Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 29, 1932, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Members of the new Wheeler
county court and two prominent
residents of that county were in
the city last Thursday to meet with
the Morrow county court in the
matter of protesting discontinuance
of work on the Heppner-Spray
road. Included in the delegation
were D. E. Baxter, merchant, and
E. L. Morris, postmaster of Spray;
Chas. Sanford, county judge elect;
L. A. Gochenor, commissioner-elect,
and Chas. Iremonger, commissioner
and banker of Fossil.
Judge and Mrs. W. T. Campbell
visited at the O. H. Warner home
in Boardman Saturday, and were
grieved to find Mr. Warner, their
old friend, in such condition that
he failed to recognize them. Mr.
Warner was suffering from a par
alytic stroke, which resulted in his
death the next day. Funeral ser
vices were held in Boardman Tues
day, and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell
were sorry to have received notice
of it too late to enable them to at
tend. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Akers and
daughter, Mrs. Ralph Gilliam,
came up from their homes at Port
land Saturday to spend Christmas
with relatives here. They werei
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Barlow and enjoyed a family
reunion with Mrs. Carrie Vaughn,
mother of Mrs. Akers, joining them.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wells and son
Woodrow visited local relatives and
friends over Christmas. The young
Mr. Wells, an accomplished violin.
1st, played at the Church of Christ
Sunday morning. Miss Marjorie
Parker, his cousin, was accompan
ist at the piano.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph; Hayden
of Stanneld and Mr. and Mrs. John
ClouBton of Pendleton were guests
for Christmas at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. S. P. Devin, parents of
Mrs. Hayden and Mrs. Clouaton
and enjoyed visiting friends here.
Miss Mary LaVelle White who
has been attending school in Seat
tle is home for the holidays with
her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Glen P.
White. Her vacation was marred
by an attack of flu which she suf
fered shortly after arrival.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Bloom
and Mr. and Mrs. George Mabee of
the local school staff, motored to
Portland Tuesday evening. Mr. and
Mrs. Bloom returned that day from
Spokane where they spent Christ
Joel R. Benton, pastor of the
Church of Christ, has been con
fined at home this week, suffering
from a severe cold and influneza.
He hopes to be able to nil his pul
pit at the church the coming Sun
A. C. McEntyre, deputy district
attorney of Umatilla county, was
over from Pendleton Thursday, ap
pearing as attorney for Mrs. Hugh
Grimm in a contempt proceedings
before circuit court.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Grimm of Ir
rigon were in the city Thursday, at
tending circuit court as witnesses
In a contempt proceedings against
A. H. Allen, former husband of
Mrs. Grimm.
The Henry Happold family, Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Kane and Mrs. M. A.
Church motored to Wasco for
Christmas at the home of the par
ents of the ladies, Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Yocom.
Judge D. R. Parker and D. M.
McKay, district attorney of Gilliam
county, were in the city last Thurs
day to attend circuit court, Judge
Parker presiding at the session.
Miss Margaret Notson, Willam
ette . university student, came up
from Salem the end of the week to
spend the holidays with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Notson.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Anderson
came up from Portland to spend
Christmas at the home of Mrs. An
derson's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Eu
gene Campbell.
The American Legion Auxiliary
will hold their regular meeting
Tuesday evening, January a, in Mrs.
Rodgers' office in the court house.
Miss Phyllis Jane Pollock, fresh
man at Reed college, is spending
the holidays at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jones,
Dr. J. H. McCrady motored to
the home of his parents at Cle
Elum, Wash., to spend Christmas,
returning the first or tne week
Mr, and Mrs. Walter LaDusire of
La Grande spent Christmas at the
home of Mrs. LaDusire's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Turner.
Earl Hottman, 20, and Nellie Ma
hon, 16, were married in this city
last Thursday by E. K. riUBton, jus.
tice of the peace.
