Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 10, 1932, Image 1

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Volume 49, Number 35.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Steiwer, Pierce Favored;
Repeal Measure Close;
Merger Swarmped.
Two-thirds of County Vote Polled
in Drizzing Rain In Deciding
Men and Measures on Ballot.
Two-thirds of the registered vot
ers of Morrow county braved the
continuous drizzle on election day,
Tuesday, to turn the county demo
cratic for the first time since it
supported Wood row Wilson against
the Republicans and Bull Moosers
In 1912. Normally republican by a
heavy majority the county gave
Franklin D. Roosevelt and John
Nance Garner a plurality of 345
votes over Herbert Hoover and
Charles Curtis for the presidency.
The vote: Roosevelt 924, Hoover
But while choosing the democrat
standard bearers the county was
apparently not influenced entirely
by the prohibition issue as it up
held the present state enforcement
agencies by a vote of 794 to 671.
The total vote for president here
was 1596, an almost exact two
thirds of the registered vote of 2399.
The county split its party pref
erence in the choice of U. S. sena
tor and congressman. Steiwer, re
publican, received 870 votes to dem
ocrat Gleason's 531 for the senator,
ship, while Pierce, democrat, beat
Butler, republican 765 to 643 for
In the single contest on the coun
ty division of the ballot McMurdo
with 800 votes won over Case with
710 for coroner.
For circuit judge Morrow coun
ty supported its former citizen and
incumbent, C. L. Sweek, by a ma
jority of 1030. Sweek's vote was
1288 to Schannep's 258.
The only upset locally for state
offices was in the support of Ma
loney, democrat, for treasurer, who
received 817 votes to Holman's 589.
For secretary of state Hoss took
the lead over Wisecarver, 909 to
579. For attorney general, Van
Winkle polled 809 votes to Dobson'a
543. For supreme court Bean lead
Hewitt 1060 to 347. Bailey, unop
posed for the other supreme court
position, polled 1083 votes.
As a result of the voting Earl
Snell of Arlington and J. O. Tur
ner of Heppner, unopposed for tlje
legisature, will represent the dis
trict at the session which convenes
in January. In this county the
vote was Snell 966, Turner 1127.
County officers elected unopposed
were: district attorney, S. E. Not
son, 1276; commissioner, F. S. Par
ker, 1299; clerk, Gay M. Anderson,
1367; sheriff, C. J. D. Bauman, 1399;
school superintendent, Lucy E.
Rodgers, 1320. S. P. Devln was re
elected as constable In North and
South Heppner precincts, being un
opposed. Morrow county voted on the var
ious measures as follows:
Voters' qualification, yes 767, no
Trial consent, yes 745, no 484.
Six percent limitation, yes 623,
no 436.
Oleo tax, yes 816, no 583.
Rogue closing, yes 407, no 828.
Higher education appropriation,
yes 224, no 994.
Prohibition repeal, yes 671, no
Truck and bus bill, yes 448, no
Zorn unification, yes 241, no 1226.
Debt control, yes 341, no 683.
Tax supervising, yes 416, no 663.
Income tax, yes 649, no 612.
Power bill, yes 676, no 512.
Elks Lodge Stages Big
Election Night Party
Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks,
was host to a large number of in
vited guests at an election party
Tuesday evening. Dancing was the
main diversion of the evening, with
music furnished by Herbert Hynd's
Cecil orchestra. Election returns
were anonunced on the dance floor
at intervals, while many of the
stng members of the party sat by
the radio in the club room receiv
ing more complete returns.
At 11 o'clock, an hour significant
in Elkdom as commemorating de
parted brothers of the order, D. A.
Wilson, exalted ruler, delivered the
"11 o'clock Toast." This was fol
lowed by an address by the grand
exalted ruler, reproduced by elec
trical transcription over the radio,
which was scheduled to be given at
the same hour in all lodges of the
country. Patriotic music was then
played, followed by Mr. Wilson's re
cital of "The Tribute to the Flag,"
and the ceremony ended with all
reciting "The American's Creed.'
