Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 01, 1932, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Page two
asrttr Stmrs
Established March 30. 1883;
Established November 18, 1897;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, uregon, as secona-ciasa matter.
One Tear 82.00
Six Months 1.00
Three Months .75
Single Copies .05
Official Paper for Morrow County.
c 1oreIonSis5te P
UT of a clear sky the end of the
week came news that the Nye
Heppner Junction sector of the Oregon-Washington
highway had been
removed from the federal highway
map. The action, supposedly, was
taken on the recommendation of
R. H. Baldock, state engineer, who
argued that because this sector of
road had never received any aid
from federal sources, there was no
need of it being on the federal map.
At the same time E. B. Aldrich,
eastern Oregon's highway commis
sioner from Pendelton, publicly op
poses the action.
One cannot help but question the
reasoning of Mr. Baldock, as well
as the good faith of Mr. Aldrich in
the face of circumstances.
It is known that large sums of
federal money have been expended
within the last two years on the
Pilot Rock-Nye sector of the Oregon-Washington
highway, Nye be
ing the point at which the John
Day North and South road joins
the O.-W. route. This sector was
straightened and widened to bring
it up to federal standards and fed
eral money was used, showing that
at least part of the Oregon-Wash
ington highway has been greatly
benefitted by being on the federal
map. But so far as the Nye-Hepp-ner
Junction sector is concerned
there is now no chance of it getting
help from federal funds, thanks,
supposedly, to Mr. Baldock, who ar
gues that because no federal help
has been given, none should be.
That does not appear like sound
logic. Neither does Mr. Aldrich's
stand ring true.
Those familiar with local road
history remember that Mr. Baldock
was engineer-in-charge during con
struction of at least part of the
Nye-Heppner Junction sector of the
Oregon-Washington highway. He
is probably as familiar with this
piece of road as any road in the
state, and it would naturally be sup
posed that he would have more or
less of a personal interest in its
Also, local people are undoubted
ly familiar with the fact that Pen
dleton and its daily newspaper, of
which Mr. Aldrich is editor, have
been untiring in their efforts for
many years to force completion of
the John Day North and South
highway, the excessive cost of
which former highway commissions
did not feel justified i in okehing in
the face of the proportionately
small amount of service the road
would give.
Had Mr. Aldrich been sincere In
his public stand against removal of
the Nye-Heppner Junction sector
from the federal map, it seems log
ical to assume that he would have
advised our people, who are imme
diately affected, in time for them
to have had a hearing before the
action was taken. Mr. Baldock is
but an employee of the highway
commission. And under the plan
followed by the state commission it
is known that Mr. Aldrich has a
good deal to do with making recom
mendations on roads under his jur
isdiction. If the state highway commission
thought it necessary to ask for the
removal of Morrow county's state
highway from the federal map, the
real purpose of which remains a
mystery, the least it can do is to
assure our people through definite
action that the road will be taken
care of in as good manner as was
that section of the Oregon-Washington
highway which did receive
federal aid. Thus only can that
body convince our people that it
has their interest at heart.
Son Jarmon attended a dance at
the home of Kate Stanfield Satur
day night.
Miss Elsie Strain went to Pen
dleton Tuesday to work at the Carl
Gilbert home.
Roy Neill was a business visitor
in Hermiston Sunday.
Ed Bartholomew, daughter Mar
garet and son Alba of White Sal
mon, Wash., and Mrs. Mary Bar
tholomew of Heppner, were visit
ors at the C. H. Bartholomew home
Notice is hereby given that the
board of directors of the Westland
Irrigation District, acting as a
board of Equalization, will meet at
the office of the district in Hermis
ton, Oregon, on the first Tuesday
in October, 1932, at 8 o'clock P. M.,
for the purpose of reviewing and
correcting the assessment and ap
portionment of taxes for the year
J. W. MESSNER, Secretary.
Sunday School
n Lesson nu
By Rev. Charles E. Sunn, D. D.
Evils of Intemperance
Lesson for September 4 Isaiah
5:11-16, 22, 23
Golden Text: Leviticus 10:9
Isaiah's sharp denunciation of
drunkenness, hurled like a thunder
bolt long ago is thoroughly timely,
The liquor problem has never been
solved. Intemperance is still a ser
ious challenge to the stability of
society, and its peril is peculiarly
intense in our machine age.
Unfortunately the clearly estab
lished facts concerning the menace
of alcohol are obscured by the fierce
controversy now raging over the
merits and demerits of prohibition.
Both sides are warring camps, and
their psychology therefore tends to
be that of military factions angrily
circulating atrocity stories about
one another.
