PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1932. BOARDMAN RACHEL JOHNSON Mrs. Neil Blakeley of Echo waa called to Board man early Monday to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Weston who is critically Ul. A doc tor was called Monday but he gave no hope for her recovery. Mrs. Weston has been in iH health for some time and has been gradually growing weaker. Mrs. loyal Rands and Buster re turned home Sunday from Wheeler where they have been visiting. Bus ter returned to the coast the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Peck are the parents of a baby girl born Thurs day. A number of Boardman folks at tended the Adventist tent meeting in Heppner Sunday. They were Mr. and Mrs. Gregg and sons, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Brown and daugh ters, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Agee, Mr. and Mrs. Ves Atteberry and Mr. and Mrs. Estelle and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mead and fam ily of Union Junction came Fri day for a visit with Boardman friends. On Saturday evening a party was given for Mr. and Mrs. Mead at the W. O. King home. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mead, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cra mer, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Dilla- bough, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mar sdhat, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gorham, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Kennedy, Roy al Rands and Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. King. The evening was spent play ing 500. Mrs. Mike Cassidy who had been ill for several days was taken to the Pendleton hospital Thursday. She expects to return home in few days. The Grange field day picnic was held Sunday afternoon in the Red and White camp ground. A dem onstration by the sheep club was given and several agricultural talks were enjoyed. After dinner a tour of the project was made to look at various fields and farms. A large crowd attended the picnic Mrs. J. L. Jenkins and Elvira, Mrs. Howard Bates and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bradley motored to Meacham and Mt Emily last week, where they picked about 13 gallons of huckleberries. They returned home Friday. A. A. Agee motored to Wasco last week where he disposed of a large quantity of honey. John Steelhammer visited friends in Boardman Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Barlow and daughter Lucille and Stacy. Rob erts of Heppner visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. Roberts spent the day with his granddaughter, Mrs. Guy Barlow. Mr. and Mrs. Broomfield and fam ily of La Grande spent the week end at the W. A. Baker home. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barlow were Pendleton visitors Friday. There will be no church services at the community church during the month of August, which time is Rev. Miller's vacation. Sunday school will continue during the summer, starting at 10:15 o'clock. Mrs. Anderson and son George of New Plymouth, Idaho, and Louis Blayden of Vale were guests dur ing the week end at the Blayden and Gorham homes. Arthur Allen of La Grande spent several days in Boardman last week. He took a load of honey back to La Grande with him. Mark Delano, Harry Huley and Charles Goodwin returned home Friday from John Day. Nate Macomber spent the week end in Pilot Rock. Mrs. Macomber and Sibyl Grace who have been vis iting there returned home with him Sunday evening. Mrs. W. D. Lynch and Frances and Frank Johnson of Portland were guests Sunday and Monday at the J. R. Johnson home when on their way to Pulman and Spokane Miss Helen Russell returned home Friday after several weeks visit at Woodland, Wash. large and new bids called for. A crowd attended the meeting. Mrs. Ora Hathaway and Mrs. W. C. Isom were dinner guests of Mrs. Ed Beusel at Hermiston Thursday. IIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CHURCHES METHODIST CHURCH. GLEN P. WHITE. Pastor. Mrs. C. R. Ripley, uirecior or music. 9:45 a. m., Sunday School. 11:00 a m.. Morning worship hour. Message. "A Pioneer or Faith." 7 p. m., Epworth League. 