Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 09, 1932, Image 1

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oRE,or. miToeic.i SOCIETY
Volume 49, Number 13.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
County Delegation Given
Commission's Okeh to
Program Change.
Wire Conveys Message of Success
Large Sign-up of Petitions Fol
lows Court Agreement.
Morrow county's secondary road
money will be applied on the Hepp
ner-Spray road this year and next,
according to a wire received this
morning from Vawter Crawford,
head of jhe citizen s committee, who
with members of the Morrow coun
ty court met with the state high
way commission in Portland last
night. The wire read:
"Met with commission tonight.
Got all we asked for; two years on
Heppner-Spray. No trouble met."
Mr. Crawford and M. L. Case of
the committee, together with Judge
W. T. Campbell and Commissioners
George Bleakman and George Peck
went to the city yesterday to con
fer with the highway body to get
the county's secondary road money
put on the Heppner-Spray road for
the next two years instead of on
the Heppner-Condon road as had
been tentatively agreed upon by
the court and highway commission.
The court and citizens' delegation
came to an understanding on the
matter at the court meeting last
week when all were agreed that
the Heppner-Spray road was the
most important uncompleted sec
ondary highway In the county and
should have first consideration.
Following the court meeting last
week petitions were printed and
circulated over the county, and a
large sign-up of citizens was se
cured in favor of the action report
ed to have been taken at the meet
ing with the highway commission
last night. The exact number of
signers was not ascertained as it
was not possible to check them be
fore the delegation left Some of
the petitions were not picked up
before the delegation left, and these
were mailed by special delivery last
The delegation asked that the sec
ondary money for the next two
years be applied on the Heppner
Spray road with the belief that this
amount would practically complete
a surfaced road between Heppner
and Hardman, and that the small
portion of the road then to be com
pleted would not be a large ob
stacle in getting the road finished
all the way through.
Some of the members of the del
egation are expected home today,
while others Intended to stay in the
city till Sunday. Harry Tamblyn,
county engineer, and A. J. Chaffee,
county caretaker, accompanied the
delegation to Portland.
Glen Young Succumbs to
Severe Stomach Trouble
Glen Young, prominent young
Eight Mile farmer and native of
Morrow county, died at Heppner
hospital Monday evening, where he
had been undergoing treatment for
two weeks for stomach trouble. He
was brought to the hospital by am
bulance and his trouble was Imme
diately announced as critical by his
physician who found it necessary
to perform an emergency operation.
All remedial measures proved fruit
less, and his condition became
worse until death resulted.
Funeral services were held from
the Christian church here at 11:30
o'clock Wednesday morning, Joel
R. Benton, pastor, officiating, with
arrangements In charge of Case
mortuary. Burial was In Masonic
cemetery. The services were large
ly attended by neighbors and
James Glen Young was born at
Eight Mile, Oregon, September 19,
1898, being the son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. Young, pioneer residents, and
died at Heppner, Oregon, June 6,
1932, aged 33 years, 8 months and
17 days. He married Miss Cora Pe
terson of Salem, Oregon, August 81,
1929, and to this union was born a
daughter, Donna Lee. Mr. Young
was educated in the Eight Mile and
Heppner schools, and since leaving
school had followed farming In the
Eight Mile country almost exclu
sively, with the exception of a short
time which he devoted to the soil
ing of life Insurance at Heppner
and to farming In the Willamette
valley since his marriage. He was
prominently identified with the
social and community life of the
Eight Mile community and the last
ing friendships which he made
were attested by the large attend
ance at the funeral rites. He was
a member of the Church of Christ
Besides his widow and child, Mr.
Young Is survived By two sisters,
Mrs. Eugenia Huston of Eight Mile
and Mrs. Fay George of Portland;
three brothers, Robert Young of
Yakima, Wash., Harvlo and Ray
Young of Medford, and step-mother,
Mrs. Lilly Young of Eight Mile.
All were present for the last rites.
Talking picture version of Edgar
Rice Burroughs' adventure novel,
Star Theater Sunday and Monday.
Permanent waves $3.95 and up.
Coxen & Chnpln, phone 1112,
Sheriff and State Police Land Big
Still, Moonshine and Mash
In Mountain Raid.