What is needed is more light and
less heat. The failures and success
es of prohibition must be studied
dispassionately. Above all, the place
of alcohol in our modern, complex
civilization must be scientifically
Now we may cherish reasonable
doubts as to the wisdom of the
eighteenth amendment. But certain
it is that the arguments against the
liquor traffic are as strong now as
Rigid tests have proven that al
cohol is a food only in a very limit
ed sense, that it is not a stimulant,
but a narcotic Buch as ether and
chloroform, and that it is a habit
forming drug, a poison that lowers
resistance to infection and physical
injury, and may result in acute and
chronic disease. Dr. Haven Emer
son, of Columbia University, sums
up the case against it when he says,
'"Alcohol as commonly used by
modern man here and abroad de
teriorates the cells of the body; de
grades the man degenerates the
To be sure, there are eminent
authorities who hold that the mod
erate drinking of alcoholic bever
ages is harmless. Yet the Life Ex
tension Institute's handbook, "How
to Live," declares that "the Judg
ment of the majority of scientific
men Is against even the moderate
use of alcohol."
The liquor issue is now entering
a new phase. We have overstressed
the power of the law. While still
employing the strong arm of legal
coercion, our main reliance hence
forth must be upon education and
public opinion.
Autocaster Service.
T SEEMS to us as if almost ev
erybody must be pretty nearly out
of clothes by this time. We don't
see how the necessity of new clothes
can be met without having some ef
fect upon general business condi
tions. We notice in the fashion pa
pers and on the streets that wom
en's skirts are getting longer and
their sleeves bigger. That ought to
mean a larger demand for fabrics
of all kinds, and that, in turn, ought"
to mean a better demand for cotton
and wool and silk and rayon, out of
which to manufacture the fabrics.
We don't think American women
are going to dress out of fashion
very long, and while it was easy
enough to cut down the long skirts
and cut off the long sleeves, it is not
going to be so easy to make over
a short-skirted, sleeveless dress In
to one with full sleeves and a long
We don't remember the name of
the political economist who pointed
out, many years ago, that if he
could be Emperor of China and is
sue a decree that every Chinaman's
shirt tail must be three inces long
er, it would double the business of
the Manchester cotton mills.
Whoever he was, he expressed a
great economic truth.
Get our new low prices on seed
wheat treating. See Henry Hap
pold or leave word at Kane's gar
age. 25tf.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Christopherson at lone, Monday,
August 29, an 8 V4 -pound son.
Autocaster Service.
IT SEEMS to us that one of the
beneficial results of this long per
iod of depression and industrial un
employment has been to force upon
large numbers of people, who had
never realized it before, that there
is no safety or security for most
folks if they get too far away from
the soil and the sea.
We were reminded of this by read
ing that the State of New York has
decided to grant fishing licenses
free to the unemployed, so that they
may at least have the chance of
catching part of their food from
the rivers and lakes, bays and
ponds of the state. We think it
would be a good plan to adopt everywhere.
Then we read about the various
places all over the country where
thousands of unemployed are being
encouraged to pan out gold from
the soil. There is gold almost ev
erywhere in the United States. Most
of it doesn't run enough gold to the
ton of earth or rock to pay for the
expense of setting up regular min
ing equipment, but we understand
that a good many thousand people
are making good wages panning
out placer gold all the way from the
Pacific Coast to the Atlantic.
Hundreds of communities gave
help and encouragement during the
past summer to the unemployed
who were willing and able to work
small garden patches and so help
to feed themselves and their fam
All such projects are, of course,
merely temporary expedients, but
out of them it is reasonable to ex
pect that a great many Americans,
who have been so brought up that
they did not know how to take care
of themselves unless they were at
tached to a payroll, will have learn
ed that it Is possible for a man to
make a living without much equip
ment beyond his two hands, if he
will stick close enough to nature's
sources of wealth, and seize them
for himself instead of buying them
through a chain of middlemen.
Lloyd Baldridge spent Sunday at
the A. E. Wattenburger home.
Percy Jarmon was a visitor in
Hermiston Sunday.
School begins Monday, Sept. 5,
with three teachers: Mrs. Chap
man teaching the first six grades;
Miss Hammel teaching the seventh
and eighth grades and assisting in
high school, and Miss Rose Lie-
brand, who will be the principal
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger
attended the show at Hermiston
Sunday evening.
Mrs. C. W. Neill, Alma Nelll,
Ralph and Roy Nelll returned Fri
day from a huckleberrylng trip
near Arbuckle mountain.
Mrs. Marion Finch and Lila Bar
tholomew made a business trip to
Echo and Hermiston Monday afternoon.
Ralph -Neill spent Monday at the
Tom O Brien home.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Morehead and
children returned Tuesday from a
visit with Mrs. Morehead's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Morey of Low
den, Wash.
Ray Applcgate made a business
trip to Echo Saturday night
Llla Bartholomew, Alma Neill,
Wilma McCarty, Jasper Meyers,
Oscar McCarty and Earle Watten
burger attended the show in Her
miston Sunday night.
Mrs. J. S. Moore and son John
made a trip to Lexington Saturday
Llla Bartholomew, Opal, Llda and
on the second Monday in September
(Monday, September 12, 1932) the Board
o Equalization for Morrow County,
Oregon, will attend in the Courthouse
in Heppner. Oregon, and publicly exam
ine the Assessment rous oi saia louh
tv for the vear 1932. and will correct
errors in valuation, aesenpuon or qual
ity of land, lots or otner property, as
sessed hv the Assessor of- Morrow
County Oregon, for the year 1932.
