. stOMCA'- SOCIETY T 'J B LI C A - i "c 1 ,J v p r , ?. T 1 t- ' - . v - Volume 49, Number 43. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 5, 19313. Subscription $2.00 a Year Jtopter lames. ECONOMY PROGRAM TO FEATURE 1933 All City Employees Take Cut in Pay Under Bud get for New Year. NEW MAYOR ON JOB Two New Councllmen Sworn In; First Meeting of the Tear Held Tuesday Evening. The first meeting for the new year of the council of the city of Heppner was held Tuesday evening at council chambers, with all mem bers present, as well as a number of visitors, who were on hand to get a slant on the outlook for the year 1933, as presented by the new mayor and his colleagues. Mayor Anderson, who has served as coun cilman for four years and Is not a novice when It comes to handling the affairs of the city, was modest in his pronouncements. He had no set inaugural speech, but took just enough time to say that he was ready to cooperate in every way with the members of the council In working for the best interests of the city, and his efforts would be given to that end. A program of strict economy for the year is to be carried out, and this idea seemed to prevail with the entire council. Besides Mayor Gay M. Anderson, new members sworn in were C. W. Smith and Dr. A. D. McMurdo as councllmen. The other members of the body are Frank Shively, re elected, W. C. Cox, D. T. Goodman and Jeff Jones; retiring councllmen, Gay M. Anderson and L. E. Bisbee, the latter after a long period of continuous service. W. G. McCarty is retiring mayor, having served the city in that capacity for the past eight years. Other officials of the city are S. P. Devln, marshal, G. A. Bleakman, night marshal, E. R. Huston, recorder; W. O. Dix, treas urer; J. J. Nys, city attorney; W. E. Pruyn, watermaster. Sadie Sigs bee, bookkeeper, water department, and Mark Merrill, fire chief. As evidence of the economy pro gram of the new regime, a cut In the salaries of the city employees was made as follows: Marshal, from $110 to $90. watermaster, from $120 to $100; bookkeeper, from $30 to! $25; recorder, from $22.50 to $20; treasurer, from 22.50 to $20; city attorney, from $22.50 to $20; night marshal from $75 to $70; fire chief from $10 to $7.50. A number of matters came up for discussion, among them being the new well, city building and con struction of bridges. The first of these seems right now to be the question of greatest concern. The plan of having the contractor hold up drilling for a time until some tests can be made touching the flow of water will be handled by the mayor. From conclusions reached to date the opinion prevails that much water is getting away thru fissures in the original well, and the councllmen figure a test should be made to determine the extent of this seepage. Members of the council met with the county court Wednesday to talk over with them the preserj; status of the deal for the Gilman building, the purchase of which was undertaken a short time ago. If the city comes Into possession of this building, It Is to be converted Into a city hall, should present plans materialize. By the adoption of strict economy In all the affairs of the city, the council hopes to be In position to build one or two needed bridges this year. The question of a city dumping ground also received consideration. ON OREGON FARMS Tillamook Bortfleld turnips have replaced grain In the dairy ration on the John Komlnoth farm from late August through November with no falling off in the milk flow as compared with a year ago. Kom lnoth cooperated with County Ag ent Bcrgstrom in conducting a fer tilizer trial with his root crop this year with the result that on a plot given 400 pounds of super phos phate per acre the yield was 41 tons to the acre compared with 34 tons on the check plot. This extra seven tons of roots represented a gain of $17.50 an acre when figured in the equivalent of grain at $25 a ton. Newberg The best yield of corn he has ever grown was obtained by H. Nelson this year on his farm near here on one of the trial plant ings conductetd In cooperation with the McMlnnvllle grange and the county agent's olllce. The yield from selected Minnesota 13 seed was nearly 70 bushels green weight or about 50 bushels dry weight, Some of this corn took second place at the Pacific International Live stock show, Corvallls Farmers here will soon have an opportunity to see in ac tion a set of the new balloon tractor rubber tires that are said to be a revolutionary advance In tractor making. A set of the tires on spec ial rims has been shipped to the ag. rlcultural engineering department at the state college where a tractor equipped with these tlrea will be tried out in comparison with one of the same make but with the regulation steel wheels. I0NE JENNIE