A light lunch of sandwiches and
coffee was served at midnight.
On top of his lead in Morrow
county of 1030 votes, C. L. Sweek,
circuit judge, carried Umatilla
county by a. heavy majority. The
vote there Is Sweek 4826, Schannep
Following the regular Odd Fel
lows meeting at their hall Saturday
night, the ladies arrived bringing
with them a delicious pot-luck sup
per. After thi3 was served, games
and dancing were enjoyed until a
late hour, and all those present re
port a most enjoyable time.
On last Thursday evening just
before their departure for their
new home at Lostine, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Shipley were given a fare
well party at -the Walter Corley
home in upper lone. Guests pres
ent were Mrs. Frank Engelman,
Mrs. Walter Roberts, Mr. and Mrs.
John Bryson, Mrs. Helen Fan-ens,
Cole Smith and Walter Corley.
Games were played and refresh
ments were served by the hostesses,
Mrs. Corley and Mrs. Smith. Mr.
and Mrs. Shipley have decided to
engage in farming and will operaU
a ranch just outside the city limits
of Lostine.
The Women's Topic club met Sat
urday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Elmer Griffith at Morgan. The
subject studied was a continuation
of Australia and New Zealand. In
answer to the roll call each lady
described some native bird or ani
mal of the two countries being
studied. Cities of Australia and
New Zealand and plans for the Cap
itol city, was the subject of an In
teresting paper by Mrs. Walter Cor
ley. A paper on South Australia
was read by Mrs. Victor Rietmann.
Altogether the meeting was inter
esting and Instructive. Refresh
ments followed the study hour. The
next meeting of the club will be a
social meeting and will be held
November 19. The next study
meeting will be December 3 and
will be at the home of Mrs. Harlan
Guests present at Mrs. Griffith's
home were Mrs. Louis Bergevin,
Mrs. Walter Corley, Mrs. Inez Free
land, Mrs. Henry Gorger, Mrs. Sam
Hatch, Mrs. Roy Lleuallen, Mrs.
Fred Mankin, Mrs. Omar Riet
mann, Mrs. Werner Rietmann, Mrs.
Victor Rietmann, Mrs. D. M. Ward,
Mrs. Bert Mason, Mrs. Dwlght MIs
ner. Another no-host dancing party
was held Monday night at the Sam
Hatch home on First street About
forty guests were present Music
was by the Gorgtr brothers and
Mrs. Hatch.
An Armistice Day program, td
which the public is invited, will be
given at Legion hall Friday eve
ning. One interesting number on
the program will be a roll call of
ail ex-service men; another will be
the assembly singing of old war
songs. The program is sponsored
by the Legion auxiliary, the dance
which follows will be given by the
lone post, American Legion.
Sunday guests at the Sam Hatch
home were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Hoasier of Stanfield.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grimes of
Waldport were business visitors in
lone the first of last week.
Lloyd Fletcher returned recently
from Wenatchee where he had been
employed in the apple harvest.
The first of last week Mrs. John
Farris enjoyed a short visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Clark, and her sister, Mrs. George
May, all of Medford. Accompany
ing the party from Portland was
Miss Dorothy Clark who will spend
the winter with her sister, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rowell mo
tored to Stanfield one day last
week for a brief visit at the home
of Mr. Rowell's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Rowell.
Laxton McMurray was in Hepp
ner Wednesday and Thursday of
last week serving as a member of
the county budget committee. Mr.
McMurray took the place of W. E.
Moore, regular committeeman, who
was unable to be present.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keller
spent a few days the first of the
week with friends in Pendleton.
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Linn who
have been making their home In
Morgan while Mr. Linn had em
ployment in the warehouse at that
place have now returned to lone
for the winter. They will live with
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howk.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckner who
are visiting in West Virginia were
thinking of "the old home town"
election day. They cast their vote
by air mail. Another long distance
vote came from Miss Kathryn Feld
man who is in California.