All persons interested or having any
complaint against their assessments for
the year snouio. appear ai inai
time. Petitions for reduction in assess
ment must be made in writing, verified
by oath of applicant or his attorney
and must be filed with the board the
first week It is in session and any peti
tion or application not so made, verified
and filed shall not be considered or act
ed upon by the board.
uatea at neppner, uregon, August
18, 1932.
JUStift J. wujijij, Assessor,
Morrow County, Oregon-
DeDartment of the Interior. U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Aug
5, 1932.
NUIICE IS nereDy given mat AiDerc
L. Suiste, of Pilot Rock. Oregon, who,
on July 2, 1929, made Homestead En
try under Act of Dec. 29, 1916, No.
026799, for NE NWy. Sec. 10, SE14
NW14. Sec. 12, T. 1 S., R. 29 E NE14
SE4. Sec. 8, SEV4, Sec. 18, NW& NW14,
Sec. 20, NE'4 SWVi. Sec. 22. T. 1 S., R.
30 E NVi NE54, NEWNW14, Sec. 12,
NEVt NEy4, Sec. 29, NE14 SWVi, SEVi
SE4, Section 33, T. 2 S.. R. 30 E., and
SEV4 SEya, Section 13, Township 2
South, Range 29 East, Willamette Me
ridian, has filed notice of Intention to
make final Proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before S. A.
Newberrv. United States Commissioner,
at Pendleton, Oregon, on the 20th day
oi September, 1S32.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Wm. Cimon, Charles Fix, Leo Suiste,
Emily Suiste, all of Pilot Rock, Oregon.
22-26 R. J. CARSNER, Register.
ed in the complaint herein."
TO : Guy Nordyke, and Minnie Nor
dyke. his wife, Emanual Chamness,
Fred R. Reese and Jane Doe Reese, his
wife, Jane Doe Reese, wife of Raymond
Reese, Jane Doe Reese, wife of Donald
Reese. Roy Nordyke. Belle E. Powell
and Richard Roe Powell, her husband.
Chester Wheelhouse and Jane Doe
Wheelhouse, his wife. Nina Penland
Gilbert and Richard Roe Gilbert her
husband. Laura Crabb and Richard
Roe Crabb. her husband. Alden Abbv
and Jane Doe Abby, his wife, Janie
Helms, uuy nordyke, as trustee under
the last will and testament of Jane
Penland, deceased. Joe Reese and Jane
Doe Reese, his wife, the unknown heirs
of Perry A. Helms, deceased, the un
known heirs of Eva Reese, deceased,
the unknown heirs of Jane Penland,
deceased, also all other persons or par
ties unknown claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest in the real es
tate described In the complaint herein.
OREGON. You are hereby required to
appear and answer the amended com-
Flaint filed against you in the above en
itied court and cause within 4 weeks
from date of the first publication of
this summons and if you fail to so ap
pear and answer, for want thereof,
plaintiff will apply to the said court
for the relief Draved for and demanded
in said amended complaint, to-wit: for
decree mat piamtin is tne owner in
fee simple of the following described
real property, to-wit:
Comencing at a point South 51 de
grees West 66.00 feet from the West
corner of Lot 10, Block 21. Pen
land's Addition to the town of Lex
ington. Morrow County, Oregon;
thence South 51 degrees West 141.3
feet to the North line of the O.-W.
R. & N. Company's right of way;
thence South 50 degrees 28 minutes
East 92 6 feet along the North line
of the O.-W. R. & N. Company's
right of way; thence north 40 de
grees 22 minutes East 125.2 feet to
the West line of Depot Street;
thence North 39 degrees West 65.5
feet along the West line of Depot
Street to the place of beginning..
And that plaintiff is the owner in fee
simple oi saia iana, iree ox any rignt,
title, estate, lien or interest of you and
each of you, and that you or anyone
or more of you have no right title, es
tate, lien or interest in said land, or any
part tnereoi, ana perpetually restrain,
me and enjoining you and each of vou.
your heirs and asgns from asserting
or claming any right, title, estate, lien
or interest in said land, or any part
thereof, adverse to plaintiff.
This summons is served upon you by
publication thereof for 4 successive
weeks in the HeoDner Gazette Times
by order of Hon. Calvin L. Sweek, judge
oi tne aDove entitled court, ana which
said order was made and entered the
1st dav of August 1932. and the first
date of this publication of summons is
the 4tn day oi August, 1932.
Postofflce Address: Pendleton,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Farmers National Warehouse Cor
poration, Plaintiff,
Emanual Nordyke; Guy Nordyke and
Minnie Nordyke, his wife; James
Helms and Annis A. Helms, his
wife: Emanual Chamness: E. M.