Morrow county's Illicit liquor sup
ply was diminished by 55 gallons of
clear-run moonshine and 700 gal
lons of mash, and one of the larg
est manufacturing concerns of its
kind was shut down in a raid yes
ter by Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman,
Deputy Elbert Cox and State Po
liceman Wm. Francis near Linger
Longer prairie in the Blue moun
tains. The capture was made fol
lowing a week's activity on the part
of the sheriff and state policeman,
and marks a real depression in the
county's booze industry.
There was no one about the plant,
and no arrests have been made as a
result of the raid, but a loaded rifle
beside the cabin door revealed to
the officers that they might have
been accorded a warm reception
had they found the operators at
The captured moonshine was laid
out in kegs, apparently ready to go
to market, the sheriff reported, and
the plant was in readiness to start
another run. The still was of 75
gallon capacity.
Everything was spick and span
about the place, and arranged In a
manner to indicate that the oper
ators were on to their business," he
said. The outfit was also well se
cluded, with no trails leading to it,
and apparently all supplies had to
be taken in on horseback. There's
plenty of snow in the vicinity, too,
said the sheriff, making the task of
exploration none too easy.
Indication that the residents of
the good board cabin where the still
was found were game law violators
as well as prohibition offenders
was present In the form of five deer
hides soaking in a vat.
Morrow County Joins Other East
ern Oregon Wheat Sections in
Presenting Resolution.
Bert Johnson, Henry Smouse,
Ralph Jackson and C. W. Smith
composed a Morrow county delega
tion that joined with delegations
from other eastern Oregon wheat
growing counties in Portland Mon
day for the purpose of asking re
duced freight rates. The meeting
adopted a resolution which was
presented to the railroad officials,
and a reply is expected in the near
future. Officials said they would
ask the public service commission
to reduce rates some. A meeting
with the commission in Salem is
scheduled for June 14.
In the resolution presented the
railroad officials, the committee
pomposed of Jay P. Adams, Bert
Johnson, A.. B. Robertson and Chas.
F. Story, set out that the present
price of wheat received by the far
mers will not permit making pay
ments on farms, paying interest on
mortgages, taking care of taxes and
providing family necessities; that
eastern Oregon farmers have been
forced to reduced operating ex
penses even to the point of depend
ing entirely on family labor; that
the freight costs on wheat to the
terminal markets are unreasonable
and discriminatory against the pro
ducer, and out of line with his oth
er costs of production and to the
value of his product; that, though
the growers appreciate the rail
roads as a means of transportation
and have no desire to discriminate
against them, under present condi
tions the unreasonable rates are
causing the farmers to look for
other means of transportation; that
the growers consider the rates on
grain as set forth in the Interstate
Commerce commission tariff 17000
as fair and just, and urged that the
railroad officials reinstate these
rates to take effect Immediately
and to carry through the crop sea
son of 1932-1933.
14 Scouts Advanced
At Court of Honor
Fourteen scouts were advanced
at a. court of honor conducted by
the local Boy Scout executive com
mittee at the Elks hall last eve
ning. Three were advanced to the
first class rank, four to second class
and seven to tenderfoot class.
Francis Nlckerson was awarded
three merit badges and Billy Thom
son filled out certificates for two
merit badges.
Advanced to first class were Ted
McMurdo, Jimmy Driscoll and Dick
Benton; second class, Scott McMur
do, Bernard McMurdo, Lemoyne
Cox and LaVerne Van Marter; ten
derfoot, Ernest Clark, Nalbro Cox,
Richard Hayes, Robert Baker, Joe
Aiken, Emery Coxen and William
The last meeting of the Woman's
club for the year will be held at
the home of Mrs. Frank Turner on
Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Offi
cers for the new year will be elect
ed. A good representation of mem
bers is requested.
Theodore Anderson and Egbert
Young were among Eight Mile peo
ple In town Wcdnesdoy for the fun
eral services held for Glen Young.
They also looked after school matters.
Will an archaeologist step for
ward, please?
, From all Indications his services
are needed for an explanation of
the "Pat Shea Mine."
A few years ago a cow broke
through the terrain not far off the
Heppner-Spray road and was en
trapped in a concealed hole. Thus
was opened up what someone be
lieved to be the shaft of the Pat
Shea mine. Report of the discov
ery was carried in the daily press
and the news stirred the state. Im
mediately there was an avalanche
of claim-filing in the vicinity.
