Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 12, 1933, Image 1

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f F. 1 0 "
TO" '
Volume 49, Number 44.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
House Gives Governor's
Bill Short Life; Hot De
bate Airs Proposal.
House Chairmen Both Represent
Morrow County. Other Sidelights
Given on Legislative Session.
Salem, Jan. 8.
ine special aes -
sion of the legislature called by
Governor Meier to provide a source
of revenue to rehabilitate the
states' credit adjourned Saturday
night at 12:30 o'clock without ac
complishing Its purpose. All that
was done toward getting the state
out of its difficulty was to pass a
measure putting the state on a war
rant basis and setting the interest
rate at 5 percent.
The so-called "sales tax" pro
posed by Governor Meier and the
state tax commission was killed in
the senate by a close vote in the
closing hours after it had been
passed by the house late in the af
ternoon by a bare constitutional
majority. The bill came from the
senate taxation and assessments
committee with a majority recom
mendation that it do not pass, and
a minority report in favor of its
adoption. Senators Dunne, Wood
ward, Staples, Goss and Upton led
the minority discussion, while Sen
ators Chinnock, Hazlit, Zimmer
man, Strayer and Wheeler bore the
brunt of the discussion in favor of
the majority report. Chinnock,
chairman of the reporting commit
tee, fired the opening gun on his
side, while Woodward gave the re
buttal argument on behalf of the
minority when the question of sub
stituting the minority for the ma
jority report was debated. The de
bate was marked by eloquent ora
tory and forceful argument on both
sides, spiced by pertinent humor.
The measure failed with 15 votes
recorded in opposition.
Passage of the measure in the
house was featured also by a heat
ed debate with new members in the
majority of those opposed to the
bill's passage, led by Representa
tive Hilton. Snedecor took the re
buttal privilege as a member of the
taxation and revenues committee
which reported in favor of passage.
Several members condemned use of
the gag rule to bring the question
to a vote, but members who had not
been given opportunity to express
themselves took advantage of the
privilege to explain their vote when
the roll was called.
Members of both houses objected
to the forced manner In which the
bill was brought to them for decis
ion, it having been understood by
them that no tax measures would
be acted upon until after a report
had been received from the joint
ways and means committee which
had been given the Job of investi
gating the proposed budget to as
certain whether, in their judgment,
further economies might be effect
ed In state expenditures. This re
port was not given the house un
til after the vote on the "sales tax."
The sales tax in effect a priv
ilege tax, or license on retail busi
ness conoerns which many would
have difficulty passing on to the
public was presented to the house
soon after the governor had de
livered his message stating the pur
pose of the special session. Labelled
HB 1, It was turned over to the
house committee on taxation and
revenue, along with HB 2, an in
come tax measure similar to that
rejected by the voters at the last
election. The income tax meaure
was not brought out of committee,
but it was expected to be present
ed again at the regular Besslon.
Other income tax measures, a to
bacco tax and Increased inheritance
tax measures which met a similar
fate were also expected to bo given
to the house again when It recon
vened. Under existing law all rev
enue measures must originate In
the house.
Arguments supporting the sales
tax in both house and senate were
based on the need of maintaining
the state's credit, relieving the
property tax burden, and asserted
lack of any other sources of rev
enue. Opponents of the measure
found much ground for oposltion.
They declared it wrong In princi
ple, not based on the ability to pay.
They said it would take bread and
milk from the mouths of the poor,
penalizing those least able to pay,
and that it would result in hasten
ing many small business establish
ments, already on the brink, into
bankruptcy. Those classed among
the more radical element went so
far as to accuse the governor of be
ing Insincere In his support of the
measure, saying that it was a way
for those having wealth to escape
paying taxes on their property or
income. Its adoption would stimu
late bootlegging of high value com
modities from neighboring states
and .thus further curtail business
of Oregon merchants, they said.