Election day was certainly wet
in lone notwithstanding the way
the votes were cast This part of
the country was vlsltedby a soak
ing rain.
The football game Friday ended
with a score 26-7 In favor of Hepn-
ner. The last game of the season
will be on the home field Armistice
Day when our boys meet Pilot
J. W. Chrlstopherson came home
Sunday to spend a few days with
Mrs, Ch'ristopherson. He is a stu
dent in the adult school for blind
in Portland and is much Interested
in his work. He brought with him
several brooms which he had made
as a part of his training course.
These he is offering for sale. Mr.
Chrlstopherson is also learning to
cane chairs.
Mrs, Harlan McCurdy was host
ess at a birthday dinner Saturday
evening. Her guests besides the
members of her own family were
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roberts, Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Rietmann, Mr. and
Mrs. Werner Rietmann, Mr,-and
Mrs. George E. Tucker, Mrs. Vic
tor Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Blake, After the dinner, the friends
enjoyed a happy evening at cards.
Mrs. Victor Peterson of Heppner
has been enjoying a, pleasant visit
(Continued on Page Six)
Lions Meeting Features
Anniversary With Ap
propriate Program.
Mrs. Will Morgan, Native of France,
Was German Prisoner; School
Participates; Play Reported.
"How I spent Armistice day, and
my reactions" was the theme of
seven world war veterans who at
tended Lions club meeting Mon
day, one a native French woman
now living in Heppner who was
held prisoner for a year and a half
by the Germans. This feature and
appropriate musical and reading
numbers were given in commemor
ation of the anniversary of the
World war armistice next Friday,
the program having been arranged
by S. E. Notson, program chairman.
Nine high school boys assisted in
the program. Armin Wihlon re
cited "In Flanders Fields," Francis
Nickerson read another favorite
war poem, "Young Fellow, Me Lad"
by Robert W. Service, and the boys'
octette accompanied by Miss Char
lotte Woods sang "Tramp, Tramp,
the Boys Are Marching." Compos
ing the octette were Eddie Kenny,
Wrex Langdon, Billy Schwarz,
Francis Nickerson, Marvin Morgan,
Claire Phelan and Billy Cochell.
Play Cast Thanked.
A vote of thanks was given mem
bers of the cast of "Safety First,"
Lions play presented last week, and
a financial report read which show
ed net profits to the club of $30.
Of this amount $20 was voted to be
paid on indebtedness that had been
contracted in work at the city
park. An invitation from D. A.
Wilson, exalted ruler, was given
members of the club to attend the
Elks election party held Tuesday
Stories of the war veterans were
featured by pleas for a more sym
pathetic public understanding of
the problems of the ex-service men.
It was emphatically denied that
conventions of ex-service men were
held for the sole purpose of "get
ting drunk. Service men are so
ber and sincere in their attempt to
rehabilitate themselves and con
tribute their bit to the public good,
it was said, with citing of the re
cent American Legion and auxiliary
national conventions in Portland as
an example of their sincerity. In
cidents connected with past conven
tions that were held up to public
disrepute were disclaimed as hav
ing come from a younger element
who took advantage of such occa
sions to get on a "spree."
Armistice day in 1918 caught the
service folk in various parts of the
world. Spencer Crawford, Lions
president, was in Heppner at the
time and shared in the general re
joicing prevalent here.
Celebrates In St Paul.
Chas. W. Smith, county agent,
was on a troop train crossing the
middle western states. The men
on the train were not permitted to
participate in the wild celebrations
being staged in the towns through
which they passed, until they got
to St. Paul that evening. There
they did join in the hilarity, though
he believed not with the same depth
of feeling that the fathers and
mothers of service men did.
