Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 30, 1932, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Only Poor Plants and Grasses Sur
vive Fire; Hunt for New
Flants I'rg ed.
The idea that burning of forest
ranges such as has been attributed
to Indians in years gone by is ben
eficial to these ranges is scouted by
G. R. Hyslop, chief in farm crops at
Oregon State college, who is advo
cating a program of range pasture
development through research de
signed to find the best plants for
such use in Oregcn and how best
to establish them.
"In the old Indian days it was
true that they could burn over land
and there was the appearance of
more fresh green grass because it
began to show up as soon as it
emerged from the soil," explains
Professor Hyslop. "But they had
plenty of room, as the entire In
dian population probably did not ex
ceed a million.
"Every burning that takes place
destroys surface-crowned perennial
grasses and legumes. Plants that
survive are deep-rooted perennials,
or annuals that have dropped seed
that survives the fire. So we get
vine maple, fern, poison oak and
some of the bulbous plants and un
palatable lupines, and a lot of poor
annuals like cheat and broncho
Professor Hyslop believes Oregon
might well encourage the effort to
have a federal plant exploration
party sent into Asia to hunt for
dry-land grasses particularly suit
ed to the dry ranges of eastern and
southern Oregon. When the forage
problem for these acres is solved it
will also help solve weed, fire and
erosian problems, he says.
"Forage research in Oregon has
given us Grimm and Ladak alfalfa,
Hungarian vetch, Austrain winter
field peas, stem-rot resistant sweet
clover, crested wheat grass, the
Bortfield turnip, Japanese millet,
Schoolman oats, irrigated Ladino
clover pastures and scores of other
crop imprvoements," he points out.
"No research problem that I
know of has so great a future for
the state than that looking to the
rehabilitation of our great range
area of more than 50 million acres.
The development of this resource
even in small part would simplify
the livestock production problem
and would establish values that do
not now exist."
Farm Prices Follow
Factory Payroll Slash
Unfavorable industrial condi
tions continue to dominate the
market demand for farm products,
according to the monthly report of
the college extension service on the
agricultural situation. The index
of factory payrolls in April was
down to 48 per cent of the 1926 to
1930 average of that month.
"The exchange value of farm
products for commodities usually
purchased by farmers averaged
just 50 per cent as much as before
the war, according to the report
There has been a sharp decline in
prices for some commodities bought
by farmers, the general price level
dropping to 12 per cent above the
prewar level, or 73 per cent of the
1926 to 1930 level. The farm price
average was 56 per cent of prewar.
The farmer's problem in meeting
fixed charges is most acute, ac
cording to the review. Farm taxes
are about 250 percent of prewar and
the payment of debts out of income
has become extremely difficult for
the farmer.
Mrs. Delbert Hiatt was taken to
Heppner hospital this morning, be
ing quite ill.
Have We Lost Our Backbone?
By Albert T. Reid
I IT 1 1 :
W Mi HW i&
He. tviJ reAtfed lu'i Aset to UwJ.
He liM obstructed tke Miwuittihccf JuitiCft.
He hi nuJeJuddfeJelc.lMjvinaJ.
He lus kept irnwM MUU in-time of feuc.
Ht (us intposd t?cs okma wtouxitow unit..
He. hL5 pltWereJ our Sets, rasnfeA our CoASp
AnA Af itmieA tke live of our oeepk.
J (i.. - n cneliy And perfcdy Seircely Pf-
iHeJ m the.mostWrbartu le .
)kai ecW domestic ir$uriccfiiaroiJtu
y7litwAmercd.- Uncle Sam.
that's what gangsters are
acw. Are tfieystrorig
er mti the King ?
At Heppner
Repetition of Heavy Infestation
Likely Next Year if Fields
Are Not Cleaned Up.
As a means of preventing a rep
etition next spring of one of the
worst infestations of pea weevils in
Oregon for years, an appeal has
been sent out by A. O. Larson, fed
eral entomologist stationed at Ore
gon State college, for growers of
garden plots as well as commercial
growers of field peas to clean up
their patches as soon as possible af
ter the green peas have been picked
or harvested.