Opponents contended and some
proponents conceded that If passed,
the referendum would be Invoked
upon It and that the people of the
state would overwhelmingly reject
Proponents argued that any tax
measure enacted might meet the
Mrs. Oscar Cochran left the first
of last week for La Cross, Wash.,
where she will visit at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Sam Warfleld.
Rev. George A. Pollard of Port
land, pastor-at-large of the Congre
gational Conference of Oregon,
spoke in the Congregational church
at this place Sunday evening. Seventy-four
were in attendance at the
Union Sunday school Sunday morn
ing, an increase of twenty-one over
the attendance of a year ago. The
annual visitation meeting will be
held in the Congregational church
January 31, with an afternoon and
an evening session and a six o-'
clock dinner served in the church
dining room.
The monthly missionary meeting
was held Thursday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Paul Balsiger,
nine ladies being present. The de-
. ,.tltnia 1 mure liul K.. 1fio T.h.
.r vice-Dresldent nf the arvlohr
Two letters from Miss Minnie
Tontz, missionary in Africa, were
read, and Mrs. Edward Keller gave
a partial review of the book, "Fr
a New America," by Coe Hayne.
Charley Botts is ill with pneumo
nia at his home in lower lone.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hatch were
week-end visitors In Portland.
lone was well represented at the
Morrow County Pomona Grange
meeting at Cecil hall Saturday. One
who was present estimated the at
tendance at one hundred and fifty.
The chief speaker of the day was
Mac Hoke of Pendleton, who spoke
on "Taxation and Tax Reduction."
From Elmer Griffith, cooperative
observer at Morgan, we get the fol
lowing report of the amount of pre
cipitation for the last four months:
September, .02; October, .63; No
vember, 1.44; December, .15 total,
3.24 inches. The flow of water In
Willow creek reached lone on Jan
uary 7 this year which, according
to the old-timers, is five days later
than was ever known before.
The Congregation people held
their annual church business meet
ing Sunday following Sunday
school. Louis Balsiger was chair
man. Reports were read and ac
cepted and all 1932 officers were re
elected for the new year.
Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsay at
tended the funeral services in Port
land Tuesday, January 3, of Mr.
Lindsay's grandfather, James L.
Howard. Mr. Howard died at the
age of 83. He was a former sheep
man of the Butter creek district.
and was the father of Isaac L. How
ard of Mollala, Mrs. Stella Horse
man of Portland, Mrs. Ida M. Lind
say of Silverton, and William W.
Howard of La Grande.
The Valby Sunday school meets
regularly each Sunday at the Luth
eran church in Gooseberry. On
Sunday, January 8, the ladies took
refreshments, consisting of sand
wiches, cake and coffee, which were
served following the study hour.
After luncheon there was a meet
ing of the Junior Mission band
which has 22 members, 19 members
being present at the Sunday meet
ing. An interesting program was
given of Bible readings, songs and
recitations. The officers of the Ju
nior Mission band are Arthur Berg
strom, president; Wallace Lundell,
vice-president; Joyce Carlson, sec
retary; Junior Peterson, treasurer.
Three new members were added
Sunday, Vivian, Genevieve and El
eanor Ball. The next meeting will
be held on the 12th day of March.
Their study lesson will be Christs'
sermon on the mount. Joyce Carl
son, reporter.
Mrs. M. Jordan has been a guest
since December 27 in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hargan who
live on an island In the Umpqua
river, near Elkton. She plans on
visiting there until the last of Jan
uary, and then will visit her son,
Lute Jordan, who resides near Wil
bur, Oregon.
Henry Clark has been visiting
since the last week in December
with Charley and Albert Shaver at
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keller mo
tored to Pendleton Sunday, return
ing Monday.
Mrs. Salter of Baker arrived on
Monday for an extended visit with
her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Blddle,
whose home Is on Willow creek.
The Willing Workers of the
Christian church met last Wednes
day at the home of Mrs. Lee How
ell and election of officers for the
year 1933 was held with the fol
lowing results: Mrs. Colo Smith,
president; Mrs. John Bryson, vice
president, and Mrs. Lee Howell,
sec re ta ry-trea su re r.
