Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 29, 1932, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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E. L. Meyers and R. M. Town
send, representing the state and
national republican central com
mittees, were calling in Heppner
Wednesday, feeling out the polit
ical situation in regard to the com
ing general election. On their way
over the state they find the business
trend generally improved over a
year ago and people generally opti
mistic. That bruin still roams the Blues
is asserted by two men who came
In from the mountains this week.
W. E. Mikesell saw a bear while
cutting wood out in the vicinity of
Ditch creek, and Claude Graham,
out with Terrel Benge, also saw one
on the Arbuckle road between Kel
ley prairie and the top of the mountain.
Mr. and Mrs. Crocket Sprouls
left the first of the week for Spo
kane where Mr. Sprouls expected
to attend a school held for Stand
ard Oil company employees. On
his return Mr. Sprouls will be con
nected with the local Standara ser
vice station.
Mrs. Sadie Lewis of Lexington
made a business visit to the city
Tuesday. Soon to be 76 years young,
Mrs. Lewis enjoys good health. She
is the erandmother of Marion f al
men whose marriage to Miss Gene
va Pettvlohn was an event of the
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ripley depart
ed this week for a two weeks' va
cation trip which will take them
southward to San Francisco and
other California points. Mr. Rip
ley is local agent of the Standard
Oil company.
Clarence Bauman, John Wight-
man and Lawrence Beach made up
a hunting party that headed for the
timber Tuesday in quest of deer, ex
pecting to be out til the end or the
held after school throughout the
week, and one general rehearsal is
held each week on Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Latourell
came in from a hunt this week,
Mrs. Latourell being the good
marksman accounting for a 220
pound buck they had in tow. .
Louis Padberg of Wells Springs
was seen in the city Tuesday. No
new developments have been re
ported from the Wells springs gas
diggings recently.
Frank Fraters of Eight Mile was
here Saturday. He is getting ready
to put in the forr grain and would
greatly appreciate a big, soaking
rain right now.
Dr. A. D. McMurdo, son Ted, and
Earl Hunt returned from a hunt
this week. Earl was the only suc
cessful hunter in the party, landing
a 220 pounder.
Johan Troedson and son Vernor
from the Ella district were in town
Tuesday, Mr. Troedson Sr. consult
ing a physician about an injured
Bob Benton, eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joel R. Benton, came up from
Portland the end of the week and
enjoyed a hunting trip this week
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Burnside at the Maggie Hunt home
in this city last Sunday, an S
pound son.
Monte Bundy of the South
Springs district north of Lexington,
was doing business in the city on
Frank Robinson, pioneer lone at
torney, reported everything well
with the Egg city when in town
Lost -One black gelt, with bob
bed tail, from home on Rhea creek.
Verl Farrens. 29-30.
Lost Two keys in leather case
Reward. Leave at McAtee & Aik
ens. 29p
Junior Band Is Offered.
A junior band is being organized
by the band director, Mr. Buhman,
and is made up of those who wish
to start in the band. They will be
advanced to the school barid as
soon as they are capable.
Those already enrolled in the Ju
nior band are Hugh Crawford, Don
ald Bennett, Harry Tamblyn, Em
ery Coxen, Hubert Hudson, Betty
Robinson, Alan UibD, Margaret
Doolittle and Jack Merrill.
There is still an opportunity for
those who wish to start in the band
work now. Anyone who is inter
ested should see Director Buhman
as soon as possible as there may
not be another opportunity to enter
for one or two years.
Edited by the Journalism Class of Heppner High School
Editor Armin Wlhlon
Assistant Miriam Moyer
Reporters: William Thomson, Roy
Gentry, Rachel Anglin, Alice
Bleakman, Frank Anderson, An
abel Turner, Edmond Gonty,
Kathleen Cunningham.
It is hoped that the parents and
the public will do all in their power
to help that very worthwhile organ
ization, the school band. Let's ev
eryone boost our band.
The speech given by Mr. Barratt
last Monday brings to mind the sig
nificance of the Norton Winnard
Cup. This cup was given to the
hleh school by the class of 1918 who
did this in memory of the sterling
qualities of their classmate, Norton
Until two years ago, this cup had
been given to the best all around
Junior; but in the last few years
the best senior has had his name
engraved upon the cup.
The qualifications for this cup
are: good grades, good personality,
narticiDation in some sport, al-
thoueht this isn't necessary, and a
good social standing among class
mates. A natural scnoiar win nave
no better chance for this honor
than has the person who must study
at home because we all admire most
a person who gets high grades be
cause he works for them.
The prestige of being a student
whose name is engraved upon the
cup is worth striving for; and not
only is the name of this cup known
in Heppner but In the whole state
of Oregon.
Therefore, a Norton wmnara
Cup student has a better chance In
after life because he is marked for
his high merits; and this is another
thing for which every student
should strive.
penings of Mr. Winnard's college
days. All that had been true of
him in HeDDner high school was
true in his higher education days
He never sought glory and some
times even dodged it. When he
graduated from Harvard he was
recommended for a position wnn
one of the largest hospitals in the
United States in New York, and he
had just entered upon what gave
promise of being a great career
when it was cut short by his un
timely passing.
In his talk Mr. Barratt said ne
honed all the students would re
member this cup and work for it
throughout their high school course
so that there would be a real con
test as to the one who would receive
it in his senior year. The candi
date selected must possess the qua!
ities of leadership, scholarship, and
personality as exemplified by the
person whom the cup commemor
Pep is Shown.
A pep meeting and rally were held
last Thursday by the student body
for the purpose of arousing school
spirit for the Heppner-Condon foot
ball game held Friday At tne pep
assembly. Mr. Mabee, school coach
introduced the players, and then the
yell leaders led the student body in
a few peppy yells. The rally was
held at 7:30 starting at the post of
fice and yelling and serpentining up
and down Main street.
Gym Flans Made for Year.
Gvm is being started vigorously
this year with the spirited organi
zation of clubs. These clubs: the
Red Devils led by Margaret Nel-
, the Wildcats led by Anabel
Turner, the Shooting stars led by
Delia Ulrich, and the Shamrocks
led by Hazel Beymer, are to com
pete against each other for a ban
ner to be given to the all star team
at the end of the year.
From these teams four managers
have been selected from whom a
supervising manager will be chosen
to help with the schedules and post
ing of games.
Coach Mabee and the four leaders
have drawn up a constitution of
rules which states that there will
be three classes of sports this year.
First, the major group consisting
of soccer, basketball, speedball, and
indoor baseball. Fifteen points will
be awarded each team that wins
one of these games and five points
for entrance. Second, are the minor
sports such as tennis, horse shoes,
dodge ball, and Sigma Delta Psi,
with ten points for winning and
three points for entrance. Third,
there are the all school sports con
sisting of track and such meets
with five point3 for the winning
Later in the winter it will be
impossible to run off two games a
day during the thirty minutes of
gym provided, so it has been decid
ed to schedule and play these games
in the gym of evening3.
Gym is proving to be very bene
ficial as well as enjoyable under the
excellent training Mr. Mabee Is pro
Grade News.
Pupils of the first grade are
working on an Indian project and
a sand bed.
In the second grade room some
sixth grade boys were found play
ing with cars in the sand" bed. The
teacher said they enjoyed it as
much as her pupils.
The pupils of the seventh grade
are working on a very Interesting
play project for the near future.
New students enrolled In tne
eighth grade are Josephine Moyer
from Lexington, Donald Belling-
brock from Cottonwood, Juanita
Kirk from Montana and Minan
Timmins from Denver.
The eighth grade civics class is
very fortunate in this being an elec
tion year so that they may study
the organization and workings of
political parties and elections from
observation. Later they will hold
an election of their own on sample
ballots to determine their choice for
The class expresses itself thus:
"It is the privilege of every good
citizen to vote; therefore we are all
going to see that our parents are
registered and that they do their
part and vote next November."
A rythm band composed of all
grades played yesterday at the
school. The second grade rythm
band played a special number and
the fifth and sixth grades sang a
negro spiritual, "Hear Dem Bells."
Dick Benton. This committee com
bined tickets and the student body
tax in the hope of a better attend
ance at the football games and to
insure the prompt payment of the
student body tax.
General News.
Because of the arrival of new i
aprons for laboratory purposes, the
chemistry students are now hoping
for a fire drill so they can show j
them off.
Fifty-nine library books have ar-1
rived that were ordered for the j
high and grade school from this
district's portion of the county li
brary fund.
Girls of the domestic science class
are now taking up a canning pro
ject. They have canned eighteen
quarts of pears, prunes, and have
made conserve for people who have
furnished all material. By this
method the girls can get experience
in canning at very little cost to the
The World History class is start
ing work on the contract basis
plan. Each student contracts to
do a certain amount of work to
receive any grade he wishes to
Fire Drill is Practiced.
Fire drill was held in Heppner
school at 9:30 Friday morning. The
building was emptied of pupils in
about one minute. Some high school
students got a thrill out of coming
down the "fire chute." Mr. Bloom
was met with much applause as he
emerged from the chute as one of
the first teachers to go down for
a couple of years.
Paid Tax Means Free Ticket.
The student body council states
that if you pay your student body
tax in Heppner high this year you
also receive a season ticket to all
the high school football games.
There have been seventy-nine stu
dents who have paid their student
body tax.
The student council which is com
posed of student body officers,
namely, June Anderson, president;
Herman Green, vice-president; Be
atrice Thomson, secretary; Jimmy
Furlong, treasurer; and the class
presidents who are, seniors, Bill
Beckett; juniors, Matt Kenny;
sophomores, Floyd Jones: freshmen,
Frosh Take Oath.
The freshman initiation, a school
tradition, given by the sophomores,
was held last Friday night at 7:30
in the auditorium.
It lasted about an hour during
which the frosh were made to do
several clever stunts. June Ander
son, student body president, read
the oath which all frosh took and
were formally admitted as members
of good old Heppner high school.
After the Initiation a few games
were played followed by refresh
ments given by the senior class.
The Juniors had to clean up after it
was all over,
Board Member Speaks.
To tell the purpose of the Nor
ton Winnard cup which is present
ed to a senior each year, and some
thing of the life of Norton Win
nard. a student assembly was held
Monday noon. Superintendent
Bloom Introduced the speaker, Gar
net Barratt, a classmate of Norton
Winnard and a member of the pres
ent school board,
Mr. Barratt told of the cup's be
ing given to the school In memory
of the fe and BPlcndld acnieve-
ments of Norton Winnard. Six
high school students have had their
names eneraved upon It.
The following are some of the
things Mr. Barratt mentioned about
Mr, Winnard. He studied hard to
load his class. He was respected by
everyone and was a clean sport. He
treated everyone alike. Always he
was thouehtful of his parents. He
attended church regularly even
when he was away from home. He
entered athletic sports In his Junior
year of high school and made good
there, too.
A letter from a close classmate of
Norton Winnard's In the University
of Orciron and Harvard Medical
school was read by Mr. Barratt.
This related many Interesting hap
Heppner Wins First Game.
A green but hard-fighting Hepp
ner high football team defeated the
Condon gridsters Friday afternoon
on Rodeo field 13-6.
Heppner passed, skirted the ends,
and bucked the line for two count
ers the first half. In the third per
iod the Condon line stiffened and
though the ball was constantly in
Condon territory the Heppner boy3
didn't have the punch necessary to
Condon's touchdown came after
their backfleld men had marched
through the center of Heppner's
line for 50 yards.
It was a good first game and
though both teams looked ragged
at times, Heppner being particu
larly careless about off-side, they
showed promise of very good mid
season ball.
The lineup for Heppner was as
follows: : L. G., Ted McMurdo; C
Lyle Cowdrey; R. G., Reese Burk
enbine; R. T., Don Cowdrey; R. E.,
Marvin Morgan; F., Jimmy Fur-
long; L. H Roy Gentry; R. H., Cur
tis Thomson; CJ., Bill senwarz.
Substitutions were John Hanna,
Q. and Raymond Reld, R, G.
llchlsch Committee Functions.
The Hehlsch committee, composed
of the student body president, June
Anderson; two seniors, Beatrice
Thomson and Ralph Forgey; two
lunlnrs. Delia Ulrich and Armin
Wihlon: two sophomores, Lydla Ul
rich and Chester Christenson; and
two frosh, who haven't been chosen,
are to enforce all traditions and
functions of Heppner high school.
Thev have acted officially up to date
at class rush day, junior louu sox
day, the frosh Initiation, the rally
Thursdny night and the game on
School Band Organize.
The Honnnor school band expects
in nrrnmnllsh much this year. It
hns recently reorganized and in
stalled student officers whose duties
are to assist the director and pro
mote the band. The officers elect
ed are as follows: student leader,
Billy Schwarz; secretary, James
Driscoll; treasurer, Juanita Mor
gan; librarian, Billy Cochell; ser-geant-nt-arms,
Marvin Morgan; as
sistant sergeants - at - arms, Joe
Green and Larry Moore.
Sectional rehearsals are being
When It CAN'T Help Y
Truck &
Bus Bill
Is a
The Most deceptive, vi
cious and selfish piece of
legislation ever at
tempted in Oregon.
It Cannot Reduce Licenie
Fees and can'ttidd one iota
of "Highway PTOctection."
Ifc't only purpose is to establish a Railroad Mo
nopoly of Transportation in Oregon by removing
a few trucks that now aTe vital in Oregon's bottle
for depression markets. HOW CAN A RAIL
ROAD MONOPOLY Possibly Help Oregon?
INTO THE BREAD LINES take the trouble
to see what this West Bill really does or doesn't do.
I'll Id Advertisement by
John Day Valley Freight Line
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If your appetite de
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For a good meal any
time go to
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Yes . . . oar racks art foil
right now ! But they won't stay
that way once up-and-coming
misses get a line on the styles I
1- and 2-piece models -pert,
gay, and snappy as they make
'em ! They look hand knit !
Weaves I
Is but one of many services and conveniences brought to your home
over the wires of the Pacific Power & Light Company at a very low
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an electric refrigerator pays
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The food waste through spoilage
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The dry steady cold of an electric refri
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Electric refrigeration is automatic. There
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