!: 1 3 . j 1 h " or. " i j 'J P "J B i C alette Volume 49, Number 42. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Dec. 29, 1932 Subscription $2.00 a Year E Many Members Express Ideas on How to Im prove Town. BANK MUCH NEEDED Student Gives Views, Relates Stu dious Attitude at University; Cooperation, Roads Stressed. "Keeping Heppner on the Map" was the theme of a round-table dia- i cussion by the Lions club at its Monday noon luncheon, with the majority of members present giving a short talk on what they believed might be done about it Running through the talks was the theme of loyalty and cooperation, generally essential to stability and progress. Vawter Parker, University of Oregon law student home for the holidays, a guest, made a hit with his contribution to the subject. "It makes me hot under the collar to hear a student from Heppner or any other small town excuse or de ny his home town as though he were ashamed of it," said Parker, averring that he had heard it done. "There is no excuse for anyone from Heppner belittling the town. They should be glad to say they are from Heppner, and stand up for it." In a talk before young Parker had told briefly of the good scholas tic attitude prevailing among the students at the university this year, with a much curtailed enroll ment and a strict economy program in effect "The movie and story book idea of college life was much overdone before as applied to the university," he said, "but this con ception is more far fetched than ever now." Students are given fewer holidays and less time in which to play this year. Because of necessity and the lack of other things to do they are working hard er and applying themselves more to their studies. Much less atten tion is being given extra-curricular activities. Parker expects to be ex amined before the state board in July for admission to the Oregon bar. Mayor-Elect for Bank. One of the greatest needs of the town at the present time was con ceded by several speakers to be a bank. Heppner's mayor-elect, Gay M. Anderson, stressed this point. He expressed the hope that Hepp ner might again be provided with a bank in the near future, and that by giving It or them their support and confidence the people of the city would make it possible for the operation of the bank or banks. "Those who before availed them seves of a bank's services now ap preciate the inconvenience of being without such service," Anderson said. Under existing conditions, anoth er speaker believed business would be stimulated by trading services and commodities wherever possible. No blues Bymphony was evidenc ed by the service club members. They prided themselves that Hepp ner is a good town. There was much evidence produced that it is a better town than the average of its size. They were concerned with measures that could be taken to keep it from slipping under the de pressed economic condition, and all suggestions were made in a spirit of friendly cooperation, and gave evidence that all had been thinking on the subject One of the greatest selling points of any town is its appearance, be lieved another speaker, who ad vocated the application of needed paint to buildings and other upkeep measures that are not only econom ical but that can be done at small cost at present low prices. With the city short of revenues with which to do the work, he said that street Improvements might well be accomplished through donated ser vices. Streets should not be allowed to go to pieces. A good roads ad vocate, he declared that more at tention should be given to "feed ers" and less attention to "bleed ers," citing the Heppner-Spray road and the upper Rhea creek road as two Important feeder roads to Heppner. Publicity Would Help "Keeping Heppner on the Map" literally, was the theme of another speaker, who said that Heppner and roads leading to It are often slight ed on maps. He believed a little concerted effort might, correct this. It was also proposed that more co operation be given local correspon dents for the Portland dailies that more news of Heppner be given the outside world. "Buy American" was the theme of another speaker, who brought application of the theme of this na. tion-wlde movement home to Hepp. ner, stressing loyalty to home In stitutions and businesses as one of the big ways of helping the town, This trade at home Idea was the theme of several other speakers and was augmented by still another who advocated