On Monday Mrs. Frank Young
received the news of tho tran-ic
" ' . llyers 01
uuwiiiuujic nag
struck by a Southern Pacific train.
Miss May Clowry, Miss Gretchen
Chappel and Mrs. Josephine Mahon
ey, all of Heppner, were calling on
friends in lone Sunday.
Harry, twelve-year-old son of
Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Ring, was
moved Saturday from the General
hospital in Heppner to his home in
Iono. The boy received a badly
broken left leg while at play on the
school ground November 18, and
for seven weeks hns been receiving
treatment In the Heppner hospital.
(ConMnupd on Pnirp Four)
same fate. There is no such thing
as a painless tax, and no tax is
popular, they declared, but they
considered that If tho legislature
used its best judgment In tho pass
age of any revenue producing meas
ure, the people would treat It in a
reasonable manner,
One senator quoted the old saw,
"Nothing Is certnln but death and
(Continued on Page Three)
Federal Aid Available to Finance
Coming Crop; Much Wheat to
Be Reseeded Claimed.
"Wheat farmers desiring financial
aid this coming spring should file
applications with our office imme
diately," writes W. Ervie Williams,
Portland manager of the Regional
Agricultural Credit corporation,
serving the State of Oregon, in a
letter to this paper.
Governmental aid is now avail
able to finance the coming crop and
the Portland office is anxious that
all applications be filed with them
as soon as possible.
Because of the extreme cold
weather in December, much of the
wheat in Eastern Oregon will have
to be reseeded. The Government
is ready and anxious to assist in fi
nancing this reseeding.
A definite program has been
worked out covering the financing
of the coming crop. The first step
is to file an application. These
applications may be secured by
writing to the Portland office, 524
Pacific building, or from the office
of County Agent C. W. Smith in
The government, through the Re
gional Agricultural Credit corpor
ation, will advance money for seed
and seeding, plowing, summerfal
lowing and harvesting. Loans must
be secured by chattel mortgage on
livestock and equipment, in addi
tion to the growing crop.
Waivers of their interest must be
given by landlords and mortgagees
so that the Regional may have def
inite assurance that the farmer
will be allowed to harvest his crop
"So far we have had wonderful
cooperation from landlords and
mortgagees in this connection.
says Mr. Williams, "and no farmer
need hesitate about filing an appli
cation on this score."
The basis for making crop pro
duction loans will be the actual cost
of production, beginning with the
seeding operation and continuing
through and Including harvest.
Seasonal advances will be made in
accordance with a schedule based
on the average cost of farming op
erations and varied to correspond
with yields and conditions in differ
ent localities.
The loans will not be based on
the present value of the summer
fallow or the value of the seeded
crop, but will cover and start with
the cost of the seed and seeding,
varying in different localities, and
will be increased at intervals during
the farming operations to cover the
cost of summerfallowing, repairs
and harvesting, including sacks
and twine. Advances will not be
made in excess of the actual cost
of operations and will not include
taxes, rents, interest on mortgages,
life insurance premiums or other
indebtedness. The regulations pro
vide that the seeded area must be
supported by an equal area to be
summerfallowed. The average
yield per acre over the preceeding
five year period will determine the
amount which may be advanced to
each grower.
Since it takes several weeks to
complete these loans, Mr. Williams
urges that all farmers in the East
ern Oregon territory desiring Gov
ernmental aid make applications
at once. Otherwise thev mav find
themselves without funds to start
the work of reseeding when the
weather breaks. If a farmer finds,
after making application, that he
does not need this Governmental
aid, he may withdraw his applica
tion without cost to himself.
