Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 29, 1932, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(Basrttr Suitra
Established March 3d, 1883;
Established November 18, 1897;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Tear .
, J2.00
, 1.00
. .75
Six Months
Three Months
Single Copies
Official Paper for Morrow County.
IT DOESNT take a long stretch
of memory for those of the older
generation to remember back to the
days when beans, potatoes, sow bel
ly and sauer kraut were the main
piece de resistance on the family
menu in the winter time. There was
always a supply of perpetual sour
dough for the biscuits, and plenty
of milk and cream from the family
cow. The larder was supplied with
an abundance of canned fruit from
the family orchard, and aside from
what was required for the sugar
and spices little ready cash was
needed for the winter grubstake.
It was necesasry for the people
of that day to be provident Many
of the prepared foods in fancy
packages which pack the grocery
shelves today, bringing about a
complete revolution in the family
diet, were not then known. Mod
ern furnishings and implements
have lessened the labor required in
very department of the household.
Today people live in greater com
fort with less effort Scientific meth
ods of food preservation, better
transportation facilities and adver
tising which created popular de
mand and resulted in widespread
distribution have wrought the
Ease of living through the last
great era of prosperity caused peo
ple to forget the good old days.
They became less provident Chil
dren born in late years have thought
that bananas grew in store windows
and that it was necessary to have
a can opener to milk a cow.
When business recedes, money
gets scared and hides. It seems
pretty tough not to be able to get
hold of enough cash to supply all
the provisions for the table from
fancy packages and paper sacks.
But many people have remembered
the good old days. More family
larders are filled with beans, pota
toes, sow belly and sauer kraut than
there were a year ago. And the
winter isn't going to be as tough.
Anyway that's the kind of grub
that sticks to the ribs.
Autocaster Service.
THE cost of living has been stead
ily declining in the United States
for ten years. Today is nearer to
what it was before the war than it
has reached since 1913, according to
government statistics which have
Sunday School
n Lesson
By Rev. Charles E. Dnnn, D. D.
The Christian's Devotional Life.
Lesson for October 2nd.
Matthew 6:5-15.
Golden Text: 2nd Peter 3:18.
The heart of our lesson is the
Lord's Prayer, a summary, simple
and eloquent, of the entire Chris
tian faith. All that we need to
know about God and man is con
tained within its brief compass. It
is Indeed, more than a prayer. It
is the creed of Jesus, and also a
covenant binding men to God. Prof,
Palmer of Harvard beautifully
calls it "the love-song of the Chris
tian world."
The first phrase, "Our Father,
who art in heaven," which Prof.
Palmer regards as "the hush before
prayer," introduces us to a char
acteristic doctrine of Jesus, the Fa
therhood of God. This idea was
not original with the Master, but
under His creative touch it came to
full power.
Note that there are six petitions
in the prayer. The first three re
mind us of our obligations to God
The last three are concerned with
our relations to one another.
"Hallowed be Thy Name," the
first petition, assures us that rev
erence for God is basic. The mod
ern world greatly needs this re
minder, for our age, in certain re
spects, is shockingly vulgar, lnde
cent, and bad-man nered.
"Thy Kingdom come." Jesus
preached, as His major teaching,
the gospel of the kingdom. This
divine realm is both a present com
monwealth, and a future hope.
"Thy will be done." This Is an
apt petition for dark days like those
of the present It was the Master's
prayer In the garden of Gethsema-
ne, and of Dr. Grenfell as he drift
ed out to sea, on an ice pan, with
little hope of rescue.
"Give us this day our dally
bread." This Is a prayer for aim
pie, modest living, a request for
bread, not cake.
"Forgive us our debts" is first a
confession of sin. For honest con
trltlon there is forgiveness, but it
is conditional. Unless we forgive
our debtors, God cannot forgive us,
The last petition, "Lead us not
into temptation," Is a practical re
minder of the ever-present power
of the tempter, we are to be watch
ful, beseeching God that He will not
allow us to yield to temptation, ana
tail Into Its snare.
C. il OK lUOtSl SMT (3
1 1 Dclj.lUA3fful-swOH V
just been issued.
The war sent the price of all com
modities up until, in 1920, It cost the
average city dweller just about
twice as much in rents, fuel, food,
clothing and other essentials of life.
to say nothing of luxuries, as it had
cost for the same things seven years
before. In ten years two-thirds of
this increased cost has been lopped
off, so that today the general aver
age lh ing cost is only about a third
greater than it was in 1913.
The period of high commodity
cost3 was, however, the period of
our highest national prosperity.
