PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1932. Ifjcppucr (BvLZttU intra THE HEPPNER GAZETTE. Established March 30. 18S3; THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15. 1913. Published every Thursday morning by T1WTEB and SPENCER CRAWFORD and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. ADVERTISING BATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear $2.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months .75 Single Copies .05 Official Paper for Morrow County. MLMBtft ORteoNT$'Ssjivri ro&AMwlAS$oc 1 ED WE HOPE HE IS RIGHT. Autocaster Service. CHARLES G. DAWES, retiring from public life after nearly fifteen years of service which be gan with the War, included the re organization of Germany's finances, a term as Vice-President of the United States, Ambassador to Great Britain, and culminated with the presidency of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, says that the nation has reached the turning point in the depression. Mr. Dawes, who was and is a successful banker as well as a statesman, ought to know what he is talking about He does not hold out any glittering promises to the foolish folks who still believe that the end of the depression will be heralded by over-night resumption of full production in every industry and the skyrocketing, of stock ex change prices to where they were three years ago. But he points out that people are beginning to use more electric current, that the small business and industries are show ing gains in many lines, and he sagely reminds us that recovery from depressions always starts at the bottom and works up. The big maker of motor cars or radio sets or other gadgets can't be expected to get into full swing until the smaller industries have been back in production long enough to make a dent in the number of the unem ployed and put the mass of the peo ple in a position where they can again become customers for the products of the big industries. We hope Mr. Dawes is right. And if we may add an observation of our own, we think the revival of business is going to begin with makers and distributors of things which are neither domestic neces sities nor luxuries, but which are aids to the small business man, helping him to do more husiness or do it more profitably. POLITICS . . . AND PARTIES. Autocaster Service. THE more we consider politics, the more difficult we find it to draw any exaot line which separ ates the two major political parties from each other. It semes to us as if the Republican party has become more Jeffersonian than Hamilton ian and the Democratic party more Hamiltonian than Jeffersonian. Take the issue which seems to be causing mort excitement right now among politicians than anything else, Prohibition. Certainly it can not be said that the Republicans are lined up on one side and the Democrats on the other. There are Wets and Drys in both parties and Sunday School : : k Lesson nu International Sunday School Lesson for July 3 CHILDHOOD AND EDUCATION or MOSES Exodus 2:1-10; Acts 7:20-22; Golden Text Proverbs 22:6. Rev. Samuel D. Price, D. D. The birth of Moses marks an epoch in human history. In strange ways does God call men and wom en to places of leadership and great responsibility. With this child of slave parents floating among the reeds in the little basket there was little to suggest the great leader of Israel and lawgiver of all gener ations. How vain was Pharoah's strategy! Like the Herod of a later day his planning went for naught. He thought by his cruel edict to blot out a generation of Hebrew children, yet the choicest flower of them all is preserved; he thought by the use of Egypt's mighty power to destroy all aspiration and hope, but his own daughter becomes the Instrument of defeating his plans. What then were the forces thru which the plans of one of the most powerful monarchs of ancient his tory were overthrown? (1) Moses had a Godly inheritance. His moth er, Jochabel (Exodus 6:20) was a woman of faith and, perhaps Influ enced by the story of God's deliv erance of Noah, prepared the min iature ark to protect her own boy. In the midst of many dangers she took such precautions as she knew, then committed her child to God's care. Moses' parents refused to yield to fear either of the heartless Pharoah (He. 11:23) or the lurk Ing perils of the Nile, but rested calmly in the faith that God would deliver. (2) Moses In a marvelous ly Providential way received his early training from his mother, be ing restored to her care for a time by the daughter of Pharoah. (3) Moses had In early life come Into a vital religious experience of his own and he could clearly see that no amount of learning or no crude superstitions such the Egyptians believed could satisfy the soul or afford a substitute for God's con stant presence and guiding hand. the only issue apparent to us be tween the two is as to the means whereby each promises to give the people of the United States another chance to vote on the question. And here the Republicans beat the Dem ocrats to it in making it a matter of State's Rights, which has long been a Democratic slogan! On all other issues, the campaign