OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLIC A-JD 1 TOR U". PO P. T I A ': 0 . 0 ?: E alette Volume 49, Number 36. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Nov. 17, 1932 Subscription $2.00 a Year HEPPNER JOINS IN ARMISTICE EVENT Ilermiston Hospitality Is Enjoyed by Many Lor calites; Game Won. LEGION STAND CITED Don McCloud of Hood River Tells What Ex-Service Men Want and What They are Trying to Do. More than 100 Hcppner people at tended the Armistice day celebra tion staged at Hermiston Friday under the auspices of district six of the American Legion of Oregon, and organizations of the city of Hermiston. Included in the num ber were the high school pep band under the direction of Harold Buh man and the high school football team, accompanied by George Ma bee, coach, who took part in the program. Loyal Parker, com mander of Heppner post American Legion, was introduced on the speaking program, at which Don McCloud of Hood River was the principal speaker. J. E. Hallybur ton of Hermiston, commander of the sixth district, was master of ceremonies. Heppncr's laurels were admirably upheld in the annual footbal classic, with Coach Mabee's gang grabbing off the long end of the 21-6 score. The business houses, organiza tions and citizens of Hermiston were well represented in the parade shortly before noon which started the day's activities. Under police escort the parade, headed by Amer ican Legion and Boy Scout colors, reached for several blocks. Laugh provoking entries were In the ma jority, and enlivened by the music of the Heppner and Irrigon school bands, it put the spectators in a happy frame of mind. Legion Not Militaristic. The speaking program followed in the open beside the football field, with Commander Hallyburton in troducing heads of local commit tees and organizations who assisted in putting on the celebration, as well as visiting dignitaries. Mc Cloud, active in Oregon legion cir cles, spoke from the point of view of the legionnaire In discussing highlights of the nationwide pro gram in behalf of the ex-service man and the contribution of the American Legion to the social and economic life of the country. Term ing the American Legion the larg est organization of ex-service men ever known to the world, he dis claimed that it is militaristic but that it does believe in armaments adequate to properly safeguard the homes and institutions of the Uni ted States. "No one wants peace more than the man who was drug through the blood and mire of the trenches," he averred. One of the aims of the American Legion is to put through laws that ;ill require conscription of labor and capital as well as man power in the event of another war. If they are successful in obtaining such laws, McCloud asserted world peace would be assured so far as the United States is concerned. En larging upon the peace measures of the legion, the speaker said they had given every support to the world court and all other, agencies whose purpose was to supplant war with arbitration. He upheld recent claims of ex service men for asking what they considered their just dues from the government. Demand for imme diate cash payment of the bonus has not come from ex-service men who have jobs and are able to share the necessities and some of the lux uries of life, he declared, while maintaining that the government should provide for those who are not so fortunate. "Uncle Sam owes it to the man who was Injured in the service, and to those dependent upon the men who never returned from France, to see that nothing is lacking for their comfort through out the rest of their lives," he said. National League Criticized. He aimed direct criticism at the National Economy league, many of whose members were said to be drawing large pensions from the government, whose purpose, he de clared, had been to oppose every measure that had been taken In be half of the ex-service man. "These men, ail drawing $4,500 or more from the government as retirement pay, apparently seem to think that anything over $4,000 is all right, as they fight to keep the government from paying the hundred dollars or so that the rank and file of ex-service men would receive Individually from the government," McCloud argued. Following the football game, played Immediately after the speak ing, Hermiston was host to the crowd of 1000 people with a free barbecue of beef and pork, and plenty of beans and cider for every one. A dance In the evening con cluded the day's activities. Besides the band, football team and a large number of high school rooters, the following Heppner peo ple wore noted among the crowd; Mr. and Mrs, Loyal Parker, Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore, Mr. and Mrs, P. M. Gcmniell, Mr. and Mrs. Gay M. An derson, Mr. and Mrs. J, O. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shlvely, Mr. IONE JEWIB E. MCMTJRRAY. Forget your little old troubles and join the happy throng at the "Carnival night program," at Le gion hall, lone, Friday evening, No vember 18. "Who Says Can't?" Is a two-act comedy, the hit of the eve ning. It Is a laugh from start to finish. The characters are: Tom my, Berl Akers; Edith, Miriam Hale; Robert, Charles O'Conner; Isabel, Eva Swanson; Mrs. Wright, Ellen Nelson; Mr. Wright, Charles Lundell. A pantomime, "Wild Nell, the Pet of the Plains," will also be given. A general admission fee of ten cents will be charged. Willows Grange met in regular session at Cecil hall Saturday eve ning, Novemhber 12, and the fol lowing officers were elected for the coming year: Master, Carl Troed son; overseer, Roy Lindstrom; lec turer, Vida Heliker; steward, Wal ter Gibson; assistant steward, Don ald Heliker; chaplain, Clara Kin caid; secretary, Roxy Krebs; treas urer, Harry Cool; G. K., Oliver Kin caid; Flora, Dimple Crabtree; Po mona, Mabel Cool ; Ceres, Dot Crab tree; L. A. S., Beulah Pettyjohn. On Saturday evening, November 19, the brothers of the order will entertain with a program and a real bachelor feed. The sisters are honor guests. Only Grangers ad mitted. On Saturday, November 26. the Morrow County Pomona council will meet at Cecil at 2:00 o'clock as guests of Willows Grange. A tur key dinner will be served by the Grange at 6:30, followed by an in teresting program prepared by the lecturer. We hope to see many Grangers out, both for the dinner and the program. A large crowd gathered at Legion hall Friday evening to enjoy the Armistice Day program and the dance which followed. The pro gram was sponsored by the ladies of the Legion and was as follows: Salute to the Flag; Star Spangled Banner; Invocation by Snoda Blake; Roll Call, Walter Roberts; Victory March, Elaine Rietmann; Songs by the Audience; President Harding's Address at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, read by Ray Turner; Music, Mrs. Sam Hatch; Songs by the audience; Reading by Vivian Haguewood; Song by Wal lace Matthews; Songs by the Au dience, and Retirement of the Col ors. The Armistice Day football game which was played on the local field by lone and Pilot Rock, resulted in a victory for the Rockets, the score being 18-7. Another season of football has been completed and the students are now turning their attention to basketball. The voters at the polls election day placed the affairs of our little city in the hands of the following men: J. P. Louy, mayor; Ralph Harris, recorder; Mrs. Grace Linn, treasurer; George Frank, marshal, and P. G. Balsiger, Ture Peterson and P. J. Linn, councilmen. Ernest Shipley motored over from his new home at Lostine on Thursday, returning Friday with his two cows which he was unable to move at the time his household goods were shipped. Billy Garrett, salesman for Wad hams and company, wholesale gro cers of Portland, was paying lone one of his regular visits Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks and Miss Veda Eubanks left last Fri day for Portland where Mr. Eu banks will resume his work with the Frawley Clark Produce com pany. Miss Eubanks plans on re maining in the city only a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harris of the Park hotel spent Sunday in Pendle ton, the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Claud Carter. Mr. Carter is resi dent highway maintenance engin eer and is a nephew of Mr. Harris. I. R. Robison, owner of the High way garage, was a business visitor in Portland for several days last week. Larry Londergan has been doing some carpenter work on the old E. H. Turner residence north of town. The house will be occupied shortly by Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann who are moving off of the Charley Allinger ranch which they have farmed for the past sev eral years. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Baldwin took advantage of the Armistice Day va cation to make a trip to Walla Wal la. Mrs. Baldwin is a teacher In the lone grade school. They were accompanied by Mrs, A. P, Parker of Heppner who is an aunt of Mr. Baldwin. Harold Gullland arrived Wednes day of last week and is spending a few days with Mrs. Guilland who is staying this winter with her moth er, Mrs. Harriet Brown, seventh and eighth grade teacher, in order that their young son may attend school here. Roy Brown motored over from the farm at Stanfleld on Thursday and on Friday a party composed of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gull- (Continued on Page Six) and Mrs. W. C. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Schwarz, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs, John Tur ner, Mrs. George Mabee, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bloom, Miss Charlotte Woods, Miss Evelyn Humphreys, Dean T. Goodman, Jasper Craw ford, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Burken blne, Dr. A. D. McMurdo, D. A. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Ovlatt. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Ovlatt, Har lan Devln, Paul Jones. Nothing but words of gracious praise have been heard for the hos pitality of the north Umatilla coun ty city. 1932 H. H. S. GRAD DIES IN PORTLAND Rites for Virginia Cleveland Large ly Attended; City Mourns Pass ing of Popular Young Lady. Miss Virginia Cleveland, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cleveland of this city and member of the graduating class of 1932, Heppner High school, died at the Portland sanitarium and hospital Monday evening where she had undergone treatment for hyperthy roidism. The remains were brought to Heppner immediately and fu neral services in charge of Phelps Funeral home were held from the Christian church in this city yes terday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Joel R. Benton, pastor, officiating. In terment was in Masonic cemetery. The large attendance of friends of the family and the many beauti ful floral gifts were tributes of the city in which Miss Cleveland had spent most of her life, in which she had received her schooling, and in which her sunny disposition and beautiful character had won for her a place of high esteem in the hearts of all who knew her. The six boy classmates of her graduat ing class were honorary pallbear ers. They are Eddie Kenny, Ralph Benton, Billy Cox, Claude Hill, Earl Bryant and John Franzen. The latter was unable to be present, and his place as an active pallbear er was taken by Mat Kenny. Miss Virginia Cleveland was born at Gresham, Oregon, March 21, 1915, being the eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cleveland, and died No vember 14, 1932, at Portland, Ore gon, aged 17 years, 7 months and 24 days. She came to Heppner as a small child when the family moved here and the family home was made on what is commonly known as the Hager ranch, four miles southeast of Heppner on Willow creek. Virginia was edu cated in the grade and high schools of this city, always a good student and prominent in student activities. She was especially prominent in the early part of her school life as an accomplished aesthetic dancer, when she appeared before the pub lic on numerous occasions. More recently she was accorded public favor when she was chosen as one of the attendants to the queen last rodeo time. . She was graduated from Heppner high school last spring. In Sep tember she went to Portland with her mother to consult specialists concerning her ailment. An at tempted operation at that time was abandoned because of abnormal heart action. Later she went to Gresham to stay with her grand parents, to await such time as her doctors believed appropriate to complete the operation. She developed a cold recently and some four days before her death, she was taken back to the hospital with a high fever and pulse of 180 a minute. The nature of her case, since the doctors first became fa miliar with it, was such as to give them grave concern. It had re ceived especially close attention and study because of its baffling as pects. All that they could do, how ever, was to no avail and the end came quietly Monday evening. Besides her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cleveland, Virginia is sur vived by a brother, Howard; her paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cleveland of Gresham, an aunt, Mrs. Sophia Barr of Port land, and uncle, aunt and cousin, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cleveland and daughter Eleanor of Pendleton, to whom the sympathy of the entire community is extended. Second "Pacific" Meeting Held by Local Study Club Members of the Woman's Study club made the second stop of their "Loafing Through the Pacific" cruise Monday evening when they met at the McAtce home for a dis cussion of the Samoan and Tongan islands. Mrs. W. P. Mahoncy, Mrs. E. F. Bloom and Mrs. George Ma bee, who were the program com mittee for the evening, added at mosphere to the meeting by placing palms and fresh cocoanuts about the rooms. The cocoanut was serv ed during the evening. The program included a review of the famous play, "Rain," which was given by Mrs. Bloom, and a number of short talks on the Is lands. Mrs. J. T. Lumley had charge of the map study; Mrs. Ma bee talked on American Samoa; Mrs. C. R. Ripley on Missions and Mission schools; Mrs. C. W. Mc Namer on British Samoa; Mrs. J. D. Cash on Robert Louis Steven son's experiences while living in Samoa; Mrs. Lester White on Ste venson's letters written at his home there. Mrs. Paul Gemmell gave a musi cal reading of Stevenson's poem, "Travel," with Mrs. Ripley at the piano. Mrs. H. C. Case talked on "Tonga," and Mrs. Charles Cox re lated one of Jack London's South Sea tales. As a closing number Mrs. Ripley and Mrs. J. O. Turner played "Sea Gardens, a piano duet. HEALTH MEETING SET. A