From 1922 to 1929 prices maintain
ed a fairly even level of about 70
percent more than in 1913. Every
body was busy, everybody was earn
ing more money than we had ever
earned before, more goods were
being produced and sold at profit
able prices than ever before and
the people of the United States were
in a happy and contented frame of
mind. Then the sudden drop in
commodity prices began and we
have had hard times, business de
pression and unemployment ever
since. 4
It seems to us that here is con
clusive proof that prosperity is de
pendent upon high prices. All of
the statesmen, economists and fi
nanciers of the world agree that
is true. An intensive and wide
spread effort is being made to find
a way of restoring and increasing
commodity prices. An internation
al committee is to meet shortly in
Geneva to prepare the plans and
program for a world-wide confer
ence of governments in the effort to
find some way to solve this prob
lem. In the meantime, the up
ward trend has begun In many
commodity lines and the whole out
look seems to be toward better
prices, which means, in the long
run, the resumption of production
and the restoration of prosperity.
MARY A. NOTSON. Reporter.
At the meeting of the General
Federation of Women's Clubs at
Seattle, the organization voted 582
to 13 to protest the insertion of re
peal planks in the platforms of the
leading political parties. The wom
en of the country are in favor of
prohibition by a large majority, not
withstanding the noise made by the
wet women s organizations.
With 7,500 educators present at
the recent meeting of the National
Education association a resolution
was adopted by practically unani
mous vote endorsing the impartial
enforcement of all laws including
the 18th amendment
Recently the Literary Digest car
ried a news review under the head,
"The Price of Drinks." It was based
upon the findings of about sixty ac
tuaries of old line insurance com
panies of the United States and
Canada. The findings were based
upon the tabulated life history of
more than two million persons. It
was found that the span of human
life was reduced on the average by
the use of intoxicating drinks from
to 6 years. The drinkers were di
vided into two classes. The first
group included those who drank an
average of two glasses of beer or
one glass of whisky per day. The
second group included those who
drank more than the first but were
not excessive drinkers, the excess
ive drinkers being ineligible for in
surance risks. The study showed
that the mortality in the second
group was 50 per cent higher than
in the first.
Dr. Alphonse Bertillon, formerly
chief of the Bureau of Municipal
Statistics of Paris, and noted as the
originator of the famous Bertillon
system of criminal identification,
and a famed student of the causes
of mortality, reached a similar con
clusion by an independent study.
Dr. Edwin F. Bowers concluded
from these figures that on the av
erage each drink of intoxicating
liquor shortens the life of the drink
er 25 minutes. Does it pay?
All the figures used in the news
review were based upon data in the
United States prior to prohibition
and in France and Germany where
there has never been any prohibl
tion. Col. Patrick H. Callahan, of
Louisville, using the figures of the
vital statistics gathered by the Uni
ted States census bureau, shows
that, in spite of the fact that pro
hibition has not been enforced 100
per cent, there has been a saving
of 169,400 lives during the first
eleven years of prohibition. In the
light of these investigations, no
one can truthfully say that prohl
bition has been a failure.
Many Rodents Poisoned.
Eugene Gray digger ground
squirrels on 156 tracts of land con
tainlng a total of 21,408 acres were
poisoned in Lane county this year
at an average cost of 1.7 cents an
acre. Twenty-one rodent-control
supervisors appointed by the county
court paid for the expense of the
work and will collect the amount
due from each farmer with his
Garden Rid of Morning Glory.
Roseburg Almost complete erad
icatlon of the garden pest, morning
glory, has been obtained through
the use of chemical sprays by P.
W. Beckley, Dixonville road, work
ing in cooperation with County Ag.
ent J. C. Leedy. Application of
about three pounds of sodium chlor
ate per square rod was made In
late July and a second lighter ap
plication in October of last year,
The soil was left unplowed and un
disturbed this year and an almost
perfect kill has resulted at a cost
of less than 40 cents per square
Praises Seaside Lettuce.
Seaside This part of Clatsop
county has ideal conditions for the
production of summer lettuce, ac
cording to C. E. Davenport, agricul
tural agent of the Great Northern
railway, who spent some time here
assisting in packing lettuce for the
eastern markets. Seaside farmers
are taking an active Interest in
producing summer lettuce, 30 grow
ers recently meeting under the aus
pices of the county agent to talk
over their marketing problems.
fa (FAMD0.Y
Seasonable Hints
Say what we please about "scien
tific" canning, there is a whole lot
of good argument in favor of the
cellar shelves that sag with home
style fruit jars, filled with a variety
of small fruits, home-canned. And,
if I do not miss in judgment we
are going to need them this winter.