just beginning seems like a repeti tion of the old struggle between the Ins and the Outs. The Outs want to get in and the Ins want to stay in. The issue will be decided, we think, as it usually is, by whether the majority of the electorate be lieves that a change would be worse than to stay as we are, or that any change must be for the better. BOARDMAN RACHEL JOHNSON Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wicklander and Alice and Ellabelle were over night guests Sunday at the'Bryce Dilabough home. Mrs. Wicklander and the girls have been visiting for the past three weeks at Salem while Mr. Wicklander was working in that ' locality. Mr. Wicklander is driving a fine new Chevrolet car, John Jenkins, R. H. Wiggles- worth, Guy Barlow and Mr. Bush motored to Heppner Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Miller of Umatilla were guests at a lovely dinner at the 0. H. Warner home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Weston returned home last Monday after visiting for some time in Echo with her daughter, Mrs. Neil Blakeley. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barlow mo tored to .The Dalles last Thursday, George Blayden who has been in ill health for some time motored to Hermiston last week to consult the doctor. Mrs. Blayden and Mrs. Fred Blayden accompanied him. The local women now have the opportunity of using an electric washing machine at the power house. A charge of da cents lor two hours of washing is made each woman, tlacti has a set time in which to wash. This is a great help to those who do not have ma chines at home. Mrs. Elva Perry and Capt Geo. Thompson were married June 24 in Chehalis, Wash., and came to Boardman Sunday for a visit at the Guy Barlow home. Mrs. Thompson is the mother of Mrs. Barlow. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cooney, Mrs. Packard and Mrs. Hadley and Stanton returned home Tuesday from a visit of several days at var ious points in the Willamette val ley. Mrs. Cooney had the pleasure of visiting her old home place which she had not seen for almost 19 years. Stanton Hadley had the misfortune of breaking his arm while away. Gladys Graves stayed at the Cooney home during the Cooneys' absence, and took care of the children. Ralph Skoubo, who has had a large lump under his chin for sev eral days and who ha3 had severe earaches, was taken to a Hermis ton doctor Monday, where it was found he had sinus trouble. Fred Koski who has been ill the last week was taken to Heppner Friday to a hospital. Mr. Koski is a brother of Mrs. George Blayden. A surprise party was given Mrs. Shell Friday afternoon by her friends. Mrs. Shell recently return ed from California where she had been for two and a half years. Twenty ladies were present Iced punch and wafers were served 'by the self-invited guests. The electric light company is put ting up an electric light line to the airport. Men are working on it this week. Mr. and Mrs. Strobel and children and Alan Chaffee spent Sunday In Boardman. Strobels moved the re mainder of their household goods to Toppenish. The Ladies Aid silver tea will meet Wednesday afternoon, July 6 in the camp park. This will be a mother and daughter meeting and will be a no-host tea. Each lady is asked to bring a few cookies, sandwiches or cake. All ladies and daughters are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Kristensen are the proud parents of a 9 1-2 pound baby boy born Tuesday, June 21, in the Hermiston hospital. Joe C. Palmer and sons of Mol alia are visiting this week at the Ves Atteberry home. Mr. Stanley's sons, Robert and Bill, of Baker are spending the summer in Boardman with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley. A few local men are working on the highway near Irrigon. There is a short stretch of highway be tween Warner's camp ground and the county line which has been bad for some time. This is being torn up and will be resurfaced. There is also work being done on the highway between Umatilla and Hermiston. Mrs. Macomber returned home Saturday from Pilot Rock. Morrow County Pomona grange will meet at Irrigon in the school house, Saturday, July 2. The pro gram starts at 2 o clock to which everyone is Invited. The Greenfield grange drill team motored to Irrigon Thursday eve ning where they practiced the drill. Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie is director and Mrs. Mike Cassldy, pianist M. L. Morgan was taken very ill Thursday and early Friday morning Mrs. Morgan took him to the veterans' hospital In Portland on train 17. Mrs. Morgan returned home Sunday morning. Mrs. We Bottemiller and daugh ters and Mrs. Albin Sundsten were Portland visitors last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen and Clayton and Mrs. Lena Grey and Roy Dell of La Grande spent the week end at the Jess Allen home. A. Allen, who Is an employee of the Standard Oil company, has been enjoying his two weeks' vacation In the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Norton and son of Hermslton were visitors Sunday at the Oscar Ford home. Otto Lubbes and mother, Mrs. S. A. Eskelson, spent several days in Portland last week. 3 