Reese, husband of Eva Reese, de
ceased; Fred R. Reese, and Jane
Doe Reese, his wife; Joe Reese
and Jane Doe Reese, his wife; Ray
mond Reese and Jane Doe Reese,
his wife, and Donald Reese and
Jane Doe Reese, his wife; Roy Nor
dyke; Belle E. Powell, and Rich
ard Roe Powell, her husband; Ches
ter Wheelhouse and Jane Doe
Wheelhouse, his wife; Leona Pen
land; Edith Penland Golden and T.
S. Golden, her husband; Nina Pen
land Gilbert and Richard Roe Gil
bert, her husband; Clara Beach,
also known as Clara A. Beach and
Lee E. Beach, her husband; Lula
Rea and Albert Rea, her husband;
Laura Crabb and Richard Roe
Crabb, her husband; Mary Sperry;
Alden Abby and Jane Doe Abby,
his wife; Janie Helms; Ella A.
Rhodes; Emanual Nordyke, , Guy
Nordyke. as trustees under the last
will and testament of Jane Pen
land, deceased; the unknown heirs
of Perry A. Helms, deceased; the
unknown hears of Eva Reese, de
ceased; the unknown heirs of Jane
Penland, deceased; "also all other
fiersons or parties unknown clalm
ng any right, title, estate. Hen or
Interest In the real estate descrlb-
For Women
Traveling Alone
American Express
Travelers Cheques
Tlo insure
her against the loss or theft
of her travel funds.
To provide her with a ready
means of identification.
To assure her the personal
service of the American
Express travel organiza
tion which will care for
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wherever she may travel.
You can secure these
Travelers Cheques at
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starting on a trip.
They , are issued in
convenient denomin
ations, and cost only
75c for each $100.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Morrow County, executors of
the Last Will and Testament of David
McCullough, deceased, and all persons
having claims against the estate of said
deceased, are hereby required to pre
sent the same duly verified as by law
required, to said executors at the law
office of Jos. J. Nys. at Heppner, Ore
gon, within six months from the date
Dated and first published this 4th day
OI AUgUSt, 1M.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, executrix of the
estate or josepn n . HJisieider, deceased,
and that all persons having claims
against the said estate must present
the same, duly verified according to
law, to me at the office of my attorney,
S. E. Notson, in Heppner, Oegon, with
in six months from the date of the
first publication of this notice, the said
date of first publication being August
is, iviz.
and Stockgrowers
National Bank
lic Corporation, Plaintiff,
J. H. Imus, James Carty, Wm. H.
Boardman. Harry T. Boardman.. Fin
lev and Gilman. Claude L. Finlev
William H. Murphy, R. S. Howard.
Jr.. Receiver. Frank Otto. Grace Ed.
monds, W. O. King. W. R. Walpole
Estate, Dan K. Murpny. Aitred ives,
Catherine Ives, Willard W. Nason,
Eliza J. Rider, Mathias Halvorsen,
James A. Pointer, Clarence Canning,
Viola Canning. D. E. Gilman and Her
tha Gilman, his wife, Clyde F. Royse
Estate. Hattle M. Bleakman, George
u. t eu and Ida en, nis wne, a. f.
Bleakman. W. E. Hall, J. B. Hall,
Asa L. Young, Hill & Johns, Ida M.
Fell. Lena Owen. Lena Owen Estate.
E. L. Freeland. Augustus Walker.
Wind River Lumber Company, Jose
phine curran, Frea Ritchie, nitnei Mc
cracken, P. J. Linn and Grace Linn,
his wife, J. L. Gibson, Bertha Dlnges,
W. H. Dlnges. Eliza N. Farrens. G. A.
Bleakman, J. E.. Hams, Ida Pyle. Ida
Pv e Gr mes. Flora Wh te. A. J. War
ren, Rebecca Ann Jenkins. S. L. Beck,
and H. W. Klages, and any other
person or persons owning or claiming
to own, or having or claiming to have,
any Interest In or to the real estate
nereinaiter aescrmea, jjeienaants.
No. 2918.
To J. H. Imus. James Carty, Wm. H.