The humble gooseberry grows
wild in most localities and sugar Is
not prohibitive in price. No pie is
better than a good, gooseberry pie
at any season of the year. Let me
relate a little incident: A iz-year-
old girl in my vicinity came down
with something that caused an in
tense jaundice. The family doctor
in charge advised that mother to
give the patient "all the gooseber
ries she would eat
I don't know whether I'd have ad
vised that but I do know that the
child recovered in short order,
am not advising you to try it if
you have jaundice; I'm just scoring
one for my old friend the goose
I'd just be glad to know that you
have a good store of canned rasp
berries, strawberries, grapes, toma
toes, cherries, plums, and whatever
vou have growing next to you,
am awaiting the time here, when
the dewberries ripen; they grow
wild in old, deserted fields, that have
not paid the farmer with other
crops. I am getting dewberry and
blackberry minded, at the time
these lines are being penned.
And. I envy our folks who are
storing the "smoke-house" with
choice country bacon, hams, etc,
They eat just as well as when they
were fifty cents a pound bear that
in mind. Don't you adore country-
cured ham and bacon? The ayes
have it. Yours for a full smoke
house and pantry this fail.
Gas Is Great Farm Aid;
Ripens Green Tomatoes
Science seems determined to
make modern farming just one gas
attack after another. The up-to-
date grower gasses his prune trees
to kill root borers, puts a different
gas down a gopher hole to kill the
pests, and now he can turn still an
other gas on his green tomatoes to
speed up their ripening.
This latest scheme for making
ripe tomatoes out of green ones has
just been described in detail in.
new circular of information issued
by the Oregon State college expert
ment station and written by A. G,
B. Boquet, vegetable crop specialist,
Ethlyene gas is the material used
in this way and it may now be pur
chased in various sized drums. It
is not recommended for uae by the
ordinary farm gardener with but a
few surplus tomatoes, but for the
large market gardeners the process
is proving practical and economical.
according to Professor Bouquet
"Under ethylene gas treatment
tomatoes take on a bright red color
in from four to six days, depending
on the state of maturity when treat
ed," the circular states. "Fruits
treated in this way are said to have
a better flavor and decreased acid
ity in comparison with those rip
ened on the vines or ripening nat
urally after being picked in a green
The tomatoes may be ripened in
this way in standard crates for the
gas readily penetrates the average
style of container. The method is
believed useful in treating tomatoes
picked in a green state just after
first light fall frosts. The circular
may be had free.
Any needy family In need of wood
may have up to five cords. Inquire
at Gazette Times office. 29
For Women
Traveling Alone
American Express
Travelers Cheques
To insure
her against the loss or theft
of her travel funds.
To provide her with a ready
means of identification.
To assure her the personal
service of the American
Express travel organiza
tion which will care for
her safety and comfort
wherever she may travel.
You can secure these
Travelers Cheques at
this bank before
starting on a trip.
They are issued in
convenient denomin
ations, and cost only
75c for each $100.
and Stocltgrowers
National Bank
"You and Your Child"
Theme of Radio Series
"You and your child" is the
theme of the family life series of
radio club programs available from
Station KOAC this fall, according
to Mrs. Zelta Rodenwold, director of
home economics radio programs.
The first club meeting is scheduled
for Tuesday, October 4, with the
special lecture over KOAC "on the
air" at 3 o'clock.
Mrs. Sara Watt Prentiss of the
school of home economics at Ore
gon State college has been secured
as the radio speaker for the six
club meetings and the seven sup
plementary broadcasts which make
up this series. Club topics and
dates are as follows:
1. October 4 Your club and your
2. October 18 You and your
3. November 1 Habits for happi
4. November 15 Anger and its
5. November 29 Self - control
through obedience?
6. December 13 Analyzing and
routing fears.
Any club may enroll or any group
of homemakers may form a radio
club. In fact, even two neighbors
may meet every two weeks and dis
cuss themselves and their children
with the aid of outlined programs
reference material and the radio
lectures. The programs, assistance
in organizing and other aids are
free to homemakers of Oregon. The
only obligation, of the local group is
to hold its meetings where there is
a radio and immediately following
each meeting send in a report on
the blank provided.
Radio clubs are no longer an ex
periment," according to Mrs. Roden
wold. They have proved themselves
to be an effective means of carry
ing the educational resources of the
state to scores of Oregon homemak
ers each year."
Detailed plans of radio club or
ganization may be obtained by writ
ing to Mrs. Rodenwold, Station
KOAC, Corvallis.
DeDartment of the Interior. U. S.
Land OfBce at The Dalles, Oregon,
Sept. 26. 1932..
NUTlUii is nereDy given mat cenion
Short, of Albee, Oregon, who, on Feb.