Valuable New Equipment
Given 0. S. C. Engineers
A gift of further valuable equip,
ment to the communication labora
tory of the electrical engineering
department at Oregon estate conege
has lust been made by tne ecu iei
cphone Laboratories Inc. of New
York. Much of the apparatus is
of such a highly technical nature
that It Is not commercially avail
able even If the college had funds
for Its Durchase.
The new equipment will be used
bv senior students In the communl
cations course In electrical engln.
eering and It will make possible
many tests and experiments nere
tofore impossible, according to Ar
thur L. Albert, assistant proresso
who worked with a former gradu.
ate now In the Bell laboratories in
obtaining the gift. The Bell sys
tem has previously helped In build.
Inn up these O. S. C. laboratories
until now they rate as one of the
Mrs. Thomas, mother of Mrs. Ed
Saudus, fell last week and injured
her hip and leg.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Marschat are
the parents of a son. born Decem
ber 20 at The Dalles.
Francis Titus visited during the
holidays with friends at Union and
La Grande.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Macomber
and Sibyl spent Christmas in Pilot
Rock with Mrs. Macombers par
Adrain and Archie Bechdolt of
Hardman spent Christmas Day
here with their parents.
The La Londe show was given in
the school auditorium Saturday
evening. A dance was given after
the show.
A free dance will be given in the
school auditorium Saturday night
celebrating the reopening of the
building. Each lady is requested to
bring lunch enough for herself and
partner. There will not be any
tickets sold and no collection taken,
Everyone Is invited to attend.
The town basketball team has
started practicing and plans to mo
tor to Helix Wednesday evening
where they will play.
The Seventh Day Adventist meet
ings are continuing this week at
the church.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson and
family were dinner guests Christ
mas at the Tom Hendricks home.
John Chaffee spent the holidays
here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Chaffee.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ford were
guests Christmas day at the J. M
Norton home in Hermlston.
John Jenkins returned home Sat
urday from Heppner where he has
been ill for the past two weeks
with the flu.
Those who ate Christmas dinner
with Mr. and Mrs. I. Skoubo and
family were Mr. Myers and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Macken
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Skoubo and son, Mr. and Mrs. Nick
Faler and Charlie Andregg and R,
Mrs. Charles Nickerson returned
home Thursday from The Dalles
hospital where she has been 111 for
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown had as
their guests for Christmas dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Dlllabough and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chan
ning and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Royal Rands and Donna Jane.
Vernon Root who is attending
the Decker Business college in
Portland spent the holidays with
his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats and
Echo accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Cox and family to Pasco Monday
where they will spend the week,
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfard and fam
ily spent Christmas in Hermiston
with relatives.
Mrs. Ray Brown and Katherlne
Brown and Bert Rose spent several
days in Portland this week.
Mrs. Gladys Fortier and daugh
ter Norma of La Grande spent the
holidays here at the Frank Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bates were
hosts at a Christmas dinner. Guests
were Mrs. Erickson, Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Lubbes and family and Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Baker and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cox and fam
ily of Pasco were guests during the
week end at the J. F. Barlow
home. Other guests there Christ
mas day were Mr. and Mrs, Z. J.
Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barlow
and Chloe and Mr. and Mrs. Claud
Coats and Echo.
Mrs. M. L. Morgan returned home
Saturday night from Portland
where she has been employed for
the last two weeks In the postofflce.
Dinner guests Sunday at the E.
T. Messenger home were Miss Mil
dred Messenger and Frank Hamel
of The Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. Tru
man Messenger and family and Mr.
and Mrs. M. K. Flicklnger,
J. R. Johnson went to Portland
Thursday and returned home Fri
day with Deibert Johnson who has
been ill there with the flu.
The annual community Christ
mas program given In the school
auditorium Friday evening was
well attended and greatly enjoyed.
The following numbers were given:
Selections by the school orchestra;
Prayer by Rev. W. O. Miller;
Christmas carol singing by Mrs.