Boardman, Harry T. Boardman, Fin
ley and Gilman, Claude L. Flnley,
William H. Murphy, R. S. Howard,
Jr.. Receiver. Frank Otto. Grace Ed
monds, W. 6. King, W. R. Walpole
Estate. Dan R. Murphy, Alfred Ives,
Catherine Ives, Willard W. Nason,
Eliza J, Rider, Mathias Halvorsen,
James A. Pointer, Clarence Canning,
Viola Canning. D. E. Gilman and Ber
tha Gilman. his wife. Clyde F. Royse
Estate. Hattle M. Bleakman. George
L. eii and Ida Fell, nis wile, a. f.
Bleakman, W. E. Hall, J. B. Hall,
Asa L. Youne. Hill & Johns. Ida M
Fell, Lena Owen, Lena Owen Estate,
E. L, Freeland, Augustus Walker,
Wind River Lumber Company, Jose
phine Curran. Fred Ritchie. Ethel Mc
cracken, P. J. Linn and Grace Linn,
his wife, J. L. Gibson, Bertha Dlnges,
W. H. Dlnges. Eliza N. Farrens. G. A,
Bleakman, J. E. Hams, Ida Pyle, Ida
Pyle Grimes. Flora White. A. J. War
ren, Rebecca Ann Jenkins. S. L. Beck,
and H. W. Klages, and any other
person or persons owning or claiming
to own, or having or claiming to have,
any Interest In or to the real estate
nereinaiter described, ueienaants:
OREGON: You and each of you are
hereby notified that the above named
plaintiff, a public corporation, is the
purchaser, owner and holder of certif
icates of delinquency numbered 1880,
1883, 1885, 1889 1890, 1892, 1910, 1911,
1917, 1926, 1935, 1944, 1958, 1961, 1964,
1976, 1980, 1987, 1988, 1999, 2013, 2021,
2023, 2024 2031, 2041, 2042, 2044, 2047,
2050, 2051, 2057. 2059, 2062, 2063, 2069,
2070, and 2073, Issued on the 10th day of
June, 1927, by the Sheriff and Collector
of Delinquent Taxes for Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, and filed by the said Sher
iff and Collector of Delinquent Taxes
In the office of the County Clerk of the
County of Morrow. State of Oregon, on
the 10th day of June, 1927, for taxes
due and delinquent together with pen
alty, interest and costs thereon, upon
real property situated In Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon.
You are further notified that the
amount for which said certificate Is Is
sued is set opposite and following the
description of the tract or parcel of
land hereinafter set out, the same be
ing the amount then due and delin
quent for taxes for the year 1922, to
gether with penalty, interest and costs
thereon, upon real property situate In
Morrow County, Oregon, and particu
larly bounded and described as herein
after Bet forth, said tract or parcel of
land being assessed (or the year 1922 to
the person whose name Immediately
precedes the description thereof, and
is followed by the name of the person
appearing to be the owner thereof, as
appears on the tax roll of Morrow
County. Oregon, for the year 193L now
in tne nanus oi tne snerin oi saia Mor
rom County for collection, at the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons and notice, which date of first
publication is the 28th day of July,
Certificate No. 1880. J. H. Imus
and J. H. Imus. the West Half
of Section 24 and all of Section
25, Township 2 North, Range
24 East of Willamette Merid
ian $370.11
Certificate No. 1883. James Carty
and James carty, tne rJortn
east quarter of Section 10.
Township 2 North, Range 25
East of Willamette Meridian.... 66.36
Certificate No. 1885, Wm. H.
Boardman and Harry T. Board
man, the West half of Section
12, Township 2 North, Range
25. East of Willamette Merid
ian 23.16
Certificate No. 1889, Flnley and
Gilman and Flnley and un
man, the Southwest quarter of
Section 20, Township 2 North.
Range 26 East of Willamette
Meridian - - 27.73
Certificate No. 1890, Claude L.
Flnley and Claude L. Flnley,
the Southeast quarter of Sec
tion 20, Township 2 North,
Range 26 East of Willamette
Meridian 67.74
Certificate No. 1892. William H.
Murphy and William H. Mur
pry, the West half of North
west quarter of Section 17, and
the East half of Northeast
quarter of Section 18, Town
ship 2 North, Range 27, East
of Willamette Meridian 63.12
Certificate No. 1910. R. S. How
ard, Jr. Receiver, and R. S.
Howard, Jr., Receiver, in care
of Frank Otto, the West half
of the Northwest quarter of
Section 25, Township 4 North,
Range 24 East of Willamette
Meridian 12.62
Certificate No. 1911, R. S. How
ard, Jr., Receiver, in care oi
Grace Edmonds, and R. S.
Howard, Jr., Receiver, In care
of Grace Edmonds, the South
east quarter of Northwest
quarter and Southwest quarter
of Northeast quarter of Sec
tion 25, Township 4 North,
Range 24 East of Willamette
Meridian 12.62
Certificate No. 1917, R. S. How
ard, Jr., Receiver, in care ot
W. O. King, and W. R. Wal
pole Estate, the Southeast
quarter of Southwest quarter
of Section 17, Township 4
North, Range 25 East of Wil
lamette Meridian . 6.55
Certificate No. 1926, Dan R. Mur
phy and Dan R. Murphy, all
of that tract and parcel of land
commencing at a point on the
Section line between Sections
22 and 27 thirty-four chains
and sixty-eight links West of
the common Section corner of
Sections 22, 23. 26 and 27, in
Township 5 North, Range 26
East of the Willamette Merid
ian, in Morrow County, Ore
gon, and said point being
twenty-seven chains and fifty
nine links East of the South
west corner of the East one
half of the Southwest one
quarter of said Section 22,
Township 5 North, Range 26
East of the Willamette Merid
ian, in Oregon, and said point
also being the Southeast cor
ner of the tract of land of 146
acres described in a deed exe
cuted by me contemporaneous
ly herewith to one the Horn
sey Land & Orchard Company,
a corporation; and running
from said point East along said
Section Line between said Sec
tions 22 and 27 five chains and
twenty links; thence North on
a line parallel with the West
line of said East one-half of
the Southwest one-quarter and
Lot three of said Section 22
and a straight line extended
North therefrom to the low wa
ter mark of the South bank of
the Columbia River ninety
four chains and thirty-two
links, more or less, to the low
water mark of the Columbia
River, thence Westerly along
said low water mark of the
Columbia River to a point In
tersecting the low water mark
of the said Columbia River ex
tended North on a straight line
from a line twenty-seven chains
and fifty-nine links East of and
fiarallel with the said West
ine of said East one-half of
the Southwest one-quarter and
Lot three of said Section 22,
and a straight line extended
North therefrom to the low wa
ter mark of the South bank of
the Columbia River, and from
thence Southerly on a straight
line ninety-seven chains and
thirty-seven links, more or less,
to the place of beginning, be
ing a tract of land with the
West line thereof ninety-seven
chains and thirty-seven links,
more or less; the East line
ninety-four chains and thirty
two links, more or less; and
five chains and twenty links
in width, containing fifty acres.