Full Card Arranged for
Smoker Tomorrow Eve
The smoker, under the auspices
of the Heppner Boxing commission,
scheduled for the fair pavilion to
morrow, Friday, evening, will fea
ture two main events In the bone
crushing department. Ted Mevers
of Lone Rock, 165 lbs., will mix It on
the mat with Leon Totorlca, 165,
of Heppner in the first go, and Otis
Alsltott, 175 lbs, of Rhea creek, will
match strength with Buff Stoker,
Allstott, 175 lbs., of Rhea creek, will
Nickerson and Kid Timmons will
furnish the curtain raiser. Boxing
bouts will feature Nalbro Cox, 95
lbs., vs. John D. Watkins, 105 lbs.,
and Ralph Breedon, 135 lbs., vs.
Floyd Jones, 135 lbs., all local boys.
An aaaed attraction will feature
Pnlot riifn,,T
aunty's strongest man, in an exhi-
lifting, balancing, tumbling and
stunts. He will be assisted by
Clarence Bauman.
The commission states that the
ladies are Invited and the prices
are 40 cents for adults and 20 cents
for children. Tickets are on sale
at local pastimes.
At a regular meeting of tho
stockholders of Western Inland
Waterways corporation held at
Lewistbn on January 9, S. E. Not
son of Heppner was chosen a di
rector to serve until his successor
is elected. Mr. Notson has been
active In the affairs of this corpor
ation since Its Inception, and has
seen to It that Morrow county's in
terests in an open river have not
been overlooked at the important
meetings of the organization. Uma
tilla county is represented on the
board of directors by A. R. Shum
way of Milton and Charles M.
Cook of Pendleton, while E. M. Hul
den of Arlington is the Gilliam
county member.
The following statement is pre
sented by the First National bank
at this time in order to let the peo
ple of the community know that all
possible to alelvlate the banking sit
uation here and get the banks open
again, is being done. We are in
formed by the officers of that bank
that progress is being made, yet. In
order to accomplish, what they
deemed was for the best interests
of their clientele, and save the as
sets for the depositors, they have
proceeded along lines that have
been somewhat tedious, but which
seem to be bringing the desired re
sults. We are led to understand that
the matter of consolidation of the
two Heppner banks is acceptable to
the management of both institu
tions, and that ultimately this may
be the result and a strong bank
grow out of the present situation.
Just how soon this may come about
cannot yet be stated, but this would
seem to be a happy solution of the
problem. The bank's statement fol
lows: During the holiday period, we
have assisted a large number of our
customers In making applications
to the Regional Agricultural Cred
it Corporation for the purpose of
liquidating their loans to this
Due to the large volume of appli
cations for loans submitted to the
Regional from various sections of
Eastern Oregon, the applications
nave not been completed as fast as
was first anticipated. However,
satisfactory progress is being made
at this time and one half of the
loans have been completed and the
remainder are -now in process of
Liquidation is also being secured
through other financial agencies.
Through these refinancing opera
tions we have been able to .reduce
our loans $50,000 since our last re
port on September 30th, and our
borrowed money has been reduced
in approximately a like amount.
Through collections ' and these
agencies, we are strengthening our
cash reserve and it is our plan to
eliminate the borrowed money as
rapidly as possible. We feel that
this procedure Is necessary for the
suoessful re-opening of the bank.
We desire to thank the public for
their cooperation during this per
iod of time that the bank is on a
moratorium basis, and it is our
hope to submit a nmplete plan for
the successful re-opening of the
Darut in the nearture.
Due to the many details to be
completed, it will be necessary for
a further extension of time in
which to complete our plans.
Many Scouts Advanced
At Court of Honor
The January court of honor for
Troop 61, Blue Mountain council,
Boy Scouts of America, was held
at Elks temple last evening. Be
sides Scout Executive Hayes of
Walla Walla, the troop committee
and scouts and scouters from lone,
many parents and friends of scouts
were present. Fifty-one merit
badges were awarded on. demon
stration to the following scouts:
Raymond Kelly 3, Chas. McMurdo
8, Wm. Thomson 4, Howard Bryant
8, Howard Furlong 4, Francis Nick
erson 2, Jackson Gilliam 4, LaVern
Van Marter 7, Gerald Cason 5, Ber
nard McMurdo 4, Lamoyne Cox 2.
