenue in Portland, Sunday, Jan uary 22, following a short illness, and she passed peacefully from the scenes of this life. The body was shipped to this city for Interment in the family plot In Masonic cem etery. The services at the chapel were simple, but Impressive; Rev. Glen White of the local Methodist church delivered the funeral ad dress and this was followed by the Impressive burial service of the Or der of Eastern Star by Ruth Chap ter No. 32 of Heppner, of which Mrs. Borg was a charter member, and In which order she took a live ly interest for many years. At the grave commitment services were conducted by Rev. White and local arrangements were In charge of Case Mortuary. Accompanying the remains to Heppner were three of the children of Mrs. Borg, Dr. Oscar Borg of Portland, Frank Borg of Missoula, Montana, and Mrs. William Tamm of Oakland, Calif. Mrs. Matilda A. Swope of Portland, her eldest daughter, was unable to attend owing to illness. Mrs. Anna (Anderson) Borg was a native of Sweden, born on Febru ary 9, 1842. At the time of her death she wa3 aged 90 years, 11 months and 13 days. She became the wife of Peter O. Borg in her na tive land in 1866, and with her hus band came to America in 1868, mak ing their home in the city of Chi cago for two and a half years, and her husband engaged in the jewel ry business. They then moved to Carroll county, Missouri, and for ten years engaged in farming, then fitting an outfit for travel, the fam ily crossed the plains to Oregon, landing at Heppner. Here Mr. Borg again engaged in the jewelry business, and as a sideline also did some farming. This business he disposed of to his son Oscar, and twenty years ago Mr. and Mrs. Borg moved to Portland, where the home has been since. Mr. Borg passed away in 1916. The surviving children of Mrs, Borg are Mrs. Matilda Swope' of Portland; Mrs. William Tamm of Oakland, California; Frank Borg of Missoula, Montana, and Dr. Os car Borg of Portland. Mrs. Borg was a quiet, unassum ing woman, always devoted to her family, and she was greatly respect ed during the long years she made her home among the people of this community. Hers was a beautiful life, well spent, and at the advanced age of 91 years she has been sum moned to a peaceful rest. Mrs. Borg was for many years a mem ber of the Methodist church and lived a consistent Christian life. O. E. S. MEETS TOMORROW. Ruth Chapter, O. E. S., will hold its regular meeting Friday evening, and following the routine of busi ness there will be a special pro gram, sponsored by the past ma trons and past patrons. A fine eve ning of entertainment is In prospect for all members of the chapter at- tending. LEXINGTON By BEULAH B. NICHOLS. A goodly number of farmers and others Interested greeted Prof. Hya lop of Oregon State college at Leach hall on Thursday afternoon and heard him on the proposed . domes tic allotment plan now before con gress, and other farm probelms. Prof. Hyslop dwelt at length on the reseeding situation, going over this problem quite thoroughly, as he did in other meetings in the coun ty of a similar nature. In this con nection, stress was laid upon smut control, and proper treatment, and if the necessary precautions are taken at this time, there Is a splen did opportunity to eradicate the smut spores, as the same weather conditions that kiled out the wheat also killed the smut At the close of the meeting Prof. Hyslop ans wered questions asked on farm problems. He was accompanied by C. W. Smith, county agent The simple morning service at the Christian church last Sunday seemed pleasing to all. Opening at ten o'clock, the school and worship hour ran continuously, closing at eleven-thirty. "How to Read and Understand Your Bibles" will be Mr. Sias' sermon topic again this Sunday at ten-fifty. The adult Bi ble class is beginning a mid-week study, meeting each Thursday eve ning at seven at the parsonage. The study Is in the book of Acts, and is proving very helpful. All Inter ested In a better knowledge of the Word of God are Invited. The seniors of the high school held a meeting Tuesday afternoon and appointed the following com mittees: To choose class flower, Merritt Gray and Edith Tucker; to select class motto, Sam McMil lan and Grace Burchell; to make arrangements for vaudeville 'and dance, Dale Lane and Edith Tuck er. The juniors will assist the se niors with the vaudeville and dance. Miss Clara Holey of Colton spent the week end with friends in Lex ington. The high school basketball boys journeyed to Irrigon Saturday eve ning and played a very good game with the Irrigon boys. At the end of the game the score was 19-17 in Irrigon's favor. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ingles were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Burchell. On Saturday, February 4th, Lex ington Grange will give a free dance at Leach hal. Supper will be served at midnight for which there will be & charge of fifteen cents per plate. Supper tickets will be sold at the door and all who have supper tickets will be allowed to dance free of charge. Good mu sic will be provided and everyone is assured a good time. Everybody Invited. The high school girls' athletic as sociation held a meeting Wednes day afternoon. The next activity of this association will be the per forming of stunts under the man agement of Rose Thornburg. Base ball season will follow the comple tion of the stunts. Edith Tucker is the baseball manager. W. C. Bush, examiner of opera tors and chauffeurs, will be at Leach hall In Lexington on Thurs day, February 9, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 5 p. m., according to announcement sent out by the secretary of state. Anyone desir ing permits or licenses to operate cars are asked to call on Mr. Bush at the hall during these hours. Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Nichols en tertained a number of their friends at a hard times party Wednesday evening. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Ar chie Nichols, Miss Eva Wilcox, Tom Wells and George Gillis. me nigh scnool students are busily engaged in making prepar ations for a vaudeville and dance to be given on Friday evening, March 31. Social Ridge and the neighboring communities held their regular Sat urday evening party at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Peck last week. Loren (Peck) Leathers, who Is with the Standard Oil company at Idaho Falls, has been visiting with his mother, Mrs. Golda Leathers, and his sister, Mrs. La Velle White. He returned to his work Monday night. miss it;rma Lane entertained a group of friends at a delightful party at her home Saturday eve ning. The guests enjoyed making candy and later there was dancing and games. Those present were Peggy Warner, Gwen Evans, Ruth Dinges, Erma Lane, Vernon War ner, Dale Lane, Emmett Kuns, Kenneth Warner, Vester Lane and Llewellyn Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gerard are the proud parents of a six-pound son born on Monday, January 16. The little lad has been named Clarence Delbert. Lawrence Copenhaver ha3 re turned to his home from .Heppner hospital where he had an operation on his leg some time ago. Keith Gentry had the misfortune to cut his hand quite badly while splitting wood Sunday, Several stitches were required to close the wound. There was a good attendance at the Bible school party which was! held in the Christian church par- ors Wednesday evening. The de pression idea was carried out and prizes for the most appropriately costumed couple went to Miss La Verne White and Garland Thomp son. The Boy Scouts held their regular meeting Tuesday evening in the gymnasium and practiced some of (Continued an Pig Four) URGES REAIENT J Hyslop States This Year Gives Smut Control Big Boost. FREEZE GENERAL Methods and Varieties for Spring Seeding Discussed by College Specialist at Friday Meeting. What is probably the most gen eral wheat freeze-out in the Colum bia basin in history has given smut control work a big boost, said Prof. G. R. Hyslop, head of the farm crops department at Oregon State college, at the special meeting of Rhea Creek Grange at their hall Friday evening. Mr. Hyslop also discussed the Domestic Allotment plan for farm relief now being con sidered by congress and methods and varieties of wheat for- reseed ing. This was one of a series of meet ings held in the county the past week, arranged by Chas. W. Smith, county agent under the auspices of grange organizations.- Other meet ings were held at Boardman, Irri gon and Lexington, where Prof. Hyslop discussed problems peculiar to the sections visited. Meetings were also held with the agricultural committees of the various granges and programs were outlined and arrangements made for demonstra tion plots to try out new crops for lands which may be taken out of production of present crops. "Because of the severe December freeze and the killing of the seeded fall wheat the ground is practical ly free of smut spores," Prof. Hys lop told his Rhea creek audience. "If careful treatment is given the wheat for reseeding the crop har vested this year should be likewise free of the smut" He recommend ed the copper carbonate treatment for Hie seed wheat which was not heavily coated with smut, and for the badly smutted seed he believed the bluestone and lime water bath treatment preferable, while the for maldehyde treatment could be used with good results. In reseeding, Prof. Hyslop recom mended the use of seed of the same variety as that frozen out, If pos sible, stating that fall wheat could be safely sowed as late as the mid dle of February. Where it is not possible to seed the same variety, and in order to avoid serious mix ture discounts, he recommended the use of some variety as nearly like the former seeding as possible. For white wheats he recommended highly a new variety called White Federation, which could be sowed on land formerly devoted to Feder ation, Hybrid 128 and other white varieties. While Marquis was giv en as a good variety to follow Tur key Red, he stated that where It was necessary to plant white wheat in ground where Turkey was froz en out it would be better practice to disc out the fall sowing before planting the white wheat In his discussion of the Domestic Allotment plan, Prof. Hyslop said he was talking about something that did not yet really exist, since the plan as now advanced might be radically changed before con gress finished with it However, as the plan now stands it seemed to the speaker to contain many things of merit. It provides for a tax up on the millers of wheat which would be returned to the producers In the form of rebates from the government, only those producers who sign up and receive allotment certificates participating in the re bates. Tax rebates to the millers on grain processed for export and for feed are also provided, and the administration of the plan would be in the hands of national, state, county and district committees. The speaker said the plan was quite complex and the administra tion would be bound up in red taoe to a considerable extent, but he be lieved it could be made to work to the benefit of the producer If It was passed In its present form. Mr. Hyslop gave a brief history of the various plans of farm relief presented In the past and discussed the main features of the McNary Haugen bill, the debenture plan, and the Farm Marketing act under which the farm board Is now work ing. Sixteen people from Heppner at tended the meeting and participat ed In the social hour following the program. Ladles of Rhea Creek Grange served pie and coffee. ANOTHER SMOKER COMING. Frank Turner, official head of Heppner's boxing commission, an nounces that there Is to be another smkoer at the Fair pavilion here on the evening of Friday, February 3, The chief attraction on the card will be the wrestling bout between George Gillis of Lexington and D. J. Meyers of Lone Rock. Meyers was the winner over Leon Totorlca In the main event at the recent smoker, and he was Immediately challenged by Gillis. The latter has been in training since, and this number gives proviso of a lot of entertainment for the fans. A num ber of other events of interest will appear on the program to be an nounced later. WE