E. MCMURRAT. Coming as a surprise to the friends here was the marriage, dur ing the holiday vacation of Miss Florence Emmons and Mr. Lyle N. Riggs. "From the Capital Journal of Salem, we copy the following: "At a charmingly simple service Miss Florence Eleanor Emmons, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Emmons, became the bride of Lyle N. Riggs, son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Riggs of Portland, Wednesday af ternoon (December 28) at 3 o'clock in the home of the bride's parents on Court street Dr. Fred C. Tay- lor of Portland read the service in the presence of 20 guests. "Preceding the ceremony Miss Lillian Scott sang "Oh, Promise Me," accompanied by Miss Edith Findley. "The bride wore a smart after noon frock of gray crepe embellish ed with Jet buttons. Her accessor les were of gray and she wore a corsage of Cecil Brunner roses. "Following the ceremony an In formal reception was held. The serving table was centered with a low arrangement of roses and sweet peas with tall Ivory tapers flanking the arrangement. Mrs. Lillian Hag- man presided at the urns and as sisting her in the serving were Miss Genevieve Emmons, Mrs. Clarence Emmons, Miss Ethel Le- ona Riggs and Miss Maxine Riggs. "For her going away ensemble Mrs. Riggs chose a tailored brown suit trimmed in brown fur. She wore a small brown hat and brown accessories. They left Immediate ly after the reception for a short wedding trip. "Mrs. Riggs is a graduate of Willamette university, where she was a member of Delta Phi soror ity. For the past, three years she has been teaching at lone. Mr. Riggs Is a graduate of Oregon State college, where he was affiliat ed with Phi Pi Phi fraternity. He Is a member of the Clatskanie school system." Mr. Riggs held a position on the high school faculty of the lone school for two years before going to Clatskanie. Both Mr. and Mrs. Riggs have many friends here who wish them happiness. Mrs. Riggs returned to lone Monday evening. We understand she will continue her work In the lone school until the close of the year. A Jolly crowd gathered at her home on Second street on the evening of her arri val to give her a mock serenade and to wish her much Joy. One of the chief social events of the past week was the dancing par ty Thursday night at the bachelor home of Carl Troedson on the M. R. Morgan ranch, eight miles from lone. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorger and two chil dren, Leo Gorger, Joe Gorger, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Linday, Miss Nan cy Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Janet and Charles, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lundell, Charles, Ray mond and Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Swanson, Miss Norma Swan son, Carlton Swanson, Clel Rea, Miss Mabel Smith, Miss Bonnie Smith, Harvey Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckner, Eugene and Harry Normoyle, Nelson Beckner, Tillman Beckner, George Chandler, Mrs. Mulvane, Miss Mary McDevitt, Linea Troedson, Johan Troedson, Francis Troedson, Miss Edna Lind strom, Roy Lindstrom, Joe Gibson, Mrs. Harry Cool, Miss Mabel Cool, Mr. and Mrs. George Snider, Mr. and Mrs. Clive Huston, Miss Velma Huston, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Mc Cabe and daughter, Mr. and Mrs James McCabe, Earl McCabe, Har old Anderson, Irvine Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Brlstow, Miss Lucille Bristow and T. E. Peter son. Mr. Troedson proved himself to be a kindly host and all present report a most enjoyable time. Another enjoyable affair of Thurs day evening of last week was the dancing and card party given by George Ely In honor of his son Francis who was home for the hol iday vacation. Thirty-flve guests were present. Special entfrtain ment features were the songs by Donald Heliker and Robert Botts, with guitar accompaniment. Re freshments of sandwiches, cake and coffee were served at a late hour. Mrs. Gus Wilcox, assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Denny, enter tained with a delightful bridge party on last Thursday evening at her pleasant ranch home. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankln, Mr. and Mrs. Werner Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cot ter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blake, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason, Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Haguewood and Mr. and Mrs, Vic tor Peterson. High score was made by Mrs. Victor Peterson and Wer ner Rietmann; low by Mrs. Bert Mason and Oliver Haguewood. De licious refreshments of pumpkin pie with whipped cream and cof. fee were served. The house was gay with Yuletide decorations. A no-hostess bridge party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Blackwell on New Year1 eve. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake, Mr.' and Mrs. Carl Allyn, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Sperry, Mr. and Mrs. William Whltson, Mrs. Char ley Chrlstopherson and Clifford Chrlstopherson. Following the cards, refreshments were served and from that time until well Into the new year dancing was enjoyed. Mrs. Earl Eskelson and Mrs. Lee Howell were joint hostesses at a watch party Saturday night at the former's home In Heppner. The guests were the members of Mrs. (Continued on Page Four) Something Wrong Here Rho Howell, Hardman, Victim of Pneumonia Rho Stanford Howell, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howell of Hardman, passed to eternal rest at Morrow General hospital in this city Monday night, January 2, 1933, at the age of 21 years, 9 months and 6 days. Death followed an illness of some two weeks or more, Mr. Howell suffering first an at tack of pneumonia, and later un dergoing operations for appendici tis, from which he failed to recover. Funeral services are being held at Hardman today, Thursday, at 1:00 o'clock, in the community church, with Joel R. Benton of Heppner in charge, and Interment will be in i. O. O. F. cemetery, Phelps Funeral Home of Heppner caring for all arrangements. Mr. Howell was born at Hard- man March 27, 1911. Besides his parents he is survived by three brothers, Clifford, Everett and Mar vin, his aged paternal grandmother Howell and his maternal grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDaniel, all of Hardman; also numerous other relatives and a large host of friends of the community. His un timely death came as a severe shock to all of these. Morrow Pomona Grange Meets at Cecil Saturday Morrow County Pomona Grange will meet at the grange hall In Ce cil Saturday, with Willows Grange as host The principal speaker for the occasion will be Mac Hoke of Pendleton, his subject being "Taxa tion and Tax Reduction." Greenfield Grange will present a playlet, "The Marriage Shoppe," and Willows Grange a musical number and tableau. Other granges of the county will have part in the program, which is expected to be one of much interest. RED CROSS ROLL CALL, Morrow county has not yet se cured its quota on the Red Cross roll call. The memberships to date are as follows: Lexington 17, lone 6, Irrigon 9, Boardman 6, Heppner This leaves us 24 short. This county has never failed heretofore to meet its quota, so far as the writer can remember. Let us not fail this time. If you have not done so, send In your dollar to the treasurer, Mr. J. W. Hlatt. The money will be needed before win ter is over. Moreover, we have re ceived from the government stock of cotton supplies of clothing amounting to more than the money we will contribute to the Red Cross headquarters. And there will be more received soon. We will also receive another allotment of flour. So, in all fairness, we should bring up our quota. Some persons have some hesita tion about signing the receipts for clothing and other supplies fur nished, but the Red Cross must ac count for everything to the govern ment, so no one should hesitate to sign the receipts. It is not fair to have the local distributors held for supplies which have been given out. No one objects to signing a receipt tor a registered letter. This la sim liar. S. E. NOTSON, Chairman, Returning from Portland Wed nesday, F. W. Turner was accom panled by his son, Robert, and wife who will visit for a few days with tne home folks. The Gazette Times' Printing Ser vice Is complete. Try It . CALVIN C00LIDGE CALLED BY DEATH A news flash over the radio at about 11:15 this morning an nounced the sudedn death be tween the hours of 9:30 and 10:00 o'clock a. m., of Calvin Coolidge, ex-president of the United States. According to the radio announce ment Mr. CooUdg wont to his office as usual this morning, and returned later to his home and went upstairs to rest He was ac companied by his secretary, who waited below for dismissal for the day. Mrs. Coolidge came in from a shopping tr'p, went upstairs and discovered Mr. Coolidge dead in his bedroom. The former chief executive had been suffer ing for some time with indiges tion and it is assumed this was the cause of his passing; Farm Mortgage Situation Perplexes All Concerned The farm mortgage situation is one of the serious economic prob lems confronting the country, ac cording to a review of the agricul tural situation by the Oregon State college extension service in the cur rent agricultural situation report. Due to the sharp drop In farm In come, this problem is perplexing a great many farm owners and mort gage holders in Oregon. Based on preliminary data, the Oregon cash farm income Index Is given at 43 per cent of the 