:8. 1828. made Homestead Entry under
Act Dec. 29, 1916. No. 026375, for Ste
NWi4, N w4 BYVi, aec. M, 3ft IN ys,
NVfe S',4. SWH SW, Sec. 29, SEVi
NEVi, NE SE, Section 30, Township
4 South, Range 31 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make final three year Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above des
cribed, before S. A. Newberry. United
States Commissioner, at Pendleton, Or
egon, on the 10th day of November,
Claimant names as witnesss:
Peter Smith, of Albee, Oregon.
Walker Ellis, of Albee, Oregon.
Claude Jarvis, of Ukiah, Oregon.
Frank Cable, of Pendleton, Oregon.
R. J. CARSN ER. Register.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, executrix of the
estate of Joseph F. Eisfelder, deceased,
and that all persons having claims
against the said estate must present
tne same, cmiy verined according to
law. to me at tne omce or mv attorney.
S. E. Notson, in Heppner, Oegon, with
in six montns irom tne aaie oi tne
first publication of this notice, the said
date of first publication being August
is, I'jaz.
lie Corporation, Plaintiff,
J. H. Imus, James Carty, Wm. H.
Boardman, Harry T. Boardman,, Fin
ley and Gllman, Claude L. Finley,
William H. Murphy, R. S. Howard,
jr., iteceiver, Iran uiio, orace ca
monds, W. O. King, W. R. Walpole
ustate, J-an it. murpny, Aiirea ives,
Catherine Ives, Willard W. Nason.
Eliza J. Rider, Mathlas Halvorsen,
James A. Pointer, Clarence canning,
Viola Canning. D. E. Oilman and Ber
tha Gilman, his wife. Clyde F. Royse
Estate. Hattie M. Bleakman, George
D. Fell and Ida Fell, nis wue, is. r.
Bleakman, W. E. Hall, J. B. Hall,
Asa I.. Young. Hill & Johns. Ida M.
Fell, Lena Owen, Lena Owen Estate,
E. I.. Freeland. Augustus Walker.
Wind River Lumber Company, Jose
phine curran, red Kitcnie, minei mc
Cracken. P. J. Linn and Grace Linn,
his wife. J. L. Gibson. Bertha Dlngea,
W. H. Dinges. Eliza N. Farrens. G. A.
Bleakman, J. E. Hams, Ida Pyle, Ida
Pyle Grimes, Flora White, A. J. War
ren. Rebecca Ann Jenkins. S. L. Beck.
and H. W. Klages, and any other
person or persons owning or claiming
to own, or having or claiming to have,
any interest in or to the real estate
hereinafter described, ueienoants.
No. 2918.
To J. H. Imus, James Carty, Wm. H.
Boardman, Harry T. Boardman, Fin
ley and Gilman, Claude L. Finley.
William H. Murphy, K. s. . tiowara
Jr.. Receiver Frank Otto. Grace Ed
monds, W. O. King, W. R. Walpole
nstate, uan K. Murpny, Aiireu ives,
Catherine Ives, Willard W. Nason,
Eliza J. Rider, Mathlas Halvorsen,
James A. Pointer, Clarence Canning,
Viola Canning. D. E. Gilman and Ber
tha Gilman. his wife. Clyde F. Royse
Estate, Hattie M. Bleakman. ueorge
D. Fell and Ida Fell, his wife, B. P.
Bleakman, W. E. Hall, J. B. Hall,
Asa L. Young. Hill & Johns, Ida M.
Fell. Lena Owen, Lena Owen Estate,
E. L. Kreeland, Augustus Walker,
wind River Lumber company, jose
nhlnA Ctirrnn Fred Ritchie. Ethel Mc
Cracken, P. J. Linn and Grace Linn,
his wife, J. L. Gibson, Bertha Dinges,
W. H. Dinges, Eliza N. Farrens. G. A,
Bieaaman, J, ai. Hams, xua jryie,
Pvle Grimes Flora White. A. J. W
ran. Rebecr Ann Jenkins. S. L. Beck,
and H. W. Klages. and any other
fierson or persons owning or claiming
o own, or having or claiming to have,
any Interest in or to the real estate
hereinafter described, uerenaants:
OREGON : You and each of you are
hereby notified that the above named
plaintiff, a public corporation, is the
nurchfiApr. owner And holder of certif
icates of delinquency numbered 1880,
18X3, 188B, 18S9 1890, 1892, 1910, 1911,
1917, 1926, 1935, 1944, 1968, 1961, 1964,
1976, 1980, 1987, 1988, 1999, 2013, 2021,
2(123, 2024. 2031 2041, 2042, 2044, 2047,
2050. 2flfi1 WlfiO 2082. 2063. 2069.