F. A. McMahon, state policeman,
told one of the most engrossing
tales. A "gob" in a port city of
France, he was slipped up on by
his first initiation Into the insidious
effects of champagne, a luxury or
dinarily beyond the means of a
midshipman. He walked off the
end of a pier three times and only
survived to tell the story because
a grabhook in the hands of trusty
brothers of the deep was near at
hand. While jitneying his captain
to camp, his senior officer was
dumped out of the back seat when
he attempted to stand up also the
effect of cfiampagne. Mac said he
didn't know the armistice had been
signed until three days afterward,
verifying a popular conception that
water on top of champagne acts
like so much more champagne. He
denied that debauchery was com
mon among American troops, and
championed much of the drinking
on the ground that drinking the
terrible water of the country gave
the boys French itch, and that their
horrible experiences in the trenches
justly Increased a desire to forget.
Some Are Disappointed.
C. J. D. Bauman, sheriff, was a
marine guarding T. N. T. on a small
island off the Rhode' Island coast in
Nantucket bay when the armistice
was signed. He was sorry to hear
the news as it meant his chances nf
getting "across" were blasted.
Edward F. Bloom, city school su
perintendent, said he did not know
when the armistice was signed, but
for a different reason from that giv
en by McMahon. He cited the false
report of the armistice signing giv
en out three days before it actually
occurred as taking much of the zest
from the actual occurrence and
many people were not convinced of
the authenticity of the second re
port for several days afterward.
W. E. Moore, cashier First Na
tional bank, was on detached duly
in Portland. It was some celebra
tion there, he said, probably the big-
City Budgeteers Work;
Income Found Shrunk
While a cut was made In the
amount to be expended by the city
next year in practically every de
partment, the budget committee
which met Monday evening found
it was still necessary to increase
the tax rate over last year because
of the decrease in estimated re
ceipts based on receipts for the
present year. In checking over ex
penditures for the present year it
was found that in no department
had the city used up the entire
amount budgeted. Expenditures
had been kept within receipts in
order to keep the city on a cash
Citizens sitting on the committee
with the full council were Charles
W. Smith, W. E. Moore and Earl W.
Gordon, The proposed budget for
the coming year is published in an
other column of this issue.
Needed street work In the city
this fall was discussed at the reg
ular council meeting which preced
ed making of the budget but ac
tion was deferred until after the
budget had been made as funds
were said not to be available to go
ahead with the work' at present.
The council ordered the bridge by
the Legion swimming tank, which
is now closed, to be removed and
the creek fenced on either side.
Certain Evidence Given
Of Democratic Victory
For a long time in Morrow coun
ty election day has been looked
forward to because it inevitably
brings rain. Folks were not dis
appointed Tuesday when they
awoke early in the morning to find
a typical "Oregon mist ' crowding
Old Sol's beaming countenance
from the heavens. As the day prog
ressed the rain became heavier,
giving the entire county a good
As some good republicans looked
askance at the results of the elec
tion, they opined: "Whether any
good comes from the election,
things are going to be helped by
the rain."
Farmers in town to cast their
votes who were interviewed ex
pressed satisfaction at the fine
progress being made by growing
crops, and the greesish tinge given
the landscape is an indication that
fall range may not be entirely lack
ing. One large collie dog was noticed
sitting supinely on the pavement In
the middle of Main utrast Vhen the
rain was heaviest, apparently obliv
ious to the downpour. Presently,
however, he arose and walked plac
idly to the shelter afforded at the
doorstep of Gordon's and rested
himself on his haunches. He was
satisfied the country had gone dem
Just as we go to press, word is
conveyed to us of the death at
Athena at 4:30 yesterday afternoon
of Frank Lieuallen of this county.
Mr. Lieuallen had been in failing
health for many months and had
been at Athena for some time
under a doctor's care, and for
a while had shown marked im
provement Just recently, however,
there was a turn for the worse and
his passing came yesterday after
noon. Funeral arrangements are
being completed and will be held
on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at the Christian church in Hepp
ner, Joel R. Benton, pastor, offi
ciating, and Interment will follow
in Masonic cemetery. Mr. Lieuallen
had long been a resident of this
county and was a native of Umatil
la county. A full obituary notice
will appear in next week's paper.
gest time the city will ever see.