And also all of the accretions,
riparian, wharfage, alluvlan,
shore, water and all other
rights and privileges appurten
ant In front of. or ad lucent to
the same 17.23
Certificate No. 1935, Alfred Ives
and Catherine Ives, Lot 4 In
Block 30. In the Town of Irri-
gon, Oregon 11.87
Certificate No. 1944, Willard W.
Nason and Eliza J. Rider, Lot
2, Block 25 West, Section 23,
Township 5 North, Ranee 26
East of Willamette Meridian .... 10.12
Certificate No. 1958. Mathias Hal
vorsen and Mathias Halvorsen,
Irregular tract numbered 25 In
the Town of lone, Oregon, des
cribed as follows: Commenc
ing 30 feet West of the South
west corner of Block 2 In
Cluff's First Addition to the
town of lone In Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, thence South 11.77
chains, thence East 6.89 chains,
thence North, 11.77 chains, to
the Southeast corner of Lot 6
in Block 2 In Cluff's Second
Addition to the town of lone,
thence West 6.89 chains to the
place of beginning and contain
ing six and 93-100 acres 19.36
Certificate No. 1961, James A.
Pointer and James A. Pointer,
One acre In the Southeast cor
ner of the North half of the
Northeast quarter of Section
15, Township 1 South, Range
25 East of Willamette Merid
ian, said one acre shall meas
ure ten and one-half (1014)
rods West from the corner and
fifteen and one-quarter (1614)
rods North and back to the
East line 6.87
Certificate No. 1964, Clarence
Canning and Viola Canning
and Clarence Canning, the
West half of the Southwest
quarter of Section 30: the
Northwest quarter and the
West half of the Northeast
quarter of Section 31, all In
Township 2 South, Range 23
East of the Willamette Merid
ian 81.23
Certificate No. 1976, D. E. Gil
man and D. E. Gilman and Ber
tha Gilman, his wife, West half
of West half of Section 3, and
East half of Section 4, Town
shin 8 South. RRnee 26 East of
Willamette Meridian 821.22
Certificate No. 1980, Clyde F.
Royse Estate and Clyde F,
Royse Estate. Northwest quar
ter of Northeast quarter, and
South half of Northeast quar
ter of Section 13, Township 4
South, Range 24 East of Wil
lamette Meridian, and Jjot 2,
Section 18, Tp.. 4 S., R. 25 E.
W. M 44.87
Certificate No. 1987, Hattio M.
Bleakman and George D. Fell
and Ida Fell, his wife, the
West half of Southeast quar
ter of Section 35, Township 4
South, Range 26 East of Wil
lamette Meridian; one half acre
tract in the Northwest quar
ter of Southwest quarter of
, Section 2, Township 5 South,
Range 25 East of Willamette
Meridian ; South half of North
east quarter and Northeast
quarter of Southeast quarter,
less tract, of Section 8, Town
ship 6 South, Range 26 East
of Willamette Meridian; tract
number 26, less three tracts. In
the Town of Hardman. Ore
gon, more particularly describ
ed us follows: the Northeast
quarter of Northeast quarter
of Section 8. Township 6 South.
Range 25 East of Willamette
Meridian, save and except:
Commencing at the Northwest
corner of the Northeast quar
ter of Northeast quarter of said
Section 3. running thence East
20 chains, thence South 4
chains and 30 feet thence West
20 chains, thence North 4
4 chains and 30 feet to the
place of beginning; also ex
cept the following: Commenc
ing 4 chains and 30 feet South
of the Northwest corner of the
Northeast quarter of the North
east quarter of said Section
3, running South 202 feet,
thence East 438 feet, thence
North 202 feet, thence West
438 feet to the place of be
Certificate No. 1988, B. P. Bleak
man and George D. Fell and
Ida Fell, his wife, and B. P.