fostering of the co operative spirit among businesses and people of the town. The Lions club Itself came In for its share of commendation as an instrument for united effort, and it was cited that the club had al (Continued on Pg Four) IS IONE JENMI K. MCMURRAT. The Christian church was gay with Christmas trees and bright lights Friday evening when the beautiful story of the birth of the baby Jesus was retold in song and recitation. The church was filled with an appreciative audience and the program given was especially pleasing. At the close of the pro gram there were treats for all, San ta Claus distributing with a lavish hand. The program follows: Or chestra, prayer, song by school, 'Joy Bells;" Tableau, primary class and solo by Ernest McCabe; reading, Helen Lundell; chorus, young peo ples class; reading, Valjean Clark; song, choir; orchestra; girl's chor us; Silent Night, young peoples class; song, choir; song by school, "Joy to the World." Harry Cool is a patient in a Hepp ner hospital. Mr. Cool has been very ill with double pneumonia but is now slowly Improving. The seventh and eighth grade pupils have added to the attractive ness of their already pleasant room by the framing of their George Washington picture and the mak ing and hanging of pretty new cur tains at the windows. The money to defray the expense was obtained as the commission on subscriptions received by the young folks. The joint installation of Masonic and Eastern Star officers December 21 was an enjoyable affair. How ever, because of Illness among the members, the Masons Installed on ly the elective officers. The ap pointive officers will be installed at a later date. The installing officers for Locust chapter were Ruth Ma son, installing officer; Sara McNa mer of Heppner, installing officer; Eppa Ward of Heppner, Installing chaplain and Margaret Blake, in stalling organist. Special numbers for entertainment were toe and tap dancing by Patty Ann Gabbert. Flowers were presented the newly installed worthy matron, the flow er bearers being Betty Jean Man kin and Patty Ann Gabbert, grand daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Misner. The out-going worthy ma tron, Lola McCabe, was presented a past matron's jewel. Refresh ments were served In the dining room which was gay with Christ mas decorations. The regular communication of Locust chapter was held Tuesday evening with the following officers in the chairs: Grace Misner, W. M.; Dwight Mis ner, W. P.; Oral Feldman, A. M.; George C. Krebs, A. P.; Ruby Rob erts, Cond.; Viola Lieuallen, Asso. Cond.; Hila Timm, Adah; Margaret Blake, Ruth; Mary Beckner, Es ther; Mabel Krebs, Martha; Roxy Krebs, Electa; Lola McCabe, War der; Anna Blake, sentinel, and Francis Griffith, chaplain. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Gabbert and Patricia Ann of Portland vis ited several days last week at the home of Mrs. Gabbert's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Misner. Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsay and two daughters spent Christmas with relatives in Portland. They motored down Friday that they might have Saturday for shopping. Miss Mildred Smith enjoyed a three days visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cole Smith. She ar rived at an early hour Saturday day morning, being met at Hepp ner Junction by Mr. and Mrs. Smith. She returned to the city Monday night. Miss Smith is a graduate of lone high school, class of '30. She completed her course in a business school in Portland last September and now holds a posi tion on "The Portland Spectator." Miss Janet Carlson returned to the country home of her parents In time for Christmas. Miss Carlson has been spending the last three months with relatives in Portland. Little Miss Elsie Jepson whose home is on Rhea creek was a Fri day night guest at the Lee Howell home that she might attend the Christmas program given that eve ning in the Christian church. School closed Friday to re-open January 3. A pleasing program was given Thursday afternoon by tne pupils of the four lower grades, with an exchange of gifts as part or the run. In the upper grades and In high school the gifts and Yuletlde greetings were exchanged Friday, and pupils and teachers were free for ten days of rest and happiness. Miss Maude Knight de parted at once for her home at For est Grove; Miss Florence Emmons went to Salem, the home of her parents; Miss Marguerite Mauzey went to