The following were advanced to
Star rank: Chas. McMurdo, How
ard Bryant, Howard Furlong, La
Vern Van Marter, Gerald Cason and
Lamoyne Cox. Advancing to first
class were Jackson Gilliam, Ber
nard McMurdo and Scott McMurdo;
to second class, Nalbro Cox, Emery
Cason, Richard Hayes and Don
Turner. Fred Hoskins, Paul Mc
Carty, Lawrence Wehmeyer and
Riley Munkers were obligated as
tenderfoot scouts in a very Impress
ive investiture ceremony.
C W. Smith, chairman of the lo
cal scout committee, was in charge
of the meeting, with Scoutmaster
Marvin Wightman putting the boys
mrougn tneir paces.
Following a sumptuous dinner at
6 o'clock Monday evening, Maple
circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft,
held installation of officers, with
Mrs. Kate Swindig, officer in charge
and the officers for the year are
Kathleen Gentry, past guardian;
Claude Hill, guardian neighbor;
Doris Hiatt, advisor; Tom Wells,
magician; Rose Howell, clerk;
Clara Sprinkel, banker; Pearl
Shaw, attendant; Naomi Furlong,
flag bearer; Lyle Cowdrey, Inner
sentinel; John Hiatt, outer sen
tinel; Mabel French, musician;
Maggie Hunt, Guy Shaw and Creed
Owen, managers; Marguerite Cha
pln, correspondent.
Lloyal Parker, commander, has
called a special meeting of Heppner
post, American Legion, for tomor
row evening, Friday, at 7 o'clock.
The meeting will be held in the
county court room at the court
house, and as important business
will be attended to he urges all ex
service men to attend.
The January meeting of the Bus
iness and Professional Women's
club has been postponed, and the
next meeting will be held on Mon
day evening, February 6th.
Mrs. Josie Jones, who has been
spending the holiday season at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. H. L.
Stiles in Portland, returned to
Heppner Tuesday.
Local Forcwt Employee States Case
of Small-Salaried Man Working
In Government Positions.
There is a great hue and cry for
economy in government, the econ
omy taking the form in wage cuts
from salaries of employees.
Editors editorialize, politicians
roll sonorous and thunderous
phrases from oily tongues, cartoon
ists harpoon us on every turn and
take a special delight in depicting
the Federal employee as a hog or
group of hogs, eating at the tax
payers' trough while beneficent old
Uncle Sam rolls the corn in the
form of taxes out for greedy con
sumption. Politicians and newspapers hys
terically point to 12 million people
living off the bounty of the "rest
of us."
As a Federal employee, I resent
in no uncertain terms most of this
ballyhoo and smoke screen. To be
gin with there are probably about
a million two hundred thousand
federal employees. To get twelve
million one would have to include
every employee of every state, coun
ty and city in the U. S., down to the
dog catcher for Podunk, Iowa. Of
all federal employees, approximate
ly a half are in the postal service.
I don't know whether it should be
curtailed or not, but I do know it
has been a mighty convenient ser
vice to all of us. It may be true
that it is no longer self supporting,
but it must be remembered that
we, the people, are paying as high
as six thousand dollars a pound
for the carrying of mail by favored
steamship lines. Remember this
when next you lick a three-cent
stamp, and don't glare at the post
al clerk. She probably never got
bowlegged from carrying around
her monthly salary. Do postal em
ployees earn their wages? I think
so. ii you ever started out on a
fifteen-mile route with a hundred
and fifty or sixty pounds of Satur
day Evening Posts and other mail
on your back, say some Thursday,
morning, you would agree that they
earned every jitney they got Rain
or shine, sick or well, the trin is
made, the man always in a neat
uniform which, incidentally, he
purchases himself at a considerable
expense. There is something about
the work uniform that makes a
three dollar and six bits pair of
breeches worth a king's ransom
when a poor devil has to buy them.
well, let's consider the other six
hundred thousand employees, who
include lighthouse, custom, diplo
matic, forest and a hundred other
bureau employees. How many
could be done away with and the
government function intelligently?