An extensive inspection over the
state by entomologists indicate that
the heavy infestations of weevils
this year has left few fields of peas
or even gardens unaffected, partic
ularly in the Willamette valley.
Mr. Larson recommends that all
vines in garden plots be gathered
and burned as soon as the peas be
gin to harden and ripen, or that
particular care be taken in picking
all the dry peas. The ripe peas
may be fed to chickens or hogs, be
fore the weevils have a chance to
come out Field peas, according to
Mr. Larson, should be harvested as
soon as possible and fumigated, and
the stubble burned.
The weevils, if allowed to emerge,
will hibernate in trees, around fence
posts, under shingles, bark or moss
until next spring when they will
lay eggs on the pea pod. The lar
vae then will eat their way into the
green pea and complete their
Peas containing weevils usuually
have a little black mark on the
outer surface.
MARY A. NOTSON. Reporter.
In a recent issue of one of the
Portland dailies, a writer deplores
the fact that the drys suggest that
if the argument that prohibition
should be repealed because it can
not be enforced the same argument
might apply to laws against mur
der, auto theft, etc. He goes on to
say that "it requires no man-made
laws for the individual to know
that the above crimes are morally
wrong, but when a law is passed
prohibiting the use of something
which is not morally wrong when
not used to excess and detriment
of our bodies, it will continue to be
broken by otherwise law-abiding
and God-fearing citizens to the end
of all time."
Who is able to say how much al
cohol may be used without "detri
ment to our bodies"? Science tells
us that alcohol is a habit forming
drug. Then, how can it be used at
all without detriment to our bodies?
The writer shows how alcohol will
befuddle the brain of even "other
wise law-abiding and God-fearing
citizens." Is it not morally wrong
to use even a small amount of al
cohol when it may result in serious
injury to others? Are not the
rights of others to be taken into
consideration at all? Sir Arthur
Newsholme, former principal med
ical officer of 'the British ministry
of health, has emphatically stated
that a single drink of whiskey or
beer may make the difference be
tween life and death, and twenty-
six eminent British physicians have
memorialized the ministry of trans
port to issue warning cards to mo
torists that a single drink of whis
key or beer may slow down the
muscular response as much as one
half, or even three-quarters, so that
action which normally would re
quire one one-fifth of a second
would be slowed down to two or
even four-fifths. If some motorist
whose muscular response had been
slowed down one-half should, be
cause of that slowing down of mus
cular response, smash into the au
tomobile in which you might be
riding, resulting in your death,
from a "moral" standpoint, how
much different would that be from
murder? Certainly, from a prac
tical standpoint, it would be the
same to you. If a single drink of
whiskey or beer has the effects at-
There are other planks in the Re
publican platform adopted at Chi
cago than that on prohibition.
Here they are:
Deplores unemployment, but puts
relief up to the sovereign states.
Demands economy in public ex
penditures, municipal, state and na
tional. Upholds the gold standard and
condemns inflation.
Urges revision of the banking
Favors American participation in
an international monetary confer
ence. Recommends the establishment
of home loan bank3.
Promises higher farm tariffs and
relief to the farmers in other ways,
and indorses the Farm Board.
Proposes higher tariffs on prod
ucts affected by depreciated foreign
Indorses veteran's compensation
without mentioning the bonus.
Upholds the Kellogg pact for
peace in the Pacific countries.
Disavows imperialistic designs on
Latin America.
Recommends adherence to the
World Court.
Promises maintenance of Amer
ican navy on parity with any other
and seys we can't reduce the army
any more.
Favors retaining Immigration restrictions.
Approves higher wages, shorter
hours and collective bargaining.
Urges regulation of interstate
public utilities and of interstate
traffic to put rail3, motors and air
craft on equal basis.
Promises continued Federal high
way cooperation with states.
Demands rigid laws to stamp out
crime; pledges war on the narcotic
drug traffic.
Indorses civil service inerit sys-tern.
Favors conservation of oil and
other natural resources.
Promises negroes equal opportun
ity and rights.
f ' Hawaii continued self-govern
ment, Alaska territorial self-government,
Porto Rico the benefit of
all domestic laws, Indian protection
of property rights. ,
Pledges continuance of child wel
fare work and reorganization of
government bureaus for efficiency
I and economy.