Royal Rands, Mrs. Charles Good
win, Howard Channing and Mar
vin Ransier; scripture reading, Mrs.
Glen Hadley; recitations by the pri
mary children; solo, Holy City, Mrs.
Floyd Surface; Christmas In Den.
mark, by the Adolph Skoubo fam
ily; then Santa Claus arrived and
gave a treat of candy, nuts and
oranges to everyone present.
Friends of Miss Nellie Dillon were
surprised to hear of her marriage
to John Edward Davles of Tort-
land. They were married Decem
ber 18th in the Chapel of Trinity
Place church in Portland. Mrs. Da-
vies is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Chas. Dillon of Portland. She was
a member of the graduating class
of 1930 of the Boardman high
school, later attending Behnke-
Walker business college in Portland
and last September entered nurses
training in St. Vincent's hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Davles spent Christ
mas here with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Dillon. Mrs. Davles will remain
here for a few days. They are
making their home in Portland
Oldest Oil Man City Boy Corn Champ
ll IIii.MiIiiU ii' IMMI MHNI
John T. Scncabaugh, Cleveland, is
six months older than John D. Rocke
feller, Sr., bis personal friend and
employer for more than 60 years. In
celebrating his 94th birthday only
three candles were used, one for the
past, one for the present and one for
the future.
President Maker
I ,; - - -jfe
Wilifred 8challer, Chicago Heights,
HI., didn't let the fact that he lived
in town dwarf his corn-raising ideas,
so at a cost of $13.75 he raised 56.92
bushels per acre and was crowned
Cook County champion.
Louis McHenry Howe, secretary
and political adviser to President
elect Roosevelt, now dons the title of
"President Maker," as it "was his
work which was all-powerful in bring
ing the nomination and election to
Mr. Roosevelt. . . . Howe, a former
newspaper man, will have a room in
the White House offices in March.
EoYouth Wins "Edison Medal" Best Physically
iu. . ' 1 i i i if Ml il
have been confined to their beds
for the past week due to flu. They
are both recovering nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ayert and
son Ray spent Sunday at the Art
Finley home in Hermiston.
The Misses Shirley and Opal Jar
mo n returned to their home on
Butter creek Saturday. Miss Lida
Jarmon returned Sunday. They
spent the Christmas vacation with
their parents.
Jimmie Braiden of Pendleton vis
ited at the C. H. Bartholomew home.
He arrived Sunday afternoon and
returned to Pendleton Tuesday.
A great many of the Pine City
people were disappointed at the
lack of snow this Christmas, espec
ially some of the young folks, as
they were wanting to have several
sleigh riding parties this vacation.
Instead of snow there has been an
abundance of wind.
Mrs. Miranda Riser of Pleasant
Valley la staying with her sister,
Mrs. H. E. Young. Mrs. Riser ar
rived Thursday evening and will
stay for some time.
James O'Brien returned home
Wednesday from Salem where he
has been attending school. He will
return to Salem after the Christ
mas vacation.
Miss Neva Neill who has been
working at the H. E. Young home
returned to her home Saturday evening.
Those from Pine City attending
the Christmas tree program in
Echo Sunday evening were Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger and Mrs.
Ollie Neill and daughters, and Mr.
and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and
children and Earl Wattenburger.
They report a very interesting pro
gram and an altogether good time.
Mra. J. D. Hixson of Pleasant
Valley who has been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. H. E. Young, return
ed to her home at Pleasant Valley
Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughter
(Jleta and Herman Young were in
Echo and Hermiston on business
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger,
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger
and children, Miss Elsie Strain of
Pendleton and Earl Wattenburger
were guests at the Mrs. Ollie Neill
home Christmas day.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bartholomew,
Miss Lila Bartholomew and O. F.