Where should the axe fall and how
much should be left? Should thev
be allowed a living wage? Every
cut is passed along to the butcher,
me oaker and the candle-stick
maker, so to speak.
I do not want to weary you with
an autobiography, but I do want
you to know that I know something
ot the rederal employees side of
the question.
I started to work for the govern
ment thirty years ago next month.
I started at $9.00 per month with
an extra allowance of two quarts
of very brackish water a day and
a real feed of boiled spuds with the
jackets on, flanked with boiled salt
horse, every rope yard Sunday. Out
of the nine dollars there were hos
pital and other fees deducted. At
the end of the month the salary
(Continued on Page Four)
Monte Hedwall Manager
Umatilla Co-op Creamery
Hermiston Herald.
The Board of Directory for the
Umatilla Cooperative Creamery met
in the last session of the year Sat
urday, December 31. At this meet
ing Monte Hedwall of Burns, Ore.,
was named as manager to fill the
vacancy left by B. E. Sykes, who
will leave soon to take a position
in Washington.
Since the Umatilla Cooperative
Creamery opened a year and a half
ago. it has grown commercially and
financially under the management
of Mr. Sykes. A dividend totaling
$3000 was issued to members in De
cember. During its time in opera
tion the creamery has paid off all in
debtedness incurred to finance the
Mr. Hedwall comes highly recom
mended and has had much exper
ience in the creamery business, hav
ing worked for a number of years
in Heppner. At the time he was
summonsed by the board he was
employed at Burns. He is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Hedwall of
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mil
ton Spurlock on Church street
Sunday afternoon, Jan. 8, occurred
the marriage of Miss Alyce Cason,
daughter of Mrs. Ada Cason of this
city, and sister of Mrs. Spurlock,
to Mr. Gordon Bender, son of Mr.
and Mrs. E. Bender of Portland,
Rev. Glen P. White performing the
ceremony. The young people will
make their home for the present
at Portland.
The January meeting of the
Methodist Missionary society will
to be held Tuesday, Jan. 7, at the M.
L. Case home on Gale street. Mrs.
Case, Mrs. Mattie Adkins and Mrs.
C. P, Brown will be hostesses,
Mr. and Mrs. Myles Martin have
moved with their family Into the
house on the Earl Warner place
which is now being farmed by Oral
Cutsforth. The Martins found it
necessary to abandon their home
because a sandblow from adjacent
fields drifted around and Into the
house until it was impossible for
them to remain longer. It is said
that the sand drifted in so badly
that in one day the floors were cov-
ered to a depth of several inches.
A four-hundred acre field of wheat
has been covered by the sand and
all the feed for the stock has been
practically ruined.
The sand blowing across the Lex
ington-Echo market road near the
Martin ranch makes driving diffi
cult and unsafe when the wind
blows because the sand cloud is so
dense that it is impossible for the
driver to see the road.
Mr. Martin has been In Sherman
county with his father, who is ill.
The Ladies Aid society of the
Congregational church held their
regular monthly business meeting
on Wednesday afternoon, January
4. The ladies had planned a sur
prise for Mrs. Sadie Lewis, whose
seventy-seventh birthday occurred
on that date. Each of the ladies
present made a block for a friend
ship quilt with their names em
broidered on them. These were
presented to Mrs. Lewis and to say
that she was surprised would be
putting it mildly. A birthday cake,
with the correct number of can
dles, had been prepared for Mrs.
Lewis. Another cake had been
prepared for Mrs. Kathryn Slocum,
whose sixty-second birthday is this
month. The cakes, two delicious
angel foods, weie baked by Mrs.