Lakeview for a visit with home folks and Miss Geneva Pel key went to Milton and Walla Wal la, During the vacation time Prin cipal George E. Tucker and Mrs. Tucker made a trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rowell and Billy motored to Stanfleld Friday to spend Christmas with Mr. Row ell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rowell. The basketball game in the school gym Friday night was with the boys from Roosevelt The lone high school team won by a score of 21 26. This was the first game of the season, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Balslger de parted Saturday for Newberg to spend the holidays with Mrs. Bal- slger's people. Mr. and rMs. Henry Rowell mo tored to Hermiston Friday to bring Miss Hazel Frank home for the Christmas vacation. Miss Hazel Is attending school In Hermiston. Mrs. Allan Learned of Hadlock, Wast.., Is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Balslger. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright and four sons came over from Baker Saturday to eat Christmas dinner (Continued on Page Four) 0. H. WARNER DIES NORTH END HOME Native of Iowa Was Resident of Boardman Since 1916; Han aged Highway Inn. By Boardman Correspondent Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon in the com munity church for O. H. Warner. Mr. .Warner passed away at his home in Boardman early Sunday morning, December 25 after a few weeks of serious illness. Rev. W. O. Miller conducted the services. A solo was sung by Mrs. Royal Rands and the quartette, Mrs. Channing, Mrs. Surface, Mr. Channing and J. F. Barlow, sang two selections. Pall bearers were Guy Barlow, E. Sau- dus, Bryce Dillabough, E. D. Cra mer, Dan Ransier and Royal Rands. Interment was In the Boardman cemetery. urvm Henry Warner, 70, was born In Wascion, Ohio, November 4, 1862. When quite young he mov. ed to Centerville, Iowa, where he lived for a number of years. On August 7, 1887, he was married to Eva L. Johnson. To this union were born three daughters. He is survived by his widow and daugh ters, Mrs. Carl Follette of Fairmont. Minnesota, Mrs. Charles Goodwin, lioardman, Mrs. John Heck, Seat tle, eleven grandchildren, one sister and nieces and nephews. Mr. and Mrs. Warner moved to Boardman in 1916 where they have lived since, having owned and man aged the Highway Inn. Mr. War ner was a member of Greenfield Grange and a charter member of the I. O. O. F. He was a well re spected citizen of this community and leaves many friends to mourn his passing. SMOKER SLATED FOR 13TH. The Hepnner boxine- commission has established a ring at the county dance pavilion and many local wrestlers and boxers have been working out assiduously for a Smoker tO be staeri thpra TTriHo.i- January 13. The full card will be' given in a later issue. "KEEPING HEPPNER ON THE MAP" T- HE dertaken the discussion of a subject of timely interest that is worthy of consideration by all Heppner citizens, namely, "Keep ing Heppner on the Map," Heppner, like every town and city in the United States, and in the world, with few exceptions, has felt the effects of the business recession. Perhaps it has felt these effects more keenly than some places because the prices for the commodities on which it depends for subsistence have for the last two years failed to bring in enough revenue to meet cost of production. The fight of property-owners to hold their property against taxes, interest and mortgage payments has been strenuous here as elsewhere, and the end is not yet. Every citizen of Heppner is vitally affected by the well-being of the city, whether he realizes it or not. Retrogression and decadence of the business and social structure of Heppner mean depreciation of property values, shrunken incomes, fewer jobs, less attractively kept homes and buildings, less social inter course and the consequent severing of ties of interdependability and the forcing of the individual more on his own resources. Heppner people have already seen the working of such a trend to a degree. They have sensed the ultimate wiping out of the city entirely, if such a trend be allowed to proceed unim peded to its logical conclusion. The fact that her citizens are awake to the condition bespeaks a changing tempo in the trend, if not a complete diversion of the course again into the chan nels of progress. Heppner has long been considered one of the best towns of its size anywhere by men in a position to judge, and its status in relation to other such towns has not materially changed. It is still a mighty good town. That its banks held on long after those in much larger places had closed their doors is evidence of good management and a good spirit of cooperation on the part of their patrons. Many of the devastating effects within the city from the depressed economic condition of the country were unavoidable. On the whole businesses and people gener ally have kept their heads up and have done their individual best to stem the tide. This effort has been rewarded. There is much that can be done through united effort to keep Heppner on the map, and the Lions club is to be com mended for taking the lead in attempting to accomplish these things. At the same time, the duty of the individual is clear and should not be shirked. Each individual should be loyal to the town and its institutions; he should be willing to cooperate with every reasonable demand on his time and resources toward bet terment of the common weal and he should contribute his best efforts and talents to his job, business or profession that it may be a better job, business or profession and a little better than is to be found elsewhere. Good roads enter into the picture. But good roads may be either a liability or an asset to a town. That depends entirely upon what the citizens of the town do about it. One job of the Heppner community is to sell its merchan dise and services to its trading territory. If these merchandise and services be such as may compete with those offered else where, they should receive their share of patronage. But this will not be received if those who purchase merchandise and ser vices do not know about those offered here. Advertising is an indispensible adjunct to any town. The place that is on its toes and goes after the business consistently and persistently, gets it. SENTENCED FOR FORGERY. Charles Swlndig entered a plea of guilty to the charge of forgery plac ed against him by the state of Or egon, and was sentenced to five years In the state penitentiary by presiding judge, D. R. Parker, tn the wind-up session of the Decem ber term of circuit court here last Thursday. A stay of sentence was granted on posting of additional bond. The indictment against Swindig was returned by the grand jury as the result of an investiga tion of the affairs of the Heppner Farmers Elevator company, recent ly put in the hands of a trustee ship, of which he was manager. Jos. J. Nys was counsel for defend ant SCHOOL OPENS JANUARY 8. To allay much talk to the con trary, we are authorized by the chairman of the board of directors of School District No. 1 to state that school will open, following the mid-winter holidays, on Tuesday, January 3rd. There has been no change in the plans of the school board since the holiday season of an extra week was declared. The influenza epidemic has largely spent itself and there is nothing to hin der the school work proceeding as scheduled. All Instructors are ex pected to be on hand, and it is hoped nothing will interfere with the operation of the school to the close of the spring term. RED CROSS MEETING SET. A meeting of the executive com mittee of the Morrow county chap ter American Red Cross has been announced by S. E. Notson, presi dent, to be held at the office of C. W. Smith, county agent, tomorrow (Friday) evening at 7:30-. All mem- bers of the committee are urged to be present. Mr. Notson says that the Morrow county quota is still short of being subscribed, and asks that those who expected to pay latr er at the time of the recent solici tation take care of the matter as soon as possible. ELKS DANCE SLATED. Heppner Lodge 358,3. P. O. Elks has slated a New Years Eve watch party to be held in their hall Sat urday evening for all Elks and fam ilies and invited guests. Music for dancing will be furnished by the Missildine orchestra. Tickets 50 cents. Adv. Heppner Lions clyjj has un ROAD PROTEST SENT TQ WASHINGTON D.C. Senator Steiwer Pushing Matter With Bureau of Public Roads. TWO COURTS UNITED Wheeler and Morrow Counties Re sent Winter Closing of Work on Heppner-Spray Road. As intimated in last issue, the citizens of Wheeler and Morrow counties are not in the best of hu mor over the closing of work for the winter on the mountain section of the Heppner-Spray road. This was evidenced particularly in the action taken by Wheeler county people In the protest sent to the office of the bureau of public roads in Portland. Also, by the united action of the officials of Morrow and Wheeler counties in Portland at the time, before the same body and the state highway commission. The latter listened to what the rep resentatives of the two counties had to say, took no definite action, but stated that they would get the "other side" of the situation and later might have something to say. However, upon the return of Judge Campbell from Portland, ar rangements were made for a joint meeting of the court and relief committee representatives of this county with similar representatives from Spray and Fossil. They got together at the ' court house In Heppner last Thursday afternoon, and after going Into the matter thoroughly, formulated a protest, and unanimously decided to tele graph the same immediately to Sen ator Steiwer at Washington. We give the protest and Senator Stei wer's reply thereto: Heppner, Oregon, December 23, 1932. Frederick Steiwer, United States Senator, Washington, D. C. PROTEST We, the undersigned, desire to protest the non-compliance of reg ulations governing the contract of the Heppner-Spray road which was designated and let as an emergency relief contract to Carl Nyberg, con tractor, for the following reasons: Namely, that the provisions of the Bureau of Public Roads governing this job have not been carried out by the contractor. We further protest the winter closing down of this job on account of work being necessary for the support of our Morrow and Wheel er county emergency laborers. We request this work be reopened im mediately, since the climatic con ditions do not require suspension of work. Letter will follow. (Signed) Morrow County Court, Morrow County, Oregon, By W. T. Campbell, Judge. Morrow County Emergency Re lief Committee, By W. T. Campbell, Chairman. Wheeler County Court, Wheeler County, Oregon, By Charles Stanford, Judge. Wheeler County Emergency Relief Committee, By Chas. F. Iremonger, Chm. To this telegram, Senator Stei wer made reply as follows: Washington, D. C, Dec. 23, 1932. Hon. William T. Campbell, Morrow County Court, Heppner, Oregon. Wire signed by yourself, Judge Stanford and Charles Iremonger regarding Heppner-Spray road re ceived. Am taking up with chief Bureau Public Roads matter of sus pension of work and will keep you advised of developments. FREDERICK STEIWER. Thus the matter stands at pres ent, as no advice has been received regarding the action of the bureau at Washington. Judge Campbell also reports a visit to the north end of the coun ty for a consultation with Newport Construction Co. who have the con tract for surfacing the Wallula cut-off. The company had called for a list of workers registered with the emergency relief commit tee and Judge Campbell furnished this. Morrow county had been ap portioned 8 men to put on this job when the work started, and 15 men appeared before the contractor, from whom he chose one, only. This man may be given work when the job begins, and he may not; there was no positive assurance given. From the manner In which these two road jobs are being han dled to date, it would appear that emergency relief work from these sources is going glimmering, SENDS GREETINGS. Peter Spehar, who barbered for several years at the Clark barber shop here and also worked with sheep on several farms In this vi cinity, sends season's greetings to his many Heppner friends from the Eastern Oregon tuberculosis hos pital at The Dalles where he has been for some time undergoing treatment. He writes that he Is making good recovery and appre elated very much being remember ed by friends here at Christmas time. He enjoys being called upon when friends are passing through rne uaues. MASONIC LODGES INDUCT OFFICERS Joint Installation Ceremonies Held Tuesday Evening; Banquet Served to Members. The three Masonic bodies of Heppner Heppner Lodge No. 69, a. v . s a. m., iieppner cnapter No. 26, R. A. M., and Ruth Chapter No. 32. O. E. S. held annual installs. tion of officers on Tuesday evening at masonic nail. A banquet was served at 6:30 in the dining room, followed by the installation cere monies. Hattie Wierhtman war Installing omcer lor liutn chapter, and had as her assistants Sara M(MamT marshal; Jessie Pruyn, chaplain, ana Virginia Turner, organist. The new omcers are Gertrude Parker worthy matron: Earl W Gordon worthy patron; Ealor Huston, asso ciate matron; nusseii jsj. .Pratt, as sociate natron: Hazel Vauehn. cnn. ductress; Lena Cox, associate con- auctress JNeme Anderson treamir. er: Harriet. Oemmell ouprntarv- Daisy Shivelv. chaDlain: Alice Pratt. marsnaii; Virginia Turner, organ ist: Marv Fatterson Aria- TTVlith .Miner, tuxih, ay Ferguson, Esther; Uma COX. Martha: (ilariva rinnri. man, Electa; Anna Wightman, war- aer; j. u. Turner, sentinel. Following this ceremony, Flor ence Huehes. retiring worthy ma tron, was presented with a past ma trons' pin, jj'rank S. -Parker mak ing the presentation. E. R. Hus ton, retiring worthy patron, and Mrs. Wightman were also present ed gifts from the chapter. The past matron's club presented the new matron a beautiful basket of yel low chrysanthemums. C. J. D. Bauman, installing offi cer, was assisted by R. C. Wight man as marshal and the following were inducted into the offices of Heppner Chapter No. 26, R. A. M.: J. J. Wightman, high priest; Gay M. Anderson, king; Harry Tamblyn, scribe; Frank Gilliam, treasurer; E. R. Huston, secretary; Chas. B. Cox, captian of the host; C. J. D. Bauman, principal sojourner; P. M. Gemmell, royal arch captain; W. C. Cox, master 3rd yell; Geo. McDuf fee. master 2d veil- f! w McN.. mer, master 1st veil; W. E. Pruyn, sentinel. Acting as installing officer for the Blue Lodee. Frank Gilliam hart the honor of inducting two of his sons into tne principal offices of the order, when he installed Leonard L. Gilliam as worshipful master and E. Earle Gilliam, senior warden. He was assisted by C. J. D. Bau man as marshn.ll and the other nt. fleers installed were Marvin Wight man, junior warden; Frank S. Par ker, treasurer; Spencer Crawford, secretary; Hanson Hughes, senior deacon; Lawrence Beach, junior deacon: J. O. Turner, senior stew ard; H. A. Cohn, junior steward; C. J. D. Bauman. marahall W f) rii chaplain; W. E. Pruyn, tyler. Jti. tt. iuston, the retiring mas ter, was presented a nast master's jewel, R. C. Wightman making the presentation. SEED LOAN APPROVED. An appropriation of S50.00.000 was approved recently by congress as " emergency agricultural credit loan to be used through the office of the secretary of aericulture In making seed loans In the same man ner as was loiiowed last year. Un der this set-up individual farmers are loaned ud to $400 for seed nnr- chases. A waiver of other Indebt edness is asked for providing for the repayment of this lnan from the first proceeds of the crop. Loan committees are established in each county through whom applications are made. W. E. Moore has heen appointed a member of the com mittee ror Morrow county. Many farmers of this muntv took art. vantage of the loan last year. Loans l; iui- seeuing purposes are also avail able through the Reconstruction Finance corporation, savs Chas. W. Smith, county agent. COMBINED PROGRAM HTT.T.Tt. Miss Ann Sheridan and Miss Theresa Ouielev. teachers nf the Pleasant Point and B r o 3 n a n schools, combined their Christmas programs Friday evening, Decem ber 23, at 8 o'clock at the Pleasant Point school. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by many of the neigh- Dors ana inenas of the schools. In teresting plays, some composed bv pupils, were given. Assisting on tne program were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Staggs, Jim Ashworth and Son Billy Of Weston. piiesta at the Antone Cunha home. Mrs. Staggs win oe remembered as Miss Mary Lonsdale who taught at Pleasant Point two years aso: Eddie and Mat Kenny, Eileen Kenny, Jim uaiy, mene awaggart and Theresa Qulgley. The fatter five offered song numbers. CITIZENSHIP GRANTED. John Skuzeskl. Hennner tallnr and native of Russia, and Patrick Henry Mclntire, local laborer and native or Ireland, were each grant ed their final citizenship papers by Judge D. R. Parker, after examin ations given in the course of the recent term of circuit court D. A. Wilson and W. E. Moore were wit nesses for Mclntire and J. J. Wells and Michael Kenny were witnesses for Skuzeskl. Each of the appli cants was commended for the sat isfactory manner in which he an swered the questions given him. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Riggs of Eugene were guests at the home of Mrs. Rlggs' parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Clark, for the Christ mas holidays. F ARMERS WIN FIGH FOR LESSJOCKAGE Portland Exchange Allows 50 Pet. Reduction in Discount Charges. 2-CENT SAVING SEEN Schedule Effective Dec. 22 Should Save Morrow Grain Grower Several Thousand Dollars. A substantial saving to Morrow county wheat farmers will result from the new schedule of dockage and smutting charges adopted by the Merchants Exchange of Port land, effective Dec 22, 1932. The new schedule allows a reduction of fifty per cent in "discounts for test andlor admixtures Dec. 22, 1932 to June 30, 1933 inclusive" on all class es of wheat including soft white, western white, hard winter, yellow hard winter, dark hard winter, hard white, Bluestem, Early Baart, Hard Federation, Burbank and Bunyip, which cover all wheats grown in Morrow county. A copy of the new schedule was received this week by C. W. Smith, county agent, from G. R. Hyslop, extension specialist of Oregon State college. Both Mr. Smith and Mr. Hyslop have had an active part in campaign which resulted in the is suance of the new schedule. A conference of representatives from all eastern Oregon wheat growing counties with grain buying inter ests was held at Portland last Aug ust 19 when the farmers' demand for lower charges was presented, and which is believed to have been largely responsible for the reduc tion. Mr. Smith and J. O, Turner, local attorney-wheat grower, repre sented Morrow county at the meet ing. Obtaining of the new schedule is looked upon as a victory for the farmers, though it does not include all that was asked for. New Rates Given, The farmers asked that the dis count charges be made on a per centage basis instead of the old cents per bushel basis. This, how ever, was not changed In the new schedule, the charges remaining on a cents per bushel basis. The test and or admixture dis count charges on the different classes of wheat raised in this county are cut exactly In half by the new schedule. Under the old schedule, by grades, these were: 60 lb. none, 59 lb. lc, 68 lb. 2c, 57 lb. 3c, 56 lb. 4c, 55 lb. 5c, 54 lb. 7c, 53 lb. 9c, 52 lb. 12c, 51 lb 15c. (The amount of discount for each weight per bu shel is in cents per bushel.) Under the new schedule the discount for each weight respectively, in cents per bushel, is 1-2, 1, 1 1-2, 2, 2 1-2, 3 1-2, 4 1-2, 6 and 7 1-2. These dis counts are for the various weight grades where admixture is not over 10 percent Where admixture runs from 10 to 15 percent, there is an additional one cent increase tn the discount for each weight grade; from 15 to 25 per cent, a half cent increase; from 25 to 35 per cent, an other half cent Increase, and from 35 to so per cent admixture, anoth er half cent Increase in the amount of discount for each weight grade. All Classes Affected. This schedule of charges applies in full to soft white, western white, hard winter and yellow hard win ter classes. There is a variation in the charges on dark hard winter. hard white, Bluestem, Early Baart Hard Federation, Burbank and Bunyip, with the percentages of in crease greater in the lower weight classes, and the provision that wheats under these classes are not applicable on contract except by mutual agremeent If the admixture is more than 10 per cent The lat ter classes of wheat come under "milling wheats" while the former classes on which the full schedule as given applies, are market classi fications. Under the new schedule "dock age" and "excess moisture" charges are also reduced fifty per cent. The dockage charge is for wheat grad ing below No. 1 on account of con taining inseparable foreign mater ial, damaged kernels or other grain. The new charges, by grades, are: No. 2, lc per bushel; No. 3, 2c per bushel; No. 4, 3c per bushel. The excess moisture charges, by grades, are: No. 2, lc per bushel; No. 3, 2c per bushel; No. 4, not applicable on contracts, except by mutual agreement as to discount, but if wheat Is unloaded before official grade is established, and cannot be reloaded, the discount shall not ex ceed five cents per bushel. The charge for resacklng under the new schedule is reduced one cent from 7 cents to 6 cents per sack. Smutting Charge Cut The charge for cleaning smutty wheat, formerly scheduled with an Increased charge for sacked over bulk grain, was rescheduled with a single charge covering both sacked and bulk grain. This charge is re duced 15 cents a ton, with the new schedule of charges, by per cent of smut content, as follows: 1-2 to 1 pet Inc., 35o per ton; 1 1-2 to 3 pet Inc., 45o per ton; 8 1-2 to 7 pet. Inc., 65c per ton; 7 1-2 to 15 pet. ino, 85o per ton. The new schedule of charges (Continued on Paf Four) T