The "Pat Shea Mine" itself is lo
cated about 35 miles from Heppner
as the road runs. To reach it one
takes the Heppner-Spray road
through Hardman, going down
Rock creek and on to the forest
macadam- road at the mouth of
Chapin creek and along this road
past the W. H. French Blue Moun
tain farm, which is prominently
marked by algn at the side of the
road, till one shortly reaches a sign
at the right side of the highway
marking a side road to Oamas
prairie. Exactly at this point one
leaves the highway, but Instead of
taking the Camas prairie road one
turns to the left exactly opposite
and follows the old car tracks vertl
cle to the highway for about a mile
where tracks may be seen to turn
to the right again at a vertical an
gle, and one follows these along the
ridge for about a mile and a half,
and there covered over by boards
and a windlass is found the "Pat
Shea Mine."
The hole as now seen is the re
sult of development work after it
was first discovered and a claim
had been filed on it. No one, as far
Mrs. Daisy Hall Dies
Following Long Illness
Funeral services for Mrs. Daisy
Hall were held from the Christian
church at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday
morning, Joel R. Benton, pastor,
ofliciating and Case mortuary in
charge of arrangements. Inter
ment was in Masonic cemetery.
Mrs. Hall died peacefully at 8:00
o'clock Saturday morning at a
Heppner hospital following a lin
gering illness of several months du
ration, in which time she was con
stantly attended by members of
the immediate family and nurses
and physicians. She held up brave
ly under her painful malady, and
knowing there was but remote hope
for recovery, had arranged all her
worldly matters and prepared to
meet her God.
The large attendance of friends
and beautiful floral offerings at the
funeral services served as a fitting
tribute to a life of usefulness.
Daisy Franklin was born in Wil
sonville, Clackamas county, Ore
gon, August 21, 1873, coming of
pioneer stock, and died in Hepp
ner June 4, 1932, aged 58 years, 9
months and 13 days. She was mar
ried February 14, 1898, to N. S. Hall,
and to this union eight children
were born. For many years the
family home was made at Monu
ment, Grant county, and was re
moved to Heppner later to give the
children advantage of the high
school here, and Mrs. Hall had been
a resident of this city since, a per
iod of some fifteen years. She was
a devoted mother and actve Chris
tian worker and leaves a host of
She is survived by the children,
Mrs. Opal Countryman of Gerber,
Cal., Mrs. Pearl Stephens, Arling
ton; Mrs. Charlotte Gordon, Hepp
ner; Mrs. Vclma Phillips, Portland;
Mrs. Thelma Smlthurst, Lexington;
Guy Hall, Rawlings, Wyo.; William
Hall, Oroflno, Idaho, and Miss Lu
cille Hall, Heppner; and four sis
ters, Mrs. Elsie Swick, Bend; Mrs.
Pearl Chidsey, Bridal Veil, Mrs.
Frankie Lewis, Portland, and Mrs.
Nellie Montgomery, Vancouver,
River Traffic Meeting
Attended at The Dalles
A large delegation of Morrow
county wheat growers and business
men attended a meeting at The
Dalles Tuesday, held In the Interest
of barge transportation on the Co
lumbia river. The meeting was
sponsored by The Dalles Lions club
and was addressed by men promin
ent In opcn-rlver transportation
work. Men Interested in barge
transportation asked for a sign-up
of farmers to Indicate what ton
nage might be expected, and the
farmers In turn asked to know
what the rates would be before
they attempted 'a sign -up. R. H.
Kipp, secretary of the Columbia
Valley association, said that barge
rates would be 20 per cent lower
than present rail rates, hut said
this did not inolude truck transpor
tation to docks. Lieut Thomas Q.
Ashburn, Jr., assistant to the pres
ident of Inland Waterways, Inc.,
also spoke. Kipp said men with
money were ready to go Into the
venture If the farmers would stay
with them.
Attending the meeting from this
county were C. W. Smith, Bert
Johnson, Henry Smouse, Ralph
Jackson, Al Rankin, S. E. Notson,
Lawrence Beach, J. P. Conder,
Monte Bundy, Dan Lindsay, Bill
Doherty and C. Melville.
Our wonderful Oil of Tullpwood
Permanent wave, only $6.00. Coxen
& Chapin, phone 1112.