Bartholomew were dinner guests
at the home of Mrs. Bartholomew's
mother, Mrs. O. F. Thompson Sun
The Pine City school gave a short
program Friday afternoon and was
dismissed early so those who want
ed to catch the train were able to
do so.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill were in
Hermiston Thursday on business.
holidays with Miss Catherine Pe
terson in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Verl Farrens ar
rived Thursday for a visit at the
home of Verl's parents during the
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bleakman
and son Norman arrived here from
Washington for an indefinite visit
with Percy's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Bleakman.
Mrs. Walter Farrens and chil
dren including her married son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Verl
Farrens, enjoyed a bountiful "duck"
dinner at the home of her sister and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harsh
man in Eight Mile on Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burnside and
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Adams, Duff
McKitric and Jessie McDaniel
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Buck
Adams and family for Christmas.
Miss Marjorie Montgomery and
William Johnson departed Friday
afternoon by auto for Portland
where they will spend the holiday
The pupils and teachers of the
grade school entertained their
parents at a Christmas party Fri
day morning. Each mother receiv
ed a gift from their children which
was especially appreciated because
they had been made by the chil
dren. A short but beautiful Christ
mas play was presented by the up
per grade room.
Tim Kurth was quite seriously in
jured last Friday while corralling
horses at the Kelly place near here,
when the horse he was riding fell
on him. He was discovered soon
afterwards unconscious and was
carried to the ranch where he re
mained unconscious for about five
hours. However he Is sufficiently
recovered to come Into town Mon
day and it is now evident that no
serious injuries were received.
Antone Cunha, Butter creek
rancher, does not get to town very
often. He was in , town Monday
transacting business.
Viola lima, 22, a literary prize
Winner at 17, is to edit a national
magazine called "Modern Youth,"
. . . mouthpiece of the younger gen
eration . '. . and whose contributors
must be under 30 years of age.
Bancroft Gherardi, officer and chief
engineer of the American Telephone
and Telegraph Co., is the winner of
the annual "Edison Medal," an
award for meritorious achievement in
electrical science during 1932. The
Winifred Mackey, of Frederick,
Md., for the second consecutive year,
has been declared the best physical
specimen among 600 entries for the
silver eup posture sward.
Notice is hereby given that there
will be a meeting of the stockhold
ers of the First National Bank of
Heppner, Oregon, on the second
Tuesday in January, 1933, (Janu
ary 10th, 1933,) between the hours
of 10 a, m. and 4 p. m., of said date
for the purpose of electing direct
ors and for the transaction of such
business as may legally come be
fore the meeting.
W. E. MOORE, Cashier.
Dated this 15th day of December,
Extension Service Gives
Mince Meat Recipes
Mincemeat! There's magic in the
word. It conjures up odors, pic
tures and tastes of a pastry that
never fails to appeal. Serve it hot
or serve it cold, it is popular.
Butchering time and the snappy
holiday season combine to promote
the cause of mincemeat and mince
meat making. Food specialists In
the home economics extension ser
vice recommend the following rec
ipes for this spicy, tasty food product:
Mincemeat No. 1
2 pounds lean beef
1 pound chopped suet
4 pounds tart apples
3 pounds sugar
3 pounds currants
2 pounds raisins
1 nutmeg
1-2 teaspoon ground mace
2 oranges
2 pound citron
1 tablespoon salt
Stew the beef In a very little wa
ter until quite tender, cool and chop
as fine as possible. Add the beef
suet, chopped fine, and pared, cored
and chopped apples, the sugar, cur
rants, raisins, spices, orange and
lemon juice, the grated rind of the
oranges and of one lemon, chopped
citron and salt. Mix thoroughly.
Cook one hour. Pack in a stone
jar and keep in a cold place. The
mincemeat should be thoroughly
stirred each time any is taken out
and occasionally moistened with a
little grapejuice or orange juice.
Left-over canned fruit juice or bits
of meat or canned fruit may be add
ed from time to time.
Mincemeat No.
3 pounds lean beef
6 pounds sour apples
3 pounds raisins
1-2 pound suet
1-2 pound citron
2 pounds currants
1 nutmeg
2 pounds sugar
2 cups cider vinegar
2 cups molasses
1 tablespoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon mace
2 tablespoons salt
Stew the beef In a little water un
til tender. Cool It, then chop the
meat, the applesfl raisins, suet and
citron, and washed currants. Mix
and add remaining ingredients,
Scald. If too dry, add a little warm
water at time of using.
Mock Mincemeat
1-2 cup cracker-crums
2 cups chopped raisins
1 cup brown sugar
1 1-2 cups melted butter or but
ter substitute
1 cup currants
1 cup molasses
1 cup sour cider
1 teaspoon allspice
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups cold water
1 tablespoon cinnamon
2 eggs
Mix well together and use as de
sired. This is a good mincemeat
for those who find the ordinary va
riety too rich,
New Spud Outyields Burbank
Hillsboro The new Katahdin po
tatoes tried out here this year on
the A. J. Rowell farm gave a bet
ter yield than Burbanks grown In
the same field, showing unusual
drouth resistance, reports County
Agent W. F. Cyrus. The drouth re
sistance is the result of a larger
root system typical of the variety,
he says. The Katahdin is a round
potato and thus is not quite as at
tractive to the general trade, but
it is high in quality and may have
a distinct place In western Oregon
especially where the long varieties
do not always attain desirable size
arfd form.
Oregon Medium as Honey State
Corvallis Census figures show
that 5328 farmers in Oregon had
some bees in 1930. Survey figures
on cost of production made among
commercial beekeepers last year
show that the cost in alfalfa re
gions was 6.2c a pound; in the fire
weed regions 6.9c a pound, and In
the Willamette valley 7.8c a pound.
The average price received for the
1931 crop was estimated at 5c a
pound. Oregon has a total of 40,
000 colonies as compared with 4,
620,650 in the entire United States,
according to the latest estimates.
Twenty-eight "states produced more
honey than Oregon and 19 states
produced less.
Heppner A campaign In on In
Morrow county to test enough of
the beef cattle to permit the county
to be placed on the tuberculosis
accredited list, reports County Ag
ent Smith. Many tests have recent
ly been made by Dr. H. H. Green of
the state veterinarians office with
almost no reactors found.
Oregon 4-H Members
Win $2055 at Chicago
Oregon 4-H club members rank
ed high in achievement at the Na
tional Club Congress In Chicago,
reports H. C. Seymour, state lead
er at O. S. C. Six Oregon members
and one club, in competition with
entries from 40 states, won five first
places, one second, one fourth and
three fifths. Counting the scholar
ships and trips won, the money val
ue of the awards totaled $2055.50.
The largest single awards were a
$300 scholarship at Oregon State
college won by Alice Welbes, Mult
nomah county, from a fruit Jar
manufacturing firm, and a trip val
ued at $1000 won by Helen Clark,
also of Multnomah, from a big Chi
cago mercantile firm.
Scollop Well, I had to give Su
sie the air she turned out to be
one of those Iowa girls.
Wollop Whatya mean, "Iowa
Scollop You know "Iowa dress
maker's bill." "Iowa month's rent,
Oregon Seedmen Resist
Flood of Cheap Alfalfa
In a year when certified seed of
the hardy varieties of alfalfa, such
as Grimm and Ladak, is apparently
fairly scarce, Oregon farmers
might well be particularly careful
this year to avoid getting seed from
sources unknown or from south
western regions, believes E. R.
Jackman, farm crops specialist at
Oregon State college, who has fol
lowed the development of the al
falfa Industry for years.
Last year a flood of seed from
Arizona, New Mexico and Califor
nia was offered through the north
west at extremely low prices, even
as low as 5c a pound to dealers.
Oregon dealers refused to fall for
this cheap seed, says Jackman, and
growers were protected, though
carloads of it went to neighboring
"Observations on Oregon farms
have shown that many thin, weedy
fields of alfalfa are the result of
planting common seed, especially If
from a southern source.