meeting of the Morrow County Public Health association has been announced to be held next Satur day evening, Nov. 19, at the office of Mrs. Lucy E, Rodgers, county school superintendent, for the pur pose of electing officers for the new year. An executive Committee meeting Is also slated for that evening, EDUCAT 0!l THEME OF USE MEETING E. F. Bloom, Mrs. Rodgers Give Talks Appropos National Weeks. RED CROSS HELPED Committee Appointed to Assist In Local Drive; Tax Discussion To be Had Next Week. National Education week and Children's Book week, celebrated throughout the nation last week and this week respectively, furnish ed the inspiration for two enlight ening talks before the Lions club Monday by Edward F. Bloom, city school superintendent, and Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county school su perintendent. J. W. Hiatt, chairman of the lo cal Red Cross roll call, explained the set-up for conducting the drive starting yesterday, in which the Lions club was asked to furnish so licitors for the business section. Named for the job by Spencer Crawford, president, were W. W. Smead, E. R. Huston, J. O. Peter son, C. R. Ripley, C. J. D. Bauman and Dr. A. D. McMurdo. The Busi ness and Professional Womens club had offered to solicit the residential section. Mrs. Crocket Sprouls and Miss Doris Hiatt sang a duet, accompan ied by Mrs. C. R. Ripley, as a spec ial musical feature. Sncll, Hyslop to Speak. S. E. Notson, program chairman, announced that next week's pro gram had been turned over to C. W. Smith, who has arranged to have a rehearsal of tax discussion by Earl Snell of Arlington and G. R. Hyslop, farm crops specialist of Oregon State college, who will be in Hepp ner that day to help formulate the report of the taxation committee of the Eastern Oregon Wheat league which will be presented at the league's annual conference at Condon, Dec. 2-3. Mr. Snell's talk will deal with proposed legislation that is expected to come before the coming session of the legislature. Mrs. Rodgers, speaking on the theme of good books for children, endorsed the reading of good books as one of the best educatinal aids, leading to a fuller appreciation of life. She gave the Lions a list of good books for children, as well as a number of good books for adults in various fields of literature. Many of the books are obtainable at the Heppner public library, while oth ers may be had from the state li brary. In getting books from the latter Mrs. Rodgers said the local library would be glad to place the order, the only cost to the borrower being the postage. Certificate System Cited. As a stimulant to the reading of good books by children in the schools of the county, Mrs. Rodgers explained the reading certificate system now employed. The cer tificates, issued by her office, have spaces for ten gold seals. Each child desiring to earn a certificate, is issued a gold seal for each ten books read and reported on. When ten seals have been placed upon the certificate the child is given the certificate and any book of his choice as a reward of merit. The system is meeting with good suc cess, Mrs. Rodgers said. She ex hibited to the Lions the first cer tificate issued in the county, going to Edith Edwards of Lexington. The advancement of education in the last 40 years was the theme of Mr. Bloom's talk relative to Na tional Education week. He quoted statistics showing that enrollment In high schools of the country had increased from 200.000 pupils In 1890 to more than 3,000,000 in 1925 and more than 4,000,000 at the pres ent time. The smaller number en rolled at the beginning of the per iod represented a higher level of Individual inteligence than the present day enrollment, he said, and therefore a lower standard of ac complishment prevails today than In 1890. Great changes have been made In the curriculum to accom odate the changing conditions, and the speaker declared that In spite of the lower standards of accom plisment, education has made tre mendous progressive strides with probably greater net results. Curriculum Change Made. At the beginning of the period the curriculum was filled with so called mind-training subjects, such as Latin, Greek and higher mathe matics. It was believed that mas tering of these subjects trained the mind, and that the man who mas tered Greek was prepared to tackle any job that came along. Later, educators discovered that it wasn't the mastery of the subject that trained the mind, but Instead the person who had mastered the sub ject was naturally of high Intelli gence capable of making good at most anything attempted. Hence, the curriculum was worked over to Include more practical subjects and today little stress is placed up on those subjects once considered most important. Domestic science, commercial and shop courses have come to be recognized as more val uable for equipping the average student