Mr. and Mrs, George Stephens of
Arlington were here for the funer
al of Mrs. Daisy Hall Tuesday.
as can be ascertained, now believes
it to be the Pat Shea mine.
As the story goes, Pat Shea was
an Irish sheep herder who herded
In the mountains south of Hardman
for many years. Shortly before his
death he went into Portland with a
quantity of gold which he said was
taken from a mine in the country
where he had herded. His story
caused people of the neighborhood
to be on the lookout for such a
mine, and thus did the hale in ques
tion become known as the "Pat
Shea Mine." t ,
But there are those who believe
uncovering of the relics of an un
known prehistoric race may honor
the memory of the IrUh shepherd's
name. At least It appears from
certain facts learned concerning
the hole, that an archaeologist's
rather than a. miner's services are
needed to explain its presence.
To begin with, there is no indica
tion of mineral formation about
the mountain into which the hole
descends, as has been determined
from old-time miners who have vis
ited it And the nature of the hole
itself is not such as to indicate that
it was a mine shaft of a civilized
white man, nor is it likely that any
one or two men could have made
the hole in a life-time, by the meth
ods apparently used.
The hole, almost perfectly round
and about four feet in diameter
except at the top where the men
who did the development work
blasted in to a width of some eight
feet- goes down at a slight angle
through solid basalt Before the
blasting was done, one of the men
has reported, the hole was about
the same size from the top of the
(Continued on Page Six)
Two Regulars Missing and Rohrer
Out by Injury; To Play Rufus
Blalock Here Next Sunday.
League Standings:
lone .
Condon 3
Heppner 2
Rufus-Blalock .... 1 , 6 .143
Last Sunday'! Kamitu
Heppner 4 at Fossil 8, Condon 1 at
lone 2, Rufus-Blalock 1 at Arlington 9.
With two regulars out of the line
up, Heppner's ball team journeyed
to Fossil Sunday and hit the skids
8-4 in an entertaining game. Har
old Gentry and Lowell Turner were
the absentees, and in their stead
Manager McCrady and Gene Fergu
son donned uniforms for the first
time this season, McCrady going in
it first base at the opening and Fer
guson taking centerfleld when
"Scotty" Rohrer was injured in the
fourth inning and had to leave the
game. Rohrer, at third, was cut
on the knee by the cleats of a Fos
sil runner when sliding into the
base, and may not be able to play
in the game here with Rufus-Blalock
next Sunday.
Errors were responsible for the
majority of the scoring, as Fossil
won the game 1-0 on earned runs.
Fossil gleaned 10 hits off Wood
ward to Heppner's six off Kelsay,
Woodward whiffed 10 batsmen to
Kelsay's 13. Thus were pitching
honors quite even.
Heppner led off In the scoring
the first time up, Roy Gentry, lead
off who walked and Robertson,
next up, who made first on an er
ror, both crossed the platter as
Woodward walked, Rohrer flied out
to midfleld, Hayes fanned and
Crawford and Ray Ferguson both
made It safe on bobbled balls to the
infield. Woodward was thrown out
at home to end the inning. The
next score came in the seventh by
Ray Ferguson who made it first
an an infield error, advanced as
Carmichael was thrown out at first
and McCrady fanned,- and went
home on Gentry's hit. Robertson
fanned to end the inning. Ferguson
again scored in the ninth, again
making It safe at first on an in
field error, advancing to third on
Carmichael's hit and an error at
third and scoring on McCrady's hit.
Carmichael was put out at second
on a hidden ball trick by shortstop
Sears, McCrady was thrown out at
second by Kelsay who took Gen
try's roller and Gentry in turn was
eliminated in an attempt to steal
second on that occasion.
Fossil's runs came one In the first
Inning, three In the second, two in
the third and two In the eighth.
The score:
R. Gentry, 2 4
Robertson, e 4
Woodward, p '&
Rohrer. 3 2
9 3
1 13
0 2
0 0
1 0
1 0
0 2
1 0
Gene Feruson, m 2
Hayes. 1-1 3
Crawford, r 4
Ray Ferguson, s 4
Cannlchael, m-3 4
McCiwIy, 1-1 4
Totals t 31 4 6 23 21 9
I t. Van I lorn, 2 B 3
Sears, s 4 2
Sehomp, 1 6 0
Smith, 8-r 4 0
Zaeliary. c. -'I 1
J. Van Horn, m 4 0
Sasser, r-8 4 0
1 5
2 1
2. 6
1 0
1 13
0 2
0 0
1 0
O'Rourke, 1 4 110 0 0
Kelsay, u 4 1 2 0 16 0
Totals 37 8 10 27 22 8
Umpires, Tripp and Wilson: scorer,
F. J. Dnherty: earned runs, Heppner 0,
Fossil 1; first base on l alls off Kolsny,
3. off Woodward 1 ; left on bases, Hepp
ner 6, Fossil 8: wild pitch. Woodward:
first base on errors, ll.ppner 4. Fossil
3; two base hits, Woodward, Sears 2;
struck out liv Woodward 10. by Kelsay
13' lltt hv ItitchfM' Knurs anH Smith hv
Children Get Especial
Pleasure; Return Next
Year Unlikely.
Miss Coleman Tells How to End De
pression; "Peg O' My Heart" Is
Play Hit of Performances.
The big tent has come and gone,
drawing to Morrow county's free
Chautauqua last week end among
the largest crowds ever to attend
a like event in Heppner. The good
programs were appreciated
throughout as evidenced by the
growing throng that, on the final
presentation Sunday evening, com
pletely packed the tent A con
servative estimate of the people
present on that occasion places the
number at 1200.
In face of the large attendance,
however, a small financial deficit
resulted from failure of some peo
ple who had signed as supporters
failing to pay pledges. And there
appears little likelihood of the big
tent returning next year as the
sign-up was far short of the amount
necessary to assure its return.
Kiddies Get Treat.
A great deal of enjoyment of the
chautauqua just ended was evi
denced by the children who were
packed around the platform at each
performance and who were well be
haved throughout. Special enter
tainment for them was offered un
der the direction of Miss Henri
Hanson, chautauqua supervisor, in
cluding a picnic breakfast Satur
day morning and a dress-up parade
Saturday afternoon. Many of the
small tots were used by Staples,
crayon artist and magician, in his
programs both afternoon and eve
ning that day, adding to their in-
est and to the enjoyment of all who
attended, and making Saturday the
red-letter day for the children.
On the opening night Thursday
the Paramount Concertiers pre
sented a variety program, featur
ing symphony music presented by
a violin, cello and piano trio, an
outstanding aesthetic dancer of the
Pacific coast, and readings. Each
member of the musical organization
also presented solos on their in
struments. The program through
out was above the usual order, each
performer being an artist in his or
her line and was well received.
Especial praise has been heard
on every hand for the charming
play given Friday night, "Peg O'
My Heart." Bob Pollard and asso
ciates who presented it, also played
"Always Tell Your Husband," a hu
morous production in lighter vein,
Friday afternoon. Full of pathos
and humor, contrasting staid Eng
lish nobility with the frank and
"divil may care" attitude of an Ir
ish colleen, "Peg O' My Heart" as
presented by the Pollard company
proved one of the rare morsels af
forded by chautauqua.
Gives Hard Times Remedy.
Miss Lethe Coleman, charming
platform lecturer, minced no words
in telling people how they must put
an end to the depression, In her
lecture Saturday evening, entitled
"Courage." "Pollyanna" talk will
not do it, she said. What is needed
is more thinking and more work
on the part of all the people; main
taining of ideals, and changing
life's goal from money-making to a
life of service. Only in serving can
one find real happiness, citing the
recent Eastman tragedy to show
that money makes happiness Is fal
lacy. The world is as full of op
portunity as ever, she said, declar
ing that more Michael Angelos are
needed to take advantage of them.
Michael Angelo created his master
piece, the bust of David, at a time
when there was a real depression
among the artists of Venice. Their
sculptoring marble had run out,
and they were awaiting a new sup
ply from abroad. But while others
waited, Michael Angelo dug Into
the rubbish heaps and uncovered
discarded works of lesser artists,
and from one of these his David
was created. This depression will
not be overcome by waiting, but by
working with the tools at hand,
Miss Coleman depicted in her ap
pealing address.