JOEL R. BENTON. Minister.
Mrs. J. O. Turner, Director of Music
Bible School 9:45 A. M.
Morning Worship - 11 o'clock
Senior and Junior C E. 7 o'clock
Evening Worship 8 o'clock
rhnir rphpnrsiil. Wed. eve.. 8 o'clock
Church Night, Thurs. eve. 8 o'clock
Think Big!
"As a man thinketh In his heart,
so is he." Prov. 23-7.
"I'd tell that boy, too, that it pays
to think big," Henry Ford said on
a certain occasion when he was
asked as to what advice he would
give a young man on how to succeed.
Naturalists tell us that there is
a certain kind of fish in Central Af
rica which varies in size .according
to the size of the lake in which it
lives, the same species being larger
or smaller in proportion to the di
mensions of their habitat.
Likewise men differ in size, men
tally, according to the size of the
world of thought In which they live.
This statement must be qualified
by saying that other things being
equal, this Is always so. Ana also
this is so: If you know the size of
a man's thinking, you know his
measure. Men are larger or small
er in proportion to the scale of
their habitat of thought.
Small thinking means small men.
It takes big thinking to produce big
men. The man who is small and
mean in his relations with his fel
lows is so because his thinking is
small and mean.
"It pays to think big." We shall
never be any bigger than the terms
in which we think. If we think only
in terms of little things we shall be
little. If we want to be big in the
right sense of the term, we must
think big.
"As a man thinketh, so is he."
Solomon was speaking of man's
moral life when he said that But
the principal applies in other direc
tions. What a man thinks and how
he thinks determines not only the
measure of his moral life, but also
the measure of his material achieve
ments. It is the men who achieve big
things who are the big thinkers.
Mr. Ford, himself, is an illustration
of the fact that it pays to, as he
says, think BIG. It was big think
ing that brought his big success.
But remember this: Big think
ing, indulged In as a mere idle
dream, never gets anyone any
where. Big thinking pays only
when followed by big acting. No
man can think and act as big as
God Intended him to do, UNLESS
he has God in his life. Remember
that. Everything good hinges on
just that.
If you have not a Church home
we invite you to come and worship
with us. Begin by going to Church
this coming Lord's Day; come to
our Bible School. For the coming
Lord's Day services the sermon top
ics are: For the morning sermon,
in keeping with the spirit of Inde
pendence Day, the topic will be,
"Patriotism and Religion." For the
evening sermon, "God's Plan of a
Oregon City A Clackamas coun
ty homemaker suggests strawberry
muffins for the Sunday morning
breakfast and recommends the fol
lowing recipe:
1 pint fresh strawberries
2 tablespoons melted butter
2 tablespoons sugar
1 egg, well beaten
2 cups flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1-2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
Cut fresh strawberries In quar-
ters and place one large teaspoon
ful of berries in each hole of the
muffin tin. Cream butter and su
gar, and add egg. Sift dry ingre
dients and add alternately with
milk and fruit mixture. Beat very
little. Pour dough over berries
Bake 25 minutes or until done in
hot oven (400 degrees F.)
Eugene That family eating hab
its have been materially Improved
as a result of extension meetings
in foods and nutrition is apparent
when report blanks are summariz
ed. From 19 communities, enroll
ing 400 homemakers, 3544 improve
ments are reported. These Include
112 children drinking more milk,
127 adults drinking more milk, 173
Individuals correcting constipation.
524 eating more vegetables, 335 eat
ing more whole grain products and
317 eating more regularly. Sugges
tions on Improved eating habits
were passed on by those enrolled
to 497 other homemakers. These
meetings were supervised by Ger
trude Skow, home demonstration
agent, and Lucy A. Case, nutrition
specialist in extension.
Deer Creek Fifty -six homemak
ers of Deer Creek and Redwood
Highway home extension units are
enrolled in the series of meetings
entitled "When the Family Keeps
House." Some report Improvement
in family participation in home
tasks, others admit lack of desir
able equipment for easy perform
ance and plan to remedy it, and
still others are setting about to
learn the "one best way" to do cer
tain household jobs. Mrs. Sara
Wertz, home demonstration agent.
