HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1932. PAGE FIVE Lawrence Beach, enterprising hardware merchant of Lexington, was in the city yesterday, report ing the grain coming In fine shape in his vicinity. The damage done by the hail Sunday was more than offset by the good done by the moisture, he said. Early plowing is wet clear to the bottom and the late plowing is soaked down a couple of inches. See our ad for permanent waves. Coxen & Chapin. Mrs. J. F. Freund and daughter Jean of The Dalles and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Stevenson of Arlington spent Memorial Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hayes in this city. Mrs. Freund and Mr. Steven son are niece and nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Hayes, and Mr. Stevenson is one of the mainstays of Arling ton's baseball team, Wheatland league leaders. Janet Gaynor, Chas. Farrell and El Brendel in DELICIOUS, Star Theater Sunday and Monday. Gordon Ridings, who had charge of the American Legion plunge here three years ago, visited over Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Clark on his way home to Eugene from New York' where he attended teachers college at Co lumbia university during the last school year. He left Heppner Wed nesday morning. Natural Permanent Wave $4.95, starting Saturday, June 4. Coxen & Chapin, Hotel Shop, phone 1112 for appointment Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Musgrave, Mrs. O. C. Stephens and daughter Lois were down from Hardman the first of the week, Mr, Musgrave be ing called here as a member of the grand jury. Miss Lois stayed over to visit for a week at the home of her friend, Miss Katherine Mahrt. See Janet Gaynor and Chas. Far rell in DELICIOUS at the Star Theater Sunday and Monday, Word from the university of Ore gon campus announces the recent initiation of Miss Jeanette Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mr3. Frank Turner of this city, into Tau Delta Delta, national honorary music fra ternity. Dave McAtce returned to Hepp ner Saturday evening from Port land where he went to attend the funeral services of his daughter, the late Mary McAtee Callahan. He accompanied the Heppner road del egation home In the Crawford car. Rev. Glen P. White, minister of the Methodist church, returned home yesterday evening, being ab sent at The Dalles and Arlington to attend the funeral services for his mother, Mary L. White. At the Star Theater Sunday and Monday: DELICIOUS, with Janet Gaynor, Chas. Farrell and El Bren dell. Entirely different from any thing they have done and BET TER. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Noble and Frank Noble were visitors here sev eral days this week at the home of their mother, Mrs. Mildred No ble. The Nobles are residents of Nevada. Take advantage of our Perman ent Wave peclals starting Satur day. Coxen & Chapin, Hotel Shop, Phone 1112. Bert Johnson and J. P. Louy of lone were doing business In the city yesterday and took an interest in the road meeting with the county court, Bert Palmatecr and family of Morgan were In the city yesterday, Mr. Palmateer being interested In some matters before the county court. For Sale One 120 gal. gasoline tank with pump, practically new. $20 off new price. Box 373, Hepp ner. 12-13 J. L. Carter, administrator of the Joe Rector estate, is in the city from Portland attending to busi ness in connection with the estate. Why not have that permanent wave now at Coxen & Chapin s on special. Phone 1112. Quaint Old . .. ..... I ! 1 srs MtS ' i AI'iii The citv of Holland Mich most oi wnose u,uw iiinuiiiiia wu. '" mm-h vwiu,. on the occasion of the' annual Tulip Festival and turned out in a body to scrub the streets in the good Old Dutch feiMm The ! youngitcri with the milk-cart, drawn by a dog, are Tiny Bcquett and Bobby Grow. Mrs. Frank Roberts and son Joe visited with Mr. Roberts here over Sunday and Monday. At the com mencement exercises of University of Oregon on the 13th, Joe will re ceive his diploma as a graduate from the medical department, hav ing finished the eight year course. Following the graduation he will leave for the east to enter a gen eral hospital at St. Paul where his education will be continued in the practice of medicine and surgery. Mrs. Roberts and son returned to Portland Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Harrington were in Heppner over the week end coming up from their Portland home for Memorial Day. Homer, who is a native son of Morrow county, holds a position in the of fice of internal revenue collector at Portland, where he has been em ployed for a number of years past. He enjoyed a number of side trips out of Heppner in looking up the old timers and visiting some of the scenes familiar to him in his boy hood days. They returned to Port land Monday evening. Our Wonderful Oil of Tulip wave, $6, Mrs. Davis, operator, starting Saturday, June 4. Coxen & Chapin, Hotel Shop, phone 1112. Mrs. E. W. Christopherson, clerk of Davis school, was a visitor in the county seat Wednesday, accom panied by her young son. The Christophersons live southwest of lone where conditions were never better at this time of the year for an abundant havest of wheat. Leo Gorger, wheat raiser of the north end of the county, was look ing after business in Heppner Wed nesday. The weather conditions continued ideal for the wheat and a heavy yield is in prospect. No damage reported from recent hail storms in that locality. Al Henriksen and son Oral were in Heppner Friday from Pendleton where Oral is engaged in business. The elder Henriksen now makes his home at Rainier, Wash., where he is running a farm. He was called to Heppner on matters of business. Mrs. M. Belle Thompson is a guest at the home of her son, Ralph Thompson on Willow creek. Mrs. Thompson arrived from her home at Portland to be present at the Me morial Day exercises. Bishop W. P. Remington and Mrs. Remington were at Heppner Tuesday afternoon and evening, the bishop conducting confirmation ser vices at All Saints' Episcopal church. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Wells and son Woodrow were guests here Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wells. They came over from their Pendle ton home for the Memorial ser vices. Mrs. Ida Dutton came up from her Portland home the end of the week and has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Wightman at Alfalfa Lawn Dairy. Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Leach were visitors in this city Monday from their home at Pendleton. They were guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo. PINE CITY ALMA NEILL. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger and Earle made a business trip to Pendleton Thursday. Mr. Geiger and sons, Harold and Bill, returned Sunday from Cor vallis where they were called by the death of Kenneth Geiger, bro ther of Bill and Harold. Frank and Henry Carlson left Sunday for Portland. Mrs. O. F. Thompson and O. F. Bartholomew returned home Sun day from Bonners Ferry, Idaho, where they had been visiting since Wednesday. Lila Bartholomew will stay there for a couple of weeks before returning home. The sudden and heavy rain storm put an immediate stop to the base ball game Sunday between Pine City and Lexington. When the srame ended the score was 7 to 3 in favor of Pine City. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Henley of Hay, Wash., visited at the J. S. World Custom Observed t i . I C nAA lUkitirtt nefi nf Moore home over the week end. Mr. Henley Is a nephew of Mr. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Nelll and family, Roy Ncill and Alma attend ed church In Hermiston Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Young visited Sunday and Monday at the homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCarty and Herman Young. They returned to their home in The Dalles Monday evening. Mrs. Em ery Cox and children returned home with them: Mrs. Percy Jarmon and Oscar at tended church in Hermiston Sun day. Mrs. C. W. Neill and children, Louise, Jean and Gwenneth, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Moore, Saturday eve ning and Sunday. Bert Young pitched for the Pine City team at the ball game Sunday. Lon Wattenburger started cut ting his rye Monday. Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughter Oleta made a trip to Hermiston Saturday. John Moore and Hugh Neill who went to Meacham with a bunch of horses Wednesday, returned home Saturday evening. s Lloyd Baldrigde spent Sunday and Sunday night at the A. E. Wat tenburger home. The Butter River Pirates will play Lexington at Pine City next Sunday, June 5. Fred Bartholomew and children of Estacada visited at the C. H. Bartholomew home Monday after noon. Miss Marie Young went to La Grande Tuesday morning. Knowledge Routs Fear of Disease KIT'S old-fashioned to be afraid of tuberculosis," states Dr. H. E. Klelnschmidt, director of health education of the National Tubercu losis Association. "The present gen eration is coming to know that many of the beliefs of their fathers are groundless. "There wag a time, not a genera tion ago, when the fear of tubercu losis among the general public amounted to en unreasoning phobia. Tuberculosis Every case comes from nMAfnAn t I based on the belief that it was hereditary and therefore a family taint, and that It was necessarily fa tal. Often this dread was so wide spread as to result in opposition to the building of sanatoriums. People thought the air of the neighborhood would be contaminated. Pedestri ans sometimes took detours to avoid these Institutions. In one ignorant community, amoke blown toward the town from the chimneys of th Institution almost provoked a panic because It was believed filled with germs. "Today much of this fear has been dispelled by a more general understanding of just how tuber culosis is contracted. We know that In most instances the germ passes from the sick to the well who are in close contact often' in the same family circle. With proper precau tlons, which can be explained by any doctor or nurse, there need be little danger of this Infection. Now that people no longer dread tuberculosis with the old horror, they are more willing to take the steps which not only mean adequate treatment for the patient, but security from the disease to those who surround him In daily life." in America Diteli rJiarn nut fn TtttU fnrt imme tufceroilosn Narrow Escape i h .' Charles N. Cowart, called "Bud" by his shipmates, is the young sailor who was carried aloft on the mooring line of the dirigible Akron and hung on until rescued in mid-air. Two others fell to their death. CLUB PICNIC SLATED. There will be an all-day 4-H club picnic at the H. E. Cool farm on Willow creek June 5, with basket dinner. Everybody come. Dairy Clubs Meet The Heppner and Gooseberry 4- H dairy clubs met at the Alfalfa Lawn Dairy farm this week. Mar vin Wightman, leader, assisted the boys in judging four cows, and demonstrated milk testing. The boys also witnessed the evening milking and the process through which Heppner's milk supply is put to get it in readiness for market. The next meeting will be held at the- Gooseberry schoolhouse the third Sunday in June Joyce Carl son, reporter. Happy Hearts Meet The Happy Hearts 4-H club met June 1. Those present were Mar garet Doollttle, Mary Emma Cur- ran, Virginia Swindig and Betty Marie Adkins. Jeanette Blakely was a visitor. They are continuing to crochet. The next meeting will be June 8. Betty Adkins, reporter. POTATO DISEASES CUT CROP YIELDS New Bulletin on Virus Troubles Gives Effect of Mosaics on Total Production. Reduction In potato yields rang ing as high as 73 per cent as the result of certain mosaic diseases is reported on in a new bulletin, "Po tato Virus Diseases," just published by the Oregon Experiment station. The bulletin reports in detail on results of experiments conducted from 1924 to 1929 with some later work mentioned. This new bulletin is technical in nature but contains much more de tailed information on nine virus diseases than is found in the more popular and inclusive bulletin, "Po tato Diseases in Oregon and Their Control." For the man specializ- Don't overlook GILLIAM & BISBEE for your needs in gar den seeds, grass and flower seeds. Plow Repairs, etc. Sherwin Williams' sheep marking paint. Lamy Black and Oil. Everything for "Clean Up Week' in Paints, Varinshes, etc. Don't forget that prices have declined. GILLIAM & BISBEE We have it, will get it or it is not made. nfllllnB ing in potato production, especially for seed purposes, this new bulletin by M. B. McKay and T. P. Dykstra is considered valuable. Definite experiments to And out the most practical method of elim inating virus diseases from seed plots showed that the tuber-unit method of roguing diseased plants from seed plots is the most effective on a large scale. By this means the cut pieces from each tuber are planted consecutively in the row in the private seed plot of the grower. When disease shows up in one hill, all the hills from that tuber are re moved whether they show disease or not at that time. The tests showed reduction in yield amounting to as high as 73 per cent by weight in the case of the spindle tuber disease, 50 per cent with crinkle mosaic, and 19 per cent with interveinal mosaic. The various virus diseases were found to differ in methods of trans mission from plant to plant Some plant aphids will transmit some of the disease but not others, while at least one kind, rugose mosaic, was fund to pass from plant to plant under insect proof cages. Studies of potato varieties show ed them to vary somewhat In sus ceptibility to virus diseases, and the Irish Cobbler variety was found to possess apparent immunity or high resistance to the mild mosaic. Experimental work is still continu ing on these diseases throughout the northwest CHANDLER-EKLEBERRY. J. Deane Ekleberry and Lorraine Irene Chandler were united in mar riage at the Methodist parsonage in Heppner yesterday, Mrs. Gladys O. White performing the ceremony. Both are young people of the Mor gan community. The ceremony was witnessed by Grace E. Ekle berry and Rood L. Ekleberry. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR MOTOR LICENSES LAWS BEOTCATINO TBAFFIC OK HIGHWAY (Chapter 360, Oregon Laws 1931) Accidents 30. Should one stop when involved in an accident? Ans. Yes. 31. What information shall a driver give when involved in an accident? Ans. His name and address and li cense number of the car he is driving, name and addresses of his nasseneers if any; shall also exhibit and give the number of his operator's or chauffeur's license and shall render assistance to imured Dersons. 32 Should all accidents be reported? Ans. les, 10 tne snenn oi me county or chief of police within 24 hours. Reckless Driving Driving While Intoxicated. 33. What constitutes reckless driv ing? Ans. Driving carelessly and heedless ly, in disregard to the rights or safety of others, or without due caution or at a speed or in a manner so as to en danger any person or property. 