2070, and 2073. issued on the 10th day of
June, 1927, by the Sheriff and Collector
of Dellnouent Taxes for Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, and filed by the said Sher-
in ana collector or uennqueni im
In the office of the County Clerk of the
County of Morrow. State of Oregon, on
the 10th day of June, 1927, for taxes
due and dellnouent together with pen
alty, Interest and costs thereon, upon
real property situated in morrow uoun
tv (irAtrnn
You are further notified that the
amount for which said certificate Is Is
sued is set opposite and following the
description of the tract or parcel of
land nereinarter set out, tne Bame oe
Ing the amount then due and delln
nuent for Ui for the vear 1922. to
iether with penalty, Interest and costs
Ihereon, upon real property situate In
morrow county, uregon, anu paniuu
Inrlv hminrioH anil HnHrlbnil as herein
after set forth, said tract or parcel of
land being assessed for the year 1923 to
the person whose name Immediately
precedes the description thereof, and
is followed by the name of the person
appearing to be the owner thereof, as
appears on the tax roll of Morrow
County. Oregon, for the year 1931, now
in the hands of the Sheriff of said Mor-
rom County for collection, at the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons and notice, which date of first
publication is the 28th day of July.
Certificate No. 1880. J. H. Imus
and J. H. Imus. the West Halt
of Section 24 and all of Section
25, Township 2 North, Range
24 East of Willamette Merid
ian $370.11
Certificate No. 1883. James Carty
and James Carty, tne Norm
east quarter of Section 10,
Township 2 North, Range 25
East of Willamette Meridian.... 66.36
Certificate No. 1885, Wm. H.
Boardman and Harry t. tsoara
man, the West half of Section
12, Township 2 North, Range
2K Rust nf Willamette Merid
ian 23.15
Certificate No. 1889. Finley and
unman ana finiey anu un
man, the Southwest quarter of
Section 20, Township 2 North.
28 East of Willamette
Meridian 27.73
Certificate No. 1890, Claude L.
Finley and Claude L. i1 lniey,
the Southeast quarter of Sec
tion 20, Township 2 North,
OR East nf Willamette
Meridian 67.74
Certificate No. 1892. William H.
Murphy and William H. Mur
pry. the West half of North
west quarter of Section 17. and
the East half of Northeast
quarter of Section 18, Town
shin 2 North. Ranee 27. East
of Willamette Meridian 63.12
Certificate No. 1910, K. S. How
ard, Jr. Receiver, and R. S.
Howard, Jr., Receiver, in care
of Frank Otto, the West half
of the Northwest Quarter of
Section 25, Township 4 North,
Range 24 East of Willamette
Meridian . 12.62
Certificate No. 1911. R. S. How
ard. Jr., Receiver, in care of
Grace Edmonds, and R. S.
Howard. Jr., Receiver, in care
of Grace Edmonds, the South
east quarter of Northwest
quarter and Southwest quarter
of Northeast quarter of Sec
tion 25, Township 4 North,
Range 24 East of Willamette
Meridian - 12.62
Certificate No. 1917. R. S. How
ard, Jr., Receiver, in care or
W. O. King, and W. R. Wal
pole Estate, the Southeast
quarter of Southwest quarter
of Section 17. Township 4
North, Range 25 East ot Wil
lamette Meridian ...
Certificate No. 1926, Dan R. Mur
phy and Dan R. Murphy, all
of that tract and parcel of land
commencing at a point on the
Section line between Sections
22 and 27 thirty-four chains
and sixty-eight links West of
the common Section corner of
Sections 22, 23, 26 and 27, In
Township 6 North, Range 26
East of the Willamette Merid
ian, in Morrow County, Ore
gon, and said point being
twenty-seven chains and fifty
nine links East of the South
west corner of the East one
half of the Southwest one
quarter of said Section 22.
Township 6 North, Range 26
East of the Willamette Merid
ian, in Oregon, and said point
also being the Southeast cor
ner of the tract of land of 146
acres described in a deed exe
cuted by me contemporaneous
ly herewith to one the Horn
sey Land & Orchard Company,
a corporation; and running
from said point East along said
Section Line between said Sec
tions 22 and 27 five chains and
twenty links,' thence North on
a line parallel with the West
line of said East one-half of
the Southwest one-quarter and
Lot three of said Section 22
and a straight line extended
North therefrom to the low wa
ter mark of the South bank of
the Columbia River ninety
four chains and thirty-two
links, more or less, to the low
water mark of the Columbia
River, thence Westerly along
said low water mark of the
Columbia River to a point In
tersecting the low water mark
of the said Columbia River ex
tended North on a straight line
from a line twenty-seven chains
and flfty-nlne links East of and
farallel with the said West
ine of said East one-half of
the Southwest one-quarter and
Lot three of said Section 22,
and a straight line extended
North therefrom to the low wa
ter mark of the South bank of
the Columbia River, and from
thence Southerly on a straight
line ninety-seven chains and
thirty-seven links, more or less,
to the place of beginning, be
ing a tract of land with the
West line thereof -ninety-seven
chains and thirty-seven links,
more or less; the East line
ninety-four chains and thirty
two links, more or less; and
five chains and twety links
in width, containing fifty acres.