Like Bauman he saw his hopes of
getting to France upset
An insight into the wartime life
of the French people was given by
the story of Mrs. Will Morgan, na
tive French woman no wliving in
Heppner, and Lions guest, whose
paper was read by Mrs. C. R. Rip
ley, It follows:
Woman's Story Given.
I have been asked by Lion S. E.
Notson and Lion Chas. W. Smith,
to appear here today and narrate
some of my exeperiences during the
World War.
Having lost my brother, several
other relatives and numerous
friends during the War, it would be
rather difficult for me to tell ev
erything that happened and some
of the terrible things that were seen
as it would only bring back a lot of
memories, therefore, I will tell you
about the time I was taken prisoner
by the Germans.
France entered the World War
August twenty-eighth, 1914. I was
at that time living at Dun Muns.
The Germans fought there for a
month and finally set fire to the
town and took the French people
prisoners. They intended to kill
all the French people, but after
considerable talk killed the men
and boys and held the women pris
oners. We were held for a year
and a half, were not allowed to go
any place, had to work for the Ger
mans and were forced to bury the
soldiers who were killed. We had
to start work at seven o'clock In
the mornings, do all the cooking
and take care of the Injured, and
If we did not do as we were told to
to do we were apt to be shot
On one occasion when a picture
was being taken of the French pris
oners, a German captain asked me
to dance, which I refused to do by
telling him something in his own
language something I had been
told by one of the Germans to say,
and which I afterwards found out
(Continued on Pace Six)
Organization Set Up to
Cover Entire County;
Is Supplementary.
S. E. Noteon Named Chairman,
With Cohorts Over County; Flour
And Cotton Goods Available.
Morrow county chapter American
Red Cros3 machinery was set in
motion at the Elks hall in Hepp
ner last Friday afternoon to help
lift the burden of relief work in
the county through the coming win
ter. Miss Adelia Bigelow, district
Red Cross supervisor, assisted in
the reorganization work.
On the resignation of Mrs, W. P.
Mahoney, past president, S. E. Not
son was named president. Other
officers are C. W. Smith, vice pres
ident; Mrs. Harold C. Case, secre
tary, and Mrs. W. E. Pruyn, treas
urer. Besides the officers, named
on the executive committee are
Mrs. Jeff Beamer, J. W. Hiatt, Au
drey Beymer, Mrs. Olive Frye, Dr.
A. D. McMurdo, Jasper Crawford,
Mrs. Edward F. Bloom and Mrs.
Lucy E. Rodgers.
Under the plan of operation pro
posed for the coming winter, it is
expected the Red Cross work will
supplement and work hand in hand
with other relief agencies of the
county to eliminate duplication of
effort. For this reason persons
In each of the communities of the
county has been appointed as local
Red Cross representative. Those
named are already taking an active
interest in relief work. They are:
Lexington, Miss Dona Barnett,
Mrs. Elmer Hunt and Edwin L. In
gles; lone, Mrs. Bert Mason, Mrs.
Lee Howell, Mrs. Beulah Lundell
and Mrs. Sylvia Gorger; Boardman,
Mrs. W. O. King and Mrs. Ethel
Hendricks; Irrigon, Tom Caldwell;
Hardman, Mrs. Effie Stevens; Eight
Mile, Mrs. Carrie Becket and Mrs.
Ben Anderson; Alpine, Mrs. Mil
dred Clary; Pine City, Mrs. Percy
Miss Bigelow announced that
supplies of flour, cotton goods and
cotton-made articles are available
for the local chapters. Morrow
county chapter already has a sup
ply of flour at Heppner, Lexington,
lone and Boardman, from which
stores will be taken for Hardman
and Irrigon also, making these dis
tributing points. A requisition will
be placed for cotton goods and
made articles as soon as needs can
be determined.
Appointed as chairman of the
clothing committee with authority
to appoint other members was Mrs.