Is conducting the meetings.
Treatment Controls Blight
Grants Pass Use of the Califor
nia zinc chloride method of con
trolling pear blight has apparently
proved sucecssful on the H. G. Hoff-
master place where he has used it
in his orchard for three . years.
County Agent Herb Howell reports
the treatment unusually effective
in checking blight on both limbs
and roots. He is convinced of its
value and is recommending it to
other pear growers In his county.
Dan Stalter left this week for the
mines of Heppner Mining company
in the Greenhorn mountains where
he will spend the summer as usual
In developing the property and
working out ore.
tributed to it by Sir Arthur News
holme and the other twenty-six em
inent physicians, would not a sin
gle drink on the part of a driver of
a motor car be "excess"?
However, the above mentioned
writer tries to leave the impression
that the use of liquors is prohibited.
This is not the law. The manufac
ture and sale are prohibited. It is
true that It is the intention to les
sen the use by making it more dif
ficult to obtain. He runs true to
type of wet writers in his slurring
reference to "the narrow utterings
of our prohibition organizations."
If there was ever on this planet a
more narrow, Intolerant and Inso
lent lot of writers than may be
found among the wets, history fails
to record it. They attempt to ar
rogate to themselves all the brains,
all the high-mindedness, all the pa
triotism, all of the good-citizenship
in the land, and sneer at those who,
having the welfare of the whole
people, including these same wets,
at heart, are trying to make it a
better and safer land in which to
live. Why not play the game fairly?
Oregon Dairy Production
About 20 Millions Yearly
The average yearly cash income
from dairy production In Oregon
from 1926 to 1930 was approximate
ly $20,000,000, according to the col
lege extension service report. This
is about one-sixth of the total cash
income from crop and animal pro
duction. Official figures given in the re
port show that 224,780 cows were
milked in 1929, the total production
being 135,379,000 gallons of milk.
Manufactures included 22,413,000
pounds of creamery butter, 12,?94,
000 pounds of cheese and 29,626,000
pounds of condensed and evapor
ated milk.
One registered O. I. C. boar. Got
to change. Much cheaper than
sending away. Got papers, -mile
below lone. W. Windsor. 13-16p.
Don't fail to see Richard Dix in
Star Theater Sunday and Monday.
BUD'!!' BUB What Price Friendship? By ED KRESSY
MY PA 1 fct SAW HI p5 "Mf
A. B. Gray
In New Location
227 N. Main
Corner Main and Baltimore
The Season's
Offerings of
Prepared the way
you like them
are available
any time
at the
Lexington Farmers
Wareh ouse Company
Dealers in Flour, Poultry and Dairy Feeds
Sperry's "SHURE LIVE" and Scratch Food for Baby Chix.
General Warehouse Storage and Custom Grinding.
Don't Take a Chance
Insure Grain NOW!
Show Starts 8:00 p. m. Doors open 7:45
Admission, Children 10c, Adult.H 23c, matine and evening
for those coming In before nine o'clock. After 9:00 p. m.
admission will bo 20c and 40c.
The Lost Squadron
DAN, from the Liberty Magazine story by Dick Grace (one of the
fliers in the picture.)
COME! SEE! WONDER! Back of the scenes with an air
show in the making. Men dared death directors dreamt miracles
-cameramen risked all to give YOU the supreme thrill. Super
lative novelty of the hour.
Also comedy, travelogue, News.
THE LOST SQUADRON will be our first picture In July, after
which we will be open only on Friday-Saturday and Sunday-Monday
until further notice. Watch newspaper for list of pictures;
there will be no July calendar.
Circulate Tour cMoney in Tour Own Community
For the
We are prepared to serve you with
everything needed for that picnic
lunch, including the season's choic
est offerings in fresh fruits and veg
etables, kept choice condition by our
excellent refrigerating system.
Quality Always Higher Than Price
The superlative novelty of the
the Star theater Sunday and Mon
day. Don't fall to see it!