8 p. m.. Song service and gospel message. He will teach us ot ftis ways, ana we will walk in his paths," Mic. 4:2. Where are we, captain?" asked passenger on an Australian steamer several days out from the Californian coast "Come with me to the chart and I will show you," came the courteous reply. You see," said the captain as the two bent over a well-worn map, there are three routes to Australia from the port we just left That one there is the one usually taken; there, designated as number 2 is the route I preferred to take, and this one. number 3, is the one the com pany ordered me to take and that is the one we have taken, we are rieht here just now." The world's way, my way and Christ's way. Which am I saling? We invite yau to all our services. welcome awaits you. CHUCH OF CHRIST. JOEL R BENTON, Minister. Mrs. J. O. Turner, Director ol Music. At Heppner PINE CITY ALMA NEILL. Bob Jarmon and O. F. Bartholo mew went to La Grande Saturday and returned home Sunday. The Misses Neva and Oleta Neill, Genevieve Bowman and Lila Bar tholomew visited at the Saling home Thursday afternoon. Otis McCarty was a business vis itor in Hermiston Monday. Herman Young has made several trips to the mountains for wood. Jasper Meyers, Hugh Neill and Clarence Neill went to Echo Sat urday night Miss Elsie Strain visited her sis ter, Mrs, E. B. Wattenburger, Sun day. Percy Jarmon and eons Bob and Oscar were business visitors in Hermiston Monday morning. Miss Vida Jones of Hermiston is spending the week with Miss Ber nice Neill. Genevieve Bowman who spent a few days with Oleta Neill returned home Friday evening. A meeting of the school directors was held Monday night to hire the bus drivers. The following were Bible School Morning Worship 9:45 A. M. 11 o'clock 7 o'clock Senior and Junior C E. Evening Worship 8 o'clock Choir rehearsal. Wed. eve., 8 o'clock Church Night, Thurs. eve. 8 o'clock AT THE BROWN TENT. Due to an Increasing interest in the Bible lectures, the meetings will be held six nights a week. Ev ery night except Monday through out August The lecture for to night is "What is going on in heav en tonight?" Friday, "By what standards will man be judged?' Saturday: "The Sabbath question is it a question?" 'The earth will be purified by lit eral fire to become the home of the saved," was the climax of the lec ture at the big brown tent last Sun day night Mr. Nerness read the text found in II Peter 3:10-13: "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat; the earth also, and the works that are there- shall be burned up. . . . Never theless we according to his promise look for new heaven and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteous ness." Colored slides were used to portray some of the world's pres ent beauty, but it was Paul who said "eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the mind of man, the thing3 which God prepared for them that love him." II Cor. 2:9. employed: Fred Rauch, Jr., on the Big Butter creek route, Buri Wat tenburger on the Little Butter creek route, and Willard Hawley on the West Hill route. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Neill and son Ralph attended church at Hermis ton Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and1 children returned Wednesday afternoon from a visit with Mrs. Wattenburger's parents who live in Weiser, Idaho. Mrs. C. W. Neill, Alma Neill and Roy Neill went to Hermiston Mon day where they canned beans at the Hermiston cannery. Mra E. P. Jarmon and Shirley and Helen Jarmon attended church in Hermiston Sunday morning. Visitors at the C. H. Bartholomew home Monday were Mrs. Dooley of Estacada, Mrs. Clyde Saling of Cor vallis and Professor and Mrs. Neil Saling of Flagstaf, Arizona. Band practice was held at the home of Alma Neill Wednesday night There will be no practice this week. Mrs. O. F. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Asa Thompson spent Monday at the Jarmon home celebrating the birthday of Lieutenant R. E. Jarmon. Mr. and Mrs. Tyndal Robison of Hardman spent Sunday visiting at the C. H. Bartholomew home. FOREST FACTS Although many theories have been advanced to explain the cause of bird's eye figure in wood, no hy pothesis has yet been advanced which satisfactorily explains this unique phenomenon. The presence of adventitious buds in the Inner bark is the explanation most gen erally advanced. It is sometimes argued that the work of woodpeck ers and sapsuckers causes "bird's eyes" to result Other investigat ors advance the hypothesis that the figure is an inheritable characterist- THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF SPOKANE FARM SALE In Gilliam, Morrow and Umatilla Counties Temporary offices: CONDON, Aug. 8 to 11, Court House, phone 542 HEPPNER, Aug 12 to 13, 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg, phone 833 STANFIELD, Aug. 15 to 20, Bajik Building. (10 down payment long time on balance) AUGUST SPECIAL! Hair Cutting, 35c Call 1032 Marinello Shoppe IRRIGON MRS. W. C. ISOM. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevers and family moved to Union Junction where he has accepted a position as section foreman. Mr. Stevers has been foreman here for the past two years and their many friends wish them success in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stevers are moving to Union, Ore., this week. Mrs. Frank Leicht and daughter Nellie and son Frankie made a bus iness trip to Arlington Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brace and family and Billy and Buddy Mark ham arrived home Thursday from their trip to the mountains near La Grande. They brought back five gallons of huckleberries. Raymond and Virginia Lamor eaux, Mrs. F. Ryder and Bessie Wil son motored to Arlington Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith, John Smith and Josephine Smith left Monday for a camping trip in the mountains. W. J. Prawl of Chewalle is visit ing at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jess Oliver. Mrs. Amy Collins and family spent Sunday at the Chas. Benefiel home. Ora Hathaway and W. C. Isom were business visitors In Hermiston Saturday. Ollie Coryell was ordered to the mountains by his physician for a few weeks' rest. Mr. Coryell has not been well for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Houghton motored to Meacham lake Sunday, A school board meeting was held Wednesday night and all bids for the school bus line were rejected The Season's Choicest Offerings of Vegetables Prepared the way you like them are available any time at the ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHINN, Prop. Don't Take a Chance insure Grain NOW! See FRANK TURNER LAST DAYS! h mm FLORSHEIM SHOES More value per dollar than ever before No time like now to make a real saving $1785 sllar 1 . SALE ENDS AUG. 13 WILSON'S The Store of Personal Service Fluffy! Warm! WhataValuel ic. However, the forest products laboratory discounts all the above explanations and seems to attach significance to the observation that the bird's eye figure appears to oc cur in trees that have been crowded or for some other reason suppressed in their rate of growth. Their ef forts at determining the cause of this beautiful figure in wood, as well as their attempt to reproduce it, will be watched with keen in terest, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Balsiger were visitors in the city a short while to day from their home at lone. Chas. Thomson is confined at home this week, suffering an attack of sciatic rheumatism. Try a Gazette Times Want Ad. TO FIT YOUR PURSE Union Pacific offers four kinds of travel bargains plus the usual excellence of service; fine fast trains, historic and scenic route. Ask for fares to any point east 1 ROUND-TRIP Summer Excurtion Fares. Daily to Oct. 1 5. (East of Chicaso Sept 30.) Keturn (Jet Jl. ROUND-TRIP 30-day Fares to 2 points east of Chicago. Daily to Oct 15. Return 30 days, not exceeding Oct. 31. 3 ONE-WAY Intermediate Farts. Daily to Dc. 31. 4 0NE-WA7" Coach Fares. Good in Coaches or Chair Cars only. Daily to Dec. 31 . For sleeping car privileges, stopovers, side trips and National Park booklets, call on or address CHESTER DARBEE Agent Heppner, Oregon UNION PACIFIC THE OVERLAND ROUTE J. M. NEBNESS THE ONE BIBLE TEXT FOR WHICH THOUSANDS Have Searched THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS HAVE BEEN OFFERED FOR THE FINDING OF A CERTAIN TEXT OF SCRIPTURE. BRING VOUR BIBLE FOLLOW THE SEARCH. SUNDAY, AUG. 7, at 7:45 P. M. Come early and join In the hearty song service under the direction of Mrs. J. M. Nerness. Music and lectures each night except Monday BIG BROWN TENT North Main Street Heppner, Ore. Circulate Of our Money in Your Own Community How Satisfying to Find Such a Store! Value is a Buianced Combination of Quality and Price Red & White is a positive guarantee of value. The Family and the Home Is the greatest institution of American life likewise, the Independent Grocer is the real institution of Red & White. Red & White provides buying power and Insures the source of supply of reliable foods at the lowest every day price it Is Value Insurance. Suggestions for AUGUST 6 and 8 Red & White GRAPEFRUIT, whole seg ments, tree ripened, 2 No. 2 cans 35c Red&White ASPARAGUS, natural green tender, delcious, 2 No. 2 cans 47c Red & White PINEAPPLE, fancy sliced 2 large cans 39c Red & White Sandwich Spread, Pint Jar 29c Red & White MAYONNAISE, Quart Jar 39c Green & White Salad Dressing, Quart Jar 29c Red & White CATSUP 2 Bottles 35c Red&WTiite Oven Baked Beans, 28-oz. can 16c Red & White Red Salmon, fncy sockeye.ETA Red & Whte Red Salmon Halves 15c Blue & White SHRIMP, med. size, tails .... 15c Red & White Whole Spices, Carton 10c BACON BACKS, sugar cured, lb 15c Eagle Soap Chips, at bulk price, 5-lb. pkg. 35c HI ATT &D IX Part -Wool il Aims ITS at a price that means big savings for you! You'll love their cozy, fleecy feel I New core yarn construc tion cotton-and-wool blend for warmth and wear. Attrac tive block plaids ; newest boudoir colors. Sateen bound. OVERSIZE 72x84 in.t HEAVY WEIGHT I J. . Pemmey S. DEPARTMENT Ine. TORE SAVE ON A FULL SET OF U. S. ROYALS TEMPERED RUBBER TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS GREATEST OF ALL TIRE TRADE-IN SALES . . . FULL ALLOWANCE ON ANY TIRE REGARDLESS OF CONDITION FERGUSON MOTOR CO. Phone 1183 Heppner, Oregon