years for $5 where can you get more for your money? The G. T. POSTAGE . . . and harmony I remember when the letter pos tage rate was first reduced from three cents to two, in 1883. Twice since then it has been put back to the old figure, once . during the World War and now under the new revenue law, beginning July 6. The standard color for the ordin ary letter postage stamp has been red for so long that Uncle Sam is printing thousands of millions of new three-cent stamps in red, in stead of the purple three-cent stamps now in use. And as Wash ington's picture always appears on the most commonly used stamp, the head of Lincoln, which now adorns the three-cent stamp will be replaced by that of the Father of His Country. I knew one old lady, now dead, who never would use a two-cent stamp on her letters. She used "mourning" stationery with a deep black border and the red color was inharmonious. So she used three cent stamps because they were pur ple! MONOCLES . . . wrist watches . The first man I ever saw wear ing a monocle died the other day John G. Milburn Jr., who came back from Oxford to Buffalo in the 1890's with a single glass stuck in one eye. Everybody laughed at him just as they did at Walter Nurzey, the first man I ever saw wearing a wrist watch. Folks in America had the idea that monocles and wrist watches were signs of effeminacy. The fact is that both the mono cle and the wrist watch are strict ly military devices. We got famil iar with the handy wrist watch during the war, and nobody laughs now at a man who wears one. But few yet realize that the monocle was invented by an officer of the English Guards, more than a hun dred years ago, when the order was Issued that no officer might wear spectacles. Many officers wore spectacles. Many officers with one defective eye found themselves in trouble until one of them had the bright idea of a single eye-glass which could not by any stretch of the imagination be called "spec tacles." Why a man who has only one bad eye should have to wear two lenses ha3 always puzzled me anyhow. BACHELORS ... in high places Only one President of the United States has been a bachelor. James Buchanan never married. Presi dents Tyler, Fillmore, Benjamin Harrison, Roosevelt and Wilson were each married twice, however, which brings up the average. Governor Albert C. Ritchie of Maryland is the only man I think of in recent years even seriously considered as a Presidential nom inee who is a bachelor. It is so un usual for a man to achieve a high position without the aid of a wife that the few who have done so stand out. Another bachelor who got ahead in the world without fem inine assistance was the late S. Da- vies Warfield, also a Marylander. He was Mayor of Baltimore and la ter president of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad. There is for most of us, however, no spur to ambition such as matri mony provides. RUTH her father's daughtetr The defeat of Representative Ruth Bryan Owen at the Demo cratic Congressional primary in Florida removes a useful and In teresting personality from public life, though I hope only temporar ily. William J. Bryan's daughter could hardly take any stand on Prohibition than the dry position which she took, and she was de feated for renomination by a wet candidate. Like the good sport she is, Mrs. Owen has offered to resign on December 1, instead of sitting in the next session of Congress as a lame duck. I feel safe In predicting that Mrs, Owen is not "out of politics." She takes to politics like a duck to wa ter, as might be expected of her father s daughter, and she has won respect in Washington and every where by her well-balanced out look on public affairs and the high' intelligence she has brought to her public service. SAWDUST ... and power Chemists have long known that sugar can be extracted from wood, and out of sugar alcohol can be made. The problem has been how to do It cheaply enough to compete with the other sources of alcohol Moat of the alcohol used In America for industrial purposes (which is many times as much as has ever been used for beverage purposes) is manufactured from molasses, shipped in tanks from the sugar mills to the distilleries. In Germany the commercial pro duction of alcohol from wood by a new process which makes "cthly" alcohol, Instead of the pois onous "methyl" or wood alcohol, Is proving successful. Twenty tons of sawdust and chips yield eight tons of sugar, which furnishes 1, 300 gallons of alcohol, at a cost of half a cent a quart With alcohol as cheap as gasoline the next step will be the develop ment of Internal combustion mo tors which will provide the world's motive power when the oil supplies shall have been exhausted. Apricots Peaches Ripe July 1 to 15, and Aug. 8 to 25. Free peach offer for apricot customers. May pick them yourselves. Edmonds Orchard, Umatilla, Ore, 15-18. LEXINGTON MRS. HARRY DUVALL. At the Church of Christ Sunday morning Mr. Sias will speak of the power of infinite love, using John 3:16 as his text In the eevning there will be a special patriotic ser vice in keeping with the Fourth of July spirit. Special, appropriate music will be