George McDuffee. The flour com
mittee named is Mrs. Jeff Beamer,
M. L. Case, Ralph Jackson and Bert
The annual roll call for member
ship solicitation was discussed and
various community chairmen nam
ed, the date to be announced later.
The chairmen named are: Hepp
ner, J. W. Hiatt; Lexington, Miss
Dona Barnett; lone, Mrs. Bert Ma
son; Irrigon, Tom Caldwell; Board
man, Mrs, Ethel Hendricks; Hard
man, Mrs. Effie Stevens. In other
communities the local relief chair
men will act as roll call chairmen
A central distribution and sew
ing room will be established at
Heppner as a base for handling
supplies. Progress in the work of
gathering supplies is announced
with 150 apple boxes having been
obtained for gathering apples. Boy
Scouts at Heppner, Lexington and
lone will collect the boxes this
week, and the county truck will
take them to La Grande where they
will be filled with apples and
brought back.
Stores Close Tomorrow;
llermiston Invites City
While no celebration is slated
here in honor of Armistice day, all
stores of the city will be closed to
morrow to give those who desire to
do so an opportunity to accept the
invitation of Hermiston post Amer
ican Legion to attend the celebra
tion there. The high school foot
ball team and band will help stage
the event, with Heppner and Her
miston high schools engaging in
their annual football battle, and
the band playing at various times.
Besides the football game there
will be a general assembly and pa
rade in the morning, and a free
barbecue after the game which will
start at 1:30. A big dance in the
evening will wind up the program.
The queen contest sponsored by
F. E. Barker, manager of Leach
hall, Lexington, is said to be caus
ing much excitoment. Thus far
ten contestants have been entered
In the race for popularity and the
$20 cash prize. The latest standing
Is Hazel Beymer 2450, Eula McMil
lan 950, Erma Lane 900, Viola
Brown 750, Veda Eubanks 300; Ly
dia Ulrieh 200, Delia Ulrich 200,
I Anne McNamee 150, Jessie Palml-
ter, 100, Adele Nickerson 50.. At the
dnnce last Saturday night James
Farley, Billy Cox and Robert Mont
gomery received prizes from the
peanut wonder dance, compliment
ary tickets to the Thanksgiving ball
Nov. 24.
The play, "Dangerous Men," will
be presented by Lexington high
school on Friday evening, Novem
ber 18, at eight o'clock at the high
school auditorium. The admission
price will be fifteen cents for the
children and thirty cents for the
adults. Tickets are on sale now
and may be purchased from any
high school student The cast is
composed of: Armanda Tilden, a
wealthy spinster, Erma Lane; Net
tie Tilden, her misguided sister,
Rose Thornburg; Hattie Storey, a
female detective, Edith Tucker;
Peggy Page, a young bride, Alma
Van Winkle; Esmy, the serving
maid, Grace Burchell; Myrtle
Heartsease, a newspaper woman,
Faye Luttrell; Neddy Page, a fa
vorite nephew, Vester Thornburg;
Tommy Ross, his chum, Vivian
White; Brother Wheeler, secretary
of a misisonary society, Dale Lane;
Johnathan Ross, Tommy's father,
Garland Thompson; Tim O'Toole,
a police officer, Sam McMillan; Os
car, the janitor, Edward Hunt
The production committee Is as
follows; prompter, Doris Bruchell;
stage managers, Alfred Van Win
kle and Irvin Padberg; business
managers, Bill Vaji Winkle and Les
ter Cox; property committee, Tilie
Nelson, Belva Bundy and Winford
Duvall; wardrobe, Betty Reaney;
make-up, Helen Breshears and Fern
Luttrell; director, Miss Betsy Ash
er. If you want a good laugh you
should see this play. Perhaps you
think that there is no such thing
as a dangerous man. If such is
the case, just come to the high
school audtorium on the evening of
November 18 and the cast of this
play will convince you that there
are at least a few.