"Repeated trials at nearly all the
branch experiment stations and
elsewhere have shown that Grimm
alfalfa is by far the best for west
ern Oregon and Grimm and Ladak
for eastern Oregon," Jackman ex
plained. "Occasionally a strain of
common alfalfa will show up well,
but in no case has a strain from the
southwest proved to be long lived.
"The southwest produces large
amounts of Peruvian alfalfa which
will winter-kill even in western Or
egon, and east of the mountains
frequently dies out the first winter
Much of the seed from the south
west is of this semi-tropical va
riety unsuited to Oregon condi
Oregon growers are fortunate in
having good certified seed available
within the state, as considerable is
grown in Malheur, Crook, Union
and Baker counties. The Montana
seed crop, especially of Ladak, was
almost ruined by drouth and grass
hoppers this year, hence the Ore
gon supplies will doubtless find a
quick demand, Jackman believes.
Christmas day was a merry one
in many homes In this community
when friends and relatives met
together for bountiful feasts and
good times. Twenty guests were
present at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Lew Knighten at their ranch above
town. Present besides relatives
were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Batty and
family of Eight Mile. This made
about the sixteenth year that Mr.
and Mrs. Batty and Mr. and Mrs.
Knighten have enjoyed Christmas
day together.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stevens were
made happy to have all their chil
dren but one home for a sumptu
ous feast Christmas eve. Present
were Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDan
iel, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Musgrave
and son, Estin Stevens and their
small daughter Lois.
Mr. and Mrs. Kinnard McDaniel
and family, Mrs. Ethel McDaniel
and children, Grandmother Allen,
met at the home of John Stevens
and family for a family reunion
dinner on Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Buschke and
family spent Christmas day with
Mr. Buschke's parents near Heppner.
Billie Leathers Is spending the
Saturday, December 31st
BYTHM KINGS of Spokane, Wstt.
Dents 75o, Ladles Free, tax included
To My Morrow
County Friends:
I wish to express
my sincere thanks
for your coopera
tion with the State
Police the past year
and to wish one and
all a
Broccoli Why did Sophonlsba
marry that man. He's deaf and
dumb and has St. Vitus dance,
Splnachl Her Ideal was a man
of few words and plenty of action
Miss Elsie Strain of Pendleton
spent Christmas day visiting friends
and relatives at Pine City.
A large number of people from
Pine City attended the Christmas
program at Alpine Friday evening,
Those from Pine City contributing
to the program were: A short play
by the Misses Llllle and Mable
Rauch and Cecelia Healy; a recita
tion by Lewis Omohundro, a reci
tation by Edwin Omohundro and a
piano solo by Iris Omohundro.
Miss Lila Bartholomew, Miss
Neva Neill and Homer Sprague,
Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and chil
dren, Mrs. Marion Finch and daugh
ters and James O'Brien visited
school Friday and attended the
short program at the school given
by the primary grades.
C. H. Bartholomew visited his
mother, Mrs. Mary Bartholomew,
In Heppner Saturday, which was
Mrs. Bartholomew's 83rd birthday,
Roy Neill and daughter Alma
and wish to express our thanks to every one for
their patronage the past year and wish to say that
our business ran far ahead of what we could even
expect considering the many calamities which
have befallen our people and communities.
SPECIALS for FRI.-SAT., DEC. 30-31, Inc.
STBINO BEANS Whites, large or small
tin.... 9c 10 Lb, 35c
' IV -'I
Dependable, Lb. 32c Su8at lb-
Vacuum packed I A 1
Airway, 3 lbs. 65c LAKU I
Nob Hill, 3 lbs. 85C Armour's. 10 pall 1.11
( NUTS hi RICE f
Peanuts, per lb. 10c Extra fancy or natural brown I
Walnuts, per lb. 1 6c 4 A Q Q
Brazils, per lb. 15c J. If Lbs. VOX
best In the entire country,