to tako his place in the world. S. E. Notson, Llong program Red Cross Roll Call Starts; Response Good The annual roll call of Morrow County chapter, American Red Cross, was started in Heppner yes terday under the leadership of John W. Hiatt, chairman, who reports pleasure with the response receiv ed, especially from ' the business district, solicitation of which was in the hands of the Lions club. The Business and Professional Women's club has charge of solicitation in the residential district. The roll call continues until Thanksgiving, and is then suspended until Christ mas to give way to the sale of Christmas seals. Mr. Hiatt urges that anyone who is not at home when solicitors call should make it a point to hand their dollar to someone of the com mittee, as all available funds are needed. Since last March 40 million bush els of wheat in one form or anoth er have been distributed to the needy through the Red Cross, and 500,000 bales of cotton in the form of clothing. Local chapters num bering 3639 gave relief to 15,000,000 people including 5,000,000 ex-service men and families. Flour was dis tributed sufficient to make 15 bil lion biscuits or 200 million loaves of bread. Mabee Gives Plan for Intracity Basketball Any male resident of Heppner who has a desire to play basketball will be given the opportunity to fulfill that desire this winter under a plan announced by George Mabee, high school athletic director. Ma bee has arranged for the sponsor ship of four teams to play off a series of intracity games, and should there be more than four teams signed up, additional spon sors will be obtained. Those spon soring teams are Elks, Gordon's, Wilson's and the Gazette Times. The lists will be placed at Gor don's and Wilson's where those de siring to sign up may register on any of the four lists of their choice. The games will be started as soon as the sign-up is completed, and will be played at the rate of three or four games a week. Teams are also being organized out of the high school and it is expected sev eral games will be played between high school and town teams. For the purpose of playing intercity competition, a team is expected to be picked from the Intracity league. Grand Officer to Visit Elks Tomorrow Night Francis Franciscovich of Astoria, district deputy grand exalted ruler, will make his official visit to Hepp ner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks, tomor row evening, when a special meet ing has been called in his honor. Features of the evening, besides Mr. Franciscovich's address, will be a program by the Elks patrol of Boy Scouts, initiation and lunch. D. A. Wilson, exalted ruler, urges all members to be present, as this is expected to be the largest meet ing of the fall season for the local lodge. SIGSBEE-FURLONG. Coming as a surprise to their many Heppner friends was the marriage of Miss Elaine Sigsbee, daughter of Mrs. Sadie Sigsbee, to Orrin Furlong, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Furlong, all of this city, at Vancouver, Wash., last Saturday. The young people will continue to make their home in this city, as sisting in the operation of the Star theater. They have the well wishes of a host of friends. LEGION AUXILIARY MEETS. The American Legion Auxiliary met in Hotel Heppner Tuesday eve ning. Plans were begun for the raffling of the doll dressed by this unit to be entered in the state Fi- dac contest. The doll became lost in the mails and never entered the contest and has just been returned to the Heppner unit. It will be on display down town soon and num bers will be sold. The first meeting in December will be held in Mrs. Rodgers' office in the court house, Monday, Decem ber 5. There is a conference in Arlington on the regular meeting night, December 6, Thanksgiving Observed. On next Sunday, Nov. 20, at the eleven o'clock hour of worship the Heppner Church of Christ will ob serve Thanksgiving Sunday, as the nearest Lord's Day approaching this national holiday. If you have not a Church home, you are In vited to be present and participate in these services. There will be especial worship In song, and the sermon will treat on "Practical Thanksgiving." You are Invited. chairman and veteran educator, en larged on Mr. Bloom's subject, giv ing as the primary purpose of ed ucation the training of the pupil in how to live. The pupil In entitled to learn to live life that will come after leaving school and also to live while In school, the best part of the life of the individual. For this reason athletics and other extra-curricular activities are a very necessary part of student life. Mr. Notson quoted figures showing the average earning capacity of per sons the same age with eighth grade education only, with high school education and with college education, showing a vast Increase with advanced education, to further emphasize the importance of edu cation to the social and economic life of the country, LEXINGTON By BEULAH B. NICHOLS. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jones of Hepp ner were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lucas on Tuesday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were on their way home from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson ac companied Charles Swendig of Heppner to Portland Tuesday morning. S. G. McMillan made a business trip to Portland last week. Pete Chrlstenson of Heppner spent the week end with Duane Johnson. The play, "Dangerous Men," a comedy in three acts, will be pre sented by Lexington high school at the high school auditorium Friday evening, November 18, at eight o' clock. The admission will be thir ty cents for adults and fifteen cents for the children. Armanda Tilden, played by Erma Lane, and her sis ter, Nettie (Rose Thornburg) are two wealthy middle-aged spinsters living in a business women's apart ment building in New York city. Armanda is a confirmed man-hater and although Nettie professes a lit tle hatred, she lives In the memor ies of a blighted youthful romance. The only men who are allowed in the apartment are a minister, a janitor and a favorite nephew. Myr tle Heartsease, a newspaper wo man (Faye Luttrell) brings an un fortunate country girl, who has been lured to the city and deserted, to the spinsters' apartment. The girl turns out to be a man. Well, this is the beginning of the plot A series of complicated and humorous events follows with surprising rap idity and one situation leads to an other. This play provides a whirl wind of hilarity so come and see it. About seventy-five people attend ed the Grange supper Saturday eve ning. Hostesses for the occasion were Mrs. Alta Cutsforth, Mrs. Bernice Bauman, Mrs. Margaret Miller and Mrs. Beulah Nichols. There was also a large attendance at the business meeting following the supper. Officers for next year were elected at this meeting. The new officers are: Master, Harvey Miller; overseer, Bert Johnson; lec turer, Mrs. Lorena Miller; steward, E. A. Kelly; asistant steward, Ken neth Smouse; chaplain, Mrs. Beu lah Nichols; treasurer, Mrs. Fran ces Blakely; secretary, Mrs. Lena Kelly; gate keeper, Norman Nel son; Pomona, Mrs. Cecile Jackson; Ceres, Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers; Flora, Miss Edith Tucker; lady as sistant steward, Miss Helen Smouse. Charles W. Smith, county agent, gave an interesting and instructive talk on "Poultry Raising," and S. E. Notson discussed the Red Cross drive. The card party given after the business meeting was well attend ed. Hostesses for this affair were Mrs. Harvey Bauman, Mrs. J. O. Turner and Mrs. R. C. Phelps. Both bridge and 500 were played. High score in bridge was received by Mrs. Gene Gentry and In 500 by Ralph Jackson. Consolation in bridge was received by Mrs. Lucy Rodgers and in 500 by R. C. Phelps. The next meeting of Lexington Grange will be on Saturday, De cember 10, at which time the newly elected officers will be installed. The men will be in charge of the supper and there will be a dance following the business sesison. The Sunshine club was enter tained Thursday afternoon by Miss La Verne White at her home. The afternoon was spent in sewing and refreshments were served. George Gillis spent the week end at his home in Portland. - Lexington H. E. club held a no hostess meeting at Leach hall on Thursday afternoon for the pur pose of electing officers for next year. The new officers are: presi dent, Mrs. Bertha Nelson; vice president, Mrs. Anna Smouse; sec retary, Mrs. Bertha Dinges; treas urer, Miss Helen Smouse. Com mittees appointed for next year are: program or entertainment, Mis. Emma Peck, Mrs. Lorena Miller, Mrs. Laura Rice and Miss Jessie McCabe; ways and means, Mrs. Pearl Devine, Mrs. Anna Smouse, Mrs. Emma White and Mrs. Sylvannus Wright; dance, Mrs. Beulah Nichols and Mrs. Alta Cuts forth. Mrs. Dinges reported that the plan of selling pie and coffee on election day proved successful. Mrs. Devine gave a report on the meeting of Home Economics com mittee chairmen at La Grande which she attended recently. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in tying a comforter to be used in the relief work this win ter. At the close of the afternoon Mrs. Peck and Mrs. Miller served, cake, cookies and coffee. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. John Miller on Thursday, Decem ber 8. The Lexington P. T. A. is antici pating one of Its best meetings of the year for Monday evening, No vember 21, at 7:30 o'clock. In addi tion to the regular business meet ing there will be refreshments and a big surprise, This surprise is in the nature of a program by the parents and the school faculty. The parents in each of the several school districts transporting to Lexington, are preparing skits and stunts and tho faculty has been working on a huge production for the occasion. It is hoped that all the patrons of the school and com munity will make a special effort to attend. Each family Is requested to bring one-half dozen sandwiches and the refreshment committee will serve coffee. Miss Ruth Luttrell and Miss TU lio Nelson spent Friday In Walla Walla. They attended a show be fore returning home In tho evening. (Continued on Page Six) TO T Condon Prepares for Big Eastern Oregon Con clave, Dec. 2 and 3. MANY PROBLEMS UP Pierce, Scott, Howard to Bring: First-Hand Messages on Farm Relief, Roads and Schools. Bv C. W. SMITH Secretary, Eastern Oregon Wheat League. The Eastern Oreeron Wheat league's annual meeting at Condon. Friday and Saturday. Dec. 2-3. promises to be the livliest one in years. There are plenty of issues to develop heated interest and the league's four large committees will find plenty to do. Committee erouDs and othei-R will work ahead of the meeting and the reports will be submitted and de bated in the general sessions, the nnaings to Become wheat league policies. Coming when wheat nriees are unprecedentedlv low. lust when the short session of congress opens, and oiuy a iew weens before the state legislature convenes, wheat grow ers will be telling the state and na tional lawmakers what they expect and will say it with dramatic em phasis. Farmers from Sherman countv are going to the meeting in mass. To keep the cost of living at a min imum arrangements have been made for rooms with a cook stove and army cots. The farmers are bringing their beds and food, and bachelor apartments, known as ho tel de Sherman, will be established. The housing committee of the Con don Chamber of Commerce has given out word that they are glad to help make arrangements of this kind and that if other delegations want similar accommodations they will be glad to take care of them. Walter Pierce to Speak. Men now in the public limelight are slated to bring messages of spotlight interest to the meeting. Walter M. Pierce, veteran demo crat, former governor and legisla tor, now congressman-elect, has been invited to speak, bringing an intimate knowledge of wheat, stock and public land problems which is expected to land him some Import ant committee positions for agri culture. He is in position to ably carry the wheat league program to the national congress and to stir the United States department of ag riculture into recognition of some of the problems before the country. The wheat league recommenda tions of 1929-30 on federally super vised protein testing have been quite generally adonted. siderable delay and struggle, as the u. a. department of agriculture's protein policv. It still nwnlts h- ing put into effect so its benefits win accrue to tne country. League recommendations for new subclasses of "white wh establish special marketing and pusjoioiy premium cnannels for "white club" and "extra soft white" wheats are now receiving serious consideration but with lots nf ni. sure against making any change. With the late political earthquake and tidal waves has come the op portunity to swat the stand-patters and revise the grain standards so that the interests of the and users rather than those of the mixers and blenders will be pro tected. New world mnrkotintr rnn ditions are demanding special and ueLier qualities in tne export wheat ana tne old game of working off the junk in the export segment of the crop must be revised if the American suiulus and the north west surplus in particular is to find an outlet. Hyslop to Tell of Grades. A few very danererous Dlans. fin ing back to systems obsolete In the united states since 1917, have been presented to the department of ag riculture and are narticularlv haz ardous to the fine dry wheat of the facinc .Northwest George R. Hy slop, professor In the Oregon State college farm crops department, will show these things up and will recall some meritorious improve ments in grades that have heen sidetracked because of pressure on the United States department of agriculture by midwest trading in terests. Sudden severe and unexnected failure of several warehouses In both eastern and western Oregon has resulted in losses of thousands of dollars to growers and dealers. Drastio legislative action is expect ed to be recommended. The late representative and wheat leader, A. V. Swift of Baker, secured ap pointment of an interim legislative committee to Investigate northwest ern warehouse legislation. Through his untimely death the committee has lost an able and Interested ag ricultural leader. Discounts and smutting charges will also be considered by the com mittee on wheat handling, ware housing, discounts and production, headed by Harry Proudfoot of Was co with G. R. Hyslop of Corvallls as secretary. Members are Wm. Powell, Moro; J. W. Sheppard, Grass Valley; Earl Hoag, Blalock; WftXIMER HO SPOTLIGH MEET WG (Continued on l'uge Six)