1926-1930 average. This compares with around 55 for 1931, 84 for 1930, and 109 for 1929. Most of the decline in income is due to low prices, as gross production has been fairly well maintained. The report points out that the payment of fixed charges for inter est on Indebtedness out of farm In come is now quite a different mat ter than it was three or four years ago when income was much greater. "What can be done is the ques tion being asked far and wide. Foreclosure! Moratorium! At- justment! Legislation! All are be ing discussed and acted upon more or less," the statement says. "In several states, county farm mortgage adjustment boards have been set up through which debtors and creditors may obtain assist ance in making adjustments," the report points out. "These county boards are composed of persons who are capable of supplying val uable information and suggestions to both creditors and debtors In the present emergency." The report also gives data on the amount of farm mortgage Indebt edness and the percentage held by various loaning agencies, and an outline of possible legislative ac tion by congress. Copies of the re port are available from county ag ricultural agents. LION PATROL MEETS. The Lion's patrol held Its weekly patrol meeting Friday to make plans for the lnter-patrol contest which the troop committee is spon soring. Many suggestions were made and a course of action finally decided on. Plans were also made for a patrol hike the following day but this was called off on account of the basketball games between the patrols. Preparations were made for the court of honor which is to be held on the 11th of this month. January Clearance Sale on all Hats, Coats and Dresses. Curran Ready-to-Wear. 43-44 -By Alien T. Reul Farmers Making Request For Seed Loan Money We are informed by Chas. W. Smith, county agent, that a large number of applications are being filled out daily and forwarded to the proper government agency at Portland for loans with which to purchase seed grain. There seems but little doubt that much, reseeding will have to be done as the result of the recent sub-zero weather, but Just the ex tent of the damage remains yet to be determined, according to Mr. Smith. However, there is no harm in anticipating possible needs for seed grain, and by getting these applications in now much time will be saved. This is an important item if reseeding is found necessary. Between thirty and forty appli cations were handled by the coun ty agent's office Tuesday, and many more have been taken since. There should be no hesitancy on the part of the farmers in applying for these loans promptly, and thus get lined up for their needs. There are plenty of application blanks on hand and the county agent will be prepared to handle the business promptly. Prof. Hyslop of 0. S. C. To Attend Local Metings A series of meetings, covering four days of time, is scheduled for Morrow county, with Prof. Hyslop, head of farm crops department of Oregon State college at Corvallis, being the principal speaker. Prof. Hyslop will be accompanied over the county by Chas. W. Smith, county agent, and the various meet ings will be sponsored by the grange organizations in the differ ent localities. In next issue we will be able to give the schedule of these meetings. The topic for discussion grows out of the possibility of the adop tion by congress of the domestic allotment plan of handling the ma jor farm crops, and it will be the purpose of Mr. Hyslop to offer sug gestions as to how the lands thrown out of grain production by the al lotment procedure can be made to produce other minor crops to ad vantage, or at least to offer some plans as to how these lands may be utilized to return some profit. Wheat is the major crop for Mor row county farm lands, and it is likely to be a problem with our farmers as to how the lands retired under the new order will be used, therefore the addresses of Prof. Hyslop should prove of much in terest. Prof. Hyslop will be In the coun ty four days, January 18 to 21, In elusive. TAX SENTIMENT DIVIDED. At the regular meeting of Rhea Creek Grange Sunday afternoon, S E. Notson presented the proposed sales tax In a manner to bring out the sentiment of the members pres ent. It was suggested that a reso lution be prepared and presented to Pomona Grange at their meeting this coming Saturday. This resolu tion was drawn, endorsing the tax, and upon a vote being taken, the yeas and nays were equally divided. Mr. Notson reports that the discus sion of the question was pointed and Interesting, ALWAYS WELCOME. "It must bo awful to be a debt colelctor. You must be unwelcome wherever you go." "On the contrary, practically ev erybody asks be to call again." LEXINGTON By BEULAH B. NICHOLS. Alvin Duvall, 10-year-old son of