furnished and a short address will be given on "The Twin Flags of Freedom." Gus Sundquist received a visit Tuesday from his father, his bro ther Axel and sister Eba of Sweet Home. They were en route to the middle states for a visit Mr. and Mrs. Frank . Vanderpool and daughter Lucille from Idaho visited this week at the Warner and Broadley homes. Grandma McMillan has been ill this week suffering from neuritis and other ailments. Helen Valentine, Gwen Evans, Ruth Dinges, Peggy Warner and Mae Gentry enjoyed a swimming party and wiener roast last Thurs day evening near the Dinges home, During the week end Mae Gentry and Peggy Warner entertained Bobby Walsh and Waldon Horn of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hill of Ru- fus were here this week visiting with Mrs. Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lutti ell. Mrs. Beulah Nichols had as her guests Monday afternoon the fol lowing Heppner telephone opera tors: Opal Briggs, Mary Albee, Iret ta Taylor and Mrs. Verna Hayes. Buster Gentry, Wilma Leach and Dallas Ward arrived home last week from Minneapolis, Minn. Bus ter had been attending university there and Wilma and Dallas tea ching. They will spend the summer here with their parents. Mr. -and Mrs. Ralph Jackson en tertained Dr. and Mrs. Ray White at dinner Saturday evening. Mrs. Goldie Leathers went to Portland to spend a few days vis iting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saling are enjoying a visit from their daugh ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Simonton, Virginia, Junior and Glen. Chuck Schriever is home after spending some time in Aanheim, Calif., visiting his sister. Dr. and Mrs. Ray White departed Tuesday morning for their home in Oakland, Calif. They returned by way of Camp Sherman where they will visit wtih the N. A. Leach fam ily. C. A. Andrews of Walla Walla is stopping at the Lucas place. J. F. Lucas is spending a few days in Wasco on business. Mr. and Mrs. John Harbke made a trip to Portland the first of the week. T. W. Cutsforth 'of Salem is visit ing with his son Orville. Mrs. Ted McMillan spent a few days this week In Arlington caring for her father who was ill. Mrs. Elmer Pomeroy stayed with Delpha at the ranch while Mrs. McMillan was away. Mr. and Mrs. George Allyn and son Lyle spent Sunday in Heppner with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cowins. Mr. and Mrs. R, B. Wright of Portland visited here last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. Mr. Wright is a brother of Mrs. Miller. Mrs. L. A. Wright left for Port land Saturday night after visiting here for several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. John Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sims were calling at the Lucas home Monday evening. They were enroute to Mil ton from Portland. PINE CITY ALMA NEILL. Charley Bartholomew made a business trip to Heppner Tuesday. Mrs. Tom O'Brien and children spent Wednesday afternoon visiting at the Ollie Neill home. Charley Morehead was a business visitor In Echo Tuesday. Percy Jarmon and daughter Opal were business visitors in Echo and Hermiston Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill spent Sunday afternoon visiting at the Joe Foley home, Mr. and Mrs. Reid Buseick and children of Long Creek, Francis Smith also of Long Creek, and Mr. and Mrs. George Schwartz of Hepp ner visited Sunday evening at the Lon Wattenburger home. Frank Helms and daughter Har riet were business visitors in Pen dleton Friday. Murray Potts, who left the Foley home where he had been staying for some time, has returned to live with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foley, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Wattenburger and children were business visitors in Pendleton Friday. The Charley Bartholomew hay crew is putting up hay on the Ollie Neill ranch. Lenna Neill spent Tuesday of last week with Mrs. Burl Wattenburger. Lila Bartholomew who has been visiting in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, for the last month, returned home Friday. Miss Maxinfe Allen and Jimmy Braden of Bonners Ferry brought her home, They returned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill made a business trip to Hermiston Fri day afternoon. Burl Wattenburger was a busi ness visitor in Walla Walla Mon day. Miss Neva Neill went to Hepp ner last Tuesday to stay with Mrs. Mary Bartholomew. Percy Jarmon and Opal Jarmon made a short visit at the Fredreck son home near Stanfleld Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bechdolt of Hardman were surprised last week by the arrival of some unexpected guests, Mrs. T. D. Coblentz of Pay ette, Idaho, and daughter Beatrice of Portland. Miss Coblentz is a teacher In the Portland schools. Mr. Bechdolt and Mrs. Coblentz are cousins. This is the first time they have met since their childhood days In Indiana, Wanted Combining by the acre. You pull the machine or I will. De pression prices, Write Cecil Sar- gent, lone, Ore, 13-17p e FAMD1LY k mum JOHN JOSEPH GANES,M.Q "Business" vs. Health It is sometimes interesting to just sit up and take notice. It seems that the Health Department