Another equally meaty address
was that given by Harold Sappen
fleld Sunday afternoon, who gave
first hand glimpses of conditions In
China and Japan and showed the
economic tie-up of the United States
with these countries which madt it
impossible for Uncle Sam to Ignore
the recent Slno-Japanese squabble
The final program Sunday evening
was the community burial of "Old
Man Depression," depicted by the
Mlsener players In "The Watts
Family Depression," who finally
got on their feet again after mis
takenly Investing all their savings
In unfruitful oil stock and losing
their jobs, through learning to
A state road crew has been work
ing out from Heppner for the past
week doing patching work on the
Oregon-Washington highway. Much
needed work on the highway
through and about Heppner was
done, putting the road In first class
condition. They departed today
for north Umatilla county.
Discarded Explosives Unwittingly
Used as Foundation for Cook
ing Irons at Sheep Camp.
The accidental explosion of some
discarded dynamite caps seriously
injured Roy French and resulted
in lesser injuries to Jerry Brosnan,
at the French and Brosnan moun
tain sheep camp last Friday noon
The caps were concealed in a to
bacco can which had been used by
the boys, unaware of the contents,
to level up the cooking irons over
their camp fire.
A fire had been built for the noon
meal and French was bending over
it tending to the cooking and Bros-
nan had just arrived in camp when
the explosion occurred. Full force
of the explosion caught French In
the face, chest and arms, In which
many particles of the jackets of
the caps were lodged, and Brosnan
was hit by two of the particles, one
of which lodged in a finger and the
other under one eye. Luckily,
French was not hit in a vital spot
by any of the many particles which
lodged in him.
It is not known who had the
dynamite caps, or for what purpose
they had been used, said John Bros
nan, father of Jerry who reported
the accident to this paper when in
town Monday. The can containing
them was picked up alongside the
trail leading to the camp. He de
clared the boys fortunate in not
having been more seriously injured
and forcibly condemned the
thoughtlessness of anyone who
would discard dynamite caps in
such a manner. The caps had prob
ably lost some of their potency in
having been exposed to the weath
er, and were probably somewhat
damp, or the results would have
been more disastrous, he believed,
Anyone handling such dangerous
articles should take a lesson from
the accident and if they have more
than they can use they should
either bury them or throw them in
the creek where there would be no
danger of them exploding, he said,
and this paper heartily agrees.
Golden Anniversary Observance of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eskelson
Held Near Lexington.
The Golden wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eskelson
of Salem was celebratetd Sunday,
June 5, at the home of their daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. Palmer near Lexington.
Joseph Eskelson was married on
June 7, 1882, to Mary Ann Phariss
at Butte, Montana. They came to
Morrow county in 1884 and settled
on a homestead near Lexington,
where they lived for several years.
Then they rented their farms and
lived in town for a few years and
in 1922 moved to Salem where they
now reside. Nine children were
born to Mr. and Mrs. Eskelson.
Their oldest son. Orville. passed
away in 1919. Five of the children
were present for the reunion. They
were Mrs. R, B. Wilcox, Mrs. Wil
liam Van Winkle and Mrs. L. A.
Palmer of Lexington, Earl Eskel
son of Heppner and Mrs. Enest
Frederlckson of Salem. Those un
able to attend were J. E. Eskelson
of Portland, Mrs. A. E. Owens of
Salem and Mrs. Percy Sproule of
Missoula, Montana.
They also have twenty-nine
grandchildren and three great
grandchildren, all but seven being
present at the anniversary. Mr.
Eskelson's brother and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Eph Eskelson of Hepp
ner, also attended.
At noon a bountiful dinner was
spread and the children presented
their parents with a large cutglass
fruit dish set in a gold frame, on
which all their names were en
graved. During the afternoon a
number of old time friends called
to offer their congratulations.
Lions Elect New Officers;
Visit Pendleton Tonight
Election of officers and planning
of the visitation of the club to Pen
dleton this evening were the main
features of business before the
Heppner Lions club Monday noon.
Spencer Crawford was elected pres
ident to succeed Charles W. mith
who has served for the past year.
Other ofiicers named are Paul Mar
ble, first vice president; A. D. Mc
Murdo, second vice president; L .L.
Gilliam, secretary-treasurer; J. J.
Nys, tailtwister; W. E. Moore, lion
tamer, and Gay M. Anderson and
Al Rankin, directors. The new of
ficers will take office the first meet
ing In July.