Bleakman. East half of South
west quarter, the East 10 acres
in the Northwest quarter of
the Southwest quarter, the
East 12 acres in the South
west quarter of Southwest
quarter of Section 35, Town
ship 4 South, Range 25 East
of Willamette Meridian: Hard
man tract No, 16, described as
follows: Beginning at a point
24 rods 1314 feet North of the
Southwest corner of Section 35.
Township 4 South. Range 25
East of Wi lamette Meridian.
thence North 20 rods, thence
East 10 rods, thence South 20
rods, thence West 10 rods to
the place of beginning, con
taining 1'4 acres; Hardman
tract No. 17. described as fol
lows: Beginning 20 rods East
of the Southwest corner of
Section 35, Township 4 South,
Range 25 East of Willamette
Meridian, running thence East
35 rods, thence North 80 rods,
thence West 55 rods, thence
South 35 rods and 3 feet, thence
East 20 rods, thence South 44
rods and 1314 feet to the place
of beginning 69.01
Certificate No.. 1999, W. E. Hall
and J. B. Hall, Southeast quar
ter of Southwest quarter and
Southwest quarter of South
east quarter of Section 8; and
North half of Northwest quar
ter of Section 17, Township 4
South. Range 29 East of Wil
lamette Meridian 41.38
Certificate No. 2013, Asa L.
Young and Asa L. Young,
Southeast quarter of North
east quarter, Southwest quar
ter of Northwest quarter and
Southeast quarter of Southwest
quarter of Section 16, Town
ship 6 South, Range 27 East
of Willamette Meridian; and
East half of Southwest quar
ter of Section 16, Township 6
South, Range 28 East of Wil
lamette Meridian 112.56
Certificate No. 2021, Hill &
Johns and D. E. Gilman and
Bertha Gilman. his wife, the
West 60 feet of Lots 9 and 10
in Block 3. in the Town of
Hennner. Oregon 359.40
ceruncate ino. zuzsi, taa m. f eu
and Ida M. Fell, Lot 7 In
Block 6; Lot 8 in Block 2 in
Ayers' Second Addition; Lots
3 to 10, inclusive, in Block 4
in Ayers' Third Addition; and
irregular tracts numbered 69,
60. 147 and 148: all In the Town
of HeDDiier. Oregon 11.56
Certificate No. 2024. Lena Owen
and Lena Owen Estate. North
49.5 feet of Lot 6 in Block 7;
the North 49.5 feet of that por
tion lying West of the center
of Willow Creek of Lot 18 In
Block 7: the south 33 feet West
of Willow Creek of Lot 19 in
Block 7: all In the Town of
HeDDner. Oregon 42.61
certincate ino. mil. u. ree-
land and E. L. Freeland, Lot
2 In Block 3. Ayers' Fourth
Addition to the Town of HeDD
ner. Oregon 8.17
certmcate ino. 204i, Augustus
Walker and Augustus Walker,
North half of Lots 6, 6, 7, and
8. in Block 3. Sperry's Third
Addition to the Town of lone.
Oregon 4.83
certificate wo. 2042, wind Klver
Lumber Company and Wind
River Lumber Company, South
half of Lots 5, 6. 7. and 8, in
Block 3, Sperry's Third Addi
tion to the Town of lone, Ore-
fon; Lots 2, 3, and 4, in Block
Sperry's Fourth Addition to
lone; also, the North 90 feet of
Lot 1, Block 3, Sperry's Fourth
Addition to the Town of lone,
Oregon; also, Irregular Tract
No. 30 In the Town of lone,
Oregon, described as follows:
Beginning at the Southwest
corner of Block 3, Sperry's
Third Addition to lone, Oregon,
thence South 60 feet, thence
East 100 feet, thence North 60
feet, thence West 100 feet to
the place of beginning 48.35
eruncaie ino. jw josepnine
Curran In care of Fred Ritchie
and Ethel McCracken. Lot 3
In Block 2, Cluff's Seventh Ad
dition to the Town of lone.
Oregon 1.56
Certificate No. 2047. P. J.. Linn
and Grace Linn and P. J. Linn
and Grace Linn, his wife. Com
mencing at the Northwest cor
ner of Mrs. Mary Hale's place,
running thence West 100 feet,
thence South 200 feet, thence
East 100 feet, thence North to
the place of beginning, further
known and described as Tract
No. 9 of the irregular tracts of
lone, Oregon; also, commenc
ing at the Southwest corner of
a tract of land owned by Mrs.
M. L. King on the South side
of Third Street and running
South 150 feet, thence East 100
feet, thence North 150 feet,
thence West 100 feet to the
place of beginning, further
known and described as Tract
No. 22 of the Irregular tracts
of lone, Oregon - 86.47
(jeriincaie ino. zudu, J. L.. Gibson
and Bertha Dlnges and Bertha
Dlnges. Lot 9 in Block 9 of tha
Town of Lexington, Oregon 2.48
ueriincaio ino. zuol, w. ti. Dln
ges and W. H. Dingea, Lots 4
and 6 in Block 17 in the Town
of Lexington, Oregon 28.24
(jeriincaie ino. sidy, fciiza N.