34 What is the penalty for a convic tion of driving while under the influ ence of intoxicating liquor or narcotic drugs : Ans. Thirty days to one year impriS' onment: $100 to $1,000 fine and manda tory revocation of the operator's li cense. 35. What is the charge when n driver under the influence of intoxicating li quor Kins a personr Ans. Manslaughter. Speed Regulation!. 36. What is meant by "Basic Rule" as applied to the new speed law? Ans. No person shall drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater tnan is msAbunABLis ana jpkudent, having due regard for the TRAFFIC, the SURFACE and WIDTH of the HIGHWAY, and the HAZARD at IN TERSECTIONS, and any other CON DITIONS then EXISTING. Nor shall any person drive at a speed which is greater than will permit the driver to EXERCISE PROPER CON TROL of the vehicle at ALL TIMES and under ALL CONDITIONS. 37. What are "Indicated speeds"? Ans. They are speeds for certain dis tricts, which are deemed reasonable and prudent under ordinary conditions. The penalty for a violation of the Ba sic Rule or any other rule of the road may be much greater if the indicated speed has also been exceeded. The in dicated speeds are as follows: 15 miles per hour when passing school grounds during recess or dur ing opening or closing hours; 20 miles per hour in any business district; 25 miles per hour in any residence district; 45 miles per hour on the open hlgh way outside of business and residence A happy man is one who has no idea what his blood-pressure should be. The fellow with financial worries is as unhappy as the man with the serious blood pressure. Old Doc Thrift will regulate your money pressure quick ly and PAINLESSLY! How much can you save TODAY? Farmers and Stockgrowers National Bank There la No Substitute (or Safety Queen of the Hudson M iss Eleanor McGtrinnis of Poughkecpsie, was crowned Apple Blossom Queen of the Hudson Val ley for 1932. districts. 38. Are there any rules against driv ing too slow? Ans. It is unlawful for any person unnecessarily to drixe at such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, ex cept when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation. 39. Are speed contests on the roads or streets of this state allowed? , Ans. No. CALL FOB WARRANTS, SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. L Notice is hereby given that outatand. ing registered warrants of School Dis trict No. 1. Morrow County, Oregon, numbered 969 to 2014 inclusive, will be paid upon presentation at the office of thte Clerk of said District on June 10, 1932. Interest ceases on these warants after that date. VAWTER CRAWFORD, District Clerk. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. One of Morrow County, State of Oregon, that the ANNUAL j . Queen of the Hudson Lexington Farmers Warehouse Company Dealers in Flour, Poultry and Dairy Feeds Sperry's "SHURE LIVE" and Scratch Food for Baby Chlx. AZSO ALL STOCK FEEDS. General Warehouse Storage and Custom Grinding. LEXINGTON, OREGON THEY MUST BE GOOD EE When you consider that E MONARCH CANNED FOODS j H have been favorites of the American public fj for more than 60 years you can come to but jj one conclusion "THEY MUST BE GOOD" 3 QUALITY FOODS ALWAYS AT I Hustons Grocery 1 our telephone means a lot to your friends Half the value of your telephone lies in what it means to those friends who enjoy your com panionship. The other half lies in what it means to you. Saving your time. Running vour errands. Spanning distance. Nothing else does so much for so little. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company SCHOOL MEETING of said Dis trict will be held at the Council Rooms, Heppner, Oregon; to be gin at the hour of 2:30 o'clock P. M., on the third Monday of June, being the 20th day of June, A. D. 1932, and remain open until the hour of 4:30 P. M. of said day. This meeting is called for the pur pose of electing one Director to serve for a period of three years, and a Clerk to serve one year, and the transaction of business usual at such meeting. Dated this 26th day of 'May, 1932. CHAS. THOMSON, Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: VAWTER CRAWFORD, District Cierk. NOTICE OF TEACHERS' EXAM INATIONS. Notice is hereby given that the County School Superintendent of Morrow County, Oregon, will hold a regular examination of applicants for state teacher's certificates at her office as follows: Commencing Wednesday, June 8, 1932, at 9 o' clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday, June 11, 1932, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Morning. United States History, Penman ship. Wednesday Afternoon, Physiology, Reading, Composi tion. Thursday Morning. Arithmetic, History of Education, Psychology. Thursday Afternoon. Grammar, Geography, American Literature, Physics. Friday Morning. Theory and Practice, Spelling, Physical Geography, English Lit erature. Friday Afternoon. School Law, Algebra, Geology, Civil Government, Bookkeeping. Saturday Morning. Geometry, Botany. Saturday Afternoon. General History. LUCY E. RODGERS, County School Superintendent.