And also all of the accretions,
riparian, wharfage, alluvian,
shore, water and all other
rights and privileges appurten
ant in front of, or adjacent to
the same 17.23
Certificate No. 1935, Alfred Ives
and Catherine Ives, Lot 4 In
Block 30, In the Town of Irri-
gon, Oregon 11.87
Certificate No. 1944, Willard W.
Nason and Eliza J. Rider, Lot
2, Block 25 West, Section 23,
Township 6 North. Range 26
East of Willamette Meridian .... 10.12
Certificate No. 1958, Mathlas Hal
vorsen and Mathlas Halvorsen,
Irregular tract numbered 26 In
the Town of lone. Oregon, des
cribed as follows: Commenc
ing 30 feet West of the South
west corner of Block 2 In
duffs First Addition to the
town of lone In Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, thence South 11.77
chains, thence East 5.89 chains,
thence North, 11.77 chains, to
the Southeast corner of Lot 6
In Block 2 In C luff's Second
Addition to the town of lone,
thence West 6.89 chains to the
place of beginning and contain
ing six and 93-100 acres 19.36
Certificate No. 1961, James A.
Pointer and James A. Pointer,
One acre in the Southeast cor
ner of the North half of the
Northeast quarter of Section
15, Township 1 South, Range
26 East of Willamette Merid
ian, said one acre shall meas
ure ten and one-half (10V4)
rods West from the corner and
fifteen and one-quarter (1614)
rods North and back to the
East line - 8.87
Certificate No. 1964, Clarence
Canning and Viola Canning
and Clarence Canning, the
West half of the Southwest
quarter of Section 80; the
Northwest quarter and the
West half of the Northeast
quarter of Section 31. all in
Township 2 South, Range 23
Kant at the Willamette Merid
ian 61.28
Certificate No. 1976, D. E. Gil
man and D, E. Gllman and Ber
tha Gllman, his wife, West half
of West half of Section 8. and
East half of Section 4, Town
' shin 8 Smith Ranze 26 East of
Willamette Meridian 321.22
Certificate No. 1980. Clyde F.
Royse Estate and Clyde F.
Royse Estate, Northwest quar
ter of Northeast quarter, and
South half of Northeast quar
ter of Section 13, Township 4
South, Range 24 East of Wil
lamette Meridian, and Lot 2.
Spctlnn 18. Tn. 4 S.. R. 25 E.
W. M 44.87
Certificate No. 1987, Hattie M.
Bleakman and George D. Fell
and Ida Fell, his wife, the
West half of Southeast quar
ter of Section 35, Township 4
South, Range 26 East of Wil
lamette Meridian ; one half acre
tract In the Northwest quar
ter of Southwest quarter of
Section 2, Township 5 South,
Range 26 East of Willamette
Meridian; South half of North
east quarter and Northeast
quarter of Southeast quarter,
less tract, of Section 8, Town
ship 5 South, Range 25 East
of Willamette Meridian; tract
number 26. less three tracts. In
the Town of Hardman, Ore
gon, more particularly describ
ed us follows: the Northeast
quarter of Northeast quarter
of Section 3. Township 5 South,
Range 25 East of Willamette
Meridian, save and except:
Commencing at the Northwest
corner of the Northeast quar
ter of Northeast quarter of said
Section 3, running thence East
20 chains, thence South 4
chains and 30 feet, thence West
20 chains, thence North 4
4 chains and SO feet to the
place of beginning ; also ex
cept the following: Commenc
ing 4 chains and 30 feet South
of the Northwest corner of the
Northeast quarter of the North
east quarter of said Section
3, running South 202 feet
thence East 438 feet, thence
North 202 feet, thence West
foot thn nljuA of be-
Einning . 191.24
Certificate No. 1988. B. P. Bleak
man and George u. reu ana
Ida Fell, his wife, and B. P.
Bleakman. East half of South-
west quarter, the East 10 acres
in the Northwest quarter of
the Southwest quarter, the
East 12 acres in the South
west quarter of Southwest
quarter of Section 35, Town
ship 4 South, Range 25 East
of Willamette Meridian; Hard
man tract No. 16. described as
follows: Beginning at a point
24 rods 13to feet North of the
Southwest corner of Section 36.