Geneva Palmer. A very pleasant
afternoon was enjoyed by the fol
lowing: Mrs. Sadie Lewis, Mrs.
Kathryn Slocum, Mrs. W. J. Davis,
Mrs. Casha Shaw, Mrs. Galey John
son, Mrs. Laura Scott, Mrs. Estelle
Inderbitzen, Mrs. Cora Allyn, Mrs.
Anna Keene, Mrs. Emma Peck,
Mrs. Goida Leathers, Mrs. Ethel
Wilcox, Mrs. Cleo Van Winkle, Mrs.
Cecile Jackson, Mrs. Fannie Mc
Millan, Mrs. Nellie Palmer, Mrs.
Caroline Kuns, Mrs. Edna Mun
kers, Mrs. Dee Cox, Mrs. Voile,
Mrs. Elsie Beach, Mrs. Elva Ruhl,
Mrs. Geneva Palmer, Mrs. Frieda
Slocum, Miss Mary Slocum and
Miss Alice Palmer.
G. R. Hyslop from Oregon State
college, will be at Leach hall on
Thursday, January 19, at 2 p. m.,
aim wiu spean on me "JJomesuc
Allottment Plan." This subject Is
of interest to every farmer and a
large attendance is expected.
The county court has allowed five
hundred dollars for improving the
Black Horse road. The work was
commenced Wednesday morning
and is being done with teams. This
will be a means of providing work
for several of the unemployed for
a time at least
Mrs. Guy Shaw has received the
sad news of the death of her brother-in-law,
C. Gilham, at his home
in Roseburg, on January 4.
Mr. Sias's theme at the eleven
o'clock service Sunday will be "The
Christian and the Perfect Law."
Excellent services are being main
tained at which everybody is cor
dially welcome.
Lawrence Copenhaver entered
the Heppner hospital Monday morn
ing for an operation on his leg
wnicn wa3 injured some time ago.
It is expected that it will be neces
sary for him to remain in the hos
pital for several weeks since his
leg was found to be in a very ser
ious condition.
Ed Burchell became suddenly ill
Sunday with a heart attack and it
was necessary to call a physician
from Heppner. Mr. Burchell was
leading a cow which became unruly
and dragged him about a bit, caus
ing too much exertion. He is re
ported to be improving. Mr. Bur
chell suffered a similar attack sev
eral months ago.
The January pot-luck supper and
general social time of the Christian
church and Bible school occurred
at the church Tuesday evening at
six-thirty. Some were detained by
sickness but those who were able
to attend experienced a fine time.
Morrow County Pomona Grange
met Saturday at the hall in Cecil.
A business session was held at 10
o'clock with dinner served at noon
by the ladies of Cecil Grange. A
program was the feature of the af
ternoon. In the evening the degree
team of Lexington Grange exem
plified the degree of Pomona to a
class of eight Among Lexington
people who attended were Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Smouse and family,
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Devlne, Mr. and
Mrs. Marion Palmer, Clara, Ellen
and Norman Nelson, Harvey Miller,
Alta Cutsforth, Bernice Bauman,
Beulah Nichols, Orlo Martin and
George Gillis.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allyn and
daughter Maxine of lone visited
friends in Lexington Sunday.
Miss Sue Sheppard and eVrnon
Waid of Stanfield were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Du
vall Sunday.
Lexington Grange will meet on
Saturday evening, January 14. All
members are urged to be present
The high school basketball girls
are not playing any games with
other schools this year. Instead
the girls are divided into two
teams, the Crickets and the Raid
ers, and three games have been
played recently, two of them being
won by the Raiders and in the oth
er one the Crickets won. Playing
for the Raiders are Edith Tucker
and Erma Lane, forwards; Fern
Luttrell and Tillie Nelson, centers;
Gladys Reaney and Helen Bresh
ears, guards. The Crickets' team
(Continued on Page Three)
DHlEHT big market
R. V. Turner Tells Lions
Of Recent Sales Trip
To China-Japan.