Crockett Duvall, formerly of Lex ington but now of Nyssa, Ore., re cently won the first prize of thirty dollars in the junior division of a corn growing contest spossored by the commercial club of Ontario. He also received an additional prize of ten dollars for having had a better yield than any member of the senior division. His acre of corn yielded 121.8 bushels, almost breaking the worlds' record. His father won second prize of twenty- nve dollars in the senior division. Some of the farmers in this vi cinity have started reseeding oper ations. Others, however, are not thoroughly convinced that the wheat is all dead and are waiting until they are more certain before they start to reseed. Mrs. Maggie Hunt of Heppner was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller en tertained a number of their friends at a hard times party at their home Friday evening. The guests were Ed Miller, Mr. and Mrs. John Mil ler, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner, Miss Ruth Turner, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Casebeer, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Miller, Gordon Banker and Lester Doney. Five hundred was played and high score was receivtd by Mrs. Casebeer and Mr. Edwards. Consolation went to Sam Turner and Mrs. Harry Turner. The gue3ts were attired in appropriate depres sion costumes and the prizes for the couple wearing garments most typically depicting hard times were won by Mrs. Drake and Mr. Case beer. Burlap draperies and other similar decorations were used and appropriate refreshments were served. George Gillis returned Monday afternoon from his home in Port land where he spent the holidays. Miss Gwen Evans entertained a group of her friends at her home Friday evening. Games were play ed and a Christmas tree had been arranged. Each of the guests brought a package containing some article which they did not want and the packages were placed on the tree. Later in the evening these were distributed and when they were opened the contents of some of them created much merriment Those present were Mae Gentry, Peggy Warner, Ruth Dinges, Erma Lane, Helen Valentine. Mary Slo- cum, Patricia Monalian, Erma Du vall, Vernon Warner, Dale Lane, Garland Thompson, Kenneth War ner, Vester Lane, Jimmie Monahan, Stephen Thompson, Jimmie Farley, Winford Duvall, Llewellyn and Gwen Evans. Recent guests at Lucas Placed were C. O. Rhniehart of the Re gional Agricultural Credit corpor ation of Portland, Vance Burchett of Dayton, Wash., and Bob Tor rence, also of Dayton. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Rosa Eskelson of Heppner was hostess at an exceptionally lovely party and bridal shower for her daughter, Mrs. Claud Conder. The guests were Lexington friends of the recent bride and Mrs. Conder was recipient of many lovely gifts. Mrs. Nellie Palmer assisted the hostess in serving the following guests: Mesdames Ella Benge, Gladys Conder, Geneva Palmer, Frieda Majeski, Casha Shaw, Ber tha Dinges, Cleo Van Winkle, Elsie Beach, Artie Conder, Emma Peck, Laura Scott, Pearl Gentry, Nellie Palmer and the Misses Alice Pal mer and Ruth Dinges. Miss Glea Sias who has been vis iting with relatives in Lexington has returned to her school near Antelope in Wasco county. Miss Mae Gentry was the guest of honor at a delightful surprise party given by Mrs. J. E. Gentry on Thursday evening of last week. Other guests were Mary Slocum, Helen Valentine, Peggy Warner, Erma Lane, Ruth Dinges, Erma Duvall and Gwen Evans. Two ta bles of bridge were in play with high score going to Miss Dinges. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Van Winkle and daughter Cora Mae of Arling ton spent the New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Duran at their home on Black Horse. Dean Hunt Is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruhl this week. Miss Gladys Reaney returned Tuesday morning from Vancouver where she visited with relatives during the holidays. Miss Eula McMillan spent her Christmas vacation with friends in An tone. Mrs. Mary Hunt and Miss La Verne White entertained the mem bers of the beginners, primary and junior classes of the Christian Bi ble school Saturday afternoon. The party was held at the church. Games were played and the host esses served refreshments of sand wiches, cookies and cocoa. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Barker left for Pendleton Sunday. It Is un derstood that they Intend to return to Lexington in the near future. Miss Irene Tucker left by train Monday night to resume her studies at the Eastern Oregon Normal school at La Grande after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tucker. -Miss Ellen Nelson, who attends high school at lone, received a broken collar bone during basket ball practice last week. Mrs. Martha Wright of Heppner was a recent visitor at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. J. Devine, The members of the Ladles Aid society were hostesses at a pot (Continued on Pago Four) TEACHERS MEETING TO School Superintendent Gives Highlights of O.S.T.A. Sessions. NEW MAYOR SPEAKS Muddy and Dusty Streets Recalled and School Support Urged in Discussion Local Problems. Economy in school administra tion seemed to be the ltevnnta nf the recent meeting of the Oregon state i eacners' association in Port land, Edward F. Bloom, local school superintendent, told the members of the Lions club at the meeting Tuesday noon. Discussion of the county unit system received atten tion, and the address of Dr. W. J. Kerr, new chancellor nf hlp-her ed ucation, was largely given over to the problem presented by a greatly reduced income and a large operat ing deficit for the state schools of higher education, Mr. Rlnnm Da Id A discussion of "Technocracy was one ieature or tne meeting. He en joyed a visit with Ersel Hedrick, Jas. Burgess and Wm. Poulson, for mer superintendents of the Hepp ner schools. Gav M- Anderson, whn Tnuwlaif , - . j evening assumed the duties of mayor of Heppner, was given op portunity to address the club, and told the members that he expected the new city government to get along like a big family, and as is the case with all big families, he looked for squabbles and disagree ments, but they would be ironed out to the benefit of the city. In Continuing the rtisniKsInn nf the subject, "Keeping Heppner on uie map, several members express ed the belief that there was noth ing much wron? with th oitv ini J. Nys, attorney, recalled the days iew years ago wnen the town was nnea witn wooden business shacks, when Main street was a niiapmi in winter and a Sahara of dust in the summer, and when there was a saloon in every block. In contrast ne citea tne modern business build ings, improved streets and up-to-date business establishments of to day, and suggested that th heat thing to be done for the city was for the people to invest their time, money and talents in Heppner, and there WOUld be no Question ahnnt keeping the town on the map. i!.ari w. Gordon made a plea for increased interest in the. arHvitios of the school, and suggested that wnenever the teams of the local school travelled to other towns that a good delegation of Heppner peo ple acconvoanv them. Al Rankin suggested well ighten store windows as an aid to making a good im pression upon visitors. W. W. Smead, for many years president and secretary of the MormW CVllintv TTnir neonQflnn when that institution flourished be tween the years of 1912 and 1920, called attention to the favorable publicity received bv the town and county during the life nf thn an. nual exhibitions, citing the winning of many prizes by Morrow county exhibits in state-wide competition. He also gave rather a detailed ac count or the street improvement program, undertaken durine his ad ministration as mayor. M. L. Case made an eloquent and effective plea for recognition of the schools, churches and fraternal or ganizations as representing the really worthwhile elements of city life. The imDortanee nf character and stability in the youth of any community was stressed as com pared to the physical improvements as represented bv streets, hu lid In era and bank accounts. E. R. Huston cited the long life seemingly enjoyed by adverse pub licity and suggested that favorable publicity be given a change to work for the city. Closer cooperation of the citizens was put forth as an aid to building up the business of tne town. S. E. Notson, program chairman, announced that the discussion would be continued, and said ho expected some concrete proposals to grow out or tne suggestions made. SMOKER SET FOR 13TH. Two wrestling bouts and a wpicht lifting and tumbling act have been signed un for the smoker tn hp hold at the Fair pavilion Friday evening, January 14. utis Allstott and Leon Tatorica will wrestle in the main bout and Francis Nirkprsnn and Jim Timmons are signed up for the curtain raiser. Pete Dufault, as sisted bv Clarence Biuiman. will put on an exhibition of weight lift ing, Daiancing ana tumbling. Box ing bouts are being lined up and will be announced the end nf thn week. George Mabee, high school athletic director, will serve as ref eree. Turkeys Grade Nearly Perfect Roseburg Seventy-seven prime grade turkeys out of 78 delivered for the November shipment is the record made by J. H. Games this year, reports J. C. Leedy, county agent and secretary of the Oregon, Turkey Growers association. Leedy says marked improvement in the quality of turkeys delivered to the receiving stations was noted this year. Sixty-four new members were added this season. REPORTED