Twelve members of the club sig
nified their intention of making the
trip tonight to return a visit of the
Pendleton club made a few weeks
Forrest Cason, president of the
Walla Walla Lions club, was a
The Juvenile Degree of Honor
will meet next Tuesday afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock at the city park next
to Legion plunge. All bring cup,
spoon and cookies. Ice cream will
be served. All be there. Juvenile
Artesian Hole Surged,
Flow Not Increased ;
Council Acts.
Would Eliminate Fire Menace;
Business Men vs. Peddlers; Wa
ter Rate Amendment Passes.
Advertising for bids for a second
well to augment the city's water
supply was ordered by the council
at its meeting Monday evening, fol
lowing a report of an investigation
of the artesian well at the forks of
Willow creek, conducted by A. A.
Durand, well driller of Walla Walla
who drilled the well three years
ago. The investigation revealed, in
the opinion of the council, that
there has been a natural decrease
in flow from the well to where the
supply may not be sufficient to meet
the city's demands this summer
without pumping, and In event
pumping becomes necessary an aux
iliary well is essential for emer
gency use.
The councilmen and mayor ex
pressed themselves as hopeful that
another artesian flow might be
struck, though there can be no as
surance that it will. The council
was appreciative of the fact that
the city has been supplied witli
pure, potable water from the pre
sent artesian well since it was
brought in in April, 1930, without
the necessity of pumping, and that
this has saved the city a consider
able sum of money.
Surging Method Used.
In his investigation of the well
Saturday, Mr. Durand used a tur
bine pump to surge it, pumping out
the water several times. The pump
was lowered into the well to a depth
of 80 feet The surging cleaned the
well, but did not increase the flow,
and the indications led the driller
and interested officials of the city
to believe that there was no appre
ciable leakage from the well. Hence
their conclusion that the diminish
ing flow was caused by a natural
reduction in the volume of water.
This belief was substantiated by the
record of the well which indicates
a steady decrease since the well was
first brought in.
Bids for the drilling are asked to
be in the hands of the council by
June 24, and it is expected to start
a new well immediately if a satis
factory bid is secured. Specifica
tions call for a 10-inch hole. The
exact location has not been deter
mined but will be somewhere in the
vicinity of the present well.
A new ordinance came before the
council for first and second read
ings, empowering the city to alter
or remove fire hazards and take
a lien against property for the ex
pense in case property holders do
not meet the requirements of the
city after due notice. The ordin
ance will be taken up for third and
final reading at the next regular
Ask Peddling Curb.
Council was waited upon by a
delegation of business men inter
ested in licensing of peddlers and
after listening to the ordinance now
n force, they believed certain al
terations should be made. On In
struction of the mayor they agreed
to have a new ordinance drafted
and presented later to the council
for consideration.
It was voted by the council to
extend to all water users the new
rate on water for Irrigation of 10
cents a thousand gallons after the
first 13,000 gallons
Council voted to go 50-50 with
Morrow county in obtaining a set
of Oregon state license record
books at a cost of $20.
Payment of $150 to Mr. Durand
for investigating the well, along
with current expense bills was au
thorized, and the watermaster's re
port for the month was read and
Forty-six cars of ewes and lambs
have been shipped from here by
special train to date for summer
range in Montana, with Browning
the point of destination. Shipments
were made May 28, May 30 and
June 2. Shippers were Clyde
Wright, Garnet Barratt, Tom O'
Brien, Wright Bros., Harold Cohn
and John Maidment. Krebs Bros,
of Cecil shipped five carloads of fat
lambs to the St Paul market. Pearl
Parkins of Ritter was In town over
Sunday gathering sheep for his
summer range. Among sheep han
dled by him are those belonging
to Evans Bios., George Evans, Or
al Scott Jack Harper and C. W.
Mary Smith, 7-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Smith,
died at 12 o'clock last night at
Heppner hospital, following an Ill
ness with kidney trouble. She was
born Sept. 24, 1924, and died June
9, 1932, aged 7 years, 8 months and
15 days. She Is survived by her
mother and father, three sisters,
Adine, Alberta and Maxlne, and
one brother Lewis, besides other
relatives and many friends. Funer
ul services will be held at 2:30 to
morrow afternoon from Case mor
tuary chapel, Rev. Civn P. Whlta