Club Aid Solicited for Seed Loans;
Invitation to Hermlston Road
And River Meet Received.
That the orient offers probably
the greatest market available to
Oregon products was the statement
of Robert V. Turner, son of Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Turner, who ad
dressed the Lions club Monday.
Robert recently returned from a
trip to the orient, having been sent
there to introduce Oregon dairy
products, and he reported good suc
cess. His description of conditions
in Japan, China and the Philippine
islands was very interesting.
With a population of 65,000,000.
confined in an area about the size
of California, only ten per cent of
which is arable, Japan constitutes
an almost unlimited market for our
commodities, Mr. Turner said. Be
cause of the mountainous terrain,
the arable land is intensively culti
vated, and rice is the principal
crop. Because of a shortage of
raw materials, food products and
financial resources Japan presents
no great threat to the United States
either from a commercial of mili
tary standpoint, the speaker assert
ed. China's population of 450,000,000
presents another virgin market for
Oregon products, Mr. Turner said,
and stated further that in quality
everything was in favor of the Ore
gon exporter over the competition
furnished by Australia, New Zea
land and Canada. The chief draw
back at present is the depreciation
of foreign money which puts the
products from this country at a de
cided price disadvantage. Through
a new processing method it is now
possible to send sweet milk to the
orient and have it arrive, three
weeks from date of shipment, at its
uesunauon in marketable eondU
tlon. Mr. Turner said that one
carera had alren)v hen .iih r
another is now enroute and a third'
is being loaded at Portland.
Much of the time of the meeting
Monday was taken up by a discus
sion of club organization matters,
and by a report of a recent meet
ing of the board of directors.
An invitation from the Hermiston
commercial club to attend a meet
ing at that place this evening was
received by the club. The meeting
is being held for the purpose of
discussing Columbia river and road
matters of interest to this section,
and it was expected a delegation
from Heppner would attend. The
matter was left in the hands of the
club's road committee of which Al
Rankin is chairman.
Stating that the applications for
seed loans being made by Morrow
county farmers are being denied
by the Agricultural Credit coraor-
ation, a division of the Reconstruc
tion Finance corporation, C. W.
Smith, county agent solicited the
aid of the club in making protest
of the action taken by the govern
mental body. Mr. Smith stated that
he believed those passing upon the
loans did not understand conditions
here and were passing upon the
loans in rather an arbitrary man
ner. A committee was appointed
to draft resolutions of protest to
be taken to Portland soon when a
delegation of Morrow county far
mers is expected to appear and
plead their cause. S. E. Notson, J.
J. Nys and E. F. Bloom compose
this committee.
W. W. Smead and Gay M. An
derson, appointed by the club to
offer the organization's assistance
to the two Heppner banks, reported
that as yet the banks had no plan
of action to put out, but that ,ui
soon as they were able to make
some definite proposal they would
announce it immediately. Both In
stitutions, it was said, appreciated
the cooperation of the people of the
community and stated they were
doing everything within their pow
er to get the banks open and oper
ating again.
The following resolutions have
been prepared by the committee
and forwarded to the Portland of
fice of the Regional Agricultural
Credit corporation:
"Whereas, it has been called to
the attention of the undersigned
that a large number of farmers of
the county have made application
to the Regional Agricultural Credit
Corporation, and
"Whereas, we have reliable infor
mation that by the unreasonable
requirements of the waivers de
manded by the said Regional Ag
ricultural Credit Corporation, from
holders of real estate mortgages,
crop mortgages or any Hen holders
upon the equipment of the appli
cant that it Is impossible for the
applicant to procure any of such
waivers, and
"Whereas, the appropriation for
such loans was authorized as an
emergency measure, yet our atten
tlon has been called to the fact
that applications filed six weeks or
two months ago have been without
results, and
"Whereas, the time for spring
seeding is rapidly passing, and any
(Continued on Page Four)