In spite of the heavy rains on
Tuesday there was a keen interest
shown in the voting. The results
of the election in this precinct was:
For president, Roosevelt 84, Hoo
ver, 78, Thomas 6; United States
Senator, Steiwer 120, Gleason 33,
Coulter 8, Thomas 2, Krueger 1;
Representative in Congress, Pierce
79, Butler 70, Brady 13, Schnur 1;
secretary of state, Hoss 128, Wise
carver 39, Midwood 4; state treas
urer, Holman 87, Maloney 69, Mc
Farland 9, Ward 3; attorney gen
eral, Van Winkle 103, Dobson 45,
Svenson 3, Hosmer 2; representa
tive, Turner 103, Snell 93; district
attorney, Notson 146; county com
missioner, Parker 144; county clerk,
Anderson 161; sheriff, Bauman 161;
school superintendent, Rodgers 145;
coroner, McMurdo 86, Case 73; con
stable, Ed Cumings 116; justice of
the peace, Sylvannus Wright 8. Bills
and amendments: Taxpayers' vot
ing qualification, yes 102, no 39; Au
thorizing criminal trials without
juries, yes 88, no 52; Six per cent
tax limitation, yes 65, no 51; Oleo
margarine bill, yes 27, no 109;
Rogue river closing bill, yes 27, no
109; Higher education appropria
tion bill, yes 18, No 112; Bill to re
peal state prohibition law, yes 51,
no 102; Truck and bus bill, yes 37,
no 115; University moving bill, yes
20, no 138; Tax and debt control,
yes 38, no 70; Tax supervising bill,
yes 40, no 73;Income tax amend
ment, yes 79, no 60; Water power
amendment, yes 70, no 57.
The seniors in the high school
have chosen orchid and gold as
their class colors. Their com
mencement announcements have
been selected and they are now
working on plans for a dance to
be given at Leach hall in the near
future. You will hear more about
this later.
Gerald White came over from his
home at Hermiston Sunday and vis
ited with his mother, Mrs. Sarah
Lexington Grange will meet Sat
urday night, November 12, for the
purpose of nominating officers for
next year. The entertainment com
mittee will serve supper at six o'
clock at the hall. The business
meeting will begin immediately af
ter supper. There is to be only a
short business session following
which there will be a public card
party. A charge of fifteen cents
per person of twenty-five rents per
couple will be made for those wish
ing to play. Lunch will be served
at midnight.
"Faith" will be the sermon topic
at the Christian church Sunday
morning, in the series on the "Faith
of Our Fathers." Mr. Sias will con
duct services again Sunday night
in the church at Pine City.
Herbert Hill of Rufus spent Sun
day at the Omar Luttrell home.
On his return he was accompanied
by Mrs. Luttrell who will visit with
her daughters, Mrs. Lois Snively
and Mrs. Herbert Hill.
Jack and Marion Scott of Ever
ett, Wash., who have been visiting
with relatives here during the past
week, left Saturday night for Knap
pa, Ore., where they will visit their
sister, Mrs. Bessie Brock, before
going on to San Diego, When they
reach the California city the boys
plan on enlisting in the navy.
A large number of Lexington peo
ple attended the play "Safety First"
which was given by the Lions club
at Heppner last week. Among lo
cal people who won prizes at the
country store were Mrs. Charles
Inderbltzen, Erma Lane, Grace
Burchell and Lester White.
Miss Dona Barnett, Mrs. Elmer
Hunt and Edwin Ingles are on the
executive committee of the Morrow
County chapter of the American
Red Cross.
Mrs. Carol Ingles, Mrs. La Velio
White, Miss Betsy Asher and Miss
Eula McMillan attended the de
pression dinner given by the Busl
nes and Professional Womens club
nt Heppner Monday evening.
The Lexington - Heppner town
(Continued on Page Six)
Huge Roosevelt Victory
Indicates Largest Vote
In History of U. S.
Pierce, Steiwer Win; Six Measures
Win While Seven Defeated;
State Officers Republican.
Election returns from the out
side are indicative of the greatest
democratic landslide In history, lat
est returns showing Governor
Roosevelt likely to receive 472 elec
toral votes, the largest vote ever
received by a candidate for the
presidency. Hoover's electoral vote
is reported at 59. The popular vote
Is given as Roosevelt, 17,248j872
and Hoover, 12,588,841, with returns
still incomplete. Oregon's vote was
given as Roosevelt 125,944; Hoover,
80,678. States given in the Hoover
column were Connecticutt, Dela
ware, Maine, New Hampshire,
Pennsylvania and Vermont
Coincident with the election of
Roosevelt, reports show democrat
ic gains all over the country that
will give them comfortable control
of both houses of congress.
Oregon voted fifty-fifty on its rep
resentation in congress by the elec
tion of Pierce, democrat, for con
gressman in the second district, and
Martin, democrat, for congressman
in the third district, while giving
Steiwer and Matt republicans, a
good majority for senator and con
gressman respectively, the latter
from the first district
As returns continue to come In, it
is reported that there is little likli-
hood of change in any of the
trends. Election and passage of
the following men and measures Is
Indicated In the state contests:
Secretary of state, Hal E. Hoss,
State treasurer, Rufus C. Hol
man, republican.
Attorney general, I. H. Van Win
kle, republican.
Supreme court, H. J. Bean and J.
O. Bailey.
Voting qualification amendment
Trial by jury amendment
Tax limitation amendment.
Prohibition repeal.
Income tax.
Water power amendment
The measures indicated to be de
feated are:
Oleo tax.
Rogue closing.
Education appropriation.
Bus bill.
University removal.
Tax control.
Tax supervision.
Anderson Elected Mayor;
2 New Councilmen Chosen
Gay M. Anderson was elected
Heppner's new mayor in the elec
tion Tuesday, winning over Dean
T. Goodman by a vote of 261 to 163.
As a result the city will retain the
services of both Mr. Anderson and
Mr. Goodman for the coming two
years, as Mr. Goodman is a hold
over councilman.
Two new councilmen will be seat
ed as a result of the balloting. They
are Dr. A. D. McMurdo and Chas.
W. Smith, both running unopposed,
who will succeed L. E. Bisbee, re
tiring councilman who , has served
the city faithfuly for many years.
The third councilman named was
Frank Shively, unopposed, running
to succeed himself. E. R. Huston
was reelected recorder and W. O.
Dix treasurer. The vote: McMur
do 380, Shively 365, Smith 347, Hus
ton 363, Dix 366.
The retiring mayor, W. G. Mc
Carty, was not a candidate for re
election. Having served the city
for two terms, he chose not to run.
The city election was unexciting,
being free from any kind of organ
ized campaign.
Returns received from Gilliam
county this morning show Butler
outran Pierce for congress there by
seven votes, 599 to 592. while Brady,
independent, received 71 votes. W.
F. Jackson, democrat, lead his re
publican opponent, J. P. Yates, for
the state senatorship, in that coun
ty 675 to 567. The district com
prises Gilliam, Sherman and Wheel
er counties. District and county of
ficers named were: district attor
ney, D. N. Mackay; county commis
sioner, Earl P. Hoag; judge, J, D.
Burns; sheriff, Frank E. Bennett
who defeated the incumbent M. V.
Logan; clerk, John S. Baker; treas
urer. Myrtle Ferguson; assessor,
Blain Maley; school superintendent,
Florah Schroeder; surveyor, S. F.
Walters; coroner, J. W. Burns.
While Judge Parker, incumbent,
carried Gilliam county in the cir
cuit judgeship race in Gilliam and
Wheeler counties, by a vote of 813
to 534, Carl Hendricks of Fossil,
was elected due to his big lend In
Wheeler county, a vote of 973 to
Mrs. J, A. McClure, 64, of Tleton,
Wash., sister-in-law of Mrs. Alice
Adkins of this city, passed away
at here home this week. Mrs. Ad
kins left for Tleton today to attend
the funeral services to be held to
morrow. Mrs. McClure fell re
cently, breaking her hip, which Is
believed to have contributed to her