Township 4 South, Range 25
East of Willamette Meridian,
thence North 20 rods, thence
East 10 rods, thence South 20
rods, thence West 10 rods to
the place of beginning, con
taining 14 acres; Hardman
tract No. 17, described as fol
lows: Beginning 20 rods East
of the Southwest corner of
Section 35, Township 4 South,
Range 25 East of Willamette
Meridian, running thence East
35 rods, thence North 80 rods,
thence West 55 rods, thence
South 35 rods and 3 feet, thence
East 20 rods, thence South 44
rods and 13 feet to the place
of beginning ...... 69.01
Certificate No.. 1999. W. E. Hall
and J. B. Hall, Southeast quar
ter of Southwest quarter and
Southwest quarter of South
east quarter of Section 8; and
North half of Northwest quar
ter of Section 17, Township 4
South, Range 29 East of Wil
lamette Meridian . 41.38
Certificate No. 2013, Asa
Yoiin&r and Asa L.
Southeast quarter of
east nuarter. Southwest Quar
ter of Northwest quarter and
Southeast quarter of Southwest
quarter of Section 16, Town
ship 6 South, Range 27 East
of Willamette Meridian; and
East half of Southwest quar
ter of Section 16, Township 6
South. Ranee 28 East of Wil
lamette Meridian 112.56
Certificate No. 2021. Hill &
Johns and D. E. Gllman and
Bertha Gllman. his wife, the
West 60 feet of Lots 9 and 10
in Rlock 3. In the Town of
Heppner, Oregon 359.40
certiiicate no. hibs, iaa m. eu
and Ida M. Fell, Lot 7 in
Block 6; Lot 8 In Block 2 in
Ayers' Second Addition; Lots
3 to 10, Inclusive in Block 4
in Ayers' Third Addition; and
irregular tracts numbered 69,
60. 147 and 148: all in the Town
of Heppner, Oregon 11.56
Certificate No. 2024. Lena Owen
and Lena Owen Estate. North
49.5 feet of Lot 5 in Block 7;
the North 49.5 feet of that por
tion lying West of the center
of Willow Creek of Lot 18 In
Block 7; the south 33 feet West
of Willow Creek of Lot 19 In
Block 7; all In the Town of
Heppner, Oregon 42.61
cerimcaie mo. uji, a. u. uree
lund and E. L. Freeland, Lot
2 In Block 3, Ayers- Fourth
Addition to the Town of HeDD-
ner. Oregon 3.17
Certificate No. 2041, Augustus
Walker and Augustus Walker,
North half of Lots 6, 6, 7, and
8. in Block 3, Sperry's Third
Addition to the Town of lone.
Oregon - - 4.
Certificate No. 2042, Wind River
Lumber Company and Wind
River Lumber Company, South
half of Lots 5, 6, 7. and 8, In
Block 3. Sperry's Third Addi
tion to the Town of lone. Ore-
fon; Lots 2. 3. and 4. In Block
, Sperry's Fourth Addition to
lone; also, the North 90 feet of
Lot 1, Block 3. Sperry's Fourth
Addition to the Town of lone,
Oregon; also, Irregular Tract
No. 30 In the Town of lone,
Oregon, described as follows:
Beginning at the Southwest
corner of Block 3, Sperry's
Third Addition to lone, Oregon,
thence South 60 feet, thence
East 100 feet thence North 60
feet thence West 100 feet to
the place of beginning 48.35
Certificate No. 2044. Josephine
Curran In care of Fred Ritchie
and Ethel McCracken. Lot 3
In Block 2, Cluff's Seventh Ad
dition to the Town of lone.
Oregon 1.55
uertincate no. ani, r. J.. L.inn
and Grace Linn and P. J. Linn
and Grace Linn, his wife. Com
mencing at the Northwest cor
ner of Mrs. Mary Hale's place,
running thence West 100 feet
thence South 200 feet, thence
East 100 feet, thence North to
the place of beginning, further
known and described as Tract
No. 9 of the Irregular tracts of
lone, Oregon; also, commenc
ing at the Southwest corner of
a tract of land owned by Mrs.
M. L. King on the South side
of Third Street and running
South 150 feet, thence East 100
feet, thence North 150 feet,
thence West 100 feet to the
place of beginning, further
known and described as Tract
No. 22 of the Irregular tracts
of lone. Oregon 36.47
ueruncaie no. 2U&u. j. l. Gibson
and Bertha Dinges and Bertha
Dinges. Lot 9 In Block 9 of the
Town of Lexington, Oregon 2.48
uertmcate no, au&i. w. H. Din
ges and W. H. Dinges, Lots 4
and 5 In Mock 17 in the Town
of Lexington. Oregon
Certificate No. 2057, Eliza N.
Farrens and Eliza N. Farrens,
Lot 6 in Block C: Lot 6 in
Block F: all In the Town of
Hardman, Oregon 6.04
Certificate No. 2059, G. A. Bleak
man and J. E. Hams, Lots 1
to 3, Inclusive, In Block F In
the Town of Hardman. Ore.