or something like that has recently issued a bulletin from Washington which suggested that our people eat less meat during the heated season, since meat is a heat-producing food and is not needed In so great quan tity in summer. All of which would seem to be very good advice for our normally heavy feeders. Whether the suggestion was timely or even necessary, is another question; let us pass up - the enormous- expense to the people, of the voluminous public documents issued, many of which are not worth their immense cost; because any man or woman with any sense knows that we do not need heavy, heat-producing food in hot weather. But the department issuing the bulletins got results that they had not visualized; the packets and ven dors of the succulent steak and the toothsome pork chop raised up like a nest of bumblebees! The bulletin did immense harm to the meat packing industry; the government was deliberatetly trying to smother one of its finest infants! Protests popped up instantly. So many tempests in tea-pots nowadays. About all the harm in such bulletins is in the big depart mental costs for their production that must be paid by a people al ready groaning under their tax burdens. In the meantime, the American meat eater will go on, eating what his out-size appetite calls for, and if he gets sick, will call the doctor. Probably the few of the bulletins that ever reach the common people, are, not one-fortieth of them read. Call of the alarum. . MAKES PLOWING RECORD. N. A. Clark of Eight Mile offers as an all-time plowing record the accomplishment of his son, Barton Clark, this season. Young Clark, who got a late start, plowed 640 acres with a 12-horse team drawing three 16-inch plows. Mr. Clark did not give the exact time taken to do the job, but says the plowing was well done. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Campbell of Spokane, Wash., have been guests this week of Judge and Mrs. W. T. Campbell in this city. They were former residents here, Mr. Camp bell running a farm in the Black horse section. He is a brother of Judge Campbell. Chance Wilson of Monument shipped out a bunch of prime beef cattle from the local yards the end of the week, the stock going to the Portland market NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final account as administrator c. t. a. of the estate of William R. Walpole, deceased, and that the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County has appointed Monday, the first day of August. 1932, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, as the time, and the County Court room in the court house at Heppner. Oregon, as the place, of hearing and settlement of said final account. Objections of said final ac count must be filed on or before said date. RALPH G. WALPOLE, Administrator c- t. a. NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMAL. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue oi ine laws oi tne stale oi uregon, I have taken up the following described animal found running at large on my premises in Morrow County. State of Oregon; and that I will on Friday, the 15th day of July, 1932, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P. M.. of said day at my piace it miles souinwesi oi Bcno, Ore gon, near Pine Citv in Morrow Coun ty, offer for sale the said animal to the highest bidder for cash in hand, unless the same shall Tiave been redeemed hy Fear or Security....?. ON THE OPEN ROAD... DARKNESS FALLS ... you are far from a town ... Is that someone moving behind those bushes . . .? shall you take a chance and stop at that lonely-looking farmhouse down the road. . .? you are alone In a strange place and, If not actually afraid, then very decidedly un easy. What has taken the zest out of your long-anticipated motor lour? You had really hoped for adventure such as this; you did everything to insure your car against any emergency had it overhauled, new tires and two spares, . . . Finally you admit it to yourself. Yon have neglect ed to insure the safety of your travel funds I You are afraid of being robbed! The oash In yonr pocket 1 spoil ing yonr vacation! But how easily you can pur chase security on your tour. You need merely to step into our bank and change your money in to American Express Travelers Cheques. And then, ho for the open road with a mind at ease! Bandits, hold-up men, pickpock ets hold no fears for you. You have Insured the safety of your money, and should your Trav elers Cheques be lost or stolen without being signed a second times, their value will be re funded. Thin security cottts you only 75c for each $100. Farmers and Stockgrowers National Bank the owner thereof. Said animal is dea-1 cribed as IoIIowb: ; One black mare. 3 or 4 years of age branded horseshoe with S in center and lazy bar below, on left shoulder: white star in loreliead; weight about 860 pounds. 16-18 FRED RAUCH. Echo, Oregon. NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S SALE OP REAL PROPERTY ON EXECUTION. No. 2904. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. W. O. Bayless, Plaintiff, F.. R. Brown, and Ella Foster Brpwn, his wife. M. T. Brown, ana isaoeiia Brown, his wife. F. A. Clarke, also known as Frank A. Clark, and Helen Clark, his wife. J. A. Funk and Mer tie Funk, his wife. A. B. Robertson, and Dorothy Robertson, his wife. The Heppner Trading Company, a corporation. Sperry Flour Company, a corporation, and Interior Ware house Company, a corporation, De fendants, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under and by virtue of an execution duly issued out of the above entitled court in the above entitled cause on the 28th day of June, 1932, pursuant to a judgment and decree duly rendered and entered in said Court on the 23rd day of June, 1932, wherein the above named plaintiff recovered judgment against the defendants, F. R. Brown, and Ella Foster Brown, for the sum of $1500.00, with interest thereon from the 10th day of November, 1931. at the rate oi eight per cent per annum, me sum of $160.00, attorney a fees, and the cost of said suit in the sum of $32.95. and directing me to sell all the right, title and interest of the above named de fendants in the following described real properly, to-wlt: Begining at the Northeast corner of Block one (1) of Shipley's Addi tion to the city of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, running thence Westerly on the North line of Blocks one (1) and four (4) of said Shipley's Addition 380 feet; thence South 40 degrees 03 minutes East 161.3 feet; thence North 35 degrees 30 minutes East 14 feet, thence South 64 degrees 30 minutes East 174.4 feet: thence South 89 degrees 10 minutes East 126.1 feet; thence North 210 feet to the place of be ginning,. THEREFORE, in obedience to said execution. I wil on Saturday, the 30th day of July, 1932, at the hour of 10:00 o clocK in the lorenoon or said aay at the front door of the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash said real property above described and ap ply tne proceeds to the payment of said luriirnient and ftccriiinff cost of sale. Dated and first published this 30th aay oi June, jskk. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned. Administrator of the Part nership Estate of Harry Rood and A. C. Ruby; Harry Rood, deceased, has filed his final account with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County, and that said Court has set as the time and place for settle ment oi saia account. Monaay, me First day of August, 1932. at the hour of Two o'clock P. M. in the court room of said court in Heppner, Oregon. All persons having objections to said final account must file the same on or before said date. A. C. RUBY. Administrator of the Partnership Estate of Harry Rood and A. C. Ruby; Harry Rood, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby iriven that the un dersigned, administratrix of the estate of Andrew Baird, deceased, has filed with the Countv Court of Morrow County. Oregon, her final account of tne administration of said estate, and that said Court has set Monday, - the 1st aay or August, lanz, at tne nour oi 10:00 A. M,. of said day at the Countv Court room at the Court House, at Heppner. Oregon, as the time and place lor nearing oitjections to saia nnai ac count, and all persons havine obiec- tions thereto, are hereby required to nie tne same witn saia court on or De fore the time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 23rd aay oi June, lsiia. BLANCHE PATTERSON. Administratrix, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that under and pursuant to a writ of execu tion issued out of the Circuit Court of tile State of Oreeon for Morrow Coun ty on the 14th day of May, 1932. on a and entered in said court on the 14th day of May, 1919, wherein Mary C. Ma son was plaintiff and F. E. Mason was defendant, and in and by the terms of which said judgment and decree it was adjudged that beginning with the month of May, 1919, the defendant was to pay to the plaintiff as alimony and for the support of Frank Mason and Ralph Mason, minor children of plain tiff and defendant the sum of $40 per month and on which judgment and de cree the defendant paid the monthly payments down to and including the month of May, 1926, and upon which judgment and decree as shown by said execution there is now due, owing, and unpaid the sum of $2,680; which said judgment and decree was duly docketed and enrolled by the Clerk of the court; that under and pursuant to the direc tions contained in said writ of execu tion. I did on the 16th day of May. 1932, levy upon the hereinafter described real property. NOW, THEREFORE. I will on the 23rd day of July, 1932. at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day at the front door of the court house of Mor row County. State of Oregon, sell all the right, title, estate, claim, lien, in terest or demand which the defendant F. E. Mason has or had In or to the following described real property, to wit: The South Half of Section 25. Township 1 South Range 24. E. W. M. South Half of the Northeast quarter and Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Section 2; West Half of Section 6; Northwest Quarter of Section 7; all in Township 2 South Range 24. E. W. M.; also Lot 8, Block 1 of fluff's Second Addition to the town of lone in Morrow County, State of Oregon. together with the tenements, heredita ments, and appurtenances thereunto be longing or in anywise appertaining; the said sale to be held at public auc tion and the real property sold to the highest bidder for cash In hand; the proceeds of said sale to be applied on satisfaction of said Judgment and on costs. Dated this ISth day of June. 1932. C. J.. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, State of Oregon. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY ON EXECUTION. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution duly is sued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County by the Clerk of said Court on the 15th day of June, 1!I32, pursuant to a Judgment and decree duly rendered and entered in said Court on the 13th day of June, 1932. In favor of Ellen Buseick Schwarz. formerly Ellen Buseick, plaintiff, and Against Jerm O'Connor, and Mary Gla vy O'Connor, his wife, Jnmes O'Connor, and Heppner Farmers Elevator Com pany, a corporation, defendants, for the sum of $25,000.00, with Interest thereon from the 24th day of May, 1931, at the rate of seven per cent per annum, the further sum of $1200.00, attorney's fees, and the cost and disbursements of said suit In the sum of $21.00, and command ing me to sell the following described real property, situate In Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, to-wit; The SW'4 of 8W14 of Section 1, the SW',i and WV4 of NW'i of Sec tion 12, also that portion of SEVi of NW',4 of said Section 12. lying South and West of a straight line running from the Northwest cor ner to the Southeast corner there of; the SVJ, and NWVi of Section 1.1, also that portion of the NE'i of Section 13, lying South nnd West of a straight line running from the Northwest corner to the Southeast corner thereof; the EVj of Section 14, the E'. of Section 23, all of Sec L1;:",,24' N'6- N''' ' SE'4 and SW of HEM of Section 25, also that portion of the SWVi of said Section 25, lying North and East of a straight line running from the Northwest corner to the Southeast corner thereof; the NE14 of Sec tion 26. and that portion of the E4 of Section 36. lying North and East of a straight line running from the Northwest corner of the NEL4 to the Southeast corner of the SEi of said Section 36. all in Township three (3) South. Range 27 East of Willamette Meridian. ALSO, the SW'i of NWli of Sec tion 19. the NW'i, N'i of SW'i and SWVi of SW'i of Section 30, the NE'4 of NW'i, S'i of NW'i, N of SW'i, SEVt of SWVi. NE'4 of SE'i. and S'4 of SE'i of Sec tion 31 in Township three (3) South, Range 28 East of Willamette Me ridian. ALSO, that portion of lots one (1) and 3 of Section 6 in Township 4 South. Range 28 East of Willamette Meridian, lying North and West of a straight line running from the Northeast corner of said lot one (1) to the Southwest corner of said lot 3. Said last parcel being also de scribed as that portion of NE'4 of NE'i and NE '4 of NW', of Section 6 in Township 4 South. Range 28 E. W. M lying North and West of a straight line running from the Northeast corner of said Section 6 to the Southwest corner of NE'i of NW'i of said Section. NOW, THEREFORE, in obedience to said execution, I will on Saturday, the loin uay oi juiy, lajj. ai me nour of 10:00 o clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the Court House at Heppner. Oregon, sell the above real property at public auction to me nignest Diuuer tor cash and apply the proceeds thereof to the payment of said judgment and accruing cost of sale. Dated and first published this 16th day of June, 1932. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Professional Cards Mrs. George Thomson INSURANCE SPECIALIST New York Life Phone 824 Heppner, Ore. J. 0. TURNER Attorney at Law Phone 173 Humphreys Building HEPPNER, ORE. A. B. GRAY, M. D. PHYSICIAN fc SURGEON Phone 323 Heppner Hotel Building Eyes Teated and Glassei Fitted. !WM. RROOKHOUSER FAINTING PAPER-HANGING INTERIOR DECORATING Leave orders at Peoples Hardware Company I DR. C. W. B ARR DENTIST , Telephone 1012 Office in Gllman Building 11 W. Willow Street DR. J. II. McCRADY DENTIST X-Say Diagnosis L O. O. F. BUILDING Heppner, Oregon Frank A. McMenamin LAWYER 905 Guardian Building Residence, GArfleld 1949 Business Phone Atwater 1348 PORTLAND, OREGON A. D.McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Trained Nune Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner. Oregon P. W. MAIIONEY ATTORNEY AT LAW First National Bank Building Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in L O. O. F. Building Heppner, Oregon ' AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Uroperty Sales A Specialty. O. L. BENNETT "The Man Who Talks to Beat the Band" 5229 72nd Ave., S. E., Portland, Ore. Phone Sunset 8451 J. 0. PETERSON Latent Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches - Clocks Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon P. VV. TURNER & CO. FIRE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Cenipanlea. Real Eatate. Hoppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTONEY-AT-LAW Robert! Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon