HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 1932. PAGE FIVE John P. Schaffer Is visiting at the home of his son, Elvin R. Schaf fer on Freezeout, having recently arrived from Texas where he was looking after farming interests In the Panhandle. He has land there surrounded by oil fields and found conditions very bad due to the low price of crude oil and the reaction from the shutting down of produc tion of many wells through order of Governors Murray of Oklahoma and Sterling of Texas. While the closing order had the effect of doubling the price for crude oil, the small Independent producers were badly crippled by It, Schafter said. Responding to word of the crit ical illness of Alfred Medlock in the veterans' hospital at Walla Walla, Mrs. Medlock left for that city Sun day evening, and Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Stout accompanied Mr. and Mrs. James Hayes there Mon day. Word at that time was that Mr. Medlock was rapidly sinking and was not expected to recover. Bert Johnson and A. A. McCabe of the lone vicinity were business visitors in the city yesterday. A heavy frost was reported in the lower country Tuesday night that caused the alfalfa to turn and curl considerably. The frost was said to be earlier than is usual for that section. Students returning to the U. of O. this week to resume studies with the opening of the school term in cluded Miss Jeanette Turner, Glenn Casteel, Vawter Parker and Miss Teressa Breslin. Mrs. F. W. Tur ner and Anabel accompanied Miss Turner to Eugene in the Turner car. L. L. Ormsby, old time sheep buy er who made Heppner In the "good old days," accompanied Asey Will lams, Idaho sheep buyer, to this city the first of tie week and en joyed greeting many old friends. "Buck" Bigbee of Portland came up from the city the end of the week to make his annual' quest for the big mule deer in company with his old university pal and frater nity brother, L. Van Marter. Ostin Gentry was brought to town from the Emll Groshens farm the end of the week, suffering a broken leg sustained from the kick of a horse. He received treatment at Heppner hospital. Miss Louise Thomson has return ed to Yakima after spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Thomson, to resume her duties as a teacher In the Yakima schools. Miss Anna Wightman went to Portland the end of the week to visit at the home of her friend, Miss Isabelle Dutton. Miss Dutton spent the summer at the Wightman home here. DR. J. P. STEWART, EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST of Pendleton will be at the HEPPNER HOTEL on Sept. 28, hours 10 a,Nm. to 5:30 p. m. Ellis and Earl Thomson departed Tuesday for Eugene to be present for opening of the U. of O., where each will resume studies. Ralph Butler who farms on lower Willow creek and gets his mall at Willows was a business visitor in the city Saturday. Rod Thomson and Ben Robert son hied themselves to the moun tains Monday on a deer hunt Charles Bartholomew of Pine City was transacting business in the city Saturday. Chas. Swendlg and family enjoy ed a deer hunt the first tw days of the open season. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wise in this city Saturday morning, a daughter. Earl Eskelson was another hunt er who was out for the season opening. Mrs. Claude Cox and daughter, Miss Nancy, who left last week for Virginia where Miss Cox was to have entered school, returned home Monday evening. The return was occasioned by the illness of Mrs. Cox, who was taken suddenly ill at Fremont, Neb., where they visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gay M. Anderson and daughter June returned home Monday evening from Vancouver, Wash., where they went to attend funeral services for Mr. Anderson's mother, held Sunday. Gay, Jr., re mained in Portland where he is at tending aviation school. Lost Black car trunk cover, about two weeks ago, between school house and town. Leave at this office. CURTIS MARRIAGE TOLD. A clipping from the Coos Bay Times of August 3, just received by this paper, gives a more com plete account than formerly pub lished of the marriage of Mrs. Lil lian M. Curtis, of interest to Hepp ner friends. The clipping says: Coming as a surprise to their many friends was the marriage of Mrs. Lillian M. Curtis to W. F. Piper of Coos River, at 11 o'clock today at the home of Mrs. Curtis. Dr. D. T. Robertson of the Presbyterian church performed the ceremony. Mrs. Piper has long been a resident of Marshfleld and for the past year has been connected with the Well man Peck company and Western Meat company, taking over the business of her late husband, Charles Curtis. She is the daughter of Postmaster and Mrs. W. W. Smead of Heppner. Mr. Piper, well known Coos River resident, is the son of the late W. B. Piper. The only witnesses of the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mer chant. Following the ceremony the couple went to the Piper home on Coos river, where they will make their home. HOLD CONFERENCE. A conference of Churches of Christ of Morrow county was held in the local church Tuesday eve ning with C. F. Swander, field worker, and .Guy L. Drill, pastor of the Pendleton church bringing the principal messages. Strong del egations from the churches at lone and Lexington were present. A bounteous pot-luck supper and an entertainment program were fea tures of the evening. Mr. Drill an nounced that he had been called to the Salem church and that he ex pected to accept the call shortly. Indian Summer Uy Albert T. Reid mmmm jrWmmi mw 7- v IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of N. A. Clark, Bank rupt, In Bankruptcy. No. B-17598. To the creditors of N. A. Clark, of Heppner. Morrow County, district afore said, DanKrupi. Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of September, 1932. the said N. A. Clark was duly adjudicated a bankrupt and that the first meeting of ills creditors will be held In the office of the referee in bankrupty of the above entitled court in Pendleton, Oregon, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of the 5th day of October, 1932; at which time and place the said creditors may (and the said bankrupt MUST) attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly be brought before said meeting. Done and dated at Pendleton, Ore gon, this 20th day of September. 1932. 28. CRANSTON. Referee In Bankruptcy. NOTICE. To all persons having claims against Heppner Farmers Elevator Company, a corporation : You and each of you are hereby noti fied that on the 16th day of September, 1932, the Heppner Farmers Elevator Company, . a corporation, assigned to the undersigned all of the assets of said corporation for the benefit of all of the creditors of said corporation. You are further notified and request ed to appear at the office of Heppner Farmers Elevator Company in Hepp ner, Oregon, within 60 days from the date of first publication of this notice, and at that time make and file proof of your claim against said corporation. Dated this 20th day of September, 1932. R. A. THOMPSON, J. J. CHISHOLM, W. A. KEARNS, Assignees of Hennner Farmers Ele vator Company. 28-29 A Sketch of Heppner (Submitted on request to radio station KOAC through the Hepp ner Commercial club for broad casting purposes. It is printed here to help Heppner people sell their town, and to give readers on the outside a glimpse of the city. Ex tra copies of this issue for the pur pose of disseminating this story are available free of charge at the Ga zette Times office.) Heppner Is a little city of 1188 persons, nestling In the rolling foot hills of the Blue mountains. It lies in what was once a bunchgrass meadow in the Willow creek valley, 12 miles from the timbered region which provides its artesian water supply and much of Its fuel. By way of the Oregon-Washington hlehway. at present the principal connecting traffic artery with the outside world, it Is 47 miles from Heppner Junction, where the Oregon-Washington route joins the Columbia River highway. Heppner is the county seat of Morrow county. It is the county's largest town, and the trading cen ter for a wheat and stock farming district within a fifty mile radius. The town is typical of those to be found in the wide open spaces of Eastern Oregon, where broad vistas of checkered grain fields throughout the sage-clad hinterland, drifting off Into the blue haze of the moun tains, are 'afforded from most any hill-top. From the high plateaus to the south and west of Heppner on a clear day may be seen the snow. canned ceaks of the Cascades in the distance, gleaming In the sunlight like opals. It may have been tne view had as much to do with stay ing the westward trek of the cov ered wagon pioneers as did the bountiful bunchgrasa which pro vided the foundation for many for tunes before it was depleted and cultivated cereal crops largely re placed It as the backbone of the re gion's Industrial life. Few traces remain of the early day Heppner, built amid the strife of conflicting elements of human nature under pioneer conditions reflected In the glowing stories of the "wild west." Flood and Are have obliterated many of the old wooden landmarks of the past, while others were razed to give way to the many brick and concrete structures of modern design that now largely compose the city's bus iness district. Swaggart's saloon the Brewery, and the rest of the eleven public drinking and ganv bllng houses of the colorful old town are but memories. The old Palace hotel, once one of Oregon's finest hostelrles, is no more, though It has been succeeded by a large three-story concrete hotel more suitable to modern needs. The little old wooden courthouse that first housed the county offices, was re placed by a large stone building surrounded by a well-kept lawn, at testing to the progressive Bplrlt of the first generation of citizens. The city's godfather, Henry Hepp ner, was an early-day merchant, and the county took Its name from his pnrtnor, J. L. Morrow. There wore 28 families residing tributary to Heppner when these sturdy pio neers opened the city's first store In 1872. At that time the site was known as Stansbury flat, taking its name from George W. Stansbury, whose cabin near the fork of Hin ton and Willow creeks was the first building. The older residents of Heppner date the city's history before and after the "flood," which catastro phe on June 14, 1903, inflicted a scar that is seared deep in their minds. The Heppner flood, taking a toll of more than 200 lives, was heralded by the press of the day as one of the major catastrophe's of its kind in modern history, and news of it carried the city's name into the remotest corners of the world. The flood, a physical phenomenon not at all likely to reoccur, removed many of the city's finest residences which were built along the creek banks, and was responsible for a great change in its geography. Though there are more and proba bly finer residences today, they have been built away from the creek. Heppner now has many fine homes. The citizens pride them selves on their lawns, gardens and trees, which present the aspect of an oasis in a desert in the warm summer season. Its streets are all improved, being lined with con crete sidewalks brought about by mandate of foresighted city fath ers. The Oregon-Washington high way goes through Main street, and the city and state governments were responsible for the building of three concrete bridges of attrac tive design across Willow and Hin ton creeks within the city, while the city itself built a fourth bridge of like nature across Willow creek on Gale street, one of the main thoroughfares. Four churches, all in attractive homes, a school plant with two fine buildings costing $70,000, many fra ternal organizations, three of which are housed in fine homes of their own, contribute much to the social life of the community. Heppner Is the smallest city In the United States having an Elks lodge. The Industrial life of the com munity is confined largely to serv ing the farmer clientele through the usual businesses and trades. There are two practicing physicians each of whom maintains a modern hospital; two dentists and four at torneys. It is believed Heppner is the smallest city In the state main taining two banking Institutions. It has yet to experience its first bank failure, and all of its mercan tile establishments have weathered the recent business recession. Heppner's newspaper was adjudged Oregon's best all-round weekly newspaper in 1931 in a contest con ducted by Oregon chapter Sigma Delta Chi, national professional journalism fraternity. A large grain elevator and sev eral warehouses, located near the yards of the O.-W. R. & N. com pany, assist In the marketing of the county's wheat and wool crops. Heppner is among the largest coun try wheat shipping points, in amount of grain shipped, and has ranked first In the amount of wool shipped, In the state. More than a million pounds of wool and more than a million bush' els of wheat are shipped from Hepp ner each year. With one crop be ing taken off in the spring, and the other in the fall, the income of the citys patrons is stabilized, keeping business on a very even keel the year round. The farmer'B cash Income is augmented by the cream check he receives from the local creamery, a thriving business housed In Its own concrete build ing and modernly equipped. The city has twenty-four-hour electric service, and both local and long-distance telephone service, which add to the many conven iences enjoyed by Its citizens. Its theater shows the latest talkie pic tures, using very modern equipment Heppner people are lovers of the outdoors, and they find ample rec reation facilities afforded by the Blue mountains at their very back door. Good fishing Is enjoyed In the many mountain streams; Chi nese pheasants and: Hungarian partridge abound and may be hunt ed In season, and each year the city Is the mecca for many outside sportsmen who find it a convenient port of entry to the stamping grounds of the famous mule deer, the prize of all hunting prizes. But if her people haven't time to go fishing or hunting, or perchance these sports ore not at the time permitted, they may take a short walk to the hill on the east side of town and enjoy a round at the good old Scottish pastime. A nine-hole golf course with sand greens is maintained, which is especially pop ular in the spring when the grass is green and the buttercups, bird bills and grass lillies are in bloom. More popular during the warm summer days is the concrete swim ming tank provided by the local American Legion post. Here, un der the guidance of a Red Cross swimming instructor, the youth of Heppner are taught to swim, and the child in Heppner who doesn't know how to swim is the exception. A public park and playground is in course of development as an ad junot to the plunge, where public tennis courts are contemplated. Each year Heppner relives the old west early in September with its own rodeo. This is staged in a natural amphitheater, owned by the city, which also provides one of the best baseball fields and football gridirons to be found in eastern Oregon. The rodeo is put on thru the combined efforts of the business men of the city, with committees of local men in charge of the var ious features. While the show was started with the idea of using local talent, it has come to attract lead ing talent of the rodeo world. .This year the rodeo association ran Its own amusement concessions, hiring only a merry-go-round, with local men In charge, with the idea, of keeping all the money possible at home. The venture proved suc cessful. Music for the show was furnished by the Heppner school band, an organization of 30 pieces. Heppner's trading territory is served by many macadamized mar ket roads. One of these, the Hepp-ner-Spray road, is being extended through use of federal and county money to make a through route that will join the Oregon-Washington highway at Heppner with the John Day highway at Spray. Grading of the entire route with the ex ception of six miles has been com pleted, and it Is expected all of the grade will be surfaced by early next year. The remaining gap is almost certain to be taken care of in the near future. When this road is finished people travelling to or fr i Look Out! from the east headed south or north via central Oregon will find this route a time-saver, as well as scen ic, going as it does through the Blue mountains. If you haven't been to Heppner, drop in, and enjoy the brand of open-hearted hospitality bred by the wide-open spaces. More Irrigation Wanted. Sheridan So much interest has been shown this summer in increas ing Irrigation in this region that it has been decided to make a prelim inary survey of a west Sheridan district to see whether water could be carried by gravity over a large area. County Agent White reports that this survey will be made this fall. Inspection of irrigation sys tems already established in this county show that where they have been fairly well cared for, irrigated pastures have been supporting from three to four cows all season. Scappoose How to make grape juice that retains the piquant flavor and the vivid color of fresh grapes is described by a Scappoose home- maker who has canned quantities of grapes by this simple method: Wash the grapes. Place them In a sterilized jar, filling the Jar half full of grapes. To each quart jar add one-half cup of sugar. Fill the jar with boiling water. Seal and store. Richmond By fastening a short length of hose to the faucet it is possible to fill the wash boiler with out having to lift and carry heavy buckets of water, reports a Wheel er county housewife. She makes a saving of from three-fourths of an hour to an hour of time a day as follows: "I keep my sugar, salt, soda and baking powder all on my cab inet That saves many steps in breadmaking. I measure dry In gredients first, then the liquids so that only one cup Is needed. I make the children understand that their toys and school books are no longer welcome in the kitchen. I find that water near the stove saves many steps in filling the boiler for wash ing." 3 years for $5 where can you get more for your money? The Q. T. Check Up Now Your car has been serviced for warm weather driving with light grease and light oil. Cooler au tumn days require lighter grease and lighter oil for the best effi ciency. Your battery, too, should be checked. Our AU-In-One-Stop Service Means you can have you car re quirements whatever they may be-filled here quickly and econ omically. COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE Battery charging - Gas - Oli - Parts an d Ace essones FERGUSON MOTOR CO. PETERS' BIG BUCK CONTEST DURING THE OPEN SEASON $50.00 in CASH by Peters' Arms Co. and $40.00 Winchester 55 Rifle by the Peoples Hardware Co. will be given to the person weigh ing in over our scales the heavies buck, killed anywhere in Oegon. Buck to be hog-dressed. BRING IN YOUR BUCK Peoples Hardware Company Lower License Fees Must Come! Secretary of State Hoss insists that au tomoble owners are entitled to lower license fees. We agree with him but also believe that the license fees now imposed on small privately owned trucks should be reduced. WHY? Because, for years, automobiles and small trucks have been carrying the load of high way construction and maintenance while the heavy truck and trailer outfits, operat ing for compensation and hogging and de stroying our roads, haive been escaping with ridiculously low fees. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, the state collected, in license and mileage fees, 6,548,000. Of this amount the freight ers (Classes 4 and 7), nearly 3000 in number, paid but $300,000 or around $100 per vehicle for the year. In the year 1931 the State Highway Com mission was obliged to spend over $7,000, 000,000.00 for reconstruction, betterments and maintenance burdens imposed largely by the operations of heavy vehicles. , Our proposed Highway Protection Law makes ti the duty of the State Highway Commission to classify all traffic on our highways, determine the burden imposed by each and make recommendations to the Gov ernor for a redistribution of all licenes and mileage fees. When this is done lower license fees for automobiles and small trucks should follow. Vote 314 Yes Highway Protective Association, By Oswald West, President. Ry. Exch. Bldg., Portland, Ore. (Paid Adv.)