Eon 8.10
uertmcaie No. 2U(i2, iaa pyle
and Ida Pyle Grimes, Block
One In Fergerson's Second Ad
dition to the Town of Hard-
man. Oregon
Certificate No.. 2063, Flora White
and Flora White, Lots 5 to 9
inclusive, in Block 2, Ferger
son's Second Addition to the
Town of Hardman, Oregon 11,61
uertincaie no. a. j. war
ren and A. J. Warren, Hard
man tract No. 5, described as
follows: Starting at the South
west corner of Lot 4 In Block
2 of Adums' Addition to the
town of Dftlryville, County of
Morrow, State of Oregon, run
ning thence West 903Vs feet to
the place of beginning, running
thence 1 6-8 chains West,
thence 3 9-100 chains North,
thence 1 5-8 chains East,
thence South 8 9-100 chains to
the place of beginning, contain
ing one acre; also, Hardman
Tract No. 6, described as fol
lows; Beginning at a point 689
feet West of the Southwest cor
ner of Lot 4 In Block 2 in Ad
ams' Addition to Dalryvllle,
County of Morrow, State of
Oregon, running thence West
3 chains, thence North 6.18
chains, thence East 8 '4 chains,
thence South 6.18 chains to the
Dlace of beginning, containing
12 acres . ... 28.08
Certificate No. 2070, Rebecca Ann
Jenkins and S. L. Beck, Lot
3 In Block 4 in the Town of
Boardman, Oregon 2.1
Certificate No. 2(W3, H. W. Kla-
f es and H. W. Klages, Lots
2 to 16. Inclusive, in Block 6
In the Town of Boardman. Or
egon 19.18
That said amounts bear Interest at the
rate of e ght ner cent, nor annum from
the 10th day of Junt 1927, the date of
the Issuance of said certiflcatea respect
And you and each of you are hereby
immoned to appear within sixty days
after aaie or tne nrst puDiicaiion or
this summons, exclusive of the day of
first publication thereof, to-wit: July
28. 1932. and defend the suit in the
Court aforesaid, or pay the amount due
as shown above against the said tracts
or parcels of land, respectively, above
described, of which you are the owner,
or in which you have or claim to have,
any Interest or estate, together with in
terest ana costs accrued in 'nis suit
Service of a copy of your answer or
other process may be made on the un
dersigned attorney for plaintiff, at the
place specified below as his address,
and In case of your failure so to do,
judgment and decree will be entered
against you and each of you foreclos
ing said tax liens for the amount set
opposite and following the description
of said parcel of land above set forth,
together with interest and costs there
on, against said tracts or parcels of
land, and said tracts or parcels of
land will be sold to satisfy said judg
ment and decree obtained in this suit.
You are further hereby notified that
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
aforesaid for judgment and decree fore
closing said tax liens against said prop
erty hereinbefore described.
This summons is published once each
week for sixty consecutive days In the
Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper
of general circulation in Morrow Coun
ty. Oregon, published weekly at Hepp
ner, In said- County, the date of
first publication thereof being Julv 2S
1932. and said publication being made
in pursuance of the statutes of the
State of Oregon, said newspaper hav
ing been designated by the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Mor
row County as the newspaper In which
said summons should be published by
order duly entered in said Court on the
26th day of July, 1932.
By C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff of Mor
row County. Oregon, and Samuel
E. Notson, District Attorney for
Morrow County, Oregon, and At
torney for Plaintiff, whose ad
dress is HeDoner. Oreeon.
Date of first publication, July 28, 1932.
Date of last publication, September 29,
Professional Cards
Attorney at Law
Phone 173
Humphreys Building
A. B. GRAY, M. D.
Phone 323
Heppner Hotel Building
Eyes Tested and Glasses Pitted.
Leave orders at Peoples Hardware
Telephone 1012
Oltice In Gllman Building
11 W. Willow Street
X-Ray Diagnosis
Heppner, Oregon
Frank A. McMenamin
906 Guardian Building
Residence. GArfleld 1949
Business Phone Atwater 1348
A. D. McMURDO, M. D.
Trained Nam Assistant
Office in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
First National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon
Offloe In L 0. O. T. Balidlng
Heppner, Oregon
Farm and Personal Uroperty Sales j
a specialty.
"The Man Who Talks to Beat
thA Rnnri"
5229 72nd Ave., S. E., Portland, Ore.
j-none sunset B4bl
Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
Watches - Clocks - Diamonds
Expert Watch and Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Old Line Companies. Real EstaU.
Heppner, Oregon
Roberts Balidlng, Willow Strut
Heppner, Oregon