Farrens and Eliza N. Farrens,
Lot 5 In Block C; Lot 6 in
Block F: all in the Town nf
Hardman, Oregon 6.04
certificate no. 2059, a. A. Bleak
man and J. E. Hams. Lots 1
to 3, inclusive, In Block F In
the Town of Hardman, Ore,
gon , 8.10
teruucaie ino. zona, Ida r'yle
and Ida Pyle Grimes, Block
One In Fergerson's Second Ad
dition to tne Town of Hard-
man. Oregon 28.59
cermicate no.. 2063, Flora White
and Flora White, Lots S to 9
Inclusive, In Block 2, Ferger
son's Second Addition to -the
Town of Hardman, Oregon 11.51
ueruucaie ino. zudh. A. J. war
ren and A. J. Warren, Hard
man tract No. 5, described as
follows: Starting at the South
west corner of Lot 4 In Block
2 of Adams' Addition to the
town of Dalryvllle, County of
Morrow, State of Oregon, run
ning thence West B03V4 feet to
the place of beginning, running
thence 1 5-8 chains West,
thence 8 9-100 chains North,
thence 1 6-8 chains East,
thence South 3 9-100. chains to
the place of beginning, contain
ing one acre; also, Hardman
Tract No. 6, described as fol
lows; Beginning at a point 689
feet West of the Southwest cor
ner of Lot 4 in Block 2 in Ad
ams' Addition to Dalryvllle,
County of Morrow, State of
Oregon, running thence West
SVt chains, thence North 6.18
chains, thence East S',4 chains,
thence South 6.18 chains to the
place of beginning, containing
12 acres . 28.08
certificate No. 2070, Rebecca Ann
Jenkins and S. L. Beck, Lot
8 In Block 4 in the Town of
Boardman, Oregon 2.
Certificate No. 2073, H. W. Kla
ges and H. W. Klages, Lots
12 to 16, Inclusive, In Block 6
In the Town of Boardman. Or
egon 10.18
That said amounts bear Interest at the
rate of eight per cent, per annum from
the 10th day of June 1927, the date of
the issuance of said certificates respect
And you and each of you are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty days
after date of the first publication of
this summons, exclusive oi ine aay oi
first publication thereof, to-wlt: July
28, 1932. and defend the suit In the
Court aforesaid, or pay the amount due
as shown above against ine saia tracts
or parcels of land, respectively, above
described, of which you are the owner,
or in which you have or claim to have,
any interest or estate, together with In
terest and costs accrued in this suit
Service of a copy of your answer or
other process may be made on the un
dersigned attorney for plaintiff, at the
place specified below as his address,
and In case of your failure so to do
judgment and decree will be entered
against you and each of you foreclos
ing said tax Hens for the amount set
opposite and following the description
of said parcel of land above set forth,
together with Interest and costs there
on, against said tracts or parcels of
land, and said tracts or parcels of
land will be sold to satisfy said judg
ment and decree obtained in this suit
You are further hereby notified that
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
aforesaid for Judgment and decree fore
closing said tax liens against said prop
erty hereinbefore described.
This summons is published once each
week for sixty consecutive days in the
Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper
of general circulation In Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, published weekly at Hepp
ner, in said County, the date of
first publication thereof being July 28.
i3 ana saia puDiicaiion oeing maue
In pursuance of the statutes of the
State of Oregon, said newspaper hav
ing been designated by the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Mor
row County as the newspaper in which
said summons should be published by
order duly entered in said Court on the
25th day of July, 1932.
By C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff of Mor
row County, Oregon, and Samuel
E. Notson. District Attorney for
Morrow County, Oregon, and At
torney for Plaintiff, whose ad
dress is HeDDner. Oregon.
Date of first publication, July 28. 1932.
Date of last publication, September 29,
Professional Carols
Attorney at Law
Phone 173
Humphreys Building
A. B. GRAY, M. D.
Fhon 323
Heppner Hotel Building
Eyes Tested and Qlai Pitted.
Leave orders at Peoples Hardware
Telephone 1012
Office In Gilman Building
11 W. Willow Street
X-Ray Diagnosis
Heppner, Oregon
Frank A. McMenamin
905 Guardian Building
Residence, GArfleld 1949
Business Phone Atwater 1348
A. D. McMURDO, M. D.
Trained Nam Assistant
Office In Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
First National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon
Offlo in X. 0. 0. P. Bnlidlng
Heppner, Oregon
Farm and Personal Uroperty Sales
A Specialty.
"The Man Who Talks to Beat
'he Band"
6229 72nd Ave., S. E Portland. Ore.
Phone Sunset 8451
Latest Jewelry and Gift Good
Watches . Clocks - Diamond!
Expert Watch and Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Old Lin Companies. Real Estate.
Heppner, Oregon
Roberta Bnlidlng, Willow StrMt
Heppner, Oregon